path: root/test/Index
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Index')
107 files changed, 3928 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/Frameworks/Framework.framework/Headers/Framework.h b/test/Index/Inputs/Frameworks/Framework.framework/Headers/Framework.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e3830a2ba44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/Frameworks/Framework.framework/Headers/Framework.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+int *getFrameworkVersion();
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/a.h b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/a.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..33c341767627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/a.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+int *getA();
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/a_extensions.h b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/a_extensions.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..215578754924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/a_extensions.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+int *getAExtensions();
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/crash.h b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/crash.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..238359abbe33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/crash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// Produce a crash if CRASH is defined.
+#ifdef CRASH
+# pragma clang __debug crash
+const char *getCrashString();
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/module.map b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/module.map
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..55f8eb7eaa24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/module.map
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module LibA {
+ header "a.h"
+ module Extensions {
+ header "a_extensions.h"
+ }
+module Crash {
+ header "crash.h"
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/nested/module.map b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/nested/module.map
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bd239f1fc1d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/nested/module.map
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+module nested {
+ header "nested.h"
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/nested/nested.h b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/nested/nested.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..01716d12ec1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/Headers/nested/nested.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+int *getNested();
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/pragma_disable_warning.h b/test/Index/Inputs/pragma_disable_warning.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b40e9e7f97fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/pragma_disable_warning.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/redeclarations.h b/test/Index/Inputs/redeclarations.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f0d7aebb862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/redeclarations.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class X
+ friend class A;
+template <typename T1, typename T2>
+class B
+template <class T>
+struct C
+class D
+ B<D, class A> x;
+ friend struct C<A>;
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/reparse-instantiate.h b/test/Index/Inputs/reparse-instantiate.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..df90a6dd4823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/reparse-instantiate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+template <typename T> struct S;
+template<typename T> void c(T)
+template <> struct S <int>
+ void a()
+ {
+ c(&S<int>::b);
+ }
+ void b() {}
diff --git a/test/Index/TestClassDecl.m b/test/Index/TestClassDecl.m
index e94a5c12fa39..038353b11dd6 100644
--- a/test/Index/TestClassDecl.m
+++ b/test/Index/TestClassDecl.m
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ void function(Foo * arg)
// CHECK-scan: [1:1 - 8:1] Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK-scan: [8:1 - 8:8] UnexposedDecl=[10:12]
+// CHECK-scan: [8:1 - 8:8] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:8:8
// CHECK-scan: [8:8 - 8:11] ObjCClassRef=Foo:10:12
// CHECK-scan: [8:11 - 10:1] Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
// CHECK-scan: [10:1 - 11:5] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:10:12
diff --git a/test/Index/TestClassForwardDecl.m b/test/Index/TestClassForwardDecl.m
index d3d720c2bafa..2f32d33c7082 100644
--- a/test/Index/TestClassForwardDecl.m
+++ b/test/Index/TestClassForwardDecl.m
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void function(Foo * arg)
// CHECK-scan: [1:1 - 8:1] Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK-scan: [8:1 - 8:8] UnexposedDecl=[8:8]
+// CHECK-scan: [8:1 - 8:8] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:8:8
// CHECK-scan: [8:8 - 8:11] ObjCClassRef=Foo:8:8
// CHECK-scan: [8:11 - 10:1] Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
// CHECK-scan: [10:1 - 10:15] FunctionDecl=function:10:6 (Definition)
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-attribute.cpp b/test/Index/annotate-attribute.cpp
index 6721371ca754..d822210e493e 100644
--- a/test/Index/annotate-attribute.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-attribute.cpp
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ protected:
// CHECK: ClassDecl=Test:3:7 (Definition) Extent=[3:1 - 17:2]
-// CHECK: CXXAccessSpecifier=:4:1 (Definition) Extent=[4:1 - 4:8]
-// CHECK: CXXMethod=aMethod:5:51 Extent=[5:3 - 5:60]
-// CHECK: attribute(annotate)=spiffy_method Extent=[5:18 - 5:43]
-// CHECK: CXXAccessSpecifier=:7:1 (Definition) Extent=[7:1 - 7:43]
-// CHECK: attribute(annotate)=works Extent=[7:23 - 7:40]
-// CHECK: CXXMethod=anotherMethod:8:8 Extent=[8:3 - 8:23]
-// CHECK: attribute(annotate)=works Extent=[7:23 - 7:40]
-// CHECK: CXXAccessSpecifier=:10:1 (Definition) Extent=[10:1 - 10:53]
-// CHECK: attribute(annotate)=investigations Extent=[10:24 - 10:50]
-// CHECK: CXXMethod=inlineMethod:12:8 (Definition) Extent=[12:3 - 12:25]
-// CHECK: attribute(annotate)=investigations Extent=[10:24 - 10:50]
-// CHECK: CompoundStmt= Extent=[12:23 - 12:25]
-// CHECK: CXXAccessSpecifier=:14:1 (Definition) Extent=[14:1 - 14:11]
-// CHECK: CXXMethod=methodWithoutAttribute:16:8 Extent=[16:3 - 16:32]
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXAccessSpecifier=:4:1 (Definition) Extent=[4:1 - 4:8]
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXMethod=aMethod:5:51 Extent=[5:3 - 5:60]
+// CHECK-NEXT: attribute(annotate)=spiffy_method Extent=[5:18 - 5:43]
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXAccessSpecifier=:7:1 (Definition) Extent=[7:1 - 7:43]
+// CHECK-NEXT: attribute(annotate)=works Extent=[7:23 - 7:40]
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXMethod=anotherMethod:8:8 Extent=[8:3 - 8:23]
+// CHECK-NEXT: attribute(annotate)=works Extent=[7:23 - 7:40]
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXAccessSpecifier=:10:1 (Definition) Extent=[10:1 - 10:53]
+// CHECK-NEXT: attribute(annotate)=investigations Extent=[10:24 - 10:50]
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXMethod=inlineMethod:12:8 (Definition) Extent=[12:3 - 12:25]
+// CHECK-NEXT: attribute(annotate)=investigations Extent=[10:24 - 10:50]
+// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt= Extent=[12:23 - 12:25]
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXAccessSpecifier=:14:1 (Definition) Extent=[14:1 - 14:11]
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXMethod=methodWithoutAttribute:16:8 Extent=[16:3 - 16:32]
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-literals.m b/test/Index/annotate-literals.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..20bfd2c45642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-literals.m
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+typedef unsigned char BOOL;
+@interface NSNumber @end
+@interface NSNumber (NSNumberCreation)
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithChar:(char)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithUnsignedChar:(unsigned char)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithShort:(short)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithUnsignedShort:(unsigned short)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithInt:(int)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithUnsignedInt:(unsigned int)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithLong:(long)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithUnsignedLong:(unsigned long)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithLongLong:(long long)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(unsigned long long)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithFloat:(float)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithDouble:(double)value;
++ (NSNumber *)numberWithBool:(BOOL)value;
+@interface NSArray
+@interface NSArray (NSArrayCreation)
++ (id)arrayWithObjects:(const id [])objects count:(unsigned long)cnt;
+@interface NSDictionary
++ (id)dictionaryWithObjects:(const id [])objects forKeys:(const id [])keys count:(unsigned long)cnt;
+void test_literals(id k1, id o1, id k2, id o2, id k3) {
+ id objects = @[ o1, o2 ];
+ id dict = @{ k1 : o1,
+ k2 : o2,
+ k3 : @17 };
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:33:1:37:1 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-LITERALS %s
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "id" [33:3 - 33:5] TypeRef=id:0:0
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "objects" [33:6 - 33:13] VarDecl=objects:33:6 (Definition)
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "=" [33:14 - 33:15] VarDecl=objects:33:6 (Definition)
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "@" [33:16 - 33:17] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "[" [33:17 - 33:18] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "o1" [33:19 - 33:21] DeclRefExpr=o1:32:30
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "," [33:21 - 33:22] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "o2" [33:23 - 33:25] DeclRefExpr=o2:32:44
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "]" [33:26 - 33:27] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: ";" [33:27 - 33:28] DeclStmt=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "id" [34:3 - 34:5] TypeRef=id:0:0
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "dict" [34:6 - 34:10] VarDecl=dict:34:6 (Definition)
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "=" [34:11 - 34:12] VarDecl=dict:34:6 (Definition)
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "@" [34:13 - 34:14] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "{" [34:14 - 34:15] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "k1" [34:16 - 34:18] DeclRefExpr=k1:32:23
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: ":" [34:19 - 34:20] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "o1" [34:21 - 34:23] DeclRefExpr=o1:32:30
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "," [34:23 - 34:24] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "k2" [35:16 - 35:18] DeclRefExpr=k2:32:37
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: ":" [35:19 - 35:20] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "o2" [35:21 - 35:23] DeclRefExpr=o2:32:44
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "," [35:23 - 35:24] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Identifier: "k3" [36:16 - 36:18] DeclRefExpr=k3:32:51
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: ":" [36:19 - 36:20] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "@" [36:21 - 36:22] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Literal: "17" [36:22 - 36:24] IntegerLiteral=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "}" [36:25 - 36:26] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: ";" [36:26 - 36:27] DeclStmt=
+// CHECK-LITERALS: Punctuation: "}" [37:1 - 37:2] CompoundStmt=
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-macro-args.m b/test/Index/annotate-macro-args.m
index 6adfb8ded1c5..b92c0b29eb67 100644
--- a/test/Index/annotate-macro-args.m
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-macro-args.m
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
// CHECK1: Identifier: "MACRO" [9:3 - 9:8] macro expansion=MACRO:6:9
// CHECK1: Punctuation: "(" [9:8 - 9:9]
-// CHECK1: Punctuation: "[" [9:9 - 9:10] ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:1
+// CHECK1: Punctuation: "[" [9:9 - 9:10] ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:8
// CHECK1: Identifier: "MyClass" [9:10 - 9:17] ObjCClassRef=MyClass:1:12
-// CHECK1: Identifier: "meth" [9:18 - 9:22] ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:1
-// CHECK1: Punctuation: "]" [9:22 - 9:23] ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:1
+// CHECK1: Identifier: "meth" [9:18 - 9:22] ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:8
+// CHECK1: Punctuation: "]" [9:22 - 9:23] ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:8
// CHECK1: Punctuation: ")" [9:23 - 9:24]
// CHECK2: Identifier: "INVOKE" [15:3 - 15:9] macro expansion=INVOKE:12:9
// CHECK2: Punctuation: "(" [15:9 - 15:10]
-// CHECK2: Identifier: "meth" [15:10 - 15:14] ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:1
+// CHECK2: Identifier: "meth" [15:10 - 15:14] ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:8
// CHECK2: Punctuation: "," [15:14 - 15:15]
// CHECK2: Identifier: "MyClass" [15:16 - 15:23] ObjCClassRef=MyClass:1:12
// CHECK2: Punctuation: ")" [15:23 - 15:24]
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-subscripting.m b/test/Index/annotate-subscripting.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cda1465c371b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-subscripting.m
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+@interface NSArray
+- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(int)index;
++ (id)arrayWithObjects:(id *)objects count:(unsigned)count;
+@interface NSMutableArray : NSArray
+- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(int)index;
+- (void)setObject:(id)object atIndexedSubscript:(int)index;
+@interface NSDictionary
+- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
++ (id)dictionaryWithObjects:(id *)objects forKeys:(id *)keys count:(unsigned)count;
+@interface NSMutableDictionary : NSDictionary
+- (void)setObject:(id)object forKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
+@class NSString;
+id testArray(int index, id p) {
+ NSMutableArray *array;
+ array[3] = 0;
+ NSArray *arr = @[ p, p ];
+ return array[index];
+void testDict() {
+ NSMutableDictionary *dictionary;
+ NSString *key;
+ id newObject, oldObject;
+ oldObject = dictionary[key];
+ dictionary[key] = newObject;
+ NSDictionary *dict = @{ key: newObject, key: oldObject };
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:22:1:36:1 -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7 %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: Identifier: "array" [24:3 - 24:8] DeclRefExpr=array:23:19
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [24:8 - 24:9] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Literal: "3" [24:9 - 24:10] IntegerLiteral=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [24:10 - 24:11] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [24:12 - 24:13] BinaryOperator=
+// CHECK: Literal: "0" [24:14 - 24:15] IntegerLiteral=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [24:15 - 24:16] CompoundStmt=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "NSArray" [25:3 - 25:10] ObjCClassRef=NSArray:1:12
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "*" [25:11 - 25:12] VarDecl=arr:25:12 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "arr" [25:12 - 25:15] VarDecl=arr:25:12 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [25:16 - 25:17] VarDecl=arr:25:12 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [25:18 - 25:19] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [25:19 - 25:20] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "p" [25:21 - 25:22] DeclRefExpr=p:22:28
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "," [25:22 - 25:23] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "p" [25:24 - 25:25] DeclRefExpr=p:22:28
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [25:26 - 25:27] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [25:27 - 25:28] DeclStmt=
+// CHECK: Keyword: "return" [26:3 - 26:9] ReturnStmt=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "array" [26:10 - 26:15] DeclRefExpr=array:23:19
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [26:15 - 26:16] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "index" [26:16 - 26:21] DeclRefExpr=index:22:18
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [26:21 - 26:22] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [26:22 - 26:23] CompoundStmt=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "oldObject" [33:3 - 33:12] DeclRefExpr=oldObject:32:17
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [33:13 - 33:14] BinaryOperator=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "dictionary" [33:15 - 33:25] DeclRefExpr=dictionary:30:24
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [33:25 - 33:26] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "key" [33:26 - 33:29] DeclRefExpr=key:31:13
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [33:29 - 33:30] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [33:30 - 33:31] CompoundStmt=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "dictionary" [34:3 - 34:13] DeclRefExpr=dictionary:30:24
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [34:13 - 34:14] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "key" [34:14 - 34:17] DeclRefExpr=key:31:13
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [34:17 - 34:18] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [34:19 - 34:20] BinaryOperator=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "newObject" [34:21 - 34:30] DeclRefExpr=newObject:32:6
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [34:30 - 34:31] CompoundStmt=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "NSDictionary" [35:3 - 35:15] ObjCClassRef=NSDictionary:11:12
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "*" [35:16 - 35:17] VarDecl=dict:35:17 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "dict" [35:17 - 35:21] VarDecl=dict:35:17 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [35:22 - 35:23] VarDecl=dict:35:17 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [35:24 - 35:25] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "{" [35:25 - 35:26] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "key" [35:27 - 35:30] DeclRefExpr=key:31:13
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [35:30 - 35:31] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "newObject" [35:32 - 35:41] DeclRefExpr=newObject:32:6
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "," [35:41 - 35:42] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "key" [35:43 - 35:46] DeclRefExpr=key:31:13
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [35:46 - 35:47] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "oldObject" [35:48 - 35:57] DeclRefExpr=oldObject:32:17
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "}" [35:58 - 35:59] UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [35:59 - 35:60] DeclStmt=
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-tokens-cxx0x.cpp b/test/Index/annotate-tokens-cxx0x.cpp
index 89876b28eab3..a126b8512775 100644
--- a/test/Index/annotate-tokens-cxx0x.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-tokens-cxx0x.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ int f(Args ...args) {
void test() {
int a;
decltype(a) b;
+ typedef int Integer;
+ typedef float Float;
+ typedef bool Bool;
+ bool b2 = __is_trivially_constructible(Integer, Float, Bool);
// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:1:1:5:1 -fno-delayed-template-parsing -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck %s
@@ -14,3 +19,9 @@ void test() {
// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:8:1:9:1 -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-DECLTYPE %s
// CHECK-DECLTYPE: Identifier: "a" [8:12 - 8:13] DeclRefExpr=a:7:7
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:13:1:14:1 -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-TRAIT %s
+// CHECK-TRAIT: Identifier: "Integer" [13:42 - 13:49] TypeRef=Integer:10:15
+// CHECK-TRAIT: Identifier: "Float" [13:51 - 13:56] TypeRef=Float:11:17
+// CHECK-TRAIT: Identifier: "Bool" [13:58 - 13:62] TypeRef=Bool:12:16
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-tokens-pp.c b/test/Index/annotate-tokens-pp.c
index 45988270f0e6..b37ab39eeaff 100644
--- a/test/Index/annotate-tokens-pp.c
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-tokens-pp.c
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ const char *fname = __FILE__;
// CHECK: Punctuation: "," [16:26 - 16:27]
// CHECK: Identifier: "z" [16:27 - 16:28] DeclRefExpr=z:14:7
// FIXME: The token below should really be annotated as "macro expansion=REVERSE_MACRO:10:9"
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [16:28 - 16:29] VarDecl=k:16:7 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [16:28 - 16:29] DeclStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [16:29 - 16:30] DeclStmt=
// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [17:3 - 17:6] VarDecl=j:17:7 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "j" [17:7 - 17:8] VarDecl=j:17:7 (Definition)
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ const char *fname = __FILE__;
// CHECK: Punctuation: "+" [17:25 - 17:26] BinaryOperator=
// CHECK: Identifier: "k" [17:27 - 17:28] DeclRefExpr=k:16:7
// FIXME: The token below should really be annotated as "macro expansion=TWICE_MACRO:11:9"
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [17:28 - 17:29] VarDecl=j:17:7 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [17:28 - 17:29] DeclStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [17:29 - 17:30] DeclStmt=
// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [18:3 - 18:6] VarDecl=w:18:7 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "w" [18:7 - 18:8] VarDecl=w:18:7 (Definition)
@@ -189,7 +189,8 @@ const char *fname = __FILE__;
// CHECK: Identifier: "z" [25:43 - 25:44] DeclRefExpr=z:25:3
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [25:44 - 25:45] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: "}" [25:46 - 25:47] CompoundStmt=
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [25:47 - 25:48] DoStmt=
+// FIXME: The token below should really be annotated as "macro expansion=fun_with_macro_bodies:21:9"
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [25:47 - 25:48] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [25:48 - 25:49] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: "}" [26:1 - 26:2] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: {{28:1.*inclusion directive=pragma-once.h.*multi-include guarded}}
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-tokens.cpp b/test/Index/annotate-tokens.cpp
index 5a8f5e201d0f..3062901b7c2f 100644
--- a/test/Index/annotate-tokens.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-tokens.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ void test3(S2 s2) {
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [2:17 - 2:18] FunctionDecl=test:2:6 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: "{" [2:19 - 2:20] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Identifier: "X" [3:5 - 3:6] DeclRefExpr=X:2:16
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [3:7 - 3:8] CallExpr=operator=:1:8
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [3:7 - 3:8] DeclRefExpr=operator=:1:8
// CHECK: Identifier: "X" [3:9 - 3:10] DeclRefExpr=X:2:16
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [3:10 - 3:11] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Keyword: "__is_base_of" [4:5 - 4:17] UnexposedExpr=
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void test3(S2 s2) {
// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [13:3 - 13:4] ParenExpr=
// CHECK: Identifier: "x" [13:4 - 13:5] DeclRefExpr=x:11:14
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [13:5 - 13:6] ParenExpr=
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "++" [13:6 - 13:8] CallExpr=operator++:9:5
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "++" [13:6 - 13:8] DeclRefExpr=operator++:9:5
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [13:8 - 13:9] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: "}" [14:1 - 14:2] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Keyword: "struct" [16:1 - 16:7] StructDecl=S1:16:8 (Definition)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void test3(S2 s2) {
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [18:17 - 18:18] FunctionDecl=test3:18:6 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: "{" [18:19 - 18:20] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Identifier: "s2" [19:3 - 19:5] DeclRefExpr=s2:18:15
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "->" [19:5 - 19:7] MemberRefExpr=f:16:18
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "->" [19:5 - 19:7] DeclRefExpr=operator->:17:17
// CHECK: Identifier: "f" [19:7 - 19:8] MemberRefExpr=f:16:18
// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [19:8 - 19:9] CallExpr=f:16:18
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [19:9 - 19:10] CallExpr=f:16:18
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-tokens.m b/test/Index/annotate-tokens.m
index 34115d6d54b3..1a48293dfc49 100644
--- a/test/Index/annotate-tokens.m
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-tokens.m
@@ -146,30 +146,30 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [1:1 - 1:2] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:1:12
// CHECK: Keyword: "interface" [1:2 - 1:11] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:1:12
// CHECK: Identifier: "Foo" [1:12 - 1:15] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:1:12
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [2:1 - 2:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [2:3 - 2:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:1
-// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [2:4 - 2:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [2:7 - 2:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:1
-// CHECK: Identifier: "compare" [2:8 - 2:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [2:15 - 2:16] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [2:16 - 2:17] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [2:1 - 2:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:8
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [2:3 - 2:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:8
+// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [2:4 - 2:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:8
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [2:7 - 2:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:8
+// CHECK: Identifier: "compare" [2:8 - 2:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:8
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [2:15 - 2:16] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:8
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [2:16 - 2:17] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:8
// CHECK: Identifier: "Foo" [2:17 - 2:20] ObjCClassRef=Foo:1:12
// CHECK: Punctuation: "*" [2:20 - 2:21] ParmDecl=other:2:22 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [2:21 - 2:22] ParmDecl=other:2:22 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "other" [2:22 - 2:27] ParmDecl=other:2:22 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [2:27 - 2:28] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [2:27 - 2:28] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::2:8
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [3:1 - 3:2] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:1:12
// CHECK: Keyword: "end" [3:2 - 3:5] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:1:12
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [5:1 - 5:2] ObjCImplementationDecl=Foo:5:17 (Definition)
// CHECK: Keyword: "implementation" [5:2 - 5:16] ObjCImplementationDecl=Foo:5:17 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "Foo" [5:17 - 5:20] ObjCImplementationDecl=Foo:5:17 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [6:1 - 6:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [6:3 - 6:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [6:4 - 6:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [6:7 - 6:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Identifier: "compare" [6:8 - 6:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [6:15 - 6:16] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [6:16 - 6:17] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [6:1 - 6:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [6:3 - 6:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [6:4 - 6:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [6:7 - 6:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "compare" [6:8 - 6:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [6:15 - 6:16] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [6:16 - 6:17] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=compare::6:8 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "Foo" [6:17 - 6:20] ObjCClassRef=Foo:1:12
// CHECK: Punctuation: "*" [6:20 - 6:21] ParmDecl=other:6:22 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [6:21 - 6:22] ParmDecl=other:6:22 (Definition)
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [21:1 - 21:2] ObjCImplementationDecl=Bar:21:17 (Definition)
// CHECK: Keyword: "implementation" [21:2 - 21:16] ObjCImplementationDecl=Bar:21:17 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "Bar" [21:17 - 21:20] ObjCImplementationDecl=Bar:21:17 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [22:1 - 22:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [22:3 - 22:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Keyword: "void" [22:4 - 22:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [22:8 - 22:9] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Identifier: "method" [22:10 - 22:16] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [22:1 - 22:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [22:3 - 22:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Keyword: "void" [22:4 - 22:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [22:8 - 22:9] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "method" [22:10 - 22:16] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:10 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: "{" [23:1 - 23:2] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Identifier: "barType" [24:5 - 24:12] TypeRef=barType:14:15
// CHECK: Identifier: "local" [24:13 - 24:18] VarDecl=local:24:13 (Definition)
@@ -242,17 +242,17 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [33:33 - 33:34] ParmDecl=arg:33:34 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "arg" [33:34 - 33:37] ParmDecl=arg:33:34 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [33:37 - 33:38] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::33:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [34:1 - 34:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [34:3 - 34:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:1
-// CHECK: Keyword: "void" [34:4 - 34:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [34:8 - 34:9] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:1
-// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [34:9 - 34:12] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [34:12 - 34:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [34:13 - 34:14] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [34:1 - 34:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [34:3 - 34:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:9
+// CHECK: Keyword: "void" [34:4 - 34:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [34:8 - 34:9] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:9
+// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [34:9 - 34:12] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [34:12 - 34:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [34:13 - 34:14] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:9
// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [34:14 - 34:17] ParmDecl=x:34:18 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [34:17 - 34:18] ParmDecl=x:34:18 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "x" [34:18 - 34:19] ParmDecl=x:34:18 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [34:19 - 34:20] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [34:19 - 34:20] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::34:9
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [35:1 - 35:2] ObjCInterfaceDecl=IBActionTests:32:12
// CHECK: Keyword: "end" [35:2 - 35:5] ObjCInterfaceDecl=IBActionTests:32:12
// CHECK: Keyword: "extern" [36:1 - 36:7]
@@ -265,13 +265,13 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [37:1 - 37:2] ObjCImplementationDecl=IBActionTests:37:17 (Definition)
// CHECK: Keyword: "implementation" [37:2 - 37:16] ObjCImplementationDecl=IBActionTests:37:17 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "IBActionTests" [37:17 - 37:30] ObjCImplementationDecl=IBActionTests:37:17 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [38:1 - 38:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [38:3 - 38:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [38:1 - 38:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:14 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [38:3 - 38:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:14 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "IBAction" [38:4 - 38:12] macro expansion=IBAction
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [38:12 - 38:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Identifier: "actionMethod" [38:14 - 38:26] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [38:26 - 38:27] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Keyword: "in" [38:28 - 38:30] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:1 (Definition) [Overrides @33:1]
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [38:12 - 38:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:14 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "actionMethod" [38:14 - 38:26] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:14 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [38:26 - 38:27] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:14 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Keyword: "in" [38:28 - 38:30] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::38:14 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "id" [38:31 - 38:33] TypeRef=id:0:0
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [38:33 - 38:34] ParmDecl=arg:38:34 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "arg" [38:34 - 38:37] ParmDecl=arg:38:34 (Definition)
@@ -280,21 +280,21 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [40:18 - 40:19] CallExpr=ibaction_test:36:12
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [40:19 - 40:20] CallExpr=ibaction_test:36:12
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [40:20 - 40:21] CompoundStmt=
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [41:5 - 41:6] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::34:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [41:5 - 41:6] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::34:9
// CHECK: Identifier: "self" [41:6 - 41:10] DeclRefExpr=self:0:0
-// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [41:11 - 41:14] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::34:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [41:14 - 41:15] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::34:1
+// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [41:11 - 41:14] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::34:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [41:14 - 41:15] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::34:9
// CHECK: Literal: "0" [41:15 - 41:16] IntegerLiteral=
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [41:16 - 41:17] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::34:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [41:16 - 41:17] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::34:9
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [41:17 - 41:18] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: "}" [42:1 - 42:2] CompoundStmt=
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [43:1 - 43:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [43:3 - 43:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Keyword: "void" [43:4 - 43:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [43:8 - 43:9] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [43:10 - 43:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [43:13 - 43:14] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [43:14 - 43:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [43:1 - 43:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [43:3 - 43:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Keyword: "void" [43:4 - 43:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [43:8 - 43:9] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [43:10 - 43:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [43:13 - 43:14] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [43:14 - 43:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::43:10 (Definition)
// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [43:15 - 43:18] ParmDecl=x:43:19 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [43:18 - 43:19] ParmDecl=x:43:19 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "x" [43:19 - 43:20] ParmDecl=x:43:19 (Definition)
@@ -344,35 +344,35 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [65:1 - 65:2] ObjCInterfaceDecl=R7974151:65:12
// CHECK: Keyword: "interface" [65:2 - 65:11] ObjCInterfaceDecl=R7974151:65:12
// CHECK: Identifier: "R7974151" [65:12 - 65:20] ObjCInterfaceDecl=R7974151:65:12
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [66:1 - 66:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [66:3 - 66:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:1
-// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [66:4 - 66:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [66:7 - 66:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:1
-// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [66:9 - 66:12] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [66:12 - 66:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [66:13 - 66:14] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [66:1 - 66:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [66:3 - 66:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:9
+// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [66:4 - 66:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [66:7 - 66:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:9
+// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [66:9 - 66:12] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [66:12 - 66:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [66:13 - 66:14] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:9
// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [66:14 - 66:17] ParmDecl=arg:66:18 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [66:17 - 66:18] ParmDecl=arg:66:18 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "arg" [66:18 - 66:21] ParmDecl=arg:66:18 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [66:21 - 66:22] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [67:1 - 67:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [67:3 - 67:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:1
-// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [67:4 - 67:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [67:7 - 67:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:1
-// CHECK: Identifier: "method" [67:9 - 67:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [67:15 - 67:16] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [66:21 - 66:22] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::66:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [67:1 - 67:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [67:3 - 67:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:9
+// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [67:4 - 67:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [67:7 - 67:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:9
+// CHECK: Identifier: "method" [67:9 - 67:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [67:15 - 67:16] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:67:9
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [68:1 - 68:2] ObjCInterfaceDecl=R7974151:65:12
// CHECK: Keyword: "end" [68:2 - 68:5] ObjCInterfaceDecl=R7974151:65:12
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [70:1 - 70:2] ObjCImplementationDecl=R7974151:70:17 (Definition)
// CHECK: Keyword: "implementation" [70:2 - 70:16] ObjCImplementationDecl=R7974151:70:17 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "R7974151" [70:17 - 70:25] ObjCImplementationDecl=R7974151:70:17 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [71:1 - 71:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [71:3 - 71:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [71:4 - 71:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [71:7 - 71:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [71:9 - 71:12] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [71:12 - 71:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [71:13 - 71:14] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [71:1 - 71:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [71:3 - 71:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [71:4 - 71:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [71:7 - 71:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [71:9 - 71:12] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [71:12 - 71:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [71:13 - 71:14] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo::71:9 (Definition)
// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [71:14 - 71:17] ParmDecl=arg:71:18 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [71:17 - 71:18] ParmDecl=arg:71:18 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "arg" [71:18 - 71:21] ParmDecl=arg:71:18 (Definition)
@@ -381,43 +381,43 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK: Identifier: "arg" [72:10 - 72:13] DeclRefExpr=arg:71:18
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [72:13 - 72:14] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: "}" [73:1 - 73:2] CompoundStmt=
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [74:1 - 74:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [74:3 - 74:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [74:4 - 74:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [74:7 - 74:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Identifier: "method" [74:9 - 74:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [74:1 - 74:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [74:3 - 74:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [74:4 - 74:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [74:7 - 74:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "method" [74:9 - 74:15] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:74:9 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: "{" [75:1 - 75:2] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [76:5 - 76:8] VarDecl=local:76:9 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "local" [76:9 - 76:14] VarDecl=local:76:9 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [76:15 - 76:16] VarDecl=local:76:9 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [76:17 - 76:18] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [76:17 - 76:18] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:9
// CHECK: Identifier: "self" [76:18 - 76:22] DeclRefExpr=self:0:0
-// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [76:23 - 76:26] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [76:26 - 76:27] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:1
+// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [76:23 - 76:26] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [76:26 - 76:27] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:9
// CHECK: Identifier: "VAL" [76:27 - 76:30] macro expansion=VAL:63:9
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [76:30 - 76:31] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [76:30 - 76:31] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:9
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [76:31 - 76:32] DeclStmt=
// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [77:5 - 77:8] VarDecl=second:77:9 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "second" [77:9 - 77:15] VarDecl=second:77:9 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [77:16 - 77:17] VarDecl=second:77:9 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [77:18 - 77:19] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "[" [77:18 - 77:19] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:9
// CHECK: Identifier: "self" [77:19 - 77:23] DeclRefExpr=self:0:0
-// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [77:24 - 77:27] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:1
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [77:27 - 77:28] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:1
+// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [77:24 - 77:27] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:9
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [77:27 - 77:28] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:9
// CHECK: Literal: "0" [77:28 - 77:29] IntegerLiteral=
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [77:29 - 77:30] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:1
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "]" [77:29 - 77:30] ObjCMessageExpr=foo::66:9
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [77:30 - 77:31] DeclStmt=
// CHECK: Keyword: "return" [78:5 - 78:11] ReturnStmt=
// CHECK: Identifier: "local" [78:12 - 78:17] DeclRefExpr=local:76:9
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [78:17 - 78:18] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: "}" [79:1 - 79:2] CompoundStmt=
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [80:1 - 80:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [80:3 - 80:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [80:4 - 80:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [80:7 - 80:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Identifier: "othermethod" [80:8 - 80:19] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [80:19 - 80:20] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:1 (Definition)
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [80:20 - 80:21] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "-" [80:1 - 80:2] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [80:3 - 80:4] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [80:4 - 80:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [80:7 - 80:8] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "othermethod" [80:8 - 80:19] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: ":" [80:19 - 80:20] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "(" [80:20 - 80:21] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=othermethod::80:8 (Definition)
// CHECK: Identifier: "IBOutletTests" [80:21 - 80:34] ObjCClassRef=IBOutletTests:51:12
// CHECK: Punctuation: "*" [80:35 - 80:36] ParmDecl=ibt:80:37 (Definition)
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [80:36 - 80:37] ParmDecl=ibt:80:37 (Definition)
@@ -452,8 +452,8 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK: Punctuation: ")" [88:24 - 88:25] ObjCProtocolExpr=Proto:85:1
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [88:25 - 88:26] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: Punctuation: "}" [89:1 - 89:2] CompoundStmt=
-// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [93:1 - 93:2] UnexposedDecl=[93:8]
-// CHECK: Keyword: "class" [93:2 - 93:7] UnexposedDecl=[93:8]
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [93:1 - 93:2] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Rdar8595462_A:93:8
+// CHECK: Keyword: "class" [93:2 - 93:7] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Rdar8595462_A:93:8
// CHECK: Identifier: "Rdar8595462_A" [93:8 - 93:21] ObjCClassRef=Rdar8595462_A:93:8
// CHECK: Punctuation: ";" [93:21 - 93:22]
// CHECK: Punctuation: "@" [94:1 - 94:2] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Rdar8595462_B:94:12
@@ -517,14 +517,14 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Keyword: "int" [127:5 - 127:8] VarDecl=result:127:9 (Definition)
// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Identifier: "result" [127:9 - 127:15] VarDecl=result:127:9 (Definition)
// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: "=" [127:16 - 127:17] VarDecl=result:127:9 (Definition)
-// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: "[" [127:18 - 127:19] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:1
+// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: "[" [127:18 - 127:19] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:8
// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Identifier: "self" [127:19 - 127:23] DeclRefExpr=self:0:0
-// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Identifier: "blah" [127:24 - 127:28] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:1
-// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: ":" [127:28 - 127:29] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:1
+// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Identifier: "blah" [127:24 - 127:28] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:8
+// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: ":" [127:28 - 127:29] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:8
// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Literal: "5" [127:29 - 127:30] IntegerLiteral=
-// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: "," [127:30 - 127:31] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:1
+// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: "," [127:30 - 127:31] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:8
// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Identifier: "x" [127:32 - 127:33] DeclRefExpr=x:125:19
-// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: "]" [127:33 - 127:34] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:1
+// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: "]" [127:33 - 127:34] ObjCMessageExpr=blah::124:8
// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: ";" [127:34 - 127:35] DeclStmt=
// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Identifier: "Rdar8778404" [128:5 - 128:16] ObjCClassRef=Rdar8778404:120:12
// CHECK-INSIDE_BLOCK: Punctuation: "*" [128:17 - 128:18] VarDecl=a:128:18 (Definition)
@@ -536,13 +536,13 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "@" [134:1 - 134:2] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Rdar8062781:134:12
// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Keyword: "interface" [134:2 - 134:11] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Rdar8062781:134:12
// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Identifier: "Rdar8062781" [134:12 - 134:23] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Rdar8062781:134:12
-// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "+" [135:1 - 135:2] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:1
-// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "(" [135:3 - 135:4] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:1
+// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "+" [135:1 - 135:2] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:9
+// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "(" [135:3 - 135:4] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:9
// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Identifier: "Foo" [135:4 - 135:7] ObjCClassRef=Foo:1:12
-// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "*" [135:7 - 135:8] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:1
-// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: ")" [135:8 - 135:9] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:1
-// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Identifier: "getB" [135:9 - 135:13] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:1
-// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: ";" [135:13 - 135:14] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:1
+// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "*" [135:7 - 135:8] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:9
+// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: ")" [135:8 - 135:9] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:9
+// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Identifier: "getB" [135:9 - 135:13] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:9
+// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: ";" [135:13 - 135:14] ObjCClassMethodDecl=getB:135:9
// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "@" [136:1 - 136:2] ObjCPropertyDecl=blah:136:38
// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Keyword: "property" [136:2 - 136:10] ObjCPropertyDecl=blah:136:38
// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "(" [136:11 - 136:12] ObjCPropertyDecl=blah:136:38
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ static Rdar8595462_A * Rdar8595462_staticVar;
// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: ";" [137:39 - 137:40] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Rdar8062781:134:12
// CHECK-PROP-AFTER-METHOD: Punctuation: "@" [138:1 - 138:2] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Rdar8062781:134:12
-// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:141:1:142:1 %s -DIBOutlet='__attribute__((iboutlet))' -DIBAction='void)__attribute__((ibaction)' -ccc-host-triple x86_64-apple-macosx10.7.0 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-WITH-WEAK %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:141:1:142:1 %s -DIBOutlet='__attribute__((iboutlet))' -DIBAction='void)__attribute__((ibaction)' -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7.0 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-WITH-WEAK %s
// CHECK-WITH-WEAK: Identifier: "__weak" [141:3 - 141:9] macro expansion
// CHECK-WITH-WEAK: Identifier: "Foo" [141:10 - 141:13] ObjCClassRef=Foo:1:12
// CHECK-WITH-WEAK: Punctuation: "*" [141:14 - 141:15] ObjCIvarDecl=foo:141:15 (Definition)
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-toplevel-in-objccontainer.m b/test/Index/annotate-toplevel-in-objccontainer.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56b7871d9bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-toplevel-in-objccontainer.m
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+@interface Foo
+void func1(int);
+void func2(int);
+@implementation Foo
+void func(int);
+static int glob1;
+static int glob2;
+-(void)meth1 {}
+-(void)meth2 {}
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch -x objective-c-header %s.h
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:5:1:7:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=INTER %s
+// CHECK-INTER: Identifier: "meth1" [5:8 - 5:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth1:5:8
+// CHECK-INTER: Identifier: "meth2" [6:8 - 6:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth2:6:8
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:14:1:16:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=IMPL %s
+// CHECK-IMPL: Identifier: "meth1" [14:8 - 14:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth1:14:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK-IMPL: Identifier: "meth2" [15:8 - 15:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth2:15:8 (Definition)
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s.h:7:1:9:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=PCH %s
+// CHECK-PCH: Identifier: "meth1" [7:8 - 7:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth1:7:8
+// CHECK-PCH: Identifier: "meth2" [8:8 - 8:13] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth2:8:8
diff --git a/test/Index/annotate-toplevel-in-objccontainer.m.h b/test/Index/annotate-toplevel-in-objccontainer.m.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fe507fc0b7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/annotate-toplevel-in-objccontainer.m.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@interface FooPCH
+void funcPCH1(int);
+void funcPCH2(int);
+enum E { Cake };
diff --git a/test/Index/asm-attribute.c b/test/Index/asm-attribute.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f9524598b608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/asm-attribute.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+int foo(int x) __asm__("_foo_");
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: asm-attribute.c:1:5: FunctionDecl=foo:1:5 Extent=[1:1 - 1:32]
+// FIXME: Location below.
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: asm label=_foo_ Extent=[1:24 - 1:31]
diff --git a/test/Index/c-index-api-loadTU-test.m b/test/Index/c-index-api-loadTU-test.m
index 62cc4d422ca2..251d73b3f819 100644
--- a/test/Index/c-index-api-loadTU-test.m
+++ b/test/Index/c-index-api-loadTU-test.m
@@ -79,29 +79,29 @@ struct X0 {};
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:6:32: ObjCIvarDecl=myoutlet:6:32 (Definition) Extent=[6:3 - 6:40]
// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: attribute(iboutlet)=
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:6:29: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[6:29 - 6:31]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:8:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=myMessage::8:1 Extent=[8:1 - 8:54]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:8:36: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=myMessage::8:36 Extent=[8:1 - 8:54]
// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: attribute(ibaction)=
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:8:50: ParmDecl=msg:8:50 (Definition) Extent=[8:47 - 8:53]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:8:47: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[8:47 - 8:49]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:9:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo:9:1 (deprecated) Extent=[9:1 - 9:35]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:10:1: ObjCClassMethodDecl=fooC:10:1 Extent=[10:1 - 10:8]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:9:3: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo:9:3 (deprecated) Extent=[9:1 - 9:35]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:10:3: ObjCClassMethodDecl=fooC:10:3 Extent=[10:1 - 10:8]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:14:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Bar:14:12 Extent=[14:1 - 18:5]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:14:18: ObjCSuperClassRef=Foo:4:12 Extent=[14:18 - 14:21]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:20:12: ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:20:12 Extent=[20:1 - 23:5]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:20:12: ObjCClassRef=Foo:4:12 Extent=[20:12 - 20:15]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:21:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::21:1 Extent=[21:1 - 21:41]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:21:9: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::21:9 Extent=[21:1 - 21:41]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:21:36: ParmDecl=fArg:21:36 (Definition) Extent=[21:29 - 21:40]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:22:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=floatMethod:22:1 Extent=[22:1 - 22:23]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:22:11: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=floatMethod:22:11 Extent=[22:1 - 22:23]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:25:11: ObjCProtocolDecl=Proto:25:11 (Definition) Extent=[25:1 - 27:5]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:26:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=pMethod:26:1 Extent=[26:1 - 26:11]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:26:3: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=pMethod:26:3 Extent=[26:1 - 26:11]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:29:11: ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:29:11 (Definition) Extent=[29:1 - 31:5]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:29:17: ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:25:11 Extent=[29:17 - 29:22]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:30:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=spMethod:30:1 Extent=[30:1 - 30:12]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:30:3: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=spMethod:30:3 Extent=[30:1 - 30:12]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:33:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:33:12 Extent=[33:1 - 40:5]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:33:18: ObjCSuperClassRef=Bar:14:12 Extent=[33:18 - 33:21]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:33:23: ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:29:11 Extent=[33:23 - 33:27]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:35:9: ObjCIvarDecl=_anIVar:35:9 (Definition) Extent=[35:5 - 35:16]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:38:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bazMethod:38:1 Extent=[38:1 - 38:21]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:38:11: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bazMethod:38:11 Extent=[38:1 - 38:21]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:38:4: ObjCClassRef=Foo:4:12 Extent=[38:4 - 38:7]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:42:1: EnumDecl=:42:1 (Definition) Extent=[42:1 - 44:2]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:43:3: EnumConstantDecl=someEnum:43:3 (Definition) Extent=[43:3 - 43:11]
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ struct X0 {};
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:47:2: ObjCClassRef=Baz:33:12 Extent=[47:2 - 47:5]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:5: VarDecl=a:48:5 (Definition) Extent=[48:2 - 48:18]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:2: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[48:2 - 48:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:9: ObjCMessageExpr=foo:9:1 Extent=[48:9 - 48:18]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:9: ObjCMessageExpr=foo:9:3 Extent=[48:9 - 48:18]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:10: DeclRefExpr=bee:47:8 Extent=[48:10 - 48:13]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:12: VarDecl=c:49:12 (Definition) Extent=[49:2 - 49:26]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:2: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[49:2 - 49:4]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:6: ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:29:11 Extent=[49:6 - 49:10]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:16: UnexposedExpr=fooC:10:1 Extent=[49:16 - 49:26]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:16: ObjCMessageExpr=fooC:10:1 Extent=[49:16 - 49:26]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:16: UnexposedExpr=fooC:10:3 Extent=[49:16 - 49:26]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:16: ObjCMessageExpr=fooC:10:3 Extent=[49:16 - 49:26]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:17: ObjCClassRef=Foo:4:12 Extent=[49:17 - 49:20]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:50:13: VarDecl=d:50:13 (Definition) Extent=[50:2 - 50:14]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:50:2: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[50:2 - 50:4]
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ struct X0 {};
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:51:2: DeclRefExpr=d:50:13 Extent=[51:2 - 51:3]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:51:6: UnexposedExpr=c:49:12 Extent=[51:6 - 51:7]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:51:6: DeclRefExpr=c:49:12 Extent=[51:6 - 51:7]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:52:2: ObjCMessageExpr=pMethod:26:1 Extent=[52:2 - 52:13]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:52:2: ObjCMessageExpr=pMethod:26:3 Extent=[52:2 - 52:13]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:52:3: DeclRefExpr=d:50:13 Extent=[52:3 - 52:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:2: ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::21:1 Extent=[53:2 - 53:44]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:2: ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::21:9 Extent=[53:2 - 53:44]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:3: DeclRefExpr=bee:47:8 Extent=[53:3 - 53:6]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:26: ObjCMessageExpr=floatMethod:22:1 Extent=[53:26 - 53:43]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:26: ObjCMessageExpr=floatMethod:22:11 Extent=[53:26 - 53:43]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:27: DeclRefExpr=bee:47:8 Extent=[53:27 - 53:30]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:54:3: CallExpr=main:46:5 Extent=[54:3 - 54:37]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:54:3: UnexposedExpr=main:46:5 Extent=[54:3 - 54:7]
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ struct X0 {};
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:64:29: ObjCIvarDecl=anOutletCollection:64:29 (Definition) Extent=[59:39 - 64:47]
// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: attribute(iboutletcollection)= [IBOutletCollection=ObjCObjectPointer]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:64:26: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[64:26 - 64:28]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:66:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::66:1 Extent=[66:1 - 66:35]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:66:14: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=actionMethod::66:14 Extent=[66:1 - 66:35]
// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: attribute(ibaction)=
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:66:31: ParmDecl=arg:66:31 (Definition) Extent=[66:28 - 66:34]
// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:66:28: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[66:28 - 66:30]
diff --git a/test/Index/c-index-getCursor-test.m b/test/Index/c-index-getCursor-test.m
index c7410c9bbfa3..bae597995541 100644
--- a/test/Index/c-index-getCursor-test.m
+++ b/test/Index/c-index-getCursor-test.m
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ void f() {
// CHECK: [1:1 - 3:1] Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
// CHECK: [3:1 - 7:1] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:12
-// CHECK: [7:1 - 7:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo:7:1
+// CHECK: [7:1 - 7:7] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo:7:3
// CHECK: [7:7 - 8:1] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:12
-// CHECK: [8:1 - 8:8] ObjCClassMethodDecl=fooC:8:1
+// CHECK: [8:1 - 8:8] ObjCClassMethodDecl=fooC:8:3
// CHECK: [8:8 - 10:5] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:12
// CHECK: [10:5 - 12:1] Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
// CHECK: [12:1 - 12:18] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Bar:12:12
@@ -73,21 +73,21 @@ void f() {
// CHECK: [18:1 - 18:12] ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:12
// CHECK: [18:12 - 18:15] ObjCClassRef=Foo:3:12
// CHECK: [18:15 - 19:1] ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:12
-// CHECK: [19:1 - 19:29] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
+// CHECK: [19:1 - 19:29] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::19:9
// CHECK: [19:29 - 19:40] ParmDecl=fArg:19:36 (Definition)
-// CHECK: [19:40 - 19:41] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
+// CHECK: [19:40 - 19:41] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::19:9
// CHECK: [19:41 - 20:1] ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:12
-// CHECK: [20:1 - 20:23] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=floatMethod:20:1
+// CHECK: [20:1 - 20:23] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=floatMethod:20:11
// CHECK: [20:23 - 21:5] ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:12
// CHECK: [21:5 - 23:1] Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
// CHECK: [23:1 - 24:1] ObjCProtocolDecl=Proto:23:11 (Definition)
-// CHECK: [24:1 - 24:11] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=pMethod:24:1
+// CHECK: [24:1 - 24:11] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=pMethod:24:3
// CHECK: [24:11 - 25:5] ObjCProtocolDecl=Proto:23:11 (Definition)
// CHECK: [25:5 - 27:1] Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
// CHECK: [27:1 - 27:17] ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:27:11 (Definition)
// CHECK: [27:17 - 27:22] ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:23:1
// CHECK: [27:22 - 28:1] ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:27:11 (Definition)
-// CHECK: [28:1 - 28:12] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=spMethod:28:1
+// CHECK: [28:1 - 28:12] ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=spMethod:28:3
// CHECK: [28:12 - 29:5] ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:27:11 (Definition)
// CHECK: [29:5 - 31:1] Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
// CHECK: [31:1 - 31:18] ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:12
@@ -118,18 +118,18 @@ void f() {
// CHECK: [45:12 - 46:2] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: [46:2 - 46:4] TypeRef=id:0:0
// CHECK: [46:4 - 46:9] VarDecl=a:46:5 (Definition)
-// CHECK: [46:9 - 46:10] ObjCMessageExpr=foo:7:1
+// CHECK: [46:9 - 46:10] ObjCMessageExpr=foo:7:3
// CHECK: [46:10 - 46:13] DeclRefExpr=bee:45:8
-// CHECK: [46:13 - 46:18] ObjCMessageExpr=foo:7:1
+// CHECK: [46:13 - 46:18] ObjCMessageExpr=foo:7:3
// CHECK: [46:18 - 46:19] DeclStmt=
// CHECK: [46:19 - 47:2] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: [47:2 - 47:4] TypeRef=id:0:0
// CHECK: [47:4 - 47:6] VarDecl=c:47:12 (Definition)
// CHECK: [47:6 - 47:10] ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:27:1
// CHECK: [47:10 - 47:16] VarDecl=c:47:12 (Definition)
-// CHECK: [47:16 - 47:17] ObjCMessageExpr=fooC:8:1
+// CHECK: [47:16 - 47:17] ObjCMessageExpr=fooC:8:3
// CHECK: [47:17 - 47:20] ObjCClassRef=Foo:3:12
-// CHECK: [47:20 - 47:26] ObjCMessageExpr=fooC:8:1
+// CHECK: [47:20 - 47:26] ObjCMessageExpr=fooC:8:3
// CHECK: [47:26 - 47:27] DeclStmt=
// CHECK: [47:27 - 48:2] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: [48:2 - 48:4] TypeRef=id:0:0
@@ -142,17 +142,17 @@ void f() {
// CHECK: [49:3 - 49:6] BinaryOperator=
// CHECK: [49:6 - 49:7] DeclRefExpr=c:47:12
// CHECK: [49:7 - 50:2] CompoundStmt=
-// CHECK: [50:2 - 50:3] ObjCMessageExpr=pMethod:24:1
+// CHECK: [50:2 - 50:3] ObjCMessageExpr=pMethod:24:3
// CHECK: [50:3 - 50:4] DeclRefExpr=d:48:13
-// CHECK: [50:4 - 50:13] ObjCMessageExpr=pMethod:24:1
+// CHECK: [50:4 - 50:13] ObjCMessageExpr=pMethod:24:3
// CHECK: [50:13 - 51:2] CompoundStmt=
-// CHECK: [51:2 - 51:3] ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
+// CHECK: [51:2 - 51:3] ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::19:9
// CHECK: [51:3 - 51:6] DeclRefExpr=bee:45:8
-// CHECK: [51:6 - 51:26] ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
+// CHECK: [51:6 - 51:26] ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::19:9
// CHECK: [51:26 - 51:27] ObjCMessageExpr=floatMethod:20:1
// CHECK: [51:27 - 51:30] DeclRefExpr=bee:45:8
// CHECK: [51:30 - 51:43] ObjCMessageExpr=floatMethod:20:1
-// CHECK: [51:43 - 51:44] ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
+// CHECK: [51:43 - 51:44] ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::19:9
// CHECK: [51:44 - 52:3] CompoundStmt=
// CHECK: [52:3 - 52:7] DeclRefExpr=main:44:5
// CHECK: [52:7 - 52:8] CallExpr=main:44:5
diff --git a/test/Index/cindex-on-invalid-usrs.m b/test/Index/cindex-on-invalid-usrs.m
index 01002bc30f3c..64147615ca51 100644
--- a/test/Index/cindex-on-invalid-usrs.m
+++ b/test/Index/cindex-on-invalid-usrs.m
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
@interface Rdar8452791 () - (void)rdar8452791;
// CHECK: error: cannot find interface declaration for 'Rdar8452791'
-// CHECK: missing @end
+// CHECK: missing '@end'
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-at-exprstmt.m b/test/Index/complete-at-exprstmt.m
index 7532bbb14d71..a6d767529af5 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-at-exprstmt.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-at-exprstmt.m
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ void f() {
// CHECK-CC2: {TypedText protocol}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder protocol-name}{RightParen )}
// CHECK-CC2: {TypedText selector}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder selector}{RightParen )}
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:9:3 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
-// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText @encode}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type-name}{RightParen )}
-// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText @protocol}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder protocol-name}{RightParen )}
-// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText @selector}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder selector}{RightParen )}
+// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType char[]}{TypedText @encode}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type-name}{RightParen )}
+// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType Protocol *}{TypedText @protocol}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder protocol-name}{RightParen )}
+// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType SEL}{TypedText @selector}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder selector}{RightParen )}
// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText @synchronized}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression}{RightParen )}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}
// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText @throw}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder expression}
// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText @try}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}{Text @catch}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder parameter}{RightParen )}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}{Text @finally}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-blocks.m b/test/Index/complete-blocks.m
index e7919efb0eb8..cb507e2be34e 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-blocks.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-blocks.m
@@ -26,14 +26,22 @@ void test_B(B *b) {
@interface C
-- method4:(void(^)(void))arg { };
-- method5:(void(^)())arg5 { };
+- method4:(void(^)(void))arg;
+- method5:(void(^)())arg5;
void test_C(C *c) {
[c method4:^{}];
+@interface D
+- method6:(void(^)(block_t block))arg;
+void test_D(D *d) {
+ [d method6:0];
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:8:1 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
// CHECK-CC1: FunctionDecl:{ResultType void}{TypedText f}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder ^int(int x, int y)block}{RightParen )} (50)
// CHECK-CC1: FunctionDecl:{ResultType void}{TypedText g}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder ^(float f, double d)b}{RightParen )} (50)
@@ -51,3 +59,6 @@ void test_C(C *c) {
// CHECK-CC5-NOT: test_A
// CHECK-CC5: {TypedText union} (50)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:42:6 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC6 %s
+// CHECK-CC6: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{ResultType id}{TypedText method6:}{Placeholder ^(block_t block)arg} (35)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-cxx-inline-methods.cpp b/test/Index/complete-cxx-inline-methods.cpp
index e25949df4cab..d441972dd6fe 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-cxx-inline-methods.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/complete-cxx-inline-methods.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+namespace {
class MyCls {
void in_foo() {
vec.x = 0;
@@ -12,8 +13,18 @@ void MyCls::out_foo() {
vec.x = 0;
-// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:3:9 %s | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:7 %s | FileCheck %s
+class OtherClass : public MyCls {
+ OtherClass(const OtherClass &other) : MyCls(other), value(value) { }
+ int value;
+ MyCls *object;
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:4:9 %s | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:13:7 %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: CXXMethod:{ResultType MyCls::Vec &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder const MyCls::Vec &}{RightParen )} (34)
// CHECK-NEXT: StructDecl:{TypedText Vec}{Text ::} (75)
// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText x} (35)
@@ -22,3 +33,12 @@ void MyCls::out_foo() {
// CHECK-NEXT: Completion contexts:
// CHECK-NEXT: Dot member access
// CHECK-NEXT: Container Kind: StructDecl
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:18:41 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CTOR-INIT %s
+// CHECK-CTOR-INIT: NotImplemented:{TypedText MyCls}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder args}{RightParen )} (7)
+// CHECK-CTOR-INIT: MemberRef:{TypedText object}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder args}{RightParen )} (35)
+// CHECK-CTOR-INIT: MemberRef:{TypedText value}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder args}{RightParen )} (35)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:18:55 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CTOR-INIT-2 %s
+// CHECK-CTOR-INIT-2-NOT: NotImplemented:{TypedText MyCls}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder args}{RightParen )}
+// CHECK-CTOR-INIT-2: MemberRef:{TypedText object}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder args}{RightParen )} (35)
+// CHECK-CTOR-INIT-2: MemberRef:{TypedText value}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder args}{RightParen )} (7)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-declarators.m b/test/Index/complete-declarators.m
index 747da018af50..071df601b974 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-declarators.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-declarators.m
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
// CHECK-CC3-NOT: VarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText q2}
// CHECK-CC3-NOT: VarDecl:{ResultType id}{TypedText q}
// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType A *}{TypedText self} (34)
-// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:15:15 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
// CHECK-CC4: ParmDecl:{ResultType id}{TypedText param1} (34)
// CHECK-CC4-NOT: VarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText q2}
// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{ResultType A *}{TypedText self} (34)
-// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:23:10 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC5 %s
// CHECK-CC5: NotImplemented:{TypedText _Bool} (50)
// CHECK-CC5: NotImplemented:{TypedText _Complex} (50)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-enums.c b/test/Index/complete-enums.c
index 33a4cd42811c..713e24f798b7 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-enums.c
+++ b/test/Index/complete-enums.c
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
// Note: the run lines follow their respective tests, since line/column
// matter in this test.
-enum Color {
+enum __attribute__((deprecated)) Color {
Color_Red = 17,
int Greeby();
-void f(Color color) {
+void f(enum Color color) {
switch (color) {
case Red:
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:11:1 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
-// CHECK-CC1: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Color_Red}
+// CHECK-CC1: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Color_Red} (65) (deprecated)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:8 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC2 %s
-// CHECK-CC2: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Color_Blue} (7)
-// CHECK-CC2-NEXT: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Color_Green} (7)
-// CHECK-CC2-NEXT: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Color_Red} (7)
+// CHECK-CC2: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Color_Blue} (7) (deprecated)
+// CHECK-CC2-NEXT: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Color_Green} (7) (deprecated)
+// CHECK-CC2-NEXT: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Color_Red} (7) (deprecated)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-enums.cpp b/test/Index/complete-enums.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..49a893258773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/complete-enums.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Note: the run lines follow their respective tests, since line/column
+// matter in this test.
+enum class Color {
+ Red = 17,
+ Green,
+ Blue
+int Greeby();
+void f(Color color) {
+ switch (color) {
+ case Color::Green:
+ case Color::Red;
+ }
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:8 -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
+// CHECK-CC1: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType Color}{Text Color::}{TypedText Blue} (7)
+// CHECK-CC1: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType Color}{Text Color::}{TypedText Green} (7)
+// CHECK-CC1: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType Color}{Text Color::}{TypedText Red} (7)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:13:8 -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC2 %s
+// CHECK-CC2: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType Color}{Text Color::}{TypedText Blue} (7)
+// CHECK-CC2-NOT: Green
+// CHECK-CC2: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType Color}{Text Color::}{TypedText Red} (7)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-exprs.c b/test/Index/complete-exprs.c
index aa22e776221e..afb6219ae303 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-exprs.c
+++ b/test/Index/complete-exprs.c
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void f5(float f) {
// CHECK-CC1: FunctionDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText f}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder int}{RightParen )} (12) (unavailable)
// CHECK-CC1-NOT: NotImplemented:{TypedText float} (65)
// CHECK-CC1: ParmDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText j} (8)
-// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:7:9 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:7:14 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:7:14 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ void f5(float f) {
// CHECK-CC3: FunctionDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText f}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder int}{RightParen )} (50)
// CHECK-CC3-NOT: NotImplemented:{TypedText float}
// CHECK-CC3: ParmDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText j} (34)
-// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expressio
+// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expressio
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:7:18 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:7:22 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void f5(float f) {
// CHECK-CC2: FunctionDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText f}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder int}{RightParen )} (50)
// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{TypedText float} (50)
// CHECK-CC2: ParmDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText j} (34)
-// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:11:16 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
// CHECK-CC4: FunctionDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText f}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder int}{RightParen )} (50)
// CHECK-CC4: VarDecl:{ResultType struct X}{TypedText f1} (50) (deprecated)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-exprs.cpp b/test/Index/complete-exprs.cpp
index a8100653b2aa..de3aac52c02d 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-exprs.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/complete-exprs.cpp
@@ -26,8 +26,30 @@ void g() {
vector<int>(foo(), foo());
-// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:20:2 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
-// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:20:2 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
+struct X {
+ void f() const;
+void X::f() const {
+namespace N {
+ int x;
+ class C {
+ int member;
+ int f(int param) {
+ return member;
+ }
+ };
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:20:2 %s -std=c++0x | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:20:2 -std=c++0x %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
+// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText alignof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{ResultType bool}{TypedText noexcept}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{ResultType std::nullptr_t}{TypedText nullptr} (40)
// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{TypedText operator} (40)
// CHECK-CC1-NOT: push_back
// CHECK-CC1: ClassDecl:{TypedText string} (50)
@@ -51,3 +73,12 @@ void g() {
// CHECK-CC3: ClassTemplate:{TypedText vector}{LeftAngle <}{Placeholder typename T}{RightAngle >} (50)
// CHECK-CC3: CXXConstructor:{TypedText vector}{LeftAngle <}{Placeholder typename T}{RightAngle >}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder const T &}{Comma , }{Placeholder unsigned int n}{RightParen )} (50)
// CHECK-CC3: FunctionTemplate:{ResultType void}{TypedText vector}{LeftAngle <}{Placeholder typename T}{RightAngle >}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder InputIterator first}{Comma , }{Placeholder InputIterator last}{RightParen )} (50)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:34:1 %s -std=c++0x | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
+// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{ResultType const X *}{TypedText this} (40)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:43:14 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC5 %s
+// CHECK-CC5: FieldDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText member} (8) (parent: ClassDecl 'N::C')
+// CHECK-CC5: ParmDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText param} (8)
+// CHECK-CC5: StructDecl:{TypedText X} (50) (parent: TranslationUnit '(null)')
+// CHECK-CC5: VarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText x} (12) (parent: Namespace 'N')
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-exprs.m b/test/Index/complete-exprs.m
index 08ec019003f3..c3ff63bdbda6 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-exprs.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-exprs.m
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ typedef signed char BOOL;
#define YES ((BOOL)1)
#define NO ((BOOL)0)
#define bool _Bool
+@interface NSArray + (id)arrayWithObjects:(const id [])objects count:(unsigned long)cnt; @end
@interface A
- (int)method:(id)param1;
@property int prop1;
__strong id global;
@@ -12,10 +12,14 @@ __strong id global;
- (int)method:(id)param1 {
void foo(bool (^block)(id x, A* y));
for(BOOL B = YES; ; ) { }
+ @[ global ];
+ @{ global : global };
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:13:2 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
+// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{TypedText @[}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder objects, ...}{HorizontalSpace }{RightBracket ]} (40)
+// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{TypedText @{}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder key}{HorizontalSpace }{Colon :}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder object, ...}{HorizontalSpace }{RightBrace }} (40)
// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{ResultType SEL}{TypedText _cmd} (80)
// CHECK-CC1: TypedefDecl:{TypedText BOOL} (50)
// CHECK-CC1: macro definition:{TypedText bool} (51)
@@ -26,9 +30,20 @@ __strong id global;
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:14:7 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC2 %s
// CHECK-CC2: TypedefDecl:{TypedText BOOL} (50)
// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{TypedText char} (50)
-// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:15:1 -fobjc-arc -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:15:1 -fobjc-arc -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
// CHECK-CC3: FunctionDecl:{ResultType void}{TypedText foo}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder ^bool(id x, A *y)block}{RightParen )} (34)
// CHECK-CC3: VarDecl:{ResultType id}{TypedText global} (50)
// CHECK-CC3: ParmDecl:{ResultType id}{TypedText param1} (34)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:15:5 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:16:5 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:16:14 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
+// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{TypedText @[}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder objects, ...}{HorizontalSpace }{RightBracket ]} (40)
+// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{TypedText @{}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder key}{HorizontalSpace }{Colon :}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder object, ...}{HorizontalSpace }{RightBrace }} (40)
+// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{ResultType SEL}{TypedText _cmd} (80)
+// CHECK-CC4: macro definition:{TypedText bool} (51)
+// CHECK-CC4: macro definition:{TypedText NO} (65)
+// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{ResultType A *}{TypedText self} (34)
+// CHECK-CC4: macro definition:{TypedText YES} (65)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-in-invalid-method.m b/test/Index/complete-in-invalid-method.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e6c8e664ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/complete-in-invalid-method.m
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+@interface I
+struct S {
+ int x,y;
+@implementation I
+-(void) foo {
+ struct S s;
+ if (1) {
+ s.
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:13:7 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: FieldDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText x}
+// CHECK: FieldDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText y}
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-ivar-access.m b/test/Index/complete-ivar-access.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..13b43d868aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/complete-ivar-access.m
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+@interface Other {
+ int other_private;
+ int other_protected;
+ int other_public;
+@interface Super {
+ int super_private;
+ int super_protected;
+ int super_public;
+@interface Super () {
+ int super_ext_private;
+ int super_ext_protected;
+ int super_ext_public;
+@interface Sub : Super {
+ int sub_private;
+ int sub_protected;
+ int sub_public;
+@implementation Sub
+- (void)method:(Sub *)sub with:(Other *)other {
+ sub->super_protected = 1;
+ other->other_public = 1;
+void f(Sub *sub, Other *other) {
+ sub->super_protected = 1;
+ other->other_public = 1;
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:43:8 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-SUB %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:48:8 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-SUB %s
+// CHECK-SUB: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText sub_private} (35)
+// CHECK-SUB: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText sub_protected} (35)
+// CHECK-SUB: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText sub_public} (35)
+// CHECK-SUB: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText super_ext_private} (35) (inaccessible)
+// CHECK-SUB: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText super_ext_protected} (35)
+// CHECK-SUB: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText super_ext_public} (35)
+// CHECK-SUB: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText super_private} (37) (inaccessible)
+// CHECK-SUB: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText super_protected} (37)
+// CHECK-SUB: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText super_public} (37)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:44:10 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-OTHER %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:49:10 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-OTHER %s
+// CHECK-OTHER: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText other_private} (35) (inaccessible)
+// CHECK-OTHER: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText other_protected} (35) (inaccessible)
+// CHECK-OTHER: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText other_public} (35)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-lambdas.cpp b/test/Index/complete-lambdas.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ba337e45d3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/complete-lambdas.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// This test is line- and column-sensitive. See below for run lines.
+int global;
+struct X {
+ static int member;
+ void f(int zed) {
+ int local;
+ static int local_static;
+ [=] {
+ int inner_local;
+ [local, this, inner_local] {
+ }
+ }();
+ }
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:8 -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
+// CHECK-CC1: VarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText inner_local} (34)
+// CHECK-CC1-NEXT: VarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText local} (34)
+// CHECK-CC1-NEXT: NotImplemented:{ResultType X *}{TypedText this} (40)
+// CHECK-CC1-NEXT: ParmDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText zed} (34)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:15 -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC2 %s
+// CHECK-CC2: VarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText inner_local} (34)
+// CHECK-CC2-NEXT: NotImplemented:{ResultType X *}{TypedText this} (40)
+// CHECK-CC2-NEXT: ParmDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText zed} (34)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:21 -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
+// CHECK-CC3: VarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText inner_local} (34)
+// CHECK-CC3-NEXT: ParmDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText zed} (34)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:8 -x objective-c++ -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
+// CHECK-CC4: TypedefDecl:{TypedText Class} (50)
+// CHECK-CC4: TypedefDecl:{TypedText id} (50)
+// CHECK-CC4: VarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText inner_local} (34)
+// CHECK-CC4: VarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText local} (34)
+// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{ResultType X *}{TypedText this} (40)
+// CHECK-CC4: ParmDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText zed} (34)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:15 -x objective-c++ -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC2 %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:21 -x objective-c++ -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-macros.c b/test/Index/complete-macros.c
index f1c1346a7db8..df798a8477f6 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-macros.c
+++ b/test/Index/complete-macros.c
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ void f2() {
#define variadic2(args...)
#define variadic3(args, ...)
#define variadic4(first, second, args, ...)
+#define variadic5(first, second, args ...)
void test_variadic() {
@@ -34,8 +35,9 @@ void test_variadic() {
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:15:5 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:15:5 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
// CHECK-CC3: macro definition:{TypedText nil} (65)
-// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:24:2 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-VARIADIC %s
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:25:2 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-VARIADIC %s
// CHECK-VARIADIC: macro definition:{TypedText variadic1}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder ...}{RightParen )} (70)
// CHECK-VARIADIC: macro definition:{TypedText variadic2}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder args...}{RightParen )} (70)
// CHECK-VARIADIC: macro definition:{TypedText variadic3}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder args, ...}{RightParen )} (70)
-// CHECK-VARIADIC: macro definition:{TypedText variadic4}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder first}{Comma , }{Placeholder second...}{Placeholder first, second...}{RightParen )} (70)
+// CHECK-VARIADIC: macro definition:{TypedText variadic4}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder first}{Comma , }{Placeholder second}{Comma , }{Placeholder args, ...}{RightParen )} (70)
+// CHECK-VARIADIC: macro definition:{TypedText variadic5}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder first}{Comma , }{Placeholder second}{Comma , }{Placeholder args...}{RightParen )} (70)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-member-access.m b/test/Index/complete-member-access.m
index 48156d93ffba..5e40be1eac01 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-member-access.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-member-access.m
@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@ int test_more_props(Sub *s) {
return s.myOtherPropLikeThing;
+@interface Other
+@property Sub *sub;
+int test_two_levels(Other *other) {
+ return other.sub.myProp;
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:21:7 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
// CHECK-CC1: ObjCPropertyDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText prop1}
// CHECK-CC1: ObjCPropertyDecl:{ResultType float}{TypedText ProtoProp}
@@ -59,4 +67,11 @@ int test_more_props(Sub *s) {
// CHECK-CC3-NEXT: Objective-C property access
// CHECK-CC3-NEXT: Container Kind: ObjCInterfaceDecl
// CHECK-CC3-NEXT: Container is complete
-// CHECK-CC3-NEXT: Container USR: c:objc(cs)Sub \ No newline at end of file
+// CHECK-CC3-NEXT: Container USR: c:objc(cs)Sub
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:42:20 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
+// CHECK-CC4: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText myOtherPropLikeThing} (37)
+// CHECK-CC4-NEXT: ObjCPropertyDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText myProp} (35)
+// CHECK-CC4-NEXT: ObjCPropertyDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText prop1} (35)
+// CHECK-CC4-NEXT: ObjCPropertyDecl:{ResultType float}{TypedText ProtoProp} (35)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-method-decls.m b/test/Index/complete-method-decls.m
index 2ab119795347..becb7de6eb8b 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-method-decls.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-method-decls.m
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
@protocol P1
- (id)abc;
- (id)initWithInt:(int)x;
-- (id)initWithTwoInts:(int)x second:(int)y;
+- (id)initWithTwoInts:(inout int)x second:(int)y;
- (int)getInt;
- (id)getSelf;
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
@interface Passing
-- (oneway void)method:(in id x);
+- (oneway void)method:(in id)x;
@interface Gaps
@@ -65,44 +65,48 @@
@implementation Gaps
-- (void)method:(int)x :(int)y;
+- (void)method:(int)x :(int)y {}
+@implementation Passing
+- (oneway void)method:(in id x) {}
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:17:3 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
-// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText abc}
-// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{TypedText getInt}
-// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText getSelf}
-// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText initWithInt}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}
-// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y}
+// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText abc} (40) (parent: ObjCProtocolDecl 'P1')
+// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{TypedText getInt} (40) (parent: ObjCProtocolDecl 'P1')
+// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText getSelf} (40) (parent: ObjCProtocolDecl 'P1')
+// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText initWithInt}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x} (40) (parent: ObjCProtocolDecl 'P1')
+// CHECK-CC1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text inout }{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y} (40) (parent: ObjCProtocolDecl 'P1')
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:17:7 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC2 %s
// CHECK-CC2: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText abc}
// CHECK-CC2-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText getSelf}
// CHECK-CC2: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText initWithInt}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}
-// CHECK-CC2: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y}
+// CHECK-CC2: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text inout }{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y}
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:24:7 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
// CHECK-CC3: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText abc}
// CHECK-CC3-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText getSelf}
// CHECK-CC3: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText init}
// CHECK-CC3: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText initWithInt}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}
-// CHECK-CC3: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y}
+// CHECK-CC3: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text inout }{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y}
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:33:3 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
// CHECK-CC4: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText abc}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace }{Text return}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder expression}{SemiColon ;}{VerticalSpace }{RightBrace }} (42)
// CHECK-CC4: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{TypedText getInt}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
// CHECK-CC4: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{TypedText getSecondValue}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
// CHECK-CC4: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText getSelf}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace }{Text return}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder expression}{SemiColon ;}{VerticalSpace }{RightBrace }} (40)
// CHECK-CC4: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText initWithInt}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
-// CHECK-CC4: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
+// CHECK-CC4: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text inout }{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
// CHECK-CC4: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{TypedText setValue}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:33:8 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC5 %s
-// CHECK-CC5: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText getInt}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
-// CHECK-CC5: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText getSecondValue}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
+// CHECK-CC5: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText getInt}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace }{Text return}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder expression}{SemiColon ;}{VerticalSpace }{RightBrace }} (42) (parent: ObjCProtocolDecl 'P1')
+// CHECK-CC5: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText getSecondValue}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace }{Text return}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder expression}{SemiColon ;}{VerticalSpace }{RightBrace }} (40) (parent: ObjCInterfaceDecl 'B')
// CHECK-CC5-NOT: {TypedText getSelf}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
// CHECK-CC5: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText setValue}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:37:7 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC6 %s
// CHECK-CC6: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText abc}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
// CHECK-CC6: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText getSelf}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace }{Text return}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder expression}{SemiColon ;}{VerticalSpace }{RightBrace }} (40)
// CHECK-CC6: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText initWithInt}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
-// CHECK-CC6: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
+// CHECK-CC6: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText initWithTwoInts}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text inout }{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText second:}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:42:3 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC7 %s
// CHECK-CC7: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText abc}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace }{Text return}{HorizontalSpace }{Placeholder expression}{SemiColon ;}{VerticalSpace }{RightBrace }} (42)
// CHECK-CC7: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text id}{RightParen )}{TypedText categoryFunction}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace
@@ -174,3 +178,7 @@
// <rdar://problem/8939352>
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:68:9 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-8939352 %s
// CHECK-8939352: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{TypedText method}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text x}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text int}{RightParen )}{Text y} (40)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:72:2 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-ONEWAY %s
+// CHECK-ONEWAY: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{LeftParen (}{Text oneway }{Text void}{RightParen )}{TypedText method}{TypedText :}{LeftParen (}{Text in }{Text id}{RightParen )}{Text x} (40) (parent: ObjCInterfaceDecl 'Passing')
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-modules.m b/test/Index/complete-modules.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b82430db9dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/complete-modules.m
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Note: the run lines follow their respective tests, since line/column
+// matter in this test.
+@__experimental_modules_import LibA.Extensions;
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:4:32 -fmodule-cache-path %t -fmodules -F %S/Inputs/Frameworks -I %S/Inputs/Headers %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-TOP-LEVEL %s
+// CHECK-TOP-LEVEL: NotImplemented:{TypedText Framework} (50)
+// CHECK-TOP-LEVEL: NotImplemented:{TypedText LibA} (50)
+// CHECK-TOP-LEVEL: NotImplemented:{TypedText nested} (50)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:4:37 -fmodule-cache-path %t -fmodules -F %S/Inputs/Frameworks -I %S/Inputs/Headers %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-LIBA %s
+// CHECK-LIBA: NotImplemented:{TypedText Extensions} (50)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-objc-message.m b/test/Index/complete-objc-message.m
index 955ab6f144f9..1835c3edc55e 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-objc-message.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-objc-message.m
@@ -190,11 +190,11 @@ void test_DO(DO *d, A* a) {
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:23:19 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
-// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText categoryClassMethod}
-// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText classMethod1:}{Placeholder (id)}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText withKeyword:}{Placeholder (int)}
-// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText classMethod2}
-// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText new}
-// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText protocolClassMethod}
+// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText categoryClassMethod} (35) (parent: ObjCCategoryDecl 'Foo(FooTestCategory)')
+// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText classMethod1:}{Placeholder (id)}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText withKeyword:}{Placeholder (int)} (35) (parent: ObjCInterfaceDecl 'Foo')
+// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText classMethod2} (35) (parent: ObjCInterfaceDecl 'Foo')
+// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText new} (35) (parent: ObjCInterfaceDecl 'Foo')
+// CHECK-CC1: {TypedText protocolClassMethod} (37) (parent: ObjCProtocolDecl 'FooTestProtocol')
// CHECK-CC1: Completion contexts:
// CHECK-CC1-NEXT: Objective-C class method
// CHECK-CC1-NEXT: Container Kind: ObjCInterfaceDecl
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ void test_DO(DO *d, A* a) {
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:170:16 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CLASS-RESULT %s
// CHECK-CLASS-RESULT: ObjCClassMethodDecl:{ResultType void}{TypedText class_method3} (35)
-// CHECK-CLASS-RESULT: ObjCClassMethodDecl:{ResultType void}{TypedText class_method4} (35)
+// CHECK-CLASS-RESULT: ObjCClassMethodDecl:{ResultType void}{TypedText class_method4} (35) (parent: ObjCCategoryDecl 'A(Cat)')
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:181:4 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-BLOCK-RECEIVER %s
// CHECK-BLOCK-RECEIVER: ObjCInterfaceDecl:{TypedText A} (50)
@@ -333,4 +333,4 @@ void test_DO(DO *d, A* a) {
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:175:12 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CLASS-RESULT %s
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:189:6 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-DISTRIB-OBJECTS %s
-// CHECK-DISTRIB-OBJECTS: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{ResultType void}{TypedText method:}{Placeholder (in bycopyA *)}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText result:}{Placeholder (out byrefA **)} (35)
+// CHECK-DISTRIB-OBJECTS: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{ResultType void}{TypedText method:}{Placeholder (in bycopy A *)}{HorizontalSpace }{TypedText result:}{Placeholder (out byref A **)} (35)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-qualified.cpp b/test/Index/complete-qualified.cpp
index 20f5105a8c1c..f5c032c23d0b 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-qualified.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/complete-qualified.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ void foo()
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:14:8 %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=CC1 %s
-// CHECK-CC1: FieldDecl:{ResultType C<Foo, class Bar>}{TypedText c} (35)
-// CHECK-CC1: ClassDecl:{TypedText Foo} (35)
-// CHECK-CC1: CXXMethod:{ResultType Foo &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder const Foo &}{RightParen )} (35)
-// CHECK-CC1: CXXDestructor:{ResultType void}{TypedText ~Foo}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (35)
+// CHECK-CC1: FieldDecl:{ResultType C<Foo, class Bar>}{TypedText c} (35) (parent: ClassDecl 'Foo')
+// CHECK-CC1: ClassDecl:{TypedText Foo} (35) (parent: ClassDecl 'Foo')
+// CHECK-CC1: CXXMethod:{ResultType Foo &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder const Foo &}{RightParen )} (35) (parent: ClassDecl 'Foo')
+// CHECK-CC1: CXXDestructor:{ResultType void}{TypedText ~Foo}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (35) (parent: ClassDecl 'Foo')
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-recovery.m b/test/Index/complete-recovery.m
index 9300a7999217..19de0fbfc41e 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-recovery.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-recovery.m
@@ -18,16 +18,19 @@
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:9:20 %s 2>%t | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
// RUN: not grep error %t
-// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{TypedText @encode}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type-name}{RightParen )}
+// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{ResultType char[]}{TypedText @encode}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type-name}{RightParen )}
// CHECK-CC1-NOT: NotImplemented:{TypedText _Bool}
// CHECK-CC1: VarDecl:{ResultType A *}{TypedText a}
-// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )}
+// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )}
+// Test case for fix comitted in r145441.
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:9:20 %s -fms-compatibility | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:10:24 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC2 %s
-// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{TypedText @encode}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type-name}{RightParen )}
+// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{ResultType char[]}{TypedText @encode}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type-name}{RightParen )}
// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{TypedText _Bool}
// CHECK-CC2: VarDecl:{ResultType A *}{TypedText a}
-// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )}
+// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )}
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:12:11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
// CHECK-CC3: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl:{ResultType void}{TypedText method:}{Placeholder (int)} (32)
// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:13:22 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-stmt.c b/test/Index/complete-stmt.c
index 98fa9df44db3..e39431ebdcc8 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-stmt.c
+++ b/test/Index/complete-stmt.c
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ void f(int x) {
-// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:7:4 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-IF-ELSE %s
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:7:4 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-IF-ELSE %s
// CHECK-IF-ELSE: NotImplemented:{TypedText else}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace }{Placeholder statements}{VerticalSpace }{RightBrace }} (40)
// CHECK-IF-ELSE: NotImplemented:{TypedText else}{HorizontalSpace }{Text if}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression}{RightParen )}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftBrace {}{VerticalSpace }{Placeholder statements}{VerticalSpace }{RightBrace }} (40)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:7:4 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-IF-ELSE-SIMPLE %s
+// CHECK-IF-ELSE-SIMPLE: NotImplemented:{TypedText else} (40)
+// CHECK-IF-ELSE-SIMPLE: NotImplemented:{TypedText else}{HorizontalSpace }{Text if}{HorizontalSpace }{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression}{RightParen )} (40)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-super.cpp b/test/Index/complete-super.cpp
index 71c22ad00d1e..9ffa7c8a4056 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-super.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/complete-super.cpp
@@ -31,3 +31,12 @@ void B::bar(float real) {
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:16:6 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-FOO-QUAL %s
// CHECK-FOO-QUAL: CXXMethod:{TypedText foo}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder a}{Comma , }{Placeholder b}{RightParen )} (20)
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:5:1 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-ACCESS %s
+// CHECK-ACCESS: NotImplemented:{TypedText private} (40)
+// CHECK-ACCESS: NotImplemented:{TypedText protected} (40)
+// CHECK-ACCESS: NotImplemented:{TypedText public} (40)
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:5:1 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-ACCESS-PATTERN %s
+// CHECK-ACCESS-PATTERN: NotImplemented:{TypedText private}{Colon :} (40)
+// CHECK-ACCESS-PATTERN: NotImplemented:{TypedText protected}{Colon :} (40)
+// CHECK-ACCESS-PATTERN: NotImplemented:{TypedText public}{Colon :} (40)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-synthesized.m b/test/Index/complete-synthesized.m
index 81f1ba186f1d..8c848fc18b51 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-synthesized.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-synthesized.m
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
-// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:24:1 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi -fobjc-default-synthesize-properties %s | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:30:2 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi -fobjc-default-synthesize-properties %s | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:34:2 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi -fobjc-default-synthesize-properties %s | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:24:1 -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:30:2 -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:34:2 -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: NotImplemented:{TypedText _Bool} (50)
// CHECK: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType float}{TypedText _prop2} (35)
// CHECK-NOT: prop2
// CHECK-NOT: prop3
-// CHECK: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType double}{TypedText _prop4} (37)
+// CHECK: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType double}{TypedText _prop4} (35)
diff --git a/test/Index/complete-type-factors.m b/test/Index/complete-type-factors.m
index b7bafb46712b..e5aa893eaabf 100644
--- a/test/Index/complete-type-factors.m
+++ b/test/Index/complete-type-factors.m
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void test2(A *a) {
// CHECK-CC1: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText Low} (32)
// CHECK-CC1: ParmDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText priority} (17)
// CHECK-CC1: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Red} (32)
-// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC1: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// CHECK-CC1: FunctionDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText test1}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder enum Priority priority}{Comma , }{Placeholder enum Color color}{Comma , }{Placeholder int integer}{RightParen )} (25)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:17:18 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC2 %s
// CHECK-CC2: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Blue} (16)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ void test2(A *a) {
// CHECK-CC2: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText Low} (65)
// CHECK-CC2: ParmDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText priority} (34)
// CHECK-CC2: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Red} (16)
-// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC2: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// CHECK-CC2: FunctionDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText test1}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder enum Priority priority}{Comma , }{Placeholder enum Color color}{Comma , }{Placeholder int integer}{RightParen )} (50)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:18:10 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
// CHECK-CC3: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Blue} (65)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void test2(A *a) {
// CHECK-CC3: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText Low} (16)
// CHECK-CC3: ParmDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText priority} (8)
// CHECK-CC3: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Red} (65)
-// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// CHECK-CC3: FunctionDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText test1}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder enum Priority priority}{Comma , }{Placeholder enum Color color}{Comma , }{Placeholder int integer}{RightParen )} (12)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:19:9 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
// CHECK-CC4: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Blue} (16)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ void test2(A *a) {
// CHECK-CC4: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText Low} (65)
// CHECK-CC4: ParmDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText priority} (34)
// CHECK-CC4: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Red} (16)
-// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// CHECK-CC4: FunctionDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText test1}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder enum Priority priority}{Comma , }{Placeholder enum Color color}{Comma , }{Placeholder int integer}{RightParen )} (50)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:21:9 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:22:7 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC6 %s
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ void test2(A *a) {
// CHECK-CC6: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText Low} (65)
// CHECK-CC6: ParmDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText priority} (34)
// CHECK-CC6: EnumConstantDecl:{ResultType enum Color}{TypedText Red} (16)
-// CHECK-CC6: NotImplemented:{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
+// CHECK-CC6: NotImplemented:{ResultType size_t}{TypedText sizeof}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression-or-type}{RightParen )} (40)
// CHECK-CC6: FunctionDecl:{ResultType enum Priority}{TypedText test1}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder enum Priority priority}{Comma , }{Placeholder enum Color color}{Comma , }{Placeholder int integer}{RightParen )} (50)
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:31:13 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC7 %s
// RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:32:13 -Xclang -code-completion-patterns %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC7 %s
diff --git a/test/Index/crash-recovery-code-complete.c b/test/Index/crash-recovery-code-complete.c
index 9cad985364f8..dde90bc60ece 100644
--- a/test/Index/crash-recovery-code-complete.c
+++ b/test/Index/crash-recovery-code-complete.c
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
// RUN: "-remap-file=%s;%S/Inputs/crash-recovery-code-complete-remap.c" \
// RUN: %s 2> %t.err
// RUN: FileCheck < %t.err -check-prefix=CHECK-CODE-COMPLETE-CRASH %s
-// RUN: rm %t-preamble.pch
+// RUN: test ! -e %t-preamble.pch
// CHECK-CODE-COMPLETE-CRASH: Unable to perform code completion!
// REQUIRES: crash-recovery
+// REQUIRES: shell
#warning parsing original file
diff --git a/test/Index/crash-recovery-modules.m b/test/Index/crash-recovery-modules.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..212923f94be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/crash-recovery-modules.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Clear out the module cache entirely, so we start from nothing.
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// Parse the file, such that building the module will cause Clang to crash.
+// RUN: not env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -test-load-source all -fmodules -fmodule-cache-path %t -Xclang -fdisable-module-hash -I %S/Inputs/Headers -DCRASH %s 2> %t.err
+// RUN: FileCheck < %t.err -check-prefix=CHECK-CRASH %s
+// CHECK-CRASH: crash-recovery-modules.m:16:32:{16:2-16:37}: fatal error: could not build module 'Crash'
+// Parse the file again, without crashing, to make sure that
+// subsequent parses do the right thing.
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -test-load-source all -fmodules -fmodule-cache-path %t -Xclang -fdisable-module-hash -I %S/Inputs/Headers %s
+// REQUIRES: crash-recovery
+// REQUIRES: shell
+@__experimental_modules_import Crash;
+void test() {
+ const char* error = getCrashString();
diff --git a/test/Index/crash-recovery-reparse.c b/test/Index/crash-recovery-reparse.c
index 243a914ec40d..06bb76b7f251 100644
--- a/test/Index/crash-recovery-reparse.c
+++ b/test/Index/crash-recovery-reparse.c
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
// RUN: -remap-file="%s;%S/Inputs/crash-recovery-reparse-remap.c" \
// RUN: %s 2> %t.err
// RUN: FileCheck < %t.err -check-prefix=CHECK-REPARSE-SOURCE-CRASH %s
-// RUN: rm %t-preamble.pch
+// RUN: test ! -e $t-preamble.pch
// CHECK-REPARSE-SOURCE-CRASH: Unable to reparse translation unit
// REQUIRES: crash-recovery
+// REQUIRES: shell
#warning parsing original file
diff --git a/test/Index/cxx11-lambdas.cpp b/test/Index/cxx11-lambdas.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..93db0220359a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/cxx11-lambdas.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Test is line- and column-sensitive; see below.
+typedef int Integer;
+struct X {
+ void f() {
+ int localA, localB;
+ auto lambda = [&localA, localB] (Integer x) -> Integer {
+ return localA + localB + x;
+ };
+ }
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-LOAD %s
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:7:19: LambdaExpr= Extent=[7:19 - 9:6]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:7:21: VariableRef=localA:6:9 Extent=[7:21 - 7:27]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:7:29: VariableRef=localB:6:17 Extent=[7:29 - 7:35]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:7:52: TypeRef=Integer:3:13 Extent=[7:52 - 7:59]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:7:46: ParmDecl=x:7:46 (Definition) Extent=[7:38 - 7:47]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:7:38: TypeRef=Integer:3:13 Extent=[7:38 - 7:45]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:7:60: CompoundStmt= Extent=[7:60 - 9:6]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:8:7: ReturnStmt= Extent=[8:7 - 8:33]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:8:14: DeclRefExpr=localA:6:9 Extent=[8:14 - 8:20]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:8:23: DeclRefExpr=localB:6:17 Extent=[8:23 - 8:29]
+// CHECK-LOAD: cxx11-lambdas.cpp:8:32: DeclRefExpr=x:7:46 Extent=[8:32 - 8:33]
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_INDEXLOCALSYMBOLS=1 c-index-test -index-file -std=c++11 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-INDEX %s
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: localA | USR: c:cxx11-lambdas.cpp@100@S@X@F@f#@localA | lang: C | cursor: VariableRef=localA:6:9 | loc: 7:21
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: localB | USR: c:cxx11-lambdas.cpp@100@S@X@F@f#@localB | lang: C | cursor: VariableRef=localB:6:17 | loc: 7:29
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexEntityReference]: kind: typedef | name: Integer | USR: c:cxx11-lambdas.cpp@51@T@Integer | lang: C | cursor: TypeRef=Integer:3:13 | loc: 7:52
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexEntityReference]: kind: typedef | name: Integer | USR: c:cxx11-lambdas.cpp@51@T@Integer | lang: C | cursor: TypeRef=Integer:3:13 | loc: 7:38
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: localA | USR: c:cxx11-lambdas.cpp@100@S@X@F@f#@localA | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=localA:6:9 | loc: 8:14
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: localB | USR: c:cxx11-lambdas.cpp@100@S@X@F@f#@localB | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=localB:6:17 | loc: 8:23
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: x | USR: c:cxx11-lambdas.cpp@157@S@X@F@f#@Ca@F@operator()#I#1@x | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=x:7:46 | loc: 8:32
diff --git a/test/Index/error-on-deserialized.c b/test/Index/error-on-deserialized.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ba828328e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/error-on-deserialized.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include "targeted-top.h"
+// This tests that we will correctly error out on the deserialized decl.
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch %S/targeted-top.h
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 not c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-nested1.h:2:16 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-nested1.h:2:16 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: error: NestedVar1 was deserialized
diff --git a/test/Index/file-macro-refs.c b/test/Index/file-macro-refs.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ed01cf5223f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/file-macro-refs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#define FOO
+// RUN: c-index-test -file-refs-at=%s:3:2 %s | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 c-index-test -file-refs-at=%s:3:2 %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: macro expansion=FOO:1:9
+// CHECK-NEXT: macro definition=FOO =[1:9 - 1:12]
+// CHECK-NEXT: macro expansion=FOO:1:9 =[3:1 - 3:4]
+// CHECK-NEXT: macro expansion=FOO:1:9 =[4:1 - 4:4]
diff --git a/test/Index/file-refs-subscripting.m b/test/Index/file-refs-subscripting.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..493d93d12e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/file-refs-subscripting.m
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+@interface NSArray
+- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(int)index;
++ (id)arrayWithObjects:(id *)objects count:(unsigned)count;
+@interface NSMutableArray : NSArray
+- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(int)index;
+- (void)setObject:(id)object atIndexedSubscript:(int)index;
+@interface NSDictionary
+- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
++ (id)dictionaryWithObjects:(id *)objects forKeys:(id *)keys count:(unsigned)count;
+@interface NSMutableDictionary : NSDictionary
+- (void)setObject:(id)object forKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
+@class NSString;
+id testArray(int index, id p) {
+ NSMutableArray *array;
+ array[3] = 0;
+ NSArray *arr = @[ p, p ];
+ return array[index];
+void testDict() {
+ NSMutableDictionary *dictionary;
+ NSString *key;
+ id newObject, oldObject;
+ oldObject = dictionary[key];
+ dictionary[key] = newObject;
+ NSDictionary *dict = @{ key: newObject, key: oldObject };
+// RUN: c-index-test \
+// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:22:21 \
+// CHECK: ParmDecl=index:22:18
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmDecl=index:22:18 (Definition) =[22:18 - 22:23]
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=index:22:18 =[26:16 - 26:21]
+// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:22:28 \
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmDecl=p:22:28
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmDecl=p:22:28 (Definition) =[22:28 - 22:29]
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=p:22:28 =[25:21 - 25:22]
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=p:22:28 =[25:24 - 25:25]
+// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:34:16 \
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=key:31:13
+// CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl=key:31:13 (Definition) =[31:13 - 31:16]
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=key:31:13 =[33:26 - 33:29]
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=key:31:13 =[34:14 - 34:17]
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=key:31:13 =[35:27 - 35:30]
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=key:31:13 =[35:43 - 35:46]
+// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:35:35 \
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=newObject:32:6
+// CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl=newObject:32:6 (Definition) =[32:6 - 32:15]
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=newObject:32:6 =[34:21 - 34:30]
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr=newObject:32:6 =[35:32 - 35:41]
+// RUN: -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7 %s | FileCheck %s
diff --git a/test/Index/file-refs.m b/test/Index/file-refs.m
index 2267259d58a2..3f21c9eb9319 100644
--- a/test/Index/file-refs.m
+++ b/test/Index/file-refs.m
@@ -43,24 +43,28 @@ void test2(Sub *s, id<Prot1> p) {
// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:7:18 \
// CHECK: ObjCImplementationDecl=Foo:7:17 (Definition)
+// FIXME: There should not be 2 for the same range.
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:1:8 =[1:8 - 1:11]
// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCClassRef=Foo:3:12 =[1:8 - 1:11]
// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:12 =[3:12 - 3:15]
// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCImplementationDecl=Foo:7:17 (Definition) =[7:17 - 7:20]
// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCClassRef=Foo:3:12 =[13:11 - 13:14]
// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:4:10 \
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::4:1
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::4:1 =[4:6 - 4:16]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::8:1 (Definition) [Overrides @4:1] =[8:6 - 8:16]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:1 =[14:8 - 14:18]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:1 =[15:8 - 15:18]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::4:6
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::4:6 =[4:6 - 4:16]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::8:6 (Definition) =[8:6 - 8:16]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:6 =[14:8 - 14:18]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:6 =[15:8 - 15:18]
// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:15:27 \
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:1
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::4:1 =[4:24 - 4:32]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::8:1 (Definition) [Overrides @4:1] =[8:24 - 8:32]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:1 =[14:21 - 14:29]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:1 =[15:22 - 15:30]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:6
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::4:6 =[4:24 - 4:32]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setWithInt:andFloat::8:6 (Definition) =[8:24 - 8:32]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:6 =[14:21 - 14:29]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=setWithInt:andFloat::4:6 =[15:22 - 15:30]
// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:18:13 \
// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCProtocolDecl=Prot1:18:11 (Definition)
@@ -69,19 +73,19 @@ void test2(Sub *s, id<Prot1> p) {
// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCProtocolRef=Prot1:18:11 =[36:23 - 36:28]
// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:38:10 \
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:19:1
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:19:1 =[19:8 - 19:16]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:29:1 [Overrides @19:1] =[29:8 - 29:16]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:33:1 (Definition) [Overrides @29:1] =[33:8 - 33:16]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:29:1 =[37:6 - 37:14]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:19:1 =[38:6 - 38:14]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:19:8
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:19:8 =[19:8 - 19:16]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:29:8 [Overrides @19:8] =[29:8 - 29:16]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:33:8 (Definition) [Overrides @19:8] =[33:8 - 33:16]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:29:8 =[37:6 - 37:14]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:19:8 =[38:6 - 38:14]
// RUN: -file-refs-at=%s:33:12 \
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:33:1 (Definition) [Overrides @29:1]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:19:1 =[19:8 - 19:16]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:29:1 [Overrides @19:1] =[29:8 - 29:16]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:33:1 (Definition) [Overrides @29:1] =[33:8 - 33:16]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:29:1 =[37:6 - 37:14]
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:19:1 =[38:6 - 38:14]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:33:8 (Definition) [Overrides @19:8]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:19:8 =[19:8 - 19:16]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:29:8 [Overrides @19:8] =[29:8 - 29:16]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protMeth:33:8 (Definition) [Overrides @19:8] =[33:8 - 33:16]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:29:8 =[37:6 - 37:14]
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=protMeth:19:8 =[38:6 - 38:14]
// RUN: %s | FileCheck %s
diff --git a/test/Index/fix-its.c b/test/Index/fix-its.c
index d82f2998e6fd..d5cb1af854cf 100644
--- a/test/Index/fix-its.c
+++ b/test/Index/fix-its.c
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ struct X {
void f(struct X *x) {
// CHECK: error: no member named 'wobble' in 'struct X'; did you mean 'wibble'?
+ // CHECK: FIX-IT: Replace [13:12 - 13:18] with "wibble"
// CHECK: note: 'wibble' declared here
MACRO(x->wobble = 17);
// CHECK: error: no member named 'wabble' in 'struct X'; did you mean 'wibble'?
@@ -16,3 +16,12 @@ void f(struct X *x) {
// CHECK: note: 'wibble' declared here
x->wabble = 17;
+int printf(const char *restrict, ...);
+void f2() {
+ unsigned long index;
+ // CHECK: warning: format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'unsigned long'
+ // CHECK: FIX-IT: Replace [26:17 - 26:19] with "%ld"
+ MACRO(printf("%d", index));
diff --git a/test/Index/get-cursor-macro-args.m b/test/Index/get-cursor-macro-args.m
index 4e0ac78fe059..4945fd389ad3 100644
--- a/test/Index/get-cursor-macro-args.m
+++ b/test/Index/get-cursor-macro-args.m
@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@
// RUN: %s -include-pch %t.pch | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: ObjCClassRef=MyClass:1:12
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:1
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:1
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:8
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMessageExpr=meth:2:8
// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCClassRef=MyClass:1:12
diff --git a/test/Index/get-cursor.cpp b/test/Index/get-cursor.cpp
index 441ed1cdabe6..e1e6835becad 100644
--- a/test/Index/get-cursor.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/get-cursor.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ struct YDerived : Y {
void test() {
X foo;
+ try {
+ } catch (X e) {
+ X x;
+ }
// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:6:4 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-COMPLETION-1 %s
@@ -80,3 +85,11 @@ void test() {
// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:21:3 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-MEMBER %s
// CHECK-MEMBER: FieldDecl=member:21:7 (Definition)
// CHECK-MEMBER-NEXT: Completion string: {ResultType int}{TypedText member}
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:38:12 -cursor-at=%s:39:5 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CXXCATCH %s
+// CHECK-CXXCATCH: TypeRef=struct X:3:8
+// CHECK-CXXCATCH-NEXT: TypeRef=struct X:3:8
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-usrs local %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-USR %s
+// CHECK-USR: get-cursor.cpp c:get-cursor.cpp@472@F@test#@e Extent=[38:12 - 38:15]
+// CHECK-USR: get-cursor.cpp c:get-cursor.cpp@483@F@test#@x Extent=[39:5 - 39:8]
diff --git a/test/Index/get-cursor.m b/test/Index/get-cursor.m
index 69e4f251e821..60e35eedd427 100644
--- a/test/Index/get-cursor.m
+++ b/test/Index/get-cursor.m
@@ -26,12 +26,62 @@
@synthesize name = _name;
+@interface rdar10902015
+@implementation rdar10902015
+struct S { int x; };
+-(void)mm:(struct S*)s {
+ rdar10902015 *i = 0;
+ s->x = 0;
+ Test1 *test1;
+ test1.name = 0;
+@interface Test2
+void foo1(Test2 *test2) {
+ int x = test2.implicitProp;
+ test2.implicitProp = x;
+ ++test2.implicitProp;
+@interface Test3
+-(void)setFoo:(int)x withBar:(int)y;
+void foo3(Test3 *test3) {
+ [test3 setFoo:2 withBar:4];
// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:4:28 -cursor-at=%s:5:28 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PROP %s
// CHECK-PROP: ObjCPropertyDecl=foo1:4:26
// CHECK-PROP: ObjCPropertyDecl=foo2:5:27
-// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:11:11 %s -ccc-host-triple x86_64-apple-macosx10.7.0 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-WITH-WEAK %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:11:11 %s -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7.0 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-WITH-WEAK %s
// CHECK-WITH-WEAK: ObjCClassRef=Foo:8:8
// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:20:10 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-METHOD %s
-// CHECK-METHOD: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=name:20:1
+// CHECK-METHOD: 20:7 ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=name:20:7 Extent=[20:1 - 20:12]
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:37:17 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-IN-IMPL %s
+// CHECK-IN-IMPL: VarDecl=i:37:17
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:38:6 -cursor-at=%s:40:11 \
+// RUN: -cursor-at=%s:50:20 -cursor-at=%s:51:15 -cursor-at=%s:52:20 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-MEMBERREF %s
+// CHECK-MEMBERREF: 38:6 MemberRefExpr=x:34:16 SingleRefName=[38:6 - 38:7] RefName=[38:6 - 38:7] Extent=[38:3 - 38:7]
+// CHECK-MEMBERREF: 40:9 MemberRefExpr=name:23:21 Extent=[40:3 - 40:13] Spelling=name ([40:9 - 40:13])
+// CHECK-MEMBERREF: 50:17 MemberRefExpr=implicitProp:45:7 Extent=[50:11 - 50:29] Spelling=implicitProp ([50:17 - 50:29])
+// CHECK-MEMBERREF: 51:9 MemberRefExpr=setImplicitProp::46:8 Extent=[51:3 - 51:21] Spelling=setImplicitProp: ([51:9 - 51:21])
+// CHECK-MEMBERREF: 52:11 MemberRefExpr=setImplicitProp::46:8 Extent=[52:5 - 52:23] Spelling=setImplicitProp: ([52:11 - 52:23])
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:56:24 -cursor-at=%s:60:14 \
+// RUN: %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-SPELLRANGE %s
+// CHECK-SPELLRANGE: 56:8 ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setFoo:withBar::56:8 Extent=[56:1 - 56:37] Spelling=setFoo:withBar: ([56:8 - 56:14][56:22 - 56:29]) Selector index=1
+// CHECK-SPELLRANGE: 60:3 ObjCMessageExpr=setFoo:withBar::56:8 Extent=[60:3 - 60:29] Spelling=setFoo:withBar: ([60:10 - 60:16][60:19 - 60:26]) Selector index=0
diff --git a/test/Index/index-attrs.m b/test/Index/index-attrs.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..09c52ba3dcfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-attrs.m
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+@class Foo;
+@interface Bar
+@property (retain) __attribute__((iboutletcollection(Foo))) Foo *prop;
+@interface I
+-(id)prop __attribute__((annotate("anno")));
+-(void)setProp:(id)p __attribute__((annotate("anno")));
+@property (assign) id prop __attribute__((annotate("anno")));
+// RUN: c-index-test -index-file %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: <attribute>: attribute(iboutletcollection)= [IBOutletCollection=ObjCInterface]
+// CHECK: <attribute>: attribute(annotate)=anno
+// CHECK: <getter>: kind: objc-instance-method | name: prop | {{.*}} <attribute>: attribute(annotate)=anno
+// CHECK: <setter>: kind: objc-instance-method | name: setProp: | {{.*}} <attribute>: attribute(annotate)=anno
diff --git a/test/Index/index-decls.m b/test/Index/index-decls.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9e4e620497fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-decls.m
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+@interface I
+@property (readonly) id prop;
+ -(id)prop;
+@interface I()
+@property (assign,readwrite) id prop;
+@implementation I
+@synthesize prop = _prop;
+@interface I1
+__attribute__((something)) @interface I2 @end
+// RUN: c-index-test -index-file %s > %t
+// RUN: FileCheck %s -input-file=%t
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-class | name: I | {{.*}} | loc: 1:12
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: prop | {{.*}} | loc: 3:2
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-property | name: prop | {{.*}} | loc: 2:25
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-category | name: | {{.*}} | loc: 6:12
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: setProp: | {{.*}} | loc: 7:33
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-property | name: prop | {{.*}} | loc: 7:33
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-ivar | name: _prop | {{.*}} | loc: 11:20
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: prop | {{.*}} | loc: 11:13 | {{.*}} | lexical-container: [I:10:17]
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: setProp: | {{.*}} | loc: 11:13 | {{.*}} | lexical-container: [I:10:17]
diff --git a/test/Index/index-invalid-code.m b/test/Index/index-invalid-code.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..90845330b196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-invalid-code.m
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+struct S {
+ int {
+typedef struct S S;
+// RUN: c-index-test -index-file %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: struct | name: S |
+// CHECK-NOT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: struct | name: S |
diff --git a/test/Index/index-many-logical-ops.c b/test/Index/index-many-logical-ops.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..67017decb777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-many-logical-ops.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2011 @@
+// RUN: c-index-test -index-file %s | FileCheck %s
+// rdar://10941790
+// Check that we don't get stack overflow trying to index a huge number of
+// logical operators.
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: function | name: foo
+int foo(int x) {
+ return
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
+ x &&
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+ x &&
+ x &&
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+ x &&
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diff --git a/test/Index/index-refs.cpp b/test/Index/index-refs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..77e2af71f885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-refs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+namespace NS {
+ extern int gx;
+ typedef int MyInt;
+enum {
+ EnumVal = 1
+NS::MyInt NS::gx = EnumVal;
+void foo() {
+ NS::MyInt x;
+enum {
+ SecondVal = EnumVal
+struct S {
+ S& operator++();
+ int operator*();
+ S& operator=(int x);
+ S& operator!=(int x);
+ S& operator()(int x);
+void foo2(S &s) {
+ (void)++s;
+ (void)*s;
+ s = 3;
+ (void)(s != 3);
+ s(3);
+namespace NS {
+ namespace Inn {}
+ typedef int Foo;
+using namespace NS;
+using namespace NS::Inn;
+using NS::Foo;
+template <typename T1, typename T2>
+struct TS { };
+template <typename T>
+struct TS<T, int> {
+ typedef int MyInt;
+void foo3() {
+ TS<int, int> s;
+const int array_size = 3;
+typedef int some_arr[array_size];
+const int default_param = 3;
+void foo4(int p = default_param);
+struct S2 {
+ int x,y;
+void foo5() {
+ struct S2 s = { .y = 1, .x = 4};
+// RUN: c-index-test -index-file %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: namespace | name: NS
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: variable | name: gx
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: typedef | name: MyInt
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: enum
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: enumerator | name: EnumVal
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: variable | name: gx
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: namespace | name: NS
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: typedef | name: MyInt
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: namespace | name: NS
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: enumerator | name: EnumVal
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: function | name: foo
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: namespace | name: NS
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: typedef | name: MyInt
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: enum
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: enumerator | name: SecondVal
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: enumerator | name: EnumVal
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: function | name: foo2
+// CHECK: [indexEntityReference]: kind: c++-instance-method | name: operator++
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: c++-instance-method | name: operator*
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: c++-instance-method | name: operator=
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: c++-instance-method | name: operator!=
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: c++-instance-method | name: operator()
+// CHECK: [indexEntityReference]: kind: namespace | name: NS | {{.*}} | loc: 42:17
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: namespace | name: NS | {{.*}} | loc: 43:17
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: namespace | name: Inn | {{.*}} | loc: 43:21
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: namespace | name: NS | {{.*}} | loc: 44:7
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: typedef | name: Foo | {{.*}} | loc: 44:11
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: c++-class-template | name: TS | {{.*}} | loc: 47:8
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: struct-template-partial-spec | name: TS | USR: c:@SP>1#T@TS>#t0.0#I | {{.*}} | loc: 50:8
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: typedef | name: MyInt | USR: c:index-refs.cpp@593@SP>1#T@TS>#t0.0#I@T@MyInt | {{.*}} | loc: 51:15 | semantic-container: [TS:50:8] | lexical-container: [TS:50:8]
+/* when indexing implicit instantiations
+ [indexDeclaration]: kind: struct-template-spec | name: TS | USR: c:@S@TS>#I | {{.*}} | loc: 50:8
+ [indexDeclaration]: kind: typedef | name: MyInt | USR: c:index-refs.cpp@593@S@TS>#I@T@MyInt | {{.*}} | loc: 51:15 | semantic-container: [TS:50:8] | lexical-container: [TS:50:8]
+ */
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: function | name: foo3
+/* when indexing implicit instantiations
+ [indexEntityReference]: kind: struct-template-spec | name: TS | USR: c:@S@TS>#I | {{.*}} | loc: 55:3
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: c++-class-template | name: TS | USR: c:@ST>2#T#T@TS | {{.*}} | loc: 55:3
+// CHECK: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: array_size | {{.*}} | loc: 59:22
+// CHECK: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: default_param | {{.*}} | loc: 62:19
+// CHECK-NOT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: default_param | {{.*}} | loc: 62:19
+// CHECK: [indexEntityReference]: kind: field | name: y | {{.*}} | loc: 69:20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: field | name: x | {{.*}} | loc: 69:28
diff --git a/test/Index/index-subscripting-literals.m b/test/Index/index-subscripting-literals.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4ecad0b9252c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-subscripting-literals.m
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+@interface NSArray
+- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(int)index;
++ (id)arrayWithObjects:(id *)objects count:(unsigned)count;
+@interface NSMutableArray : NSArray
+- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(int)index;
+- (void)setObject:(id)object atIndexedSubscript:(int)index;
+@interface NSDictionary
+- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
++ (id)dictionaryWithObjects:(id *)objects forKeys:(id *)keys count:(unsigned)count;
+@interface NSMutableDictionary : NSDictionary
+- (void)setObject:(id)object forKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
+@class NSString;
+int idx;
+id p;
+id testArray() {
+ NSMutableArray *array;
+ array[idx] = p;
+ NSArray *arr = @[ p, p ];
+ return array[idx];
+NSString *key;
+id newObject, oldObject;
+void testDict() {
+ NSMutableDictionary *dictionary;
+ oldObject = dictionary[key];
+ dictionary[key] = newObject;
+ NSDictionary *dict = @{ key: newObject, key: oldObject };
+// RUN: c-index-test -index-file -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7 %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: idx | USR: c:@idx | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=idx:22:5 | loc: 27:9
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: p | USR: c:@p | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=p:23:4 | loc: 27:16 | <parent>:: kind: function | name: testArray | USR: c:@F@testArray | lang: C | container: [testArray:25:4] | refkind: direct
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: setObject:atIndexedSubscript:
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-class | name: NSArray
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-class-method | name: arrayWithObjects:count:
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: p | USR: c:@p | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=p:23:4 | loc: 28:21
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: p | USR: c:@p | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=p:23:4 | loc: 28:24
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: idx | USR: c:@idx | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=idx:22:5 | loc: 29:16
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: objectAtIndexedSubscript:
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: variable | name: key
+// CHECK: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: oldObject
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: key | USR: c:@key | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=key:32:11 | loc: 37:26
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: objectForKeyedSubscript:
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: key | USR: c:@key | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=key:32:11 | loc: 38:14
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: newObject | USR: c:@newObject | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=newObject:33:4 | loc: 38:21
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: setObject:forKeyedSubscript:
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-class | name: NSDictionary
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-class-method | name: dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count:
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: key | USR: c:@key | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=key:32:11 | loc: 39:27
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: newObject | USR: c:@newObject | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=newObject:33:4 | loc: 39:32
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: key | USR: c:@key | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=key:32:11 | loc: 39:43
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: variable | name: oldObject | USR: c:@oldObject | lang: C | cursor: DeclRefExpr=oldObject:33:15 | loc: 39:48
diff --git a/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.cpp b/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..113dd4076c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "index-suppress-refs.hpp"
+class Sub : B1, B2 {
+ typedef B1 Base1;
+ typedef B2 Base2;
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_SUPPRESSREFS=1 c-index-test -index-file %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: c++-class | name: Sub
+// CHECK-NOT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: c++-class | name: B1
+// CHECK-NOT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: c++-class | name: B2
diff --git a/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.h b/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..03c56243ba6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@interface I
+@interface B
+@protocol P
diff --git a/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.hpp b/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4aab08bf1cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class B1 {};
+class B2 {};
diff --git a/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.m b/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..46420ee0c7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/index-suppress-refs.m
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "index-suppress-refs.h"
+#define TYPEDEF(x) typedef int x
+MyInt gx;
+@class I;
+@interface I(cat)
+@class I;
+@interface S : B<P>
+-(void)meth:(B*)b :(id<P>)p;
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_SUPPRESSREFS=1 c-index-test -index-file %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-class | name: I
+// CHECK-NEXT: <ObjCContainerInfo>: kind: interface
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-class | name: B
+// CHECK-NEXT: <ObjCContainerInfo>: kind: interface
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-protocol | name: P
+// CHECK-NEXT: <ObjCContainerInfo>: kind: interface
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: typedef | name: MyInt
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: variable | name: gx
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-class | name: I
+// CHECK-NEXT: <ObjCContainerInfo>: kind: forward-ref
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-category | name: cat
+// CHECK-NEXT: <ObjCContainerInfo>: kind: interface
+// CHECK-NEXT: <ObjCCategoryInfo>: class: kind: objc-class | name: I
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: meth
+// CHECK-NOT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-class | name: I
+// CHECK-NOT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-class | name: I
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-class | name: S
+// CHECK-NEXT: <ObjCContainerInfo>: kind: interface
+// CHECK-NEXT: <base>: kind: objc-class | name: B
+// CHECK-NEXT: <protocol>: kind: objc-protocol | name: P
+// CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: meth::
+// CHECK-NOT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-class | name: B
+// CHECK-NOT: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-protocol | name: P \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/Index/invalid-code-rdar10451854.m b/test/Index/invalid-code-rdar10451854.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..156267199b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/invalid-code-rdar10451854.m
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+struct {
+@implementation Foo
+- (void)finalize {
+ NSLog(@"bar");
+- (NSArray *)graphics {
+// Test that we don't crash
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 3 local %s
diff --git a/test/Index/invalid-rdar-8236270.cpp b/test/Index/invalid-rdar-8236270.cpp
index 4593b512ee24..85a0eaadbb6f 100644
--- a/test/Index/invalid-rdar-8236270.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/invalid-rdar-8236270.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all %s | FileCheck %s
// This test case previously just crashed the frontend.
diff --git a/test/Index/linkage.c b/test/Index/linkage.c
index d1f1c5bca541..41a1fbdd71c9 100644
--- a/test/Index/linkage.c
+++ b/test/Index/linkage.c
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ void bar(int y) {
extern int n;
static int wibble(int);
+void ena(int (*dio)(int tria));
// CHECK: EnumDecl=Baz:3:6 (Definition)linkage=External
// CHECK: EnumConstantDecl=Qux:3:12 (Definition)linkage=External
// CHECK: VarDecl=x:4:5linkage=External
@@ -22,5 +24,7 @@ static int wibble(int);
// CHECK: VarDecl=k:9:7 (Definition)linkage=NoLinkage
// CHECK: VarDecl=n:11:12linkage=External
// CHECK: FunctionDecl=wibble:12:12linkage=Internal
-// CHECL: ParmDecl=:12:22 (Definition)linkage=NoLinkage
+// CHECK: ParmDecl=:12:22 (Definition)linkage=NoLinkage
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl=ena:14:6linkage=External
+// CHECK: ParmDecl=dio:14:16 (Definition)linkage=NoLinkage
+// CHECK: ParmDecl=tria:14:25 (Definition)linkage=NoLinkage
diff --git a/test/Index/local-symbols.m b/test/Index/local-symbols.m
index 01c8305c2af3..b4eb262583a9 100644
--- a/test/Index/local-symbols.m
+++ b/test/Index/local-symbols.m
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
// CHECK: local-symbols.m:6:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:6:12 Extent=[6:1 - 10:5]
// CHECK: local-symbols.m:7:6: ObjCIvarDecl=x:7:6 (Definition) Extent=[7:3 - 7:7]
// CHECK: local-symbols.m:7:3: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[7:3 - 7:5]
-// CHECK: local-symbols.m:9:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bar:9:1 Extent=[9:1 - 9:12]
+// CHECK: local-symbols.m:9:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bar:9:8 Extent=[9:1 - 9:12]
// CHECK: local-symbols.m:9:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[9:4 - 9:6]
// CHECK: local-symbols.m:12:17: ObjCImplementationDecl=Foo:12:17 (Definition) Extent=[12:1 - 16:2]
-// CHECK: local-symbols.m:13:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bar:13:1 (Definition) [Overrides @9:1] Extent=[13:1 - 15:2]
+// CHECK: local-symbols.m:13:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bar:13:8 (Definition) Extent=[13:1 - 15:2]
// CHECK: local-symbols.m:13:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[13:4 - 13:6]
// CHECK: local-symbols.m:14:10: UnexposedExpr= Extent=[14:10 - 14:11]
// CHECK: local-symbols.m:14:10: IntegerLiteral= Extent=[14:10 - 14:11]
diff --git a/test/Index/ms-if-exists.cpp b/test/Index/ms-if-exists.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0815a037b15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/ms-if-exists.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+template<typename T>
+void f(T t) {
+ __if_exists(T::foo) {
+ { }
+ t.foo();
+ }
+ __if_not_exists(T::bar) {
+ int *i = t; // expected-error{{no viable conversion from 'HasFoo' to 'int *'}}
+ { }
+ }
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:3:1:11:3 -fms-extensions -fno-ms-compatibility -fno-delayed-template-parsing %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: Identifier: "T" [3:15 - 3:16] TypeRef=T:1:19
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "}" [4:7 - 4:8] CompoundStmt=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "t" [5:5 - 5:6] DeclRefExpr=t:2:10
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "." [5:6 - 5:7] MemberRefExpr=
+// CHECK: Identifier: "foo" [5:7 - 5:10] MemberRefExpr=
+// CHECK: Keyword: "int" [9:5 - 9:8] VarDecl=i:9:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "*" [9:9 - 9:10] VarDecl=i:9:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Identifier: "i" [9:10 - 9:11] VarDecl=i:9:10 (Definition)
+// CHECK: Punctuation: "=" [9:12 - 9:13] VarDecl=i:9:10 (Definition)
diff --git a/test/Index/nested-macro-instantiations.cpp b/test/Index/nested-macro-instantiations.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed84dd00800..000000000000
--- a/test/Index/nested-macro-instantiations.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#define FOO(x) x
-#define BAR(x) FOO(x)
-#define WIBBLE(x) BAR(x)
-WIBBLE(int x);
-// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_NESTED_MACROS=1 c-index-test -test-load-source all %s | FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-WITH-NESTED %s
-// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_NESTED_MACROS=1 c-index-test -test-load-source all %s | FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-WITH-NESTED %s
-// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_NESTED_MACROS=1 c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 5 all %s | FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-WITH-NESTED %s
-// CHECK-WITH-NESTED: nested-macro-instantiations.cpp:5:1: macro expansion=WIBBLE:3:9 Extent=[5:1 - 5:14]
-// CHECK-WITH-NESTED: nested-macro-instantiations.cpp:3:19: macro expansion=BAR:2:9 Extent=[3:19 - 5:14]
-// CHECK-WITH-NESTED: nested-macro-instantiations.cpp:2:16: macro expansion=FOO:1:9 Extent=[2:16 - 5:14]
-// CHECK-WITH-NESTED: nested-macro-instantiations.cpp:5:1: VarDecl=x:5:1 (Definition) Extent=[5:1 - 5:14]
-// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all %s | FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-WITHOUT-NESTED %s
-// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 c-index-test -test-load-source all %s | FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-WITHOUT-NESTED %s
-// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 5 all %s | FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-WITHOUT-NESTED %s
-// CHECK-WITHOUT-NESTED: nested-macro-instantiations.cpp:5:1: macro expansion=WIBBLE:3:9 Extent=[5:1 - 5:14]
-// CHECK-WITHOUT-NESTED-NOT: nested-macro-instantiations.cpp:3:19: macro expansion=BAR:2:9 Extent=[3:19 - 5:14]
-// CHECK-WITHOUT-NESTED: nested-macro-instantiations.cpp:5:1: VarDecl=x:5:1 (Definition) Extent=[5:1 - 5:14]
diff --git a/test/Index/overrides.m b/test/Index/overrides.m
index 2197aaaa3672..690875456371 100644
--- a/test/Index/overrides.m
+++ b/test/Index/overrides.m
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
@interface A
- (void)method;
+- (void)protoMethod;
+ (void)methodWithParam:(int)param;
@@ -27,9 +28,34 @@
+ (void)methodWithParam:(int)param { }
+@protocol P4 <P3>
+- (void)protoMethod;
+@interface B(cat) <P4>
+- (void)protoMethod;
+@interface B2
+@interface B2(cat)
+@interface I2 : B2
+@implementation I2
+-(void)meth { }
// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source local %s | FileCheck %s
-// CHECK: overrides.m:12:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protoMethod:12:1 [Overrides @3:1] Extent=[12:1 - 12:21]
-// CHECK: overrides.m:21:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:21:1 [Overrides @16:1] Extent=[21:1 - 21:16]
-// CHECK: overrides.m:22:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protoMethod:22:1 [Overrides @12:1, @8:1] Extent=[22:1 - 22:21]
-// CHECK: overrides.m:26:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:26:1 (Definition) [Overrides @21:1] Extent=[26:1 - 26:19]
-// CHECK: overrides.m:27:1: ObjCClassMethodDecl=methodWithParam::27:1 (Definition) [Overrides @17:1] Extent=[27:1 - 27:39]
+// CHECK: overrides.m:12:9: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protoMethod:12:9 [Overrides @3:9]
+// CHECK: overrides.m:22:9: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:22:9 [Overrides @16:9]
+// CHECK: overrides.m:23:9: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protoMethod:23:9 [Overrides @12:9, @8:9, @32:9, @17:9]
+// CHECK: overrides.m:27:9: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:27:9 (Definition) [Overrides @16:9]
+// CHECK: overrides.m:28:9: ObjCClassMethodDecl=methodWithParam::28:9 (Definition) [Overrides @18:9]
+// CHECK: overrides.m:32:9: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protoMethod:32:9 [Overrides @8:9]
+// CHECK: overrides.m:36:9: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=protoMethod:36:9 [Overrides @12:9, @8:9, @32:9, @17:9]
+// CHECK: overrides.m:50:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth:50:8 (Definition) [Overrides @43:8]
diff --git a/test/Index/pch-opaque-value.cpp b/test/Index/pch-opaque-value.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae6b6dc58853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/pch-opaque-value.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+struct S {
+ S();
+ S(int);
+ S(const S &);
+ ~S();
+void f() {
+ try {
+ } catch (S e) {
+ }
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.pch %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-tu-usrs %t.pch local | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: pch-opaque-value.cpp c:pch-opaque-value.cpp@86@F@f#@e Extent=[10:12 - 10:15]
diff --git a/test/Index/pch-with-errors.c b/test/Index/pch-with-errors.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..be8728eb723b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/pch-with-errors.c
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#ifndef HEADER
+#define HEADER
+#include "blahblah.h"
+void erroneous(int);
+void erroneous(float);
+struct bar;
+struct zed {
+ bar g;
+struct baz {
+ zed h;
+void errparm(zed e);
+struct S {
+ {
+void foo(void) {
+ erroneous(0);
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch %s -Xclang -detailed-preprocessing-record
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source local %s -include %t.h -Xclang -detailed-preprocessing-record | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PARSE %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -index-file %s -include %t.h -Xclang -detailed-preprocessing-record | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-INDEX %s
+// CHECK-PARSE: pch-with-errors.c:{{.*}}:6: FunctionDecl=foo
+// CHECK-PARSE: pch-with-errors.c:{{.*}}:3: CallExpr=erroneous
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexDeclaration]: kind: function | name: foo
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexEntityReference]: kind: function | name: erroneous
+// RUN: %clang -fsyntax-only %s -include %t.h 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=PCH-ERR %s
+// PCH-ERR: error: PCH file contains compiler errors
diff --git a/test/Index/pch-with-errors.m b/test/Index/pch-with-errors.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cc42cd308141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/pch-with-errors.m
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#ifndef HEADER
+#define HEADER
+@interface I(cat)
+@interface I2
+void foo(I2 *i) {
+ [i meth];
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch %s -Xclang -detailed-preprocessing-record
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source local %s -include %t.h -Xclang -detailed-preprocessing-record | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PARSE %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -index-file %s -include %t.h -Xclang -detailed-preprocessing-record | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-INDEX %s
+// CHECK-PARSE: pch-with-errors.m:{{.*}} FunctionDecl=foo
+// CHECK-PARSE: pch-with-errors.m:{{.*}} ObjCMessageExpr=meth
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexDeclaration]: kind: function | name: foo
+// CHECK-INDEX: [indexEntityReference]: kind: objc-instance-method | name: meth
diff --git a/test/Index/pragma-diag-reparse.c b/test/Index/pragma-diag-reparse.c
index efe59b177841..71d0618d7092 100644
--- a/test/Index/pragma-diag-reparse.c
+++ b/test/Index/pragma-diag-reparse.c
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
-// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 5 local %s | FileCheck %s
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wtautological-compare"
+#include "pragma_disable_warning.h"
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- int x;
+ int x=0;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- return 0;
+ return x;
-// CHECK: pragma-diag-reparse.c:7:7: VarDecl=x:7:7 (Definition) Extent=[7:3 - 7:8]
+void foo() { int b=0; while (b==b); }
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 5 local \
+// RUN: -I%S/Inputs \
+// RUN: %s -Wall -Werror | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: pragma-diag-reparse.c:8:7: VarDecl=x:8:7 (Definition) Extent=[8:3 - 8:10]
diff --git a/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m b/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9bdb89a1dc50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch -x objective-c %s-2.h
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 3 local %s -include %t.h
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch -x objective-c %s-3.h
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 3 local %s -include %t.h
+#import "preamble-reparse-import.m-1.h"
+void foo();
+#import "preamble-reparse-import.m-2.h"
+#import "preamble-reparse-import.m-1.h"
diff --git a/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m-1.h b/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m-1.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d15823481d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m-1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#ifdef PARSED2
+#error parsed twice
+#define PARSED2 1
diff --git a/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m-2.h b/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m-2.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8acc5c38c33d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m-2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#ifdef PARSED
+#error parsed twice
+#define PARSED 1
diff --git a/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m-3.h b/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m-3.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5369c1bec50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/preamble-reparse-import.m-3.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#import "preamble-reparse-import.m-2.h"
diff --git a/test/Index/print-typekind.c b/test/Index/print-typekind.c
index c6583dbff38b..294aea77ed71 100644
--- a/test/Index/print-typekind.c
+++ b/test/Index/print-typekind.c
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ typedef int ArrayType[5];
// RUN: c-index-test -test-print-typekind %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: TypedefDecl=FooType:1:13 (Definition) typekind=Typedef [canonical=Int] [isPOD=1]
// CHECK: VarDecl=p:2:6 typekind=Pointer [isPOD=1]
-// CHECK: FunctionDecl=f:3:6 (Definition) typekind=FunctionProto [canonical=FunctionProto] [result=Pointer] [isPOD=0]
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl=f:3:6 (Definition) typekind=FunctionProto [canonical=FunctionProto] [result=Pointer] [args= Pointer Pointer Typedef] [isPOD=0]
// CHECK: ParmDecl=p:3:13 (Definition) typekind=Pointer [isPOD=1]
// CHECK: ParmDecl=x:3:22 (Definition) typekind=Pointer [isPOD=1]
// CHECK: ParmDecl=z:3:33 (Definition) typekind=Typedef [canonical=Int] [isPOD=1]
diff --git a/test/Index/print-typekind.m b/test/Index/print-typekind.m
index 68827fb7ca6e..9db192938f44 100644
--- a/test/Index/print-typekind.m
+++ b/test/Index/print-typekind.m
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
@interface Foo
@property (readonly) id x;
-(int) mymethod;
+-(int) mymethod2:(int)x blah:(float)y;
// RUN: c-index-test -test-print-typekind %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: ObjCPropertyDecl=x:2:25 typekind=Typedef [canonical=ObjCObjectPointer]
-// CHECK: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=mymethod:3:1 typekind=Invalid [result=Int]
+// CHECK: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=mymethod:3:8 typekind=Invalid [result=Int]
+// CHECK: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=mymethod2:blah::4:8 typekind=Invalid [result=Int] [args= Int Float]
diff --git a/test/Index/properties-class-extensions.m b/test/Index/properties-class-extensions.m
index 7b1e90fcd6fe..aa992075c669 100644
--- a/test/Index/properties-class-extensions.m
+++ b/test/Index/properties-class-extensions.m
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:9:15: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=b:9:15 Extent=[9:15 - 9:16]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:9:15: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setB::9:15 Extent=[9:15 - 9:16]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:9:15: ParmDecl=b:9:15 (Definition) Extent=[9:15 - 9:16]
-// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:10:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bar:10:1 Extent=[10:1 - 10:14]
+// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:10:10: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bar:10:10 Extent=[10:1 - 10:14]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:15:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Bar:15:12 Extent=[15:1 - 17:5]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:16:25: ObjCPropertyDecl=bar:16:25 Extent=[16:1 - 16:28]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:16:22: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[16:22 - 16:24]
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
// CHECK-NOT: properties-class-extensions.m:16:25: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bar:16:25 Extent=[16:25 - 16:28]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:19:26: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setBar::19:26 Extent=[19:26 - 19:29]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:19:26: ParmDecl=bar:19:26 (Definition) Extent=[19:26 - 19:29]
-// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:24:1: UnexposedDecl=[24:8] Extent=[24:1 - 24:23]
+// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:24:8: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Rdar8467189_Bar:24:8 Extent=[24:1 - 24:23]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:24:8: ObjCClassRef=Rdar8467189_Bar:24:8 Extent=[24:8 - 24:23]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:25:11: ObjCProtocolDecl=Rdar8467189_FooProtocol:25:11 (Definition) Extent=[25:1 - 27:5]
// CHECK: properties-class-extensions.m:26:39: ObjCPropertyDecl=Rdar8467189_Bar:26:39 Extent=[26:1 - 26:54]
diff --git a/test/Index/recursive-cxx-member-calls.cpp b/test/Index/recursive-cxx-member-calls.cpp
index adaaae9cdd19..b80cbf40e87c 100644
--- a/test/Index/recursive-cxx-member-calls.cpp
+++ b/test/Index/recursive-cxx-member-calls.cpp
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ AttributeList::Kind AttributeList::getKind(const IdentifierInfo * Name) {
// CHECK-tokens: Punctuation: ")" [102:58 - 102:59] CallExpr=endswith:56:8
// CHECK-tokens: Punctuation: ")" [102:59 - 102:60] IfStmt=
// CHECK-tokens: Identifier: "AttrName" [103:5 - 103:13] DeclRefExpr=AttrName:101:19
-// CHECK-tokens: Punctuation: "=" [103:14 - 103:15] CallExpr=operator=:38:7
+// CHECK-tokens: Punctuation: "=" [103:14 - 103:15] DeclRefExpr=operator=:38:7
// CHECK-tokens: Identifier: "AttrName" [103:16 - 103:24] DeclRefExpr=AttrName:101:19
// CHECK-tokens: Punctuation: "." [103:24 - 103:25] MemberRefExpr=substr:60:13
// CHECK-tokens: Identifier: "substr" [103:25 - 103:31] MemberRefExpr=substr:60:13
diff --git a/test/Index/redeclarations.cpp b/test/Index/redeclarations.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..11dc9320430c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/redeclarations.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "redeclarations.h"
+class A
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 2 all -I%S/Inputs -fno-delayed-template-parsing -fno-ms-compatibility -fno-ms-extensions %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:1:7: ClassDecl=X:1:7 (Definition) Extent=[1:1 - 4:2]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:8:7: ClassTemplate=B:8:7 (Definition) Extent=[7:1 - 10:2]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:7:20: TemplateTypeParameter=T1:7:20 (Definition) Extent=[7:11 - 7:22]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:7:33: TemplateTypeParameter=T2:7:33 (Definition) Extent=[7:24 - 7:35]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:13:8: ClassTemplate=C:13:8 (Definition) Extent=[12:1 - 15:2]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:12:17: TemplateTypeParameter=T:12:17 (Definition) Extent=[12:11 - 12:18]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:17:7: ClassDecl=D:17:7 (Definition) Extent=[17:1 - 21:2]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:19:16: ClassDecl=A:19:16 Extent=[19:10 - 19:17]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:19:19: FieldDecl=x:19:19 (Definition) Extent=[19:5 - 19:20]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:19:5: TemplateRef=B:8:7 Extent=[19:5 - 19:6]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:19:7: TypeRef=class D:17:7 Extent=[19:7 - 19:8]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.h:19:16: TypeRef=class A:3:7 Extent=[19:16 - 19:17]
+// CHECK: redeclarations.cpp:3:7: ClassDecl=A:3:7 (Definition) Extent=[3:1 - 5:2]
diff --git a/test/Index/reparse-instantiate.cpp b/test/Index/reparse-instantiate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84e58605c48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/reparse-instantiate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+int main()
+ return 0;
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.pch -fno-delayed-template-parsing -x c++-header %S/Inputs/reparse-instantiate.h
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_EDITING=1 c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 5 local -fno-delayed-template-parsing -I %S/Inputs -include %t %s
diff --git a/test/Index/retain-target-options.c b/test/Index/retain-target-options.c
index d616bc225669..2fba476fb1ee 100644
--- a/test/Index/retain-target-options.c
+++ b/test/Index/retain-target-options.c
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all -ccc-host-triple x86_64-apple-darwin10.0.0 -msse4.1 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 1 all -ccc-host-triple x86_64-apple-darwin10.0.0 -msse4.1 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 5 all -ccc-host-triple x86_64-apple-darwin10.0.0 -msse4.1 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all -target x86_64-apple-darwin10.0.0 -msse4.1 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 1 all -target x86_64-apple-darwin10.0.0 -msse4.1 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse 5 all -target x86_64-apple-darwin10.0.0 -msse4.1 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
-// CHECK: error: #error SSE4_1 used
+// CHECK: error: SSE4_1 used
#if defined(__SSE4_1__)
#error SSE4_1 used
diff --git a/test/Index/targeted-annotation.c b/test/Index/targeted-annotation.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cfa1046cc8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/targeted-annotation.c
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#include "targeted-top.h"
+#include "targeted-preamble.h"
+int LocalVar1;
+int LocalVar2;
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch %S/targeted-top.h
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:1:1:7:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%s:1:1:7:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL
+// LOCAL: Punctuation: "#" [2:1 - 2:2] inclusion directive=targeted-top.h
+// LOCAL: Identifier: "include" [2:2 - 2:9] inclusion directive=targeted-top.h
+// LOCAL: Literal: ""targeted-top.h"" [2:10 - 2:26] inclusion directive=targeted-top.h
+// LOCAL: Punctuation: "#" [3:1 - 3:2] inclusion directive=targeted-preamble.h
+// LOCAL: Identifier: "include" [3:2 - 3:9] inclusion directive=targeted-preamble.h
+// LOCAL: Literal: ""targeted-preamble.h"" [3:10 - 3:31] inclusion directive=targeted-preamble.h
+// LOCAL: Keyword: "int" [5:1 - 5:4] VarDecl=LocalVar1:5:5
+// LOCAL: Identifier: "LocalVar1" [5:5 - 5:14] VarDecl=LocalVar1:5:5
+// LOCAL: Punctuation: ";" [5:14 - 5:15]
+// LOCAL: Keyword: "int" [6:1 - 6:4] VarDecl=LocalVar2:6:5
+// LOCAL: Identifier: "LocalVar2" [6:5 - 6:14] VarDecl=LocalVar2:6:5
+// LOCAL: Punctuation: ";" [6:14 - 6:15]
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%S/targeted-fields.h:1:1:4:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FIELD
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%S/targeted-fields.h:1:1:4:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FIELD
+// FIELD: Keyword: "int" [2:3 - 2:6] FieldDecl=z:2:7 (Definition)
+// FIELD: Identifier: "z" [2:7 - 2:8] FieldDecl=z:2:7 (Definition)
+// FIELD: Punctuation: ";" [2:8 - 2:9] StructDecl=:13:9 (Definition)
+// FIELD: Keyword: "int" [3:3 - 3:6] FieldDecl=w:3:7 (Definition)
+// FIELD: Identifier: "w" [3:7 - 3:8] FieldDecl=w:3:7 (Definition)
+// FIELD: Punctuation: ";" [3:8 - 3:9] StructDecl=:13:9 (Definition)
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%S/targeted-nested1.h:1:1:3:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=NESTED
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%S/targeted-nested1.h:1:1:3:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=NESTED
+// NESTED: Keyword: "extern" [2:1 - 2:7]
+// NESTED: Keyword: "int" [2:8 - 2:11] VarDecl=NestedVar1:2:12
+// NESTED: Identifier: "NestedVar1" [2:12 - 2:22] VarDecl=NestedVar1:2:12
+// NESTED: Punctuation: ";" [2:22 - 2:23]
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%S/targeted-top.h:1:1:12:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=vector_get_x \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=TOP
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=%S/targeted-top.h:1:1:12:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=vector_get_x \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=TOP
+// TOP: Punctuation: "#" [2:1 - 2:2] preprocessing directive=
+// TOP: Identifier: "ifndef" [2:2 - 2:8] preprocessing directive=
+// TOP: Identifier: "TARGETED_TOP_H" [2:9 - 2:23] preprocessing directive=
+// TOP: Punctuation: "#" [3:1 - 3:2] preprocessing directive=
+// TOP: Identifier: "define" [3:2 - 3:8] preprocessing directive=
+// TOP: Identifier: "TARGETED_TOP_H" [3:9 - 3:23] preprocessing directive=
+// TOP: Punctuation: "#" [5:1 - 5:2] preprocessing directive=
+// TOP: Identifier: "include" [5:2 - 5:9] preprocessing directive=
+// TOP: Literal: ""targeted-nested1.h"" [5:10 - 5:30] preprocessing directive=
+// TOP: Keyword: "enum" [7:1 - 7:5] EnumDecl=:7:1 (Definition)
+// TOP: Punctuation: "{" [7:6 - 7:7] EnumDecl=:7:1 (Definition)
+// TOP: Identifier: "VALUE" [8:3 - 8:8] EnumConstantDecl=VALUE:8:3 (Definition)
+// TOP: Punctuation: "=" [8:9 - 8:10] EnumConstantDecl=VALUE:8:3 (Definition)
+// TOP: Literal: "3" [8:11 - 8:12] IntegerLiteral=
+// TOP: Punctuation: "}" [9:1 - 9:2] EnumDecl=:7:1 (Definition)
+// TOP: Punctuation: ";" [9:2 - 9:3]
+// TOP: Keyword: "extern" [11:1 - 11:7]
+// TOP: Keyword: "int" [11:8 - 11:11] VarDecl=TopVar:11:12
+// TOP: Identifier: "TopVar" [11:12 - 11:18] VarDecl=TopVar:11:12
+// TOP: Punctuation: ";" [11:18 - 11:19]
diff --git a/test/Index/targeted-cursor.c b/test/Index/targeted-cursor.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7efc07fad798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/targeted-cursor.c
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#include "targeted-top.h"
+#include "targeted-preamble.h"
+int LocalVar1;
+int LocalVar2;
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch %S/targeted-top.h
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:5:10 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL-CURSOR1
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-top.h:11:15 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=vector_get_x \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=TOP-CURSOR1
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-nested1.h:2:16 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=NESTED-CURSOR1
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-fields.h:2:7 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FIELD-CURSOR1
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-fields.h:1:1 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FIELD-CURSOR2
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:5:10 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL-CURSOR1
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-top.h:11:15 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=vector_get_x \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=TOP-CURSOR1
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-nested1.h:2:16 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=NESTED-CURSOR1
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-preamble.h:2:15 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PREAMBLE-CURSOR1
+// LOCAL-CURSOR1: VarDecl=LocalVar1:5:5
+// TOP-CURSOR1: VarDecl=TopVar:11:12
+// NESTED-CURSOR1: VarDecl=NestedVar1:2:12
+// PREAMBLE-CURSOR1: VarDecl=PreambleVar:2:12
+// FIELD-CURSOR1: FieldDecl=z:2:7 (Definition)
+// FIELD-CURSOR2: StructDecl=:13:9 (Definition)
diff --git a/test/Index/targeted-cursor.m b/test/Index/targeted-cursor.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a53ebf6918e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/targeted-cursor.m
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// rdar://10920009
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7 -x objective-c-header %S/targeted-cursor.m.h -Xclang -detailed-preprocessing-record
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%S/targeted-cursor.m.h:5:13 %s -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7 -include %t.h | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: ObjCClassRef=I:2:12
diff --git a/test/Index/targeted-cursor.m.h b/test/Index/targeted-cursor.m.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..735c7bd08f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/targeted-cursor.m.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+@interface I
+-(void)mm:(void (^)(I*))block;
diff --git a/test/Index/targeted-fields.h b/test/Index/targeted-fields.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7da57f3ef27c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/targeted-fields.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ int z;
+ int w;
diff --git a/test/Index/targeted-file-refs.c b/test/Index/targeted-file-refs.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..195cd8604d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/targeted-file-refs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include "targeted-top.h"
+#include "targeted-preamble.h"
+extern int LocalVar;
+int LocalVar;
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch %S/targeted-top.h -Xclang -detailed-preprocessing-record
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -file-refs-at=%s:5:17 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL
+// RUN: c-index-test -file-refs-at=%s:5:17 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL
+// LOCAL: VarDecl=LocalVar:5:12
+// LOCAL: VarDecl=LocalVar:5:12 =[5:12 - 5:20]
+// LOCAL: VarDecl=LocalVar:6:5 =[6:5 - 6:13]
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -file-refs-at=%S/targeted-top.h:14:7 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=TOP
+// RUN: c-index-test -file-refs-at=%S/targeted-top.h:14:7 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=TOP
+// TOP: FieldDecl=x:14:7 (Definition)
+// TOP: FieldDecl=x:14:7 (Definition) =[14:7 - 14:8]
+// TOP: MemberRefExpr=x:14:7 SingleRefName=[20:13 - 20:14] RefName=[20:13 - 20:14] =[20:13 - 20:14]
+// RUN: env CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR=1 c-index-test -file-refs-at=%S/targeted-nested1.h:2:16 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=NESTED
+// RUN: c-index-test -file-refs-at=%S/targeted-nested1.h:2:16 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=PreambleVar \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=NESTED
+// NESTED: VarDecl=NestedVar1:2:12
+// NESTED: VarDecl=NestedVar1:2:12 =[2:12 - 2:22]
+// RUN: c-index-test -file-refs-at=%S/targeted-preamble.h:2:15 %s -include %t.h \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=NestedVar1 \
+// RUN: -Xclang -error-on-deserialized-decl=TopVar \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PREAMBLE
+// PREAMBLE: VarDecl=PreambleVar:2:12
+// PREAMBLE: VarDecl=PreambleVar:2:12 =[2:12 - 2:23]
diff --git a/test/Index/targeted-nested1.h b/test/Index/targeted-nested1.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5a019b6985c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/targeted-nested1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+extern int NestedVar1;
diff --git a/test/Index/targeted-preamble.h b/test/Index/targeted-preamble.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..19b953933f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/targeted-preamble.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+extern int PreambleVar;
diff --git a/test/Index/targeted-top.h b/test/Index/targeted-top.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0f3c97586e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/targeted-top.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include "targeted-nested1.h"
+enum {
+ VALUE = 3
+extern int TopVar;
+typedef struct {
+ int x;
+ int y;
+#include "targeted-fields.h"
+} Vector;
+static inline int vector_get_x(Vector v) {
+ int x = v.x;
+ return x;
diff --git a/test/Index/unmatched-braces.c b/test/Index/unmatched-braces.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b994605d362a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/unmatched-braces.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+void foo() {
+ int x;
+ if (x) {
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:2:7 %s > %t
+// RUN: FileCheck %s -input-file %t
+// CHECK: VarDecl=x:2:7
diff --git a/test/Index/unmatched-braces.m b/test/Index/unmatched-braces.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84fe82a06672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/unmatched-braces.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+@implementation I
+-(void)meth {
+ int x;
+ if (x) {
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:3:7 %s > %t
+// RUN: FileCheck %s -input-file %t
+// CHECK: VarDecl=x:3:7
diff --git a/test/Index/usrs.m b/test/Index/usrs.m
index 826abb53f37c..95a538825f8c 100644
--- a/test/Index/usrs.m
+++ b/test/Index/usrs.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-usrs all %s | FileCheck %s
static inline int my_helper(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
@@ -80,6 +80,15 @@ int test_multi_declaration(void) {
- (void)method;
+@interface CWithExt2
+@interface CWithExt2 () {
+ id var_ext;
+@property (assign) id pro_ext;
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-usrs all -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.7 %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: usrs.m c:usrs.m@67@F@my_helper Extent=[3:1 - 3:60]
// CHECK: usrs.m c:usrs.m@95@F@my_helper@x Extent=[3:29 - 3:34]
// CHECK: usrs.m c:usrs.m@102@F@my_helper@y Extent=[3:36 - 3:41]
@@ -137,6 +146,12 @@ int test_multi_declaration(void) {
// CHECK: usrs.m c:usrs.m@980@F@test_multi_declaration@baz Extent=[74:25 - 74:32]
// CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(pl)P1 Extent=[79:1 - 81:5]
// CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(pl)P1(im)method Extent=[80:1 - 80:16]
+// CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(cs)CWithExt2 Extent=[83:1 - 84:5]
+// CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(ext)CWithExt2@usrs.m@1111 Extent=[85:1 - 89:5]
+// CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(cs)CWithExt2@var_ext Extent=[86:3 - 86:13]
+// CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(cs)CWithExt2(py)pro_ext Extent=[88:1 - 88:30]
+// CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(cs)CWithExt2(im)pro_ext Extent=[88:23 - 88:30]
+// CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(cs)CWithExt2(im)setPro_ext: Extent=[88:23 - 88:30]
// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-source %s
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:3:19: FunctionDecl=my_helper:3:19 (Definition) Extent=[3:1 - 3:60]
@@ -165,16 +180,16 @@ int test_multi_declaration(void) {
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:26:3: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[26:3 - 26:5]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:27:6: ObjCIvarDecl=y:27:6 (Definition) Extent=[27:3 - 27:7]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:27:3: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[27:3 - 27:5]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:29:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=godzilla:29:1 Extent=[29:1 - 29:17]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:29:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=godzilla:29:8 Extent=[29:1 - 29:17]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:29:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[29:4 - 29:6]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:30:1: ObjCClassMethodDecl=kingkong:30:1 Extent=[30:1 - 30:17]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:30:8: ObjCClassMethodDecl=kingkong:30:8 Extent=[30:1 - 30:17]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:30:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[30:4 - 30:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:31:15: ObjCPropertyDecl=d1:31:15 Extent=[31:1 - 31:17]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:31:15: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=d1:31:15 Extent=[31:15 - 31:17]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:31:15: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setD1::31:15 Extent=[31:15 - 31:17]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:31:15: ParmDecl=d1:31:15 (Definition) Extent=[31:15 - 31:17]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:34:17: ObjCImplementationDecl=Foo:34:17 (Definition) Extent=[34:1 - 45:2]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:35:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=godzilla:35:1 (Definition) [Overrides @29:1] Extent=[35:1 - 39:2]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:35:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=godzilla:35:8 (Definition) Extent=[35:1 - 39:2]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:35:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[35:4 - 35:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:35:17: CompoundStmt= Extent=[35:17 - 39:2]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:36:3: DeclStmt= Extent=[36:3 - 36:20]
@@ -185,7 +200,7 @@ int test_multi_declaration(void) {
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:38:3: ReturnStmt= Extent=[38:3 - 38:11]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:38:10: UnexposedExpr= Extent=[38:10 - 38:11]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:38:10: IntegerLiteral= Extent=[38:10 - 38:11]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:40:1: ObjCClassMethodDecl=kingkong:40:1 (Definition) [Overrides @30:1] Extent=[40:1 - 43:2]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:40:8: ObjCClassMethodDecl=kingkong:40:8 (Definition) Extent=[40:1 - 43:2]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:40:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[40:4 - 40:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:40:17: CompoundStmt= Extent=[40:17 - 43:2]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:41:3: DeclStmt= Extent=[41:3 - 41:17]
@@ -202,34 +217,34 @@ int test_multi_declaration(void) {
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:49:32: ReturnStmt= Extent=[49:32 - 49:40]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:49:39: DeclRefExpr=x:49:27 Extent=[49:39 - 49:40]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:51:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=CWithExt:51:12 Extent=[51:1 - 53:5]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:52:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth1:52:1 Extent=[52:1 - 52:14]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:52:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth1:52:8 Extent=[52:1 - 52:14]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:52:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[52:4 - 52:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:54:12: ObjCCategoryDecl=:54:12 Extent=[54:1 - 56:5]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:54:12: ObjCClassRef=CWithExt:51:12 Extent=[54:12 - 54:20]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:55:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth2:55:1 Extent=[55:1 - 55:14]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:55:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth2:55:8 Extent=[55:1 - 55:14]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:55:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[55:4 - 55:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:57:12: ObjCCategoryDecl=:57:12 Extent=[57:1 - 59:5]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:57:12: ObjCClassRef=CWithExt:51:12 Extent=[57:12 - 57:20]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:58:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth3:58:1 Extent=[58:1 - 58:14]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:58:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth3:58:8 Extent=[58:1 - 58:14]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:58:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[58:4 - 58:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:60:12: ObjCCategoryDecl=Bar:60:12 Extent=[60:1 - 62:5]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:60:12: ObjCClassRef=CWithExt:51:12 Extent=[60:12 - 60:20]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:61:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth4:61:1 Extent=[61:1 - 61:14]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:61:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth4:61:8 Extent=[61:1 - 61:14]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:61:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[61:4 - 61:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:63:17: ObjCImplementationDecl=CWithExt:63:17 (Definition) Extent=[63:1 - 67:2]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:64:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth1:64:1 (Definition) [Overrides @52:1] Extent=[64:1 - 64:27]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:64:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth1:64:8 (Definition) Extent=[64:1 - 64:27]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:64:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[64:4 - 64:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:64:14: CompoundStmt= Extent=[64:14 - 64:27]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:64:16: ReturnStmt= Extent=[64:16 - 64:24]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:64:23: UnexposedExpr= Extent=[64:23 - 64:24]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:64:23: IntegerLiteral= Extent=[64:23 - 64:24]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:65:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth2:65:1 (Definition) [Overrides @55:1] Extent=[65:1 - 65:27]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:65:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth2:65:8 (Definition) Extent=[65:1 - 65:27]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:65:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[65:4 - 65:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:65:14: CompoundStmt= Extent=[65:14 - 65:27]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:65:16: ReturnStmt= Extent=[65:16 - 65:24]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:65:23: UnexposedExpr= Extent=[65:23 - 65:24]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:65:23: IntegerLiteral= Extent=[65:23 - 65:24]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:66:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth3:66:1 (Definition) [Overrides @58:1] Extent=[66:1 - 66:27]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:66:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth3:66:8 (Definition) Extent=[66:1 - 66:27]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:66:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[66:4 - 66:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:66:14: CompoundStmt= Extent=[66:14 - 66:27]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:66:16: ReturnStmt= Extent=[66:16 - 66:24]
@@ -237,7 +252,7 @@ int test_multi_declaration(void) {
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:66:23: IntegerLiteral= Extent=[66:23 - 66:24]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:68:17: ObjCCategoryImplDecl=Bar:68:17 (Definition) Extent=[68:1 - 70:2]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:68:17: ObjCClassRef=CWithExt:51:12 Extent=[68:17 - 68:25]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:69:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth4:69:1 (Definition) [Overrides @61:1] Extent=[69:1 - 69:27]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:69:8: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth4:69:8 (Definition) Extent=[69:1 - 69:27]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:69:4: TypeRef=id:0:0 Extent=[69:4 - 69:6]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:69:14: CompoundStmt= Extent=[69:14 - 69:27]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:69:16: ReturnStmt= Extent=[69:16 - 69:24]
@@ -265,5 +280,5 @@ int test_multi_declaration(void) {
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:76:3: ReturnStmt= Extent=[76:3 - 76:11]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:76:10: IntegerLiteral= Extent=[76:10 - 76:11]
// CHECK-source: usrs.m:79:11: ObjCProtocolDecl=P1:79:11 (Definition) Extent=[79:1 - 81:5]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:80:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:80:1 Extent=[80:1 - 80:16]
+// CHECK-source: usrs.m:80:9: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=method:80:9 Extent=[80:1 - 80:16]
diff --git a/test/Index/vector-types.c b/test/Index/vector-types.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..404e4a54d9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/vector-types.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+int __attribute__((vector_size(16))) x;
+typedef int __attribute__((vector_size(16))) int4_t;
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-print-typekind %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: VarDecl=x:1:38 typekind=Vector [isPOD=1]
+// CHECK: TypedefDecl=int4_t:2:46 (Definition) typekind=Typedef [canonical=Vector] [isPOD=1]
diff --git a/test/Index/werror.c b/test/Index/werror.c
index 150095d8599c..98b602a170c0 100644
--- a/test/Index/werror.c
+++ b/test/Index/werror.c
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ void fatal(int);
void fatal(float);
-// CHECK-FATAL: translation errors
// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.pch -Werror %s
-// RUN: not c-index-test -write-pch %t.pch -DFATAL -Werror %s 2>%t.err
-// RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-FATAL %s < %t.err
+// RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.pch -DFATAL -Werror %s