path: root/test/CodeGenCXX/weak-external.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGenCXX/weak-external.cpp')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/weak-external.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/weak-external.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dad54f6861b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/weak-external.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// RUN: %clang -fexceptions %s -S -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
+// PR4262
+// CHECK-NOT: _ZNSs12_S_constructIPKcEEPcT_S3_RKSaIcESt20forward_iterator_tag
+// The "basic_string" extern template instantiation declaration is supposed to
+// suppress the implicit instantiation of non-inline member functions. Make sure
+// that we suppress the implicit instantiation of non-inline member functions
+// defined out-of-line. That we aren't instantiating the basic_string
+// constructor when we shouldn't be. Such an instantiation forces the implicit
+// instantiation of _S_construct<const char*>. Since _S_construct is a member
+// template, it's instantiation is *not* suppressed (despite being in
+// basic_string<char>), so we would emit it as a weak definition.
+#define _LIBCPP_EXCEPTION_ABI __attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
+#define _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __attribute__ ((__visibility__("hidden"), __always_inline__))
+#define _LIBCPP_VISIBLE __attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
+#if (__has_feature(cxx_noexcept))
+# define _NOEXCEPT noexcept
+# define _NOEXCEPT_(x) noexcept(x)
+# define _NOEXCEPT throw()
+# define _NOEXCEPT_(x)
+namespace std // purposefully not using versioning namespace
+template<class charT> struct char_traits;
+template<class T> class allocator;
+template <class _CharT,
+ class _Traits = char_traits<_CharT>,
+ class _Allocator = allocator<_CharT> >
+ class _LIBCPP_VISIBLE basic_string;
+typedef basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char> > string;
+class _LIBCPP_EXCEPTION_ABI exception
+ virtual ~exception() _NOEXCEPT;
+ virtual const char* what() const _NOEXCEPT;
+class _LIBCPP_EXCEPTION_ABI runtime_error
+ : public exception
+ void* __imp_;
+ explicit runtime_error(const string&);
+ explicit runtime_error(const char*);
+ runtime_error(const runtime_error&) _NOEXCEPT;
+ runtime_error& operator=(const runtime_error&) _NOEXCEPT;
+ virtual ~runtime_error() _NOEXCEPT;
+ virtual const char* what() const _NOEXCEPT;
+void dummysymbol() {
+ throw(std::runtime_error("string"));