path: root/share/termcap/termcap.5
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/termcap/termcap.5')
1 files changed, 608 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/share/termcap/termcap.5 b/share/termcap/termcap.5
index ac79a9ea9c2f..c49fd7066176 100644
--- a/share/termcap/termcap.5
+++ b/share/termcap/termcap.5
@@ -30,7 +30,28 @@
.\" @(#)termcap.5 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/16/94
-.\" $Id: termcap.5,v 1.5 1997/02/22 13:56:39 peter Exp $
+.\" /***************************************************************************
+.\" ****************************************************************************
+.\" * ncurses is copyright (C) 1992-1995 *
+.\" * Zeyd M. Ben-Halim *
+.\" * zmbenhal@netcom.com *
+.\" * Eric S. Raymond *
+.\" * esr@snark.thyrsus.com *
+.\" * *
+.\" * Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and distribute ncurses *
+.\" * by any means and for any fee, whether alone or as part of a *
+.\" * larger distribution, in source or in binary form, PROVIDED *
+.\" * this notice is included with any such distribution, and is not *
+.\" * removed from any of its header files. Mention of ncurses in any *
+.\" * applications linked with it is highly appreciated. *
+.\" * *
+.\" * ncurses comes AS IS with no warranty, implied or expressed. *
+.\" * *
+.\" ***************************************************************************/
+.\" $Id: termcap.5,v 1.6 1997/04/07 10:24:02 jmg Exp $
.Dd April 16, 1994
@@ -99,328 +120,596 @@ The following suffixes should be used where possible:
-The characters in the
-.Em Notes
-field in the table have the following meanings
-(more than one may apply to a capability):
-.Bd -unfilled -offset indent
-N indicates numeric parameter(s)
-P indicates that padding may be specified
-* indicates that padding may be based on the number of lines affected
-o indicates capability is obsolete
+The description field attempts to convey the semantics of the
+capability. You may find some codes in the description field:
+.Bl -tag -width #[1-9]
+.It (P)
+indicates that padding may be specified.
+.It #[1-9]
+in the description field indicates that the string is passed through
+.Xr tparm
+.Xr tgoto
+with parms as given (#\fIi\fP).
+.It (P*)
+indicates that padding may vary in proportion to the number of
+lines affected.
+.It (#\d\fIi\fP\u)
+indicates the \fIi\fP\uth\d parameter.
+ These are the boolean capabilities:
+.Bd -literal
+\fBBoolean TCap Description\fR
+\fBVariables Code\fR
+auto_left_margin bw cursor_left wraps from column 0 to last
+ column
+auto_right_margin am terminal has automatic margins
+no_esc_ctlc xb beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C)
+ceol_standout_glitch xs standout not erased by overwriting (hp)
+eat_newline_glitch xn newline ignored after 80 cols (concept)
+erase_overstrike eo can erase overstrikes with a blank
+generic_type gn generic line type
+hard_copy hc hardcopy terminal
+has_meta_key km Has a meta key, sets msb high
+has_status_line hs has extra status line
+insert_null_glitch in insert mode distinguishes nulls
+memory_above da display may be retained above the screen
+memory_below db display may be retained below the screen
+move_insert_mode mi safe to move while in insert mode
+move_standout_mode ms safe to move while in standout mode
+over_strike os terminal can overstrike
+status_line_esc_ok es escape can be used on the status line
+dest_tabs_magic_smso xt tabs destructive, magic so char (t1061)
+tilde_glitch hz can't print ~'s (hazeltine)
+transparent_underline ul underline character overstrikes
+xon_xoff xo terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking
+needs_xon_xoff nx padding won't work, xon/xoff required
+prtr_silent 5i printer won't echo on screen
+hard_cursor HC cursor is hard to see
+non_rev_rmcup NR enter_ca_mode does not reverse exit_ca_mode
+no_pad_char NP pad character does not exist
+non_dest_scroll_region ND scrolling region is non-destructive
+can_change cc terminal can re-define existing colors
+back_color_erase ut screen erased with background color
+hue_lightness_saturation hl terminal uses only HLS color
+ notation (tektronix)
+col_addr_glitch YA only positive motion for column address and
+ micro_column_address caps
+cr_cancels_micro_mode YB using cr turns off micro mode
+has_print_wheel YC printer needs operator to change character
+ set
+row_addr_glitch YD only positive motion for row_address and
+ micro_row_address caps
+semi_auto_right_margin YE printing in last column causes cr
+cpi_changes_res YF changing character pitch changes resolution
+lpi_changes_res YG changing line pitch changes resolution
-.Dq Obsolete
-capabilities have no
-.Em terminfo
-since they were considered useless,
-or are subsumed by other capabilities.
-New software should not rely on them at all.
+These are the numeric capabilities:
+.Bd -literal
+\fBNumeric TCap Description\fR
+\fBVariables Code\fR
+columns co number of columns in aline
+init_tabs it tabs initially every # spaces
+lines li number of lines on screen or page
+lines_of_memory lm lines of memory if > line. 0 => varies
+magic_cookie_glitch sg number of blank chars left by
+ enter_standout_mode or exit_standout_mode
+padding_baud_rate pb lowest baud rate where padding needed
+virtual_terminal vt virtual terminal number (CB/unix)
+width_status_line ws columns in status line
+num_labels Nl number of labels on screen
+label_height lh rows in each label
+label_width lw columns in each label
+max_attributes ma maximum combined attributes terminal can
+ handle
+maximum_windows MW maxumum number of defineable windows
+magic_cookie_glitch_ul ug number of blanks left by underline
+# These came in with SVr4's color support
+max_colors Co maximum numbers of colors on screen
+max_pairs pa maximum number of color-pairs on the screen
+no_color_video NC video attributes that can't be used with
+ colors
+# The following numeric capabilities are present in the SVr4.0 term
+# structure, but are not yet documented in the man page.
+# They came in with SVr4's printer support.
+buffer_capacity Ya numbers of bytes buffered before printing
+dot_vert_spacing Yb spacing of pins vertically in pins per inch
+dot_horz_spacing Yc spacing of dots horizontally in dots per
+ inch
+max_micro_address Yd maximum value in micro_..._address
+max_micro_jump Ye maximum value in parm_..._micro
+micro_char_size Yf character size when in micro mode
+micro_line_size Yg line size when in micro mode
+number_of_pins Yh numbers of pins in print-head
+output_res_char Yi horizontal resolution in units per line
+output_res_line Yj vertical resolution in units per line
+output_res_horz_inch Yk horizontal resolution in units per inch
+output_res_vert_inch Yl vertical resolution in units per inch
+print_rate Ym print rate in chars per second
+wide_char_size Yn character step size when in double wide
+ mode
+buttons BT number of buttons on mouse
+bit_image_entwining Yo number of passed for each bit-image row
+bit_image_type Yp type of bit-image device
-The following section is not complete, to get a more complete listing
-look in
-.Pa /usr/src/share/termcap/terminfo_extensions.doc .
+These are the string capabilities:
+.Bd -literal
+\fBString TCap Description\fR
+\fBVariables Code\fR
+back_tab bt back tab (P)
+bell bl audible signal (bell) (P)
+carriage_return cr carriage return (P*)
+change_scroll_region cs change region to line #1 to line #2 (P)
+clear_all_tabs ct clear all tab stops (P)
+clear_screen cl clear screen and home cursor (P*)
+clr_eol ce clear to end of line (P)
+clr_eos cd clear to end of screen (P*)
+column_address ch horizontal position #1, absolute (P)
+command_character CC terminal settable cmd character in
+ prototype
+cursor_address cm move to row #1 columns #2
+cursor_down do down one line
+cursor_home ho home cursor
+cursor_invisible vi make cursor invisible
+cursor_left le move left one space
+cursor_mem_address CM memory relative cursor addressing
+cursor_normal ve make cursor appear normal (undo
+ cursor_invisible/cursor_visible)
+cursor_right nd move right one space
+cursor_to_ll ll last line, first column
+cursor_up up up one line
+cursor_visible vs make cursor very visible
+delete_character dc delete character (P*)
+delete_line dl delete line (P*)
+dis_status_line ds disable status line
+down_half_line hd half a line down
+enter_alt_charset_mode as start alternate character set (P)
+enter_blink_mode mb turn on blinking
+enter_bold_mode md turn on bold (extra bright) mode
+enter_ca_mode ti string to start programs using
+ cursor_address
+enter_delete_mode dm enter delete mode
+enter_dim_mode mh turn on half-bright mode
+enter_insert_mode im enter insert mode
+enter_secure_mode mk turn on blank mode (characters invisible)
+enter_protected_mode mp turn on protected mode
+enter_reverse_mode mr turn on reverse video mode
+enter_standout_mode so begin standout mode
+enter_underline_mode us begin underline mode
+erase_chars ec erase #1 characters (P)
+exit_alt_charset_mode ae end alternate character set (P)
+exit_attribute_mode me turn off all attributes
+exit_ca_mode te strings to end programs using cup
+exit_delete_mode ed end delete mode
+exit_insert_mode ei exit insert mode
+exit_standout_mode se exit standout mode
+exit_underline_mode ue exit underline mode
+flash_screen vb visible bell (may not move cursor)
+form_feed ff hardcopy terminal page eject (P*)
+from_status_line fs return from status line
+init_1string i1 initialization string
+init_2string is initialization string
+init_3string i3 initialization string
+init_file if name of initialization file
+insert_character ic insert character (P)
+insert_line al insert line (P*)
+insert_padding ip insert padding after inserted character
+key_backspace kb backspace key
+key_catab ka clear-all-tabs key
+key_clear kC clear-screen or erase key
+key_ctab kt clear-tab key
+key_dc kD delete-character key
+key_dl kL delete-line key
+key_down kd down-arrow key
+key_eic kM sent by rmir or smir in insert mode
+key_eol kE clear-to-end-of-line key
+key_eos kS clear-to-end-of-screen key
+key_f0 k0 F0 function key
+key_f1 k1 F1 function key
+key_f10 k; F10 function key
+key_f2 k2 F2 function key
+key_f3 k3 F3 function key
+key_f4 k4 F4 function key
+key_f5 k5 F5 function key
+key_f6 k6 F6 function key
+key_f7 k7 F7 function key
+key_f8 k8 F8 fucntion key
+key_f9 k9 F9 function key
+key_home kh home key
+key_ic kI insert-character key
+key_il kA insert-line key
+key_left kl left-arrow key
+key_ll kH last-line key
+key_npage kN next-page key
+key_ppage kP prev-page key
+key_right kr right-arrow key
+key_sf kF scroll-forward key
+key_sr kR scroll-backward key
+key_stab kT set-tab key
+key_up ku up-arrow key
+keypad_local ke leave 'keyboard_transmit' mode
+keypad_xmit ks enter 'keyboard_transmit' mode
+lab_f0 l0 label on function key f0 if not f0
+lab_f1 l1 label on function key f1 if not f1
+lab_f10 la label on function key f10 if not f10
+lab_f2 l2 label on function key f2 if not f2
+lab_f3 l3 label on function key f3 if not f3
+lab_f4 l4 label on function key f4 if not f4
+lab_f5 l5 lable on function key f5 if not f5
+lab_f6 l6 label on function key f6 if not f6
+lab_f7 l7 label on function key f7 if not f7
+lab_f8 l8 label on function key f8 if not f8
+lab_f9 l9 label on function key f9 if not f9
+meta_off mo turn off meta mode
+meta_on mm turn on meta mode (8th-bit on)
+newline nw newline (behave like cr followed by lf)
+pad_char pc padding char (instead of null)
+parm_dch DC delete #1 chars (P*)
+parm_delete_line DL delete #1 lines (P*)
+parm_down_cursor DO down #1 lines (P*)
+parm_ich IC insert #1 chars (P*)
+parm_index SF scroll forward #1 lines (P)
+parm_insert_line AL insert #1 lines (P*)
+parm_left_cursor LE move #1 chars to the left (P)
+parm_right_cursor RI move #1 chars to the right (P*)
+parm_rindex SR scroll back #1 lines (P)
+parm_up_cursor UP up #1 lines (P*)
+pkey_key pk program function key #1 to type string #2
+pkey_local pl program function key #1 to execute
+ string #2
+pkey_xmit px program function key #1 to transmit
+ string #2
+print_screen ps print contents of screen
+prtr_off pf turn off printer
+prtr_on po turn on printer
+repeat_char rp repeat char #1 #2 times (P*)
+reset_1string r1 reset string
+reset_2string r2 reset string
+reset_3string r3 reset string
+reset_file rf name of reset file
+restore_cursor rc restore cursor to last position of
+ save_cursor
+row_address cv vertical position #1 absolute (P)
+save_cursor sc save current cursor position (P)
+scroll_forward sf scroll text up (P)
+scroll_reverse sr scroll text down (P)
+set_attributes sa define video attributes #1-#9 (PG9)
+set_tab st set a tab in every row, current columns
+set_window wi current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4
+tab ta tab to next 8-space hardware tab stop
+to_status_line ts move to status line
+underline_char uc underline char and move past it
+up_half_line hu half a line up
+init_prog iP path name of program for initialization
+key_a1 K1 upper left of keypad
+key_a3 K3 upper right of keypad
+key_b2 K2 center of keypad
+key_c1 K4 lower left of keypad
+key_c3 K5 lower right of keypad
+prtr_non pO turn on printer for #1 bytes
+termcap_init2 i2 secondary initialization string
+termcap_reset rs terminal reset string
+# SVr1 capabilities stop here. IBM's version of terminfo is the same as
+# SVr4 up to this point, but has a different set afterwards.
+char_padding rP like insert_padding but when in insert mode
+acs_chars ac graphics charset pairs - def=vt100
+plab_norm pn program label #1 to show string #2
+key_btab kB back-tab key
+enter_xon_mode SX turn on xon/xoff handshaking
+exit_xon_mode RX turn off xon/xoff handshaking
+enter_am_mode SA turn on automatic margins
+exit_am_mode RA turn off automatic margins
+xon_character XN XON character
+xoff_character XF XOFF character
+ena_acs eA enable alternate char set
+label_on LO turn on soft labels
+label_off LF turn off soft labels
+key_beg @1 begin key
+key_cancel @2 cancel key
+key_close @3 close key
+key_command @4 command key
+key_copy @5 copy key
+key_create @6 create key
+key_end @7 end key
+key_enter @8 enter/send key
+key_exit @9 exit key
+key_find @0 find key
+key_help %1 help key
+key_mark %2 mark key
+key_message %3 message key
+key_move %4 move key
+key_next %5 next key
+key_open %6 open key
+key_options %7 options key
+key_previous %8 previous key
+key_print %9 print key
+key_redo %0 redo key
+key_reference &1 reference key
+key_refresh &2 refresh key
+key_replace &3 replace key
+key_restart &4 restart key
+key_resume &5 resume key
+key_save &6 save key
+key_suspend &7 suspend key
+key_undo &8 undo key
+key_sbeg &9 shifted key
+key_scancel &0 shifted key
+key_scommand *1 shifted key
+key_scopy *2 shifted key
+key_screate *3 shifted key
+key_sdc *4 shifted key
+key_sdl *5 shifted key
+key_select *6 select key
+key_send *7 shifted key
+key_seol *8 shifted key
+key_sexit *9 shifted key
+key_sfind *0 shifted key
+key_shelp #1 shifted key
+key_shome #2 shifted key
+key_sic #3 shifted key
+key_sleft #4 shifted key
+key_smessage %a shifted key
+key_smove %b shifted key
+key_snext %c shifted key
+key_soptions %d shifted key
+key_sprevious %e shifted key
+key_sprint %f shifted key
+key_sredo %g shifted key
+key_sreplace %h shifted key
+key_sright %i shifted key
+key_srsume %j shifted key
+key_ssave !1 shifted key
+key_ssuspend !2 shifted key
+key_sundo !3 shifted key
+req_for_input RF send next input char (for ptys)
+key_f11 F1 F11 function key
+key_f12 F2 F12 function key
+key_f13 F3 F13 function key
+key_f14 F4 F14 function key
+key_f15 F5 F15 function key
+key_f16 F6 F16 function key
+key_f17 F7 F17 function key
+key_f18 F8 F18 function key
+key_f19 F9 F19 function key
+key_f20 FA F20 function key
+key_f21 FB F21 function key
+key_f22 FC F22 function key
+key_f23 FD F23 function key
+key_f24 FE F24 function key
+key_f25 FF F25 function key
+key_f26 FG F26 function key
+key_f27 FH F27 function key
+key_f28 FI F28 function key
+key_f29 FJ F29 function key
+key_f30 FK F30 function key
+key_f31 FL F31 function key
+key_f32 FM F32 function key
+key_f33 FN F33 function key
+key_f34 FO F34 function key
+key_f35 FP F35 function key
+key_f36 FQ F36 function key
+key_f37 FR F37 function key
+key_f38 FS F38 function key
+key_f39 FT F39 function key
+key_f40 FU F40 function key
+key_f41 FV F41 function key
+key_f42 FW F42 function key
+key_f43 FX F43 function key
+key_f44 FY F44 function key
+key_f45 FZ F45 function key
+key_f46 Fa F46 function key
+key_f47 Fb F47 function key
+key_f48 Fc F48 function key
+key_f49 Fd F49 function key
+key_f50 Fe F50 function key
+key_f51 Ff F51 function key
+key_f52 Fg F52 function key
+key_f53 Fh F53 function key
+key_f54 Fi F54 function key
+key_f55 Fj F55 function key
+key_f56 Fk F56 function key
+key_f57 Fl F57 function key
+key_f58 Fm F58 function key
+key_f59 Fn F59 function key
+key_f60 Fo F60 function key
+key_f61 Fp F61 function key
+key_f62 Fq F62 function key
+key_f63 Fr F63 function key
+clr_bol cb Clear to beginning of line
+clear_margins MC clear right and left soft margins
+set_left_margin ML set left soft margin
+set_right_margin MR set right soft margin
+label_format Lf label format
+set_clock SC set clock, #1 hrs #2 mins #3 secs
+display_clock DK display clock at (#1,#2)
+remove_clock RC remove clock
+create_window CW define a window #1 from #2, #3 to #4, #5
+goto_window WG go to window #1
+hangup HU hang-up phone
+dial_phone DI dial number #1
+quick_dial QD dial number #1 without checking
+tone TO select touch tone dialing
+pulse PU select pulse dialling
+flash_hook fh flash switch hook
+fixed_pause PA pause for 2-3 seconds
+wait_tone WA wait for dial-tone
+user0 u0 User string #0
+user1 u1 User string #1
+user2 u2 User string #2
+user3 u3 User string #3
+user4 u4 User string #4
+user5 u5 User string #5
+user6 u6 User string #6
+user7 u7 User string #7
+user8 u8 User string #8
+user9 u9 User string #9
+# SVr4 added these capabilities to support color
+orig_pair op Set default pair to its original value
+orig_colors oc Set all color pairs to the original ones
+initialize_color Ic initialize color #1 to (#2,#3,#4)
+initialize_pair Ip Initialize color pair #1 to fg=(#2,#3,#4),
+ bg=(#5,#6,#7)
+set_color_pair sp Set current color pair to #1
+set_foreground Sf Set foreground color #1
+set_background Sb Set background color #1
+# SVr4 added these capabilities to support printers
+change_char_pitch ZA Change number of characters per inch
+change_line_pitch ZB Change number of lines per inch
+change_res_horz ZC Change horizontal resolution
+change_res_vert ZD Change vertical resolution
+define_char ZE Define a character
+enter_doublewide_mode ZF Enter double-wide mode
+enter_draft_quality ZG Enter draft-quality mode
+enter_italics_mode ZH Enter italic mode
+enter_leftward_mode ZI Start leftward carriage motion
+enter_micro_mode ZJ Start micro-motion mode
+enter_near_letter_quality ZK Enter NLQ mode
+enter_normal_quality ZL Enter normal-quality mode
+enter_shadow_mode ZM Enter shadow-print mode
+enter_subscript_mode ZN Enter subscript mode
+enter_superscript_mode ZO Enter superscript mode
+enter_upward_mode ZP Start upward carriage motion
+exit_doublewide_mode ZQ End double-wide mode
+exit_italics_mode ZR End italic mode
+exit_leftward_mode ZS End left-motion mode
+exit_micro_mode ZT End micro-motion mode
+exit_shadow_mode ZU End shadow-print mode
+exit_subscript_mode ZV End subscript mode
+exit_superscript_mode ZW End superscript mode
+exit_upward_mode ZX End reverse character motion
+micro_column_address ZY Like column_address in micro mode
+micro_down ZZ Like cursor_down in micro mode
+micro_left Za Like cursor_left in micro mode
+micro_right Zb Like cursor_right in micro mode
+micro_row_address Zc Like row_address in micro mode
+micro_up Zd Like cursor_up in micro mode
+order_of_pins Ze Match software bits to print-head pins
+parm_down_micro Zf Like parm_down_cursor in micro mode
+parm_left_micro Zg Like parm_left_cursor in micro mode
+parm_right_micro Zh Like parm_right_cursor in micro mode
+parm_up_micro Zi Like parm_up_cursor in micro mode
+select_char_set Zj Select character set
+set_bottom_margin Zk Set bottom margin at current line
+set_bottom_margin_parm Zl Set bottom margin at line #1 or #2 lines
+ from bottom
+set_left_margin_parm Zm Set left (right) margin at column #1 (#2)
+set_right_margin_parm Zn Set right margin at column #1
+set_top_margin Zo Set top margin at current line
+set_top_margin_parm Zp Set top (bottom) margin at row #1 (#2)
+start_bit_image Zq Start printing bit image braphics
+start_char_set_def Zr Start character set definition
+stop_bit_image Zs Stop printing bit image graphics
+stop_char_set_def Zt End definition of character aet
+subscript_characters Zu List of subscriptable characters
+superscript_characters Zv List of superscriptable characters
+these_cause_cr Zw Printing any of these chars causes CR
+zero_motion Zx No motion for subsequent character
+# The following string capabilities are present in the SVr4.0 term
+# structure, but are not documented in the man page.
+char_set_names Zy List of character set names
+key_mouse Km Mouse event has occurred
+mouse_info Mi Mouse status information
+req_mouse_pos RQ Request mouse position
+get_mouse Gm Curses should get button events
+set_a_foreground AF Set ANSI foreground color
+set_a_background AB Set ANSI background color
+pkey_plab xl Program function key #1 to type string #2
+ and show string #3
+device_type dv Indicate language/codeset support
+code_set_init ci Init sequence for multiple codesets
+set0_des_seq s0 Shift to code set 0 (EUC set 0, ASCII)
+set1_des_seq s1 Shift to code set 1
+set2_des_seq s2 Shift to code set 2
+set3_des_seq s3 Shift to code set 3
+set_lr_margin ML Set both left and right margins to #1, #2
+set_tb_margin MT Sets both top and bottom margins to #1, #2
+bit_image_repeat Xy Repeat bit image cell #1 #2 times
+bit_image_newline Zz Move to next row of the bit image
+bit_image_carriage_return Yv Move to beginning of same row
+color_names Yw Give name for color #1
+define_bit_image_region Yx Define rectangualar bit image region
+end_bit_image_region Yy End a bit-image region
+set_color_band Yz Change to ribbon color #1
+set_page_length YZ Set page length to #1 lines
+# SVr4 added these capabilities for direct PC-clone support
+display_pc_char S1 Display PC character
+enter_pc_charset_mode S2 Enter PC character display mode
+exit_pc_charset_mode S3 Exit PC character display mode
+enter_scancode_mode S4 Enter PC scancode mode
+exit_scancode_mode S5 Exit PC scancode mode
+pc_term_options S6 PC terminal options
+scancode_escape S7 Escape for scancode emulation
+alt_scancode_esc S8 Alternate escape for scancode emulation
+# The XSI Curses standard added these.
+enter_horizontal_hl_mode Xh Enter horizontal highlight mode
+enter_left_hl_mode Xl Enter left highlight mode
+enter_low_hl_mode Xo Enter low highlight mode
+enter_right_hl_mode Xr Enter right highlight mode
+enter_top_hl_mode Xt Enter top highlight mode
+enter_vertical_hl_mode Xv Enter vertical highlight mode
-.Bl -column indent indent indent
-.Sy Name Type Notes Description
-.It "ae str (P) End alternate character set."
-.It AL str (NP*) Add
-.Em n
-new blank lines
-.It "al str (P*) Add new blank line."
-.It "am bool Terminal has automatic margins."
-.It "as str (P) Start alternate character set."
-.It "bc str (o) Backspace if not."
-.Sy \&^H .
-.It "bl str (P) Audible signal (bell)."
-.It "bs bool (o) Terminal can backspace with"
-.Sy \&^H .
-.It "bt str (P) Back tab."
-.It "bw bool " Ta Sy \&le
-(backspace) wraps from column 0 to last column.
-.It "CC str Terminal settable command character in prototype."
-.It "cd str (P*) Clear to end of display."
-.It "ce str (P) Clear to end of line."
-.It "ch str (NP) Set cursor column (horizontal position)."
-.It "cl str (P*) Clear screen and home cursor."
-.It "CM str (NP) Memory-relative cursor addressing."
-.It "cm str (NP) Screen-relative cursor motion."
-.It "co num Number of columns in a line (See"
-section below).
-.It "cr str (P) Carriage return."
-.It "cs str (NP) Change scrolling region (VT100)."
-.It "ct str (P) Clear all tab stops."
-.It "cv str (NP) Set cursor row (vertical position)."
-.It "da bool Display may be retained above the screen."
-.It "dB num (o) Milliseconds of"
-.Sy \&bs
-delay needed (default 0).
-.It "db bool Display may be retained below the screen."
-.It "DC str (NP*) Delete"
-.Em n
-.It "dC num (o) Milliseconds of"
-.Sy \&cr
-delay needed (default 0).
-.It "dc str (P*) Delete character."
-.It "dF num (o) Milliseconds of"
-.Sy \&ff
-delay needed (default 0).
-.It "DL str (NP*) Delete"
-.Ar n
-.It "dl str (P*) Delete line."
-.It "dm str Enter delete mode."
-.It "dN num (o) Milliseconds of
-.Sy \&nl
-delay needed (default 0).
-.It "DO str (NP*) Move cursor down:
-.Ar n
-.It "do str Down one line."
-.It "ds str Disable status line."
-.It "dT num (o) Milliseconds of horizontal tab delay needed (default 0)."
-.It "dV num (o) Milliseconds of vertical tab delay needed (default 0)."
-.It "ec str (NP) Erase"
-.Ar n
-.It "ed str End delete mode."
-.It "ei str End insert mode."
-.It "eo bool Can erase overstrikes with a blank."
-.It "EP bool (o) Even parity."
-.It "es bool Escape can be used on the status line."
-.It "ff str (P*) Hardcopy terminal page eject."
-.It "fs str Return from status line."
-.It "gn bool Generic line type, for example dialup, switch)."
-.It "hc bool Hardcopy terminal."
-.It "HD bool (o) Half-duplex."
-.It "hd str Half-line down (forward 1/2 linefeed)."
-.It "ho str (P) Home cursor."
-.It "hs bool Has extra"
-.Dq status line .
-.It "hu str Half-line up (reverse 1/2 linefeed)."
-.It "hz bool Cannot print ``~'' (Hazeltine)."
-.It "i1-i3 str Terminal initialization strings"
-.Pf ( Xr terminfo
-.It "IC str (NP*) Insert"
-.Ar n
-blank characters.
-.It "ic str (P*) Insert character."
-.It "if str Name of file containing initialization string."
-.It "im str Enter insert mode."
-.It "in bool Insert mode distinguishes nulls."
-.It "iP str Pathname of program for initialization"
-.Pf ( Xr terminfo
-.It "ip str (P*) Insert pad after character inserted."
-.It "is str Terminal initialization string"
-.Pf ( Nm termcap
-.It "it num Tabs initially every"
-.Ar n
-.It "K1 str Sent by keypad upper left."
-.It "K2 str Sent by keypad upper right."
-.It "K3 str Sent by keypad center."
-.It "K4 str Sent by keypad lower left."
-.It "K5 str Sent by keypad lower right."
-.It "k0-k9 str Sent by function keys 0-9."
-.It "kA str Sent by insert-line key."
-.It "ka str Sent by clear-all-tabs key."
-.It "kb str Sent by backspace key."
-.It "kC str Sent by clear-screen or erase key."
-.It "kD str Sent by delete-character key."
-.It "kd str Sent by down-arrow key."
-.It "kE str Sent by clear-to-end-of-line key."
-.It "ke str Out of"
-.Dq keypad transmit
-.It "kF str Sent by scroll-forward/down key."
-.It "kH str Sent by home-down key."
-.It "kh str Sent by home key."
-.It "kI str Sent by insert-character or enter-insert-mode key."
-.It "kL str Sent by delete-line key."
-.It "kl str Sent by left-arrow key."
-.It "kM str Sent by insert key while in insert mode."
-.It "km bool Has a"
-.Dq meta
-key (shift, sets parity bit).
-.It "kN str Sent by next-page key."
-.It "kn num (o) Number of function"
-.Pq Sy \&k\&0 Ns \- Ns Sy \&k\&9
-keys (default 0).
-.It "ko str (o) Termcap entries for other non-function keys."
-.It "kP str Sent by previous-page key."
-.It "kR str Sent by scroll-backward/up key."
-.It "kr str Sent by right-arrow key."
-.It "kS str Sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key."
-.It "ks str Put terminal in"
-.Dq keypad transmit
-.It "kT str Sent by set-tab key."
-.It "kt str Sent by clear-tab key."
-.It "ku str Sent by up-arrow key."
-.It "l0-l9 str Labels on function keys if not"
-.Dq \&f Ns Em n .
-.It "LC bool (o) Lower-case only."
-.It "LE str (NP) Move cursor left"
-.Ar n
-.It "le str (P) Move cursor left one position."
-.It "li num Number of lines on screen or page (See"
-section below)
-.It "ll str Last line, first column
-.It "lm num Lines of memory if >" Sy \&li
-(0 means varies).
-.It "ma str (o) Arrow key map (used by"
-.Xr \&vi
-version 2 only).
-.It "mb str Turn on blinking attribute."
-.It "md str Turn on bold (extra bright) attribute."
-.It "me str Turn off all attributes."
-.It "mh str Turn on half-bright attribute."
-.It "mi bool Safe to move while in insert mode."
-.It "mk str Turn on blank attribute (characters invisible)."
-.It "ml str (o) Memory lock on above cursor."
-.It "mm str Turn on"
-.Dq meta mode
-(8th bit).
-.It "mo str Turn off"
-.Dq meta mode .
-.It "mp str Turn on protected attribute."
-.It "mr str Turn on reverse-video attribute."
-.It "ms bool Safe to move in standout modes."
-.It "mu str (o) Memory unlock (turn off memory lock)."
-.It "nc bool (o) No correctly-working"
-.Sy \&cr
-(Datamedia 2500, Hazeltine 2000).
-.It "nd str Non-destructive space (cursor right)."
-.It "NL bool (o)" Ta Sy \&\en No "is newline, not line feed."
-.It "nl str (o) Newline character if not" Sy \en .
-.It "ns bool (o) Terminal is a" Tn CRT No "but doesn't scroll."
-.It "nw str (P) Newline"
-.Po behaves like \&
-.Sy \&cr
-followed by
-.Sy \&do
-.Pc .
-.It "OP bool (o) Odd parity."
-.It "os bool Terminal overstrikes."
-.It "pb num Lowest baud where delays are required."
-.It "pc str Pad character
-.Pq default Tn NUL .
-.It "pf str Turn off the printer."
-.It "pk str Program function key"
-.Em n
-to type string
-.Em s
-.Pf ( Xr terminfo
-.It "pl str Program function key"
-.Em n
-to execute string
-.Em s
-.Pf ( Xr terminfo
-.It "pO str (N) Turn on the printer for"
-.Em n
-.It "po str Turn on the printer."
-.It "ps str Print contents of the screen."
-.It "pt bool (o) Has hardware tabs"
-.Pq may need to be set with Sy \&is .
-.It "px str Program function key"
-.Em n
-to transmit string
-.Em s
-.Pf ( Xr terminfo
-.It "r1-r3 str Reset terminal completely to sane modes"
-.Pf ( Xr terminfo
-.It "rc str (P) Restore cursor to position of last"
-.Sy \&sc .
-.It "rf str Name of file containing reset codes."
-.It "RI str (NP) Move cursor right"
-.Em n
-.It "rp str (NP*) Repeat character"
-.Em c n
-.It "rs str Reset terminal completely to sane modes"
-.Pf ( Nm termcap
-.It "sa str (NP) Define the video attributes."
-.It "sc str (P) Save cursor position."
-.It "se str End standout mode."
-.It "SF str (NP*) Scroll forward"
-.Em n
-.It "sf str (P) Scroll text up."
-.It "sg num Number of garbage chars left by"
-.Sy \&so
-.Sy \&se
-(default 0).
-.It "so str Begin standout mode."
-.It "SR str (NP*) Scroll backward"
-.Em n
-.It "sr str (P) Scroll text down."
-.It "st str Set a tab in all rows, current column."
-.It "ta str (P) Tab to next 8-position hardware tab stop."
-.It "tc str Entry of similar terminal \- must be last."
-.It "te str String to end programs that use"
-.Nm Ns .
-.It "ti str String to begin programs that use"
-.Nm Ns .
-.It "ts str (N) Go to status line, column"
-.Em n .
-.It "UC bool (o) Upper-case only."
-.It "uc str Underscore one character and move past it."
-.It "ue str End underscore mode."
-.It "ug num Number of garbage chars left by"
-.Sy \&us
-.Sy \&ue
-(default 0).
-.It "ul bool Underline character overstrikes."
-.It "UP str (NP*) Move cursor up"
-.Em n
-.It "up str Upline (cursor up)."
-.It "us str Start underscore mode."
-.It "vb str Visible bell (must not move cursor)."
-.It "ve str Make cursor appear normal (undo"
-.Sy \&vs Ns / Ns Sy \&vi ) .
-.It "vi str Make cursor invisible."
-.It "vs str Make cursor very visible."
-.It "vt num Virtual terminal number (not supported on all systems)."
-.It "wi str (N) Set current window."
-.It "ws num Number of columns in status line."
-.It "xb bool Beehive"
-.Pf ( "f1=" Ns Dv ESC ,
-.Pf "f2=" Sy \&^C ) .
-.It "xn bool Newline ignored after 80 cols (Concept)."
-.It "xo bool Terminal uses xoff/xon"
-.Pq Dv DC3 Ns / Ns Dv DC1
-.It "xr bool (o) Return acts like"
-.Sy "ce cr nl"
-(Delta Data).
-.It "xs bool Standout not erased by overwriting (Hewlett-Packard)."
-.It "xt bool Tabs ruin, magic"
-.SY \&so
-char (Teleray 1061).
-.It "xx bool (o) Tektronix 4025 insert-line."
+Obsolete termcap capabilities.
+New software should not rely on them at all.
+.Bd -literal
+\fBBoolean TCap Description\fR
+\fBVariables Code\fR
+linefeed_is_newline NL move down with ^J
+even_parity EP terminal requires even parity
+odd_parity OP terminal requires odd parity
+half_duplex HD terminal is half-duplex
+lower_case_only LC terminal has only lower case
+upper_case_only UC terminal has only upper case
+has_hardware_tabs pt has 8-char tabs invoked with ^I
+return_does_clr_eol xr return clears the line
+tek_4025_insert_line xx Tektronix 4025 insert-line glitch
+backspaces_with_bs bs uses ^H to move left
+crt_no_scrolling ns crt cannot scroll
+no_correctly_working_cr nc no way to go to start of line
+.Bd -literal
+\fBNumber TCap Description\fR
+\fBVariables Code\fR
+backspace_delay dB padding required for ^H
+form_feed_delay dF padding required for ^L
+horizontal_tab_delay dT padding required for ^I
+vertical_tab_delay dV padding required for ^V
+number_of_function_keys kn count of function keys
+carriage_return_delay dC pad needed for CR
+new_line_delay dN pad needed for LF
+.Bd -literal
+\fBString TCap Description\fR
+\fBVariables Code\fR
+other_non_function_keys ko list of self-mapped keycaps
+arrow_key_map ma map arrow keys rogue(1) motion keys
+memory_lock_above ml lock visible screen memory above the
+ current line
+memory_unlock mu unlock visible screen memory above the
+ current line
+linefeed_if_not_lf nl use to move down
+backspace_if_not_bs bc move left, if not ^H
.Ss A Sample Entry
The following entry, which describes the Concept\-100, is among the more
complex entries in the
@@ -1806,8 +2095,6 @@ File containing terminal descriptions.
.It Pa /usr/share/misc/termcap.db
Hash database file containing terminal descriptions (see
.Xr cap_mkdb 1 ) .
-.It Pa /usr/src/share/termcap/terminfo_extensions.doc
-A more complete list of entries for both termcap and terminfo.
.Xr cap_mkdb 1 ,