path: root/sbin/sysinstall/label.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sbin/sysinstall/label.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/sbin/sysinstall/label.c b/sbin/sysinstall/label.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd0b76eded8b..000000000000
--- a/sbin/sysinstall/label.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: label.c,v 1.31 1994/12/27 23:26:51 jkh Exp $
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <ufs/ffs/fs.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/disklabel.h>
-#include <ufs/ffs/fs.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <dialog.h>
-#include "sysinstall.h"
-static int
-AskWhichPartition(char *prompt)
- char buf[10];
- int i;
- *buf = 0;
- i = AskEm(stdscr, prompt, buf, 2);
- if (i != '\n' && i != '\r') return -1;
- if (!strchr("abefghABEFGH",*buf)) return -1;
- return tolower(*buf) - 'a';
- int i, j, done = 0, diskno, k;
- char buf[128],*p;
- struct disklabel *lbl, olbl;
- struct dos_partition dp[NDOSPART];
- u_long cyl, hd, sec, tsec;
- u_long l1, l2, l3, l4;
- char *yip = NULL;
- u_long allocated_space, ourpart_size, ourpart_offset;
- *buf = 0;
- i = AskEm(stdscr, "Enter number of disk to Disklabel> ", buf, 3);
- Debug("%d", i);
- if (i != '\n' && i != '\r') return;
- diskno = atoi(buf);
- if (!(diskno >= 0 && diskno < MAX_NO_DISKS && Dname[diskno])) {
- return;
- }
- olbl = *Dlbl[diskno];
- lbl = &olbl;
- cyl = lbl->d_ncylinders;
- hd = lbl->d_ntracks;
- sec = lbl->d_nsectors;
- tsec = lbl->d_secperunit;
- for (i = lbl->d_npartitions; i < MAXPARTITIONS; i++) {
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_offset = 0;
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size = 0;
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_fstype = 0;
- }
- lbl->d_npartitions = MAXPARTITIONS;
- if(Dname[diskno][0] == 's' && Dname[diskno][1] == 'd')
- lbl->d_type = DTYPE_SCSI;
- else
- lbl->d_type = DTYPE_ST506;
- while(!done) {
- clear(); standend();
- if (yip) {
- standout();
- mvprintw(24, 0, yip);
- standend();
- beep();
- yip = NULL;
- }
- j = 0;
- mvprintw(j++, 0, "%s -- Diskspace editor -- DISKLABEL", TITLE);
- j++;
- allocated_space = 0;
- ourpart_size = lbl->d_partitions[OURPART].p_size;
- ourpart_offset = lbl->d_partitions[OURPART].p_offset;
- mvprintw(j++, 0, "Part Start End Blocks MB Type Action Mountpoint");
- for (i = 0; i < MAXPARTITIONS; i++) {
- refresh();
- mvprintw(j++, 0, "%c ", 'a'+i);
- printw(" %8u %8u %8u %5u ",
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_offset,
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_offset+
- (lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size ?
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size-1 : 0),
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size,
- (lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size + 1024)/2048);
- k = lbl->d_partitions[i].p_fstype;
- if (k > FSMAXTYPES)
- printw("%04x ", k);
- else
- printw("%-7.7s ", fstypenames[k]);
- if(!MP[diskno][i])
- printw(" ");
- else if(!strcmp(Ftype[MP[diskno][i]],"swap"))
- printw("swap ");
- else if(Faction[MP[diskno][i]])
- printw("newfs ");
- else
- printw("mount ");
- if (i == OURPART)
- printw("<Entire FreeBSD slice>");
- else if (i == RAWPART)
- printw("<Entire Disk>");
- else {
- if (Fmount[MP[diskno][i]])
- printw(Fmount[MP[diskno][i]]);
- if ((lbl->d_partitions[i].p_offset >= ourpart_offset) &&
- ((lbl->d_partitions[i].p_offset +
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size) <=
- (ourpart_offset + ourpart_size)))
- allocated_space += lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size;
- }
- }
- mvprintw(17, 0, "Total size: %8lu blocks %5luMb",
- ourpart_size, (ourpart_size + 1024)/2048);
- mvprintw(18, 0, "Space allocated: %8lu blocks %5luMb",
- allocated_space, (allocated_space + 1024)/2048);
- mvprintw(20, 0, "Commands available: ");
- if (memcmp(lbl, Dlbl[diskno], sizeof *lbl)) {
- standout();
- printw("Use (W)rite to save changes to disk");
- standend();
- }
- mvprintw(21, 0, "(H)elp (T)utorial (E)dit (A)ssign (D)elete (R)eread (W)rite (Q)uit");
- mvprintw(22, 0, "(P)reserve (S)lice");
- mvprintw(23, 0, "Enter Command> ");
- i=getch();
- switch(i) {
- case 'h': case 'H': case '?':
- clear();
- mvprintw(0, 0,
-"%s -- Diskspace editor -- DISKLABEL -- Command Help
-Basic commands:
-(H)elp - This screen
-(T)utorial - More detailed information on MBRs, disklabels, etc.
-(E)dit - Edit an existing disklabel entry
-(A)ssign - Assign a filesystem (or swap) to a partition
-(D)elete - Delete an existing disklabel entry
-(R)eread - Re-read disklabel from disk, discarding any changes
-(W)rite - Write updated disklabel information to disk
-(P)reserve - Don't newfs the filesystem (preserve old contents)
-(S)lice - Import foreign slice from MBR (for example, DOS)
-(Q)uit - Exit from the disklabel editor
-Press any key to return to Disklabel editor...
-", TITLE);
- getch();
- break;
- case 't': case 'T':
- ShowFile(HELPME_FILE,"Help file for disklayout");
- break;
- case 'd': case 'D':
- j = AskWhichPartition("Delete which partition> ");
- if (j < 0) {
- yip = "Invalid partition";
- break;
- }
- CleanMount(diskno, j);
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype = FS_UNUSED;
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_size = 0;
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_offset = 0;
- break;
- case 'p': case 'P':
- j = AskWhichPartition("Preserve which partition> ");
- if (j < 0) {
- yip = "Invalid partition";
- break;
- }
- if (!MP[diskno][j]) {
- yip = "Unmounted partitions are preserved by default";
- break;
- }
- if (lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype == FS_SWAP) {
- yip = "swap partitions cannot be preserved.";
- break;
- }
- if (lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype != FS_BSDFFS) {
- yip = "All non-ufs partitions are preserved by default.";
- break;
- }
- if (!fixit && !strcmp(Fmount[MP[diskno][j]],"/")) {
- yip = "/ cannot be preserved.";
- break;
- }
- if (!fixit && !strcmp(Fmount[MP[diskno][j]],"/usr")) {
- yip = "/usr cannot be preserved.";
- break;
- }
- if (!fixit && !strcmp(Fmount[MP[diskno][j]],"/var")) {
- yip = "/var cannot be preserved.";
- break;
- }
- Faction[MP[diskno][j]] = 1 - Faction[MP[diskno][j]];
- break;
- case 's': case 'S':
- read_dospart(Dfd[diskno],&dp[0]);
- *buf = 0;
- j = AskEm(stdscr,"Import which fdisk slice> ",buf,4);
- if(j != '\n' && j != '\r')
- break;
- i = strtoul(buf,0,0);
- if (i < 1 || i > 4) {
- yip = "Invalid slice, must be '1' to '4'";
- break;
- }
- if (!dp[i-1].dp_size) {
- yip = "empty slice cannot be imported";
- break;
- }
- j = AskWhichPartition("Import on which partition> ");
- if (j < 0) {
- yip = "Invalid partition";
- break;
- }
- CleanMount(diskno, j);
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_offset = dp[i-1].dp_start;
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_size = dp[i-1].dp_size;
- switch (dp[i-1].dp_typ) {
- case 0x01:
- case 0x04:
- case 0x06:
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype=FS_MSDOS;
- break;
- default:
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype=FS_OTHER;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'e': case 'E':
- j = AskWhichPartition("Change size of which partition> ");
- if (j < 0) {
- yip = "Invalid partition";
- break;
- }
- if (lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype != FS_BSDFFS &&
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype != FS_UNUSED &&
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype != FS_SWAP) {
- yip = "Invalid partition type";
- break;
- }
- if (lbl->d_partitions[OURPART].p_size == 0) {
- yip = "No FreeBSD partition defined?";
- break;
- }
- l1=lbl->d_partitions[OURPART].p_offset;
- l2=lbl->d_partitions[OURPART].p_offset +
- lbl->d_partitions[OURPART].p_size;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXPARTITIONS; i++) {
- if (i == OURPART) continue;
- if (i == RAWPART) continue;
- if (i == j) continue;
- if (lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size == 0) continue;
- if (lbl->d_partitions[i].p_offset >= l2) continue;
- if ((lbl->d_partitions[i].p_offset+
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size) <= l1) continue;
- l3 = lbl->d_partitions[i].p_offset - l1;
- l4 = l2 - (lbl->d_partitions[i].p_offset+
- lbl->d_partitions[i].p_size);
- if (l3 > 0 && l3 >= l4)
- l2 = l1+l3;
- else if (l4 > 0 && l4 > l3)
- l1 = l2-l4;
- else
- l2 = l1;
- }
- if (!(l2 - l1)) {
- yip = "Sizes unchanged - couldn't find room";
- break;
- }
- sprintf(buf, "%lu", (l2-l1+1024L)/2048L);
- i = AskEm(stdscr, "Size of partition in MB> ", buf, 10);
- l3= strtol(buf, 0, 0) * 2048L;
- if (!l3) {
- yip = "Invalid size given";
- break;
- }
- if (l3 > l2 - l1)
- l3 = l2 - l1;
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_size = l3;
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_offset = l1;
- if (j == 1)
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype = FS_SWAP;
- else
- lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype = FS_BSDFFS;
- break;
- case 'r': case 'R':
- olbl = *Dlbl[diskno];
- /* XXX be more selective here */
- for (i = 0; i < MAXPARTITIONS; i++)
- CleanMount(diskno, i);
- break;
- case 'a': case 'A':
- j = AskWhichPartition("Assign which partition> ");
- if (j < 0) {
- yip = "Invalid partition";
- break;
- }
- k = lbl->d_partitions[j].p_fstype;
- if (k != FS_BSDFFS && k != FS_MSDOS && k != FS_SWAP) {
- yip = "Invalid partition type";
- break;
- }
- if (!lbl->d_partitions[j].p_size) {
- yip = "Zero partition size";
- break;
- }
- if (k == FS_SWAP)
- strcpy(buf, "swap");
- else if (Fmount[MP[diskno][j]])
- strcpy(buf, Fmount[MP[diskno][j]]);
- else
- *buf = 0;
- if (k != FS_SWAP) {
- i = AskEm(stdscr, "Directory mountpoint> ", buf, 28);
- if (i != '\n' && i != '\r')
- break;
- p = buf + strlen(buf) - 1;
- while (isspace(*p) && p >= buf)
- *p-- = '\0';
- if (*buf && *buf != '/') {
- yip = "Mountpoint must start with a '/'";
- break;
- }
- }
- CleanMount(diskno, j);
- if (!*buf)
- break;
- p = SetMount(diskno,j,buf);
- yip = p;
- break;
- case 'w': case 'W':
- *Dlbl[diskno] = *lbl;
- Dlbl[diskno]->d_magic = DISKMAGIC;
- Dlbl[diskno]->d_magic2 = DISKMAGIC;
- Dlbl[diskno]->d_checksum = 0;
- Dlbl[diskno]->d_checksum = dkcksum(Dlbl[diskno]);
- *lbl = *Dlbl[diskno];
- enable_label(Dfd[diskno]);
- if (ioctl(Dfd[diskno], DIOCSDINFO, Dlbl[diskno]) == -1)
- Fatal("Couldn't set label: %s", strerror(errno));
- if (ioctl(Dfd[diskno], DIOCWDINFO, Dlbl[diskno]) == -1)
- Fatal("Couldn't write label: %s", strerror(errno));
- disable_label(Dfd[diskno]);
- yip = "Label written successfully.";
- break;
- case 'q': case 'Q':
- if (!memcmp(lbl, Dlbl[diskno], sizeof *lbl))
- return;
- /* XXX be more selective here */
- for (i = 0; i < MAXPARTITIONS; i++)
- CleanMount(diskno, i);
- return;
- break;
- }
- }