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+FTPEXT Working Group R. Elz
+Internet Draft University of Melbourne
+Expiration Date: April 2000
+ P. Hethmon
+ Hethmon Brothers
+ October 1999
+ Extensions to FTP
+ draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt
+Status of this Memo
+ This document is an Internet-Draft and is NOT offered in accordance
+ with Section 10 of RFC2026, and the author does not provide the IETF
+ with any rights other than to publish as an Internet-Draft.
+ Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
+ Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
+ other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
+ Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+ and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+ time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
+ material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
+ The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
+ http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt.
+ To view the list Internet-Draft Shadow Directories, see
+ http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.
+ This entire section has been prepended to this document automatically
+ during formatting without any direct involvement by the author(s) of
+ this draft.
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 1]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ In order to overcome the problems caused by the undefined format of
+ the current FTP LIST command output, a new command is needed to
+ transfer standardized listing information from Server-FTP to User-
+ FTP. Commands to enable this are defined in this document.
+ In order to allow consenting clients and servers to interact more
+ freely, a quite basic, and optional, virtual file store structure is
+ defined.
+ This proposal also extends the FTP protocol to allow character sets
+ other than US-ASCII[1] by allowing the transmission of 8-bit
+ characters and the recommended use of UTF-8[2] encoding.
+ Much implemented, but long undocumented, mechanisms to permit
+ restarts of interrupted data transfers in STREAM mode, are also
+ included here.
+ Lastly, the HOST command has been added to allow a style of "virtual
+ site" to be constructed.
+ Changed in this version of this document: Minor corrections as
+ discussed on the mailing list, including fixing many typographical
+ errors; Additional examples. This paragraph will be deleted from the
+ final version of this document.
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 2]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+Table of Contents
+ Abstract ................................................ 2
+ 1 Introduction ............................................ 4
+ 2 Document Conventions .................................... 4
+ 2.1 Basic Tokens ............................................ 5
+ 2.2 Pathnames ............................................... 5
+ 2.3 Times ................................................... 7
+ 2.4 Server Replies .......................................... 8
+ 3 File Modification Time (MDTM) ........................... 8
+ 3.1 Syntax .................................................. 9
+ 3.2 Error responses ......................................... 9
+ 3.3 FEAT response for MDTM .................................. 9
+ 3.4 MDTM Examples ........................................... 10
+ 4 File SIZE ............................................... 11
+ 4.1 Syntax .................................................. 11
+ 4.2 Error responses ......................................... 11
+ 4.3 FEAT response for SIZE .................................. 12
+ 4.4 Size Examples ........................................... 12
+ 5 Restart of Interrupted Transfer (REST) .................. 13
+ 5.1 Restarting in STREAM Mode ............................... 13
+ 5.2 Error Recovery and Restart .............................. 14
+ 5.3 Syntax .................................................. 14
+ 5.4 FEAT response for REST .................................. 16
+ 5.5 REST Example ............................................ 16
+ 6 Virtual FTP servers ..................................... 16
+ 6.1 The HOST command ........................................ 18
+ 6.2 Syntax of the HOST command .............................. 18
+ 6.3 HOST command semantics .................................. 19
+ 6.4 HOST command errors ..................................... 21
+ 6.5 FEAT response for HOST command .......................... 22
+ 7 A Trivial Virtual File Store (TVFS) ..................... 23
+ 7.1 TVFS File Names ......................................... 23
+ 7.2 TVFS Path Names ......................................... 24
+ 7.3 FEAT Response for TVFS .................................. 25
+ 7.4 OPTS for TVFS ........................................... 26
+ 7.5 TVFS Examples ........................................... 26
+ 8 Listings for Machine Processing (MLST and MLSD) ......... 28
+ 8.1 Format of MLSx Requests ................................. 29
+ 8.2 Format of MLSx Response ................................. 29
+ 8.3 Filename encoding ....................................... 32
+ 8.4 Format of Facts ......................................... 33
+ 8.5 Standard Facts .......................................... 33
+ 8.6 System Dependent and Local Facts ........................ 41
+ 8.7 MLSx Examples ........................................... 42
+ 8.8 FEAT response for MLSx .................................. 50
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ 8.9 OPTS parameters for MLST ................................ 51
+ 9 Impact On Other FTP Commands ............................ 55
+ 10 Character sets and Internationalization ................. 56
+ 11 IANA Considerations ..................................... 56
+ 11.1 The OS specific fact registry ........................... 56
+ 11.2 The OS specific filetype registry ....................... 57
+ 12 Security Considerations ................................. 57
+ 13 References .............................................. 58
+ Acknowledgments ......................................... 59
+ Copyright ............................................... 60
+ Editors' Addresses ...................................... 60
+1. Introduction
+ This document amends the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) [3]. Five new
+ commands are added: "SIZE", "HOST", "MDTM", "MLST", and "MLSD". The
+ existing command "REST" is modified. Of those, the "SIZE" and "MDTM"
+ commands, and the modifications to "REST" have been in wide use for
+ many years. The others are new.
+ These commands allow a client to restart an interrupted transfer in
+ transfer modes not previously supported in any documented way, to
+ support the notion of virtual hosts, and to obtain a directory
+ listing in a machine friendly, predictable, format.
+ An optional structure for the server's file store (NVFS) is also
+ defined, allowing servers that support such a structure to convey
+ that information to clients in a standard way, thus allowing clients
+ more certainty in constructing and interpreting path names.
+2. Document Conventions
+ This document makes use of the document conventions defined in BCP14
+ [4]. That provides the interpretation of capitalized imperative
+ words like MUST, SHOULD, etc.
+ This document also uses notation defined in STD 9 [3]. In
+ particular, the terms "reply", "user", "NVFS", "file", "pathname",
+ "FTP commands", "DTP", "user-FTP process", "user-PI", "user-DTP",
+ "server-FTP process", "server-PI", "server-DTP", "mode", "type",
+ "NVT", "control connection", "data connection", and "ASCII", are all
+ used here as defined there.
+ Syntax required is defined using the Augmented BNF defined in [5].
+ Some general ABNF definitions are required throughout the document,
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 4]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ those will be defined later in this section. At first reading, it
+ may be wise to simply recall that these definitions exist here, and
+ skip to the next section.
+2.1. Basic Tokens
+ This document imports the core definitions given in Appendix A of
+ [5]. There definitions will be found for basic ABNF elements like
+ ALPHA, DIGIT, SP, etc. To that, the following terms are added for
+ use in this document.
+ TCHAR = VCHAR / SP / HTAB ; visible plus white space
+ RCHAR = ALPHA / DIGIT / "," / "." / ":" / "!" /
+ "@" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "^" /
+ "&" / "(" / ")" / "-" / "_" /
+ "+" / "?" / "/" / "\" / "'" /
+ DQUOTE ; <"> -- double quote character (%x22)
+ The VCHAR (from [5]), TCHAR, and RCHAR types give basic character
+ types from varying sub-sets of the ASCII character set for use in
+ various commands and responses.
+ token = 1*RCHAR
+ A "token" is a string whose precise meaning depends upon the context
+ in which it is used. In some cases it will be a value from a set of
+ possible values maintained elsewhere. In others it might be a string
+ invented by one party to an FTP conversation from whatever sources it
+ finds relevant.
+ Note that in ABNF, string literals are case insensitive. That
+ convention is preserved in this document, and implies that FTP
+ commands added by this specification have names that can be
+ represented in any case. That is, "MDTM" is the same as "mdtm",
+ "Mdtm" and "MdTm" etc. However note that ALPHA, in particular, is
+ case sensitive. That implies that a "token" is a case sensitive
+ value. That implication is correct.
+2.2. Pathnames
+ Various FTP commands take pathnames as arguments, or return pathnames
+ in responses. When the MLST command is supported, as indicated in
+ the response to the FEAT command [6], pathnames are to be transferred
+ in one of the following two formats.
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 5]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ pathname = utf-8-name / raw
+ utf-8-name = <a UTF-8 encoded Unicode string>
+ raw = <any string not being a valid UTF-8 encoding>
+ Which format is used is at the option of the user-PI or server-PI
+ sending the pathname. UTF-8 encodings [2] contain enough internal
+ structure that it is always, in practice, possible to determine
+ whether a UTF-8 or raw encoding has been used, in those cases where
+ it matters. While it is useful for the user-PI to be able to
+ correctly display a pathname received from the server-PI to the user,
+ it is far more important for the user-PI to be able to retain and
+ retransmit the identical pathname when required. Implementations are
+ advised against converting a UTF-8 pathname to a local encoding, and
+ then attempting to invert the encoding later. Note that ASCII is a
+ subset of UTF-8.
+ Unless otherwise specified, the pathname is terminated by the CRLF
+ that terminates the FTP command, or by the CRLF that ends a reply.
+ Any trailing spaces preceding that CRLF form part of the name.
+ Exactly one space will precede the pathname and serve as a separator
+ from the preceding syntax element. Any additional spaces form part
+ of the pathname. See [7] for a fuller explanation of the character
+ encoding issues. All implementations supporting MLST MUST support
+ [7].
+ Implementations should also beware that the control connection uses
+ Telnet NVT conventions [8], and that the Telnet IAC character, if
+ part of a pathname sent over the control connection, MUST be
+ correctly escaped as defined by the Telnet protocol.
+ Implementors should also be aware that although Telnet NVT
+ conventions are used over the control connections, Telnet option
+ negotiation MUST NOT be attempted. See section of [9].
+2.2.1. Pathname Syntax
+ Except where TVFS is supported (see section 7) this specification
+ imposes no syntax upon pathnames. Nor does it restrict the character
+ set from which pathnames are created. This does not imply that the
+ NVFS is required to make sense of all possible pathnames. Server-PIs
+ may restrict the syntax of valid pathnames in their NVFS in any
+ manner appropriate to their implementation or underlying file system.
+ Similarly, a server-PI may parse the pathname, and assign meaning to
+ the components detected.
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 6]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+2.2.2. Wildcarding
+ For the commands defined in this specification, all pathnames are to
+ be treated literally. That is, for a pathname given as a parameter
+ to a command, the file whose name is identical to the pathname given
+ is implied. No characters from the pathname may be treated as
+ special or "magic", thus no pattern matching (other than for exact
+ equality) between the pathname given and the files present in the
+ NVFS of the Server-FTP is permitted.
+ Clients that desire some form of pattern matching functionality must
+ obtain a listing of the relevant directory, or directories, and
+ implement their own filename selection procedures.
+2.3. Times
+ The syntax of a time value is:
+ time-val = 14DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ]
+ The leading, mandatory, fourteen digits are to be interpreted as, in
+ order from the leftmost, four digits giving the year, with a range of
+ 1000-9999, two digits giving the month of the year, with a range of
+ 01-12, two digits giving the day of the month, with a range of 01-31,
+ two digits giving the hour of the day, with a range of 00-23, two
+ digits giving minutes past the hour, with a range of 00-59, and
+ finally, two digits giving seconds past the minute, with a range of
+ 00-60 (with 60 being used only at a leap second). Years in the tenth
+ century, and earlier, cannot be expressed. This is not considered a
+ serious defect of the protocol.
+ The optional digits, which are preceded by a period, give decimal
+ fractions of a second. These may be given to whatever precision is
+ appropriate to the circumstance, however implementations MUST NOT add
+ precision to time-vals where that precision does not exist in the
+ underlying value being transmitted.
+ Symbolically, a time-val may be viewed as
+ The "." and subsequent digits ("sss") are optional. However the "."
+ MUST NOT appear unless at least one following digit also appears.
+ Time values are always represented in UTC (GMT), and in the Gregorian
+ calendar regardless of what calendar may have been in use at the date
+ and time indicated at the location of the server-PI.
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 7]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ The technical differences between GMT, TAI, UTC, UT1, UT2, etc, are
+ not considered here. A server-FTP process should always use the same
+ time reference, so the times it returns will be consistent. Clients
+ are not expected to be time synchronized with the server, so the
+ possible difference in times that might be reported by the different
+ time standards is not considered important.
+2.4. Server Replies
+ Section 4.2 of [3] defines the format and meaning of replies by the
+ server-PI to FTP commands from the user-PI. Those reply conventions
+ are used here without change.
+ error-response = error-code SP *TCHAR CRLF
+ error-code = ("4" / "5") 2DIGIT
+ Implementors should note that the ABNF syntax (which was not used in
+ [3]) used in this document, and other FTP related documents,
+ sometimes shows replies using the one line format. Unless otherwise
+ explicitly stated, that is not intended to imply that multi-line
+ responses are not permitted. Implementors should assume that, unless
+ stated to the contrary, any reply to any FTP command (including QUIT)
+ may be of the multi-line format described in [3].
+ Throughout this document, replies will be identified by the three
+ digit code that is their first element. Thus the term "500 reply"
+ means a reply from the server-PI using the three digit code "500".
+3. File Modification Time (MDTM)
+ The FTP command, MODIFICATION TIME (MDTM), can be used to determine
+ when a file in the server NVFS was last modified. This command has
+ existed in many FTP servers for many years, as an adjunct to the REST
+ command for STREAM mode, thus is widely available. However, where
+ supported, the "modify" fact which can be provided in the result from
+ the new MLST command is recommended as a superior alternative.
+ When attempting to restart a RETRieve, if the User-FTP makes use of
+ the MDTM command, or "modify" fact, it can check and see if the
+ modification time of the source file is more recent than the
+ modification time of the partially transferred file. If it is, then
+ most likely the source file has changed and it would be unsafe to
+ restart the previously incomplete file transfer.
+ When attempting to restart a STORe, the User FTP can use the MDTM
+ command to discover the modification time of the partially
+ transferred file. If it is older than the modification time of the
+ file that is about to be STORed, then most likely the source file has
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 8]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ changed and it would be unsafe to restart the file transfer.
+ Note that using MLST (described below) where available, can provide
+ this information, and much more, thus giving an even better
+ indication that a file has changed, and that restarting a transfer
+ would not give valid results.
+ Note that this is applicable to any RESTart attempt, regardless of
+ the mode of the file transfer.
+3.1. Syntax
+ The syntax for the MDTM command is:
+ mdtm = "MdTm" SP pathname CRLF
+ As with all FTP commands, the "MDTM" command label is interpreted in
+ a case insensitive manner.
+ The "pathname" specifies an object in the NVFS which may be the
+ object of a RETR command. Attempts to query the modification time of
+ files that are unable to be retrieved generate undefined responses.
+ The server-PI will respond to the MDTM command with a 213 reply
+ giving the last modification time of the file whose pathname was
+ supplied, or a 550 reply if the file does not exist, the modification
+ time is unavailable, or some other error has occurred.
+ mdtm-response = "213" SP time-val CRLF /
+ error-response
+3.2. Error responses
+ Where the command is correctly parsed, but the modification time is
+ not available, either because the pathname identifies no existing
+ entity, or because the information is not available for the entity
+ named, then a 550 reply should be sent. Where the command cannot be
+ correctly parsed, a 500 or 501 reply should be sent, as specified in
+ [3].
+3.3. FEAT response for MDTM
+ When replying to the FEAT command [6], an FTP server process that
+ supports the MDTM command MUST include a line containing the single
+ word "MDTM". This MAY be sent in upper or lower case, or a mixture
+ of both (it is case insensitive) but SHOULD be transmitted in upper
+ case only. That is, the response SHOULD be
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 9]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- <any descriptive text>
+ S> ...
+ S> ...
+ S> 211 End
+ The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
+ included, and are not required. The one space indentation of the
+ feature lines is mandatory [6].
+3.4. MDTM Examples
+ If we assume the existence of three files, A B and C, and a directory
+ D, and no other files at all, then the MTDM command may behave as
+ indicated. The "C>" lines are commands from user-PI to server-PI,
+ the "S>" lines are server-PI replies.
+ S> 213 19980615100045.014
+ S> 213 19980615100045.014
+ S> 213 19980705132316
+ S> 550 D is not retrievable
+ S> 550 No file named "E"
+ C> mdtm file6
+ S> 213 19990929003355
+ C> MdTm 19990929043300 File6
+ S> 213 19991005213102
+ C> MdTm 19990929043300 file6
+ S> 550 19990929043300 file6: No such file or directory.
+ From that we can conclude that both A and B were last modified at the
+ same time (to the nearest millisecond), and that C was modified 21
+ days and several hours later.
+ The times are in GMT, so file A was modified on the 15th of June,
+ 1998, at approximately 11am in London (summer time was then in
+ effect), or perhaps at 8pm in Melbourne, Australia, or at 6am in New
+ York. All of those represent the same absolute time of course. The
+ location where the file was modified, and consequently the local wall
+ clock time at that location, is not available.
+ There is no file named "E" in the current directory, but there are
+ files named both "file6" and "19990929043300 File6". The
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 10]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ modification times of those files were obtained. There is no file
+ named "19990929043300 file6".
+4. File SIZE
+ The FTP command, SIZE OF FILE (SIZE), is used to obtain the transfer
+ size of a file from the server-FTP process. That is, the exact
+ number of octets (8 bit bytes) which would be transmitted over the
+ data connection should that file be transmitted. This value will
+ change depending on the current STRUcture, MODE and TYPE of the data
+ connection, or a data connection which would be created were one
+ created now. Thus, the result of the SIZE command is dependent on
+ the currently established STRU, MODE and TYPE parameters.
+ The SIZE command returns how many octets would be transferred if the
+ file were to be transferred using the current transfer structure,
+ mode and type. This command is normally used in conjunction with the
+ RESTART (REST) command. The server-PI might need to read the
+ partially transferred file, do any appropriate conversion, and count
+ the number of octets that would be generated when sending the file in
+ order to correctly respond to this command. Estimates of the file
+ transfer size MUST NOT be returned, only precise information is
+ acceptable.
+4.1. Syntax
+ The syntax of the SIZE command is:
+ size = "Size" SP pathname CRLF
+ The server-PI will respond to the SIZE command with a 213 reply
+ giving the transfer size of the file whose pathname was supplied, or
+ an error response if the file does not exist, the size is
+ unavailable, or some other error has occurred. The value returned is
+ in a format suitable for use with the RESTART (REST) command for mode
+ STREAM, provided the transfer mode and type are not altered.
+ size-response = "213" SP 1*DIGIT CRLF /
+ error-response
+4.2. Error responses
+ Where the command is correctly parsed, but the size is not available,
+ either because the pathname identifies no existing entity, or because
+ the entity named cannot be transferred in the current MODE and TYPE
+ (or at all), then a 550 reply should be sent. Where the command
+ cannot be correctly parsed, a 500 or 501 reply should be sent, as
+ specified in [3].
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 11]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+4.3. FEAT response for SIZE
+ When replying to the FEAT command [6], an FTP server process that
+ supports the SIZE command MUST include a line containing the single
+ word "SIZE". This word is case insensitive, and MAY be sent in any
+ mixture of upper or lower case, however it SHOULD be sent in upper
+ case. That is, the response SHOULD be
+ S> 211- <any descriptive text>
+ S> ...
+ S> ...
+ S> 211 END
+ The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
+ included, and are not required. The one space indentation of the
+ feature lines is mandatory [6].
+4.4. Size Examples
+ Consider a text file "Example" stored on a Unix(TM) server where each
+ end of line is represented by a single octet. Assume the file
+ contains 112 lines, and 1830 octets total. Then the SIZE command
+ would produce:
+ S> 200 Type set to I.
+ C> size Example
+ S> 213 1830
+ S> 200 Type set to A.
+ C> Size Example
+ S> 213 1942
+ Notice that with TYPE=A the SIZE command reports an extra 112 octets.
+ Those are the extra octets that need to be inserted, one at the end
+ of each line, to provide correct end of line semantics for a transfer
+ using TYPE=A. Other systems might need to make other changes to the
+ transfer format of files when converting between TYPEs and MODEs.
+ The SIZE command takes all of that into account.
+ Since calculating the size of a file with this degree of precision
+ may take considerable effort on the part of the server-PI, user-PIs
+ should not used this command unless this precision is essential (such
+ as when about to restart an interrupted transfer). For other uses,
+ the "Size" fact of the MLST command (see section 8.5.7) ought be
+ requested.
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 12]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+5. Restart of Interrupted Transfer (REST)
+ To avoid having to resend the entire file if the file is only
+ partially transferred, both sides need some way to be able to agree
+ on where in the data stream to restart the data transfer.
+ The FTP specification [3] includes three modes of data transfer,
+ Stream, Block and Compressed. In Block and Compressed modes, the
+ data stream that is transferred over the data connection is
+ formatted, allowing the embedding of restart markers into the stream.
+ The sending DTP can include a restart marker with whatever
+ information it needs to be able to restart a file transfer at that
+ point. The receiving DTP can keep a list of these restart markers,
+ and correlate them with how the file is being saved. To restart the
+ file transfer, the receiver just sends back that last restart marker,
+ and both sides know how to resume the data transfer. Note that there
+ are some flaws in the description of the restart mechanism in RFC 959
+ [3]. See section of RFC 1123 [9] for the corrections.
+5.1. Restarting in STREAM Mode
+ In Stream mode, the data connection contains just a stream of
+ unformatted octets of data. Explicit restart markers thus cannot be
+ inserted into the data stream, they would be indistinguishable from
+ data. For this reason, the FTP specification [3] did not provide the
+ ability to do restarts in stream mode. However, there is not really
+ a need to have explicit restart markers in this case, as restart
+ markers can be implied by the octet offset into the data stream.
+ Because the data stream defines the file in STREAM mode, a different
+ data stream would represent a different file. Thus, an offset will
+ always represent the same position within a file. On the other hand,
+ in other modes than STREAM, the same file can be transferred using
+ quite different octet sequences, and yet be reconstructed into the
+ one identical file. Thus an offset into the data stream in transfer
+ modes other than STREAM would not give an unambiguous restart point.
+ If the data representation TYPE is IMAGE, and the STRUcture is File,
+ for many systems the file will be stored exactly in the same format
+ as it is sent across the data connection. It is then usually very
+ easy for the receiver to determine how much data was previously
+ received, and notify the sender of the offset where the transfer
+ should be restarted. In other representation types and structures
+ more effort will be required, but it remains always possible to
+ determine the offset with finite, but perhaps non-negligible, effort.
+ In the worst case an FTP process may need to open a data connection
+ to itself, set the appropriate transfer type and structure, and
+ actually transmit the file, counting the transmitted octets.
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 13]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ If the user-FTP process is intending to restart a retrieve, it will
+ directly calculate the restart marker, and send that information in
+ the RESTart command. However, if the user-FTP process is intending
+ to restart sending the file, it needs to be able to determine how
+ much data was previously sent, and correctly received and saved. A
+ new FTP command is needed to get this information. This is the
+ purpose of the SIZE command, as documented in section 4.
+5.2. Error Recovery and Restart
+ STREAM MODE transfers with FILE STRUcture may be restarted even
+ though no restart marker has been transferred in addition to the data
+ itself. This is done by using the SIZE command, if needed, in
+ combination with the RESTART (REST) command, and one of the standard
+ file transfer commands.
+ When using TYPE ASCII or IMAGE, the SIZE command will return the
+ number of octets that would actually be transferred if the file were
+ to be sent between the two systems. I.e. with type IMAGE, the SIZE
+ normally would be the number of octets in the file. With type ASCII,
+ the SIZE would be the number of octets in the file including any
+ modifications required to satisfy the TYPE ASCII CR-LF end of line
+ convention.
+5.3. Syntax
+ The syntax for the REST command when the current transfer mode is
+ STREAM is:
+ rest = "Rest" SP 1*DIGIT CRLF
+ The numeric value gives the number of octets of the immediately
+ following transfer to not actually send, effectively causing the
+ transmission to be restarted at a later point. A value of zero
+ effectively disables restart, causing the entire file to be
+ transmitted. The server-PI will respond to the REST command with a
+ 350 reply, indicating that the REST parameter has been saved, and
+ that another command, which should be either RETR or STOR, should
+ then follow to complete the restart.
+ rest-response = "350" SP *TCHAR CRLF /
+ error-response
+ Server-FTP processes may permit transfer commands other than RETR and
+ STOR, such as APPE and STOU, to complete a restart, however, this is
+ not recommended. STOU (store unique) is undefined in this usage, as
+ storing the remainder of a file into a unique filename is rarely
+ going to be useful. If APPE (append) is permitted, it MUST act
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 14]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ identically to STOR when a restart marker has been set. That is, in
+ both cases, octets from the data connection are placed into the file
+ at the location indicated by the restart marker value.
+ The REST command is intended to complete a failed transfer. Use with
+ RETR is comparatively well defined in all cases, as the client bears
+ the responsibility of merging the retrieved data with the partially
+ retrieved file. If it chooses to use the data obtained other than to
+ complete an earlier transfer, or if it chooses to re-retrieve data
+ that had been retrieved before, that is its choice. With STOR,
+ however, the server must insert the data into the file named. The
+ results are undefined if a client uses REST to do other than restart
+ to complete a transfer of a file which had previously failed to
+ completely transfer. In particular, if the restart marker set with a
+ REST command is not at the end of the data currently stored at the
+ server, as reported by the server, or if insufficient data are
+ provided in a STOR that follows a REST to extend the destination file
+ to at least its previous size, then the effects are undefined.
+ The REST command must be the last command issued before the data
+ transfer command which is to cause a restarted rather than complete
+ file transfer. The effect of issuing a REST command at any other
+ time is undefined. The server-PI may react to a badly positioned
+ REST command by issuing an error response to the following command,
+ not being a restartable data transfer command, or it may save the
+ restart value and apply it to the next data transfer command, or it
+ may silently ignore the inappropriate restart attempt. Because of
+ this, a user-PI that has issued a REST command, but which has not
+ successfully transmitted the following data transfer command for any
+ reason, should send another REST command before the next data
+ transfer command. If that transfer is not to be restarted, then
+ "REST 0" should be issued.
+ An error-response will follow a REST command only when the server
+ does not implement the command, or the restart marker value is
+ syntactically invalid for the current transfer mode. That is, in
+ STREAM mode, if something other than one or more digits appears in
+ the parameter to the REST command. Any other errors, including such
+ problems as restart marker out of range, should be reported when the
+ following transfer command is issued. Such errors will cause that
+ transfer request to be rejected with an error indicating the invalid
+ restart attempt.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+5.4. FEAT response for REST
+ Where a server-FTP process supports RESTart in STREAM mode, as
+ specified here, it MUST include in the response to the FEAT command
+ [6], a line containing exactly the string "REST STREAM". This string
+ is not case sensitive, but SHOULD be transmitted in upper case.
+ Where REST is not supported at all, or supported only in block or
+ compressed modes, the REST line MUST NOT be included in the FEAT
+ response. Where required, the response SHOULD be
+ C> feat
+ S> 211- <any descriptive text>
+ S> ...
+ S> ...
+ S> 211 end
+ The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
+ included, and are not required. The one space indentation of the
+ feature lines is mandatory [6].
+5.5. REST Example
+ Assume that the transfer of a largish file has previously been
+ interrupted after 802816 octets had been received, that the previous
+ transfer was with TYPE=I, and that it has been verified that the file
+ on the server has not since changed.
+ S> 200 Type set to I.
+ C> PORT 127,0,0,1,15,107
+ S> 200 PORT command successful.
+ C> REST 802816
+ S> 350 Restarting at 802816. Send STORE or RETRIEVE
+ C> RETR cap60.pl198.tar
+ S> 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection
+ [...]
+ S> 226 Transfer complete.
+6. Virtual FTP servers
+ It has become common in the Internet for many domain names to be
+ allocated to a single IP address. This has introduced the concept of
+ a "virtual host", where a host appears to exist as an independent
+ entity, but in reality shares all of its resources with one, or more,
+ other such hosts.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ Such an arrangement presents some problems for FTP Servers, as all
+ the FTP Server can detect is an incoming FTP connection to a
+ particular IP address. That is, all domain names which share the IP
+ address also share the FTP server, and more importantly, its NVFS.
+ This means that the various virtual hosts cannot offer different
+ virtual file systems to clients, nor can they offer different
+ authentication systems.
+ No scheme can overcome this without modifications of some kind to the
+ user-PI and the user-FTP process. That process is the only entity
+ that knows which virtual host is required. It has performed the
+ domain name to IP address translation, and thus has the original
+ domain name available.
+ One method which could be used to allow a style of virtual host would
+ be for the client to simply send a "CWD" command after connecting,
+ using the virtual host name as the argument to the CWD command. This
+ would allow the server-FTP process to implement the file stores of
+ the virtual hosts as sub-directories in its NVFS. This is simple,
+ and supported by essentially all server-FTP implementations without
+ requiring any code changes.
+ While that method is simple to describe, and to implement, it suffers
+ from several drawbacks. First, the "CWD" command is available only
+ after the user-PI has authenticated itself to the server-FTP process.
+ Thus, all virtual hosts would be required to share a common
+ authentication scheme. Second, either the server-FTP process needs
+ to be modified to understand the special nature of this first CWD
+ command, negating most of the advantage of this scheme, or all users
+ must see the same identical NVFS view upon connecting (they must
+ connect in the same initial directory) or the NVFS must implement the
+ full set of virtual host directories at each possible initial
+ directory for any possible user, or the virtual host will not be
+ truly transparent. Third, and again unless the server is specially
+ modified, a user connecting this way to a virtual host would be able
+ to trivially move to any other virtual host supported at the same
+ server-FTP process, exposing the nature of the virtual host.
+ Other schemes overloading other existing FTP commands have also been
+ proposed. None of those have sufficient merit to be worth
+ discussion.
+ The conclusion from the examination of the possibilities seems to be
+ that to obtain an adequate emulation of "real" FTP servers, server
+ modifications to support virtual hosts are required. A new command
+ seems most likely to provide the support required.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+6.1. The HOST command
+ A new command "HOST" is added to the FTP command set to allow
+ server-FTP process to determine to which of possibly many virtual
+ hosts the client wishes to connect. This command is intended to be
+ issued before the user is authenticated, allowing the authentication
+ scheme, and set of legal users, to be dependent upon the virtual host
+ chosen. Server-FTP processes may, if they desire, permit the HOST
+ command to be issued after the user has been authenticated, or may
+ treat that as an erroneous sequence of commands. The behavior of the
+ server-FTP process which does allow late HOST commands is undefined.
+ One reasonable interpretation would be for the user-PI to be returned
+ to the state that existed after the TCP connection was first
+ established, before user authentication.
+ Servers should note that the response to the HOST command is a
+ sensible time to send their "welcome" message. This allows the
+ message to be personalized for any virtual hosts that are supported,
+ and also allows the client to have determined supported languages, or
+ representations, for the message, and other messages, via the FEAT
+ response, and selected an appropriate one via the LANG command. See
+ [7] for more information.
+6.2. Syntax of the HOST command
+ The HOST command is defined as follows.
+ host-command = "Host" SP hostname CRLF
+ hostname = 1*DNCHAR 1*( "." 1*DNCHAR ) [ "." ]
+ DNCHAR = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "_" / "$" /
+ "!" / "%" / "[" / "]" / ":"
+ host-response = host-ok / error-response
+ host-ok = "220" [ SP *TCHAR ] CRLF
+ As with all FTP commands, the "host" command word is case
+ independent, and may be specified in any character case desired.
+ The "hostname" given as a parameter specifies the virtual host to
+ which access is desired. It should normally be the same name that
+ was used to obtain the IP address to which the FTP control connection
+ was made, after any client conversions to convert an abbreviated or
+ local alias to a complete (fully qualified) domain name, but before
+ resolving a DNS alias (owner of a CNAME resource record) to its
+ canonical name.
+ If the client was given a network literal address, and consequently
+ was not required to derive it from a hostname, it should send the
+ HOST command with the network address, as specified to it, enclosed
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ in brackets (after eliminating any syntax, which might also be
+ brackets, but is not required to be, from which the server deduced
+ that a literal address had been specified.) That is, for example
+ HOST []
+ should be sent if the client had been instructed to connect to
+ "", or "[]", or perhaps even IPv4: The
+ method of indicating to a client that a literal address is to be used
+ is beyond the scope of this specification.
+ The parameter is otherwise to be treated as a "complete domain name",
+ as that term is defined in section 3.1 of RFC 1034 [10]. That
+ implies that the name is to be treated as a case independent string,
+ in that upper case ASCII characters are to be treated as equivalent
+ to the corresponding lower case ASCII characters, but otherwise
+ preserved as given. It also implies some limits on the length of the
+ parameter and of the components that create its internal structure.
+ Those limits are not altered in any way here.
+ RFC 1034 imposes no other restrictions upon what kinds of names can
+ be stored in the DNS. Nor does RFC 1035. This specification,
+ however, allows only a restricted set of names for the purposes of
+ the HOST command. Those restrictions can be inferred from the ABNF
+ grammar given for the "hostname".
+6.3. HOST command semantics
+ Upon receiving the HOST command, before authenticating the user-PI, a
+ server-FTP process should validate that the hostname given represents
+ a valid virtual host for that server, and if so, establish the
+ appropriate environment for that virtual host. The meaning of that
+ is not specified here, and may range from doing nothing at all, or
+ performing a simple change of working directory, to much more
+ elaborate state changes, as required.
+ If the hostname specified is unknown at the server, or if the server
+ is otherwise unwilling to treat the particular connection as a
+ connection to the hostname specified, the server will respond with a
+ 504 reply.
+ Note: servers may require that the name specified is in some sense
+ equivalent to the particular network address that was used to reach
+ the server.
+ If the hostname specified would normally be acceptable, but for any
+ reason is temporarily unavailable, the server SHOULD reply to the
+ HOST command with a 434 reply.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ The "220" reply code for the HOST command is the same as the code
+ used on the initial connection established "welcome" message. This
+ is done deliberately so as to allow the implementation to implement
+ the front end FTP server as a wrapper which simply waits for the HOST
+ command, and then invokes an older, RFC959 compliant, server in the
+ appropriate environment for the particular hostname received.
+6.3.1. The REIN command
+ As specified in [3], the REIN command returns the state of the
+ connection to that it was immediately after the transport connection
+ was opened. That is not changed here. The effect of a HOST command
+ will be lost if a REIN command is performed, a new HOST command must
+ be issued.
+ Implementors of user-FTP should be aware that server-FTP
+ implementations which implement the HOST command as a wrapper around
+ older implementations will be unable to correctly implement the REIN
+ command. In such an implementation, REIN will typically return the
+ server-FTP to the state that existed immediately after the HOST
+ command was issued, instead of to the state immediately after the
+ connection was opened.
+6.3.2. User-PI usage of HOST
+ A user-PI that conforms to this specification, MUST send the HOST
+ command after opening the transport connection, or after any REIN
+ command, before attempting to authenticate the user with the USER
+ command.
+ The following state diagram shows a typical sequence of flow of
+ control, where the "B" (begin) state is assumed to occur after the
+ transport connection has opened, or a REIN command has succeeded.
+ Other commands (such as FEAT [6]) which require no authentication may
+ have intervened. This diagram is modeled upon (and largely borrowed
+ from) the similar diagram in section 6 of [3].
+ In this diagram, a three digit reply indicates that precise server
+ reply code, a single digit on a reply path indicates any server reply
+ beginning with that digit, other than any three digit replies that
+ might take another path.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ +---+ HOST +---+ 1,3,5
+ | B |---------->| W |-----------------
+ +---+ +---+ |
+ | | |
+ 2,500,502 | | 4,501,503,504 |
+ -------------- ------------- |
+ | | |
+ V 1 | V
+ +---+ USER +---+-------------->+---+
+ | |---------->| W | 2 ----->| E |
+ +---+ +---+------ | --->+---+
+ | | | | | |
+ 3 | | 4,5 | | | |
+ -------------- ----- | | | |
+ | | | | | |
+ | | | | | |
+ | --------- | |
+ | 1| | | | |
+ V | | | | |
+ +---+ PASS +---+ 2 | ------->+---+
+ | |---------->| W |-------------->| S |
+ +---+ +---+ ----------->+---+
+ | | | | | |
+ 3 | |4,5| | | |
+ -------------- -------- | |
+ | | | | | ----
+ | | | | | |
+ | ----------- |
+ | 1,3| | | | |
+ V | 2| | | V
+ +---+ ACCT +---+-- | ------>+---+
+ | |---------->| W | 4,5 --------->| F |
+ +---+ +---+-------------->+---+
+6.4. HOST command errors
+ The server-PI shall reply with a 500 or 502 reply if the HOST command
+ is unrecognized or unimplemented. A 503 reply may be sent if the
+ HOST command is given after a previous HOST command, or after a user
+ has been authenticated. Alternately, the server may accept the
+ command at such a time, with server defined behavior. A 501 reply
+ should be sent if the hostname given is syntactically invalid, and a
+ 504 reply if a syntactically valid hostname is not a valid virtual
+ host name for the server.
+ In all such cases the server-FTP process should act as if no HOST
+ command had been given.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ A user-PI receiving a 500 or 502 reply should assume that the
+ server-PI does not implement the HOST command style virtual server.
+ It may then proceed to login as if the HOST command had succeeded,
+ and perhaps, attempt a CWD command to the hostname after
+ authenticating the user.
+ A user-PI receiving some other error reply should assume that the
+ virtual HOST is unavailable, and terminate communications.
+ A server-PI that receives a USER command, beginning the
+ authentication sequence, without having received a HOST command
+ SHOULD NOT reject the USER command. Clients conforming to earlier
+ FTP specifications do not send HOST commands. In this case the
+ server may act as if some default virtual host had been explicitly
+ selected, or may enter an environment different from that of all
+ supported virtual hosts, perhaps one in which a union of all
+ available accounts exists, and which presents a NVFS which appears to
+ contain sub-directories containing the NVFS for all virtual hosts
+ supported.
+6.5. FEAT response for HOST command
+ A server-FTP process that supports the host command, and virtual FTP
+ servers, MUST include in the response to the FEAT command [6], a
+ feature line indicating that the HOST command is supported. This
+ line should contain the single word "HOST". This MAY be sent in
+ upper or lower case, or a mixture of both (it is case insensitive)
+ but SHOULD be transmitted in upper case only. That is, the response
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- <any descriptive text>
+ S> ...
+ S> ...
+ S> 211 End
+ The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
+ included, and are not required. The one space indentation of the
+ feature lines is mandatory [6].
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 22]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+7. A Trivial Virtual File Store (TVFS)
+ Traditionally, FTP has placed almost no constraints upon the file
+ store (NVFS) provided by a server. This specification does not alter
+ that. However, it has become common for servers to attempt to
+ provide at least file system naming conventions modeled loosely upon
+ those of the UNIX(TM) file system. That is, a tree structured file
+ system, built of directories, each of which can contain other
+ directories, or other kinds of files, or both. Each file and
+ directory has a file name relative to the directory that contains it,
+ except for the directory at the root of the tree, which is contained
+ in no other directory, and hence has no name of its own.
+ That which has so far been described is perfectly consistent with the
+ standard FTP NVFS and access mechanisms. The "CWD" command is used
+ to move from one directory to an embedded directory. "CDUP" may be
+ provided to return to the parent directory, and the various file
+ manipulation commands ("RETR", "STOR", the rename commands, etc) are
+ used to manipulate files within the current directory.
+ However, it is often useful to be able to reference files other than
+ by changing directories, especially as FTP provides no guaranteed
+ mechanism to return to a previous directory. The Trivial Virtual
+ File Store (TVFS), if implemented, provides that mechanism.
+7.1. TVFS File Names
+ Where a server implements the TVFS, no elementary filename shall
+ contain the character "/". Where the underlying natural file store
+ permits files, or directories, to contain the "/" character in their
+ names, a server-PI implementing TVFS must encode that character in
+ some manner whenever file or directory names are being returned to
+ the user-PI, and reverse that encoding whenever such names are being
+ accepted from the user-PI.
+ The encoding method to be used is not specified here. Where some
+ other character is illegal in file and directory names in the
+ underlying file store, a simple transliteration may be sufficient.
+ Where there is no suitable substitute character a more complex
+ encoding scheme, possibly using an escape character, is likely to be
+ required.
+ With the one exception of the unnamed root directory, a TVFS file
+ name may not be empty. That is, all other file names contain at
+ least one character.
+ With the sole exception of the "/" character, any valid IS10646
+ character [11] may be used in a TVFS filename. When transmitted,
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ file name characters are encoded using the UTF-8 encoding [2].
+7.2. TVFS Path Names
+ A TVFS "Path Name" combines the file or directory name of a target
+ file or directory, with the directory names of zero or more enclosing
+ directories, so as to allow the target file or directory to be
+ referenced other than when the server's "current working directory"
+ is the directory directly containing the target file or directory.
+ By definition, every TVFS file or directory name is also a TVFS path
+ name. Such a path name is valid to reference the file from the
+ directory containing the name, that is, when that directory is the
+ server-FTP's current working directory.
+ Other TVFS path names are constructed by prefixing a path name by a
+ name of a directory from which the path is valid, and separating the
+ two with the "/" character. Such a path name is valid to reference
+ the file or directory from the directory containing the newly added
+ directory name.
+ Where a path name has been extended to the point where the directory
+ added is the unnamed root directory, the path name will begin with
+ the "/" character. Such a path is known as a fully qualified path
+ name. Fully qualified paths may, obviously, not be further extended,
+ as, by definition, no directory contains the root directory. Being
+ unnamed, it cannot be represented in any other directory. A fully
+ qualified path name is valid to reference the named file or directory
+ from any location (that is, regardless of what the current working
+ directory may be) in the virtual file store.
+ Any path name which is not a fully qualified path name may be
+ referred to as a "relative path name" and will only correctly
+ reference the intended file when the current working directory of the
+ server-FTP is a directory from which the relative path name is valid.
+ As a special case, the path name "/" is defined to be a fully
+ qualified path name referring to the root directory. That is, the
+ root directory does not have a directory (or file) name, but does
+ have a path name. This special path name may be used only as is as a
+ reference to the root directory. It may not be combined with other
+ path names using the rules above, as doing so would lead to a path
+ name containing two consecutive "/" characters, which is an undefined
+ sequence.
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 24]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+7.2.1. Notes
+ + It is not required, or expected, that there be only one fully
+ qualified path name that will reference any particular file or
+ directory.
+ + As a caveat, though the TVFS file store is basically tree
+ structured, there is no requirement that any file or directory
+ have only one parent directory.
+ + As defined, no TVFS path name will ever contain two consecutive
+ "/" characters. Such a name is not illegal however, and may be
+ defined by the server for any purpose that suits it. Clients
+ implementing this specification should not assume any semantics
+ at all for such names.
+ + Similarly, other than the special case path that refers to the
+ root directory, no TVFS path name constructed as defined here
+ will ever end with the "/" character. Such names are also not
+ illegal, but are undefined.
+ + While any legal IS10646 character is permitted to occur in a TVFS
+ file or directory name, other than "/", server FTP
+ implementations are not required to support all possible IS10646
+ characters. The subset supported is entirely at the discretion
+ of the server. The case (where it exists) of the characters that
+ make up file, directory, and path names may be significant.
+ Unless determined otherwise by means unspecified here, clients
+ should assume that all such names are comprised of characters
+ whose case is significant. Servers are free to treat case (or
+ any other attribute) of a name as irrelevant, and hence map two
+ names which appear to be distinct onto the same underlying file.
+ + There are no defined "magic" names, like ".", ".." or "C:".
+ Servers may implement such names, with any semantics they choose,
+ but are not required to do so.
+ + TVFS imposes no particular semantics or properties upon files,
+ guarantees no access control schemes, or any of the other common
+ properties of a file store. Only the naming scheme is defined.
+7.3. FEAT Response for TVFS
+ In response to the FEAT command [6] a server that wishes to indicate
+ support for the TVFS as defined here will include a line that begins
+ with the four characters "TVFS" (in any case, or mixture of cases,
+ upper case is not required). Servers SHOULD send upper case.
+ Such a response to the FEAT command MUST NOT be returned unless the
+ server implements TVFS as defined here.
+ Later specifications may add to the TVFS definition. Such additions
+ should be notified by means of additional text appended to the TVFS
+ feature line. Such specifications, if any, will define the extra
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 25]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ text.
+ Until such a specification is defined, servers should not include
+ anything after "TVFS" in the TVFS feature line. Clients, however,
+ should be prepared to deal with arbitrary text following the four
+ defined characters, and simply ignore it if unrecognized.
+ A typical response to the FEAT command issued by a server
+ implementing only this specification would be:
+ C> feat
+ S> 211- <any descriptive text>
+ S> ...
+ S> ...
+ S> 211 end
+ The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
+ included, and are not required. The one space indentation of the
+ feature lines is mandatory [6], and is not counted as one of the
+ first four characters for the purposes of this feature listing.
+ The TVFS feature adds no new commands to the FTP command repertoire.
+7.4. OPTS for TVFS
+ There are no options in this TVFS specification, and hence there is
+ no OPTS command defined.
+7.5. TVFS Examples
+ Assume a TVFS file store is comprised of a root directory, which
+ contains two directories (A and B) and two non-directory files (X and
+ Y). The A directory contains two directories (C and D) and one other
+ file (Z). The B directory contains just two non-directory files (P
+ and Q) and the C directory also two non-directory files (also named P
+ and Q, by chance). The D directory is empty, that is, contains no
+ files or directories.
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 26]
+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ This structure may depicted graphically as...
+ (unnamed root)
+ / | \ \
+ / | \ \
+ A X B Y
+ /|\ / \
+ / | \ / \
+ C D Z P Q
+ / \
+ / \
+ P Q
+ Given this structure, the following fully qualified path names exist.
+ /
+ /A
+ /B
+ /X
+ /Y
+ /A/C
+ /A/D
+ /A/Z
+ /A/C/P
+ /A/C/Q
+ /B/P
+ /B/Q
+ It is clear that none of the paths / /A /B or /A/D refer to the same
+ directory, as the contents of each is different. Nor do any of / /A
+ /A/C or /A/D. However /A/C and /B might be the same directory, there
+ is insufficient information given to tell. Any of the other path
+ names (/X /Y /A/Z /A/C/P /A/C/Q /B/P and /B/Q) may refer to the same
+ underlying files, in almost any combination.
+ If the current working directory of the server-FTP is /A then the
+ following path names, in addition to all the fully qualified path
+ names, are valid
+ C
+ D
+ Z
+ C/P
+ C/Q
+ These all refer to the same files or directories as the corresponding
+ fully qualified path with "/A/" prepended.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ That those path names all exist does not imply that the TVFS sever
+ will necessarily grant any kind of access rights to the named paths,
+ or that access to the same file via different path names will
+ necessarily be granted equal rights.
+ None of the following relative paths are valid when the current
+ directory is /A
+ A
+ B
+ X
+ Y
+ B/P
+ B/Q
+ P
+ Q
+ Any of those could be made valid by changing the server-FTP's current
+ working directory to the appropriate directory. Note that the paths
+ "P" and "Q" might refer to different files depending upon which
+ directory is selected to cause those to become valid TVFS relative
+ paths.
+8. Listings for Machine Processing (MLST and MLSD)
+ The MLST and MLSD commands are intended to standardize the file and
+ directory information returned by the Server-FTP process. These
+ commands differ from the LIST command in that the format of the
+ replies is strictly defined although extensible.
+ Two commands are defined, MLST which provides data about exactly the
+ object named on its command line, and no others. MLSD on the other
+ hand will list the contents of a directory if a directory is named,
+ otherwise a 501 reply will be returned. In either case, if no object
+ is named, the current directory is assumed. That will cause MLST to
+ send a one line response, describing the current directory itself,
+ and MLSD to list the contents of the current directory.
+ In the following, the term MLSx will be used wherever either MLST or
+ MLSD may be inserted.
+ The MLST and MLSD commands also extend the FTP protocol as presented
+ in RFC 959 [3] and RFC 1123 [9] to allow that transmission of 8-bit
+ data over the control connection. Note this is not specifying
+ character sets which are 8-bit, but specifying that FTP
+ implementations are to specifically allow the transmission and
+ reception of 8-bit bytes, with all bits significant, over the control
+ connection. That is, all 256 possible octet values are permitted.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ The MLSx command allows both UTF-8/Unicode and "raw" forms as
+ arguments, and in responses both to the MLST and MLSD commands, and
+ all other FTP commands which take pathnames as arguments.
+8.1. Format of MLSx Requests
+ The MLST and MLSD commands each allow a single optional argument.
+ This argument may be either a directory name or, for MLST only, a
+ filename. For these purposes, a "filename" is the name of any entity
+ in the server NVFS which is not a directory. Where TVFS is
+ supported, any TVFS relative path name valid in the current working
+ directory, or any TVFS fully qualified path name, may be given. If a
+ directory name is given then MLSD must return a listing of the
+ contents of the named directory, otherwise it issues a 501 reply, and
+ does not open a data connection. In all cases for MLST, a single set
+ of fact lines (usually a single fact line) containing the information
+ about the named file or directory shall be returned over the control
+ connection, without opening a data connection.
+ If no argument is given then MLSD must return a listing of the
+ contents of the current working directory, and MLST must return a
+ listing giving information about the current working directory
+ itself. For these purposes, the contents of a directory are whatever
+ filenames (not pathnames) the server-PI will allow to be referenced
+ when the current working directory is the directory named, and which
+ the server-PI desires to reveal to the user-PI.
+ No title, header, or summary, lines, or any other formatting, other
+ than as is specified below, is ever returned in the output of an MLST
+ or MLSD command.
+ If the Client-FTP sends an invalid argument, the Server-FTP MUST
+ reply with an error code of 501.
+ The syntax for the MLSx command is:
+ mlst = "MLst" [ SP pathname ] CRLF
+ mlsd = "MLsD" [ SP pathname ] CRLF
+8.2. Format of MLSx Response
+ The format of a response to an MLSx command is as follows:
+ mlst-response = control-response / error-response
+ mlsd-response = ( initial-response final-response ) /
+ error-response
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ control-response = "250-" [ response-message ] CRLF
+ 1*( SP entry CRLF )
+ "250" [ SP response-message ] CRLF
+ initial-response = "150" [ SP response-message ] CRLF
+ final-response = "226" SP response-message CRLF
+ response-message = *TCHAR
+ data-response = *( entry CRLF )
+ entry = [ facts ] SP pathname
+ facts = 1*( fact ";" )
+ fact = factname "=" value
+ factname = "Size" / "Modify" / "Create" /
+ "Type" / "Unique" / "Perm" /
+ "Lang" / "Media-Type" / "CharSet" /
+ os-depend-fact / local-fact
+ os-depend-fact = <IANA assigned OS name> "." token
+ local-fact = "X." token
+ value = *RCHAR
+ Upon receipt of a MLSx command, the server will verify the parameter,
+ and if invalid return an error-response. For this purpose, the
+ parameter should be considered to be invalid if the client issuing
+ the command does not have permission to perform the request
+ operation.
+ If valid, then for an MLST command, the server-PI will send the first
+ (leading) line of the control response, the entry for the pathname
+ given, or the current directory if no pathname was provided, and the
+ terminating line. Normally exactly one entry would be returned, more
+ entries are permitted only when required to represent a file that is
+ to have multiple "Type" facts returned.
+ Note that for MLST the fact set is preceded by a space. That is
+ provided to guarantee that the fact set cannot be accidentally
+ interpreted as the terminating line of the control response, but is
+ required even when that would not be possible. Exactly one space
+ exists between the set of facts and the pathname. Where no facts are
+ present, there will be exactly two leading spaces before the
+ pathname. No spaces are permitted in the facts, any other spaces in
+ the response are to be treated as being a part of the pathname.
+ If the command was an MLSD command, the server will open a data
+ connection as indicated in section 3.2 of RFC959 [3]. If that fails,
+ the server will return an error-response. If all is OK, the server
+ will return the initial-response, send the appropriate data-response
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+ over the new data connection, close that connection, and then send
+ the final-response over the control connection. The grammar above
+ defines the format for the data-response, which defines the format of
+ the data returned over the data connection established.
+ The data connection opened for a MLSD response shall be a connection
+ as if the "TYPE L 8", "MODE S", and "STRU F" commands had been given,
+ whatever FTP transfer type, mode and structure had actually been set,
+ and without causing those settings to be altered for future commands.
+ That is, this transfer type shall be set for the duration of the data
+ connection established for this command only. While the content of
+ the data sent can be viewed as a series of lines, implementations
+ should note that there is no maximum line length defined.
+ Implementations should be prepared to deal with arbitrarily long
+ lines.
+ The facts part of the specification would contain a series of "file
+ facts" about the file or directory named on the same line. Typical
+ information to be presented would include file size, last
+ modification time, creation time, a unique identifier, and a
+ file/directory flag.
+ The complete format for a successful reply to the MLSD command would
+ be:
+ facts SP pathname CRLF
+ facts SP pathname CRLF
+ facts SP pathname CRLF
+ ...
+ Note that the format is intended for machine processing, not human
+ viewing, and as such the format is very rigid. Implementations MUST
+ NOT vary the format by, for example, inserting extra spaces for
+ readability, replacing spaces by tabs, including header or title
+ lines, or inserting blank lines, or in any other way alter this
+ format. Exactly one space is always required after the set of facts
+ (which may be empty). More spaces may be present on a line if, and
+ only if, the file name presented contains significant spaces. The
+ set of facts must not contain any spaces anywhere inside it. Facts
+ should be provided in each output line only if they both provide
+ relevant information about the file named on the same line, and they
+ are in the set requested by the user-PI. There is no requirement
+ that the same set of facts be provided for each file, or that the
+ facts presented occur in the same order for each file.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+8.3. Filename encoding
+ An FTP implementation supporting the MLSx commands must be 8-bit
+ clean. This is necessary in order to transmit UTF-8 encoded
+ filenames. This specification recommends the use of UTF-8 encoded
+ filenames. FTP implementations SHOULD use UTF-8 whenever possible to
+ encourage the maximum interoperability.
+ Filenames are not restricted to UTF-8, however treatment of arbitrary
+ character encodings is not specified by this standard. Applications
+ are encouraged to treat non-UTF-8 encodings of filenames as octet
+ sequences.
+ Note that this encoding is unrelated to that of the contents of the
+ file, even if the file contains character data.
+ Further information about filename encoding for FTP may be found in
+ "Internationalization of the File Transfer Protocol" [7].
+8.3.1. Notes about the Filename
+ The filename returned in the MLST response should be the same name as
+ was specified in the MLST command, or, where TVFS is supported, a
+ fully qualified TVFS path naming the same file. Where no argument
+ was given to the MLST command, the server-PI may either include an
+ empty filename in the response, or it may supply a name that refers
+ to the current directory, if such a name is available. Where TVFS is
+ supported, a fully qualified path name of the current directory
+ SHOULD be returned.
+ Filenames returned in the output from an MLSD command SHOULD be
+ unqualified names within the directory named, or the current
+ directory if no argument was given. That is, the directory named in
+ the MLSD command SHOULD NOT appear as a component of the filenames
+ returned.
+ If the server-FTP process is able, and the "type" fact is being
+ returned, it MAY return in the MLSD response, an entry whose type is
+ "cdir", which names the directory from which the contents of the
+ listing were obtained. Where TVFS is supported, the name MAY be the
+ fully qualified path name of the directory, or MAY be any other path
+ name which is valid to refer to that directory from the current
+ working directory of the server-FTP. Where more than one name
+ exists, multiple of these entries may be returned. In a sense, the
+ "cdir" entry can be viewed as a heading for the MLSD output.
+ However, it is not required to be the first entry returned, and may
+ occur anywhere within the listing.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ When TVFS is supported, a user-PI can refer to any file or directory
+ in the listing by combining a type "cdir" name, with the appropriate
+ name from the directory listing using the procedure defined in
+ section 7.2.
+ Alternatively, whether TVFS is supported or not, the user-PI can
+ issue a CWD command ([3]) giving a name of type "cdir" from the
+ listing returned, and from that point reference the files returned in
+ the MLSD response from which the cdir was obtained by using the
+ filename components of the listing.
+8.4. Format of Facts
+ The "facts" for a file in a reply to a MLSx command consist of
+ information about that file. The facts are a series of keyword=value
+ pairs each followed by semi-colon (";") characters. An individual
+ fact may not contain a semi-colon in its name or value. The complete
+ series of facts may not contain the space character. See the
+ definition or "RCHAR" in section 2.1 for a list of the characters
+ that can occur in a fact value. Not all are applicable to all facts.
+ A sample of a typical series of facts would be: (spread over two
+ lines for presentation here only)
+ size=4161;lang=en-US;modify=19970214165800;create=19961001124534;
+ type=file;x.myfact=foo,bar;
+8.5. Standard Facts
+ This document defines a standard set of facts as follows:
+ size -- Size in octets
+ modify -- Last modification time
+ create -- Creation time
+ type -- Entry type
+ unique -- Unique id of file/directory
+ perm -- File permissions, whether read, write, execute is
+ allowed for the login id.
+ lang -- Language of the filename per IANA[12] registry.
+ media-type -- MIME media-type of file contents per IANA registry.
+ charset -- Character set per IANA registry (if not UTF-8)
+ Fact names are case-insensitive. Size, size, SIZE, and SiZe are the
+ same fact.
+ Further operating system specific keywords could be specified by
+ using the IANA operating system name as a prefix (examples only):
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ OS/2.ea -- OS/2 extended attributes
+ MACOS.rf -- MacIntosh resource forks
+ UNIX.mode -- Unix file modes (permissions)
+ Implementations may define keywords for experimental, or private use.
+ All such keywords MUST begin with the two character sequence "x.".
+ As type names are case independent, "x." and "X." are equivalent.
+ For example:
+ x.ver -- Version information
+ x.desc -- File description
+ x.type -- File type
+8.5.1. The type Fact
+ The type fact needs a special description. Part of the problem with
+ current practices is deciding when a file is a directory. If it is a
+ directory, is it the current directory, a regular directory, or a
+ parent directory? The MLST specification makes this unambiguous
+ using the type fact. The type fact given specifies information about
+ the object listed on the same line of the MLST response.
+ Five values are possible for the type fact:
+ file -- a file entry
+ cdir -- the listed directory
+ pdir -- a parent directory
+ dir -- a directory or sub-directory
+ OS.name=type -- an OS or file system dependent file type
+ The syntax is defined to be:
+ type-fact = type-label "=" type-val
+ type-label = "Type"
+ type-val = "File" / "cdir" / "pdir" / "dir" /
+ os-type
+ type=file
+ The presence of the type=file fact indicates the listed entry is a
+ file containing non-system data. That is, it may be transferred from
+ one system to another of quite different characteristics, and perhaps
+ still be meaningful.
+ type=cdir
+ The type=cdir fact indicates the listed entry contains a pathname of
+ the directory whose contents are listed. An entry of this type will
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ only be returned as a part of the result of an MLSD command when the
+ type fact is included, and provides a name for the listed directory,
+ and facts about that directory. In a sense, it can be viewed as
+ representing the title of the listing, in a machine friendly format.
+ It may appear at any point of the listing, it is not restricted to
+ appearing at the start, though frequently may do so, and may occur
+ multiple times. It MUST NOT be included if the type fact is not
+ included, or there would be no way for the user-PI to distinguish the
+ name of the directory from an entry in the directory.
+ Where TVFS is supported by the server-FTP, this name may be used to
+ construct path names with which to refer to the files and directories
+ returned in the same MLSD output (see section 7.2). These path names
+ are only expected to work when the server-PI's position in the NVFS
+ file tree is the same as its position when the MLSD command was
+ issued, unless a fully qualified path name results.
+ Where TVFS is not supported, the only defined semantics associated
+ with a "type=cdir" entry are that, provided the current working
+ directory of the server-PI has not been changed, a pathname of type
+ "cdir" may be used as an argument to a CWD command, which will cause
+ the current directory of the server-PI to change so that the
+ directory which was listed in its current working directory.
+ type=dir
+ If present, the type=dir entry gives the name of a directory. Such
+ an entry typically cannot be transferred from one system to another
+ using RETR, etc, but should (permissions permitting) be able to be
+ the object of an MLSD command.
+ type=pdir
+ If present, which will occur only in the response to a MLSD command
+ when the type fact is included, the type=pdir entry represents a
+ pathname of the parent directory of the listed directory. As well as
+ having the properties of a type=dir, a CWD command that uses the
+ pathname from this entry should change the user to a parent directory
+ of the listed directory. If the listed directory is the current
+ directory, a CDUP command may also have the effect of changing to the
+ named directory. User-FTP processes should note not all responses
+ will include this information, and that some systems may provide
+ multiple type=pdir responses.
+ Where TVFS is supported, a "type=pdir" name may be a relative path
+ name, or a fully qualified path name. A relative path name will be
+ relative to the directory being listed, not to the current directory
+ of the server-PI at the time.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ For the purposes of this type value, a "parent directory" is any
+ directory in which there is an entry of type=dir which refers to the
+ directory in which the type=pdir entity was found. Thus it is not
+ required that all entities with type=pdir refer to the same
+ directory. The "unique" fact (if supported) can be used to determine
+ whether there is a relationship between the type=pdir entries or not.
+ System defined types
+ Files types that are specific to a specific operating system, or file
+ system, can be encoded using the "OS." type names. The format is:
+ os-type = "OS." os-name "=" os-type
+ os-name = <an IANA registered operating system name>
+ os-type = token
+ The "os-name" indicates the specific system type which supports the
+ particular localtype. OS specific types are registered by the IANA
+ using the procedures specified in section 11. The "os-type" provides
+ the system dependent information as to the type of the file listed.
+ The os-name and os-type strings in an os-type are case independent.
+ "OS.unix=block" and "OS.Unix=BLOCK" represent the same type (or
+ would, if such a type were registered.)
+ Note: Where the underlying system supports a file type which is
+ essentially an indirect pointer to another file, the NVFS
+ representation of that type should normally be to represent the file
+ which the reference indicates. That is, the underlying basic file
+ will appear more than once in the NVFS, each time with the "unique"
+ fact (see immediately following section) containing the same value,
+ indicating that the same file is represented by all such names.
+ User-PIs transferring the file need then transfer it only once, and
+ then insert their own form of indirect reference to construct
+ alternate names where desired, or perhaps even copy the local file if
+ that is the only way to provide two names with the same content. A
+ file which would be a reference to another file, if only the other
+ file actually existed, may be represented in any OS dependent manner
+ appropriate, or not represented at all.
+ Multiple types
+ Where a file is such that it may validly, and sensibly, treated by
+ the server-PI as being of more than one of the above types, then
+ multiple entries should be returned, each with its own "Type" fact of
+ the appropriate type, and each containing the same pathname. This
+ may occur, for example, with a structured file, which may contain
+ sub-files, and where the server-PI permits the structured file to be
+ treated as a unit, or treated as a directory allowing the sub-files
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ within it to be referenced.
+8.5.2. The unique Fact
+ The unique fact is used to present a unique identifier for a file or
+ directory in the NVFS accessed via a server-FTP process. The value
+ of this fact should be the same for any number of pathnames that
+ refer to the same underlying file. The fact should have different
+ values for names which reference distinct files. The mapping between
+ files, and unique fact tokens should be maintained, and remain
+ consistent, for at least the lifetime of the control connection from
+ user-PI to server-PI.
+ unique-fact = "Unique" "=" token
+ This fact would be expected to be used by Server-FTPs whose host
+ system allows things such as symbolic links so that the same file may
+ be represented in more than one directory on the server. The only
+ conclusion that should be drawn is that if two different names each
+ have the same value for the unique fact, they refer to the same
+ underlying object. The value of the unique fact (the token) should
+ be considered an opaque string for comparison purposes, and is a case
+ dependent value. The tokens "A" and "a" do not represent the same
+ underlying object.
+8.5.3. The modify Fact
+ The modify fact is used to determine the last time the content of the
+ file (or directory) indicated was modified. Any change of substance
+ to the file should cause this value to alter. That is, if a change
+ is made to a file such that the results of a RETR command would
+ differ, then the value of the modify fact should alter. User-PIs
+ should not assume that a different modify fact value indicates that
+ the file contents are necessarily different than when last retrieved.
+ Some systems may alter the value of the modify fact for other
+ reasons, though this is discouraged wherever possible. Also a file
+ may alter, and then be returned to its previous content, which would
+ often be indicated as two incremental alterations to the value of the
+ modify fact.
+ For directories, this value should alter whenever a change occurs to
+ the directory such that different filenames would (or might) be
+ included in MLSD output of that directory.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ modify-fact = "Modify" "=" time-val
+8.5.4. The create Fact
+ The create fact indicates when a file, or directory, was first
+ created. Exactly what "creation" is for this purpose is not
+ specified here, and may vary from server to server. About all that
+ can be said about the value returned is that it can never indicate a
+ later time than the modify fact.
+ create-fact = "Create" "=" time-val
+ Implementation Note: Implementors of this fact on UNIX(TM) systems
+ should note that the unix "stat" "st_ctime" field does not give
+ creation time, and that unix file systems do not record creation
+ time at all. Unix (and POSIX) implementations will normally not
+ include this fact.
+8.5.5. The perm Fact
+ The perm fact is used to indicate access rights the current FTP user
+ has over the object listed. Its value is always an unordered
+ sequence of alphabetic characters.
+ perm-fact = "Perm" "=" *pvals
+ pvals = "a" / "c" / "d" / "e" / "f" /
+ "l" / "m" / "p" / "r" / "w"
+ There are ten permission indicators currently defined. Many are
+ meaningful only when used with a particular type of object. The
+ indicators are case independent, "d" and "D" are the same indicator.
+ The "a" permission applies to objects of type=file, and indicates
+ that the APPE (append) command may be applied to the file named.
+ The "c" permission applies to objects of type=dir (and type=pdir,
+ type=cdir). It indicates that files may be created in the directory
+ named. That is, that a STOU command is likely to succeed, and that
+ STOR and APPE commands might succeed if the file named did not
+ previously exist, but is to be created in the directory object that
+ has the "c" permission. It also indicates that the RNTO command is
+ likely to succeed for names in the directory.
+ The "d" permission applies to all types. It indicates that the
+ object named may be deleted, that is, that the RMD command may be
+ applied to it if it is a directory, and otherwise that the DELE
+ command may be applied to it.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ The "e" permission applies to the directory types. When set on an
+ object of type=dir, type=cdir, or type=pdir it indicates that a CWD
+ command naming the object should succeed, and the user should be able
+ to enter the directory named. For type=pdir it also indicates that
+ the CDUP command may succeed (if this particular pathname is the one
+ to which a CDUP would apply.)
+ The "f" permission for objects indicates that the object named may be
+ renamed - that is, may be the object of an RNFR command.
+ The "l" permission applies to the directory file types, and indicates
+ that the listing commands, LIST, NLST, and MLSD may be applied to the
+ directory in question.
+ The "m" permission applies to directory types, and indicates that the
+ MKD command may be used to create a new directory within the
+ directory under consideration.
+ The "p" permission applies to directory types, and indicates that
+ objects in the directory may be deleted, or (stretching naming a
+ little) that the directory may be purged. Note: it does not indicate
+ that the RMD command may be used to remove the directory named
+ itself, the "d" permission indicator indicates that.
+ The "r" permission applies to type=file objects, and for some
+ systems, perhaps to other types of objects, and indicates that the
+ RETR command may be applied to that object.
+ The "w" permission applies to type=file objects, and for some
+ systems, perhaps to other types of objects, and indicates that the
+ STOR command may be applied to the object named.
+ Note: That a permission indicator is set can never imply that the
+ appropriate command is guaranteed to work - just that it might.
+ Other system specific limitations, such as limitations on
+ available space for storing files, may cause an operation to
+ fail, where the permission flags may have indicated that it was
+ likely to succeed. The permissions are a guide only.
+ Implementation note: The permissions are described here as they apply
+ to FTP commands. They may not map easily into particular
+ permissions available on the server's operating system. Servers
+ are expected to synthesize these permission bits from the
+ permission information available from operating system. For
+ example, to correctly determine whether the "D" permission bit
+ should be set on a directory for a server running on the
+ UNIX(TM) operating system, the server should check that the
+ directory named is empty, and that the user has write permission
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ on both the directory under consideration, and its parent
+ directory.
+ Some systems may have more specific permissions than those
+ listed here, such systems should map those to the flags defined
+ as best they are able. Other systems may have only more broad
+ access controls. They will generally have just a few possible
+ permutations of permission flags, however they should attempt to
+ correctly represent what is permitted.
+8.5.6. The lang Fact
+ The lang fact describes the natural language of the filename for use
+ in display purposes. Values used here should be taken from the
+ language registry of the IANA. See [13] for the syntax, and
+ procedures, related to language tags.
+ lang-fact = "Lang" "=" token
+ Server-FTP implementations MUST NOT guess language values. Language
+ values must be determined in an unambiguous way such as file system
+ tagging of language or by user configuration. Note that the lang
+ fact provides no information at all about the content of a file, only
+ about the encoding of its name.
+8.5.7. The size Fact
+ The size fact applies to non-directory file types and should always
+ reflect the approximate size of the file. This should be as accurate
+ as the server can make it, without going to extraordinary lengths,
+ such as reading the entire file. The size is expressed in units of
+ octets of data in the file.
+ Given limitations in some systems, Client-FTP implementations must
+ understand this size may not be precise and may change between the
+ time of a MLST and RETR operation.
+ Clients that need highly accurate size information for some
+ particular reason should use the SIZE command as defined in section
+ 4. The most common need for this accuracy is likely to be in
+ conjunction with the REST command described in section 5. The size
+ fact, on the other hand, should be used for purposes such as
+ indicating to a human user the approximate size of the file to be
+ transferred, and perhaps to give an idea of expected transfer
+ completion time.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ size-fact = "Size" "=" 1*DIGIT
+8.5.8. The media-type Fact
+ The media-type fact represents the IANA media type of the file named,
+ and applies only to non-directory types. The list of values used
+ must follow the guidelines set by the IANA registry.
+ media-type = "Media-Type" "=" <per IANA guidelines>
+ Server-FTP implementations MUST NOT guess media type values. Media
+ type values must be determined in an unambiguous way such as file
+ system tagging of media-type or by user configuration. This fact
+ gives information about the content of the file named. Both the
+ primary media type, and any appropriate subtype should be given,
+ separated by a slash "/" as is traditional.
+8.5.9. The charset Fact
+ The charset fact provides the IANA character set name, or alias, for
+ the encoded pathnames in a MLSx response. The default character set
+ is UTF-8 unless specified otherwise. FTP implementations SHOULD use
+ UTF-8 if possible to encourage maximum interoperability. The value
+ of this fact applies to the pathname only, and provides no
+ information about the contents of the file.
+ charset-type = "Charset" "=" token
+8.5.10. Required facts
+ Servers are not required to support any particular set of the
+ available facts. However, servers SHOULD, if conceivably possible,
+ support at least the type, perm, size, unique, and modify facts.
+8.6. System Dependent and Local Facts
+ By using an system dependent fact, or a local fact, a server-PI may
+ communicate to the user-PI information about the file named which is
+ peculiar to the underlying file system.
+8.6.1. System Dependent Facts
+ System dependent fact names are labeled by prefixing a label
+ identifying the specific information returned by the name of the
+ appropriate operating system from the IANA maintained list of
+ operating system names.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ The value of an OS dependent fact may be whatever is appropriate to
+ convey the information available. It must be encoded as a "token" as
+ defined in section 2.1 however.
+ In order to allow reliable interoperation between users of system
+ dependent facts, the IANA will maintain a registry of system
+ dependent fact names, their syntax, and the interpretation to be
+ given to their values. Registrations of system dependent facts are
+ to be accomplished according to the procedures of section 11.
+8.6.2. Local Facts
+ Implementations may also make available other facts of their own
+ choosing. As the method of interpretation of such information will
+ generally not be widely understood, server-PIs should be aware that
+ clients will typically ignore any local facts provided. As there is
+ no registration of locally defined facts, it is entirely possible
+ that different servers will use the same local fact name to provide
+ vastly different information. Hence user-PIs should be hesitant
+ about making any use of any information in a locally defined fact
+ without some other specific assurance that the particular fact is one
+ that they do comprehend.
+ Local fact names all begin with the sequence "X.". The rest of the
+ name is a "token" (see section 2.1). The value of a local fact can
+ be anything at all, provided it can be encoded as a "token".
+8.7. MLSx Examples
+ The following examples are all taken from dialogues between existing
+ FTP clients and servers. Because of this, not all possible
+ variations of possible response formats are shown in the examples.
+ This should not be taken as limiting the options of other server
+ implementors. Where the examples show OS dependent information, that
+ is to be treated as being purely for the purposes of demonstration of
+ some possible OS specific information that could be defined. As at
+ the time of the writing of this document, no OS specific facts or
+ file types have been defined, the examples shown here should not be
+ treated as in any way to be preferred over other possible similar
+ definitions. Consult the IANA registries to determine what types and
+ facts have been defined.
+ In the examples shown, only relevant commands and responses have been
+ included. This is not to imply that other commands (including
+ authentication, directory modification, PORT or PASV commands, or
+ similar) would not be present in an actual connection, or were not,
+ in fact, actually used in the examples before editing. Note also
+ that the formats shown are those that are transmitted between client
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+ and server, not formats which would normally ever be reported to the
+ user of the client.
+ In the examples, lines that begin "C> " were sent over the control
+ connection from the client to the server, lines that begin "S> " were
+ sent over the control connection from the server to the client, and
+ lines that begin "D> " were sent from the server to the client over a
+ data connection created just to send those lines and closed
+ immediately after. No examples here show data transferred over a
+ data connection from the client to the server. In all cases, the
+ prefixes shown above, including the one space, have been added for
+ the purposes of this document, and are not a part of the data
+ exchanged between client and server.
+8.7.1. Simple MLST
+ C> PWD
+ S> 257 "/tmp" is current directory.
+ C> MLst cap60.pl198.tar.gz
+ S> 250- Listing cap60.pl198.tar.gz
+ S> Type=file;Size=1024990;Perm=r; /tmp/cap60.pl198.tar.gz
+ S> 250 End
+ The client first asked to be told the current directory of the
+ server. This was purely for the purposes of clarity of this example.
+ The client then requested facts about a specific file. The server
+ returned the "250-" first control-response line, followed by a single
+ line of facts about the file, followed by the terminating "250 "
+ line. The text on the control-response line and the terminating line
+ can be anything the server decides to send. Notice that the fact
+ line is indented by a single space. Notice also that there are no
+ spaces in the set of facts returned, until the single space before
+ the filename. The filename returned on the fact line is a fully
+ qualified pathname of the file listed. The facts returned show that
+ the line refers to a file, that file contains approximately 1024990
+ bytes, though more or less than that may be transferred if the file
+ is retrieved, and a different number may be required to store the
+ file at the client's file store, and the connected user has
+ permission to retrieve the file but not to do anything else
+ particularly interesting.
+8.7.2. MLST of a directory
+ C> PWD
+ S> 257 "/" is current directory.
+ C> MLst tmp
+ S> 250- Listing tmp
+ S> Type=dir;Modify=19981107085215;Perm=el; /tmp
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+ S> 250 End
+ Again the PWD is just for the purposes of demonstration for the
+ example. The MLST fact line this time shows that the file listed is
+ a directory, that it was last modified at 08:52:15 on the 7th of
+ November, 1998 UTC, and that the user has permission to enter the
+ directory, and to list its contents, but not to modify it in any way.
+ Again, the fully qualified path name of the directory listed is
+ given.
+8.7.3. MLSD of a directory
+ C> MLSD tmp
+ S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD tmp
+ D> Type=cdir;Modify=19981107085215;Perm=el; tmp
+ D> Type=cdir;Modify=19981107085215;Perm=el; /tmp
+ D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990112030508;Perm=el; ..
+ D> Type=file;Size=25730;Modify=19940728095854;Perm=; capmux.tar.z
+ D> Type=file;Size=1830;Modify=19940916055648;Perm=r; hatch.c
+ D> Type=file;Size=25624;Modify=19951003165342;Perm=r; MacIP-02.txt
+ D> Type=file;Size=2154;Modify=19950501105033;Perm=r; uar.netbsd.patch
+ D> Type=file;Size=54757;Modify=19951105101754;Perm=r; iptnnladev.1.0.sit.hqx
+ D> Type=file;Size=226546;Modify=19970515023901;Perm=r; melbcs.tif
+ D> Type=file;Size=12927;Modify=19961025135602;Perm=r; tardis.1.6.sit.hqx
+ D> Type=file;Size=17867;Modify=19961025135602;Perm=r; timelord.1.4.sit.hqx
+ D> Type=file;Size=224907;Modify=19980615100045;Perm=r; uar.1.2.3.sit.hqx
+ D> Type=file;Size=1024990;Modify=19980130010322;Perm=r; cap60.pl198.tar.gz
+ S> 226 MLSD completed
+ In this example notice that there is no leading space on the fact
+ lines returned over the data connection. Also notice that two lines
+ of "type=cdir" have been given. These show two alternate names for
+ the directory listed, one a fully qualified pathname, and the other a
+ local name relative to the servers current directory when the MLSD
+ was performed. Note that all other filenames in the output are
+ relative to the directory listed, though the server could, if it
+ chose, give a fully qualified path name for the "type=pdir" line.
+ This server has chosen not to. The other files listed present a
+ fairly boring set of files that are present in the listed directory.
+ Note that there is no particular order in which they are listed.
+ They are not sorted by filename, by size, or by modify time. Note
+ also that the "perm" fact has an empty value for the file
+ "capmux.tar.z" indicating that the connected user has no permissions
+ at all for that file. This server has chosen to present the "cdir"
+ and "pdir" lines before the lines showing the content of the
+ directory, it is not required to do so. The "size" fact does not
+ provide any meaningful information for a directory, so is not
+ included in the fact lines for the directory types shown.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+8.7.4. A more complex example
+ C> MLst test
+ S> 250- Listing test
+ S> Type=dir;Perm=el;Unique=keVO1+ZF4 test
+ S> 250 End
+ C> MLSD test
+ S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD test
+ D> Type=cdir;Perm=el;Unique=keVO1+ZF4; test
+ D> Type=pdir;Perm=e;Unique=keVO1+d?3; ..
+ D> Type=OS.unix=slink:/foobar;Perm=;Unique=keVO1+4G4; foobar
+ D> Type=OS.unix=chr-13/29;Perm=;Unique=keVO1+5G4; device
+ D> Type=OS.unix=blk-11/108;Perm=;Unique=keVO1+6G4; block
+ D> Type=file;Perm=awr;Unique=keVO1+8G4; writable
+ D> Type=dir;Perm=cpmel;Unique=keVO1+7G4; promiscuous
+ D> Type=dir;Perm=;Unique=keVO1+1t2; no-exec
+ D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+EG4; two words
+ D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+IH4; leading space
+ D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file1
+ D> Type=dir;Perm=cpmel;Unique=keVO1+7G4; incoming
+ D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file2
+ D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file3
+ D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file4
+ S> 226 MLSD completed
+ C> MLSD test/incoming
+ S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD test/incoming
+ D> Type=cdir;Perm=cpmel;Unique=keVO1+7G4; test/incoming
+ D> Type=pdir;Perm=el;Unique=keVO1+ZF4; ..
+ D> Type=file;Perm=awdrf;Unique=keVO1+EH4; bar
+ D> Type=file;Perm=awdrf;Unique=keVO1+LH4;
+ D> Type=file;Perm=rf;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file5
+ D> Type=file;Perm=rf;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file6
+ D> Type=dir;Perm=cpmdelf;Unique=keVO1+!s2; empty
+ S> 226 MLSD completed
+ For the purposes of this example the fact set requested has been
+ modified to delete the "size" and "modify" facts, and add the
+ "unique" fact. First, facts about a filename have been obtained via
+ MLST. Note that no fully qualified path name was given this time.
+ That was because the server was unable to determine that information.
+ Then having determined that the filename represents a directory, that
+ directory has been listed. That listing also shows no fully
+ qualified path name, for the same reason, thus has but a single
+ "type=cdir" line. This directory (which was created especially for
+ the purpose) contains several interesting files. There are some with
+ OS dependent file types, several sub-directories, and several
+ ordinary files.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ Not much can be said here about the OS dependent file types, as none
+ of the information shown there should be treated as any more than
+ possibilities. It can be seen that the OS type of the server is
+ "unix" though, which is one of the OS types in the IANA registry of
+ Operating System names.
+ Of the three directories listed, "no-exec" has no permission granted
+ to this user to access at all. From the "Unique" fact values, it can
+ be determined that "promiscuous" and "incoming" in fact represent the
+ same directory. Its permissions show that the connected user has
+ permission to do essentially anything other than to delete the
+ directory. That directory was later listed. It happens that the
+ directory can not be deleted because it is not empty.
+ Of the normal files listed, two contain spaces in their names. The
+ file called " leading space" actually contains two spaces in its
+ name, one before the "l" and one between the "g" and the "s". The
+ two spaces that separate the facts from the visible part of the path
+ name make that clear. The file "writable" has the "a" and "w"
+ permission bits set, and consequently the connected user should be
+ able to STOR or APPE to that file.
+ The other four file names, "file1", "file2", "file3", and "file4" all
+ represent the same underlying file, as can be seen from the values of
+ the "unique" facts of each. It happens that "file1" and "file2" are
+ Unix "hard" links, and that "file3" and "file4" are "soft" or
+ "symbolic" links to the first two. None of that information is
+ available via standard MLST facts, it is sufficient for the purposes
+ of FTP to note that all represent the same file, and that the same
+ data would be fetched no matter which of them was retrieved, and that
+ all would be simultaneously modified were data stored in any.
+ Finally, the sub-directory "incoming" is listed. Since "promiscuous"
+ is the same directory there would be no point listing it as well. In
+ that directory, the files "file5" and "file6" represent still more
+ names for the "file1" file we have seen before. Notice the entry
+ between that for "bar" and "file5". Though it is not possible to
+ easily represent it in this document, that shows a file with a name
+ comprising exactly three spaces (" "). A client will have no
+ difficulty determining that name from the output presented to it
+ however. The directory "empty" is, as its name implies, empty,
+ though that is not shown here. It can, however, be deleted, as can
+ file "bar" and the file whose name is three spaces. All the files
+ that reside in this directory can be renamed. This is a consequence
+ of the UNIX semantics of the directory that contains them being
+ modifiable.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+8.7.5. More accurate time information
+ C> MLst file1
+ S> 250- Listing file1
+ S> Type=file;Modify=19990929003355.237; file1
+ S> 250 End
+ In this example, the server-FTP is indicating that "file1" was last
+ modified 237 milliseconds after 00:33:55 UTC on the 29th of
+ September, 1999.
+8.7.6. A different server
+ S> 250-Begin
+ S> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABCAAA; /
+ S> 250 End.
+ C> MLSD .
+ S> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLS.
+ D> type=cdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABCAAA; /
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABEAAA; bin
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABGAAA; etc
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAAB8AwA; halflife
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABoAAA; incoming
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABIAAA; lib
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABWAEA; linux
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABKAEA; ncftpd
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABGAEA; outbox
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABuAAA; quake2
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABQAEA; winstuff
+ S> 226 Listing completed.
+ C> MLSD linux
+ S> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLS.
+ D> type=cdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABWAEA; /linux
+ D> type=pdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABCAAA; /
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABeAEA; firewall
+ D> type=file;size=12;unique=AQkAAAAAAAACWAEA; helo_world
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABYAEA; kernel
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABmAEA; scripts
+ D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABkAEA; security
+ S> 226 Listing completed.
+ C> MLSD linux/kernel
+ S> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLS.
+ D> type=cdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABYAEA; /linux/kernel
+ D> type=pdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABWAEA; /linux
+ D> type=file;size=6704;unique=AQkAAAAAAAADYAEA; k.config
+ D> type=file;size=7269221;unique=AQkAAAAAAAACYAEA; linux-2.0.36.tar.gz
+ D> type=file;size=12514594;unique=AQkAAAAAAAAEYAEA; linux-2.1.130.tar.gz
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+ S> 226 Listing completed.
+ Note that this server returns its "unique" fact value in quite a
+ different format. It also returns fully qualified path names for the
+ "pdir" entry.
+8.7.7. Some IANA files
+ C> MLSD .
+ S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD .
+ D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990219183438; /iana/assignments
+ D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990112030453; ..
+ D> Type=dir;Modify=19990219073522; media-types
+ D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033515; character-set-info
+ D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033529; languages
+ D> Type=file;Size=44242;Modify=19990217230400; character-sets
+ D> Type=file;Size=1947;Modify=19990209215600; operating-system-names
+ S> 226 MLSD completed
+ C> MLSD media-types
+ S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD media-types
+ D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990219073522; media-types
+ D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990219073522; /iana/assignments/media-types
+ D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990219183438; ..
+ D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033045; text
+ D> Type=dir;Modify=19990219183442; image
+ D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033216; multipart
+ D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033254; video
+ D> Type=file;Size=30249;Modify=19990218032700; media-types
+ S> 226 MLSD completed
+ C> MLSD character-set-info
+ S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD character-set-info
+ D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990112033515; character-set-info
+ D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990112033515; /iana/assignments/character-set-info
+ D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990219183438; ..
+ D> Type=file;Size=1234;Modify=19980903020400; windows-1251
+ D> Type=file;Size=4557;Modify=19980922001400; tis-620
+ D> Type=file;Size=801;Modify=19970324130000; ibm775
+ D> Type=file;Size=552;Modify=19970320130000; ibm866
+ D> Type=file;Size=922;Modify=19960505140000; windows-1258
+ S> 226 MLSD completed
+ C> MLSD languages
+ S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD languages
+ D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990112033529; languages
+ D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990112033529; /iana/assignments/languages
+ D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990219183438; ..
+ D> Type=file;Size=2391;Modify=19980309130000; default
+ D> Type=file;Size=943;Modify=19980309130000; tags
+ D> Type=file;Size=870;Modify=19971026130000; navajo
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+ D> Type=file;Size=699;Modify=19950911140000; no-bok
+ S> 226 MLSD completed
+ C> PWD
+ S> 257 "/iana/assignments" is current directory.
+ This example shows some of the IANA maintained files that are
+ relevant for this specification in MLSD format. Note that these
+ listings have been edited by deleting many entries, the actual
+ listings are much longer.
+8.7.8. A stress test of case (in)dependence
+ The following example is intended to make clear some cases where case
+ dependent strings are permitted in the MLSx commands, and where case
+ independent strings are required.
+ C> MlsD .
+ S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD .
+ D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990929011228;Perm=el;Unique=keVO1+ZF4; ..
+ D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+Bd8; FILE2
+ D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+aG8; file3
+ D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+ag8; FILE3
+ D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+bD8; file1
+ D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+bD8; file2
+ D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+Ag8; File3
+ D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+bD8; File1
+ D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+Bd8; File2
+ D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+bd8; FILE1
+ S> 226 MLSD completed
+ Note first that the "MLSD" command, shown here as "MlsD" is case
+ independent. Clients may issue this command in any case, or
+ combination of cases, they desire. This is the case for all FTP
+ commands.
+ Next, notice the labels of the facts. These are also case
+ independent strings, Server-FTP is permitted to return them in any
+ case they desire. User-FTP must be prepared to deal with any case,
+ though it may do this by mapping the labels to a common case if
+ desired.
+ Then, notice that there are nine objects of "type" file returned. In
+ a case independent NVFS these would represent three different file
+ names, "file1", "file2", and "file3". With a case dependent NVFS all
+ nine represent different file names. Either is possible, server-FTPs
+ may implement a case dependent or a case independent NVFS. User-FTPs
+ must allow for case dependent selection of files to manipulate on the
+ server.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ Lastly, notice that the value of the "unique" fact is case dependent.
+ In the example shown, "file1", "File1", and "file2" all have the same
+ "unique" fact value "keVO1+bD8", and thus all represent the same
+ underlying file. On the other hand, "FILE1" has a different "unique"
+ fact value ("keVO1+bd8") and hence represents a different file.
+ Similarly, "FILE2" and "File2" are two names for the same underlying
+ file, whereas "file3", "File3" and "FILE3" all represent different
+ underlying files.
+ That the approximate sizes ("size" fact) and last modification times
+ ("modify" fact) are the same in all cases might be no more than a
+ coincidence.
+ It is not suggested that the operators of server-FTPs create NVFS
+ which stress the protocols to this extent, however both user and
+ server implementations must be prepared to deal with such extreme
+ examples.
+8.8. FEAT response for MLSx
+ When responding to the FEAT command, a server-FTP process that
+ supports MLST, and MLSD, plus internationalization of pathnames, MUST
+ indicate that this support exists. It does this by including a MLST
+ feature line. As well as indicating the basic support, the MLST
+ feature line indicates which MLST facts are available from the
+ server, and which of those will be returned if no subsequent "OPTS
+ MLST" command is sent.
+ mlst-feat = SP "MLST" [SP factlist] CRLF
+ factlist = 1*( factname ["*"] ";" )
+ The initial space shown in the mlst-feat response is that required by
+ the FEAT command, two spaces are not permitted. If no factlist is
+ given, then the server-FTP process is indicating that it supports
+ MLST, but implements no facts. Only pathnames can be returned. This
+ would be a minimal MLST implementation, and useless for most
+ practical purposes. Where the factlist is present, the factnames
+ included indicate the facts supported by the server. Where the
+ optional asterisk appears after a factname, that fact will be
+ included in MLST format responses, until an "OPTS MLST" is given to
+ alter the list of facts returned. After that, subsequent FEAT
+ commands will return the asterisk to show the facts selected by the
+ most recent "OPTS MLST".
+ Note that there is no distinct FEAT output for MLSD. The presence of
+ the MLST feature indicates that both MLST and MLSD are supported.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+8.8.1. Examples
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- Features supported
+ S> UTF8
+ S> MLST Type*;Size*;Modify*;Perm*;Unique*;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
+ S> 211 End
+ Aside from some features irrelevant here, this server indicates that
+ it supports MLST including several, but not all, standard facts, all
+ of which it will send by default. It also supports two OS dependent
+ facts, and one locally defined fact. The latter three must be
+ requested expressly by the client for this server to supply them.
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211-Extensions supported:
+ S> MLST type*;size*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner;UNIX.group;unique;
+ S> Compliance Level: 19981201 (IETF mlst-05)
+ S> 211 End.
+ Again, in addition to some irrelevant features here, this server
+ indicates that it supports MLST, four of the standard facts, one of
+ which ("unique") is not enabled by default, and several OS dependent
+ facts, one of which is provided by the server by default. This
+ server actually supported more OS dependent facts. Others were
+ deleted for the purposes of this document to comply with document
+ formatting restrictions.
+8.9. OPTS parameters for MLST
+ For the MLSx commands, the Client-FTP may specify a list of facts it
+ wishes to be returned in all subsequent MLSx commands until another
+ OPTS MLST command is sent. The format is specified by:
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ mlst-opts = "OPTS" SP "MLST"
+ [ SP 1*( factname ";" ) ]
+ By sending the "OPTS MLST" command, the client requests the server to
+ include only the facts listed as arguments to the command in
+ subsequent output from MLSx commands. Facts not included in the
+ "OPTS MLST" command MUST NOT be returned by the server. Facts that
+ are included should be returned for each entry returned from the MLSx
+ command where they meaningfully apply. Facts requested that are not
+ supported, or which are inappropriate to the file or directory being
+ listed should simply be omitted from the MLSx output. This is not an
+ error. Note that where no factname arguments are present, the client
+ is requesting that only the file names be returned. In this case,
+ and in any other case where no facts are included in the result, the
+ space that separates the fact names and their values from the file
+ name is still required. That is, the first character of the output
+ line will be a space, (or two characters will be spaces when the line
+ is returned over the control connection,) and the file name will
+ start immediately thereafter.
+ Clients should note that generating values for some facts can be
+ possible, but very expensive, for some servers. It is generally
+ acceptable to retrieve any of the facts that the server offers as its
+ default set before any "OPTS MLST" command has been given, however
+ clients should use particular caution before requesting any facts not
+ in that set. That is, while other facts may be available from the
+ server, clients should refrain from requesting such facts unless
+ there is a particular operational requirement for that particular
+ information, which ought be more significant than perhaps simply
+ improving the information displayed to an end user.
+ Note, there is no "OPTS MLSD" command, the fact names set with the
+ "OPTS MLST" command apply to both MLST and MLSD commands.
+ Servers are not required to accept "OPTS MLST" commands before
+ authentication of the user-PI, but may choose to permit them.
+8.9.1. OPTS MLST Response
+ The "response-message" from [6] to a successful OPTS MLST command has
+ the following syntax.
+ mlst-opt-resp = "MLST OPTS" [ SP 1*( factname ";" ) ]
+ This defines the "response-message" as used in the "opts-good"
+ message in RFC2389 [6].
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ The facts named in the response are those which the server will now
+ include in MLST (and MLSD) response, after the processing of the
+ "OPTS MLST" command. Any facts from the request not supported by the
+ server will be omitted from this response message. If no facts will
+ be included, the list of facts will be empty. Note that the list of
+ facts returned will be the same as those marked by a trailing
+ asterisk ("*") in a subsequent FEAT command response. There is no
+ requirement that the order of the facts returned be the same as that
+ in which they were requested, or that in which they will be listed in
+ a FEAT command response, or that in which facts are returned in MLST
+ responses. The fixed string "MLST OPTS" in the response may be
+ returned in any case, or mixture of cases.
+8.9.2. Examples
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- Features supported
+ S> MLST Type*;Size;Modify*;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
+ S> 211 End
+ C> OptS Mlst Type;UNIX.mode;Perm;
+ S> 201 MLST OPTS Type;Perm;UNIX.mode;
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- Features supported
+ S> MLST Type*;Size;Modify;Perm*;Unique;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
+ S> 211 End
+ C> opts MLst lang;type;charset;create;
+ S> 201 MLST OPTS Type;
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- Features supported
+ S> MLST Type*;Size;Modify;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
+ S> 211 End
+ C> OPTS mlst size;frogs;
+ S> 201 MLST OPTS Size;
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- Features supported
+ S> MLST Type;Size*;Modify;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
+ S> 211 End
+ C> opts MLst unique type;
+ S> 501 Invalid MLST options
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- Features supported
+ S> MLST Type;Size*;Modify;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
+ S> 211 End
+ For the purposes of this example, features other than MLST have been
+ deleted from the output to avoid clutter. The example shows the
+ initial default feature output for MLST. The facts requested are
+ then changed by the client. The first change shows facts that are
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ available from the server being selected. Subsequent FEAT output
+ shows the altered features as being returned. The client then
+ attempts to select some standard features which the server does not
+ support. This is not an error, however the server simply ignores the
+ requests for unsupported features, as the FEAT output that follows
+ shows. Then, the client attempts to request a non-standard, and
+ unsupported, feature. The server ignores that, and selects only the
+ supported features requested. Lastly, the client sends a request
+ containing a syntax error (spaces cannot appear in the factlist.) The
+ server-FTP sends an error response and completely ignores the
+ request, leaving the fact set selected as it had been previously.
+ Note that in all cases, except the error response, the response lists
+ the facts that have been selected.
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- Features supported
+ S> MLST Type*;Size*;Modify*;Perm*;Unique*;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
+ S> 211 End
+ C> Opts MLST
+ S> 201 MLST OPTS
+ C> Feat
+ S> 211- Features supported
+ S> MLST Type;Size;Modify;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
+ S> 211 End
+ C> MLst tmp
+ S> 250- Listing tmp
+ S> /tmp
+ S> 250 End
+ C> OPTS mlst unique;size;
+ S> 201 MLST OPTS Size;Unique;
+ C> MLst tmp
+ S> 250- Listing tmp
+ S> Unique=keVO1+YZ5; /tmp
+ S> 250 End
+ C> OPTS mlst unique;type;modify;
+ S> 201 MLST OPTS Type;Modify;Unique;
+ C> MLst tmp
+ S> 250- Listing tmp
+ S> Type=dir;Modify=19990930152225;Unique=keVO1+YZ5; /tmp
+ S> 250 End
+ C> OPTS mlst fish;cakes;
+ S> 201 MLST OPTS
+ C> MLst tmp
+ S> 250- Listing tmp
+ S> /tmp
+ S> 250 End
+ C> OptS Mlst Modify;Unique;
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ S> 201 MLST OPTS Modify;Unique;
+ C> MLst tmp
+ S> 250- Listing tmp
+ S> Modify=19990930152225;Unique=keVO1+YZ5; /tmp
+ S> 250 End
+ C> opts MLst fish cakes;
+ S> 501 Invalid MLST options
+ C> MLst tmp
+ S> 250- Listing tmp
+ S> Modify=19990930152225;Unique=keVO1+YZ5; /tmp
+ S> 250 End
+ This example shows the effect of changing the facts requested upon
+ subsequent MLST commands. Notice that a syntax error leaves the set
+ of selected facts unchanged. Also notice exactly two spaces
+ preceding the pathname when no facts were selected, either
+ deliberately, or because none of the facts requested were available.
+9. Impact On Other FTP Commands
+ Along with the introduction of MLST, traditional FTP commands must be
+ extended to allow for the use of more than US-ASCII or EBCDIC
+ character sets. In general, the support of MLST requires support for
+ arbitrary character sets wherever filenames and directory names are
+ allowed. This applies equally to both arguments given to the
+ following commands and to the replies from them, as appropriate.
+ The arguments to all of these commands should be processed the same
+ way that MLST commands and responses are processed with respect to
+ handling embedded spaces, CRs and NULs. See section 2.2.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+10. Character sets and Internationalization
+ FTP commands are protocol elements, and are always expressed in
+ ASCII. FTP responses are composed of the numeric code, which is a
+ protocol element, and a message, which is often expected to convey
+ information to the user. It is not expected that users normally
+ interact directly with the protocol elements, rather the user FTP-
+ process constructs the commands, and interprets the results, in the
+ manner best suited for the particular user. Explanatory text in
+ responses generally has no particular meaning to the protocol. The
+ numeric codes provide all necessary information. Server-PIs are free
+ to provide the text in any language that can be adequately
+ represented in ASCII, or where an alternative language and
+ representation has been negotiated (see [7]) in that language and
+ representation.
+ Pathnames are expected to be encoded in UTF-8 allowing essentially
+ any character to be represented in a pathname. Meaningful pathnames
+ are defined by the server NVFS.
+ No restrictions at all are placed upon the contents of files
+ transferred using the FTP protocols. Unless the "media-type" fact is
+ provided in a MLSx response nor is any advice given here which would
+ allow determining the content type. That information is assumed to
+ be obtained via other means.
+11. IANA Considerations
+ This specification makes use of some lists of values currently
+ maintained by the IANA, and creates two new lists for the IANA to
+ maintain. It does not add any values to any existing registries.
+ The existing IANA registries used by this specification are modified
+ using mechanisms specified elsewhere.
+11.1. The OS specific fact registry
+ A registry of OS specific fact names shall be maintained by the IANA.
+ The OS names for the OS portion of the fact name must be taken from
+ the IANA's list of registered OS names. To add a fact name to this
+ OS specific registry of OS specific facts, an applicant must send to
+ the IANA a request, in which is specified the OS name, the OS
+ specific fact name, a definition of the syntax of the fact value,
+ which must conform to the syntax of a token as given in this
+ document, and a specification of the semantics to be associated with
+ the particular fact and its values. Upon receipt of such an
+ application, and if the combination of OS name and OS specific fact
+ name has not been previously defined, the IANA will add the
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ specification to the registry.
+ Any examples of OS specific facts found in this document are to be
+ treated as examples of possible OS specific facts, and do not form a
+ part of the IANA's registry merely because of being included in this
+ document.
+11.2. The OS specific filetype registry
+ A registry of OS specific file types shall be maintained by the IANA.
+ The OS names for the OS portion of the fact name must be taken from
+ the IANA's list of registered OS names. To add a file type to this
+ OS specific registry of OS specific file types, an applicant must
+ send to the IANA a request, in which is specified the OS name, the OS
+ specific file type, a definition of the syntax of the fact value,
+ which must conform to the syntax of a token as given in this
+ document, and a specification of the semantics to be associated with
+ the particular fact and its values. Upon receipt of such an
+ application, and if the combination of OS name and OS specific file
+ type has not been previously defined, the IANA will add the
+ specification to the registry.
+ Any examples of OS specific file types found in this document are to
+ be treated as potential OS specific file types only, and do not form
+ a part of the IANA's registry merely because of being included in
+ this document.
+12. Security Considerations
+ This memo does not directly concern security. It is not believed
+ that any of the mechanisms documented here impact in any particular
+ way upon the security of FTP.
+ Implementing the SIZE command, and perhaps some of the facts of the
+ MDLx commands, may impose a considerable load on the server, which
+ could lead to denial of service attacks. Servers have, however,
+ implemented this for many years, without significant reported
+ difficulties.
+ With the introduction of virtual hosts to FTP, and the possible
+ accompanying multiple authentication environments, server
+ implementors will need to take some care to ensure that integrity is
+ maintained.
+ The FEAT and OPTS commands may be issued before the FTP
+ authentication has occurred [6]. This allows unauthenticated clients
+ to determine which of the features defined here are supported, and to
+ negotiate the fact list for MLSx output. No actual MLSx commands may
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ be issued however, and no problems with permitting the selection of
+ the format prior to authentication are foreseen.
+ A general discussion of issues related to the security of FTP can be
+ found in [14].
+13. References
+ [1] Coded Character Set--7-bit American Standard Code for Information
+ Interchange, ANSI X3.4-1986.
+ [2] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO
+ 10646", RFC 2044, October 1996.
+ [3] Postel, J., Reynolds, J., "File Transfer Protocol (FTP)",
+ STD 9, RFC 959, October 1985
+ [4] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997
+ [5] Crocker, D., Overell, P., "Augmented BNF for Syntax
+ Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997
+ [6] Hethmon, P., Elz, R., "Feature negotiation mechanism for the
+ File Transfer Protocol", RFC 2389, August 1998
+ [7] Curtin, W., "Internationalization of the File Transfer Protocol",
+ RFC 2640, July 1999
+ [8] Postel, J., Reynolds, J., "Telnet protocol Specification"
+ STD 8, RFC 854, May 1983
+ [9] Braden, R,. "Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application
+ and Support", STD 3, RFC 1123, October 1989
+ [10] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities"
+ STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987
+ [11] ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 "Universal multiple-octet coded character set
+ (UCS) -- Part 1: Architecture and basic multilingual plane",
+ International Standard -- Information Technology, 1993
+ [12] Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. http://www.iana.org
+ Email: iana@iana.org.
+ [13] Alvestrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of Languages"
+ RFC 1766, March 1995
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ [14] Allman, M., Ostermann, S., "FTP Security Considerations"
+ RFC 2577, May 1999
+ This document is a product of the FTPEXT working group of the IETF.
+ The following people are among those who have contributed to this
+ document:
+ Alex Belits
+ D. J. Bernstein
+ Dave Cridland
+ Martin J. Duerst
+ Mike Gleason
+ Mark Harris
+ Alun Jones
+ James Matthews
+ Luke Mewburn
+ Jan Mikkelsen
+ Keith Moore
+ Buz Owen
+ Mark Symons
+ Stephen Tihor
+ and the entire FTPEXT working group of the IETF.
+ Apologies are offered to any inadvertently omitted.
+ Bernhard Rosenkraenzer suggested the HOST command, and initially
+ described it.
+ The description of the modifications to the REST command and the MDTM
+ and SIZE commands comes from a set of modifications suggested for
+ RFC959 by Rick Adams in 1989. A draft containing just those
+ commands, edited by David Borman, has been merged with this document.
+ Mike Gleason provided access to the FTP server used in some of the
+ examples.
+ All of the examples in this document are taken from actual
+ client/server exchanges, though some have been edited for brevity, or
+ to meet document formatting requirements.
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+Internet Draft draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt October 1999
+ This document is in the public domain. Any and all copyright
+ protection that might apply in any jurisdiction is expressly
+ disclaimed.
+Editors' Addresses
+ Robert Elz
+ University of Melbourne
+ Department of Computer Science
+ Parkville, Vic 3052
+ Australia
+ Email: kre@munnari.OZ.AU
+ Paul Hethmon
+ Hethmon Brothers
+ 2305 Chukar Road
+ Knoxville, TN 37923 USA
+ Phone: +1 423 690 8990
+ Email: phethmon@hethmon.com
+Elz & Hethmon [Expires April 2000] [Page 60]