path: root/contrib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 1138 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/help2man b/contrib/texinfo/doc/help2man
deleted file mode 100755
index ea180b70a897..000000000000
--- a/contrib/texinfo/doc/help2man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
-# Generate a short man page from --help and --version output.
-# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Written by Brendan O'Dea <bod@debian.org>
-# Available from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/help2man/
-use 5.005;
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Text::Tabs qw(expand);
-use POSIX qw(strftime setlocale LC_TIME);
-my $this_program = 'help2man';
-my $this_version = '1.29';
-my $version_info = <<EOT;
-GNU $this_program $this_version
-Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
-Written by Brendan O'Dea <bod\@debian.org>
-my $help_info = <<EOT;
-`$this_program' generates a man page out of `--help' and `--version' output.
-Usage: $this_program [OPTION]... EXECUTABLE
- -n, --name=STRING description for the NAME paragraph
- -s, --section=SECTION section number for manual page (1, 6, 8)
- -m, --manual=TEXT name of manual (User Commands, ...)
- -S, --source=TEXT source of program (FSF, Debian, ...)
- -i, --include=FILE include material from `FILE'
- -I, --opt-include=FILE include material from `FILE' if it exists
- -o, --output=FILE send output to `FILE'
- -p, --info-page=TEXT name of Texinfo manual
- -N, --no-info suppress pointer to Texinfo manual
- --help print this help, then exit
- --version print version number, then exit
-EXECUTABLE should accept `--help' and `--version' options although
-alternatives may be specified using:
- -h, --help-option=STRING help option string
- -v, --version-option=STRING version option string
-Report bugs to <bug-help2man\@gnu.org>.
-my $section = 1;
-my $manual = '';
-my $source = '';
-my $help_option = '--help';
-my $version_option = '--version';
-my ($opt_name, @opt_include, $opt_output, $opt_info, $opt_no_info);
-my %opt_def = (
- 'n|name=s' => \$opt_name,
- 's|section=s' => \$section,
- 'm|manual=s' => \$manual,
- 'S|source=s' => \$source,
- 'i|include=s' => sub { push @opt_include, [ pop, 1 ] },
- 'I|opt-include=s' => sub { push @opt_include, [ pop, 0 ] },
- 'o|output=s' => \$opt_output,
- 'p|info-page=s' => \$opt_info,
- 'N|no-info' => \$opt_no_info,
- 'h|help-option=s' => \$help_option,
- 'v|version-option=s' => \$version_option,
-# Parse options.
-GetOptions (%opt_def,
- help => sub { print $help_info; exit },
- version => sub { print $version_info; exit },
-) or die $help_info;
-die $help_info unless @ARGV == 1;
-my %include = ();
-my %append = ();
-my @include = (); # retain order given in include file
-# Process include file (if given). Format is:
-# [section name]
-# verbatim text
-# or
-# /pattern/
-# verbatim text
-while (@opt_include)
- my ($inc, $required) = @{shift @opt_include};
- next unless -f $inc or $required;
- die "$this_program: can't open `$inc' ($!)\n"
- unless open INC, $inc;
- my $key;
- my $hash = \%include;
- while (<INC>)
- {
- # [section]
- if (/^\[([^]]+)\]/)
- {
- $key = uc $1;
- $key =~ s/^\s+//;
- $key =~ s/\s+$//;
- $hash = \%include;
- push @include, $key unless $include{$key};
- next;
- }
- # /pattern/
- if (m!^/(.*)/([ims]*)!)
- {
- my $pat = $2 ? "(?$2)$1" : $1;
- # Check pattern.
- eval { $key = qr($pat) };
- if ($@)
- {
- $@ =~ s/ at .*? line \d.*//;
- die "$inc:$.:$@";
- }
- $hash = \%append;
- next;
- }
- # Check for options before the first section--anything else is
- # silently ignored, allowing the first for comments and
- # revision info.
- unless ($key)
- {
- # handle options
- if (/^-/)
- {
- local @ARGV = split;
- GetOptions %opt_def;
- }
- next;
- }
- $hash->{$key} ||= '';
- $hash->{$key} .= $_;
- }
- close INC;
- die "$this_program: no valid information found in `$inc'\n"
- unless $key;
-# Compress trailing blank lines.
-for my $hash (\(%include, %append))
- for (keys %$hash) { $hash->{$_} =~ s/\n+$/\n/ }
-# Turn off localisation of executable's ouput.
-@ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3;
-# Turn off localisation of date (for strftime).
-setlocale LC_TIME, 'C';
-# Grab help and version info from executable.
-my ($help_text, $version_text) = map {
- join '', map { s/ +$//; expand $_ } `$ARGV[0] $_ 2>/dev/null`
- or die "$this_program: can't get `$_' info from $ARGV[0]\n"
-} $help_option, $version_option;
-my $date = strftime "%B %Y", localtime;
-(my $program = $ARGV[0]) =~ s!.*/!!;
-my $package = $program;
-my $version;
-if ($opt_output)
- unlink $opt_output
- or die "$this_program: can't unlink $opt_output ($!)\n"
- if -e $opt_output;
- open STDOUT, ">$opt_output"
- or die "$this_program: can't create $opt_output ($!)\n";
-# The first line of the --version information is assumed to be in one
-# of the following formats:
-# <version>
-# <program> <version>
-# {GNU,Free} <program> <version>
-# <program> ({GNU,Free} <package>) <version>
-# <program> - {GNU,Free} <package> <version>
-# and seperated from any copyright/author details by a blank line.
-($_, $version_text) = split /\n+/, $version_text, 2;
-if (/^(\S+) +\(((?:GNU|Free) +[^)]+)\) +(.*)/ or
- /^(\S+) +- *((?:GNU|Free) +\S+) +(.*)/)
- $program = $1;
- $package = $2;
- $version = $3;
-elsif (/^((?:GNU|Free) +)?(\S+) +(.*)/)
- $program = $2;
- $package = $1 ? "$1$2" : $2;
- $version = $3;
- $version = $_;
-$program =~ s!.*/!!;
-# No info for `info' itself.
-$opt_no_info = 1 if $program eq 'info';
-# --name overrides --include contents.
-$include{NAME} = "$program \\- $opt_name\n" if $opt_name;
-# Default (useless) NAME paragraph.
-$include{NAME} ||= "$program \\- manual page for $program $version\n";
-# Man pages traditionally have the page title in caps.
-my $PROGRAM = uc $program;
-# Set default page head/footers
-$source ||= "$program $version";
-unless ($manual)
- for ($section)
- {
- if (/^(1[Mm]|8)/) { $manual = 'System Administration Utilities' }
- elsif (/^6/) { $manual = 'Games' }
- else { $manual = 'User Commands' }
- }
-# Extract usage clause(s) [if any] for SYNOPSIS.
-if ($help_text =~ s/^Usage:( +(\S+))(.*)((?:\n(?: {6}\1| *or: +\S).*)*)//m)
- my @syn = $2 . $3;
- if ($_ = $4)
- {
- s/^\n//;
- for (split /\n/) { s/^ *(or: +)?//; push @syn, $_ }
- }
- my $synopsis = '';
- for (@syn)
- {
- $synopsis .= ".br\n" if $synopsis;
- s!^\S*/!!;
- s/^(\S+) *//;
- $synopsis .= ".B $1\n";
- s/\s+$//;
- s/(([][]|\.\.+)+)/\\fR$1\\fI/g;
- s/^/\\fI/ unless s/^\\fR//;
- $_ .= '\fR';
- s/(\\fI)( *)/$2$1/g;
- s/\\fI\\fR//g;
- s/^\\fR//;
- s/\\fI$//;
- s/^\./\\&./;
- $synopsis .= "$_\n";
- }
- $include{SYNOPSIS} ||= $synopsis;
-# Process text, initial section is DESCRIPTION.
-my $sect = 'DESCRIPTION';
-$_ = "$help_text\n\n$version_text";
-# Normalise paragraph breaks.
-# Temporarily exchange leading dots, apostrophes and backslashes for
-# tokens.
-# Start a new paragraph (if required) for these.
-s/([^\n])\n(Report +bugs|Email +bug +reports +to|Written +by)/$1\n\n$2/g;
-sub convert_option;
-while (length)
- # Convert some standard paragraph names.
- if (s/^(Options|Examples): *\n//)
- {
- $sect = uc $1;
- next;
- }
- # Copyright section
- if (/^Copyright +[(\xa9]/)
- {
- $sect = 'COPYRIGHT';
- $include{$sect} ||= '';
- $include{$sect} .= ".PP\n" if $include{$sect};
- my $copy;
- ($copy, $_) = split /\n\n/, $_, 2;
- for ($copy)
- {
- # Add back newline
- s/\n*$/\n/;
- # Convert iso9959-1 copyright symbol or (c) to nroff
- # character.
- s/^Copyright +(?:\xa9|\([Cc]\))/Copyright \\(co/mg;
- # Insert line breaks before additional copyright messages
- # and the disclaimer.
- s/(.)\n(Copyright |This +is +free +software)/$1\n.br\n$2/g;
- # Join hyphenated lines.
- s/([A-Za-z])-\n */$1/g;
- }
- $include{$sect} .= $copy;
- $_ ||= '';
- next;
- }
- # Catch bug report text.
- if (/^(Report +bugs|Email +bug +reports +to) /)
- {
- $sect = 'REPORTING BUGS';
- }
- # Author section.
- elsif (/^Written +by/)
- {
- $sect = 'AUTHOR';
- }
- # Examples, indicated by an indented leading $, % or > are
- # rendered in a constant width font.
- if (/^( +)([\$\%>] )\S/)
- {
- my $indent = $1;
- my $prefix = $2;
- my $break = '.IP';
- $include{$sect} ||= '';
- while (s/^$indent\Q$prefix\E(\S.*)\n*//)
- {
- $include{$sect} .= "$break\n\\f(CW$prefix$1\\fR\n";
- $break = '.br';
- }
- next;
- }
- my $matched = '';
- $include{$sect} ||= '';
- # Sub-sections have a trailing colon and the second line indented.
- if (s/^(\S.*:) *\n / /)
- {
- $matched .= $& if %append;
- $include{$sect} .= qq(.SS "$1"\n);
- }
- my $indent = 0;
- my $content = '';
- # Option with description.
- if (s/^( {1,10}([+-]\S.*?))(?:( +(?!-))|\n( {20,}))(\S.*)\n//)
- {
- $matched .= $& if %append;
- $indent = length ($4 || "$1$3");
- $content = ".TP\n\x83$2\n\x83$5\n";
- unless ($4)
- {
- # Indent may be different on second line.
- $indent = length $& if /^ {20,}/;
- }
- }
- # Option without description.
- elsif (s/^ {1,10}([+-]\S.*)\n//)
- {
- $matched .= $& if %append;
- $content = ".HP\n\x83$1\n";
- $indent = 80; # not continued
- }
- # Indented paragraph with tag.
- elsif (s/^( +(\S.*?) +)(\S.*)\n//)
- {
- $matched .= $& if %append;
- $indent = length $1;
- $content = ".TP\n\x83$2\n\x83$3\n";
- }
- # Indented paragraph.
- elsif (s/^( +)(\S.*)\n//)
- {
- $matched .= $& if %append;
- $indent = length $1;
- $content = ".IP\n\x83$2\n";
- }
- # Left justified paragraph.
- else
- {
- s/(.*)\n//;
- $matched .= $& if %append;
- $content = ".PP\n" if $include{$sect};
- $content .= "$1\n";
- }
- # Append continuations.
- while (s/^ {$indent}(\S.*)\n//)
- {
- $matched .= $& if %append;
- $content .= "\x83$1\n"
- }
- # Move to next paragraph.
- s/^\n+//;
- for ($content)
- {
- # Leading dot and apostrophe protection.
- s/\x83\./\x80/g;
- s/\x83'/\x81/g;
- s/\x83//g;
- # Convert options.
- s/(^| )(-[][\w=-]+)/$1 . convert_option $2/mge;
- }
- # Check if matched paragraph contains /pat/.
- if (%append)
- {
- for my $pat (keys %append)
- {
- if ($matched =~ $pat)
- {
- $content .= ".PP\n" unless $append{$pat} =~ /^\./;
- $content .= $append{$pat};
- }
- }
- }
- $include{$sect} .= $content;
-# Refer to the real documentation.
-unless ($opt_no_info)
- my $info_page = $opt_info || $program;
- $sect = 'SEE ALSO';
- $include{$sect} ||= '';
- $include{$sect} .= ".PP\n" if $include{$sect};
- $include{$sect} .= <<EOT;
-The full documentation for
-.B $program
-is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the
-.B info
-.B $program
-programs are properly installed at your site, the command
-.B info $info_page
-should give you access to the complete manual.
-# Output header.
-print <<EOT;
-.\\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by $this_program $this_version.
-.TH $PROGRAM "$section" "$date" "$source" "$manual"
-# Section ordering.
-my $filter = join '|', @pre, @post;
-# Output content.
-for (@pre, (grep ! /^($filter)$/o, @include), @post)
- if ($include{$_})
- {
- my $quote = /\W/ ? '"' : '';
- print ".SH $quote$_$quote\n";
- for ($include{$_})
- {
- # Replace leading dot, apostrophe and backslash tokens.
- s/\x80/\\&./g;
- s/\x81/\\&'/g;
- s/\x82/\\e/g;
- print;
- }
- }
-# Convert option dashes to \- to stop nroff from hyphenating 'em, and
-# embolden. Option arguments get italicised.
-sub convert_option
- local $_ = '\fB' . shift;
- s/-/\\-/g;
- unless (s/\[=(.*)\]$/\\fR[=\\fI$1\\fR]/)
- {
- s/=(.)/\\fR=\\fI$1/;
- s/ (.)/ \\fI$1/;
- $_ .= '\fR';
- }
- $_;
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/makeinfo/texinfo.dtd b/contrib/texinfo/makeinfo/texinfo.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index bdd34c95f541..000000000000
--- a/contrib/texinfo/makeinfo/texinfo.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-<!-- $Id: texinfo.dtd,v 1.2 2002/12/17 16:34:22 karl Exp $
- Document Type Definition for Texinfo.
- Author: Philippe Martin (feloy@free.fr)
- Contributors:
- Karl Eichwalder (keichwa@gmx.net)
- Copyright (C) 2001, 02 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-<!-- ENTITIES -->
-<!-- Meta-information -->
-<!ENTITY % metainformation "setfilename | settitle | titlefont | dircategory">
-<!-- block -->
-<!-- ***** -->
-<!ENTITY % block "menu | para | quotation | example | smallexample | lisp
- | smalllisp | cartouche | copying
- | format | smallformat | display
- | smalldisplay | itemize | enumerate | sp | center | group
- | table | multitable">
-<!-- Sectioning -->
-<!-- ********** -->
-<!ENTITY % section.level1 "top | chapter | unnumbered | appendix
- | majorheading | chapheading">
-<!ENTITY % section.level2 "section | unnumberedsec | appendixsec | heading">
-<!ENTITY % section.level3 "subsection | unnumberedsubsec | appendixsubsec
- | subheading">
-<!ENTITY % section.level4 "subsubsection | unnumberedsubsubsec
- | appendixsubsubsec | subsubheading">
-<!ENTITY % section.all "%section.level1; | %section.level2; | %section.level3;
- | %section.level4;">
-<!ENTITY % section.level1.content "(%block;
- | %section.level2;
- | %section.level3;
- | %section.level4;
- | printindex)*">
-<!ENTITY % section.level2.content "(%block;
- | %section.level3;
- | %section.level4;)*">
-<!ENTITY % section.level3.content "(%block;
- | %section.level4;)*">
-<!ENTITY % section.level4.content "(%block;)*">
-<!-- Inline -->
-<!-- ****** -->
-<!ENTITY % Inline.emphasize "strong | emph">
-<!ENTITY % Inline.smallcaps "sc">
-<!ENTITY % Inline.fonts "i | b | tt | r">
-<!ENTITY % Inline.markup "code | dfn | cite | key | kbd | var | acronym | url">
-<!ENTITY % Inline.reference "xref | inforef | indexterm | email | uref">
-<!ENTITY % Inline.phrase
- "%Inline.emphasize; | %Inline.smallcaps; | %Inline.fonts;
- | %Inline.markup; | %Inline.reference; ">
-<!-- ************ -->
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-<!-- ************ -->
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-<!-- ***************** -->
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-<!-- ***** -->
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- (%section.all; | %block;)*) >
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-<!-- ********** -->
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-<!ELEMENT subsection (title?, %section.level3.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT subsubsection (title?, %section.level4.content;)>
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-<!ELEMENT unnumberedsec (title?, %section.level2.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT unnumberedsubsec (title?, %section.level3.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT unnumberedsubsubsec (title?, %section.level4.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT appendix (title?, %section.level1.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT appendixsec (title?, %section.level2.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT appendixsubsec (title?, %section.level3.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT appendixsubsubsec (title?, %section.level4.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT majorheading (title?, %section.level1.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT chapheading (title?, %section.level1.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT heading (title?, %section.level2.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT subheading (title?, %section.level3.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT subsubheading (title?, %section.level4.content;)>
-<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase; | footnote)*>
-<!-- BLOCK Elements -->
-<!-- ************** -->
-<!ELEMENT quotation (#PCDATA | %block; | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT example (#PCDATA | %block; | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT smallexample (#PCDATA | %block; | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT lisp (#PCDATA | %block; | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT smalllisp (#PCDATA | %block; | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT cartouche (#PCDATA | %block; | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT copying (#PCDATA | %block; | %Inline.phrase;)*>
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-<!ELEMENT group (#PCDATA | %block; | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT image (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT para (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase; | footnote)*>
-<!ELEMENT menu ((menuentry | para)*)>
-<!ELEMENT menuentry (menunode?, menutitle?, menucomment?)>
-<!ELEMENT menunode (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT menutitle (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT menucomment (#PCDATA | para)*>
-<!-- Lists -->
-<!ELEMENT itemize (itemfunction, (item | itemize | enumerate | indexterm)*)>
-<!ELEMENT enumerate (enumarg?, (item | itemize | enumerate)*)>
-<!ATTLIST enumerate
-<!ELEMENT item (%block;)*>
-<!ELEMENT enumarg (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT itemfunction (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
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-<!ELEMENT table (tableitem | indexterm)+>
-<!ELEMENT tableitem (tableterm+, item)>
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-<!-- *************** -->
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-<!-- small caps -->
-<!ELEMENT sc (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!-- fonts -->
-<!ELEMENT i (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
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-<!ELEMENT dfn (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT cite (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT key (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT kbd (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT var (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT acronym (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT url (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!-- reference -->
-<!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST anchor
-<!ELEMENT xref (xrefnodename | xrefinfoname | xrefinfofile
- | xrefprintedname | xrefprinteddesc)*>
-<!ELEMENT xrefnodename (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT xrefinfoname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT xrefinfofile (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT xrefprintedname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT xrefprinteddesc (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT inforef (inforefnodename | inforefrefname | inforefinfoname)*>
-<!ELEMENT inforefnodename (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT inforefrefname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT inforefinfoname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT indexterm (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ATTLIST indexterm
-<!ELEMENT email (emailaddress, emailname?)>
-<!ELEMENT emailaddress (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
-<!ELEMENT emailname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
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