path: root/contrib/nvi/docs/USD.doc/edit/edittut.ms
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-.\" Copyright (c) 1980, 1993
-.\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
-.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-.\" are met:
-.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.\" 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
-.\" must display the following acknowledgement:
-.\" This product includes software developed by the University of
-.\" California, Berkeley and its contributors.
-.\" 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
-.\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-.\" without specific prior written permission.
-.\" @(#)edittut.ms 8.3 (Berkeley) 8/18/96
-.ll 6.5i
-.nr LL 6.5i
-.EH 'USD:11-%''Edit: A Tutorial'
-.OH 'Edit: A Tutorial''USD:11-%'
-.ds u \s-2UNIX\s0
-.sp 4
-\f3\s+2Edit: A Tutorial\s0\f1
-.ce 3
-Ricki Blau
-James Joyce
-.ce 3
-Computing Services
-University of California
-Berkeley, California 94720
-.sp 3
-This narrative introduction to the use of the text editor
-.I edit
-assumes no prior familiarity with computers or with text editing.
-Its aim is to lead the beginning \s-2UNIX\(dg\s+2 user through the
-\(dgUNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.
-fundamental steps of writing and revising a file of text.
-a version of the text editor
-.I ex,
-was designed to provide an informative environment
-for new and casual users.
-We welcome comments and suggestions about this tutorial
-and the \s-2UNIX\s+2 documentation in general.
-.sp .5v
-September 1981
-.ll 6.5i
-.nr LL 6.5i
-.nr LT 6.5i
-.ds u \s-2UNIX\s0
-Introduction\ \ \ 3
-Session 1\ \ 4
-.in +.5i
-Making contact with \s-2UNIX\s+2\ \ \ 4
-Logging in\ \ 4
-Asking for \fIedit\fR\ \ \ 4
-The ``Command not found'' message\ \ \ 5
-A summary\ \ 5
-Entering text\ \ \ 5
-Messages from \fIedit\fR\ \ \ 5
-Text input mode\ \ \ 6
-Making corrections\ \ \ 6
-Writing text to disk\ \ \ 7
-Signing off\ \ 7
-.in -.5i
-Session 2\ \ \ 8
-.in +.5i
-Adding more text to the file\ \ \ 8
-Interrupt\ \ \ 8
-Making corrections\ \ \ 8
-Listing what's in the buffer (p)\ \ \ 9
-Finding things in the buffer\ \ \ 9
-The current line\ \ \ 10
-Numbering lines (nu)\ \ \ 10
-Substitute command (s)\ \ \ 10
-Another way to list what's in the buffer (z)\ \ \ 11
-Saving the modified text\ \ \ 12
-.in -.5i
-Session 3\ \ \ 13
-.in +.5i
-Bringing text into the buffer (e)\ \ \ 13
-Moving text in the buffer (m)\ \ \ 13
-Copying lines (copy)\ \ \ 14
-Deleting lines (d)\ \ \ 14
-A word or two of caution\ \ \ 15
-Undo (u) to the rescue\ \ \ 15
-More about the dot (.) and buffer end ($)\ \ \ 16
-Moving around in the buffer (+ and \-)\ \ \ 16
-Changing lines (c)\ \ \ 17
-.in -.5i
-Session 4\ \ \ 18
-.in +.5i
-Making commands global (g)\ \ \ 18
-More about searching and substituting\ \ \ 19
-Special characters\ \ \ 19
-Issuing \s-2UNIX\s+2 commands from the editor\ \ \ 20
-Filenames and file manipulation\ \ \ 20
-The file (f) command\ \ \ 20
-Reading additional files (r)\ \ \ 21
-Writing parts of the buffer\ \ \ 21
-Recovering files\ \ \ 21
-Other recovery techniques\ \ \ 21
-Further reading and other information\ \ \ 22
-Using \fIex\fR\ \ \ 22
-.in -.5i
-Index\ \ \ 23
-Text editing using a terminal connected to a computer
-allows you to create, modify, and print text
-text editor
-is a program
-that assists you
-as you create and modify text.
-The text editor you will learn here is named
-.I edit.
-Creating text using edit is as easy as typing it
-on an electric typewriter.
-Modifying text involves telling the text editor
-what you want to add, change, or delete.
-You can review your text
-by typing a command
-to print the file contents
-as they are currently.
-Another program (which we do not discuss in this
-document), a text formatter,
-rearranges your text
-for you into ``finished form.''
-These lessons assume no prior familiarity with computers
-or with text editing.
-They consist of a series of text editing sessions
-which lead you through the fundamental steps
-of creating and revising text.
-After scanning each lesson and before beginning the next,
-you should try the examples at a terminal to get a feeling
-for the actual process of text editing.
-If you set aside some time for experimentation,
-you will soon become familiar with using the
-computer to write and modify text.
-In addition to the actual use of the text editor,
-other features of \s-2UNIX\s0 will be very important to your work.
-You can begin to
-learn about these other features by
-reading one of the other tutorials
-that provide a general introduction to the system.
-You will be ready to proceed with this lesson as soon as
-you are familiar with (1) your terminal and its special keys,
-(2) how to login,
-(3) and the ways of correcting typing errors.
-Let's first define some terms:
-.sp .5
-.IP program 12
-A set of instructions, given to the computer,
-describing the sequence of steps the computer performs
-in order to accomplish a specific task.
-The task must be specific,
-such as balancing your checkbook
-or editing your text.
-A general task,
-such as working for world peace,
-is something we can all do,
-but not something we can currently write programs to do.
-\s-2UNIX\s0 is a special type of program,
-called an operating system, that supervises the machinery
-and all other programs comprising the total
-computer system.
-.IP edit
-.I edit
-is the name of the \s-2UNIX\s0 text editor you will be learning to use,
-and is a program that aids you in writing or revising text.
-Edit was designed for beginning users,
-and is a simplified version of an editor named
-.I ex.
-.IP file
-Each \s-2UNIX\s0 account is allotted
-space for the permanent storage of information,
-such as programs, data or text.
-A file is a logical unit of data,
-for example, an essay, a program,
-or a chapter from a book,
-which is stored on a computer system.
-Once you create a file,
-it is kept until you instruct the system to remove it.
-You may create a file during one \s-2UNIX\s0 session,
-end the session,
-and return to use it at a later time.
-Files contain anything you choose to write and store in them.
-The sizes of files vary to suit your needs;
-one file might hold only a single number,
-yet another might contain
-a very long document or program.
-The only way to save
-information from one session to the next is to store it in a file,
-which you will learn in Session 1.
-.IP filename
-Filenames are used to distinguish one file from another,
-serving the same purpose as the labels of manila
-folders in a file cabinet.
-In order to write or access information in a file,
-you use the name of that file in a \s-2UNIX\s0 command,
-and the system will automatically locate the file.
-.IP disk
-Files are stored on an input/output device called a disk,
-which looks something like a stack of phonograph records.
-Each surface is coated with a material similar to that
-on magnetic recording tape,
-and information is recorded on it.
-.IP buffer
-A temporary work space, made available to the user
-for the duration of a session of text editing
-and used for creating and modifying
-the text file.
-We can think of the buffer as a blackboard that is
-erased after each class, where each session with the editor
-is a class.
-.ce 1
-\s+2Session 1\s0
-.sp 1
-Making contact with \s-1UNIX\s0
-To use the editor you must first make contact with the computer
-by logging in to \s-2UNIX\s0.
-We'll quickly review the standard \s-2UNIX\s0 login procedure
-for the two ways you can make contact:
-on a terminal that is directly linked to the computer,
-or over a telephone line where the computer answers your call.
-Directly-linked terminals
-Turn on your terminal and press the \s-1RETURN\s0 key.
-You are now ready to login.
-Dial-up terminals
-If your terminal connects with the computer over a telephone line,
-turn on the terminal, dial the system access number,
-and, when you hear a high-pitched tone, place the
-telephone handset in the acoustic coupler, if you are using one.
-You are now ready to login.
-Logging in
-The message inviting you to login is:
-.DS I 1i
-Type your login name, which identifies you to \s-2UNIX\s0,
-on the same line as the login message,
-and press \s-2RETURN\s+2.
-If the terminal you are using
-has both upper and lower case,
-be sure you enter your login name in lower case;
-otherwise \s-2UNIX\s0 assumes your terminal
-has only upper case and will not recognize lower case
-letters you may type.
-\s-2UNIX\s0 types ``login:'' and you reply
-with your login name, for example ``susan'':
-.DS I 1i
-login: \fBsusan\fR \fI(and press the \s-2RETURN\s0 key)\fR
-(In the examples, input you would type appears in
-.B "bold face"
-to distinguish it from the responses from \s-2UNIX\s0.)
-\s-2UNIX\s0 will next respond with a request for a password
-as an additional precaution to prevent
-unauthorized people from using your account.
-The password will not appear when you type it,
-to prevent others from seeing it.
-The message is:
-.DS I 1i
-Password: \fI(type your password and press \s-2RETURN\s+2)\fR
-If any of the information you gave during the login
-sequence was mistyped or incorrect,
-\s-2UNIX\s0 will respond with
-.DS I 1i
-Login incorrect.
-.if t .sp .2v
-.if n .sp 1
-in which case you should start the login process anew.
-Assuming that you have successfully
-logged in, \s-2UNIX\s0
-will print the message of the day and eventually will present
-you with a % at the beginning of a fresh line.
-The % is the \s-2UNIX\s0 prompt symbol
-which tells you that \s-2UNIX\s0 is ready to accept a command.
-.bd I 3
-Asking for \fIedit\fP
-.bd I
-You are ready to tell \s-2UNIX\s0 that you
-want to work with edit, the text editor.
-Now is a convenient time to choose
-a name for the file of text you are about to create.
-To begin your editing session,
-.B edit
-followed by a space and then the filename
-you have selected; for example, ``text''.
-After that,
-press the \s-2RETURN\s0 key and wait for edit's response:
-.DS I 1i
-% \fBedit text\fP \fI(followed by a \s-2RETURN\s+2)\fR
-"text" No such file or directory
-If you typed the command correctly,
-you will now be in communication with edit.
-Edit has set aside a buffer for use as
-a temporary working space during your current editing session.
-Since ``text'' is a new file we are about to create
-the editor was unable to find that file, which it
-confirms by saying:
-.DS I 1i
-"text" No such file or directory
-On the next line appears edit's prompt ``:'',
-announcing that you are in \f2command mode\f1 and
-edit expects a command from you.
-You may now begin to create the new file.
-The ``Command not found'' message
-If you misspelled edit by typing, say, ``editor'',
-this might appear:
-.DS I 1i
-% \fBeditor\fP
-editor: Command not found
-Your mistake in calling edit ``editor'' was
-treated by \s-2UNIX\s0 as a request
-for a program named ``editor''.
-Since there is no program
-named ``editor'',
-\s-2UNIX\s0 reported that the program was ``not found''.
-A new % indicates that \s-2UNIX\s0 is ready for another command,
-and you may then enter the correct command.
-A summary
-Your exchange with \s-2UNIX\s0 as you logged in and made contact with edit
-should look something like this:
-.DS I 1i
-login: \fBsusan\fP
-\&... A Message of General Interest ...
-% \fBedit text\fP
-"text" No such file or directory
-Entering text
-You may now begin entering text into the buffer.
-This is done by \fIappending\fP (or adding) text to whatever
-is currently in the buffer.
-Since there is nothing in the buffer at the moment,
-you are appending text to nothing;
-in effect,
-since you are adding text to nothing
-you are creating text.
-Most edit commands have two equivalent forms:
-a word that suggests what the command does,
-and a shorter abbreviation of that word.
-Many beginners find the full command names
-easier to remember at first,
-but once you are familiar with editing you may
-prefer to type the shorter abbreviations.
-The command to input text is ``append''.
-(It may be abbreviated ``a''.)
-.B append
-and press the \s-2RETURN\s0 key.
-.DS I 1i
-% \fBedit text
-.bd I 3
-Messages from
-.I edit
-.bd I
-If you make a mistake in entering a command and
-type something that edit does not recognize,
-edit will respond with a message
-intended to help you diagnose your error.
-For example, if you misspell the command to input text by typing,
-perhaps, ``add'' instead of ``append'' or ``a'',
-you will receive this message:
-.DS I 1i
-add: Not an editor command
-When you receive a diagnostic message,
-check what you typed in order to determine what
-part of your command confused edit.
-The message above means that edit
-was unable to recognize your mistyped command
-and, therefore, did not execute it.
-Instead, a new ``:''
-appeared to let you know that
-edit is again ready to execute a command.
-Text input mode
-By giving the command ``append'' (or using the abbreviation ``a''),
-you entered
-text input mode,
-also known as
-append mode.
-When you enter text input mode,
-edit stops sending you a prompt.
-You will not receive any prompts
-or error messages
-while in text input mode.
-You can enter
-pretty much anything you want on the lines.
-The lines are transmitted one by one to the buffer
-and held there during the editing session.
-You may append as much text as you want, and
-when you wish to stop entering text lines you should
-type a period as the only character on the line
-and press the \s-2RETURN\s0 key.
-When you type the period and press \s-2RETURN\s0,
-you signal that you want to stop appending text,
-and edit responds by allowing
-you to exit text input mode and reenter command mode.
-Edit will again
-prompt you for a command by printing ``:''.
-Leaving append mode does not destroy the text in
-the buffer.
-You have to leave append
-mode to do any of the other kinds of editing,
-such as changing, adding, or printing text.
-If you type a period as the first character and
-type any other character on the same line,
-edit will believe you want to remain in append mode
-and will not let you out.
-As this can be very frustrating,
-be sure to type
-.B only
-the period and the \s-2RETURN\s0 key.
-This is a good place to learn an important
-lesson about computers and text: a blank space is
-a character as far as a computer is concerned.
-If you so much as type a period followed by a blank
-(that is, type a period and then the space bar on the keyboard),
-you will remain in append mode with the last line of text
-.DS I 1i
-.ps +2
-.ps -2
-Let's say that you enter the lines
-(try to type
-.B exactly
-what you see, including ``thiss''):
-.DS I 1i
-This is some sample text.
-And thiss is some more text.
-Text editing is strange, but nice.
-The last line is the period followed by a \s-2RETURN\s0
-that gets you out of append mode.
-Making corrections
-If you have read a general introduction to \s-2UNIX\s0,
-you will recall that it is possible to erase individual
-letters that you have typed.
-This is done by typing the designated erase character
-as many times as there are characters
-you want to erase.
-The usual erase character varies from place to place and
-user to user. Often it
-is the backspace (control-H),
-so you can correct typing errors
-in the line you are typing
-by holding down the \s-1CTRL\s+1 key
-and typing the ``H'' key. (Sometimes it is the DEL key.)
-If you type the erase character
-you will notice
-that the terminal backspaces in the line you are on.
-You can backspace over your error,
-and then type what you want to be the rest of the line.
-If you make a bad start
-in a line
-and would like to begin again,
-you can either backspace to the beginning of the line
-or you can use the at-sign ``@'' to erase everything on the line:
-.DS I 1i
-Text edtiing is strange, but@
-Text editing is strange, but nice.
-.bd S
-When you type the at-sign (@), you erase
-the entire line typed so far
-and are given a fresh line to type on.
-You may immediately begin to retype the line.
-This, unfortunately, does not work after you type the
-line and press \s-2RETURN\s+2.
-To make corrections in lines that have been completed,
-it is necessary to use the editing commands
-covered in the next sessions.
-Writing text to disk
-You are now ready to edit the text. One common operation
-is to write the text to disk as a file for safekeeping
-after the session is over.
-This is the only way to save information from one session to the next,
-since the editor's buffer is temporary and will last only until the
-end of the editing session.
-Learning how to write a file to disk is second in
-importance only to entering the text.
-To write the contents of the buffer to a disk
-file, use the command ``write''
-(or its abbreviation ``w''):
-.DS I 1i
-Edit will copy the contents of the buffer to a disk file.
-If the file does not yet exist,
-a new file will be created automatically
-and the presence of a ``[New file]'' will be noted.
-The newly-created file will be given the name specified when
-you entered the editor, in this case ``text''.
-To confirm that the disk file has been successfully written,
-edit will repeat the filename and give
-the number of lines and the total
-number of characters in the file.
-The buffer remains unchanged by the ``write'' command.
-All of the lines that were written to disk will still be
-in the buffer,
-should you want to modify or add to them.
-Edit must have a name for the file to be written.
-If you forgot to indicate the name of the file
-when you began to edit,
-edit will print in response to your write command:
-.DS I 1i
-No current filename
-If this happens, you can specify the filename in a new write command:
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fBwrite text
-After the ``write'' (or ``w''), type a space and then the name of the file.
-Signing off
-We have done enough for this first lesson on using the
-\s-2UNIX\s0 text editor, and are ready to quit the session with edit.
-To do this we type ``quit'' (or ``q'') and press \s-2RETURN\s+2:
-.DS I 1i
-"text" [New file] 3 lines, 90 characters
-The % is from \s-2UNIX\s0 to tell you that your session with edit is
-over and you may command \s-2UNIX\s0 further.
-Since we want
-to end the entire session at the terminal, we also need to
-exit from \s-2UNIX\s0.
-In response to the \s-2UNIX\s0 prompt of ``\|%\|''
-type the command
-.DS I 1i
-This will end your session with \s-2UNIX\s0, and will ready the
-terminal for the next user.
-It is always important to type \fBlogout\fR at the end of a session
-to make absolutely sure no one
-could accidentally stumble into your abandoned
-session and thus gain access to your files,
-tempting even the most honest of souls.
-.sp 1
-This is the end of the first session on \s-2UNIX\s0 text editing.
-Session 2
-Login with \s-2UNIX\s0 as in the first session:
-.DS I 1i
-login: \fBsusan\fP \fI(carriage return)\fR
-Password: \fI(give password and carriage return)\fR
-.if t .sp .2v
-.if n .sp 1
-\&... A Message of General Interest ...
-When you indicate you want to edit,
-you can specify the name of the file you worked on last time.
-This will
-start edit working, and it will fetch the contents of the
-file into the buffer, so that you can resume editing the same file.
-When edit has copied the file into the buffer, it
-will repeat its name and tell
-you the number of lines and characters it contains.
-.DS I 1i
-% edit text
-"text" 3 lines, 90 characters
-means you asked edit to fetch
-the file named ``text'' for editing,
-causing it to copy the
-90 characters of text into the buffer.
-Edit awaits
-your further instructions,
-and indicates this by its prompt character, the colon (:).
-In this session, we will append more text to our file,
-print the contents of the buffer, and learn to change the text of a line.
-Adding more text to the file
-If you want to add more to the end of your
-text you may do so by using the append command to enter text input mode.
-When ``append'' is the first command
-of your editing session,
-the lines you enter
-are placed at the end of the buffer.
-Here we'll use the abbreviation for the append command, ``a'':
-.DS I 1i
-This is text added in Session 2.
-It doesn't mean much here, but
-it does illustrate the editor.
-You may recall that once you enter append mode
-using the ``a'' (or ``append'') command,
-you need to type a line containing only a period (.)
-to exit append mode.
-Should you press the \s-2RUB\s+2 key (sometimes labelled \s-2DELETE\s+2)
-while working with edit,
-it will send this message to you:
-.DS I 1i
-Any command that edit might be executing
-is terminated by rub or delete,
-causing edit to prompt you for a new command.
-If you are appending text at the time,
-you will exit from append mode
-and be expected to give another command.
-The line of text you were typing
-when the append command was interrupted
-will not be entered into the buffer.
-Making corrections
-If while typing the line you hit an incorrect key,
-recall that
-you may delete the incorrect character
-or cancel the entire line of input by erasing in the usual way.
-Refer either
-to the last few pages of Session 1
-if you need to review
-the procedures for making a correction.
-The most important idea to remember is that
-erasing a character or cancelling a line must be done
-before you press the \s-2RETURN\s+2 key.
-Listing what's in the buffer (p)
-Having appended text to what you wrote in Session 1,
-you might want to see all the lines in the buffer.
-To print the contents of the buffer, type the command:
-.DS I 1i
-The ``1''\(dg
-\(dgThe numeral ``one'' is the top left-most key,
-and should not be confused with the letter ``el''.
-stands for line 1 of the buffer,
-the ``$'' is a special symbol designating the last line
-of the buffer,
-and ``p'' (or \fBprint\fR) is the command to print from line 1
-to the end of the buffer.
-The command ``1,$p'' gives you:
-.DS I 1i
-This is some sample text.
-And thiss is some more text.
-Text editing is strange, but nice.
-This is text added in Session 2.
-It doesn't mean much here, but
-it does illustrate the editor.
-Occasionally, you may accidentally
-type a character that can't be printed,
-which can be done by striking a key
-while the \s-2CTRL\s0 key is pressed.
-In printing lines, edit uses a special notation to
-show the existence of non-printing characters.
-Suppose you had introduced the non-printing character ``control-A''
-into the word ``illustrate''
-by accidently pressing the \s-2CTRL\s0 key while
-typing ``a''.
-This can happen on many terminals
-because the \s-2CTRL\s+2 key and the ``A'' key
-are beside each other.
-If your finger presses between the two keys,
-control-A results.
-When asked to print the contents of the buffer,
-edit would display
-.DS I 1i
-it does illustr^Ate the editor.
-To represent the control-A, edit shows ``^A''.
-The sequence ``^'' followed by a capital
-letter stands for the one character
-entered by holding down the \s-2CTRL\s0 key and typing the letter
-which appears after the ``^''.
-We'll soon discuss the commands that can be used
-to correct this typing error.
-In looking over the text we see that
-``this'' is typed as ``thiss'' in the second line,
-a deliberate error so we can learn to make corrections.
-Let's correct the spelling.
-Finding things in the buffer
-In order to change something in the buffer we first need to
-find it.
-We can find ``thiss'' in the text we have
-entered by looking at a listing
-of the lines.
-Physically speaking, we search the lines
-of text looking for ``thiss'' and stop searching when
-we have found it.
-The way to tell edit to search for something
-is to type it inside slash marks:
-.DS I 1i
-By typing
-.B /thiss/
-and pressing \s-1RETURN\s0,
-you instruct edit to search for ``thiss''.
-If you ask edit to look for a pattern of characters
-which it cannot find in the buffer,
-it will respond ``Pattern not found''.
-When edit finds
-the characters ``thiss'', it will print the line of text
-for your inspection:
-.DS I 1i
-And thiss is some more text.
-Edit is now positioned in the buffer at the
-line it just printed,
-ready to make a change in the line.
-The current line
-Edit keeps track of the line in the buffer where it is located
-at all times during an editing session.
-In general, the line that has been most recently
-printed, entered, or changed
-is the current location in the buffer.
-The editor is prepared to make changes
-at the current location in the buffer,
-unless you direct it to another location.
-In particular,
-when you bring a file into the buffer,
-you will be located at the last line in the file,
-where the editor left off copying the lines
-from the file to the buffer.
-If your first editing command is ``append'',
-the lines you enter are added
-to the end of the file,
-after the current line \(em
-the last line in the file.
-You can refer to your current location in the buffer by the
-period (.) usually known by the name ``dot''.
-If you type ``.'' and carriage
-return you will be instructing edit to print the current line:
-.DS I 1i
-And thiss is some more text.
-If you want to know the number of the current line,
-you can type
-.B \&.=
-and press \s-2RETURN\s+2,
-and edit will respond with the line number:
-.DS I 1i
-If you type the number of any line and press \s-2RETURN\s+2,
-edit will position you at that line and
-print its contents:
-.DS I 1i
-And thiss is some more text.
-You should experiment with these commands
-to gain experience in using them to make changes.
-Numbering lines (nu)
-number (nu)
-command is similar to print,
-giving both the number and the text of each printed line.
-To see the number and the text of the current line type
-.DS I 1i
-\0\0\0\0\02\0\0And thiss is some more text.
-Note that the shortest abbreviation for the number command is
-``nu'' (and not ``n'', which is used for a different command).
-You may specify a range of lines
-to be listed by the number command in the same way that lines
-are specified for print.
-For example, \f31,$nu\f1 lists all lines in the buffer with their
-corresponding line numbers.
-Substitute command (s)
-Now that you have found the misspelled word,
-you can change it from ``thiss'' to ``this''.
-As far as edit is concerned,
-changing things is a matter of
-substituting one thing for another.
-.I a
-stood for
-.I append,
-.I s
-stands for
-.I substitute.
-We will use the abbreviation ``s'' to reduce the chance
-of mistyping the substitute command.
-This command will instruct edit to make the change:
-.DS I 1i
-We first indicate the line to be changed, line 2,
-and then
-type an ``s'' to indicate we want
-edit to make a substitution.
-Inside the first set of slashes
-are the characters that we want to change,
-followed by the characters to replace them,
-and then a closing slash mark.
-To summarize:
-.DS I 1i
-2s/ \fIwhat is to be changed\fR / \fIwhat to change it to \fR/
-If edit finds an exact match of the characters to be
-changed it will make the change
-.B only
-in the first occurrence of the characters.
-If it does not find the characters
-to be changed, it will respond:
-.DS I 1i
-Substitute pattern match failed
-indicating that your instructions could not be carried out.
-When edit does find the characters that you want to change,
-it will make the substitution and automatically print
-the changed line, so that you can check that the correct substitution
-was made.
-In the example,
-.DS I 1i
-And this is some more text.
-line 2 (and line 2 only) will be searched for the characters
-``thiss'', and when the first exact match is found, ``thiss''
-will be changed to ``this''.
-Strictly speaking, it was not necessary above to
-specify the number of the line to be changed.
-.DS I 1i
-edit will assume that we mean to change
-the line where we are currently located (``.'').
-In this case,
-the command without a line number would have produced the same result
-because we were already located
-at the line we wished to change.
-For another illustration of the substitute command,
-let us choose the line:
-.DS I 1i
-Text editing is strange, but nice.
-You can make this line a bit more positive
-by taking out the characters ``strange, but\ '' so the line
-.DS I 1i
-Text editing is nice.
-A command that will first position edit at the desired line
-and then make the substitution is:
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fB/strange/s/strange, but //
-What we have done here is combine our search with
-our substitution.
-Such combinations are perfectly legal,
-and speed up editing quite a bit
-once you get used to them.
-That is, you do not necessarily have to use
-line numbers to identify a line to edit.
-Instead, you may identify the line you want to change
-by asking edit to search for a specified pattern of letters
-that occurs in that line.
-The parts of the above command are:
-.in +1i
-l l.
-\fB/strange/\fP tells edit to find the characters ``strange'' in the text
-\fBs\fP tells edit to make a substitution
-\fB/strange, but //\fP substitutes nothing at all for the characters ``strange, but ''
-.in -1i
-You should note the space after ``but'' in ``/strange, but /''.
-If you do not indicate that the space is to be taken out,
-your line will read:
-.DS I 1i
-.if t Text editing is nice.
-.if n Text editing is nice.
-which looks a little funny
-because of the extra space between ``is'' and ``nice''.
-Again, we realize from this that a blank space
-is a real character to a computer, and in editing text
-we need to be aware of spaces
-within a line just as we would be aware of an ``a'' or
-a ``4''.
-Another way to list what's in the buffer (z)
-Although the print command is useful for looking at specific lines
-in the buffer,
-other commands may be more convenient for
-viewing large sections of text.
-You can ask to see a screen full of text at a time
-by using the command
-.B z.
-If you type
-.DS I 1i
-edit will start with line 1 and continue printing lines,
-stopping either when the screen of
-your terminal is full
-or when the last line in the buffer has been printed.
-If you want to read the next segment of text, type the command
-.DS I 1i
-If no starting line number is given for the z command,
-printing will start at the ``current'' line, in this case the
-last line printed.
-Viewing lines in the buffer one screen full at a time
-is known as \fIpaging\fR.
-Paging can also be used to print
-a section of text on a hard-copy terminal.
-Saving the modified text
-This seems to be a good place to pause in our work,
-and so we should end the second session.
-If you (in haste) type ``q'' to quit the session
-your dialogue with edit will be:
-.DS I 1i
-No write since last change (:quit! overrides)
-This is edit's warning that you have not written
-the modified contents of the buffer to disk.
-You run the risk of losing the work you did
-during the editing session since you typed the latest write
-Because in this lesson we have not written
-to disk at all, everything we have done
-would have been lost
-if edit had obeyed the \fBq\fR command.
-If you did not want to save the work done during
-this editing session, you would have to type ``q!''
-or (``quit!'')
-to confirm that you indeed wanted to end the session
-leaving the file as it was
-after the most recent ``write'' command.
-since you want to save what
-you have edited, you need to type:
-.DS I 1i
-"text" 6 lines, 171 characters
-and then follow with the commands to quit and logout:
-.DS I 1i
-% \fBlogout\fR
-and hang up the phone or turn off the terminal when
-\s-2UNIX\s0 asks for a name.
-Terminals connected to the port selector
-will stop after the logout command,
-and pressing keys on the keyboard will do nothing.
-.sp 1
-This is the end of the second session on \s-2UNIX\s0 text editing.
-Session 3
-Bringing text into the buffer (e)
-Login to \s-2UNIX\s0 and make contact with edit.
-You should try to login without
-looking at the notes, but if you must
-then by all means do.
-Did you remember to give the name of the file
-you wanted to edit?
-That is, did you type
-.DS I 1i
-% \fBedit text\fR
-or simply
-.DS I 1i
-% \fBedit\fR
-Both ways get you in contact with edit, but the first way
-will bring a copy of the file named ``text'' into
-the buffer.
-If you did forget to tell edit the name of your file,
-you can get it into the buffer by
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fBe text
-"text" 6 lines, 171 characters
-The command
-.B edit,
-which may be abbreviated \fBe\fR,
-tells edit that you want
-to erase anything that might already be in
-the buffer and bring a copy of the file ``text'' into the buffer
-for editing.
-You may also use the edit (e) command to change files in
-the middle of an editing session,
-or to give edit the name of a new file that you want to create.
-Because the edit command clears the buffer,
-you will receive a warning if you try to edit a new file without
-having saved a copy of the old file.
-This gives you a chance to write the contents of the buffer to disk
-before editing the next file.
-Moving text in the buffer (m)
-Edit allows you to move lines of text
-from one location in the buffer to another
-by means of the
-.B move
-(\fBm\fR) command.
-The first two examples are for illustration only,
-though after you have read this Session
-you are welcome to return to them for practice.
-The command
-.DS I 1i
-directs edit to move lines 2, 3, and 4
-to the end of the buffer ($).
-The format for the move command is that you specify
-the first line to be moved, the last line to be moved,
-the move command ``m'', and the line after which
-the moved text is to be placed.
-.DS I 1i
-would instruct edit to move lines 1 through 3 (inclusive)
-to a location after line 6 in the buffer.
-To move only one line, say, line 4,
-to a location in the buffer after line 5,
-the command would be ``4m5''.
-Let's move some text using the command:
-.DS I 1i
-2 lines moved
-it does illustrate the editor.
-After executing a command that moves more than one line of the buffer,
-edit tells how many lines were affected by the move
-and prints the last moved line for your inspection.
-If you want to see more than just the last line,
-you can then
-use the print (p), z, or number (nu) command to view more text.
-The buffer should now contain:
-.DS I 1i
-This is some sample text.
-It doesn't mean much here, but
-it does illustrate the editor.
-And this is some more text.
-Text editing is nice.
-This is text added in Session 2.
-You can restore the original order by typing:
-.DS I 1i
-or, combining context searching and the move command:
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fB/And this is some/,/This is text/m/This is some sample/
-(Do not type both examples here!)
-The problem with combining context searching
-with the move command
-is that your chance of making a typing error
-in such a long command is greater than
-if you type line numbers.
-Copying lines (copy)
-.B copy
-is used to make a second copy of specified lines,
-leaving the original lines where they were.
-has the same format as the move command, for example:
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fB2,5copy $
-makes a copy of lines 2 through 5,
-placing the added lines after the buffer's end ($).
-Experiment with the copy command
-so that you can become familiar with how it works.
-Note that the shortest abbreviation for copy is
-\f3co\f1 (and
-not the letter ``c'', which has another meaning).
-Deleting lines (d)
-Suppose you want to delete
-the line
-.DS I 1i
-This is text added in Session 2.
-from the buffer.
-If you know the number of the line to be deleted,
-you can type
-that number followed by
-\fBdelete\fR or \fBd\fR.
-This example deletes line 4,
-which is ``This is text added in Session 2.''
-if you typed the commands
-suggested so far.
-.DS I 1i
-It doesn't mean much here, but
-Here ``4'' is the number of the line to be deleted,
-and ``delete'' or ``d'' is the command to delete the line.
-After executing the delete command,
-edit prints the line that has become the current line (``.'').
-If you do not happen to know the line number
-you can search for the line and then delete it using this
-sequence of commands:
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fB/added in Session 2./
-This is text added in Session 2.
-It doesn't mean much here, but
-The ``/added in Session 2./''
-asks edit to locate and print
-the line containing the indicated text,
-starting its search at the current line
-and moving line by line
-until it finds the text.
-Once you are sure that you have correctly specified the line
-you want to delete,
-you can enter the delete (d) command.
-In this case it is not necessary to
-specify a line number before the ``d''.
-If no line number is given,
-edit deletes the current line (``.''),
-that is, the line found by our search.
-After the deletion, your buffer should contain:
-.DS I 1i
-This is some sample text.
-And this is some more text.
-Text editing is nice.
-It doesn't mean much here, but
-it does illustrate the editor.
-And this is some more text.
-Text editing is nice.
-This is text added in Session 2.
-It doesn't mean much here, but
-To delete both lines 2 and 3:
-.DS I 1i
-And this is some more text.
-Text editing is nice.
-you type
-.DS I 1i
-2 lines deleted
-which specifies the range of lines from 2 to 3,
-and the operation on those lines \(em ``d'' for delete.
-If you delete more than one line
-you will receive a message
-telling you the number of lines deleted,
-as indicated in the example above.
-The previous example assumes that you know the line numbers for
-the lines to be deleted.
-If you do not you might combine the search command
-with the delete command:
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fB/And this is some/,/Text editing is nice./d
-A word or two of caution
-In using the search function to locate lines to
-be deleted you should be
-absolutely sure
-the characters you give as the basis for the search
-will take edit to the line you want deleted.
-Edit will search for the first
-occurrence of the characters starting from where
-you last edited \-
-that is, from the line you see printed if you type dot (.).
-A search based on too few
-characters may result in the wrong lines being deleted,
-which edit will do as easily as if you had meant it.
-For this reason, it is usually safer
-to specify the search and then delete in two separate steps,
-at least until you become familiar enough with using the editor
-that you understand how best to specify searches.
-For a beginner it is not a bad idea to double-check
-each command before pressing \s-2RETURN\s+2 to send the command on its way.
-Undo (u) to the rescue
-undo (u)
-command has the ability to
-reverse the effects of the last command that changed the buffer.
-To undo the previous command, type
-``u'' or ``undo''.
-Undo can rescue
-the contents of the buffer from many an unfortunate mistake.
-However, its powers are not unlimited,
-so it is still wise to be reasonably
-careful about the commands you give.
-It is possible to undo only commands which
-have the power to change the buffer \(em for example,
-delete, append, move, copy, substitute, and even undo itself.
-The commands write (w) and edit (e), which interact with disk files,
-cannot be undone, nor can commands that do not change
-the buffer, such as print.
-Most importantly,
-.B only
-command that can be reversed by undo
-is the
-last ``undo-able'' command you typed.
-You can use control-H and @ to change
-commands while you are typing them,
-and undo to reverse the effect of the commands
-after you have typed them and pressed \s-2RETURN\s+2.
-To illustrate,
-let's issue an undo command.
-Recall that the last buffer-changing command we gave deleted
-the lines formerly numbered 2 and 3.
-Typing undo at this moment will reverse the effects
-of the deletion, causing those two lines to be
-replaced in the buffer.
-.DS I 1i
-2 more lines in file after undo
-And this is some more text.
-Here again, edit informs you if the command affects more
-than one line,
-and prints
-the text of the line which is now ``dot'' (the current line).
-More about the dot (.) and buffer end ($)
-The function assumed by the symbol dot depends on its context.
-It can be used:
-1. to exit from append mode; we type dot (and only a dot) on
-a line and press \s-2RETURN\s+2;
-2. to refer to the line we are at in the buffer.
-Dot can also be combined with the equal sign to get
-the number of the line currently being edited:
-.DS I 1i
-If we type ``\fB.\fR='' we are asking for the number of the line,
-and if we type ``\fB.\fR'' we are asking for the text of the line.
-In this editing session and the last, we used the dollar
-sign to indicate the end of the buffer
-in commands such as print, copy, and move.
-The dollar sign as a command asks edit to print the last
-line in the buffer.
-If the dollar sign is combined with the equal sign (\f3$=\f1)
-edit will print the line number corresponding to the
-last line in the buffer.
-``\fB.\fR'' and ``$'', then, represent line numbers.
-Whenever appropriate, these symbols can be used in
-place of line numbers in commands.
-For example
-.DS I 1i
-instructs edit to delete all lines from the current line (\fB.\fR)
-to the end of the buffer.
-Moving around in the buffer (+ and \-)
-When you are editing
-you often want
-to go back and re-read a previous line.
-You could specify a context search for a line you want to
-read if you remember some of its text,
-but if you simply want to see what was written a few, say 3, lines
-ago, you can type
-.DS I 1i
-This tells edit to move back to a position 3 lines
-before the current line (.)
-and print that line.
-You can move forward in the buffer similarly:
-.DS I 1i
-instructs edit to print the line that is 2
-ahead of your current position.
-You may use ``+'' and ``\-'' in any command where edit
-accepts line numbers.
-Line numbers specified with ``+'' or ``\-''
-can be combined to print a range of lines.
-The command
-.DS I 1i
-makes a copy of 4 lines: the current line, the line before it,
-and the two after it.
-The copied lines will be placed after the last line
-in the buffer ($),
-and the original lines referred to by ``\-1'' and ``+2''
-remain where they are.
-Try typing only ``\-''; you will move back one line just as
-if you had typed ``\-1p''.
-Typing the command ``+'' works similarly.
-You might also try typing a few plus or minus signs in a row
-(such as ``+++'') to see edit's response.
-Typing \s-2RETURN\s+2 alone on a line is the equivalent
-of typing ``+1p''; it will move you one line ahead in the buffer
-and print that line.
-If you are at the last line of the buffer and try
-to move further ahead, perhaps by typing a ``+'' or
-a carriage return alone on the line,
-edit will remind you that you are at the end of the buffer:
-.ti 1i
-At end-of-file
-.ti 1i
-Not that many lines in buffer
-Similarly, if you try to move to a position before the first line,
-edit will print one of these messages:
-.ti 1i
-Nonzero address required on this command
-.ti 1i
-Negative address \- first buffer line is 1
-The number associated with a buffer line is the line's ``address'',
-in that it can be used to locate the line.
-Changing lines (c)
-You can also delete certain lines and
-insert new text in their place.
-This can be accomplished easily with the
-.B "change (c)"
-The change command instructs edit to delete specified lines
-and then switch to text input mode to
-accept the text that will replace them.
-Let's say you want to change the first two lines in the buffer:
-.DS I 1i
-This is some sample text.
-And this is some more text.
-to read
-.DS I 1i
-This text was created with the \s-2UNIX\s0 text editor.
-To do so, you type:
-.DS I 1i
-2 lines changed
-This text was created with the \s-2UNIX\s0 text editor.
-In the command
-.B 1,2c
-we specify that we want to change
-the range of lines beginning with 1 and ending with 2
-by giving line numbers as with the print command.
-These lines will be deleted.
-After you type \s-2RETURN\s+2 to end the change command,
-edit notifies you if more than one line will be changed
-and places you in text input mode.
-Any text typed on the following lines will be inserted into
-the position where lines were deleted by the change command.
-You will remain in text input mode until you exit in the usual way,
-by typing a period alone on a line.
-Note that the number of lines added to the buffer need not be
-the same as the number of lines deleted.
-.sp 1
-This is the end of the third session on text editing with \s-2UNIX\s0.
-.ce 1
-\s+2Session 4\s0
-This lesson covers several topics, starting with
-commands that apply throughout the buffer,
-characters with special meanings,
-and how to issue \s-2UNIX\s0 commands while in the editor.
-The next topics deal with files:
-more on reading and writing,
-and methods of recovering files lost in a crash.
-The final section suggests sources of further information.
-Making commands global (g)
-One disadvantage to the commands we have used for
-searching or substituting is that if you
-have a number of instances of a word to change
-it appears that you have to type the command
-repeatedly, once for
-each time the change needs to be made.
-Edit, however, provides a way to make commands
-apply to the entire contents of the buffer \-
-global (g)
-To print all lines
-containing a certain sequence of characters
-(say, ``text'')
-the command is:
-.DS I 1i
-The ``g'' instructs edit to
-make a global search for all lines
-in the buffer containing the characters ``text''.
-The ``p'' prints the lines found.
-To issue a global command, start by typing a ``g'' and then a search
-pattern identifying
-the lines to be affected.
-Then, on the same line, type the command to be
-executed for the identified lines.
-Global substitutions are frequently useful.
-For example,
-to change all instances of the word ``text'' to the word ``material''
-the command would be a combination of the global search and the
-substitute command:
-.DS I 1i
-Note the ``g'' at the end of the global command,
-which instructs edit to change
-each and every instance of ``text'' to ``material''.
-If you do not type the ``g'' at the end of the command
-only the
-.I first
-instance of ``text'' \fIin each line\fR will be changed
-(the normal result of the substitute command).
-The ``g'' at the end of the command is independent of the ``g''
-at the beginning.
-You may give a command such as:
-.DS I 1i
-to change every instance of ``text'' in line 5 alone.
-Further, neither command will change ``text'' to ``material''
-if ``Text'' begins with a capital rather than a lower-case
-.I t.
-Edit does not automatically print the lines modified by a
-global command.
-If you want the lines to be printed, type a ``p''
-at the end of the global command:
-.DS I 1i
-You should be careful
-about using the global command in combination with any other \-
-in essence, be sure of what you are telling edit to do
-to the entire buffer.
-For example,
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fBg/ /d
-72 less lines in file after global
-will delete every line containing a blank anywhere in it.
-This could adversely affect
-your document, since most lines have spaces between words
-and thus would be deleted.
-After executing the global command,
-edit will print a warning if the command added or deleted more than one line.
-Fortunately, the undo command can reverse
-the effects of a global command.
-You should experiment with the global command
-on a small file of text to see what it can do for you.
-More about searching and substituting
-In using slashes to identify a character string
-that we want to search for or change,
-we have always specified the exact characters.
-There is a less tedious way to
-repeat the same string of characters.
-To change ``text'' to ``texts'' we may type either
-.DS I 1i
-as we have done in the past,
-or a somewhat abbreviated command:
-.DS I 1i
-In this example, the characters to be changed
-are not specified \-
-there are no characters, not even a space,
-between the two slash marks
-that indicate what is to be changed.
-This lack of characters between the slashes
-is taken by the editor to mean
-``use the characters we last searched for as the characters to be changed.''
-Similarly, the last context search may be repeated
-by typing a pair of slashes with nothing between them:
-.DS I 1i
-It doesn't mean much here, but
-it does illustrate the editor.
-(You should note that the search command found the characters ``does''
-in the word ``doesn't'' in the first search request.)
-Because no characters are specified for the second search,
-the editor scans the buffer for the next occurrence of the
-characters ``does''.
-Edit normally searches forward through the buffer,
-wrapping around from the end of the buffer to the beginning,
-until the specified character string is found.
-If you want to search in the reverse direction,
-use question marks (?) instead of slashes
-to surround the characters you are searching for.
-It is also possible
-to repeat the last substitution
-without having to retype the entire command.
-An ampersand (&) used as a command
-repeats the most recent substitute command,
-using the same search and replacement patterns.
-After altering the current line by typing
-.DS I 1i
-you type
-.DS I 1i
-or simply
-.DS I 1i
-to make the same change on the next line in the buffer
-containing the characters ``text''.
-Special characters
-Two characters have special meanings when
-used in specifying searches: ``$'' and ``^''.
-``$'' is taken by the editor to mean ``end of the line''
-and is used to identify strings
-that occur at the end of a line.
-.DS I 1i
-tells the editor to search for all lines ending in ``text.''
-(and nothing else, not even a blank space),
-to change each final ``text.'' to ``material.'',
-and print the changed lines.
-The symbol ``^'' indicates the beginning of a line.
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fBs/^/1. /
-instructs the editor to insert ``1.'' and a space at the beginning
-of the current line.
-The characters ``$'' and ``^'' have special meanings only in the context
-of searching.
-At other times, they are ordinary characters.
-If you ever need to search for a character that has a special meaning,
-you must indicate that the
-character is to lose temporarily
-its special significance by typing another special character,
-the backslash (\\), before it.
-.DS I 1i
-looks for the character ``$'' in the current
-line and replaces it by the word ``dollar''.
-Were it not for the backslash, the ``$'' would have represented
-``the end of the line'' in your search
-rather than the character ``$''.
-The backslash retains its special significance
-unless it is preceded by another backslash.
-Issuing \s-2UNIX\s0 commands from the editor
-After creating several files with the editor,
-you may want to delete files
-no longer useful to you or ask for a list of your files.
-Removing and listing files are not functions of the editor,
-and so they require the use of \s-2UNIX\s0 system commands
-(also referred to as ``shell'' commands, as
-``shell'' is the name of the program that processes \s-2UNIX\s0 commands).
-You do not need to quit the editor to execute a \s-2UNIX\s0 command
-as long as you indicate that it
-is to be sent to the shell for execution.
-To use the \s-2UNIX\s0 command
-.B rm
-to remove the file named ``junk'' type:
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fB!rm junk
-The exclamation mark (!)
-indicates that the rest of the line is to be processed as a shell command.
-If the buffer contents have not been written since the last change,
-a warning will be printed before the command is executed:
-.DS I 1i
-[No write since last change]
-The editor prints a ``!'' when the command is completed.
-Other tutorials describe useful features of the system,
-of which an editor is only one part.
-Filenames and file manipulation
-Throughout each editing session,
-edit keeps track of the name of the file being edited as the
-.I "current filename."
-Edit remembers as the current filename the name given
-when you entered the editor.
-The current filename changes whenever the edit (e) command
-is used to specify a new file.
-Once edit has recorded a current filename,
-it inserts that name into any command where a filename has been omitted.
-If a write command does not specify a file,
-edit, as we have seen, supplies the current filename.
-If you are editing a file named ``draft3'' having 283 lines in it,
-you can have the editor write onto a different file
-by including its name in the write command:
-.DS I 1i
-:\fB\|w chapter3
-"chapter3" [new file] 283 lines, 8698 characters
-The current filename remembered by the editor
-will not be changed as a result of the write command.
-Thus, if the next write command
-does not specify a name,
-edit will write onto the current file (``draft3'')
-and not onto the file ``chapter3''.
-The file (f) command
-To ask for the current filename, type
-.B file
-.B f ).
-In response, the editor provides current information about the buffer,
-including the filename, your current position, the number of
-lines in the buffer,
-and the percent of the distance through the file
-your current location is.
-.DS I 1i
-"text" [Modified] line 3 of 4 --75%--
-.\"The expression ``[Edited]'' indicates that the buffer contains
-.\"either the editor's copy of the existing file ``text''
-.\"or a file which you are just now creating.
-If the contents of the buffer have changed
-since the last time the file was written,
-the editor will tell you that the file has been ``[Modified]''.
-After you save the changes by writing onto a disk file,
-the buffer will no longer be considered modified:
-.DS I 1i
-"text" 4 lines, 88 characters
-"text" line 3 of 4 --75%--
-Reading additional files (r)
-\f3read (r)\f1 command allows you to add the contents of a file
-to the buffer
-at a specified location,
-essentially copying new lines
-between two existing lines.
-To use it, specify the line after which the new text will be placed,
-the \f3read (r)\f1 command,
-and then the name of the file.
-If you have a file named ``example'', the command
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fB$r example
-"example" 18 lines, 473 characters
-reads the file ``example''
-and adds it to the buffer after the last line.
-The current filename is not changed by the read command.
-Writing parts of the buffer
-write (w)
-command can write all or part of the buffer
-to a file you specify.
-We are already familiar with
-writing the entire contents of the
-buffer to a disk file.
-To write only part of the buffer onto a file,
-indicate the beginning and ending lines before the write command,
-for example
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fB45,$w ending
-Here all lines from 45 through the end of the buffer
-are written onto the file named
-.I ending.
-The lines remain in the buffer
-as part of the document you are editing,
-and you may continue to edit the entire buffer.
-Your original file is unaffected
-by your command to write part of the buffer
-to another file.
-Edit still remembers whether you have saved changes to the buffer
-in your original file or not.
-Recovering files
-Although it does not happen very often,
-there are times \s-2UNIX\s+2 stops working
-because of some malfunction.
-This situation is known as a \fIcrash\fR.
-Under most circumstances,
-edit's crash recovery feature
-is able to save work to within a few lines of changes
-before a crash (or an accidental phone hang up).
-If you lose the contents of an editing buffer in a system crash,
-you will normally receive mail when you login that gives
-the name of the recovered file.
-To recover the file,
-enter the editor and type the command
-.B recover
-followed by the name of the lost file.
-For example,
-to recover the buffer for an edit session
-involving the file ``chap6'', the command is:
-.DS I 1i
-:\|\fBrecover chap6
-Recover is sometimes unable to save the entire buffer successfully,
-so always check the contents of the saved buffer carefully
-before writing it back onto the original file.
-For best results,
-write the buffer to a new file temporarily
-so you can examine it without risk to the original file.
-you cannot use the recover command
-to retrieve a file you removed
-using the shell command \f3rm\f1.
-Other recovery techniques
-If something goes wrong when you are using the editor,
-it may be possible to save your work by using the command
-.B preserve
-which saves the buffer as if the system had crashed.
-If you are writing a file and you get the message
-``Quota exceeded'', you have tried to use more disk storage
-than is allotted to your account.
-Proceed with caution
-because it is likely that only a part
-of the editor's buffer is now present in the file you tried to write.
-In this case you should use the shell escape from the editor (!)
-to remove some files you don't need and try to write
-the file again.
-If this is not possible and you cannot find someone to help you,
-enter the command
-.DS I 1i
-and wait for the reply,
-.DS I 1i
-File preserved.
-If you do not receive this reply,
-seek help immediately.
-Do not simply leave the editor.
-If you do, the buffer will be lost,
-and you may not be able to save your file.
-If the reply is ``File preserved.''
-you can leave the editor
-(or logout)
-to remedy the situation.
-After a preserve, you can use the recover command
-once the problem has been corrected,
-or the \fB\-r\fR option of the edit command
-if you leave the editor and want to return.
-If you make an undesirable change to the buffer
-and type a write command before discovering your mistake,
-the modified version will replace any previous version of the file.
-Should you ever lose a good version of a document in this way,
-do not panic and leave the editor.
-As long as you stay in the editor,
-the contents of the buffer remain accessible.
-Depending on the nature of the problem,
-it may be possible
-to restore the buffer to a more complete
-state with the undo command.
-After fixing the damaged buffer, you can again write the file
-to disk.
-Further reading and other information
-Edit is an editor designed for beginning and casual users.
-It is actually a version of a more powerful editor called
-.I ex.
-These lessons are intended to introduce you to the editor
-and its more commonly-used commands.
-We have not covered all of the editor's commands,
-but a selection of commands
-that should be sufficient to accomplish most of your editing tasks.
-You can find out more about the editor in the
-Ex Reference Manual,
-which is applicable to both
-.I ex
-.I edit.
-One way to become familiar with the manual is to begin by reading
-the description of commands that you already know.
-.bd I 3
-.I ex
-.bd I
-As you become more experienced with using the editor,
-you may still find that edit continues to meet your needs.
-However, should you become interested in using
-.I ex,
-it is easy to switch.
-To begin an editing session with
-.I ex,
-use the name
-.B ex
-in your command instead of
-.B edit.
-Edit commands also work in
-.I ex,
-but the editing environment is somewhat different.
-You should be aware of a few differences
-.I ex
-.I edit.
-In edit, only the characters ``^'', ``$'', and ``\\'' have
-special meanings in searching the buffer
-or indicating characters to be changed by a substitute command.
-Several additional characters have special
-meanings in ex, as described in the
-Ex Reference Manual.
-Another feature of the edit environment prevents users from
-accidently entering two alternative modes of editing,
-.I open
-.I visual,
-in which
-the editor behaves quite differently from normal command mode.
-If you are using ex and you encounter strange behavior,
-you may have accidently entered open mode by typing ``o''.
-Type the \s-2ESC\s0 key and then a ``Q''
-to get out of open or visual mode and back into
-the regular editor command mode.
-The document
-An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi\|\|
-provide full details of visual mode.
-.ce 1
-.sp 2
-addressing, \fIsee\fR line numbers
-ampersand, 20
-append mode, 6-7
-append (a) command, 6, 7, 9
-``At end of file'' (message), 18
-backslash (\\), 21
-buffer, 3
-caret (^), 10, 20
-change (c) command, 18
-command mode, 5-6
-``Command not found'' (message), 6
-context search, 10-12, 19-21
-control characters (``^'' notation), 10
-control-H, 7
-copy (co) command, 15
-corrections, 7, 16
-current filename, 21
-current line (\|.\|), 11, 17
-delete (d) command, 15-16
-dial-up, 5
-disk, 3
-documentation, 3, 23
-dollar ($), 10, 11, 17, 20-21
-dot (\f3\|.\|\f1) 11, 17
-edit (text editor), 3, 5, 23
-edit (e) command, 5, 9, 14
-editing commands:
-.in +.25i
-append (a), 6, 7, 9
-change (c), 18
-copy (co), 15
-delete (d), 15-16
-edit (text editor), 3, 5, 23
-edit (e), 5, 9, 14
-file (f), 21-22
-global (g), 19
-move (m), 14-15
-number (nu), 11
-preserve (pre), 22-23
-print (p), 10
-quit (q), 8, 13
-read (r), 22
-recover (rec), 22, 23
-substitute (s), 11-12, 19, 20
-undo (u), 16-17, 23
-write (w), 8, 13, 21, 22
-z, 12-13
-! (shell escape), 21
-$=, 17
-+, 17
-\-, 17
-//, 12, 20
-??, 20
-\&., 11, 17
-\&.=, 11, 17
-.in -.25i
-entering text, 3, 6-7
-.in +.25i
-characters (^H), 7
-lines (@), 7
-.in -.25i
-error corrections, 7, 16
-ex (text editor), 23
-\fIEx Reference Manual\fR, 23
-exclamation (!), 21
-file, 3
-file (f) command, 21-22
-file recovery, 22-23
-filename, 3, 21
-global (g) command, 19
-input mode, 6-7
-Interrupt (message), 9
-line numbers, \fIsee also\fR current line
-.in +.25i
-dollar sign ($), 10, 11, 17
-dot (\|.\|), 11, 17
-relative (+ and \-), 17
-.in -.25i
-list, 10
-logging in, 4-6
-logging out, 8
-``Login incorrect'' (message), 5
-minus (\-), 17
-move (m) command, 14-15
-``Negative address\(emfirst buffer line is 1'' (message), 18
-``No current filename'' (message), 8
-``No such file or directory'' (message), 5, 6
-``No write since last change'' (message), 21
-non-printing characters, 10
-``Nonzero address required'' (message), 18
-``Not an editor command'' (message), 6
-``Not that many lines in buffer'' (message), 18
-number (nu) command, 11
-password, 5
-period (\|.\|), 11, 17
-plus (+), 17
-preserve (pre) command, 22-23
-print (p) command, 10
-program, 3
-.in .25i
-% (\s-2UNIX\s0), 5
-: (edit), 5, 6, 7
-\0 (append), 7
-.in -.25i
-question (?), 20
-quit (q) command, 8, 13
-read (r) command, 22
-recover (rec) command, 22, 23
-recovery, \fIsee\fR\| file recovery
-references, 3, 23
-remove (rm) command, 21, 22
-reverse command effects (undo), 16-17, 23
-searching, 10-12, 19-21
-shell, 21
-shell escape (!), 21
-slash (/), 11-12, 20
-special characters (^, $, \\), 10, 11, 17, 20-21
-substitute (s) command, 11-12, 19, 20
-terminals, 4-5
-text input mode, 7
-undo (u) command, 16-17, 23
-\s-1UNIX\s0, 3
-write (w) command, 8, 13, 21, 22
-z command, 12-13