path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-xray/xray-extract.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-xray/xray-extract.cc')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-xray/xray-extract.cc b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-xray/xray-extract.cc
index ecd535114a62..26e461869a08 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-xray/xray-extract.cc
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-xray/xray-extract.cc
@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
-#include "xray-extract.h"
#include "xray-registry.h"
-#include "xray-sleds.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ELF.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
@@ -28,8 +25,8 @@
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include "llvm/XRay/InstrumentationMap.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::xray;
@@ -49,243 +46,40 @@ static cl::alias ExtractOutput2("o", cl::aliasopt(ExtractOutput),
cl::desc("Alias for -output"),
-struct YAMLXRaySledEntry {
- int32_t FuncId;
- Hex64 Address;
- Hex64 Function;
- SledEntry::FunctionKinds Kind;
- bool AlwaysInstrument;
-namespace llvm {
-namespace yaml {
-template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<SledEntry::FunctionKinds> {
- static void enumeration(IO &IO, SledEntry::FunctionKinds &Kind) {
- IO.enumCase(Kind, "function-enter", SledEntry::FunctionKinds::ENTRY);
- IO.enumCase(Kind, "function-exit", SledEntry::FunctionKinds::EXIT);
- IO.enumCase(Kind, "tail-exit", SledEntry::FunctionKinds::TAIL);
- }
-template <> struct MappingTraits<YAMLXRaySledEntry> {
- static void mapping(IO &IO, YAMLXRaySledEntry &Entry) {
- IO.mapRequired("id", Entry.FuncId);
- IO.mapRequired("address", Entry.Address);
- IO.mapRequired("function", Entry.Function);
- IO.mapRequired("kind", Entry.Kind);
- IO.mapRequired("always-instrument", Entry.AlwaysInstrument);
- }
- static constexpr bool flow = true;
namespace {
-llvm::Error LoadBinaryInstrELF(
- StringRef Filename, std::deque<SledEntry> &OutputSleds,
- InstrumentationMapExtractor::FunctionAddressMap &InstrMap,
- InstrumentationMapExtractor::FunctionAddressReverseMap &FunctionIds) {
- auto ObjectFile = object::ObjectFile::createObjectFile(Filename);
- if (!ObjectFile)
- return ObjectFile.takeError();
- // FIXME: Maybe support other ELF formats. For now, 64-bit Little Endian only.
- if (!ObjectFile->getBinary()->isELF())
- return make_error<StringError>(
- "File format not supported (only does ELF).",
- std::make_error_code(std::errc::not_supported));
- if (ObjectFile->getBinary()->getArch() != Triple::x86_64)
- return make_error<StringError>(
- "File format not supported (only does ELF little endian 64-bit).",
- std::make_error_code(std::errc::not_supported));
- // Find the section named "xray_instr_map".
- StringRef Contents = "";
- const auto &Sections = ObjectFile->getBinary()->sections();
- auto I = find_if(Sections, [&](object::SectionRef Section) {
- StringRef Name = "";
- if (Section.getName(Name))
- return false;
- return Name == "xray_instr_map";
- });
- if (I == Sections.end())
- return make_error<StringError>(
- "Failed to find XRay instrumentation map.",
- std::make_error_code(std::errc::not_supported));
- if (I->getContents(Contents))
- return make_error<StringError>(
- "Failed to get contents of 'xray_instr_map' section.",
- std::make_error_code(std::errc::executable_format_error));
- // Copy the instrumentation map data into the Sleds data structure.
- auto C = Contents.bytes_begin();
- static constexpr size_t ELF64SledEntrySize = 32;
- if ((C - Contents.bytes_end()) % ELF64SledEntrySize != 0)
- return make_error<StringError>(
- "Instrumentation map entries not evenly divisible by size of an XRay "
- "sled entry in ELF64.",
- std::make_error_code(std::errc::executable_format_error));
- int32_t FuncId = 1;
- uint64_t CurFn = 0;
- std::deque<SledEntry> Sleds;
- for (; C != Contents.bytes_end(); C += ELF64SledEntrySize) {
- DataExtractor Extractor(
- StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(C), ELF64SledEntrySize), true,
- 8);
- Sleds.push_back({});
- auto &Entry = Sleds.back();
- uint32_t OffsetPtr = 0;
- Entry.Address = Extractor.getU64(&OffsetPtr);
- Entry.Function = Extractor.getU64(&OffsetPtr);
- auto Kind = Extractor.getU8(&OffsetPtr);
- switch (Kind) {
- case 0: // ENTRY
- Entry.Kind = SledEntry::FunctionKinds::ENTRY;
- break;
- case 1: // EXIT
- Entry.Kind = SledEntry::FunctionKinds::EXIT;
- break;
- case 2: // TAIL
- Entry.Kind = SledEntry::FunctionKinds::TAIL;
- break;
- default:
- return make_error<StringError>(
- Twine("Encountered unknown sled type ") + "'" + Twine(int32_t{Kind}) +
- "'.",
- std::make_error_code(std::errc::executable_format_error));
- }
- Entry.AlwaysInstrument = Extractor.getU8(&OffsetPtr) != 0;
- // We replicate the function id generation scheme implemented in the runtime
- // here. Ideally we should be able to break it out, or output this map from
- // the runtime, but that's a design point we can discuss later on. For now,
- // we replicate the logic and move on.
- if (CurFn == 0) {
- CurFn = Entry.Function;
- InstrMap[FuncId] = Entry.Function;
- FunctionIds[Entry.Function] = FuncId;
- }
- if (Entry.Function != CurFn) {
- ++FuncId;
- CurFn = Entry.Function;
- InstrMap[FuncId] = Entry.Function;
- FunctionIds[Entry.Function] = FuncId;
- }
- }
- OutputSleds = std::move(Sleds);
- return llvm::Error::success();
-Error LoadYAMLInstrMap(
- StringRef Filename, std::deque<SledEntry> &Sleds,
- InstrumentationMapExtractor::FunctionAddressMap &InstrMap,
- InstrumentationMapExtractor::FunctionAddressReverseMap &FunctionIds) {
- int Fd;
- if (auto EC = sys::fs::openFileForRead(Filename, Fd))
- return make_error<StringError>(
- Twine("Failed opening file '") + Filename + "' for reading.", EC);
- uint64_t FileSize;
- if (auto EC = sys::fs::file_size(Filename, FileSize))
- return make_error<StringError>(
- Twine("Failed getting size of file '") + Filename + "'.", EC);
- std::error_code EC;
- sys::fs::mapped_file_region MappedFile(
- Fd, sys::fs::mapped_file_region::mapmode::readonly, FileSize, 0, EC);
- if (EC)
- return make_error<StringError>(
- Twine("Failed memory-mapping file '") + Filename + "'.", EC);
- std::vector<YAMLXRaySledEntry> YAMLSleds;
- Input In(StringRef(MappedFile.data(), MappedFile.size()));
- In >> YAMLSleds;
- if (In.error())
- return make_error<StringError>(
- Twine("Failed loading YAML document from '") + Filename + "'.",
- In.error());
- for (const auto &Y : YAMLSleds) {
- InstrMap[Y.FuncId] = Y.Function;
- FunctionIds[Y.Function] = Y.FuncId;
- Sleds.push_back(
- SledEntry{Y.Address, Y.Function, Y.Kind, Y.AlwaysInstrument});
- }
- return Error::success();
-} // namespace
-InstrumentationMapExtractor::InstrumentationMapExtractor(std::string Filename,
- InputFormats Format,
- Error &EC) {
- ErrorAsOutParameter ErrAsOutputParam(&EC);
- if (Filename.empty()) {
- EC = Error::success();
- return;
- }
- switch (Format) {
- case InputFormats::ELF: {
- EC = handleErrors(
- LoadBinaryInstrELF(Filename, Sleds, FunctionAddresses, FunctionIds),
- [&](std::unique_ptr<ErrorInfoBase> E) {
- return joinErrors(
- make_error<StringError>(
- Twine("Cannot extract instrumentation map from '") +
- Filename + "'.",
- std::make_error_code(std::errc::executable_format_error)),
- std::move(E));
- });
- break;
- }
- case InputFormats::YAML: {
- EC = handleErrors(
- LoadYAMLInstrMap(Filename, Sleds, FunctionAddresses, FunctionIds),
- [&](std::unique_ptr<ErrorInfoBase> E) {
- return joinErrors(
- make_error<StringError>(
- Twine("Cannot load YAML instrumentation map from '") +
- Filename + "'.",
- std::make_error_code(std::errc::executable_format_error)),
- std::move(E));
- });
- break;
- }
- }
-void InstrumentationMapExtractor::exportAsYAML(raw_ostream &OS) {
+void exportAsYAML(const InstrumentationMap &Map, raw_ostream &OS) {
// First we translate the sleds into the YAMLXRaySledEntry objects in a deque.
std::vector<YAMLXRaySledEntry> YAMLSleds;
- YAMLSleds.reserve(Sleds.size());
+ auto Sleds = Map.sleds();
+ YAMLSleds.reserve(std::distance(Sleds.begin(), Sleds.end()));
for (const auto &Sled : Sleds) {
- YAMLSleds.push_back({FunctionIds[Sled.Function], Sled.Address,
- Sled.Function, Sled.Kind, Sled.AlwaysInstrument});
+ auto FuncId = Map.getFunctionId(Sled.Function);
+ if (!FuncId)
+ return;
+ YAMLSleds.push_back({*FuncId, Sled.Address, Sled.Function, Sled.Kind,
+ Sled.AlwaysInstrument});
Output Out(OS, nullptr, 0);
Out << YAMLSleds;
+} // namespace
static CommandRegistration Unused(&Extract, []() -> Error {
- Error Err = Error::success();
- xray::InstrumentationMapExtractor Extractor(
- ExtractInput, InstrumentationMapExtractor::InputFormats::ELF, Err);
- if (Err)
- return Err;
+ auto InstrumentationMapOrError = loadInstrumentationMap(ExtractInput);
+ if (!InstrumentationMapOrError)
+ return joinErrors(make_error<StringError>(
+ Twine("Cannot extract instrumentation map from '") +
+ ExtractInput + "'.",
+ std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument)),
+ InstrumentationMapOrError.takeError());
std::error_code EC;
raw_fd_ostream OS(ExtractOutput, EC, sys::fs::OpenFlags::F_Text);
if (EC)
return make_error<StringError>(
Twine("Cannot open file '") + ExtractOutput + "' for writing.", EC);
- Extractor.exportAsYAML(OS);
+ exportAsYAML(*InstrumentationMapOrError, OS);
return Error::success();