diff options
3 files changed, 684 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr.bin/sgmlfmt/Makefile b/usr.bin/sgmlfmt/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..835c05f84569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.bin/sgmlfmt/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# $Id:$
+MAN1= sgmlfmt.1
+ install -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${BINMODE} \
+ ${.CURDIR}/sgmlfmt.pl ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/sgmlfmt
+.include <bsd.prog.mk>
diff --git a/usr.bin/sgmlfmt/sgmlfmt.1 b/usr.bin/sgmlfmt/sgmlfmt.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d1baf14352a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.bin/sgmlfmt/sgmlfmt.1
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+.Dd May 6, 1995
+.Os FreeBSD 2.0.5
+.Nm sgmlfmt
+.Nd Formats SGML files tagged according to the linuxdoc DTD.
+.Fl Ar format Op Fl Ar format...
+command reads SGML files tagged according to the linuxdoc DTD,
+validates them using the
+.Xr sgmls 1
+parser and then converts them to the specified output format.
+The input file must include the following document type
+declaration before any uncommented text:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+<!DOCTYPE linuxdoc PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD linuxdoc//EN">
+.Fl Ar format
+options for output include the following:
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
+.It Fl html
+Generates a set of linked HTML files suitable for use with an
+HTML browser. A top level file,
+.Pa file.html ,
+contains the title, author, date, abstract and brief table of
+contents for the document. A file
+.Pa file_toc.html
+contains a complete table of contents. A series of files named
+.Pa file-1.html ,
+.Pa file-2.html ...
+.Pa file-n.html
+contain the actual text of the document.
+.It Fl latex
+Generates a single output file with the extension
+.Pa .tex
+suitable for processing with LaTeX. Note that the LaTeX style
+.Pa /usr/share/sgml/FreeBSD/lib/linuxdoc.sty
+must be accessible to LaTeX for correct processing.
+.It Fl ascii
+Generates a single output file with the extension
+.Pa .txt
+suitable for viewing on an ASCII terminal.
+.It Fl nroff
+Generates a single output file with the extension
+.Pa .nroff
+suitable processing with
+.Xr nroff 1
+.Xr groff 1 .
+This is actually an intermediate conversion used by the
+.Fl ascii
+format option.
+If the input file name ends with
+.Pa .sgml ,
+the extension may be omitted on the command line.
+In all cases, the output files are created in the current working
+.Pa /usr/share/sgml/FreeBSD/dtd/linuxdoc
+- the linuxdoc DTD.
+.Pa /usr/share/sgml/FreeBSD/rep/
+- directory containing replacement files for
+.Xr sgmlsasp 1 .
+.Pa /usr/share/sgml/FreeBSD/lib/linuxdoc.sty
+- the LaTeX style used in documents produced with the
+.Fl latex
+format option.
+.Xr sgmls 1 ,
+.Xr sgmlsasp 1 ,
+.Xr groff 1
+command appeared in Version 2.0.5 FreeBSD UNIX.
+command was written by John Fieber
+.Aq jfieber@FreeBSD.org .
+The linuxdoc DTD was written by Matt Welsh
+.Aq mdw@cs.cornell.edu
+and based on the Qwertz DTD written by Tom Gordon
+.Aq thomas.gordon@gmd.de .
+A line in the SGML source file beginning with a period (.) will
+.Xr groff 1
+which is used to generate ASCII output. In general, the ASCII
+output leaves much to be desired.
+The divison of the sources file into separate HTML files is
+currently fixed.
diff --git a/usr.bin/sgmlfmt/sgmlfmt.pl b/usr.bin/sgmlfmt/sgmlfmt.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..959b1f0617b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.bin/sgmlfmt/sgmlfmt.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+# $Id:$
+# Format an sgml document tagged according to the linuxdoc DTD.
+# by John Fieber <jfieber@freebsd.org> for the FreeBSD documentation
+# project.
+# Usage: sgmlformat -format [-format ...] inputfile [inputfile ...]
+# -format outputfile format
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# -html inputfile.html HTML
+# -txt | -ascii inputfile.txt ascii text
+# -tex | -latex inputfile.tex LaTeX
+# -nroff inputfile.nroff groff for ms macros
+# -ps inputfile.txt postscript
+# Bugs:
+# Text lines that start with a period (.) confuse the conversions that
+# use groff. The workaround is to make sure the SGML source doesn't
+# have any periods at the beginning of a line.
+# Look in a couple places for the SGML DTD and replacement files
+if (-d "$ENV{'HOME'}/lib/sgml/FreeBSD") {
+ $sgmldir = "$ENV{'HOME'}/lib/sgml";
+elsif (-d "$ENV{'HOME'}/sgml/FreeBSD") {
+ $sgmldir = "$ENV{'HOME'}/sgml";
+elsif (-d "/usr/share/sgml/FreeBSD" ) {
+ $sgmldir = "/usr/share/sgml";
+else {
+ die "Cannot locate sgml files!\n";
+# Locate the DTD, an SGML declaration, and the replacement files
+$dtdbase = "$sgmldir/FreeBSD";
+$dtd = "$dtdbase/dtd/linuxdoc";
+if (-f "$dtd.dec") {
+ $decl = "$dtd.dec";
+else {
+ $decl = "";
+$replbase = "$dtdbase/rep";
+if (! $ENV{"SGML_PATH"}) {
+ $ENV{"SGML_PATH"} = "$sgmldir/%O/%C/%T";
+# Look for the file specified on the command line
+sub getfile {
+ local($filearg) = @_;
+ if (-f "$filearg.sgml") {
+ $file = "$filearg.sgml";
+ }
+ elsif (-f $filearg) {
+ $file = $filearg;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $fileroot = $file;
+ $fileroot =~ s/.*\///; # drop the path
+ $fileroot =~ s/\.sgml$//; # drop the .sgml
+ $filepath = $file;
+ $filepath =~ s/\/*[^\/]*$//;
+ if ($filepath eq "") {
+ $ENV{"SGML_PATH"} .= ":.";
+ }
+ else {
+ $ENV{"SGML_PATH"} .= ":$filepath/%S:.";
+ }
+ return 1;
+# A function to run sgmls and sgmlsasp on the input file.
+# Arguments:
+# 1. A file handle for the output
+# 2. A replacement file (directory actually)
+sub sgmlparse {
+ local($fhandle, $replacement) = @_;
+ $ENV{'SGML_PATH'} = "$replbase/$replacement.%N:$ENV{'SGML_PATH'}";
+ open($fhandle, "sgmls $decl $file | sgmlsasp $replbase/$replacement.mapping |");
+# Generate nroff output
+sub gen_nroff {
+ open (outfile, ">$fileroot.nroff");
+ &sgmlparse(infile, "nroff");
+ $\ = "\n"; # automatically add newline on print
+ while (<infile>) {
+ chop;
+ # This is supposed to ensure that no text line starts
+ # with a dot (.), thus confusing groff, but it doesn't
+ # appear to work.
+ unless (/^\.DS/.../^\.DE/) {
+ s/^[ \t]{1,}(.*)/$1/g;
+ }
+ s/^\.[ \t].*/\\\&$&/g;
+ print outfile;
+ }
+ $\ = "";
+ close(infile);
+ close(outfile);
+# Generate ASCII output using groff
+sub gen_ascii {
+ &sgmlparse(infile, "nroff");
+ open(outfile, "| groff -T ascii -t -ms | col -b > $fileroot.txt");
+ while (<infile>) {
+ print outfile;
+ }
+ close(infile);
+ close(outfile);
+# Generate Postscript output using groff (this is suboptimal
+# for printed output!)
+sub gen_ps {
+ &sgmlparse(infile, "grops");
+ open(outfile, "| groff -T ps -t -ms > $fileroot.ps");
+ while (<infile>) {
+ print outfile;
+ }
+ close(infile);
+ close(outfile);
+# Generate LaTeX output
+sub gen_latex {
+ open(outfile, ">$fileroot.tex");
+ &sgmlparse(infile, "latex");
+ while (<infile>) {
+ print outfile;
+ }
+ close(infile);
+ close(outfile);
+# Generate HTML output.
+# HTML is generated in two passes.
+# The first pass takes the output from sgmlsasp and gathers information
+# about the structure of the document that is used in the sceond pass
+# for splitting the file into separate files. Targets for cross
+# references are also stored in this pass.
+# Based on the information from the first pass, the second pass
+# generates a numbered series of HTML files, a "toplevel" file
+# containing the title, author, abstract and a brief table of
+# contents. A detailed table of contents is also generated. The
+# second pass generates links for cross references and URLs.
+# Tunable parameters
+$maxlevel = 3; # max section depth
+$num_depth = 4; # depth of numbering
+$m_depth = 2; # depth of menus
+$sc = 0; # number of sections
+$filecount = 0; # number of files
+sub gen_html {
+ local($i, $sl);
+ $tmpfile = "/tmp/sgmlf.$$";
+ open(bar, ">$tmpfile");
+# print STDERR "(Pass 1...";
+ &sgmlparse(foo, "html");
+ while (<foo>) {
+ print bar;
+ # count up the number of files to be generated
+ if (/^<@@sect>/) {
+ $sl++;
+ $sc++;
+ $st_sl[$sc] = $sl;
+ # Per level counters
+ $counter[$sl]++;
+ $counter[$sl + 1] = 0;
+ # calculate the section number in the form x.y.z.
+ $st_num[$sc] = "";
+ if ($sl <= $num_depth) {
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $sl; $i++) {
+ $st_num[$sc] .= "$counter[$i].";
+ }
+ $st_num[$sc] .= " ";
+ }
+ # calculate the file number and output level
+ if ($sl <= $maxlevel) {
+ $filecount++;
+ $st_ol[$sc] = $sl;
+ }
+ else {
+ $st_ol[$sc] = $maxlevel;
+ }
+ $st_file[$sc] = $filecount;
+ # Calculate the highest level node in which this
+ # node should appear as a menu item.
+ $st_pl[$sc] = $sl - $m_depth;
+ if ($st_pl[$sc] < 0) {
+ $st_pl[$sc] = 0;
+ }
+ if ($st_pl[$sc] > $maxlevel) {
+ $st_pl[$sc] = $maxlevel;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/^<@@endsect>/) {
+ $sl--;
+ }
+ # record the section number that a label occurs in
+ if (/^<@@label>/) {
+ chop;
+ s/^<@@label>//;
+ if ($references{$_} eq "") {
+ $references{$_} = "$filecount";
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR "Warning: the label `$_' is multiply-defined.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(bar);
+# print STDERR " Pass 2...";
+ open(foofile, $tmpfile);
+ &html2html(foofile, "boo");
+# print STDERR ")\n";
+ unlink($tmpfile);
+# HTML conversion, pass number 2
+sub html2html {
+ local($infile, $outfile) = @_;
+ local($i);
+ $sc = 0;
+ push(@scs, $sc);
+ open(tocfile, ">${fileroot}_toc.html");
+ print tocfile "<HTML>\n";
+ while (<$infile>) {
+ # change `<' and `>' to `&lt;' and `&gt;' in <pre></pre>
+ if (/<pre>/.../<\/pre>/) {
+ s/</\&lt;/g;
+ s/\&lt;([\/]*)pre>/<\1pre>/g;
+ s/>/\&gt;/g;
+ s/<([\/]*)pre\&gt;/<\1pre>/g;
+ }
+ tagsw: {
+ # titles and headings
+ if (s/^<@@title>//) {
+ chop;
+ print tocfile "<HEAD>\n<TITLE>$_</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n";
+ print tocfile "<H1>$_</H1>\n";
+ $header[$st_ol[$sc]] =
+ "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>$_</TITLE>\n" .
+ "</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<H1>$_</H1>\n";
+ $footer[$st_ol[$sc]] = "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ #
+ # HEADER begin
+ #
+ if (s/^<@@head>//) {
+ chop;
+ if ($part == 1) {
+ $text[0] .= "<H1>Part $partnum:<BR>$_";
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ $href = "\"$fileroot-$st_file[$sc].html#$sc\"";
+ # set up headers and footers
+ if ($st_sl[$sc] > 0 && $st_sl[$sc] <= $maxlevel) {
+ $header[$st_ol[$sc]] =
+ "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>$_</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n" .
+ "<BODY>\n$navbar[$st_ol[$sc]]\n<HR>\n";
+ $footer[$st_ol[$sc]] =
+ "<HR>\n$navbar[$st_ol[$sc]]\n</BODY>\n</HTML>";
+ }
+ # Add this to the master table of contents
+ print tocfile "<DD>$st_num[$sc]" .
+ "<A HREF=$href>$_";
+ # Calculate the <H?> level to use in the HTML file
+ $hlevel = $st_sl[$sc] - $st_ol[$sc] + 2;
+ $shlevel = $st_sl[$sc] - $st_ol[$sc] + 3;
+ $i = $st_ol[$sc];
+ # Add the section header
+ $text[$i] .= "<H$hlevel><A NAME=\"$sc\"></A>$st_num[$sc]$_";
+ $i--;
+ # And also to the parent
+ if ($st_sl[$sc] == $st_ol[$sc] && $i >= 0) {
+ $text[$i] .= "<H$shlevel>$st_num[$sc]" .
+ "<A HREF=$href>$_";
+ $i--;
+ }
+ # and to the grandparents
+ for (; $i >= $st_pl[$sc]; $i--) {
+ $text[$i] .= "<DD>$st_num[$sc] " .
+ "<A HREF=$href>$_";
+ }
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ #
+ # HEADER end
+ #
+ if (s/^<@@endhead>//) {
+ if ($part == 1) {
+ $text[0] .= "</H1>\n";
+ $part = 0;
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ print tocfile "</A></DD>\n";
+ $i = $st_ol[$sc];
+ # Close the section header
+ $text[$i] .= "</H$hlevel>\n";
+ $i--;
+ # in the parent...
+ if ($st_sl[$sc] == $st_ol[$sc] && $i >= 0) {
+ $text[$i] .= "</A></H$shlevel>\n";
+ $i--;
+ }
+ # in the grandparent...
+ for (; $i >= $st_pl[$sc]; $i--) {
+ $text[$i] .= "</A></DD>\n";
+ }
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ # sectioning
+ if (s/^<@@part>//) {
+ $part = 1;
+ $partnum++;
+ # not yet implemented in the DTD
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ #
+ # BEGINNING of a section
+ #
+ if (s/^<@@sect>//) {
+ # Increment the section counter and save it on a stack
+ # for future reference.
+ $sc++;
+ push(@scs, $sc);
+ # Set up the navigation bar
+ if ($st_file[$sc] > $st_file[$sc - 1]) {
+ &navbar($st_file[$sc], $filecount, $sc);
+ }
+ # Prepare for menu entries in the table of contents and
+ # parent file(s).
+ if ($st_sl[$sc - 1] < $st_sl[$sc]) {
+ print tocfile "<DL>\n";
+ $i = $st_ol[$sc] - 1 - ($st_sl[$sc] == $st_ol[$sc]);
+ for (; $i >= $st_pl[$sc]; $i--) {
+ $text[$i] .= "<DL>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ #
+ # END of a section
+ #
+ if (s/^<@@endsect>//) {
+ # Remember the section number! Subsections may have
+ # altered the global $sc variable.
+ local ($lsc) = pop(@scs);
+ # Close off subsection menus we may have created in
+ # parent file(s).
+ if ($st_sl[$lsc] > $st_sl[$sc + 1]) {
+ print tocfile "</DL>\n";
+ $i = $st_ol[$lsc] - 1 - ($st_sl[$lsc] == $st_ol[$lsc]);
+ for (; $i >= $st_pl[$lsc]; $i--) {
+ $text[$i] .= "</DL>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # If this section is below $maxlevel, write it now.
+ if ($st_sl[$lsc] <= $maxlevel) {
+ open(SECOUT, ">${fileroot}-$st_file[$lsc].html");
+ print SECOUT "$header[$st_ol[$lsc]] $text[$st_ol[$lsc]] " .
+ "$footer[$st_ol[$lsc]]";
+ $text[$st_ol[$lsc]] = "";
+ close(SECOUT);
+ }
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ # cross references
+ if (s/^<@@label>//) {
+ chop;
+ $text[$st_ol[$sc]] .= "<A NAME=\"$_\"></A>";
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ if (s/^<@@ref>//) {
+ chop;
+ $refname = $_;
+ $text[$st_ol[$sc]] .=
+ "<A HREF=\"${fileroot}-$references{$_}.html#$refname\">";
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ if (s/^<@@endref>//) {
+# $text[$st_ol[$sc]] .= "</A>";
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ if (s/^<@@refnam>//) {
+ $text[$st_ol[$sc]] .= "$refname</A>";
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ # URLs
+ if (s/^<@@url>//) {
+ chop;
+ $urlname = $_;
+ $text[$st_ol[$sc]] .= "<A HREF=\"$urlname\">";
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ if (s/^<@@urlnam>//) {
+ $text[$st_ol[$sc]] .= "$urlname</A>";
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ if (s/^<@@endurl>//) {
+# $text[$st_ol[$sc]] .= "</A>";
+ last tagsw;
+ }
+ # If nothing else did anything with this line, just print it.
+ $text[$st_ol[$sc]] .= "$_";
+ }
+ }
+ print tocfile "</HTML>";
+ open(SECOUT, ">$fileroot.html");
+ print SECOUT "$header[0] $text[0] $footer[0]";
+ close(SECOUT);
+ close tocfile;
+sub navbar {
+ local ($fnum, $fmax, $sc) = @_;
+ $prevf = $fnum - 1;
+ $nextf = $fnum + 1;
+ $navbar[$st_ol[$sc]] = "<B>\n";
+ $navbar[$st_ol[$sc]] .=
+ "<A HREF=\"${fileroot}.html\">Table of Contents</A>\n";
+ if ($prevf <= 0) {
+ $navbar[$st_ol[$sc]] .=
+ "| <A HREF=\"${fileroot}.html\">Previous</A>\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $navbar[$st_ol[$sc]] .=
+ "| <A HREF=\"${fileroot}-${prevf}.html\">Previous</A>\n";
+ }
+ if ($nextf <= $fmax) {
+ $navbar[$st_ol[$sc]] .=
+ "| <A HREF=\"${fileroot}-${nextf}.html\">Next</A>\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $navbar[$st_ol[$sc]] .=
+ "| <A HREF=\"${fileroot}.html\">Next</A>\n";
+ }
+ $navbar[$st_ol[$sc]] .= "</B>\n";
+# Now, read the command line and take appropriate action
+$fcount = 0;
+for (@ARGV) {
+ if (/^-.*/) {
+ s/^-//;
+ $gen{$_} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ @infiles[$fcount] = $_;
+ $fcount++;
+ }
+for ($i = 0; $i < $fcount; $i++) {
+ if (&getfile($infiles[$i])) {
+ if ($gen{'html'}) {
+ print "generating $fileroot.html...\n"; &gen_html(); }
+ if ($gen{'tex'} || $gen{'latex'}) {
+ print "generating $fileroot.tex...\n"; &gen_latex(); }
+ if ($gen{'nroff'}) {
+ print "generating $fileroot.nroff...\n"; &gen_nroff(); }
+ if ($gen{'txt'} || $gen{'ascii'}) {
+ print "generating $fileroot.txt...\n"; &gen_ascii(); }
+ if ($gen{'ps'}) {
+ print "generating $fileroot.ps...\n"; &gen_ps(); }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Input file $infiles[$i] not found\n";
+ }
+exit 0;