path: root/etc/etc.i386/inst2.profile
diff options
authorRodney W. Grimes <rgrimes@FreeBSD.org>1993-08-26 03:23:20 +0000
committerRodney W. Grimes <rgrimes@FreeBSD.org>1993-08-26 03:23:20 +0000
commit2b881de69a7b6c887cc76443855f892b98754657 (patch)
tree299ac82f740f02fa17779435dbc9a3ec01bc1221 /etc/etc.i386/inst2.profile
parent95a36318cc7c38c1c3560e3dd967dcd295c29c3a (diff)
Added a real ugle hack so that cat, tar and gzip tools used to do the
extract can be over writen. This is done by coping them to /tmp before the extract begins, running them from /tmp, then removing them after the extract has completed. Removed all section about setting up sendmail.cf, since this was for the old sendmail stuff and should not be required by the new sendmail.cf file that is shipped with the system.
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=332
Diffstat (limited to 'etc/etc.i386/inst2.profile')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/etc/etc.i386/inst2.profile b/etc/etc.i386/inst2.profile
index 09d65bc3fa3b..6775e97112d8 100644
--- a/etc/etc.i386/inst2.profile
+++ b/etc/etc.i386/inst2.profile
@@ -106,8 +106,11 @@ extract()
- cat "$@"* | gunzip | (cd / ; tar --extract --file - --unlink --preserve-permissions ${tarverbose} )
+ #XXX ugly hack to eliminate busy files, copy them to /tmp and use them
+ #from there...
+ cp -p /bin/cat /usr/bin/gunzip /usr/bin/tar /tmp
+ /tmp/cat "$@"* | /tmp/gunzip | (cd / ; /tmp/tar --extract --file - --unlink --preserve-permissions ${tarverbose} )
+ rm -f /bin/cat /tmp/gunzip /tmp/tar
@@ -135,38 +138,6 @@ configure()
-# echo -n "Setting up domain name in sendmail.cf..."
-# sed -e "s/YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/$dname/" \
-# < /etc/sendmail.cf_proto > /etc/sendmail.cf
-# echo " done."
-# echo -n "Freezing sendmail.cf..."
-# /usr/sbin/sendmail -bz
-# echo " done."
-# echo ""
-# echo "WARNING: you should look over the /etc/sendmail.cf file,"
-# echo "make sure things are set up properly, then re-freeze"
-# echo "it with the command '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bz'."
-# echo ""
-# echo "Building aliases database..."
-# newaliases
-# echo ""
-# echo "WARNING: you should look over the /etc/aliases file,"
-# echo "make sure things are set up properly, then re-build"
-# echo "it with the command 'newaliases'."
-# cp /etc/sendmail.cf_proto /etc/sendmail.cf
-# echo ""
-# echo "WARNING: sendmail will puke on your carpet when the machine"
-# echo "starts up. If you don't want it to keep doing this, either"
-# echo "turn it off in /etc/rc, or give it a reasonable"
-# echo "/etc/sendmail.cf file."
-# echo " localhost" > /etc/hosts
echo ""
echo -n "Does this machine have an ethernet interface? [y] "
read resp