path: root/usr.sbin/ypserv/Makefile.yp
blob: 74bb41c079fd01ecbc7af592203b7bd5e9fd4a6b (plain) (tree)







































































































# Makefile for the NIS databases
# $FreeBSD$
# This Makefile should only be run on the NIS master server of a domain.
# All updated maps will be pushed to all NIS slave servers listed in the
# /var/yp/ypservers file. Please make sure that the hostnames of all
# NIS servers in your domain are listed in /var/yp/ypservers.
# This Makefile can be modified to support more NIS maps if desired.

# If this machine is an NIS master, comment out this next line so
# that changes to the NIS maps can be propagated to the slave servers.
# (By default we assume that we are only serving a small domain with
# only one server.)
NOPUSH = "True"

# If you want to use a FreeBSD NIS server to serve non-FreeBSD clients
# (i.e. clients who expect the password field in the passwd maps to be
# valid) then uncomment this line. This will cause $YPDIR/passwd to
# be generated with valid password fields. This is insecure: FreeBSD
# normally only serves the master.passwd maps (which have real encrypted
# passwords in them) to the superuser on other FreeBSD machines, but
# non-FreeBSD clients (e.g. SunOS, Solaris (without NIS+), IRIX, HP-UX,
# etc...) will only work properly in 'unsecure' mode.
#UNSECURE = "True"

# The following line encodes the YP_INTERDOMAIN key into the hosts.byname
# and hosts.byaddr maps so that ypserv(8) will do DNS lookups to resolve
# hosts not in the current domain. Commenting this line out will disable
# the DNS lookups.

# Normally, the master.passwd.* maps are guarded against access from
# non-privileged users. By commenting out the following line, the YP_SECURE
# key will be removed from these maps, allowing anyone to access them.

# These are commands which this Makefile needs to properly rebuild the
# NIS databases. Don't change these unless you have a good reason. Also
# be sure not to place an @ in front of /usr/bin/awk: it isn't necessary
# and it'll break everything in sight.
AWK = /usr/bin/awk
RM  = @/bin/rm -f
MV  = @/bin/mv -f
RMV  = /bin/mv -f
RCAT = /bin/cat
CAT = @$(RCAT)

MKDB = /usr/sbin/yp_mkdb
DBLOAD = $(MKDB) -m `hostname`
MKNETID = /usr/libexec/mknetid
NEWALIASES = /usr/bin/newaliases
YPPUSH = /usr/sbin/yppush
.if !defined(UPDATE_DOMAIN)
DOMAIN = `/bin/domainname`
REVNETGROUP = /usr/libexec/revnetgroup
TMP = `echo $@.$$$$`

# It is advisable to create a separate directory to contain the
# source files used to generate your NIS maps. If you intend to
# support multiple domains, something like /src/dir/$DOMAIN
# would work well.
.if !defined(YP_DIR)
YPDIR = /var/yp

# These are the files from which the NIS databases are built. You may edit
# these to taste in the event that you wish to keep your NIS source files
# separate from your NIS server's actual configuration files. Note that the
# NIS passwd and master.passwd files are stored in /var/yp: the server's
# real password database is not used by default. However, you may use
# the real /etc/passwd and /etc/master.passwd files by:
# - invoking yppasswdd with `-t /etc/master.passwd' (yppasswdd will do a
#   'pwd_mkdb' as needed if /etc/master.passwd is thus specified).
# - Specifying the location of the master.passwd file using the
#   MASTER_PASSWD variable, i.e.:
#   # make MASTER_PASSWD=/path/to/some/other/master.passwd
# - (optionally): editing this Makefile to change the default location.
# To add a user, edit $(YPDIR)/master.passwd and type 'make'. The raw
# passwd file will be generated from the master.passwd file automagically.
ETHERS    = $(YPSRCDIR)/ethers	   # ethernet addresses (for rarpd)
BOOTPARAMS= $(YPSRCDIR)/bootparams # for booting Sun boxes (bootparamd)
HOSTS     = $(YPSRCDIR)/hosts
NETWORKS  = $(YPSRCDIR)/networks
RPC 	  = $(YPSRCDIR)/rpc
SERVICES  = $(YPSRCDIR)/services
GROUP     = $(YPSRCDIR)/group
ALIASES   = $(YPSRCDIR)/mail/aliases
NETGROUP  = $(YPDIR)/netgroup
PASSWD    = $(YPDIR)/passwd
.if !defined(MASTER_PASSWD)
MASTER    = $(YPDIR)/master.passwd
YPSERVERS = $(YPDIR)/ypservers	# List of all NIS servers for a domain
NETID     = $(YPSRCDIR)/netid
AMDHOST   = $(YPSRCDIR)/amd.map

# List of maps that are always built.
# If you want to omit some of them, feel free to comment
# them out from this list.
TARGETS= servers hosts networks protocols rpc services group
#TARGETS+= aliases

# Sanity checks: filter out targets we can't build
# Note that we don't build the ethers or boorparams maps by default
# since /etc/ethers and /etc/bootparams are not likely to be present
# on all systems.
.if exists($(ETHERS))
TARGETS+= ethers
ETHERS= /dev/null

.if exists($(BOOTPARAMS))
TARGETS+= bootparams
BOOTPARAMS= /dev/null

.if exists($(NETGROUP))
TARGETS+= netgrp
NETGROUP= /dev/null

.if exists($(MASTER))
TARGETS+= passwd master.passwd netid
MASTER= /dev/null
TARGETS+= nopass

.if exists($(PUBLICKEY))
TARGETS+= publickey
PUBLICKEY= /dev/null

.if exists($(AMDHOST))
TARGETS+= amd.map
AMDHOST= /dev/null

	@if [ ! -d $(DOMAIN) ]; then mkdir $(DOMAIN); fi; \
	cd $(DOMAIN) ; echo "NIS Map update started on `date` for domain $(DOMAIN)" ; \
	make -f ../Makefile all; echo "NIS Map update completed."

all: $(TARGETS)

ethers:	   ethers.byname ethers.byaddr
bootparam: bootparams
hosts:	   hosts.byname hosts.byaddr
networks:  networks.byaddr networks.byname
protocols: protocols.bynumber protocols.byname
rpc:	   rpc.byname rpc.bynumber
services:  services.byname
passwd:    passwd.byname passwd.byuid
group:     group.byname group.bygid
netgrp:    netgroup
netid:	   netid.byname
servers:   ypservers
publickey: publickey.byname
aliases:   mail.aliases

master.passwd:	master.passwd.byname master.passwd.byuid

# This is a special target used only when doing in-place updates with
# rpc.yppasswdd. In this case, the maps will be updated by the rpc.yppasswdd
# server and won't need to be remade. They will have to be pushed to the
# slaves however. Calling this target implicitly insures that this will
# happen.
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) master.passwd.byname ; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) master.passwd.byuid ; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) passwd.byname ; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) passwd.byuid ; fi

	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $(PUSHMAP) ; fi

	@echo ""
	@echo "                ********WARNING********"
	@echo "  Couldn't find the master.passwd source file. This file"
	@echo "  is needed to generate the master.passwd and passwd maps."
	@echo "  The default location is /var/yp/master.passwd. You should"
	@echo "  edit /var/yp/Makefile and set the MASTER variable to point"
	@echo "  to the source file you wish to use for building the passwd"
	@echo "  maps, or else invoke make(1) in the following manner:"
	@echo ""
	@echo "        make MASTER_PASSWD=/path/to/master.passwd"
	@echo ""

mail.aliases: $(ALIASES)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	@$(MKDB) -u $(ALIASES).db \
		| $(DBLOAD) -i $(ALIASES) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

ypservers: $(YPSERVERS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(YPSERVERS) | \
	$(AWK) '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*") print $$0"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) -i $(YPSERVERS) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

ethers.byname: $(ETHERS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
.if ${ETHERS} == "/dev/null"
	@echo "Ethers source file not found -- skipping"
	$(CAT) $(ETHERS) | \
	$(AWK) '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$2"\t"$$0 }' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(ETHERS) \
		-o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); $(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

ethers.byaddr: $(ETHERS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
.if ${ETHERS} == "/dev/null"
	@echo "Ethers source file not found -- skipping"
	$(CAT) $(ETHERS) | \
	$(AWK) '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$1"\t"$$0 }' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(ETHERS) \
		-o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); $(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

bootparams: $(BOOTPARAMS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
.if ${BOOTPARAMS} == "/dev/null"
	@echo "Bootparams source file not found -- skipping"
	$(AWK) '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$0 }' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(BOOTPARAMS) \
		-o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); $(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

netgroup: $(NETGROUP) netgroup.byhost netgroup.byuser
	@echo "Updating $@..."
.if ${NETGROUP} == "/dev/null"
	@echo "Netgroup source file not found -- skipping"
	$(CAT) $(NETGROUP) | \
	$(AWK) '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$0 }' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(NETGROUP) \
		-o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); $(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi
	@$(MAKE) -f ../Makefile netid

netgroup.byhost: $(NETGROUP)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
.if ${NETGROUP} == "/dev/null"
	@echo "Netgroup source file not found -- skipping"
	$(AWK) '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$0 }' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(NETGROUP) \
		-o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); $(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

netgroup.byuser: $(NETGROUP)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
.if ${NETGROUP} == "/dev/null"
	@echo "Netgroup source file not found -- skipping"
	$(AWK) '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$0 }' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(NETGROUP) \
		-o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); $(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

hosts.byname: $(HOSTS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(HOSTS) | \
	$(AWK) '/^[0-9]/ { for (n=2; n<=NF && $$n !~ "^#.*"; n++) \
		print $$n"\t"$$0 }' $^ | $(DBLOAD) ${B} -i $(HOSTS)  \
		-o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); $(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi
	@$(MAKE) -f ../Makefile netid

hosts.byaddr: $(HOSTS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(HOSTS) | \
	$(AWK) '$$1 !~ "^#.*" { print $$1"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) ${B} -i $(HOSTS) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi
	@$(MAKE) -f ../Makefile netid

networks.byname: $(NETWORKS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(NETWORKS) | \
	$(AWK) \
	   '$$1 !~ "^#.*"  { print $$1"\t"$$0; \
			  for (n=3; n<=NF && $$n !~ "^#.*"; n++) \
			      print $$n"\t"$$0 \
		}' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(NETWORKS) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

networks.byaddr: $(NETWORKS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(NETWORKS) | \
	$(AWK) '$$1 !~ "^#.*" { print $$2"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) -i $(NETWORKS) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

protocols.byname: $(PROTOCOLS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(PROTOCOLS) | \
	$(AWK) \
	   '$$1 !~ "^#.*"	{ print $$1"\t"$$0; \
			  for (n=3; n<=NF && $$n !~ "^#.*"; n++) \
			      print $$n"\t"$$0 \
			}' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(PROTOCOLS) \
		-o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); $(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

protocols.bynumber: $(PROTOCOLS)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(PROTOCOLS) | \
	$(AWK) '$$1 !~ "^#.*" { print $$2"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) -i $(PROTOCOLS) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

rpc.byname: $(RPC)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(RPC) | \
	$(AWK) \
	   '$$1 !~ "^#.*"  { print $$1"\t"$$0; \
			  for (n=3; n<=NF && $$n !~ "^#.*"; n++) \
			      print $$n"\t"$$0 \
		}' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(RPC) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

rpc.bynumber: $(RPC)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(RPC) | \
	$(AWK) '$$1 !~ "^#.*" { print $$2"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD)  -i $(RPC) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

services.byname: $(SERVICES)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(SERVICES) | \
	$(AWK) \
	   '$$1 !~ "^#.*"  { for (n=1; n<=NF && $$n !~ "^#.*"; n++) { \
				if (split($$2, t, "/")) { \
					printf("%s/%s", $$n, t[2]) }; \
					print "\t"$$0;	\
					if (n == 1) n = 2; \
			   } ; print $$2"\t"$$0 ; \
		}' $^ | $(DBLOAD) -i $(SERVICES) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

publickey.byname: $(PUBLICKEY)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
.if ${PUBLICKEY} == "/dev/null"
	@echo "Publickey source file not found -- skipping"
	$(CAT) $(PUBLICKEY) | \
	$(AWK) '$$1 !~ "^#.*" { print $$1"\t"$$2 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD)  -i $(PUBLICKEY) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

	@echo "Creating new $@ file from $(MASTER)..."
	@if [ ! $(UNSECURE) ]; then \
	$(RCAT) $(MASTER) | \
	$(AWK) -F: '{if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$1":*:"$$3":"$$4":"$$8":"$$9":"$$10}' $^ \
		> $(PASSWD) ; \
	else $(RCAT) $(MASTER) | \
	$(AWK) -F: '{if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$1":"$$2":"$$3":"$$4":"$$8":"$$9":"$$10}' $^ \
		> $(PASSWD) ; fi

passwd.byname: $(PASSWD)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(PASSWD) | \
	$(AWK) -F: '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$1"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) -f -i $(PASSWD) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

passwd.byuid: $(PASSWD)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(PASSWD) | \
	$(AWK) -F: '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$3"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) -f -i $(PASSWD) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi
	@$(MAKE) -f ../Makefile netid

group.byname: $(GROUP)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(GROUP) | \
	$(AWK) -F: '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$1"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) -f -i $(GROUP) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

group.bygid: $(GROUP)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(GROUP) | \
	$(AWK) -F: '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$3"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) -f -i $(GROUP) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi
	@$(MAKE) -f ../Makefile netid

netid.byname: $(GROUP) $(PASSWD)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	@$(MKNETID) -q -p $(PASSWD) -g $(GROUP) -h $(HOSTS) -n $(NETID) \
		-d $(DOMAIN) | $(DBLOAD) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

master.passwd.byname: $(MASTER)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
.if ${MASTER} == "/dev/null"
	@echo "Master.passwd source file not found -- skipping"
	$(CAT) $(MASTER) | \
	$(AWK) -F: '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$1"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) ${S} -f -i $(MASTER) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

master.passwd.byuid: $(MASTER)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
.if ${MASTER} == "/dev/null"
	@echo "Master.passwd source file not found -- skipping"
	$(CAT) $(MASTER) | \
	$(AWK) -F: '{ if ($$1 != "" && $$1 !~ "^#.*" && $$1 != "+") \
		print $$3"\t"$$0 }' $^ \
		| $(DBLOAD) ${S} -f -i $(MASTER) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi

amd.map: $(AMDHOST)
	@echo "Updating $@..."
	$(CAT) $(AMDHOST) | \
	$(AWK) '$$1 !~ "^#.*"  { \
	  for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) \
	  if (i == NF) { \
	    if (substr($$i, length($$i), 1) == "\\") \
	      printf("%s", substr($$i, 1, length($$i) - 1)); \
	    else \
	      printf("%s\n", $$i); \
	  } \
	  else \
	    printf("%s ", $$i); \
	}' | \
	$(DBLOAD) -i $(AMDHOST) -o $(YPMAPDIR)/$@ - $(TMP); \
		$(RMV) $(TMP) $@
	@$(DBLOAD) -c
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOMAIN) $@; fi
	@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "Pushed $@ map." ; fi