path: root/Makefile.upgrade
blob: 16a9f50076960dfa82cd9abe8e5893eebb1a30e8 (plain) (tree)






























#	$Id: Makefile.upgrade,v 1.14 1999/02/13 18:49:02 jkh Exp $
# This makefile contains rules for preforming upgrades that are outside
# the scope of the normal build world process.

# Make sure the PATH is set correctly

# Build things relative to the user's preferred object directory,
# defaulting to /usr/obj if not defined.

# The installed operating system release gives us the hint as to whether
# we need to build a kernel too.
INSTALLEDVERSION!=sh ${.CURDIR}/tools/tools/upgrade/getosreldate.sh

# Upgrade the installed make to the current version using the installed
# headers, libraries and build tools. This is required on installed versions
# prior to 2.2.5 in which the installed make doesn't support the -m argument.
make	:
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo " Upgrading the installed make"
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@cd ${.CURDIR}/usr.bin/make; \
		make obj && make depend && make all && make install

# Upgrade from aout to elf, doing an aout build first to ensure that there
# are up-to-date tools before building the initial elf world. The aout
# tools just built into the object directory tree and executed from there
# during the elf build. Then install the aout tools, build an aout kernel
# with them (in case the installed kernel is an older version), then 
# install the elf world.
aout-to-elf aout-to-elf-install :	/var/db/update.cfg	\
		${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_aout_buildworld		\
		${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_elf_buildworld		\
		${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_move_aout_libs		\
		${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_aout_installworld	\
		${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_elf_installworld		\
		${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_elf_kernel		\
		${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_set_objformat		\

# front-load all the information we're going to need.
	@if [ -f ${.CURDIR}/tools/tools/upgrade/doupgrade.sh ]; then \
	    env MACHINE=${MACHINE} CURDIR=${.CURDIR} sh ${.CURDIR}/tools/tools/upgrade/doupgrade.sh 1 /var/db/update.cfg; \
	else \
	    echo "Your source tree must not be fully populated; unable to find upgrade script"; echo "in ${.CURDIR}/tools/tools/upgrade/doupgrade.sh."; exit 1; \

# Just do the build parts of the transition build.
aout-to-elf-build :						\
		${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_aout_buildworld		\

# The installed system may not have tools capable of building an elf
# aware world, so a complete aout buildworld is required to get a known
# set of tools.
${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_aout_buildworld :
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo " Doing an aout buildworld to get an up-to-date set of tools"
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
		${MAKE} -f Makefile.inc1 -m ${.CURDIR}/share/mk buildworld
	@touch ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_aout_buildworld

# Temporary path for initial elf build.
AOUTTMPPATH=	${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/aout${.CURDIR}/tmp/sbin:${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/aout${.CURDIR}/tmp/bin:${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/aout${.CURDIR}/tmp/usr/sbin:${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/aout${.CURDIR}/tmp/usr/bin:${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/aout${.CURDIR}/tmp/usr/games

# Use the aout tools from the aout buildworld to do an elf buildworld.
${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_elf_buildworld :
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo " Doing an elf buildworld using the aout tools in the aout"
	@echo " obj tree."
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
		${MAKE} -f Makefile.inc1 -m ${.CURDIR}/share/mk buildworld
	@touch ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_elf_buildworld

# ldconfig should list the directories that the system is currently using.
CUSTOM_LIBDIRS!=ldconfig -r | grep search | sed "s/search directories: //" | sed "s/:/ /g"

# These are the standard library directories that should end up containing
# just elf libraries.
LIBDIRS=/usr/lib /usr/lib/compat /usr/local/lib /usr/X11R6/lib

# Go through the list of library directories from ldconfig and add any
# directory that doesn't contain an aout path component to the list of
# library directories to search.
.for _lib in ${CUSTOM_LIBDIRS}
.if ${_lib1} == ${_lib}
.if ${LIBDIRS:R:M${_lib:R}} == ""

# Go through the list of library directories and prepare a list of
# aout directories.
.for _lib in ${LIBDIRS}

# Move the aout libraries into an aout sub-directory of each elf library
# directory.
${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_move_aout_libs move-aout-libs :
.if !defined(NOCONFIRM)
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo " You are about to move all the installed a.out libraries into"
	@echo " an aout sub-directory of each elf library directory. You can"
	@echo " type Ctrl-C to abort now or press return to start the moving"
	@echo " the libraries."
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo Directories to search: ${LIBDIRS}
	@/bin/sh -c "read -p \"Return to continue or Ctrl-C to abort: \" _e"
	@sh ${.CURDIR}/tools/tools/upgrade/move_aout_libs.sh ${LIBDIRS}
	@NOCONFIRM=1 sh ${.CURDIR}/tools/tools/upgrade/move_aout_libs.sh ${LIBDIRS}
	@ldconfig ${AOUTLIBDIRS}
	@touch ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_move_aout_libs

# Before installing the aout world, allow for the possibility that the
# world about to be installed has some different syscalls to the installed
# kernel which will make shutting the system down problematic. We set aside
# copies of certain programs which match the running kernel.
# Install the aout world so that anything that isn't replaced by the
# elf world will be updated.
${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_aout_installworld :
.if	${INSTALLEDVERSION} < 300003
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo " Saving a copy of programs required to shut the system down"
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@cp /bin/sh ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}
	@cp /sbin/reboot ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}
	@touch ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_aout_installworld

# Build and install a new kernel, as well as the boot blocks necessary to
# boot it.
${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_elf_kernel :
	@if [ -f /var/db/update.cfg -a -f ${.CURDIR}/tools/tools/upgrade/doupgrade.sh ]; then \
	     env MACHINE=${MACHINE} CURDIR=${.CURDIR} sh ${.CURDIR}/tools/tools/upgrade/doupgrade.sh 2 /var/db/update.cfg; \
	@touch ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_elf_kernel
	@rm -f /var/db/update.cfg

# Install the elf world overwriting just about all the previously installed
# aout world. Any aout things that need to be kept have already been
# installed in different places (typically in aout subdirectories).
${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_elf_installworld :
.if !defined(NOCONFIRM)
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo " You are about to update the installed system (or the system"
	@echo " that your DESTDIR points to) with the elf versions of"
	@echo " everything, replacing the aout versions. You can type Ctrl-C"
	@echo " to abort now, leaving just the aout world installed, or"
	@echo " press return to start the second phase of the update."
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@/bin/sh -c "read -p \"Return to continue or Ctrl-C to abort: \" _e"
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo " Doing an elf installworld using the aout tools in the aout"
	@echo " obj tree."
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
		${MAKE} -f Makefile.inc1 -m ${.CURDIR}/share/mk installworld
	@if [ ! -f /etc/pam.conf ]; then cp ${.CURDIR}/etc/pam.conf /etc; fi
	@if [ ! -f /etc/auth.conf ]; then cp ${.CURDIR}/etc/auth.conf /etc; fi
	@if [ ! -f /etc/login.conf ]; then cp ${.CURDIR}/etc/login.conf /etc; fi
	@touch ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_elf_installworld

# Now that the elf world has been installed, we can set the default
# object format to elf.
${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_set_objformat	:
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo " Setting the default object format to elf"
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo "OBJFORMAT=elf" > ${DESTDIR}/etc/objformat
	@touch ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_set_objformat

# Time to reboot!
.if !defined(NOCONFIRM)
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
 	@echo " Your system has now been fully updated to elf!"
	@echo " It's now time to reboot from your new ELF kernel."
	@echo " You can type Ctrl-C to abort this (at your own risk)"
	@echo " or press return to reboot the system."
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/sh -c "read -p \"Return to continue or Ctrl-C to abort: \" _e"
	@echo " Rebooting......."
	@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	@touch ${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/do_reboot