\ Copyright (c) 1999 Daniel C. Sobral \ All rights reserved. \ \ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without \ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions \ are met: \ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright \ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright \ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the \ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. \ \ THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND \ ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE \ IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE \ ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE \ FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL \ DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS \ OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) \ HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT \ LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY \ OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF \ SUCH DAMAGE. \ \ $FreeBSD$ \ Loader.rc support functions: \ \ initialize_support ( -- ) initialize global variables \ initialize ( addr len -- ) as above, plus load_conf_files \ load_conf ( addr len -- ) load conf file given \ include_conf_files ( -- ) load all conf files in load_conf_files \ print_syntax_error ( -- ) print line and marker of where a syntax \ error was detected \ print_line ( -- ) print last line processed \ load_kernel ( -- ) load kernel \ load_modules ( -- ) load modules flagged \ \ Exported structures: \ \ string counted string structure \ cell .addr string address \ cell .len string length \ module module loading information structure \ cell module.flag should we load it? \ string module.name module's name \ string module.loadname name to be used in loading the module \ string module.type module's type \ string module.args flags to be passed during load \ string module.beforeload command to be executed before load \ string module.afterload command to be executed after load \ string module.loaderror command to be executed if load fails \ cell module.next list chain \ \ Exported global variables; \ \ string conf_files configuration files to be loaded \ string password password \ cell modules_options pointer to first module information \ value verbose? indicates if user wants a verbose loading \ value any_conf_read? indicates if a conf file was succesfully read \ \ Other exported words: \ \ strdup ( addr len -- addr' len) similar to strdup(3) \ strcat ( addr len addr' len' -- addr len+len' ) similar to strcat(3) \ strlen ( addr -- len ) similar to strlen(3) \ s' ( | string' -- addr len | ) similar to s" \ rudimentary structure support \ Exception values 1 constant syntax_error 2 constant out_of_memory 3 constant free_error 4 constant set_error 5 constant read_error 6 constant open_error 7 constant exec_error 8 constant before_load_error 9 constant after_load_error \ I/O constants 0 constant SEEK_SET 1 constant SEEK_CUR 2 constant SEEK_END 0 constant O_RDONLY 1 constant O_WRONLY 2 constant O_RDWR \ Crude structure support : structure: create here 0 , ['] drop , 0 does> create here swap dup @ allot cell+ @ execute ; : member: create dup , over , + does> cell+ @ + ; : ;structure swap ! ; : constructor! >body cell+ ! ; : constructor: over :noname ; : ;constructor postpone ; swap cell+ ! ; immediate : sizeof ' >body @ state @ if postpone literal then ; immediate : offsetof ' >body cell+ @ state @ if postpone literal then ; immediate : ptr 1 cells member: ; : int 1 cells member: ; \ String structure structure: string ptr .addr int .len constructor: 0 over .addr ! 0 swap .len ! ;constructor ;structure \ Module options linked list structure: module int module.flag sizeof string member: module.name sizeof string member: module.loadname sizeof string member: module.type sizeof string member: module.args sizeof string member: module.beforeload sizeof string member: module.afterload sizeof string member: module.loaderror ptr module.next ;structure \ Internal loader structures structure: preloaded_file ptr pf.name ptr pf.type ptr pf.args ptr pf.metadata \ file_metadata int pf.loader int pf.addr int pf.size ptr pf.modules \ kernel_module ptr pf.next \ preloaded_file ;structure structure: kernel_module ptr km.name \ ptr km.args ptr km.fp \ preloaded_file ptr km.next \ kernel_module ;structure structure: file_metadata int md.size 2 member: md.type \ this is not ANS Forth compatible (XXX) ptr md.next \ file_metadata 0 member: md.data \ variable size ;structure structure: config_resource ptr cf.name int cf.type 0 constant RES_INT 1 constant RES_STRING 2 constant RES_LONG 2 cells member: u ;structure structure: config_device ptr cd.name int cd.unit int cd.resource_count ptr cd.resources \ config_resource ;structure structure: STAILQ_HEAD ptr stqh_first \ type* ptr stqh_last \ type** ;structure structure: STAILQ_ENTRY ptr stqe_next \ type* ;structure structure: pnphandler ptr pnph.name ptr pnph.enumerate ;structure structure: pnpident ptr pnpid.ident \ char* sizeof STAILQ_ENTRY cells member: pnpid.link \ pnpident ;structure structure: pnpinfo ptr pnpi.desc int pnpi.revision ptr pnpi.module \ (char*) module args int pnpi.argc ptr pnpi.argv ptr pnpi.handler \ pnphandler sizeof STAILQ_HEAD member: pnpi.ident \ pnpident sizeof STAILQ_ENTRY member: pnpi.link \ pnpinfo ;structure \ Global variables string conf_files string nextboot_conf_file string password create module_options sizeof module.next allot 0 module_options ! create last_module_option sizeof module.next allot 0 last_module_option ! 0 value verbose? 0 value nextboot? \ Support string functions : strdup ( addr len -- addr' len ) >r r@ allocate if out_of_memory throw then tuck r@ move r> ; : strcat { addr len addr' len' -- addr len+len' } addr' addr len + len' move addr len len' + ; : strlen ( addr -- len ) 0 >r begin dup c@ while 1+ r> 1+ >r repeat drop r> ; : s' [char] ' parse state @ if postpone sliteral then ; immediate : 2>r postpone >r postpone >r ; immediate : 2r> postpone r> postpone r> ; immediate : 2r@ postpone 2r> postpone 2dup postpone 2>r ; immediate : getenv? getenv -1 = if false else drop true then ; \ Private definitions vocabulary support-functions only forth also support-functions definitions \ Some control characters constants 7 constant bell 8 constant backspace 9 constant tab 10 constant lf 13 constant \ Read buffer size 80 constant read_buffer_size \ Standard suffixes : load_module_suffix s" _load" ; : module_loadname_suffix s" _name" ; : module_type_suffix s" _type" ; : module_args_suffix s" _flags" ; : module_beforeload_suffix s" _before" ; : module_afterload_suffix s" _after" ; : module_loaderror_suffix s" _error" ; \ Support operators : >= < 0= ; : <= > 0= ; \ Assorted support funcitons : free-memory free if free_error throw then ; \ Assignment data temporary storage string name_buffer string value_buffer \ Line by line file reading functions \ \ exported: \ line_buffer \ end_of_file? \ fd \ read_line \ reset_line_reading vocabulary line-reading also line-reading definitions also \ File data temporary storage string read_buffer 0 value read_buffer_ptr \ File's line reading function support-functions definitions string line_buffer 0 value end_of_file? variable fd line-reading definitions : skip_newlines begin read_buffer .len @ read_buffer_ptr > while read_buffer .addr @ read_buffer_ptr + c@ lf = if read_buffer_ptr char+ to read_buffer_ptr else exit then repeat ; : scan_buffer ( -- addr len ) read_buffer_ptr >r begin read_buffer .len @ r@ > while read_buffer .addr @ r@ + c@ lf = if read_buffer .addr @ read_buffer_ptr + ( -- addr ) r@ read_buffer_ptr - ( -- len ) r> to read_buffer_ptr exit then r> char+ >r repeat read_buffer .addr @ read_buffer_ptr + ( -- addr ) r@ read_buffer_ptr - ( -- len ) r> to read_buffer_ptr ; : line_buffer_resize ( len -- len ) >r line_buffer .len @ if line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @ r@ + resize if out_of_memory throw then else r@ allocate if out_of_memory throw then then line_buffer .addr ! r> ; : append_to_line_buffer ( addr len -- ) line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @ 2swap strcat line_buffer .len ! drop ; : read_from_buffer scan_buffer ( -- addr len ) line_buffer_resize ( len -- len ) append_to_line_buffer ( addr len -- ) ; : refill_required? read_buffer .len @ read_buffer_ptr = end_of_file? 0= and ; : refill_buffer 0 to read_buffer_ptr read_buffer .addr @ 0= if read_buffer_size allocate if out_of_memory throw then read_buffer .addr ! then fd @ read_buffer .addr @ read_buffer_size fread dup -1 = if read_error throw then dup 0= if true to end_of_file? then read_buffer .len ! ; : reset_line_buffer line_buffer .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then 0 line_buffer .addr ! 0 line_buffer .len ! ; support-functions definitions : reset_line_reading 0 to read_buffer_ptr ; : read_line reset_line_buffer skip_newlines begin read_from_buffer refill_required? while refill_buffer repeat ; only forth also support-functions definitions \ Conf file line parser: \ ::= '='[] | \ [] \ ::= {||'_'} \ ::= '"'{|'\'}'"' | \ ::= ASCII 32 to 126, except '\' and '"' \ ::= '#'{} \ \ exported: \ line_pointer \ process_conf 0 value line_pointer vocabulary file-processing also file-processing definitions \ parser functions \ \ exported: \ get_assignment vocabulary parser also parser definitions also 0 value parsing_function 0 value end_of_line : end_of_line? line_pointer end_of_line = ; : letter? line_pointer c@ >r r@ [char] A >= r@ [char] Z <= and r@ [char] a >= r> [char] z <= and or ; : digit? line_pointer c@ >r r@ [char] - = r@ [char] 0 >= r> [char] 9 <= and or ; : quote? line_pointer c@ [char] " = ; : assignment_sign? line_pointer c@ [char] = = ; : comment? line_pointer c@ [char] # = ; : space? line_pointer c@ bl = line_pointer c@ tab = or ; : backslash? line_pointer c@ [char] \ = ; : underscore? line_pointer c@ [char] _ = ; : dot? line_pointer c@ [char] . = ; : skip_character line_pointer char+ to line_pointer ; : skip_to_end_of_line end_of_line to line_pointer ; : eat_space begin space? while skip_character end_of_line? if exit then repeat ; : parse_name ( -- addr len ) line_pointer begin letter? digit? underscore? dot? or or or while skip_character end_of_line? if line_pointer over - strdup exit then repeat line_pointer over - strdup ; : remove_backslashes { addr len | addr' len' -- addr' len' } len allocate if out_of_memory throw then to addr' addr >r begin addr c@ [char] \ <> if addr c@ addr' len' + c! len' char+ to len' then addr char+ to addr r@ len + addr = until r> drop addr' len' ; : parse_quote ( -- addr len ) line_pointer skip_character end_of_line? if syntax_error throw then begin quote? 0= while backslash? if skip_character end_of_line? if syntax_error throw then then skip_character end_of_line? if syntax_error throw then repeat skip_character line_pointer over - remove_backslashes ; : read_name parse_name ( -- addr len ) name_buffer .len ! name_buffer .addr ! ; : read_value quote? if parse_quote ( -- addr len ) else parse_name ( -- addr len ) then value_buffer .len ! value_buffer .addr ! ; : comment skip_to_end_of_line ; : white_space_4 eat_space comment? if ['] comment to parsing_function exit then end_of_line? 0= if syntax_error throw then ; : variable_value read_value ['] white_space_4 to parsing_function ; : white_space_3 eat_space letter? digit? quote? or or if ['] variable_value to parsing_function exit then syntax_error throw ; : assignment_sign skip_character ['] white_space_3 to parsing_function ; : white_space_2 eat_space assignment_sign? if ['] assignment_sign to parsing_function exit then syntax_error throw ; : variable_name read_name ['] white_space_2 to parsing_function ; : white_space_1 eat_space letter? if ['] variable_name to parsing_function exit then comment? if ['] comment to parsing_function exit then end_of_line? 0= if syntax_error throw then ; file-processing definitions : get_assignment line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @ + to end_of_line line_buffer .addr @ to line_pointer ['] white_space_1 to parsing_function begin end_of_line? 0= while parsing_function execute repeat parsing_function ['] comment = parsing_function ['] white_space_1 = parsing_function ['] white_space_4 = or or 0= if syntax_error throw then ; only forth also support-functions also file-processing definitions also \ Process line : assignment_type? ( addr len -- flag ) name_buffer .addr @ name_buffer .len @ compare 0= ; : suffix_type? ( addr len -- flag ) name_buffer .len @ over <= if 2drop false exit then name_buffer .len @ over - name_buffer .addr @ + over compare 0= ; : loader_conf_files? s" loader_conf_files" assignment_type? ; : nextboot_flag? s" nextboot_enable" assignment_type? ; : nextboot_conf? s" nextboot_conf" assignment_type? ; : verbose_flag? s" verbose_loading" assignment_type? ; : execute? s" exec" assignment_type? ; : password? s" password" assignment_type? ; : module_load? load_module_suffix suffix_type? ; : module_loadname? module_loadname_suffix suffix_type? ; : module_type? module_type_suffix suffix_type? ; : module_args? module_args_suffix suffix_type? ; : module_beforeload? module_beforeload_suffix suffix_type? ; : module_afterload? module_afterload_suffix suffix_type? ; : module_loaderror? module_loaderror_suffix suffix_type? ; : set_conf_files conf_files .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then value_buffer .addr @ c@ [char] " = if value_buffer .addr @ char+ value_buffer .len @ 2 chars - else value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ then strdup conf_files .len ! conf_files .addr ! ; : set_nextboot_conf nextboot_conf_file .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then value_buffer .addr @ c@ [char] " = if value_buffer .addr @ char+ value_buffer .len @ 2 chars - else value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ then strdup nextboot_conf_file .len ! nextboot_conf_file .addr ! ; : append_to_module_options_list ( addr -- ) module_options @ 0= if dup module_options ! last_module_option ! else dup last_module_option @ module.next ! last_module_option ! then ; : set_module_name ( addr -- ) name_buffer .addr @ name_buffer .len @ strdup >r over module.name .addr ! r> swap module.name .len ! ; : yes_value? value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ 2dup s' "YES"' compare >r 2dup s' "yes"' compare >r 2dup s" YES" compare >r s" yes" compare r> r> r> and and and 0= ; : find_module_option ( -- addr | 0 ) module_options @ begin dup while dup module.name dup .addr @ swap .len @ name_buffer .addr @ name_buffer .len @ compare 0= if exit then module.next @ repeat ; : new_module_option ( -- addr ) sizeof module allocate if out_of_memory throw then dup sizeof module erase dup append_to_module_options_list dup set_module_name ; : get_module_option ( -- addr ) find_module_option ?dup 0= if new_module_option then ; : set_module_flag name_buffer .len @ load_module_suffix nip - name_buffer .len ! yes_value? get_module_option module.flag ! ; : set_module_args name_buffer .len @ module_args_suffix nip - name_buffer .len ! get_module_option module.args dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ over c@ [char] " = if 2 chars - swap char+ swap then strdup >r over .addr ! r> swap .len ! ; : set_module_loadname name_buffer .len @ module_loadname_suffix nip - name_buffer .len ! get_module_option module.loadname dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ over c@ [char] " = if 2 chars - swap char+ swap then strdup >r over .addr ! r> swap .len ! ; : set_module_type name_buffer .len @ module_type_suffix nip - name_buffer .len ! get_module_option module.type dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ over c@ [char] " = if 2 chars - swap char+ swap then strdup >r over .addr ! r> swap .len ! ; : set_module_beforeload name_buffer .len @ module_beforeload_suffix nip - name_buffer .len ! get_module_option module.beforeload dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ over c@ [char] " = if 2 chars - swap char+ swap then strdup >r over .addr ! r> swap .len ! ; : set_module_afterload name_buffer .len @ module_afterload_suffix nip - name_buffer .len ! get_module_option module.afterload dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ over c@ [char] " = if 2 chars - swap char+ swap then strdup >r over .addr ! r> swap .len ! ; : set_module_loaderror name_buffer .len @ module_loaderror_suffix nip - name_buffer .len ! get_module_option module.loaderror dup .addr @ ?dup if free-memory then value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ over c@ [char] " = if 2 chars - swap char+ swap then strdup >r over .addr ! r> swap .len ! ; : set_environment_variable name_buffer .len @ value_buffer .len @ + 5 chars + allocate if out_of_memory throw then dup 0 ( addr -- addr addr len ) s" set " strcat name_buffer .addr @ name_buffer .len @ strcat s" =" strcat value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ strcat ['] evaluate catch if 2drop free drop set_error throw else free-memory then ; : set_nextboot_flag yes_value? to nextboot? ; : set_verbose yes_value? to verbose? ; : execute_command value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ over c@ [char] " = if 2 - swap char+ swap then ['] evaluate catch if exec_error throw then ; : set_password password .addr @ ?dup if free if free_error throw then then value_buffer .addr @ c@ [char] " = if value_buffer .addr @ char+ value_buffer .len @ 2 - strdup value_buffer .addr @ free if free_error throw then else value_buffer .addr @ value_buffer .len @ then password .len ! password .addr ! 0 value_buffer .addr ! ; : process_assignment name_buffer .len @ 0= if exit then loader_conf_files? if set_conf_files exit then nextboot_flag? if set_nextboot_flag exit then nextboot_conf? if set_nextboot_conf exit then verbose_flag? if set_verbose exit then execute? if execute_command exit then password? if set_password exit then module_load? if set_module_flag exit then module_loadname? if set_module_loadname exit then module_type? if set_module_type exit then module_args? if set_module_args exit then module_beforeload? if set_module_beforeload exit then module_afterload? if set_module_afterload exit then module_loaderror? if set_module_loaderror exit then set_environment_variable ; \ free_buffer ( -- ) \ \ Free some pointers if needed. The code then tests for errors \ in freeing, and throws an exception if needed. If a pointer is \ not allocated, it's value (0) is used as flag. : free_buffers name_buffer .addr @ dup if free then value_buffer .addr @ dup if free then or if free_error throw then ; : reset_assignment_buffers 0 name_buffer .addr ! 0 name_buffer .len ! 0 value_buffer .addr ! 0 value_buffer .len ! ; \ Higher level file processing support-functions definitions : process_conf begin end_of_file? 0= while reset_assignment_buffers read_line get_assignment ['] process_assignment catch ['] free_buffers catch swap throw throw repeat ; : peek_file 0 to end_of_file? reset_line_reading O_RDONLY fopen fd ! fd @ -1 = if open_error throw then reset_assignment_buffers read_line get_assignment ['] process_assignment catch ['] free_buffers catch fd @ fclose ; only forth also support-functions definitions \ Interface to loading conf files : load_conf ( addr len -- ) 0 to end_of_file? reset_line_reading O_RDONLY fopen fd ! fd @ -1 = if open_error throw then ['] process_conf catch fd @ fclose throw ; : print_line line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @ type cr ; : print_syntax_error line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @ type cr line_buffer .addr @ begin line_pointer over <> while bl emit char+ repeat drop ." ^" cr ; \ Debugging support functions only forth definitions also support-functions : test-file ['] load_conf catch dup . syntax_error = if cr print_syntax_error then ; : show-module-options module_options @ begin ?dup while ." Name: " dup module.name dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr ." Path: " dup module.loadname dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr ." Type: " dup module.type dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr ." Flags: " dup module.args dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr ." Before load: " dup module.beforeload dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr ." After load: " dup module.afterload dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr ." Error: " dup module.loaderror dup .addr @ swap .len @ type cr ." Status: " dup module.flag @ if ." Load" else ." Don't load" then cr module.next @ repeat ; only forth also support-functions definitions \ Variables used for processing multiple conf files string current_file_name variable current_conf_files \ Indicates if any conf file was succesfully read 0 value any_conf_read? \ loader_conf_files processing support functions : set_current_conf_files conf_files .addr @ current_conf_files ! ; : get_conf_files conf_files .addr @ conf_files .len @ strdup ; : recurse_on_conf_files? current_conf_files @ conf_files .addr @ <> ; : skip_leading_spaces { addr len pos -- addr len pos' } begin pos len = if addr len pos exit then addr pos + c@ bl = while pos char+ to pos repeat addr len pos ; : get_file_name { addr len pos -- addr len pos' addr' len' || 0 } pos len = if addr free abort" Fatal error freeing memory" 0 exit then pos >r begin addr pos + c@ bl <> while pos char+ to pos pos len = if addr len pos addr r@ + pos r> - exit then repeat addr len pos addr r@ + pos r> - ; : get_next_file ( addr len ptr -- addr len ptr' addr' len' | 0 ) skip_leading_spaces get_file_name ; : set_current_file_name over current_file_name .addr ! dup current_file_name .len ! ; : print_current_file current_file_name .addr @ current_file_name .len @ type ; : process_conf_errors dup 0= if true to any_conf_read? drop exit then >r 2drop r> dup syntax_error = if ." Warning: syntax error on file " print_current_file cr print_syntax_error drop exit then dup set_error = if ." Warning: bad definition on file " print_current_file cr print_line drop exit then dup read_error = if ." Warning: error reading file " print_current_file cr drop exit then dup open_error = if verbose? if ." Warning: unable to open file " print_current_file cr then drop exit then dup free_error = abort" Fatal error freeing memory" dup out_of_memory = abort" Out of memory" throw \ Unknown error -- pass ahead ; \ Process loader_conf_files recursively \ Interface to loader_conf_files processing : include_conf_files set_current_conf_files get_conf_files 0 begin get_next_file ?dup while set_current_file_name ['] load_conf catch process_conf_errors recurse_on_conf_files? if recurse then repeat ; : get_nextboot_conf_file ( -- addr len ) nextboot_conf_file .addr @ nextboot_conf_file .len @ strdup ; : rewrite_nextboot_file ( -- ) get_nextboot_conf_file O_WRONLY fopen fd ! fd @ -1 = if open_error throw then fd @ s' nextboot_enable="NO" ' fwrite fd @ fclose ; : include_nextboot_file get_nextboot_conf_file ['] peek_file catch nextboot? if get_nextboot_conf_file ['] load_conf catch process_conf_errors ['] rewrite_nextboot_file catch then ; \ Module loading functions : load_module? module.flag @ ; : load_parameters ( addr -- addr addrN lenN ... addr1 len1 N ) dup >r r@ module.args .addr @ r@ module.args .len @ r@ module.loadname .len @ if r@ module.loadname .addr @ r@ module.loadname .len @ else r@ module.name .addr @ r@ module.name .len @ then r@ module.type .len @ if r@ module.type .addr @ r@ module.type .len @ s" -t " 4 ( -t type name flags ) else 2 ( name flags ) then r> drop ; : before_load ( addr -- addr ) dup module.beforeload .len @ if dup module.beforeload .addr @ over module.beforeload .len @ ['] evaluate catch if before_load_error throw then then ; : after_load ( addr -- addr ) dup module.afterload .len @ if dup module.afterload .addr @ over module.afterload .len @ ['] evaluate catch if after_load_error throw then then ; : load_error ( addr -- addr ) dup module.loaderror .len @ if dup module.loaderror .addr @ over module.loaderror .len @ evaluate \ This we do not intercept so it can throw errors then ; : pre_load_message ( addr -- addr ) verbose? if dup module.name .addr @ over module.name .len @ type ." ..." then ; : load_error_message verbose? if ." failed!" cr then ; : load_succesful_message verbose? if ." ok" cr then ; : load_module load_parameters load ; : process_module ( addr -- addr ) pre_load_message before_load begin ['] load_module catch if dup module.loaderror .len @ if load_error \ Command should return a flag! else load_error_message true \ Do not retry then else after_load load_succesful_message true \ Succesful, do not retry then until ; : process_module_errors ( addr ior -- ) dup before_load_error = if drop ." Module " dup module.name .addr @ over module.name .len @ type dup module.loadname .len @ if ." (" dup module.loadname .addr @ over module.loadname .len @ type ." )" then cr ." Error executing " dup module.beforeload .addr @ over module.afterload .len @ type cr abort then dup after_load_error = if drop ." Module " dup module.name .addr @ over module.name .len @ type dup module.loadname .len @ if ." (" dup module.loadname .addr @ over module.loadname .len @ type ." )" then cr ." Error executing " dup module.afterload .addr @ over module.afterload .len @ type cr abort then throw \ Don't know what it is all about -- pass ahead ; \ Module loading interface : load_modules ( -- ) ( throws: abort & user-defined ) module_options @ begin ?dup while dup load_module? if ['] process_module catch process_module_errors then module.next @ repeat ; \ h00h00 magic used to try loading either a kernel with a given name, \ or a kernel with the default name in a directory of a given name \ (the pain!) : bootpath s" /boot/" ; : modulepath s" module_path" ; \ Functions used to save and restore module_path's value. : saveenv ( addr len | -1 -- addr' len | 0 -1 ) dup -1 = if 0 swap exit then strdup ; : freeenv ( addr len | 0 -1 ) -1 = if drop else free abort" Freeing error" then ; : restoreenv ( addr len | 0 -1 -- ) dup -1 = if ( it wasn't set ) 2drop modulepath unsetenv else over >r modulepath setenv r> free abort" Freeing error" then ; : clip_args \ Drop second string if only one argument is passed 1 = if 2swap 2drop 1 else 2 then ; also builtins \ Parse filename from a comma-separated list : parse-; ( addr len -- addr' len-x addr x ) over 0 2swap begin dup 0 <> while over c@ [char] ; <> while 1- swap 1+ swap 2swap 1+ 2swap repeat then dup 0 <> if 1- swap 1+ swap then 2swap ; \ Try loading one of multiple kernels specified : try_multiple_kernels ( addr len addr' len' args -- flag ) >r begin parse-; 2>r 2over 2r> r@ clip_args s" DEBUG" getenv? if s" echo Module_path: ${module_path}" evaluate ." Kernel : " >r 2dup type r> cr dup 2 = if ." Flags : " >r 2over type r> cr then then 1 load while dup 0= until 1 >r \ Failure else 0 >r \ Success then 2drop 2drop r> r> drop ; \ Try to load a kernel; the kernel name is taken from one of \ the following lists, as ordered: \ \ 1. The "bootfile" environment variable \ 2. The "kernel" environment variable \ \ Flags are passed, if available. If not, dummy values must be given. \ \ The kernel gets loaded from the current module_path. : load_a_kernel ( flags len 1 | x x 0 -- flag ) local args 2local flags 0 0 2local kernel end-locals \ Check if a default kernel name exists at all, exits if not s" bootfile" getenv dup -1 <> if to kernel flags kernel args 1+ try_multiple_kernels dup 0= if exit then then drop s" kernel" getenv dup -1 <> if to kernel else drop 1 exit \ Failure then \ Try all default kernel names flags kernel args 1+ try_multiple_kernels ; \ Try to load a kernel; the kernel name is taken from one of \ the following lists, as ordered: \ \ 1. The "bootfile" environment variable \ 2. The "kernel" environment variable \ \ Flags are passed, if provided. \ \ The kernel will be loaded from a directory computed from the \ path given. Two directories will be tried in the following order: \ \ 1. /boot/path \ 2. path \ \ The module_path variable is overridden if load is succesful, by \ prepending the successful path. : load_from_directory ( path len 1 | flags len' path len 2 -- flag ) local args 2local path args 1 = if 0 0 then 2local flags 0 0 2local oldmodulepath 0 0 2local newmodulepath end-locals \ Set the environment variable module_path, and try loading \ the kernel again. modulepath getenv saveenv to oldmodulepath \ Try prepending /boot/ first bootpath nip path nip + oldmodulepath nip dup -1 = if drop else 1+ + then allocate if ( out of memory ) 1 exit then 0 bootpath strcat path strcat 2dup to newmodulepath modulepath setenv \ Try all default kernel names flags args 1- load_a_kernel 0= if ( success ) oldmodulepath nip -1 <> if newmodulepath s" ;" strcat oldmodulepath strcat modulepath setenv newmodulepath drop free-memory oldmodulepath drop free-memory then 0 exit then \ Well, try without the prepended /boot/ path newmodulepath drop swap move newmodulepath drop path nip 2dup to newmodulepath modulepath setenv \ Try all default kernel names flags args 1- load_a_kernel if ( failed once more ) oldmodulepath restoreenv newmodulepath drop free-memory 1 else oldmodulepath nip -1 <> if newmodulepath s" ;" strcat oldmodulepath strcat modulepath setenv newmodulepath drop free-memory oldmodulepath drop free-memory then 0 then ; \ Try to load a kernel; the kernel name is taken from one of \ the following lists, as ordered: \ \ 1. The "bootfile" environment variable \ 2. The "kernel" environment variable \ 3. The "path" argument \ \ Flags are passed, if provided. \ \ The kernel will be loaded from a directory computed from the \ path given. Two directories will be tried in the following order: \ \ 1. /boot/path \ 2. path \ \ Unless "path" is meant to be kernel name itself. In that case, it \ will first be tried as a full path, and, next, search on the \ directories pointed by module_path. \ \ The module_path variable is overridden if load is succesful, by \ prepending the successful path. : load_directory_or_file ( path len 1 | flags len' path len 2 -- flag ) local args 2local path args 1 = if 0 0 then 2local flags end-locals \ First, assume path is an absolute path to a directory flags path args clip_args load_from_directory dup 0= if exit else drop then \ Next, assume path points to the kernel flags path args try_multiple_kernels ; : initialize ( addr len -- ) strdup conf_files .len ! conf_files .addr ! ; : kernel_options ( -- addr len 1 | 0 ) s" kernel_options" getenv dup -1 = if drop 0 else 1 then ; : standard_kernel_search ( flags 1 | 0 -- flag ) local args args 0= if 0 0 then 2local flags s" kernel" getenv dup -1 = if 0 swap then 2local path end-locals path nip -1 = if ( there isn't a "kernel" environment variable ) flags args load_a_kernel else flags path args 1+ clip_args load_directory_or_file then ; : load_kernel ( -- ) ( throws: abort ) kernel_options standard_kernel_search abort" Unable to load a kernel!" ; : set_defaultoptions ( -- ) s" kernel_options" getenv dup -1 = if drop else s" temp_options" setenv then ; : argv[] ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N i -- aN uN ... a1 u1 N ai+1 ui+1 ) 2dup = if 0 0 exit then dup >r 1+ 2* ( skip N and ui ) pick r> 1+ 2* ( skip N and ai ) pick ; : drop_args ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N -- ) 0 ?do 2drop loop ; : argc dup ; : queue_argv ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N a u -- a u aN uN ... a1 u1 N+1 ) >r over 2* 1+ -roll r> over 2* 1+ -roll 1+ ; : unqueue_argv ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N -- aN uN ... a2 u2 N-1 a1 u1 ) 1- -rot ; : strlen(argv) dup 0= if 0 exit then 0 >r \ Size 0 >r \ Index begin argc r@ <> while r@ argv[] nip r> r> rot + 1+ >r 1+ >r repeat r> drop r> ; : concat_argv ( aN uN ... a1 u1 N -- a u ) strlen(argv) allocate if out_of_memory throw then 0 2>r begin argc while unqueue_argv 2r> 2swap strcat s" " strcat 2>r repeat drop_args 2r> ; : set_tempoptions ( addrN lenN ... addr1 len1 N -- addr len 1 | 0 ) \ Save the first argument, if it exists and is not a flag argc if 0 argv[] drop c@ [char] - <> if unqueue_argv 2>r \ Filename 1 >r \ Filename present else 0 >r \ Filename not present then else 0 >r \ Filename not present then \ If there are other arguments, assume they are flags ?dup if concat_argv 2dup s" temp_options" setenv drop free if free_error throw then else set_defaultoptions then \ Bring back the filename, if one was provided r> if 2r> 1 else 0 then ; : get_arguments ( -- addrN lenN ... addr1 len1 N ) 0 begin \ Get next word on the command line parse-word ?dup while queue_argv repeat drop ( empty string ) ; : load_kernel_and_modules ( args -- flag ) set_tempoptions argc >r s" temp_options" getenv dup -1 <> if queue_argv else drop then r> if ( a path was passed ) load_directory_or_file else standard_kernel_search then ?dup 0= if ['] load_modules catch then ; : read-password { size | buf len -- } size allocate if out_of_memory throw then to buf 0 to len begin key dup backspace = if drop len if backspace emit bl emit backspace emit len 1 - to len else bell emit then else dup = if cr drop buf len exit then [char] * emit len size < if buf len chars + c! else drop then len 1+ to len then again ; \ Go back to straight forth vocabulary only forth also definitions