//===-- CommandCompletions.cpp --------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h" #include "lldb/Core/FileSpecList.h" #include "lldb/Core/Module.h" #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h" #include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueProperties.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/Variable.h" #include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h" #include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h" #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h" #include "lldb/Utility/TildeExpressionResolver.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" using namespace lldb_private; // This is the command completion callback that is used to complete the // argument of the option it is bound to (in the OptionDefinition table // below). typedef void (*CompletionCallback)(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, // A search filter to limit the search... lldb_private::SearchFilter *searcher); struct CommonCompletionElement { uint32_t type; CompletionCallback callback; }; bool CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks( CommandInterpreter &interpreter, uint32_t completion_mask, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { bool handled = false; const CommonCompletionElement common_completions[] = { {eSourceFileCompletion, CommandCompletions::SourceFiles}, {eDiskFileCompletion, CommandCompletions::DiskFiles}, {eDiskDirectoryCompletion, CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories}, {eSymbolCompletion, CommandCompletions::Symbols}, {eModuleCompletion, CommandCompletions::Modules}, {eSettingsNameCompletion, CommandCompletions::SettingsNames}, {ePlatformPluginCompletion, CommandCompletions::PlatformPluginNames}, {eArchitectureCompletion, CommandCompletions::ArchitectureNames}, {eVariablePathCompletion, CommandCompletions::VariablePath}, {eRegisterCompletion, CommandCompletions::Registers}, {eBreakpointCompletion, CommandCompletions::Breakpoints}, {eProcessPluginCompletion, CommandCompletions::ProcessPluginNames}, {eNoCompletion, nullptr} // This one has to be last in the list. }; for (int i = 0;; i++) { if (common_completions[i].type == eNoCompletion) break; else if ((common_completions[i].type & completion_mask) == common_completions[i].type && common_completions[i].callback != nullptr) { handled = true; common_completions[i].callback(interpreter, request, searcher); } } return handled; } namespace { // The Completer class is a convenient base class for building searchers that // go along with the SearchFilter passed to the standard Completer functions. class Completer : public Searcher { public: Completer(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request) : m_interpreter(interpreter), m_request(request) {} ~Completer() override = default; CallbackReturn SearchCallback(SearchFilter &filter, SymbolContext &context, Address *addr) override = 0; lldb::SearchDepth GetDepth() override = 0; virtual void DoCompletion(SearchFilter *filter) = 0; protected: CommandInterpreter &m_interpreter; CompletionRequest &m_request; private: Completer(const Completer &) = delete; const Completer &operator=(const Completer &) = delete; }; } // namespace // SourceFileCompleter implements the source file completer namespace { class SourceFileCompleter : public Completer { public: SourceFileCompleter(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request) : Completer(interpreter, request), m_matching_files() { FileSpec partial_spec(m_request.GetCursorArgumentPrefix()); m_file_name = partial_spec.GetFilename().GetCString(); m_dir_name = partial_spec.GetDirectory().GetCString(); } lldb::SearchDepth GetDepth() override { return lldb::eSearchDepthCompUnit; } Searcher::CallbackReturn SearchCallback(SearchFilter &filter, SymbolContext &context, Address *addr) override { if (context.comp_unit != nullptr) { const char *cur_file_name = context.comp_unit->GetPrimaryFile().GetFilename().GetCString(); const char *cur_dir_name = context.comp_unit->GetPrimaryFile().GetDirectory().GetCString(); bool match = false; if (m_file_name && cur_file_name && strstr(cur_file_name, m_file_name) == cur_file_name) match = true; if (match && m_dir_name && cur_dir_name && strstr(cur_dir_name, m_dir_name) != cur_dir_name) match = false; if (match) { m_matching_files.AppendIfUnique(context.comp_unit->GetPrimaryFile()); } } return Searcher::eCallbackReturnContinue; } void DoCompletion(SearchFilter *filter) override { filter->Search(*this); // Now convert the filelist to completions: for (size_t i = 0; i < m_matching_files.GetSize(); i++) { m_request.AddCompletion( m_matching_files.GetFileSpecAtIndex(i).GetFilename().GetCString()); } } private: FileSpecList m_matching_files; const char *m_file_name; const char *m_dir_name; SourceFileCompleter(const SourceFileCompleter &) = delete; const SourceFileCompleter &operator=(const SourceFileCompleter &) = delete; }; } // namespace static bool regex_chars(const char comp) { return llvm::StringRef("[](){}+.*|^$\\?").contains(comp); } namespace { class SymbolCompleter : public Completer { public: SymbolCompleter(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request) : Completer(interpreter, request) { std::string regex_str; if (!m_request.GetCursorArgumentPrefix().empty()) { regex_str.append("^"); regex_str.append(std::string(m_request.GetCursorArgumentPrefix())); } else { // Match anything since the completion string is empty regex_str.append("."); } std::string::iterator pos = find_if(regex_str.begin() + 1, regex_str.end(), regex_chars); while (pos < regex_str.end()) { pos = regex_str.insert(pos, '\\'); pos = find_if(pos + 2, regex_str.end(), regex_chars); } m_regex = RegularExpression(regex_str); } lldb::SearchDepth GetDepth() override { return lldb::eSearchDepthModule; } Searcher::CallbackReturn SearchCallback(SearchFilter &filter, SymbolContext &context, Address *addr) override { if (context.module_sp) { SymbolContextList sc_list; const bool include_symbols = true; const bool include_inlines = true; context.module_sp->FindFunctions(m_regex, include_symbols, include_inlines, sc_list); SymbolContext sc; // Now add the functions & symbols to the list - only add if unique: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sc_list.GetSize(); i++) { if (sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(i, sc)) { ConstString func_name = sc.GetFunctionName(Mangled::ePreferDemangled); // Ensure that the function name matches the regex. This is more than // a sanity check. It is possible that the demangled function name // does not start with the prefix, for example when it's in an // anonymous namespace. if (!func_name.IsEmpty() && m_regex.Execute(func_name.GetStringRef())) m_match_set.insert(func_name); } } } return Searcher::eCallbackReturnContinue; } void DoCompletion(SearchFilter *filter) override { filter->Search(*this); collection::iterator pos = m_match_set.begin(), end = m_match_set.end(); for (pos = m_match_set.begin(); pos != end; pos++) m_request.AddCompletion((*pos).GetCString()); } private: RegularExpression m_regex; typedef std::set collection; collection m_match_set; SymbolCompleter(const SymbolCompleter &) = delete; const SymbolCompleter &operator=(const SymbolCompleter &) = delete; }; } // namespace namespace { class ModuleCompleter : public Completer { public: ModuleCompleter(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request) : Completer(interpreter, request) { FileSpec partial_spec(m_request.GetCursorArgumentPrefix()); m_file_name = partial_spec.GetFilename().GetCString(); m_dir_name = partial_spec.GetDirectory().GetCString(); } lldb::SearchDepth GetDepth() override { return lldb::eSearchDepthModule; } Searcher::CallbackReturn SearchCallback(SearchFilter &filter, SymbolContext &context, Address *addr) override { if (context.module_sp) { const char *cur_file_name = context.module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetFilename().GetCString(); const char *cur_dir_name = context.module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetDirectory().GetCString(); bool match = false; if (m_file_name && cur_file_name && strstr(cur_file_name, m_file_name) == cur_file_name) match = true; if (match && m_dir_name && cur_dir_name && strstr(cur_dir_name, m_dir_name) != cur_dir_name) match = false; if (match) { m_request.AddCompletion(cur_file_name); } } return Searcher::eCallbackReturnContinue; } void DoCompletion(SearchFilter *filter) override { filter->Search(*this); } private: const char *m_file_name; const char *m_dir_name; ModuleCompleter(const ModuleCompleter &) = delete; const ModuleCompleter &operator=(const ModuleCompleter &) = delete; }; } // namespace void CommandCompletions::SourceFiles(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { SourceFileCompleter completer(interpreter, request); if (searcher == nullptr) { lldb::TargetSP target_sp = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget(); SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches null_searcher(target_sp); completer.DoCompletion(&null_searcher); } else { completer.DoCompletion(searcher); } } static void DiskFilesOrDirectories(const llvm::Twine &partial_name, bool only_directories, CompletionRequest &request, TildeExpressionResolver &Resolver) { llvm::SmallString<256> CompletionBuffer; llvm::SmallString<256> Storage; partial_name.toVector(CompletionBuffer); if (CompletionBuffer.size() >= PATH_MAX) return; namespace path = llvm::sys::path; llvm::StringRef SearchDir; llvm::StringRef PartialItem; if (CompletionBuffer.startswith("~")) { llvm::StringRef Buffer(CompletionBuffer); size_t FirstSep = Buffer.find_if([](char c) { return path::is_separator(c); }); llvm::StringRef Username = Buffer.take_front(FirstSep); llvm::StringRef Remainder; if (FirstSep != llvm::StringRef::npos) Remainder = Buffer.drop_front(FirstSep + 1); llvm::SmallString<256> Resolved; if (!Resolver.ResolveExact(Username, Resolved)) { // We couldn't resolve it as a full username. If there were no slashes // then this might be a partial username. We try to resolve it as such // but after that, we're done regardless of any matches. if (FirstSep == llvm::StringRef::npos) { llvm::StringSet<> MatchSet; Resolver.ResolvePartial(Username, MatchSet); for (const auto &S : MatchSet) { Resolved = S.getKey(); path::append(Resolved, path::get_separator()); request.AddCompletion(Resolved, "", CompletionMode::Partial); } } return; } // If there was no trailing slash, then we're done as soon as we resolve // the expression to the correct directory. Otherwise we need to continue // looking for matches within that directory. if (FirstSep == llvm::StringRef::npos) { // Make sure it ends with a separator. path::append(CompletionBuffer, path::get_separator()); request.AddCompletion(CompletionBuffer, "", CompletionMode::Partial); return; } // We want to keep the form the user typed, so we special case this to // search in the fully resolved directory, but CompletionBuffer keeps the // unmodified form that the user typed. Storage = Resolved; llvm::StringRef RemainderDir = path::parent_path(Remainder); if (!RemainderDir.empty()) { // Append the remaining path to the resolved directory. Storage.append(path::get_separator()); Storage.append(RemainderDir); } SearchDir = Storage; } else { SearchDir = path::parent_path(CompletionBuffer); } size_t FullPrefixLen = CompletionBuffer.size(); PartialItem = path::filename(CompletionBuffer); // path::filename() will return "." when the passed path ends with a // directory separator. We have to filter those out, but only when the // "." doesn't come from the completion request itself. if (PartialItem == "." && path::is_separator(CompletionBuffer.back())) PartialItem = llvm::StringRef(); if (SearchDir.empty()) { llvm::sys::fs::current_path(Storage); SearchDir = Storage; } assert(!PartialItem.contains(path::get_separator())); // SearchDir now contains the directory to search in, and Prefix contains the // text we want to match against items in that directory. FileSystem &fs = FileSystem::Instance(); std::error_code EC; llvm::vfs::directory_iterator Iter = fs.DirBegin(SearchDir, EC); llvm::vfs::directory_iterator End; for (; Iter != End && !EC; Iter.increment(EC)) { auto &Entry = *Iter; llvm::ErrorOr Status = fs.GetStatus(Entry.path()); if (!Status) continue; auto Name = path::filename(Entry.path()); // Omit ".", ".." if (Name == "." || Name == ".." || !Name.startswith(PartialItem)) continue; bool is_dir = Status->isDirectory(); // If it's a symlink, then we treat it as a directory as long as the target // is a directory. if (Status->isSymlink()) { FileSpec symlink_filespec(Entry.path()); FileSpec resolved_filespec; auto error = fs.ResolveSymbolicLink(symlink_filespec, resolved_filespec); if (error.Success()) is_dir = fs.IsDirectory(symlink_filespec); } if (only_directories && !is_dir) continue; // Shrink it back down so that it just has the original prefix the user // typed and remove the part of the name which is common to the located // item and what the user typed. CompletionBuffer.resize(FullPrefixLen); Name = Name.drop_front(PartialItem.size()); CompletionBuffer.append(Name); if (is_dir) { path::append(CompletionBuffer, path::get_separator()); } CompletionMode mode = is_dir ? CompletionMode::Partial : CompletionMode::Normal; request.AddCompletion(CompletionBuffer, "", mode); } } static void DiskFilesOrDirectories(const llvm::Twine &partial_name, bool only_directories, StringList &matches, TildeExpressionResolver &Resolver) { CompletionResult result; std::string partial_name_str = partial_name.str(); CompletionRequest request(partial_name_str, partial_name_str.size(), result); DiskFilesOrDirectories(partial_name, only_directories, request, Resolver); result.GetMatches(matches); } static void DiskFilesOrDirectories(CompletionRequest &request, bool only_directories) { StandardTildeExpressionResolver resolver; DiskFilesOrDirectories(request.GetCursorArgumentPrefix(), only_directories, request, resolver); } void CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { DiskFilesOrDirectories(request, /*only_dirs*/ false); } void CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(const llvm::Twine &partial_file_name, StringList &matches, TildeExpressionResolver &Resolver) { DiskFilesOrDirectories(partial_file_name, false, matches, Resolver); } void CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { DiskFilesOrDirectories(request, /*only_dirs*/ true); } void CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(const llvm::Twine &partial_file_name, StringList &matches, TildeExpressionResolver &Resolver) { DiskFilesOrDirectories(partial_file_name, true, matches, Resolver); } void CommandCompletions::Modules(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { ModuleCompleter completer(interpreter, request); if (searcher == nullptr) { lldb::TargetSP target_sp = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget(); SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches null_searcher(target_sp); completer.DoCompletion(&null_searcher); } else { completer.DoCompletion(searcher); } } void CommandCompletions::Symbols(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { SymbolCompleter completer(interpreter, request); if (searcher == nullptr) { lldb::TargetSP target_sp = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget(); SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches null_searcher(target_sp); completer.DoCompletion(&null_searcher); } else { completer.DoCompletion(searcher); } } void CommandCompletions::SettingsNames(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { // Cache the full setting name list static StringList g_property_names; if (g_property_names.GetSize() == 0) { // Generate the full setting name list on demand lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP properties_sp( interpreter.GetDebugger().GetValueProperties()); if (properties_sp) { StreamString strm; properties_sp->DumpValue(nullptr, strm, OptionValue::eDumpOptionName); const std::string &str = std::string(strm.GetString()); g_property_names.SplitIntoLines(str.c_str(), str.size()); } } for (const std::string &s : g_property_names) request.TryCompleteCurrentArg(s); } void CommandCompletions::PlatformPluginNames(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { PluginManager::AutoCompletePlatformName(request.GetCursorArgumentPrefix(), request); } void CommandCompletions::ArchitectureNames(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { ArchSpec::AutoComplete(request); } void CommandCompletions::VariablePath(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { Variable::AutoComplete(interpreter.GetExecutionContext(), request); } void CommandCompletions::Registers(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { std::string reg_prefix = ""; if (request.GetCursorArgumentPrefix().startswith("$")) reg_prefix = "$"; RegisterContext *reg_ctx = interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetRegisterContext(); const size_t reg_num = reg_ctx->GetRegisterCount(); for (size_t reg_idx = 0; reg_idx < reg_num; ++reg_idx) { const RegisterInfo *reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(reg_idx); request.TryCompleteCurrentArg(reg_prefix + reg_info->name, reg_info->alt_name); } } void CommandCompletions::Breakpoints(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { lldb::TargetSP target = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget(); if (!target) return; const BreakpointList &breakpoints = target->GetBreakpointList(); std::unique_lock lock; target->GetBreakpointList().GetListMutex(lock); size_t num_breakpoints = breakpoints.GetSize(); if (num_breakpoints == 0) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_breakpoints; ++i) { lldb::BreakpointSP bp = breakpoints.GetBreakpointAtIndex(i); StreamString s; bp->GetDescription(&s, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief); llvm::StringRef bp_info = s.GetString(); const size_t colon_pos = bp_info.find_first_of(':'); if (colon_pos != llvm::StringRef::npos) bp_info = bp_info.drop_front(colon_pos + 2); request.TryCompleteCurrentArg(std::to_string(bp->GetID()), bp_info); } } void CommandCompletions::ProcessPluginNames(CommandInterpreter &interpreter, CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher) { PluginManager::AutoCompleteProcessName(request.GetCursorArgumentPrefix(), request); }