STRING2KEY(8) FreeBSD System Manager's Manual STRING2KEY(8) NNAAMMEE ssttrriinngg22kkeeyy - map a password into a key SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ssttrriinngg22kkeeyy [--55 | ----vveerrssiioonn55] [--44 | ----vveerrssiioonn44] [--aa | ----aaffss] [--cc _c_e_l_l | ----cceellll==_c_e_l_l] [--ww _p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d | ----ppaasssswwoorrdd==_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d] [--pp _p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l | ----pprriinncciippaall==_p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l] [--kk _s_t_r_i_n_g | ----kkeeyyttyyppee==_s_t_r_i_n_g] _p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ssttrriinngg22kkeeyy performs the string-to-key function. This is useful when you want to handle the raw key instead of the password. Supported options: --55, ----vveerrssiioonn55 Output Kerberos v5 string-to-key --44, ----vveerrssiioonn44 Output Kerberos v4 string-to-key --aa, ----aaffss Output AFS string-to-key --cc _c_e_l_l, ----cceellll==_c_e_l_l AFS cell to use --ww _p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d, ----ppaasssswwoorrdd==_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d Password to use --pp _p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l, ----pprriinncciippaall==_p_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l Kerberos v5 principal to use --kk _s_t_r_i_n_g, ----kkeeyyttyyppee==_s_t_r_i_n_g Keytype ----vveerrssiioonn print version ----hheellpp HEIMDAL March 4, 2000 HEIMDAL