//===--- FormatToken.h - Format C++ code ------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// /// \file /// \brief This file contains the declaration of the FormatToken, a wrapper /// around Token with additional information related to formatting. /// //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLVM_CLANG_LIB_FORMAT_FORMATTOKEN_H #define LLVM_CLANG_LIB_FORMAT_FORMATTOKEN_H #include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h" #include "clang/Basic/OperatorPrecedence.h" #include "clang/Format/Format.h" #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h" #include namespace clang { namespace format { #define LIST_TOKEN_TYPES \ TYPE(ArrayInitializerLSquare) \ TYPE(ArraySubscriptLSquare) \ TYPE(AttributeParen) \ TYPE(BinaryOperator) \ TYPE(BitFieldColon) \ TYPE(BlockComment) \ TYPE(CastRParen) \ TYPE(ConditionalExpr) \ TYPE(ConflictAlternative) \ TYPE(ConflictEnd) \ TYPE(ConflictStart) \ TYPE(CtorInitializerColon) \ TYPE(CtorInitializerComma) \ TYPE(DesignatedInitializerLSquare) \ TYPE(DesignatedInitializerPeriod) \ TYPE(DictLiteral) \ TYPE(ForEachMacro) \ TYPE(FunctionAnnotationRParen) \ TYPE(FunctionDeclarationName) \ TYPE(FunctionLBrace) \ TYPE(FunctionTypeLParen) \ TYPE(ImplicitStringLiteral) \ TYPE(InheritanceColon) \ TYPE(InheritanceComma) \ TYPE(InlineASMBrace) \ TYPE(InlineASMColon) \ TYPE(JavaAnnotation) \ TYPE(JsComputedPropertyName) \ TYPE(JsExponentiation) \ TYPE(JsExponentiationEqual) \ TYPE(JsFatArrow) \ TYPE(JsNonNullAssertion) \ TYPE(JsTypeColon) \ TYPE(JsTypeOperator) \ TYPE(JsTypeOptionalQuestion) \ TYPE(LambdaArrow) \ TYPE(LambdaLSquare) \ TYPE(LeadingJavaAnnotation) \ TYPE(LineComment) \ TYPE(MacroBlockBegin) \ TYPE(MacroBlockEnd) \ TYPE(ObjCBlockLBrace) \ TYPE(ObjCBlockLParen) \ TYPE(ObjCDecl) \ TYPE(ObjCForIn) \ TYPE(ObjCMethodExpr) \ TYPE(ObjCMethodSpecifier) \ TYPE(ObjCProperty) \ TYPE(ObjCStringLiteral) \ TYPE(OverloadedOperator) \ TYPE(OverloadedOperatorLParen) \ TYPE(PointerOrReference) \ TYPE(PureVirtualSpecifier) \ TYPE(RangeBasedForLoopColon) \ TYPE(RegexLiteral) \ TYPE(SelectorName) \ TYPE(StartOfName) \ TYPE(TemplateCloser) \ TYPE(TemplateOpener) \ TYPE(TemplateString) \ TYPE(TrailingAnnotation) \ TYPE(TrailingReturnArrow) \ TYPE(TrailingUnaryOperator) \ TYPE(UnaryOperator) \ TYPE(Unknown) enum TokenType { #define TYPE(X) TT_##X, LIST_TOKEN_TYPES #undef TYPE NUM_TOKEN_TYPES }; /// \brief Determines the name of a token type. const char *getTokenTypeName(TokenType Type); // Represents what type of block a set of braces open. enum BraceBlockKind { BK_Unknown, BK_Block, BK_BracedInit }; // The packing kind of a function's parameters. enum ParameterPackingKind { PPK_BinPacked, PPK_OnePerLine, PPK_Inconclusive }; enum FormatDecision { FD_Unformatted, FD_Continue, FD_Break }; class TokenRole; class AnnotatedLine; /// \brief A wrapper around a \c Token storing information about the /// whitespace characters preceding it. struct FormatToken { FormatToken() {} /// \brief The \c Token. Token Tok; /// \brief The number of newlines immediately before the \c Token. /// /// This can be used to determine what the user wrote in the original code /// and thereby e.g. leave an empty line between two function definitions. unsigned NewlinesBefore = 0; /// \brief Whether there is at least one unescaped newline before the \c /// Token. bool HasUnescapedNewline = false; /// \brief The range of the whitespace immediately preceding the \c Token. SourceRange WhitespaceRange; /// \brief The offset just past the last '\n' in this token's leading /// whitespace (relative to \c WhiteSpaceStart). 0 if there is no '\n'. unsigned LastNewlineOffset = 0; /// \brief The width of the non-whitespace parts of the token (or its first /// line for multi-line tokens) in columns. /// We need this to correctly measure number of columns a token spans. unsigned ColumnWidth = 0; /// \brief Contains the width in columns of the last line of a multi-line /// token. unsigned LastLineColumnWidth = 0; /// \brief Whether the token text contains newlines (escaped or not). bool IsMultiline = false; /// \brief Indicates that this is the first token of the file. bool IsFirst = false; /// \brief Whether there must be a line break before this token. /// /// This happens for example when a preprocessor directive ended directly /// before the token. bool MustBreakBefore = false; /// \brief The raw text of the token. /// /// Contains the raw token text without leading whitespace and without leading /// escaped newlines. StringRef TokenText; /// \brief Set to \c true if this token is an unterminated literal. bool IsUnterminatedLiteral = 0; /// \brief Contains the kind of block if this token is a brace. BraceBlockKind BlockKind = BK_Unknown; TokenType Type = TT_Unknown; /// \brief The number of spaces that should be inserted before this token. unsigned SpacesRequiredBefore = 0; /// \brief \c true if it is allowed to break before this token. bool CanBreakBefore = false; /// \brief \c true if this is the ">" of "template<..>". bool ClosesTemplateDeclaration = false; /// \brief Number of parameters, if this is "(", "[" or "<". /// /// This is initialized to 1 as we don't need to distinguish functions with /// 0 parameters from functions with 1 parameter. Thus, we can simply count /// the number of commas. unsigned ParameterCount = 0; /// \brief Number of parameters that are nested blocks, /// if this is "(", "[" or "<". unsigned BlockParameterCount = 0; /// \brief If this is a bracket ("<", "(", "[" or "{"), contains the kind of /// the surrounding bracket. tok::TokenKind ParentBracket = tok::unknown; /// \brief A token can have a special role that can carry extra information /// about the token's formatting. std::unique_ptr Role; /// \brief If this is an opening parenthesis, how are the parameters packed? ParameterPackingKind PackingKind = PPK_Inconclusive; /// \brief The total length of the unwrapped line up to and including this /// token. unsigned TotalLength = 0; /// \brief The original 0-based column of this token, including expanded tabs. /// The configured TabWidth is used as tab width. unsigned OriginalColumn = 0; /// \brief The length of following tokens until the next natural split point, /// or the next token that can be broken. unsigned UnbreakableTailLength = 0; // FIXME: Come up with a 'cleaner' concept. /// \brief The binding strength of a token. This is a combined value of /// operator precedence, parenthesis nesting, etc. unsigned BindingStrength = 0; /// \brief The nesting level of this token, i.e. the number of surrounding (), /// [], {} or <>. unsigned NestingLevel = 0; /// \brief The indent level of this token. Copied from the surrounding line. unsigned IndentLevel = 0; /// \brief Penalty for inserting a line break before this token. unsigned SplitPenalty = 0; /// \brief If this is the first ObjC selector name in an ObjC method /// definition or call, this contains the length of the longest name. /// /// This being set to 0 means that the selectors should not be colon-aligned, /// e.g. because several of them are block-type. unsigned LongestObjCSelectorName = 0; /// \brief Stores the number of required fake parentheses and the /// corresponding operator precedence. /// /// If multiple fake parentheses start at a token, this vector stores them in /// reverse order, i.e. inner fake parenthesis first. SmallVector FakeLParens; /// \brief Insert this many fake ) after this token for correct indentation. unsigned FakeRParens = 0; /// \brief \c true if this token starts a binary expression, i.e. has at least /// one fake l_paren with a precedence greater than prec::Unknown. bool StartsBinaryExpression = false; /// \brief \c true if this token ends a binary expression. bool EndsBinaryExpression = false; /// \brief Is this is an operator (or "."/"->") in a sequence of operators /// with the same precedence, contains the 0-based operator index. unsigned OperatorIndex = 0; /// \brief If this is an operator (or "."/"->") in a sequence of operators /// with the same precedence, points to the next operator. FormatToken *NextOperator = nullptr; /// \brief Is this token part of a \c DeclStmt defining multiple variables? /// /// Only set if \c Type == \c TT_StartOfName. bool PartOfMultiVariableDeclStmt = false; /// \brief Does this line comment continue a line comment section? /// /// Only set to true if \c Type == \c TT_LineComment. bool ContinuesLineCommentSection = false; /// \brief If this is a bracket, this points to the matching one. FormatToken *MatchingParen = nullptr; /// \brief The previous token in the unwrapped line. FormatToken *Previous = nullptr; /// \brief The next token in the unwrapped line. FormatToken *Next = nullptr; /// \brief If this token starts a block, this contains all the unwrapped lines /// in it. SmallVector Children; /// \brief Stores the formatting decision for the token once it was made. FormatDecision Decision = FD_Unformatted; /// \brief If \c true, this token has been fully formatted (indented and /// potentially re-formatted inside), and we do not allow further formatting /// changes. bool Finalized = false; bool is(tok::TokenKind Kind) const { return Tok.is(Kind); } bool is(TokenType TT) const { return Type == TT; } bool is(const IdentifierInfo *II) const { return II && II == Tok.getIdentifierInfo(); } bool is(tok::PPKeywordKind Kind) const { return Tok.getIdentifierInfo() && Tok.getIdentifierInfo()->getPPKeywordID() == Kind; } template bool isOneOf(A K1, B K2) const { return is(K1) || is(K2); } template bool isOneOf(A K1, B K2, Ts... Ks) const { return is(K1) || isOneOf(K2, Ks...); } template bool isNot(T Kind) const { return !is(Kind); } /// \c true if this token starts a sequence with the given tokens in order, /// following the ``Next`` pointers, ignoring comments. template bool startsSequence(A K1, Ts... Tokens) const { return startsSequenceInternal(K1, Tokens...); } /// \c true if this token ends a sequence with the given tokens in order, /// following the ``Previous`` pointers, ignoring comments. template bool endsSequence(A K1, Ts... Tokens) const { return endsSequenceInternal(K1, Tokens...); } bool isStringLiteral() const { return tok::isStringLiteral(Tok.getKind()); } bool isObjCAtKeyword(tok::ObjCKeywordKind Kind) const { return Tok.isObjCAtKeyword(Kind); } bool isAccessSpecifier(bool ColonRequired = true) const { return isOneOf(tok::kw_public, tok::kw_protected, tok::kw_private) && (!ColonRequired || (Next && Next->is(tok::colon))); } /// \brief Determine whether the token is a simple-type-specifier. bool isSimpleTypeSpecifier() const; bool isObjCAccessSpecifier() const { return is(tok::at) && Next && (Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_public) || Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_protected) || Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_package) || Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_private)); } /// \brief Returns whether \p Tok is ([{ or a template opening <. bool opensScope() const { if (is(TT_TemplateString) && TokenText.endswith("${")) return true; return isOneOf(tok::l_paren, tok::l_brace, tok::l_square, TT_TemplateOpener); } /// \brief Returns whether \p Tok is )]} or a template closing >. bool closesScope() const { if (is(TT_TemplateString) && TokenText.startswith("}")) return true; return isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_brace, tok::r_square, TT_TemplateCloser); } /// \brief Returns \c true if this is a "." or "->" accessing a member. bool isMemberAccess() const { return isOneOf(tok::arrow, tok::period, tok::arrowstar) && !isOneOf(TT_DesignatedInitializerPeriod, TT_TrailingReturnArrow, TT_LambdaArrow); } bool isUnaryOperator() const { switch (Tok.getKind()) { case tok::plus: case tok::plusplus: case tok::minus: case tok::minusminus: case tok::exclaim: case tok::tilde: case tok::kw_sizeof: case tok::kw_alignof: return true; default: return false; } } bool isBinaryOperator() const { // Comma is a binary operator, but does not behave as such wrt. formatting. return getPrecedence() > prec::Comma; } bool isTrailingComment() const { return is(tok::comment) && (is(TT_LineComment) || !Next || Next->NewlinesBefore > 0); } /// \brief Returns \c true if this is a keyword that can be used /// like a function call (e.g. sizeof, typeid, ...). bool isFunctionLikeKeyword() const { switch (Tok.getKind()) { case tok::kw_throw: case tok::kw_typeid: case tok::kw_return: case tok::kw_sizeof: case tok::kw_alignof: case tok::kw_alignas: case tok::kw_decltype: case tok::kw_noexcept: case tok::kw_static_assert: case tok::kw___attribute: return true; default: return false; } } /// \brief Returns \c true if this is a string literal that's like a label, /// e.g. ends with "=" or ":". bool isLabelString() const { if (!is(tok::string_literal)) return false; StringRef Content = TokenText; if (Content.startswith("\"") || Content.startswith("'")) Content = Content.drop_front(1); if (Content.endswith("\"") || Content.endswith("'")) Content = Content.drop_back(1); Content = Content.trim(); return Content.size() > 1 && (Content.back() == ':' || Content.back() == '='); } /// \brief Returns actual token start location without leading escaped /// newlines and whitespace. /// /// This can be different to Tok.getLocation(), which includes leading escaped /// newlines. SourceLocation getStartOfNonWhitespace() const { return WhitespaceRange.getEnd(); } prec::Level getPrecedence() const { return getBinOpPrecedence(Tok.getKind(), true, true); } /// \brief Returns the previous token ignoring comments. FormatToken *getPreviousNonComment() const { FormatToken *Tok = Previous; while (Tok && Tok->is(tok::comment)) Tok = Tok->Previous; return Tok; } /// \brief Returns the next token ignoring comments. const FormatToken *getNextNonComment() const { const FormatToken *Tok = Next; while (Tok && Tok->is(tok::comment)) Tok = Tok->Next; return Tok; } /// \brief Returns \c true if this tokens starts a block-type list, i.e. a /// list that should be indented with a block indent. bool opensBlockOrBlockTypeList(const FormatStyle &Style) const { if (is(TT_TemplateString) && opensScope()) return true; return is(TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare) || (is(tok::l_brace) && (BlockKind == BK_Block || is(TT_DictLiteral) || (!Style.Cpp11BracedListStyle && NestingLevel == 0))) || (is(tok::less) && Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_Proto); } /// \brief Same as opensBlockOrBlockTypeList, but for the closing token. bool closesBlockOrBlockTypeList(const FormatStyle &Style) const { if (is(TT_TemplateString) && closesScope()) return true; return MatchingParen && MatchingParen->opensBlockOrBlockTypeList(Style); } /// \brief Return the actual namespace token, if this token starts a namespace /// block. const FormatToken *getNamespaceToken() const { const FormatToken *NamespaceTok = this; if (is(tok::comment)) NamespaceTok = NamespaceTok->getNextNonComment(); // Detect "(inline)? namespace" in the beginning of a line. if (NamespaceTok && NamespaceTok->is(tok::kw_inline)) NamespaceTok = NamespaceTok->getNextNonComment(); return NamespaceTok && NamespaceTok->is(tok::kw_namespace) ? NamespaceTok : nullptr; } private: // Disallow copying. FormatToken(const FormatToken &) = delete; void operator=(const FormatToken &) = delete; template bool startsSequenceInternal(A K1, Ts... Tokens) const { if (is(tok::comment) && Next) return Next->startsSequenceInternal(K1, Tokens...); return is(K1) && Next && Next->startsSequenceInternal(Tokens...); } template bool startsSequenceInternal(A K1) const { if (is(tok::comment) && Next) return Next->startsSequenceInternal(K1); return is(K1); } template bool endsSequenceInternal(A K1) const { if (is(tok::comment) && Previous) return Previous->endsSequenceInternal(K1); return is(K1); } template bool endsSequenceInternal(A K1, Ts... Tokens) const { if (is(tok::comment) && Previous) return Previous->endsSequenceInternal(K1, Tokens...); return is(K1) && Previous && Previous->endsSequenceInternal(Tokens...); } }; class ContinuationIndenter; struct LineState; class TokenRole { public: TokenRole(const FormatStyle &Style) : Style(Style) {} virtual ~TokenRole(); /// \brief After the \c TokenAnnotator has finished annotating all the tokens, /// this function precomputes required information for formatting. virtual void precomputeFormattingInfos(const FormatToken *Token); /// \brief Apply the special formatting that the given role demands. /// /// Assumes that the token having this role is already formatted. /// /// Continues formatting from \p State leaving indentation to \p Indenter and /// returns the total penalty that this formatting incurs. virtual unsigned formatFromToken(LineState &State, ContinuationIndenter *Indenter, bool DryRun) { return 0; } /// \brief Same as \c formatFromToken, but assumes that the first token has /// already been set thereby deciding on the first line break. virtual unsigned formatAfterToken(LineState &State, ContinuationIndenter *Indenter, bool DryRun) { return 0; } /// \brief Notifies the \c Role that a comma was found. virtual void CommaFound(const FormatToken *Token) {} protected: const FormatStyle &Style; }; class CommaSeparatedList : public TokenRole { public: CommaSeparatedList(const FormatStyle &Style) : TokenRole(Style), HasNestedBracedList(false) {} void precomputeFormattingInfos(const FormatToken *Token) override; unsigned formatAfterToken(LineState &State, ContinuationIndenter *Indenter, bool DryRun) override; unsigned formatFromToken(LineState &State, ContinuationIndenter *Indenter, bool DryRun) override; /// \brief Adds \p Token as the next comma to the \c CommaSeparated list. void CommaFound(const FormatToken *Token) override { Commas.push_back(Token); } private: /// \brief A struct that holds information on how to format a given list with /// a specific number of columns. struct ColumnFormat { /// \brief The number of columns to use. unsigned Columns; /// \brief The total width in characters. unsigned TotalWidth; /// \brief The number of lines required for this format. unsigned LineCount; /// \brief The size of each column in characters. SmallVector ColumnSizes; }; /// \brief Calculate which \c ColumnFormat fits best into /// \p RemainingCharacters. const ColumnFormat *getColumnFormat(unsigned RemainingCharacters) const; /// \brief The ordered \c FormatTokens making up the commas of this list. SmallVector Commas; /// \brief The length of each of the list's items in characters including the /// trailing comma. SmallVector ItemLengths; /// \brief Precomputed formats that can be used for this list. SmallVector Formats; bool HasNestedBracedList; }; /// \brief Encapsulates keywords that are context sensitive or for languages not /// properly supported by Clang's lexer. struct AdditionalKeywords { AdditionalKeywords(IdentifierTable &IdentTable) { kw_final = &IdentTable.get("final"); kw_override = &IdentTable.get("override"); kw_in = &IdentTable.get("in"); kw_of = &IdentTable.get("of"); kw_CF_ENUM = &IdentTable.get("CF_ENUM"); kw_CF_OPTIONS = &IdentTable.get("CF_OPTIONS"); kw_NS_ENUM = &IdentTable.get("NS_ENUM"); kw_NS_OPTIONS = &IdentTable.get("NS_OPTIONS"); kw_as = &IdentTable.get("as"); kw_async = &IdentTable.get("async"); kw_await = &IdentTable.get("await"); kw_declare = &IdentTable.get("declare"); kw_finally = &IdentTable.get("finally"); kw_from = &IdentTable.get("from"); kw_function = &IdentTable.get("function"); kw_get = &IdentTable.get("get"); kw_import = &IdentTable.get("import"); kw_is = &IdentTable.get("is"); kw_let = &IdentTable.get("let"); kw_module = &IdentTable.get("module"); kw_set = &IdentTable.get("set"); kw_type = &IdentTable.get("type"); kw_var = &IdentTable.get("var"); kw_yield = &IdentTable.get("yield"); kw_abstract = &IdentTable.get("abstract"); kw_assert = &IdentTable.get("assert"); kw_extends = &IdentTable.get("extends"); kw_implements = &IdentTable.get("implements"); kw_instanceof = &IdentTable.get("instanceof"); kw_interface = &IdentTable.get("interface"); kw_native = &IdentTable.get("native"); kw_package = &IdentTable.get("package"); kw_synchronized = &IdentTable.get("synchronized"); kw_throws = &IdentTable.get("throws"); kw___except = &IdentTable.get("__except"); kw___has_include = &IdentTable.get("__has_include"); kw___has_include_next = &IdentTable.get("__has_include_next"); kw_mark = &IdentTable.get("mark"); kw_extend = &IdentTable.get("extend"); kw_option = &IdentTable.get("option"); kw_optional = &IdentTable.get("optional"); kw_repeated = &IdentTable.get("repeated"); kw_required = &IdentTable.get("required"); kw_returns = &IdentTable.get("returns"); kw_signals = &IdentTable.get("signals"); kw_qsignals = &IdentTable.get("Q_SIGNALS"); kw_slots = &IdentTable.get("slots"); kw_qslots = &IdentTable.get("Q_SLOTS"); } // Context sensitive keywords. IdentifierInfo *kw_final; IdentifierInfo *kw_override; IdentifierInfo *kw_in; IdentifierInfo *kw_of; IdentifierInfo *kw_CF_ENUM; IdentifierInfo *kw_CF_OPTIONS; IdentifierInfo *kw_NS_ENUM; IdentifierInfo *kw_NS_OPTIONS; IdentifierInfo *kw___except; IdentifierInfo *kw___has_include; IdentifierInfo *kw___has_include_next; // JavaScript keywords. IdentifierInfo *kw_as; IdentifierInfo *kw_async; IdentifierInfo *kw_await; IdentifierInfo *kw_declare; IdentifierInfo *kw_finally; IdentifierInfo *kw_from; IdentifierInfo *kw_function; IdentifierInfo *kw_get; IdentifierInfo *kw_import; IdentifierInfo *kw_is; IdentifierInfo *kw_let; IdentifierInfo *kw_module; IdentifierInfo *kw_set; IdentifierInfo *kw_type; IdentifierInfo *kw_var; IdentifierInfo *kw_yield; // Java keywords. IdentifierInfo *kw_abstract; IdentifierInfo *kw_assert; IdentifierInfo *kw_extends; IdentifierInfo *kw_implements; IdentifierInfo *kw_instanceof; IdentifierInfo *kw_interface; IdentifierInfo *kw_native; IdentifierInfo *kw_package; IdentifierInfo *kw_synchronized; IdentifierInfo *kw_throws; // Pragma keywords. IdentifierInfo *kw_mark; // Proto keywords. IdentifierInfo *kw_extend; IdentifierInfo *kw_option; IdentifierInfo *kw_optional; IdentifierInfo *kw_repeated; IdentifierInfo *kw_required; IdentifierInfo *kw_returns; // QT keywords. IdentifierInfo *kw_signals; IdentifierInfo *kw_qsignals; IdentifierInfo *kw_slots; IdentifierInfo *kw_qslots; }; } // namespace format } // namespace clang #endif