path: root/usr.sbin/xntpd/scripts/monitoring/ntploopwatch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.sbin/xntpd/scripts/monitoring/ntploopwatch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1631 deletions
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/scripts/monitoring/ntploopwatch b/usr.sbin/xntpd/scripts/monitoring/ntploopwatch
deleted file mode 100755
index 655ed7188cea..000000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/scripts/monitoring/ntploopwatch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1631 +0,0 @@
-#!/local/bin/perl -w--*-perl-*-
-;# ntploopwatch,v 3.1 1993/07/06 01:09:13 jbj Exp
-;# process loop filter statistics file and either
-;# - show statistics periodically using gnuplot
-;# - or print a single plot
-;# Copyright (c) 1992
-;# Rainer Pruy Friedrich-Alexander Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
-$0 =~ s!^.*/([^/]+)$!\1!;
-$F = ' ' x length($0);
-$ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh'; # use bourne shell
-($a,$b) if 0; # keep -w happy
-$usage = <<"E-O-P";
- to watch statistics permanently:
- $0 [-v[<level>]] [-c <config-file>] [-d <working-dir>]
- $F [-h <hostname>]
- to get a single print out specify also
- $F -P[<printer>] [-s<samples>]
- $F [-S <start-time>] [-E <end-time>]
- $F [-Y <MaxOffs>] [-y <MinOffs>]
-If You like long option names, You can use:
- -help
- -c +config
- -d +directory
- -h +host
- -v +verbose[=<level>]
- -P +printer[=<printer>]
- -s +samples[=<samples>]
- -S +starttime
- -E +endtime
- -Y +maxy
- -y +miny
-If <printer> contains a '/' (slash character) output is directed to
-a file of this name instead of delivered to a printer.
-;# add directory to look for lr.pl and timelocal.pl (in front of current list)
-require "lr.pl"; # linear regresion routines
-$MJD_1970 = 40587; # from ntp.h (V3)
-$RecordSize = 48; # usually a line fits into 42 bytes
-$MinClip = 0.12; # clip Y scales with greater range than this
-;# largest extension of Y scale from mean value, factor for standart deviation
-$FuzzLow = 2; # for side closer to zero
-$FuzzBig = 1; # for side farther from zero
-require "ctime.pl";
-require "timelocal.pl";
-;# early distributions of ctime.pl had a bug
-$ENV{'TZ'} = 'MET' unless defined $ENV{'TZ'} || $[ > 4.010;
-if (defined(@ctime'MoY))
- *Month=*ctime'MoY;
- *Day=*ctime'DoW;
- @Month = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
- @Day = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat');
-;# max number of days per month
-@MaxNumDaysPerMonth = (31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
-;# config settable parameters
-$delay = 60;
-$srcprefix = "./var\@\$STATHOST/loopstats.";
-$showoffs = 1;
-$showfreq = 1;
-$showcmpl = 0;
-$showoreg = 0;
-$showfreg = 0;
-$deltaT = 512; # indicate sample data gaps greater than $deltaT seconds
-$verbose = 1;
-while($_ = shift(@ARGV))
- (/^[+-]help$/) && die($usage);
- (/^-c$/ || /^\+config$/) &&
- (@ARGV || die($usage), $config = shift(@ARGV), next);
- (/^-d$/ || /^\+directory$/) &&
- (@ARGV || die($usage), $workdir = shift(@ARGV), next);
- (/^-h$/ || /^\+host$/) &&
- (@ARGV || die($usage), $STATHOST = shift, next);
- (/^-v(\d*)$/ || /^\+verbose=?(\d*)$/) &&
- ($verbose=($1 eq "") ? 1 : $1, next);
- (/^-P(\S*)$/ || /^\+[Pp]rinter=?(\S*)$/) &&
- ($PrintIt = $1, $verbose==1 && ($verbose = 0), next);
- (/^-s(\d*)$/ || /^\+samples=?(\d*)$/) &&
- (($samples = ($1 eq "") ? (shift || die($usage)): $1), next);
- (/^-S$/ || /^\+[Ss]tart[Tt]ime$/) &&
- (@ARGV || die($usage), $StartTime=&date_time_spec2seconds(shift),next);
- (/^-E$/ || /^\+[Ee]nd[Tt]ime$/) &&
- (@ARGV || die($usage), $EndTime = &date_time_spec2seconds(shift),next);
- (/^-Y$/ || /^\+[Mm]ax[Yy]$/) &&
- (@ARGV || die($usage), $MaxY = shift, next);
- (/^-y$/ || /^\+[Mm]in[Yy]$/) &&
- (@ARGV || die($usage), $MinY = shift, next);
- die("$0: unexpected argument \"$_\"\n$usage");
-if (defined($workdir))
- chdir($workdir) ||
- die("$0: failed to change working dir to \"$workdir\": $!\n");
-$PrintIt = "ps" if defined($PrintIt) && $PrintIt eq "";
-if (!defined($PrintIt))
- defined($samples) &&
- print "WARNING: your samples value may be shadowed by config file settings\n";
- defined($StartTime) &&
- print "WARNING: your StartTime value may be shadowed by config file settings\n";
- defined($EndTime) &&
- print "WARNING: your EndTime value may be shadowed by config file settings\n";
- defined($MaxY) &&
- print "WARNING: your MaxY value may be shadowed by config file settings\n";
- defined($MinY) &&
- print "WARNING: your MinY value may be shadowed by config file settings\n";
- ;# check operating environment
- ;#
- ;# gnuplot usually has X support
- ;# I vaguely remember there was one with sunview support
- ;#
- ;# If Your plotcmd can display graphics using some other method
- ;# (Tek window,..) fix the following test
- ;# (or may be, just disable it)
- ;#
- !(defined($ENV{'DISPLAY'}) || defined($ENV{'WINDOW_PARENT'})) &&
- die("Need window system to monitor statistics\n");
-;# configuration file
-$config = "loopwatch.config" unless defined($config);
-($STATHOST = $config) =~ s!.*loopwatch\.config.([^/\.]*)$!\1!
- unless defined($STATHOST);
-($STATTAG = $STATHOST) =~ s/^([^\.\*\s]+)\..*$/\1/;
-$srcprefix =~ s/\$STATHOST/$STATHOST/g;
-;# plot command
- '-title', "Ntp loop filter statistics $STATHOST",
- '-name', "NtpLoopWatch_$STATTAG");
-$tmpfile = "/tmp/ntpstat.$$";
-;# other variables
-$doplot = ""; # assembled command for @plotcmd to display plot
-;# plot value ranges
-;# stop operation if plot command dies
-sub sigchld
- local($pid) = wait;
- unlink($tmpfile);
- warn(sprintf("%s: %s died: exit status: %d signal %d\n",
- $0,
- (defined($Plotpid) && $Plotpid == $pid)
- ? "plotcmd" : "unknown child $pid",
- $?>>8,$? & 0xff)) if $?;
- exit(1) if $? && defined($Plotpid) && $pid == $Plotpid;
-&sigchld if 0;
-$SIG{'CHLD'} = "sigchld";
-$SIG{'CLD'} = "sigchld";
-sub abort
- unlink($tmpfile);
- defined($Plotpid) && kill('TERM',$Plotpid);
- die("$0: received signal SIG$_[$[] - exiting\n");
-&abort if 0; # make -w happy - &abort IS used
-$SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'HUP'} = $SIG{'QUIT'} = $SIG{'TERM'} = $SIG{'PIPE'} = "abort";
-sub abs
- ($_[$[] < 0) ? -($_[$[]) : $_[$[];
-;# start of real work
-print "starting plot command (" . join(" ",@plotcmd) . ")\n" if $verbose > 1;
-$Plotpid = open(PLOT,"|-");
-select((select(PLOT),$|=1)[$[]); # make PLOT line bufferd
-defined($Plotpid) ||
- die("$0: failed to start plot command: $!\n");
-unless ($Plotpid)
- ;# child == plot command
- close(STDOUT);
- open(STDOUT,">&STDERR") ||
- die("$0: failed to redirect STDOUT of plot command: $!\n");
- print STDOUT "plot command running as $$\n";
- exec @plotcmd;
- die("$0: failed to exec (@plotcmd): $!\n");
- exit(1); # in case ...
-sub read_config
- local($at) = (stat($config))[$[+9];
- local($_,$c,$v);
- (undef($laststat),(print("stat $config failed: $!\n")),return) if ! defined($at);
- return if (defined($laststat) && ($laststat == $at));
- $laststat = $at;
- print "reading configuration from \"$config\"\n" if $verbose;
- open(CF,"<$config") ||
- (warn("$0: failed to read \"$config\" - using old settings ($!)\n"),
- return);
- while(<CF>)
- {
- chop;
- s/^([^\#]*[^\#\s]?)\s*\#.*$//;
- next if /^\s*$/;
- s/^\s*([^=\s]*)\s*=\s*(.*\S)\s*$/\1=\2/;
- ($c,$v) = split(/=/,$_,2);
- print "processing \"$c=$v\"\n" if $verbose > 3;
- ($c eq "delay") && ($delay = $v,1) && next;
- ($c eq 'samples') && (!defined($PrintIt) || !defined($samples)) &&
- ($samples = $v,1) && next;
- ($c eq 'srcprefix') && (($srcprefix=$v)=~s/\$STATHOST/$STATHOST/g,1)
- && next;
- ($c eq 'showoffs') &&
- ($showoffs = ($v eq 'yes' || $v eq 'y' || $v != 0),1) && next;
- ($c eq 'showfreq') &&
- ($showfreq = ($v eq 'yes' || $v eq 'y' || $v != 0),1) && next;
- ($c eq 'showcmpl') &&
- ($showcmpl = ($v eq 'yes' || $v eq 'y' || $v != 0),1) && next;
- ($c eq 'showoreg') &&
- ($showoreg = ($v eq 'yes' || $v eq 'y' || $v != 0),1) && next;
- ($c eq 'showfreg') &&
- ($showfreg = ($v eq 'yes' || $v eq 'y' || $v != 0),1) && next;
- ($c eq 'exit') && (unlink($tmpfile),die("$0: exit by config request\n"));
- ($c eq 'freqbase' ||
- $c eq 'cmplscale') &&
- do {
- if (! defined($v) || $v eq "" || $v eq 'dynamic')
- {
- eval "undef(\$$c);";
- }
- else
- {
- eval "\$$c = \$v;";
- }
- next;
- };
- ($c eq 'timebase') &&
- do {
- if (! defined($v) || $v eq "" || $v eq "dynamic")
- {
- undef($timebase);
- }
- else
- {
- $timebase=&date_time_spec2seconds($v);
- }
- };
- ($c eq 'EndTime') &&
- do {
- next if defined($EndTime) && defined($PrintIt);
- if (! defined($v) || $v eq "" || $v eq "none")
- {
- undef($EndTime);
- }
- else
- {
- $EndTime=&date_time_spec2seconds($v);
- }
- };
- ($c eq 'StartTime') &&
- do {
- next if defined($StartTime) && defined($PrintIt);
- if (! defined($v) || $v eq "" || $v eq "none")
- {
- undef($StartTime);
- }
- else
- {
- $StartTime=&date_time_spec2seconds($v);
- }
- };
- ($c eq 'MaxY') &&
- do {
- next if defined($MaxY) && defined($PrintIt);
- if (! defined($v) || $v eq "" || $v eq "none")
- {
- undef($MaxY);
- }
- else
- {
- $MaxY=$v;
- }
- };
- ($c eq 'MinY') &&
- do {
- next if defined($MinY) && defined($PrintIt);
- if (! defined($v) || $v eq "" || $v eq "none")
- {
- undef($MinY);
- }
- else
- {
- $MinY=$v;
- }
- };
- ($c eq 'deltaT') &&
- do {
- if (!defined($v) || $v eq "")
- {
- undef($deltaT);
- }
- else
- {
- $deltaT = $v;
- }
- next;
- };
- ($c eq 'verbose') && ! defined($PrintIt) &&
- do {
- if (!defined($v) || $v == 0)
- {
- $verbose = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- $verbose = $v;
- }
- next;
- };
- ;# otherwise: silently ignore unrecognized config line
- }
- close(CF);
- ;# set show defaults when nothing selected
- $showoffs = $showfreq = $showcmpl = 1
- unless $showoffs || $showfreq || $showcmpl;
- if ($verbose > 3)
- {
- print "new configuration:\n";
- print " delay\t= $delay\n";
- print " samples\t= $samples\n";
- print " srcprefix\t= $srcprefix\n";
- print " showoffs\t= $showoffs\n";
- print " showfreq\t= $showfreq\n";
- print " showcmpl\t= $showcmpl\n";
- print " showoreg\t= $showoreg\n";
- print " showfreg\t= $showfreg\n";
- printf " timebase\t= %s",defined($timebase)?&ctime($timebase):"dynamic\n";
- printf " freqbase\t= %s\n",defined($freqbase) ?"$freqbase":"dynamic";
- printf " cmplscale\t= %s\n",defined($cmplscale)?"$cmplscale":"dynamic";
- printf " StartTime\t= %s",defined($StartTime)?&ctime($StartTime):"none\n";
- printf " EndTime\t= %s", defined($EndTime) ? &ctime($EndTime):"none\n";
- printf " MaxY\t= %s",defined($MaxY)? $MaxY :"none\n";
- printf " MinY\t= %s",defined($MinY)? $MinY :"none\n";
- print " verbose\t= $verbose\n";
- }
-print "configuration file read\n" if $verbose > 2;
-sub make_doplot
- local($c) = ("");
- local($fmt)
- = ("%s \"%s\" using 1:%d title '%s <%lf %lf> %6s' with lines");
- local($regfmt)
- = ("%s ((%lf * x) + %lf) title 'lin. approx. %s (%f t[h]) %s %f <%f> %6s' with lines");
- $doplot = " set title 'NTP loopfilter statistics for $STATHOST " .
- "(last $LastCnt samples from $srcprefix*)'\n";
- local($xts,$xte,$i,$t);
- local($s,$c) = ("");
- ;# number of integral seconds to get at least 12 tic marks on x axis
- $t = int(($maxtime - $mintime) / 12 + 0.5);
- $t = 1 unless $t; # prevent $t to be zero
- foreach $i (30,
- 60,5*60,15*60,30*60,
- 60*60,2*60*60,6*60*60,12*60*60,
- 24*60*60,48*60*60)
- {
- last if $t < $i;
- $t = $t - ($t % $i);
- }
- print "time label resolution: $t seconds\n" if $verbose > 1;
- ;# make gnuplot use wall clock time labels instead of NTP seconds
- for ($c="", $i = $mintime - ($mintime % $t);
- $i <= $maxtime + $t;
- $i += $t, $c=",")
- {
- $s .= $c;
- ((int($i / $t) % 2) &&
- ($s .= sprintf("'' %lf",($i - $LastTimeBase)/3600))) ||
- (($t <= 60) &&
- ($s .= sprintf("'%d:%02d:%02d' %lf",
- (localtime($i))[$[+2,$[+1,$[+0],
- ($i - $LastTimeBase)/3600)))
- || (($t <= 2*60*60) &&
- ($s .= sprintf("'%d:%02d' %lf",
- (localtime($i))[$[+2,$[+1],
- ($i - $LastTimeBase)/3600)))
- || (($t <= 12*60*60) &&
- ($s .= sprintf("'%s %d:00' %lf",
- $Day[(localtime($i))[$[+6]],
- (localtime($i))[$[+2],
- ($i - $LastTimeBase)/3600)))
- || ($s .= sprintf("'%d.%d-%d:00' %lf",
- (localtime($i))[$[+3,$[+4,$[+2],
- ($i - $LastTimeBase)/3600));
- }
- $doplot .= "set xtics ($s)\n";
- chop($xts = &ctime($mintime));
- chop($xte = &ctime($maxtime));
- $doplot .= "set xlabel 'Start: $xts -- Time Scale -- End: $xte'\n";
- $doplot .= "set yrange [" ;
- $doplot .= defined($MinY) ? sprintf("%lf", $MinY) : $miny;
- $doplot .= ':';
- $doplot .= defined($MaxY) ? sprintf("%lf", $MaxY) : $maxy;
- $doplot .= "]\n";
- $doplot .= " plot";
- $c = "";
- $showoffs &&
- ($doplot .= sprintf($fmt,$c,$tmpfile,2,
- "offset",
- $minoffs,$maxoffs,
- "[ms]"),
- $c = ",");
- $showcmpl &&
- ($doplot .= sprintf($fmt,$c,$tmpfile,4,
- "compliance" .
- (&abs($LastCmplScale) > 1
- ? " / $LastCmplScale"
- : (&abs($LastCmplScale) == 1 ? "" : " * ".(1/$LastCmplScale))),
- $mincmpl/$LastCmplScale,$maxcmpl/$LastCmplScale,
- ""),
- $c = ",");
- $showfreq &&
- ($doplot .= sprintf($fmt,$c,$tmpfile,3,
- "frequency" .
- ($LastFreqBase > 0
- ? " - $LastFreqBaseString"
- : ($LastFreqBase == 0 ? "" : " + $LastFreqBaseString")),
- $minfreq * $FreqScale - $LastFreqBase,
- $maxfreq * $FreqScale - $LastFreqBase,
- "[${FreqScaleInv}ppm]"),
- $c = ",");
- $showoreg && $showoffs &&
- ($doplot .= sprintf($regfmt, $c,
- &lr_B('offs'),&lr_A('offs'),
- "offset ",
- &lr_B('offs'),
- ((&lr_A('offs')) < 0 ? '-' : '+'),
- &abs(&lr_A('offs')), &lr_r('offs'),
- "[ms]"),
- $c = ",");
- $showfreg && $showfreq &&
- ($doplot .= sprintf($regfmt, $c,
- &lr_B('freq') * $FreqScale,
- (&lr_A('freq') + $minfreq) * $FreqScale - $LastFreqBase,
- "frequency",
- &lr_B('freq') * $FreqScale,
- ((&lr_A('freq') + $minfreq) * $FreqScale - $LastFreqBase) < 0 ? '-' : '+',
- &abs((&lr_A('freq') + $minfreq) * $FreqScale - $LastFreqBase),
- &lr_r('freq'),
- "[${FreqScaleInv}ppm]"),
- $c = ",");
- $doplot .= "\n";
-%F_key = ();
-%F_name = ();
-%F_size = ();
-%F_mtime = ();
-%F_first = ();
-%F_last = ();
-sub genfile
- local($cnt,$in,$out,@fpos) = @_;
- local(@F,@t,$t,$lastT) = ();
- local(@break,@time,@offs,@freq,@cmpl,@loffset,@filekey) = ();
- local($lm,$l,@f);
- local($sdir,$sname);
- ;# allocate some storage for the tables
- ;# otherwise realloc may get into troubles
- if (defined($StartTime) && defined($EndTime))
- {
- $l = ($EndTime-$StartTime) -$[+1 +1; # worst case: 1 sample per second
- }
- else
- {
- $l = $cnt + 10;
- }
- print "preextending arrays to $l entries\n" if $verbose > 2;
- $#break = $l; for ($i=$[; $i<=$l;$i++) { $break[$i] = 0; }
- $#time = $l; for ($i=$[; $i<=$l;$i++) { $time[$i] = 0; }
- $#offs = $l; for ($i=$[; $i<=$l;$i++) { $offs[$i] = 0; }
- $#freq = $l; for ($i=$[; $i<=$l;$i++) { $freq[$i] = 0; }
- $#cmpl = $l; for ($i=$[; $i<=$l;$i++) { $cmpl[$i] = 0; }
- $#loffset = $l; for ($i=$[; $i<=$l;$i++) { $loffset[$i] = 0; }
- $#filekey = $l; for ($i=$[; $i<=$l;$i++) { $filekey[$i] = 0; }
- ;# now reduce size again
- $#break = $[ - 1;
- $#time = $[ - 1;
- $#offs = $[ - 1;
- $#freq = $[ - 1;
- $#cmpl = $[ - 1;
- $#loffset = $[ - 1;
- $#filekey = $[ - 1;
- print "memory allocation ready\n" if $verbose > 2;
- sleep(3) if $verbose > 1;
- if (index($in,"/") < $[)
- {
- $sdir = ".";
- $sname = $in;
- }
- else
- {
- ($sdir,$sname) = ($in =~ m!^(.*)/([^/]*)!);
- $sname = "" unless defined($sname);
- }
- if (!defined($Lsdir) || $Lsdir ne $sdir || $Ltime != (stat($sdir))[$[+9] ||
- grep($F_mtime{$_} != (stat($F_name{$_}))[$[+9], @F_files))
- {
- print "rescanning directory \"$sdir\" for files \"$sname*\"\n"
- if $verbose > 1;
- ;# rescan directory on changes
- $Lsdir = $sdir;
- $Ltime = (stat($sdir))[$[+9];
- </X{> if 0; # dummy line - calm down my formatter
- local(@newfiles) = < ${in}*[0-9] >;
- local($st_dev,$st_ino,$st_mtime,$st_size,$name,$key,$modified);
- foreach $name (@newfiles)
- {
- ($st_dev,$st_ino,$st_size,$st_mtime) =
- (stat($name))[$[,$[+1,$[+7,$[+9];
- $modified = 0;
- $key = sprintf("%lx|%lu", $st_dev, $st_ino);
- print "candidate file \"$name\"",
- (defined($st_dev) ? "" : " failed: $!"),"\n"
- if $verbose > 2;
- if (! defined($F_key{$name}) || $F_key{$name} ne $key)
- {
- $F_key{$name} = $key;
- $modified++;
- }
- if (!defined($F_name{$key}) || $F_name{$key} != $name)
- {
- $F_name{$key} = $name;
- $modified++;
- }
- if (!defined($F_size{$key}) || $F_size{$key} != $st_size)
- {
- $F_size{$key} = $st_size;
- $modified++;
- }
- if (!defined($F_mtime{$key}) || $F_mtime{$key} != $st_mtime)
- {
- $F_mtime{$key} = $st_mtime;
- $modified++;
- }
- if ($modified)
- {
- print "new data \"$name\" key: $key;\n" if $verbose > 1;
- print " size: $st_size; mtime: $st_mtime;\n"
- if $verbose > 1;
- $F_last{$key} = $F_first{$key} = $st_mtime;
- $F_first{$key}--; # prevent zero divide later on
- ;# now compute derivated attributes
- open(IN, "<$name") ||
- do {
- warn "$0: failed to open \"$name\": $!";
- next;
- };
- while(<IN>)
- {
- @F = split;
- next if @F < 5;
- next if $F[$[] eq "";
- $t = ($F[$[] - $MJD_1970) * 24 * 60 * 60;
- $t += $F[$[+1];
- $F_first{$key} = $t;
- print "\tfound first entry: $t ",&ctime($t)
- if $verbose > 4;
- last;
- }
- seek(IN,
- ($st_size > 4*$RecordSize) ? $st_size - 4*$RecordSize : 0,
- 0);
- while(<IN>)
- {
- @F = split;
- next if @F < 5;
- next if $F[$[] eq "";
- $t = ($F[$[] - $MJD_1970) * 24 * 60 * 60;
- $t += $F[$[+1];
- $F_last{$key} = $t;
- $_ = <IN>;
- print "\tfound last entry: $t ", &ctime($t)
- if $verbose > 4 && ! defined($_);
- last unless defined($_);
- redo;
- ;# Ok, calm down...
- ;# using $_ = <IN> in conjunction with redo
- ;# is semantically equivalent to the while loop, but
- ;# I needed a one line look ahead and this solution
- ;# was what I thought of first
- ;# and.. If you do not like it dont look
- }
- close(IN);
- print(" first: ",$F_first{$key},
- " last: ",$F_last{$key},"\n") if $verbose > 1;
- }
- }
- ;# now reclaim memory used for files no longer referenced ...
- local(%Names);
- grep($Names{$_} = 1,@newfiles);
- foreach (keys %F_key)
- {
- next if defined($Names{$_});
- delete $F_key{$_};
- $verbose > 2 && print "no longer referenced: \"$_\"\n";
- }
- %Names = ();
- grep($Names{$_} = 1,values(%F_key));
- foreach (keys %F_name)
- {
- next if defined($Names{$_});
- delete $F_name{$_};
- $verbose > 2 && print "unref name($_)= $F_name{$_}\n";
- }
- foreach (keys %F_size)
- {
- next if defined($Names{$_});
- delete $F_size{$_};
- $verbose > 2 && print "unref size($_)\n";
- }
- foreach (keys %F_mtime)
- {
- next if defined($Names{$_});
- delete $F_mtime{$_};
- $verbose > 2 && print "unref mtime($_)\n";
- }
- foreach (keys %F_first)
- {
- next if defined($Names{$_});
- delete $F_first{$_};
- $verbose > 2 && print "unref first($_)\n";
- }
- foreach (keys %F_last)
- {
- next if defined($Names{$_});
- delete $F_last{$_};
- $verbose > 2 && print "unref last($_)\n";
- }
- ;# create list sorted by time
- @F_files = sort {$F_first{$a} <=> $F_first{$b}; } keys(%F_name);
- if ($verbose > 1)
- {
- print "Resulting file list:\n";
- foreach (@F_files)
- {
- print "\t$_\t$F_name{$_}\n";
- }
- }
- }
- printf("processing %s; output \"$out\" (%d input files)\n",
- ((defined($StartTime) && defined($EndTime))
- ? "time range"
- : (defined($StartTime) ? "$cnt samples from StartTime" :
- (defined($EndTime) ? "$cnt samples to EndTime" :
- "last $cnt samples"))),
- scalar(@F_files))
- if $verbose > 1;
- ;# open output file - will be input for plotcmd
- open(OUT,">$out") ||
- do {
- warn("$0: cannot create \"$out\": $!\n");
- };
- @f = @F_files;
- if (defined($StartTime))
- {
- while (@f && ($F_last{$f[$[]} < $StartTime))
- {
- print("shifting ", $F_name{$f[$[]},
- " last: ", $F_last{$f[$[]},
- " < StartTime: $StartTime\n")
- if $verbose > 3;
- shift(@f);
- }
- }
- if (defined($EndTime))
- {
- while (@f && ($F_first{$f[$#f]} > $EndTime))
- {
- print("popping ", $F_name{$f[$#f]},
- " first: ", $F_first{$f[$#f]},
- " > EndTime: $EndTime\n")
- if $verbose > 3;
- pop(@f);
- }
- }
- if (@f)
- {
- if (defined($StartTime))
- {
- print "guess start according to StartTime ($StartTime)\n"
- if $verbose > 3;
- if ($fpos[$[] eq 'start')
- {
- if (grep($_ eq $fpos[$[+1],@f))
- {
- shift(@f) while @f && $f[$[] ne $fpos[$[+1];
- }
- else
- {
- @fpos = ('start', $f[$[], undef);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- @fpos = ('start' , $f[$[], undef);
- }
- if (!defined($fpos[$[+2]))
- {
- if ($StartTime <= $F_first{$f[$[]})
- {
- $fpos[$[+2] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- $fpos[$[+2] =
- int($F_size{$f[$[]} *
- (($StartTime - $F_first{$f[$[]})/
- ($F_last{$f[$[]} - $F_first{$f[$[]})));
- $fpos[$[+2] = ($fpos[$[+2] <= 2 * $RecordSize)
- ? 0 : $fpos[$[+2] - 2 * $RecordSize;
- ;# anyway as the data may contain "time holes"
- ;# our heuristics may baldly fail
- ;# so just start at 0
- $fpos[$[+2] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- elsif (defined($EndTime))
- {
- print "guess starting point according to EndTime ($EndTime)\n"
- if $verbose > 3;
- if ($fpos[$[] eq 'end')
- {
- if (grep($_ eq $fpos[$[+1],@f))
- {
- shift(@f) while @f && $f[$[] ne $fpos[$[+1];
- }
- else
- {
- @fpos = ('end', $f[$[], undef);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- @fpos = ('end', $f[$[], undef);
- }
- if (!defined($fpos[$[+2]))
- {
- local(@x) = reverse(@f);
- local($s,$c) = (0,$cnt);
- if ($EndTime < $F_last{$x[$[]})
- {
- ;# last file will only be used partially
- $s = int($F_size{$x[$[]} *
- (($EndTime - $F_first{$x[$[]}) /
- ($F_last{$x[$[]} - $F_first{$x[$[]})));
- $s = int($s/$RecordSize);
- $c -= $s - 1;
- if ($c <= 0)
- {
- ;# start is in the same file
- $fpos[$[+1] = $x[$[];
- $fpos[$[+2] = ($c >=-2) ? 0 : (-$c - 2) * $RecordSize;
- shift(@f) while @f && ($f[$[] ne $x[$[]);
- }
- else
- {
- shift(@x);
- }
- }
- if (!defined($fpos[$[+2]))
- {
- local($_);
- while($_ = shift(@x))
- {
- $s = int($F_size{$_}/$RecordSize);
- $c -= $s - 1;
- if ($c <= 0)
- {
- $fpos[$[+1] = $_;
- $fpos[$[+2] = ($c>-2) ? 0 : (-$c - 2) * $RecordSize;
- shift(@f) while @f && ($f[$[] ne $_);
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print "guessing starting point according to count ($cnt)\n"
- if $verbose > 3;
- ;# guess offset to get last available $cnt samples
- if ($fpos[$[] eq 'cnt')
- {
- if (grep($_ eq $fpos[$[+1],@f))
- {
- print "old positioning applies\n" if $verbose > 3;
- shift(@f) while @f && $f[$[] ne $fpos[$[+1];
- }
- else
- {
- @fpos = ('cnt', $f[$[], undef);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- @fpos = ('cnt', $f[$[], undef);
- }
- if (!defined($fpos[$[+2]))
- {
- local(@x) = reverse(@f);
- local($s,$c) = (0,$cnt);
- local($_);
- while($_ = shift(@x))
- {
- print "examing \"$_\" $c samples still needed\n"
- if $verbose > 4;
- $s = int($F_size{$_}/$RecordSize);
- $c -= $s - 1;
- if ($c <= 0)
- {
- $fpos[$[+1] = $_;
- $fpos[$[+2] = ($c>-2) ? 0 : (-$c - 2) * $RecordSize;
- shift(@f) while @f && ($f[$[] ne $_);
- last;
- }
- }
- if (!defined($fpos[$[+2]))
- {
- print "no starting point yet - using start of data\n"
- if $verbose > 2;
- $fpos[$[+2] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- print "Ooops, no suitable input file ??\n"
- if $verbose > 1 && @f <= 0;
- printf("Starting at (%s) \"%s\" offset %ld using %d files\n",
- $fpos[$[+1],
- $F_name{$fpos[$[+1]},
- $fpos[$[+2],
- scalar(@f))
- if $verbose > 2;
- $lm = 1;
- $l = 0;
- foreach $key (@f)
- {
- $file = $F_name{$key};
- print "processing file \"$file\"\n" if $verbose > 2;
- open(IN,"<$file") ||
- (warn("$0: cannot read \"$file\": $!\n"), next);
- ;# try to seek to a position nearer to the start of the interesting lines
- ;# should always affect only first item in @f
- ($key eq $fpos[$[+1]) &&
- (($verbose > 1) &&
- print("Seeking to offset $fpos[$[+2]\n"),
- seek(IN,$fpos[$[+2],0) ||
- warn("$0: seek(\"$F_name{$key}\" failed: $|\n"));
- while(<IN>)
- {
- $l++;
- ($verbose > 3) &&
- (($l % $lm) == 0 && print("\t$l lines read\n") &&
- (($l == 2) && ($lm = 10) ||
- ($l == 100) && ($lm = 100) ||
- ($l == 500) && ($lm = 500) ||
- ($l == 1000) && ($lm = 1000) ||
- ($l == 5000) && ($lm = 5000) ||
- ($l == 10000) && ($lm = 10000)));
- @F = split;
- next if @F < 5; # no valid input line is this short
- next if $F[$[] eq "";
- ($F[$[] !~ /^\d+$/) && # A 'never should have happend' error
- die("$0: unexpected input line: $_\n");
- ;# modified Julian to UNIX epoch
- $t = ($F[$[] - $MJD_1970) * 24 * 60 * 60;
- $t += $F[$[+1]; # add seconds + fraction
- ;# multiply offset by 1000 to get ms - try to avoid float op
- (($F[$[+2] =~ s/(\d*)\.(\d{3})(\d*)/\1\2.\3/) &&
- $F[$[+2] =~ s/0+([\d\.])/($1 eq '.') ? '0.' : $1/e) # strip leading zeros
- || $F[$[+2] *= 1000;
- ;# skip samples out of specified time range
- next if (defined($StartTime) && $StartTime > $t);
- next if (defined($EndTime) && $EndTime < $t);
- next if defined($lastT) && $t < $lastT; # backward in time ??
- push(@offs,$F[$[+2]);
- push(@freq,$F[$[+3] * (2**20/10**6));
- push(@cmpl,$F[$[+4]);
- push(@break, (defined($lastT) && ($t - $lastT > $deltaT)));
- $lastT = $t;
- push(@time,$t);
- push(@loffset, tell(IN) - length($_));
- push(@filekey, $key);
- shift(@break),shift(@time),shift(@offs),
- shift(@freq), shift(@cmpl),shift(@loffset),
- shift(@filekey)
- if @time > $cnt &&
- ! (defined($StartTime) && defined($EndTime));
- last if @time >= $cnt && defined($StartTime) && !defined($EndTime);
- }
- close(IN);
- last if @time >= $cnt && defined($StartTime) && !defined($EndTime);
- }
- print "input scanned ($l lines/",scalar(@time)," samples)\n"
- if $verbose > 1;
- &lr_init('offs');
- &lr_init('freq');
- if (@time)
- {
- local($_,@F);
- local($timebase) unless defined($timebase);
- local($freqbase) unless defined($freqbase);
- local($cmplscale) unless defined($cmplscale);
- undef($mintime,$maxtime,$minoffs,$maxoffs,
- $minfreq,$maxfreq,$mincmpl,$maxcmpl,
- $miny,$maxy);
- print "computing ranges\n" if $verbose > 2;
- $LastCnt = @time;
- ;# @time is in ascending order (;-)
- $mintime = @time[$[];
- $maxtime = @time[$#time];
- unless (defined($timebase))
- {
- local($time,@X) = (time);
- @X = localtime($time);
- ;# compute today 00:00:00
- $timebase = $time - ((($X[$[+2]*60)+$X[$[+1])*60+$X[$[]);
- }
- $LastTimeBase = $timebase;
- if ($showoffs)
- {
- local($i,$m,$f);
- $minoffs = &min(@offs);
- $maxoffs = &max(@offs);
- ;# I know, it is not perl style using indices to access arrays,
- ;# but I have to proccess two arrays in sync, non-destructively
- ;# (otherwise a (shift(@a1),shift(a2)) would do),
- ;# I dont like to make copies of these arrays as they may be huge
- $i = $[;
- &lr_sample(($time[$i]-$timebase)/3600,$offs[$i],'offs'),$i++
- while $i <= $#time;
- ($minoffs == $maxoffs) && ($minoffs -= 0.1,$maxoffs += 0.1);
- $i = &lr_sigma('offs');
- $m = &lr_mean('offs');
- print "mean offset: $m sigma: $i\n" if $verbose > 2;
- if (($maxoffs - $minoffs) > $MinClip)
- {
- $f = (&abs($minoffs) < &abs($maxoffs)) ? $FuzzLow : $FuzzBig;
- $miny = (($m - $minoffs) <= ($f * $i))
- ? $minoffs : ($m - $f * $i);
- $f = ($f == $FuzzLow) ? $FuzzBig : $FuzzLow;
- $maxy = (($maxoffs - $m) <= ($f * $i))
- ? $maxoffs : ($m + $f * $i);
- }
- else
- {
- $miny = $minoffs;
- $maxy = $maxoffs;
- }
- ($maxy-$miny) == 0 &&
- (($maxy,$miny)
- = (($maxoffs - $minoffs) > 0)
- ? ($maxoffs,$minoffs) : ($MinClip,-$MinClip));
- $maxy = $MaxY if defined($MaxY) && $MaxY < $maxy;
- $miny = $MinY if defined($MinY) && $MinY > $miny;
- print "offset min clipped from $minoffs to $miny\n"
- if $verbose > 2 && $minoffs != $miny;
- print "offset max clipped from $maxoffs to $maxy\n"
- if $verbose > 2 && $maxoffs != $maxy;
- }
- if ($showfreq)
- {
- local($i,$m);
- $minfreq = &min(@freq);
- $maxfreq = &max(@freq);
- $i = $[;
- &lr_sample(($time[$i]-$timebase)/3600,$freq[$i]-$minfreq,'freq'),
- $i++
- while $i <= $#time;
- $i = &lr_sigma('freq');
- $m = &lr_mean('freq') + $minfreq;
- print "mean frequency: $m sigma: $i\n" if $verbose > 2;
- if (defined($maxy))
- {
- local($s) =
- ($maxfreq - $minfreq)
- ? ($maxy - $miny) / ($maxfreq - $minfreq) : 1;
- if (defined($freqbase))
- {
- $FreqScale = 1;
- $FreqScaleInv = "";
- }
- else
- {
- $FreqScale = 1;
- $FreqScale = 10 ** int(log($s)/log(10) - 0.8);
- $FreqScaleInv =
- ("$FreqScale" =~ /^10(0*)$/) ? "0.${1}1" :
- ($FreqScale == 1 ? "" : (1/$FreqScale));
- $freqbase = $m * $FreqScale;
- $freqbase -= &lr_mean('offs');
- ;# round resulting freqbase
- ;# to precision of min max difference
- $s = int(log(($maxfreq-$minfreq)*$FreqScale)/log(10))-1;
- $s = 10 ** $s;
- $freqbase = int($freqbase / $s) * $s;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $FreqScale = 1;
- $FreqScaleInv = "";
- $freqbase = $m unless defined($freqbase);
- if (($maxfreq - $minfreq) > $MinClip)
- {
- $f = (&abs($minfreq) < &abs($maxfreq))
- ? $FuzzLow : $FuzzBig;
- $miny = (($freqbase - $minfreq) <= ($f * $i))
- ? ($minfreq-$freqbase) : (- $f * $i);
- $f = ($f == $FuzzLow) ? $FuzzBig : $FuzzLow;
- $maxy = (($maxfreq - $freqbase) <= ($f * $i))
- ? ($maxfreq-$freqbase) : ($f * $i);
- }
- else
- {
- $miny = $minfreq - $freqbase;
- $maxy = $maxfreq - $freqbase;
- }
- ($maxy - $miny) == 0 &&
- (($maxy,$miny) =
- (($maxfreq - $minfreq) > 0)
- ? ($maxfreq-$freqbase,$minfreq-$freqbase) : (0.5,-0.5));
- $maxy = $MaxY if defined($MaxY) && $MaxY < $maxy;
- $miny = $MinY if defined($MinY) && $MinY > $miny;
- print("frequency min clipped from ",$minfreq-$freqbase,
- " to $miny\n")
- if $verbose > 2 && $miny != ($minfreq - $freqbase);
- print("frequency max clipped from ",$maxfreq-$freqbase,
- " to $maxy\n")
- if $verbose > 2 && $maxy != ($maxfreq - $freqbase);
- }
- $LastFreqBaseString =
- sprintf("%g",$freqbase >= 0 ? $freqbase : -$freqbase);
- $LastFreqBase = $freqbase;
- print "LastFreqBaseString now \"$LastFreqBaseString\"\n"
- if $verbose > 5;
- }
- else
- {
- $FreqScale = 1;
- $FreqScaleInv = "";
- $LastFreqBase = 0;
- $LastFreqBaseString = "";
- }
- if ($showcmpl)
- {
- $mincmpl = &min(@cmpl);
- $maxcmpl = &max(@cmpl);
- if (!defined($cmplscale))
- {
- if (defined($maxy))
- {
- local($cmp)
- = (&abs($miny) > &abs($maxy)) ? &abs($miny) : $maxy;
- $cmplscale = $cmp == $maxy ? 1 : -1;
- foreach (0.01, 0.02, 0.05,
- 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.4, 0.5,
- 1, 2, 4, 5,
- 10, 20, 25, 50,
- 100, 200, 250, 500, 1000)
- {
- $cmplscale *= $_, last if $maxcmpl/$_ <= $cmp;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $cmplscale = 1;
- $miny = $mincmpl ? 0 : -$MinClip;
- $maxy = $maxcmpl+$MinClip;
- }
- }
- $LastCmplScale = $cmplscale;
- }
- else
- {
- $LastCmplScale = 1;
- }
- print "creating plot command input file\n" if $verbose > 2;
- print OUT ("# preprocessed NTP statistics file for $STATHOST\n");
- print OUT ("# timebase is: ",&ctime($LastTimeBase))
- if defined($LastTimeBase);
- print OUT ("# frequency is offset by ",
- ($LastFreqBase >= 0 ? "+" : "-"),
- "$LastFreqBaseString [${FreqScaleInv}ppm]\n");
- print OUT ("# compliance is scaled by $LastCmplScale\n");
- print OUT ("# time [h]\toffset [ms]\tfrequency [${FreqScaleInv}ppm]\tcompliance\n");
- printf OUT ("%s%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n",
- (shift(@break) ? "\n" : ""),
- (shift(@time) - $LastTimeBase)/3600,
- shift(@offs),
- shift(@freq) * $FreqScale - $LastFreqBase,
- shift(@cmpl) / $LastCmplScale)
- while(@time);
- }
- else
- {
- ;# prevent plotcmd from processing empty file
- print "Creating plot command dummy...\n" if $verbose > 2;
- print OUT "# dummy samples\n0 1 2 3\n1 1 2 3\n";
- &lr_sample(0,1,'offs');
- &lr_sample(1,1,'offs');
- &lr_sample(0,2,'freq');
- &lr_sample(1,2,'freq');
- @time = (0, 1); $maxtime = 1; $mintime = 0;
- @offs = (1, 1); $maxoffs = 1; $minoffs = 1;
- @freq = (2, 2); $maxfreq = 2; $minfreq = 2;
- @cmpl = (3, 3); $maxcmpl = 3; $mincmpl = 3;
- $LastCnt = 2;
- $LastFreqBase = 0;
- $LastCmplScale = 1;
- $LastTimeBase = 0;
- $miny = -$MinClip;
- $maxy = 3 + $MinClip;
- }
- close(OUT);
- print "plot command input file created\n"
- if $verbose > 2;
- if (($fpos[$[] eq 'cnt' && @loffset >= $cnt) ||
- ($fpos[$[] eq 'start' && $time[$[] <= $StartTime) ||
- ($fpos[$[] eq 'end'))
- {
- return ($fpos[$[],$filekey[$[],$loffset[$[]);
- }
- else # found to few lines - next time start search earlier in file
- {
- if ($fpos[$[] eq 'start')
- {
- ;# the timestamps we got for F_first and F_last guaranteed
- ;# that no file is left out
- ;# the only thing that could happen is:
- ;# we guessed the starting point wrong
- ;# compute a new guess from the first record found
- ;# if this equals our last guess use data of first record
- ;# otherwise try new guess
- if ($fpos[$[+1] eq $filekey[$[] && $loffset[$[] > $fpos[$[+2])
- {
- local($noff);
- $noff = $loffset[$[] - ($cnt - @loffset + 1) * $RecordSize;
- $noff = 0 if $noff < 0;
- return (@fpos[$[,$[+1], ($noff == $fpos[$[+2]) ? $loffset[$[] : $noff);
- }
- return ($fpos[$[],$filekey[$[],$loffset[$[]);
- }
- elsif ($fpos[$[] eq 'end' || $fpos[$[] eq 'cnt')
- {
- ;# try to start earlier in file
- ;# if we already started at the beginning
- ;# try to use previous file
- ;# this assumes distance to better starting point is at most one file
- ;# the primary guess at top of genfile() should usually allow this
- ;# assumption
- ;# if the offset of the first sample used is within
- ;# a different file than we guessed it must have occured later
- ;# in the sequence of files
- ;# this only can happen if our starting file did not contain
- ;# a valid sample from the starting point we guessed
- ;# however this does not invalidate our assumption, no check needed
- local($noff,$key);
- if ($fpos[$[+2] > 0)
- {
- $noff = $fpos[$[+2] - $RecordSize * ($cnt - @loffset + 1);
- $noff = 0 if $noff < 0;
- return (@fpos[$[,$[+1],$noff);
- }
- else
- {
- if ($fpos[$[+1] eq $F_files[$[])
- {
- ;# first file - and not enough samples
- ;# use data of first sample
- return ($fpos[$[], $filekey[$[], $loffset[$[]);
- }
- else
- {
- ;# search key of previous file
- $key = $F_files[$[];
- @F = reverse(@F_files);
- while ($_ = shift(@F))
- {
- if ($_ eq $fpos[$[+1])
- {
- $key = shift(@F) if @F;
- last;
- }
- }
- $noff = int($F_size{$key} / $RecordSize);
- $noff -= $cnt - @loffset;
- $noff = 0 if $noff < 0;
- $noff *= $RecordSize;
- return ($fpos[$[], $key, $noff);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return ();
- }
- return 0 if @loffset <= 1 || ($loffset[$#loffset] - $loffset[$[]) <= 1;
- ;# EOF - 1.1 * avg(line) * $cnt
- local($val) = $loffset[$#loffset]
- - $cnt * 11 * (($loffset[$#loffset] - $loffset[$[]) / @loffset) / 10;
- return ($val < 0) ? 0 : $val;
- }
-;# initial setup of plot
-print "initialize plotting\n" if $verbose;
-if (defined($PrintIt))
- if ($PrintIt =~ m,/,)
- {
- print "Saving plot to file $PrintIt\n";
- print PLOT "set output '$PrintIt'\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "Printing plot on printer $PrintIt\n";
- print PLOT "set output '| lpr -P$PrintIt -h'\n";
- }
- print PLOT "set terminal postscript landscape color solid 'Helvetica' 10\n";
-print PLOT "set grid\n";
-print PLOT "set tics out\n";
-print PLOT "set format y '%g '\n";
-printf PLOT "set time 47\n" unless defined($PrintIt);
-@filepos =();
- print &ctime(time) if $verbose;
- ;# update diplay characteristics
- &read_config;# unless defined($PrintIt);
- unlink($tmpfile);
- @filepos = &genfile($samples,$srcprefix,$tmpfile,@filepos);
- ;# make plotcmd display samples
- &make_doplot;
- print "Displaying plot...\n" if $verbose > 1;
- print "command for plot sub process:\n$doplot----\n" if $verbose > 3;
- print PLOT $doplot;
- if (defined($PrintIt))
- {
- delete $SIG{'CHLD'};
- print PLOT "quit\n";
- close(PLOT);
- if ($PrintIt =~ m,/,)
- {
- print "Plot saved to file $PrintIt\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "Plot spooled to printer $PrintIt\n";
- }
- unlink($tmpfile);
- exit(0);
- }
- ;# wait $delay seconds
- print "waiting $delay seconds ..." if $verbose > 2;
- sleep($delay);
- print " continuing\n" if $verbose > 2;
- undef($LastFreqBaseString);
-sub date_time_spec2seconds
- local($_) = @_;
- ;# a date_time_spec consistes of:
- ;# values can be omitted from the beginning and default than to
- ;# values of current date
- ;# values omitted from the end default to lowest possible values
- local($time) = time;
- local($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year)
- = localtime($time);
- local($last) = ();
- s/^\D*(.*\d)\D*/\1/; # strip off garbage
- {
- if (s/^(\d{4})(-|$)//)
- {
- if ($1 < 1970)
- {
- warn("$0: can not handle years before 1970 - year $1 ignored\n");
- return undef;
- }
- elsif ( $1 >= 2070)
- {
- warn("$0: can not handle years past 2070 - year $1 ignored\n");
- return undef;
- }
- else
- {
- $year = $1 % 100; # 0<= $year < 100
- ;# - interpreted 70 .. 99,00 .. 69
- }
- $last = $[ + 5;
- last PARSE if $_ eq '';
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec: \"$_\" found after YEAR\n"),
- return(undef)
- if $2 eq '';
- }
- if (s/^(\d{1,2})(-|$)//)
- {
- warn("$0: implausible month $1\n"),return(undef)
- if $1 < 1 || $1 > 12;
- $mon = $1 - 1;
- $last = $[ + 4;
- last PARSE if $_ eq '';
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec: \"$_\" found after MONTH\n"),
- return(undef)
- if $2 eq '';
- }
- else
- {
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec \"$_\"\n"),return(undef)
- if defined($last);
- }
- if (s/^(\d{1,2})([_ ]|$)//)
- {
- warn("$0: implausible month day $1 for month ".($mon+1)." (".
- $MaxNumDaysPerMonth[$mon].")$mon\n"),
- return(undef)
- if $1 < 1 || $1 > $MaxNumDaysPerMonth[$mon];
- $mday = $1;
- $last = $[ + 3;
- last PARSE if $_ eq '';
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec \"$_\" found after MDAY\n"),
- return(undef)
- if $2 eq '';
- }
- else
- {
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec \"$_\"\n"), return undef
- if defined($last);
- }
- ;# now we face a problem:
- ;# if ! defined($last) a prefix of "07:"
- ;# can be either 07:MM or 07:ss
- ;# to get the second interpretation make the user add
- ;# a msec fraction part and check for this special case
- if (! defined($last) && s/^(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}\.\d+)//)
- {
- warn("$0: implausible minute $1\n"), return undef
- if $1 < 0 || $1 >= 60;
- warn("$0: implausible second $1\n"), return undef
- if $2 < 0 || $2 >= 60;
- $min = $1;
- $sec = $2;
- $last = $[ + 1;
- last PARSE if $_ eq '';
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec \"$_\" after SECONDS\n");
- return undef;
- }
- if (s/^(\d{1,2})(:|$)//)
- {
- warn("$0: implausible hour $1\n"), return undef
- if $1 < 0 || $1 > 24;
- $hour = $1;
- $last = $[ + 2;
- last PARSE if $_ eq '';
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec found \"$_\" after HOUR\n"),
- return undef
- if $2 eq '';
- }
- else
- {
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec \"$_\"\n"), return undef
- if defined($last);
- }
- if (s/^(\d{1,2})(:|$)//)
- {
- warn("$0: implausible minute $1\n"), return undef
- if $1 < 0 || $1 >=60;
- $min = $1;
- $last = $[ + 1;
- last PARSE if $_ eq '';
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec found \"$_\" after MINUTE\n"),
- return undef
- if $2 eq '';
- }
- else
- {
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec \"$_\"\n"), return undef
- if defined($last);
- }
- if (s/^(\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?)//)
- {
- warn("$0: implausible second $1\n"), return undef
- if $1 < 0 || $1 >=60;
- $sec = $1;
- $last = $[;
- last PARSE if $_ eq '';
- warn("$0: bad date_time_spec found \"$_\" after SECOND\n");
- return undef;
- }
- }
- return $time unless defined($last);
- $sec = 0 if $last > $[;
- $min = 0 if $last > $[ + 1;
- $hour = 0 if $last > $[ + 2;
- $mday = 1 if $last > $[ + 3;
- $mon = 0 if $last > $[ + 4;
- local($rtime) = &timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year, 0,0, 0);
- ;# $rtime may be off if daylight savings time is in effect at given date
- return $rtime + ($sec - int($sec))
- if $hour == (localtime($rtime))[$[+2];
- return
- &timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year, 0,0, 1)
- + ($sec - int($sec));
-sub min
- local($m) = shift;
- grep((($m > $_) && ($m = $_),0),@_);
- $m;
-sub max
- local($m) = shift;
- grep((($m < $_) && ($m = $_),0),@_);
- $m;