path: root/usr.bin/units/units.1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.bin/units/units.1')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/usr.bin/units/units.1 b/usr.bin/units/units.1
index a2532a92d69d..52982c8dbc25 100644
--- a/usr.bin/units/units.1
+++ b/usr.bin/units/units.1
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Print the version number.
Allow a single unit conversion to be done directly from the command
line. The program will not print prompts. It will print out the
result of the single specified conversion.
@@ -81,15 +82,15 @@ file includes definitions for most familiar units, abbreviations and
metric prefixes. Some constants of nature included are:
.Bl -inset -offset indent -compact
-.It pi ratio of circumference to diameter
-.It c speed of light
-.It e charge on an electron
-.It g acceleration of gravity
-.It force same as g
-.It mole Avogadro's number
-.It water pressure per unit height of water
-.It mercury pressure per unit height of mercury
-.It au astronomical unit
+.It "pi ratio of circumference to diameter
+.It "c speed of light
+.It "e charge on an electron
+.It "g acceleration of gravity
+.It "force same as g
+.It "mole Avogadro's number
+.It "water pressure per unit height of water
+.It "mercury pressure per unit height of mercury
+.It "au astronomical unit
The unit 'pound' is a unit of mass. Compound names are run together
@@ -125,14 +126,14 @@ Here is an example of a short units file that defines some basic
.Bl -inset -offset indent -compact
-.It m !a!
-.It sec !b!
-.It micro- 1e-6
-.It minute 60 sec
-.It hour 60 min
-.It inch 0.0254 m
-.It ft 12 inches
-.It mile 5280 ft
+.It "m !a!
+.It "sec !b!
+.It "micro- 1e-6
+.It "minute 60 sec
+.It "hour 60 min
+.It "inch 0.0254 m
+.It "ft 12 inches
+.It "mile 5280 ft
The effect of including a '/' in a prefix is surprising.