path: root/unit-tests/varmod-sysv.mk
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1 files changed, 224 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/unit-tests/varmod-sysv.mk b/unit-tests/varmod-sysv.mk
index c8410ed900d8..10643495fef5 100644
--- a/unit-tests/varmod-sysv.mk
+++ b/unit-tests/varmod-sysv.mk
@@ -1,61 +1,237 @@
-# $NetBSD: varmod-sysv.mk,v 1.3 2020/08/23 14:52:06 rillig Exp $
+# $NetBSD: varmod-sysv.mk,v 1.11 2020/11/01 22:28:52 rillig Exp $
# Tests for the ${VAR:from=to} variable modifier, which replaces the suffix
# "from" with "to". It can also use '%' as a wildcard.
# This modifier is applied when the other modifiers don't match exactly.
+# See ApplyModifier_SysV.
-all: words ampersand anchor-dollar mismatch
+# A typical use case for the :from=to modifier is conversion of filename
+# extensions.
+.if ${src.c:L:.c=.o} != "src.o"
+. error
-# The :Q looks like a modifier but isn't.
-# It is part of the replacement string.
- @echo a${a b c d e:L:%a=x:Q}b
+# The modifier applies to each word on its own.
+.if ${one.c two.c three.c:L:.c=.o} != "one.o two.o three.o"
+. error
+# Words that don't match the pattern are passed unmodified.
+.if ${src.c src.h:L:.c=.o} != "src.o src.h"
+. error
+# The :from=to modifier is therefore often combined with the :M modifier.
+.if ${src.c src.h:L:M*.c:.c=.o} != "src.o"
+. error
+# Another use case for the :from=to modifier is to append a suffix to each
+# word. In this case, the "from" string is empty, therefore it always
+# matches. The same effect can be achieved with the :S,$,teen, modifier.
+.if ${four six seven nine:L:=teen} != "fourteen sixteen seventeen nineteen"
+. error
+# The :from=to modifier can also be used to surround each word by strings.
+# It might be tempting to use this for enclosing a string in quotes for the
+# shell, but that's the job of the :Q modifier.
+.if ${one two three:L:%=(%)} != "(one) (two) (three)"
+. error
+# When the :from=to modifier is parsed, it lasts until the closing brace
+# or parenthesis. The :Q in the below expression may look like a modifier
+# but isn't. It is part of the replacement string.
+.if ${a b c d e:L:%a=x:Q} != "x:Q b c d e"
+. error
+# In the :from=to modifier, both parts can contain variable expressions.
+.if ${one two:L:${:Uone}=${:U1}} != "1 two"
+. error
+# In the :from=to modifier, the "from" part is expanded exactly once.
+.if ${:U\$ \$\$ \$\$\$\$:${:U\$\$\$\$}=4} != "\$ \$\$ 4"
+. error
+# In the :from=to modifier, the "to" part is expanded exactly twice.
+# XXX: The right-hand side should be expanded only once.
+# XXX: It's hard to get the escaping correct here, and to read that.
+# XXX: It's not intuitive why the closing brace must be escaped but not
+# the opening brace.
+.if ${:U1 2 4:4=${:Uonce\${\:Utwice\}}} != "1 2 oncetwice"
+. error
+# The replacement string can contain spaces, thereby changing the number
+# of words in the variable expression.
+.if ${In:L:%=% ${:Uthe Sun}} != "In the Sun"
+. error
+# If the variable value is empty, it is debatable whether it consists of a
+# single empty word, or no word at all. The :from=to modifier treats it as
+# no word at all.
+.if ${:L:=suffix} != ""
+. error
+# If the variable value is empty, it is debatable whether it consists of a
+# single empty word, or no word at all. The :from=to modifier treats it as
+# no word at all.
+.if ${:L:%=suffix} != ""
+. error
# Before 2020-07-19, an ampersand could be used in the replacement part
-# of a SysV substitution modifier. This was probably a copy-and-paste
-# mistake since the SysV modifier code looked a lot like the code for the
-# :S and :C modifiers. The ampersand is not mentioned in the manual page.
- @echo ${:U${a.bcd.e:L:a.%=%}:Q}
- @echo ${:U${a.bcd.e:L:a.%=&}:Q}
+# of a SysV substitution modifier, and it was replaced with the whole match,
+# just like in the :S modifier.
+# This was probably a copy-and-paste mistake since the code for the SysV
+# modifier looked a lot like the code for the :S and :C modifiers.
+# The ampersand is not mentioned in the manual page.
+.if ${a.bcd.e:L:a.%=%} != "bcd.e"
+. error
+# Before 2020-07-19, the result of the expression was "a.bcd.e".
+.if ${a.bcd.e:L:a.%=&} != "&"
+. error
# Before 2020-07-20, when a SysV modifier was parsed, a single dollar
-# before the '=' was interpreted as an anchor, which doesn't make sense
-# since the anchor was discarded immediately.
- @echo $@: ${:U${value:L:e$=x}:Q}
- @echo $@: ${:U${value:L:e=x}:Q}
+# before the '=' was parsed (but not interpreted) as an anchor.
+# Parsing something without then evaluating it accordingly doesn't make
+# sense.
+.if ${value:L:e$=x} != "value"
+. error
+# Before 2020-07-20, the modifier ":e$=x" was parsed as having a left-hand
+# side "e" and a right-hand side "x". The dollar was parsed (but not
+# interpreted) as 'anchor at the end'. Therefore the modifier was equivalent
+# to ":e=x", which doesn't match the string "value$". Therefore the whole
+# expression evaluated to "value$".
+.if ${${:Uvalue\$}:L:e$=x} != "valux"
+. error
+.if ${value:L:e=x} != "valux"
+. error
# Words that don't match are copied unmodified.
-# The % placeholder can be anywhere in the string.
- @echo $@: ${:Ufile.c file.h:%.c=%.cpp}
- @echo $@: ${:Ufile.c other.c:file.%=renamed.%}
-# Trying to cover all possible variants of the SysV modifier.
-LIST= one two
-EXPR.1= ${LIST:o=X}
-EXP.1= one twX
-EXPR.2= ${LIST:o=}
-EXP.2= one tw
-EXPR.3= ${LIST:o=%}
-EXP.3= one tw%
-EXPR.4= ${LIST:%o=X}
-EXP.4= one X
-EXPR.5= ${LIST:o%=X}
-EXP.5= X two
-EXPR.6= ${LIST:o%e=X}
-EXP.6= X two
-EXPR.7= ${LIST:o%%e=X} # Only the first '%' is the wildcard.
-EXP.7= one two # None of the words contains a literal '%'.
-EXPR.8= ${LIST:%=%%}
-EXP.8= one% two%
-EXPR.9= ${LIST:%nes=%xxx} # lhs is longer than the word "one"
-EXP.9= one two
-.for i in ${:U:range=9}
-.if ${EXPR.$i} != ${EXP.$i}
-.warning test case $i expected "${EXP.$i}", got "${EXPR.$i}
+.if ${:Ufile.c file.h:%.c=%.cpp} != "file.cpp file.h"
+. error
+# The % placeholder can be anywhere in the string, it doesn't have to be at
+# the beginning of the pattern.
+.if ${:Ufile.c other.c:file.%=renamed.%} != "renamed.c other.c"
+. error
+# It's also possible to modify each word by replacing the prefix and adding
+# a suffix.
+.if ${one two:L:o%=a%w} != "anew two"
+. error
+# Each word gets the suffix "X" appended.
+.if ${one two:L:=X} != "oneX twoX"
+. error
+# The suffix "o" is replaced with "X".
+.if ${one two:L:o=X} != "one twX"
+. error
+# The suffix "o" is replaced with nothing.
+.if ${one two:L:o=} != "one tw"
+. error
+# The suffix "o" is replaced with a literal percent. The percent is only
+# a wildcard when it appears on the left-hand side.
+.if ${one two:L:o=%} != "one tw%"
+. error
+# Each word with the suffix "o" is replaced with "X". The percent is a
+# wildcard even though the right-hand side does not contain another percent.
+.if ${one two:L:%o=X} != "one X"
+. error
+# Each word with the prefix "o" is replaced with "X". The percent is a
+# wildcard even though the right-hand side does not contain another percent.
+.if ${one two:L:o%=X} != "X two"
+. error
+# For each word with the prefix "o" and the suffix "e", the whole word is
+# replaced with "X".
+.if ${one two oe oxen:L:o%e=X} != "X two X oxen"
+. error
+# Only the first '%' is the wildcard.
+.if ${one two o%e other%e:L:o%%e=X} != "one two X X"
+. error
+# In the replacement, only the first '%' is the placeholder, all others
+# are literal percent characters.
+.if ${one two:L:%=%%} != "one% two%"
+. error
+# In the word "one", only a prefix of the pattern suffix "nes" matches,
+# the whole word is too short. Therefore it doesn't match.
+.if ${one two:L:%nes=%xxx} != "one two"
+. error
+# The :from=to modifier can be used to replace both the prefix and a suffix
+# of a word with other strings. This is not possible with a single :S
+# modifier, and using a :C modifier for the same task looks more complicated
+# in many cases.
+.if ${prefix-middle-suffix:L:prefix-%-suffix=p-%-s} != "p-middle-s"
+. error
+# This is not a SysV modifier since the nested variable expression expands
+# to an empty string. The '=' in it should be irrelevant during parsing.
+# As of 2020-11-01, this seemingly correct modifier leads to a parse error.
+# XXX
+.if ${word203:L:from${:D=}to}
+. error
+# XXX: This specially constructed case demonstrates that the SysV modifier
+# lasts longer than expected. The whole expression initially has the value
+# "fromto}...". The next modifier is a SysV modifier. ApplyModifier_SysV
+# parses the modifier as "from${:D=}to", ending at the '}'. Next, the two
+# parts of the modifier are parsed using ParseModifierPart, which scans
+# differently, properly handling nested variable expressions. The two parts
+# are now "fromto}..." and "replaced".
+.if "${:Ufromto\}...:from${:D=}to}...=replaced}" != "replaced"
+. error
+# As of 2020-10-06, the right-hand side of the SysV modifier is expanded
+# twice. The first expansion happens in ApplyModifier_SysV, where the
+# modifier is split into its two parts. The second expansion happens
+# when each word is replaced in ModifyWord_SYSVSubst.
+# XXX: This is unexpected. Add more test case to demonstrate the effects
+# of removing one of the expansions.
+VALUE= value
+INDIRECT= 1:${VALUE} 2:$${VALUE} 4:$$$${VALUE}
+.if ${x:L:x=${INDIRECT}} != "1:value 2:value 4:\${VALUE}"
+. error