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+.\" Copyright (c) 1988 The Regents of the University of California.
+.\" All rights reserved.
+.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+.\" are met:
+.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+.\" 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+.\" must display the following acknowledgement:
+.\" This product includes software developed by the University of
+.\" California, Berkeley and its contributors.
+.\" 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+.\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+.\" without specific prior written permission.
+.\" @(#)kernmalloc.t 5.1 (Berkeley) 4/16/91
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+.\" reference a system routine name
+.de RN
+.\" reference a header name
+.de H
+.NH \\$1
+.\" begin figure
+.\" .FI "title"
+.nr Fn 0 1
+.de FI
+.ds Lb Figure \\n+(Fn
+.ds Lt \\$1
+.DS B
+.\" end figure
+.de Fe
+\\*(Lb. \\*(Lt
+delim $$
+.ds CH "
+.pn 295
+.ps -1
+.sp -1
+Reprinted from:
+\fIProceedings of the San Francisco USENIX Conference\fP,
+pp. 295-303, June 1988.
+.\".sp |\n(HMu
+.rm CM
+.nr PO 1.25i
+Design of a General Purpose Memory Allocator for the 4.3BSD UNIX\(dg Kernel
+.ds LF Summer USENIX '88
+.ds CF "%
+.ds RF San Francisco, June 20-24
+.EH 'Design of a General Purpose Memory ...''McKusick, Karels'
+.OH 'McKusick, Karels''Design of a General Purpose Memory ...'
+\(dgUNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the US and other countries.
+Marshall Kirk McKusick
+Michael J. Karels
+Computer Systems Research Group
+Computer Science Division
+Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
+University of California, Berkeley
+Berkeley, California 94720
+The 4.3BSD UNIX kernel uses many memory allocation mechanisms,
+each designed for the particular needs of the utilizing subsystem.
+This paper describes a general purpose dynamic memory allocator
+that can be used by all of the kernel subsystems.
+The design of this allocator takes advantage of known memory usage
+patterns in the UNIX kernel and a hybrid strategy that is time-efficient
+for small allocations and space-efficient for large allocations.
+This allocator replaces the multiple memory allocation interfaces
+with a single easy-to-program interface,
+results in more efficient use of global memory by eliminating
+partitioned and specialized memory pools,
+and is quick enough that no performance loss is observed
+relative to the current implementations.
+The paper concludes with a discussion of our experience in using
+the new memory allocator,
+and directions for future work.
+.H 1 "Kernel Memory Allocation in 4.3BSD
+The 4.3BSD kernel has at least ten different memory allocators.
+Some of them handle large blocks,
+some of them handle small chained data structures,
+and others include information to describe I/O operations.
+Often the allocations are for small pieces of memory that are only
+needed for the duration of a single system call.
+In a user process such short-term
+memory would be allocated on the run-time stack.
+Because the kernel has a limited run-time stack,
+it is not feasible to allocate even moderate blocks of memory on it.
+Consequently, such memory must be allocated through a more dynamic mechanism.
+For example,
+when the system must translate a pathname,
+it must allocate a one kilobye buffer to hold the name.
+Other blocks of memory must be more persistent than a single system call
+and really have to be allocated from dynamic memory.
+Examples include protocol control blocks that remain throughout
+the duration of the network connection.
+Demands for dynamic memory allocation in the kernel have increased
+as more services have been added.
+Each time a new type of memory allocation has been required,
+a specialized memory allocation scheme has been written to handle it.
+Often the new memory allocation scheme has been built on top
+of an older allocator.
+For example, the block device subsystem provides a crude form of
+memory allocation through the allocation of empty buffers [Thompson78].
+The allocation is slow because of the implied semantics of
+finding the oldest buffer, pushing its contents to disk if they are dirty,
+and moving physical memory into or out of the buffer to create
+the requested size.
+To reduce the overhead, a ``new'' memory allocator was built in 4.3BSD
+for name translation that allocates a pool of empty buffers.
+It keeps them on a free list so they can
+be quickly allocated and freed [McKusick85].
+This memory allocation method has several drawbacks.
+First, the new allocator can only handle a limited range of sizes.
+Second, it depletes the buffer pool, as it steals memory intended
+to buffer disk blocks to other purposes.
+Finally, it creates yet another interface of
+which the programmer must be aware.
+A generalized memory allocator is needed to reduce the complexity
+of writing code inside the kernel.
+Rather than providing many semi-specialized ways of allocating memory,
+the kernel should provide a single general purpose allocator.
+With only a single interface,
+programmers do not need to figure
+out the most appropriate way to allocate memory.
+If a good general purpose allocator is available,
+it helps avoid the syndrome of creating yet another special
+purpose allocator.
+To ease the task of understanding how to use it,
+the memory allocator should have an interface similar to the interface
+of the well-known memory allocator provided for
+applications programmers through the C library routines
+.RN malloc
+.RN free .
+Like the C library interface,
+the allocation routine should take a parameter specifying the
+size of memory that is needed.
+The range of sizes for memory requests should not be constrained.
+The free routine should take a pointer to the storage being freed,
+and should not require additional information such as the size
+of the piece of memory being freed.
+.H 1 "Criteria for a Kernel Memory Allocator
+The design specification for a kernel memory allocator is similar to,
+but not identical to,
+the design criteria for a user level memory allocator.
+The first criterion for a memory allocator is that it make good use
+of the physical memory.
+Good use of memory is measured by the amount of memory needed to hold
+a set of allocations at any point in time.
+Percentage utilization is expressed as:
+.ie t \{\
+utilization~=~requested over required
+.el \{\
+Here, ``requested'' is the sum of the memory that has been requested
+and not yet freed.
+``Required'' is the amount of memory that has been
+allocated for the pool from which the requests are filled.
+An allocator requires more memory than requested because of fragmentation
+and a need to have a ready supply of free memory for future requests.
+A perfect memory allocator would have a utilization of 100%.
+In practice,
+having a 50% utilization is considered good [Korn85].
+Good memory utilization in the kernel is more important than
+in user processes.
+Because user processes run in virtual memory,
+unused parts of their address space can be paged out.
+Thus pages in the process address space
+that are part of the ``required'' pool that are not
+being ``requested'' need not tie up physical memory.
+Because the kernel is not paged,
+all pages in the ``required'' pool are held by the kernel and
+cannot be used for other purposes.
+To keep the kernel utilization percentage as high as possible,
+it is desirable to release unused memory in the ``required'' pool
+rather than to hold it as is typically done with user processes.
+Because the kernel can directly manipulate its own page maps,
+releasing unused memory is fast;
+a user process must do a system call to release memory.
+The most important criterion for a memory allocator is that it be fast.
+Because memory allocation is done frequently,
+a slow memory allocator will degrade the system performance.
+Speed of allocation is more critical when executing in the
+kernel than in user code,
+because the kernel must allocate many data structure that user
+processes can allocate cheaply on their run-time stack.
+In addition, the kernel represents the platform on which all user
+processes run,
+and if it is slow, it will degrade the performance of every process
+that is running.
+Another problem with a slow memory allocator is that programmers
+of frequently-used kernel interfaces will feel that they
+cannot afford to use it as their primary memory allocator.
+Instead they will build their own memory allocator on top of the
+original by maintaining their own pool of memory blocks.
+Multiple allocators reduce the efficiency with which memory is used.
+The kernel ends up with many different free lists of memory
+instead of a single free list from which all allocation can be drawn.
+For example,
+consider the case of two subsystems that need memory.
+If they have their own free lists,
+the amount of memory tied up in the two lists will be the
+sum of the greatest amount of memory that each of
+the two subsystems has ever used.
+If they share a free list,
+the amount of memory tied up in the free list may be as low as the
+greatest amount of memory that either subsystem used.
+As the number of subsystems grows,
+the savings from having a single free list grow.
+.H 1 "Existing User-level Implementations
+There are many different algorithms and
+implementations of user-level memory allocators.
+A survey of those available on UNIX systems appeared in [Korn85].
+Nearly all of the memory allocators tested made good use of memory,
+though most of them were too slow for use in the kernel.
+The fastest memory allocator in the survey by nearly a factor of two
+was the memory allocator provided on 4.2BSD originally
+written by Chris Kingsley at California Institute of Technology.
+the 4.2BSD memory allocator also wasted twice as much memory
+as its nearest competitor in the survey.
+The 4.2BSD user-level memory allocator works by maintaining a set of lists
+that are ordered by increasing powers of two.
+Each list contains a set of memory blocks of its corresponding size.
+To fulfill a memory request,
+the size of the request is rounded up to the next power of two.
+A piece of memory is then removed from the list corresponding
+to the specified power of two and returned to the requester.
+Thus, a request for a block of memory of size 53 returns
+a block from the 64-sized list.
+A typical memory allocation requires a roundup calculation
+followed by a linked list removal.
+Only if the list is empty is a real memory allocation done.
+The free operation is also fast;
+the block of memory is put back onto the list from which it came.
+The correct list is identified by a size indicator stored
+immediately preceding the memory block.
+.H 1 "Considerations Unique to a Kernel Allocator
+There are several special conditions that arise when writing a
+memory allocator for the kernel that do not apply to a user process
+memory allocator.
+First, the maximum memory allocation can be determined at
+the time that the machine is booted.
+This number is never more than the amount of physical memory on the machine,
+and is typically much less since a machine with all its
+memory dedicated to the operating system is uninteresting to use.
+Thus, the kernel can statically allocate a set of data structures
+to manage its dynamically allocated memory.
+These data structures never need to be
+expanded to accommodate memory requests;
+yet, if properly designed, they need not be large.
+For a user process, the maximum amount of memory that may be allocated
+is a function of the maximum size of its virtual memory.
+Although it could allocate static data structures to manage
+its entire virtual memory,
+even if they were efficiently encoded they would potentially be huge.
+The other alternative is to allocate data structures as they are needed.
+However, that adds extra complications such as new
+failure modes if it cannot allocate space for additional
+structures and additional mechanisms to link them all together.
+Another special condition of the kernel memory allocator is that it
+can control its own address space.
+Unlike user processes that can only grow and shrink their heap at one end,
+the kernel can keep an arena of kernel addresses and allocate
+pieces from that arena which it then populates with physical memory.
+The effect is much the same as a user process that has parts of
+its address space paged out when they are not in use,
+except that the kernel can explicitly control the set of pages
+allocated to its address space.
+The result is that the ``working set'' of pages in use by the
+kernel exactly corresponds to the set of pages that it is really using.
+.FI "One day memory usage on a Berkeley time-sharing machine"
+.so usage.tbl
+A final special condition that applies to the kernel is that
+all of the different uses of dynamic memory are known in advance.
+Each one of these uses of dynamic memory can be assigned a type.
+For each type of dynamic memory that is allocated,
+the kernel can provide allocation limits.
+One reason given for having separate allocators is that
+no single allocator could starve the rest of the kernel of all
+its available memory and thus a single runaway
+client could not paralyze the system.
+By putting limits on each type of memory,
+the single general purpose memory allocator can provide the same
+protection against memory starvation.\(dg
+\(dgOne might seriously ask the question what good it is if ``only''
+one subsystem within the kernel hangs if it is something like the
+network on a diskless workstation.
+\*(Lb shows the memory usage of the kernel over a one day period
+on a general timesharing machine at Berkeley.
+The ``In Use'', ``Free'', and ``Mem Use'' fields are instantaneous values;
+the ``Requests'' field is the number of allocations since system startup;
+the ``High Use'' field is the maximum value of
+the ``Mem Use'' field since system startup.
+The figure demonstrates that most
+allocations are for small objects.
+Large allocations occur infrequently,
+and are typically for long-lived objects
+such as buffers to hold the superblock for
+a mounted file system.
+Thus, a memory allocator only needs to be
+fast for small pieces of memory.
+.H 1 "Implementation of the Kernel Memory Allocator
+In reviewing the available memory allocators,
+none of their strategies could be used without some modification.
+The kernel memory allocator that we ended up with is a hybrid
+of the fast memory allocator found in the 4.2BSD C library
+and a slower but more-memory-efficient first-fit allocator.
+Small allocations are done using the 4.2BSD power-of-two list strategy;
+the typical allocation requires only a computation of
+the list to use and the removal of an element if it is available,
+so it is quite fast.
+Macros are provided to avoid the cost of a subroutine call.
+Only if the request cannot be fulfilled from a list is a call
+made to the allocator itself.
+To ensure that the allocator is always called for large requests,
+the lists corresponding to large allocations are always empty.
+Appendix A shows the data structures and implementation of the macros.
+Similarly, freeing a block of memory can be done with a macro.
+The macro computes the list on which to place the request
+and puts it there.
+The free routine is called only if the block of memory is
+considered to be a large allocation.
+Including the cost of blocking out interrupts,
+the allocation and freeing macros generate respectively
+only nine and sixteen (simple) VAX instructions.
+Because of the inefficiency of power-of-two allocation strategies
+for large allocations,
+a different strategy is used for allocations larger than two kilobytes.
+The selection of two kilobytes is derived from our statistics on
+the utilization of memory within the kernel,
+that showed that 95 to 98% of allocations are of size one kilobyte or less.
+A frequent caller of the memory allocator
+(the name translation function)
+always requests a one kilobyte block.
+Additionally the allocation method for large blocks is based on allocating
+pieces of memory in multiples of pages.
+Consequently the actual allocation size for requests of size
+$2~times~pagesize$ or less are identical.\(dg
+\(dgTo understand why this number is $size 8 {2~times~pagesize}$ one
+observes that the power-of-two algorithm yields sizes of 1, 2, 4, 8, \&...
+pages while the large block algorithm that allocates in multiples
+of pages yields sizes of 1, 2, 3, 4, \&... pages.
+Thus for allocations of sizes between one and two pages
+both algorithms use two pages;
+it is not until allocations of sizes between two and three pages
+that a difference emerges where the power-of-two algorithm will use
+four pages while the large block algorithm will use three pages.
+In 4.3BSD on the VAX, the (software) page size is one kilobyte,
+so two kilobytes is the smallest logical cutoff.
+Large allocations are first rounded up to be a multiple of the page size.
+The allocator then uses a first-fit algorithm to find space in the
+kernel address arena set aside for dynamic allocations.
+Thus a request for a five kilobyte piece of memory will use exactly
+five pages of memory rather than eight kilobytes as with
+the power-of-two allocation strategy.
+When a large piece of memory is freed,
+the memory pages are returned to the free memory pool,
+and the address space is returned to the kernel address arena
+where it is coalesced with adjacent free pieces.
+Another technique to improve both the efficiency of memory utilization
+and the speed of allocation
+is to cluster same-sized small allocations on a page.
+When a list for a power-of-two allocation is empty,
+a new page is allocated and divided into pieces of the needed size.
+This strategy speeds future allocations as several pieces of memory
+become available as a result of the call into the allocator.
+.FI "Calculation of allocation size"
+.so alloc.fig
+Because the size is not specified when a block of memory is freed,
+the allocator must keep track of the sizes of the pieces it has handed out.
+The 4.2BSD user-level allocator stores the size of each block
+in a header just before the allocation.
+However, this strategy doubles the memory requirement for allocations that
+require a power-of-two-sized block.
+instead of storing the size of each piece of memory with the piece itself,
+the size information is associated with the memory page.
+\*(Lb shows how the kernel determines
+the size of a piece of memory that is being freed,
+by calculating the page in which it resides,
+and looking up the size associated with that page.
+Eliminating the cost of the overhead per piece improved utilization
+far more than expected.
+The reason is that many allocations in the kernel are for blocks of
+memory whose size is exactly a power of two.
+These requests would be nearly doubled if the user-level strategy were used.
+Now they can be accommodated with no wasted memory.
+The allocator can be called both from the top half of the kernel,
+which is willing to wait for memory to become available,
+and from the interrupt routines in the bottom half of the kernel
+that cannot wait for memory to become available.
+Clients indicate their willingness (and ability) to wait with a flag
+to the allocation routine.
+For clients that are willing to wait,
+the allocator guarrentees that their request will succeed.
+Thus, these clients can need not check the return value from the allocator.
+If memory is unavailable and the client cannot wait,
+the allocator returns a null pointer.
+These clients must be prepared to cope with this
+(hopefully infrequent) condition
+(usually by giving up and hoping to do better later).
+.H 1 "Results of the Implementation
+The new memory allocator was written about a year ago.
+Conversion from the old memory allocators to the new allocator
+has been going on ever since.
+Many of the special purpose allocators have been eliminated.
+This list includes
+.RN calloc ,
+.RN wmemall ,
+.RN zmemall .
+Many of the special purpose memory allocators built on
+top of other allocators have also been eliminated.
+For example, the allocator that was built on top of the buffer pool allocator
+.RN geteblk
+to allocate pathname buffers in
+.RN namei
+has been eliminated.
+Because the typical allocation is so fast,
+we have found that none of the special purpose pools are needed.
+Indeed, the allocation is about the same as the previous cost of
+allocating buffers from the network pool (\fImbuf\fP\^s).
+Consequently applications that used to allocate network
+buffers for their own uses have been switched over to using
+the general purpose allocator without increasing their running time.
+Quantifying the performance of the allocator is difficult because
+it is hard to measure the amount of time spent allocating
+and freeing memory in the kernel.
+The usual approach is to compile a kernel for profiling
+and then compare the running time of the routines that
+implemented the old abstraction versus those that implement the new one.
+The old routines are difficult to quantify because
+individual routines were used for more than one purpose.
+For example, the
+.RN geteblk
+routine was used both to allocate one kilobyte memory blocks
+and for its intended purpose of providing buffers to the filesystem.
+Differentiating these uses is often difficult.
+To get a measure of the cost of memory allocation before
+putting in our new allocator,
+we summed up the running time of all the routines whose
+exclusive task was memory allocation.
+To this total we added the fraction
+of the running time of the multi-purpose routines that could
+clearly be identified as memory allocation usage.
+This number showed that approximately three percent of
+the time spent in the kernel could be accounted to memory allocation.
+The new allocator is difficult to measure
+because the usual case of the memory allocator is implemented as a macro.
+Thus, its running time is a small fraction of the running time of the
+numerous routines in the kernel that use it.
+To get a bound on the cost,
+we changed the macro always to call the memory allocation routine.
+Running in this mode, the memory allocator accounted for six percent
+of the time spent in the kernel.
+Factoring out the cost of the statistics collection and the
+subroutine call overhead for the cases that could
+normally be handled by the macro,
+we estimate that the allocator would account for
+at most four percent of time in the kernel.
+These measurements show that the new allocator does not introduce
+significant new run-time costs.
+The other major success has been in keeping the size information
+on a per-page basis.
+This technique allows the most frequently requested sizes to be
+allocated without waste.
+It also reduces the amount of bookkeeping information associated
+with the allocator to four kilobytes of information
+per megabyte of memory under management (with a one kilobyte page size).
+.H 1 "Future Work
+Our next project is to convert many of the static
+kernel tables to be dynamically allocated.
+Static tables include the process table, the file table,
+and the mount table.
+Making these tables dynamic will have two benefits.
+First, it will reduce the amount of memory
+that must be statically allocated at boot time.
+Second, it will eliminate the arbitrary upper limit imposed
+by the current static sizing
+(although a limit will be retained to constrain runaway clients).
+Other researchers have already shown the memory savings
+achieved by this conversion [Rodriguez88].
+Under the current implementation,
+memory is never moved from one size list to another.
+With the 4.2BSD memory allocator this causes problems,
+particularly for large allocations where a process may use
+a quarter megabyte piece of memory once,
+which is then never available for any other size request.
+In our hybrid scheme,
+memory can be shuffled between large requests so that large blocks
+of memory are never stranded as they are with the 4.2BSD allocator.
+However, pages allocated to small requests are allocated once
+to a particular size and never changed thereafter.
+If a burst of requests came in for a particular size,
+that size would acquire a large amount of memory
+that would then not be available for other future requests.
+In practice, we do not find that the free lists become too large.
+However, we have been investigating ways to handle such problems
+if they occur in the future.
+Our current investigations involve a routine
+that can run as part of the idle loop that would sort the elements
+on each of the free lists into order of increasing address.
+Since any given page has only one size of elements allocated from it,
+the effect of the sorting would be to sort the list into distinct pages.
+When all the pieces of a page became free,
+the page itself could be released back to the free pool so that
+it could be allocated to another purpose.
+Although there is no guarantee that all the pieces of a page would ever
+be freed,
+most allocations are short-lived, lasting only for the duration of
+an open file descriptor, an open network connection, or a system call.
+As new allocations would be made from the page sorted to
+the front of the list,
+return of elements from pages at the back would eventually
+allow pages later in the list to be freed.
+Two of the traditional UNIX
+memory allocators remain in the current system.
+The terminal subsystem uses \fIclist\fP\^s (character lists).
+That part of the system is expected to undergo major revision within
+the next year or so, and it will probably be changed to use
+\fImbuf\fP\^s as it is merged into the network system.
+The other major allocator that remains is
+.RN getblk ,
+the routine that manages the filesystem buffer pool memory
+and associated control information.
+Only the filesystem uses
+.RN getblk
+in the current system;
+it manages the constant-sized buffer pool.
+We plan to merge the filesystem buffer cache into the virtual memory system's
+page cache in the future.
+This change will allow the size of the buffer pool to be changed
+according to memory load,
+but will require a policy for balancing memory needs
+with filesystem cache performance.
+.H 1 "Acknowledgments
+In the spirit of community support,
+we have made various versions of our allocator available to our test sites.
+They have been busily burning it in and giving
+us feedback on their experiences.
+We acknowledge their invaluable input.
+The feedback from the Usenix program committee on the initial draft of
+our paper suggested numerous important improvements.
+.H 1 "References
+.IP Korn85 \w'Rodriguez88\0\0'u
+David Korn, Kiem-Phong Vo,
+``In Search of a Better Malloc''
+\fIProceedings of the Portland Usenix Conference\fP,
+pp 489-506, June 1985.
+.IP McKusick85
+M. McKusick, M. Karels, S. Leffler,
+``Performance Improvements and Functional Enhancements in 4.3BSD''
+\fIProceedings of the Portland Usenix Conference\fP,
+pp 519-531, June 1985.
+.IP Rodriguez88
+Robert Rodriguez, Matt Koehler, Larry Palmer, Ricky Palmer,
+``A Dynamic UNIX Operating System''
+\fIProceedings of the San Francisco Usenix Conference\fP,
+June 1988.
+.IP Thompson78
+Ken Thompson,
+``UNIX Implementation''
+\fIBell System Technical Journal\fP, volume 57, number 6,
+pp 1931-1946, 1978.