path: root/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/test_result.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/test_result.py b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/test_result.py
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--- a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/test_result.py
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- The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-Provides the LLDBTestResult class, which holds information about progress
-and results of a single test run.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import print_function
-# System modules
-import inspect
-import os
-# Third-party modules
-import unittest2
-# LLDB Modules
-from . import configuration
-from lldbsuite.test_event.event_builder import EventBuilder
-from lldbsuite.test_event import build_exception
-class LLDBTestResult(unittest2.TextTestResult):
- """
- Enforce a singleton pattern to allow introspection of test progress.
- Overwrite addError(), addFailure(), and addExpectedFailure() methods
- to enable each test instance to track its failure/error status. It
- is used in the LLDB test framework to emit detailed trace messages
- to a log file for easier human inspection of test failures/errors.
- """
- __singleton__ = None
- __ignore_singleton__ = False
- @staticmethod
- def getTerminalSize():
- import os
- env = os.environ
- def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd):
- try:
- import fcntl
- import termios
- import struct
- import os
- cr = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ,
- '1234'))
- except:
- return
- return cr
- cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2)
- if not cr:
- try:
- fd = os.open(os.ctermid(), os.O_RDONLY)
- cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd)
- os.close(fd)
- except:
- pass
- if not cr:
- cr = (env.get('LINES', 25), env.get('COLUMNS', 80))
- return int(cr[1]), int(cr[0])
- def __init__(self, *args):
- if not LLDBTestResult.__ignore_singleton__ and LLDBTestResult.__singleton__:
- raise Exception("LLDBTestResult instantiated more than once")
- super(LLDBTestResult, self).__init__(*args)
- LLDBTestResult.__singleton__ = self
- # Now put this singleton into the lldb module namespace.
- configuration.test_result = self
- # Computes the format string for displaying the counter.
- counterWidth = len(str(configuration.suite.countTestCases()))
- self.fmt = "%" + str(counterWidth) + "d: "
- self.indentation = ' ' * (counterWidth + 2)
- # This counts from 1 .. suite.countTestCases().
- self.counter = 0
- (width, height) = LLDBTestResult.getTerminalSize()
- self.results_formatter = configuration.results_formatter_object
- def _config_string(self, test):
- compiler = getattr(test, "getCompiler", None)
- arch = getattr(test, "getArchitecture", None)
- return "%s-%s" % (compiler() if compiler else "",
- arch() if arch else "")
- def _exc_info_to_string(self, err, test):
- """Overrides superclass TestResult's method in order to append
- our test config info string to the exception info string."""
- if hasattr(test, "getArchitecture") and hasattr(test, "getCompiler"):
- return '%sConfig=%s-%s' % (super(LLDBTestResult,
- self)._exc_info_to_string(err,
- test),
- test.getArchitecture(),
- test.getCompiler())
- else:
- return super(LLDBTestResult, self)._exc_info_to_string(err, test)
- def getDescription(self, test):
- doc_first_line = test.shortDescription()
- if self.descriptions and doc_first_line:
- return '\n'.join((str(test), self.indentation + doc_first_line))
- else:
- return str(test)
- @staticmethod
- def _getFileBasedCategories(test):
- """
- Returns the list of categories to which this test case belongs by
- looking for a ".categories" file. We start at the folder the test is in
- an traverse the hierarchy upwards - we guarantee a .categories to exist
- at the top level directory so we do not end up looping endlessly.
- """
- import inspect
- import os.path
- folder = inspect.getfile(test.__class__)
- folder = os.path.dirname(folder)
- while folder != '/':
- categories_file_name = os.path.join(folder, ".categories")
- if os.path.exists(categories_file_name):
- categories_file = open(categories_file_name, 'r')
- categories = categories_file.readline()
- categories_file.close()
- categories = str.replace(categories, '\n', '')
- categories = str.replace(categories, '\r', '')
- return categories.split(',')
- else:
- folder = os.path.dirname(folder)
- continue
- def getCategoriesForTest(self, test):
- """
- Gets all the categories for the currently running test method in test case
- """
- test_categories = []
- test_method = getattr(test, test._testMethodName)
- if test_method is not None and hasattr(test_method, "categories"):
- test_categories.extend(test_method.categories)
- test_categories.extend(self._getFileBasedCategories(test))
- return test_categories
- def hardMarkAsSkipped(self, test):
- getattr(test, test._testMethodName).__func__.__unittest_skip__ = True
- getattr(
- test,
- test._testMethodName).__func__.__unittest_skip_why__ = "test case does not fall in any category of interest for this run"
- def checkExclusion(self, exclusion_list, name):
- if exclusion_list:
- import re
- for item in exclusion_list:
- if re.search(item, name):
- return True
- return False
- def startTest(self, test):
- if configuration.shouldSkipBecauseOfCategories(
- self.getCategoriesForTest(test)):
- self.hardMarkAsSkipped(test)
- if self.checkExclusion(
- configuration.skip_tests, test.id()):
- self.hardMarkAsSkipped(test)
- self.counter += 1
- test.test_number = self.counter
- if self.showAll:
- self.stream.write(self.fmt % self.counter)
- super(LLDBTestResult, self).startTest(test)
- if self.results_formatter:
- self.results_formatter.handle_event(
- EventBuilder.event_for_start(test))
- def addSuccess(self, test):
- if self.checkExclusion(
- configuration.xfail_tests, test.id()):
- self.addUnexpectedSuccess(test, None)
- return
- super(LLDBTestResult, self).addSuccess(test)
- if configuration.parsable:
- self.stream.write(
- "PASS: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" %
- (self._config_string(test), str(test)))
- if self.results_formatter:
- self.results_formatter.handle_event(
- EventBuilder.event_for_success(test))
- def _isBuildError(self, err_tuple):
- exception = err_tuple[1]
- return isinstance(exception, build_exception.BuildError)
- def _getTestPath(self, test):
- if test is None:
- return ""
- elif hasattr(test, "test_filename"):
- return test.test_filename
- else:
- return inspect.getsourcefile(test.__class__)
- def _saveBuildErrorTuple(self, test, err):
- # Adjust the error description so it prints the build command and build error
- # rather than an uninformative Python backtrace.
- build_error = err[1]
- error_description = "{}\nTest Directory:\n{}".format(
- str(build_error),
- os.path.dirname(self._getTestPath(test)))
- self.errors.append((test, error_description))
- self._mirrorOutput = True
- def addError(self, test, err):
- configuration.sdir_has_content = True
- if self._isBuildError(err):
- self._saveBuildErrorTuple(test, err)
- else:
- super(LLDBTestResult, self).addError(test, err)
- method = getattr(test, "markError", None)
- if method:
- method()
- if configuration.parsable:
- self.stream.write(
- "FAIL: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" %
- (self._config_string(test), str(test)))
- if self.results_formatter:
- # Handle build errors as a separate event type
- if self._isBuildError(err):
- error_event = EventBuilder.event_for_build_error(test, err)
- else:
- error_event = EventBuilder.event_for_error(test, err)
- self.results_formatter.handle_event(error_event)
- def addCleanupError(self, test, err):
- configuration.sdir_has_content = True
- super(LLDBTestResult, self).addCleanupError(test, err)
- method = getattr(test, "markCleanupError", None)
- if method:
- method()
- if configuration.parsable:
- self.stream.write(
- "CLEANUP ERROR: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" %
- (self._config_string(test), str(test)))
- if self.results_formatter:
- self.results_formatter.handle_event(
- EventBuilder.event_for_cleanup_error(
- test, err))
- def addFailure(self, test, err):
- if self.checkExclusion(
- configuration.xfail_tests, test.id()):
- self.addExpectedFailure(test, err, None)
- return
- configuration.sdir_has_content = True
- super(LLDBTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err)
- method = getattr(test, "markFailure", None)
- if method:
- method()
- if configuration.parsable:
- self.stream.write(
- "FAIL: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" %
- (self._config_string(test), str(test)))
- if configuration.useCategories:
- test_categories = self.getCategoriesForTest(test)
- for category in test_categories:
- if category in configuration.failuresPerCategory:
- configuration.failuresPerCategory[
- category] = configuration.failuresPerCategory[category] + 1
- else:
- configuration.failuresPerCategory[category] = 1
- if self.results_formatter:
- self.results_formatter.handle_event(
- EventBuilder.event_for_failure(test, err))
- def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err, bugnumber):
- configuration.sdir_has_content = True
- super(LLDBTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure(test, err, bugnumber)
- method = getattr(test, "markExpectedFailure", None)
- if method:
- method(err, bugnumber)
- if configuration.parsable:
- self.stream.write(
- "XFAIL: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" %
- (self._config_string(test), str(test)))
- if self.results_formatter:
- self.results_formatter.handle_event(
- EventBuilder.event_for_expected_failure(
- test, err, bugnumber))
- def addSkip(self, test, reason):
- configuration.sdir_has_content = True
- super(LLDBTestResult, self).addSkip(test, reason)
- method = getattr(test, "markSkippedTest", None)
- if method:
- method()
- if configuration.parsable:
- self.stream.write(
- "UNSUPPORTED: LLDB (%s) :: %s (%s) \n" %
- (self._config_string(test), str(test), reason))
- if self.results_formatter:
- self.results_formatter.handle_event(
- EventBuilder.event_for_skip(test, reason))
- def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test, bugnumber):
- configuration.sdir_has_content = True
- super(LLDBTestResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(test, bugnumber)
- method = getattr(test, "markUnexpectedSuccess", None)
- if method:
- method(bugnumber)
- if configuration.parsable:
- self.stream.write(
- "XPASS: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" %
- (self._config_string(test), str(test)))
- if self.results_formatter:
- self.results_formatter.handle_event(
- EventBuilder.event_for_unexpected_success(
- test, bugnumber))