path: root/magic/Magdir/windows
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'magic/Magdir/windows')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/magic/Magdir/windows b/magic/Magdir/windows
index faaa7e290028..169d4f8d0976 100644
--- a/magic/Magdir/windows
+++ b/magic/Magdir/windows
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $File: windows,v 1.14 2015/12/15 01:06:17 christos Exp $
+# $File: windows,v 1.16 2017/03/17 22:20:22 christos Exp $
# windows: file(1) magic for Microsoft Windows
# This file is mainly reserved for files where programs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
# Created by: Andreas Schuster (http://computer.forensikblog.de/)
# Reference (1): http://computer.forensikblog.de/en/2008/02/64bit_magic.html
# Modified by (1): Abel Cheung (Avoid match with first 4 bytes only)
-0 string PAGE
+0 string PAGE
>4 string DUMP MS Windows 32bit crash dump
>>0x05c byte 0 \b, no PAE
>>0x05c byte 1 \b, PAE
@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@
# Summary: Old format help files
# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WinHelp
# Reference: http://www.oocities.org/mwinterhoff/helpfile.htm
-# Update: Joerg Jenderek
+# Update: Joerg Jenderek
# Created by: Dirk Jagdmann <doj@cubic.org>
# check and then display version and date inside MS Windows HeLP file fragment
0 name help-ver-date
# look for Magic of SYSTEMHEADER
->0 leshort 0x036C
+>0 leshort 0x036C
# version Major 1 for right file fragment
>>4 leshort 1 Windows
# print non empty string above to avoid error message
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
>>>6 ldate x \b, %s
# Magic for HeLP files
-0 lelong 0x00035f3f
+0 lelong 0x00035f3f
# ./windows (version 5.25) labeled the entry as "MS Windows 3.x help file"
# file header magic 0x293B at DirectoryStart+9
>(4.l+9) uleshort 0x293B MS
@@ -101,37 +101,37 @@
>>0xD4 string =\x62\x6D\x66\x01\x00 Windows help annotation
!:mime application/x-winhelp
!:ext ann
->>0xD4 string !\x62\x6D\x66\x01\x00
+>>0xD4 string !\x62\x6D\x66\x01\x00
# "GID Help index" by TrID
>>>(4.l+0x65) string =|Pete Windows help Global Index
!:mime application/x-winhelp
!:ext gid
# HeLP Bookmark or
# "Windows HELP File" by TrID
->>>(4.l+0x65) string !|Pete
+>>>(4.l+0x65) string !|Pete
# maybe there exist a cleaner way to detect HeLP fragments
# brute search for Magic 0x036C with matching Major maximal 7 iterations
# discapp.hlp
->>>>16 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>16 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
->>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>&4 leshort !1
# putty.hlp
->>>>>>&0 search/0x69AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>&0 search/0x69AF/s \x6c\x03
>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
->>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
->>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
->>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
->>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
>>>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
->>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
->>>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
->>>>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
->>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
# GCC.HLP is detected after 7 iterations
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
# this only happens if bigger hlp file is detected after used search iterations
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
!:mime application/winhelp
!:ext hlp
# repeat search again or following default line does not work
->>>>16 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>16 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
# remaining files should be HeLP Bookmark WinHlp32.BMK (XP 32-bit) or WinHlp32 (Windows 8.1 64-bit)
>>>>16 default x Windows help Bookmark
!:mime application/x-winhelp
@@ -180,21 +180,21 @@
#>>(4.l+47) ubequad x \b, PageStart 0x%16.16llx
# start with colon or semicolon for comment line like Back2Life.cnt
-0 regex \^(:|;)
+0 regex \^(:|;)
# look for first keyword Base
->0 search/45 :Base
+>0 search/45 :Base
>>&0 use cnt-name
# only solution to search again from beginning , because relative offsets changes when use is called
->0 search/45 :Base
->0 default x
+>0 search/45 :Base
+>0 default x
# look for other keyword Title like in putty.cnt
->>0 search/45 :Title
+>>0 search/45 :Title
>>>&0 use cnt-name
# display mime type and name of Windows help Content source
0 name cnt-name
# skip space at beginning
->0 string \
+>0 string \040
# name without extension and greater character or name with hlp extension
>>1 regex/c \^([^\xd>]*|.*\.hlp) MS Windows help file Content, based "%s"
!:mime text/plain
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@
# Summary: Hyper terminal
# Extension: .ht
# Created by: unknown
-0 string HyperTerminal\
+0 string HyperTerminal\040
>15 string 1.0\ --\ HyperTerminal\ data\ file MS Windows HyperTerminal profile
-# http://ithreats.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/\
+# http://ithreats.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/\040
# lnk_the_windows_shortcut_file_format.pdf
# Summary: Windows shortcut
# Extension: .lnk
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
# Extension: .reg
# Submitted by: Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com>
0 string REGEDIT4\r\n\r\n Windows Registry text (Win95 or above)
-0 string Windows\ Registry\ Editor\
+0 string Windows\ Registry\ Editor\040
>&0 string Version\ 5.00\r\n\r\n Windows Registry text (Win2K or above)
# Windows *.INF *.INI files updated by Joerg Jenderek at Apr 2013
@@ -301,10 +301,10 @@
# PR/383: remove unicode BOM because it is not portable across regex impls
0 regex/s \\`(\\r\\n|;|[[])
# left bracket in section line
->&0 search/8192 [
+>&0 search/8192 [
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autorun.inf
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144200.aspx
->>&0 regex/c \^(autorun)]\r\n
+>>&0 regex/c \^(autorun)]\r\n
>>>&0 ubyte =0x5b INItialization configuration
!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
# From: Pal Tamas <folti@balabit.hu>
@@ -343,31 +343,31 @@
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTLDR Windows Boot Loader information
>>&0 regex/c \^(boot\x20loader)] Windows boot.ini
!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini
->>>&0 ubyte x
+>>>&0 ubyte x
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CONFIG.SYS
>>&0 regex/c \^(menu)]\r\n MS-DOS CONFIG.SYS
# http://support.microsoft.com/kb/118579/
>>&0 regex/c \^(Paths)]\r\n MS-DOS MSDOS.SYS
# VERS string unicoded case-independent
->>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0056004500520053
+>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0056004500520053
# ION] string unicoded case-independent
->>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x0049004f004e005d Windows setup INFormation
+>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x0049004f004e005d Windows setup INFormation
!:mime application/x-setupscript
# STRI string unicoded case-independent
->>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0053005400520049
+>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0053005400520049
# NGS] string unicoded case-independent
->>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x004e00470053005D Windows setup INFormation
+>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x004e00470053005D Windows setup INFormation
!:mime application/x-setupscript
# unknown keyword after opening bracket
->>&0 default x
->>>&0 search/8192 [
+>>&0 default x
+>>>&0 search/8192 [
# version Strings FileIdentification
->>>>&0 string/c version Windows setup INFormation
+>>>>&0 string/c version Windows setup INFormation
!:mime application/x-setupscript
# VERS string unicoded case-independent
->>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0056004500520053
+>>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0056004500520053
# ION] string unicoded case-independent
->>>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x0049004f004e005d Windows setup INFormation
+>>>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x0049004f004e005d Windows setup INFormation
!:mime application/x-setupscript
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization_file Windows Initialization File or other
#>>>>&0 default x Generic INItialization configuration
@@ -376,21 +376,21 @@
# Windows Precompiled INF files *.PNF added by Joerg Jenderek at Mar 2013 of _PNF_HEADER inf.h
# http://read.pudn.com/downloads3/sourcecode/windows/248345/win2k/private/windows/setup/setupapi/inf.h__.htm
# GRR: line below too general as it catches also PDP-11 UNIX/RT ldp
-0 leshort&0xFeFe 0x0000
+0 leshort&0xFeFe 0x0000
!:strength -5
# test for unused null bits in PNF_FLAGs
->4 ulelong&0xFCffFe00 0x00000000
+>4 ulelong&0xFCffFe00 0x00000000
# only found 58h for Offset of WinDirPath immediately after _PNF_HEADER structure
->>68 ulelong >0x57
+>>68 ulelong >0x57
# test for zero high byte of InfValueBlockSize, followed by WinDirPath like
# C:\WINDOWS (ASCII 0x433a5c.. , unicode 0x43003a005c..) or X:\MININT
>>>(68.l-1) ubelong&0xffE0C519 =0x00400018 Windows Precompiled iNF
!:mime application/x-pnf
# currently only found Major Version=1 and Minor Version=1
-#>>>>0 uleshort =0x0101
+#>>>>0 uleshort =0x0101
#>>>>>1 ubyte x \b, version %u
#>>>>>0 ubyte x \b.%u
->>>>0 uleshort !0x0101
+>>>>0 uleshort !0x0101
>>>>>1 ubyte x \b, version %u
>>>>>0 ubyte x \b.%u
# 1 ,2 (windows 98 SE)
@@ -416,10 +416,10 @@
#>>>>16 ulelong x \b, InfVersionDataSize 0x%x
# only found positive values lower 0x00ffFFff for InfVersionDataOffset
>>>>20 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
->>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
-# case independent: CatalogFile Class DriverVer layoutfile LayoutFile SetupClass signature Signature
+>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
+# case independent: CatalogFile Class DriverVer layoutfile LayoutFile SetupClass signature Signature
>>>>>(20.l) lestring16 x "%s"
->>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
+>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
>>>>>(20.l) string x "%s"
# FILETIME is number of 100-nanosecond intervals since 1 January 1601
#>>>>24 ulequad x \b, InfVersionLastWriteTime %16.16llx
@@ -435,23 +435,23 @@
#>>>>64 ulelong x \b, InfValueBlockSize 0x%x
# WinDirPathOffset
#>>>>68 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
->>>>68 ulelong >0x57
->>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
->>>>>>(68.l) ubequad =0x43003a005c005700
+>>>>68 ulelong >0x57
+>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
+>>>>>>(68.l) ubequad =0x43003a005c005700
# normally unicoded C:\Windows
#>>>>>>>(68.l) lestring16 x \b, WinDirPath "%s"
->>>>>>(68.l) ubequad !0x43003a005c005700
+>>>>>>(68.l) ubequad !0x43003a005c005700
>>>>>>>(68.l) lestring16 x \b, WinDirPath "%s"
->>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
+>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
# normally ASCII C:\WINDOWS
#>>>>>>(68.l) string =C:\\WINDOWS \b, WinDirPath "%s"
>>>>>>(68.l) string !C:\\WINDOWS \b, WinDirPath "%s"
-# found OsLoaderPathOffset values often 0 , once 70h corelist.PNF, once 68h ASCII machine.PNF
+# found OsLoaderPathOffset values often 0 , once 70h corelist.PNF, once 68h ASCII machine.PNF
#>>>>72 ulelong >0 \b, at 0x%x
>>>>72 ulelong >0 \b,
->>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
+>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
>>>>>>(72.l) lestring16 x OsLoaderPath "%s"
->>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
+>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
# seldom C:\ instead empty
>>>>>>(72.l) string x OsLoaderPath "%s"
# 1fdh
@@ -462,16 +462,16 @@
# InfSourcePathOffset often 0
#>>>>80 ulelong >0 \b, at 0x%x
>>>>80 ulelong >0 \b,
->>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
+>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
>>>>>>(80.l) lestring16 x SourcePath "%s"
->>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
+>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
>>>>>>(80.l) string >\0 SourcePath "%s"
# OriginalInfNameOffset often 0
#>>>>84 ulelong >0 \b, at 0x%x
>>>>84 ulelong >0 \b,
->>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
+>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001
>>>>>>(84.l) lestring16 x InfName "%s"
->>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
+>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001
>>>>>>(84.l) string >\0 InfName "%s"
# Summary: backup file created with utility like NTBACKUP.EXE shipped with Windows NT/2K/XP/2003
@@ -480,13 +480,13 @@
# URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTBackup
# Reference: http://laytongraphics.com/mtf/MTF_100a.PDF
# Descriptor BloCK name of Microsoft Tape Format
-0 string TAPE
+0 string TAPE
# Format Logical Address is zero
->20 ulequad 0
+>20 ulequad 0
# Reserved for MBC is zero
->>28 uleshort 0
+>>28 uleshort 0
# Control Block ID is zero
->>>36 ulelong 0
+>>>36 ulelong 0
# BIT4-BIT15, BIT18-BIT31 of block attributes are unused
>>>>4 ulelong&0xFFfcFFe0 0 Windows NTbackup archive
#!:mime application/x-ntbackup
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000004 !0 \b, compressed
# MTF_EOS_AT_EOM End Of Medium was hit during end of set processing
>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000008 !0 \b, End Of Medium hit
->>>>>4 ulelong&0x00020000 0
+>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00020000 0
# MTF_SET_MAP_EXISTS A Media Based Catalog Set Map may exist on tape
>>>>>>4 ulelong&0x00010000 !0 \b, with catalog
# MTF_FDD_ALLOWED However File/Directory Detail can only exist if a Set Map is also present
@@ -531,37 +531,37 @@
# Media Based Catalog Type (1,2)
#>>>>>66 uleshort x \b, catalog type %4.4x
# size of Media Name (66,68,6Eh)
->>>>>68 uleshort >0
+>>>>>68 uleshort >0
# offset of Media Name (5Eh)
->>>>>>70 uleshort >0
+>>>>>>70 uleshort >0
# 0~, 1~ANSI, 2~UNICODE
->>>>>>>48 ubyte 1
+>>>>>>>48 ubyte 1
# size terminated ansi coded string normally followed by "MTF Media Label"
>>>>>>>>(70.s) string >\0 \b, name: %s
->>>>>>>48 ubyte 2
+>>>>>>>48 ubyte 2
# Not null, but size terminated unicoded string
>>>>>>>>(70.s) lestring16 x \b, name: %s
# size of Media Label (104h)
->>>>>72 uleshort >0
+>>>>>72 uleshort >0
# offset of Media Label (C4h,C6h,CCh)
->>>>>74 uleshort >0
->>>>>>48 ubyte 1
+>>>>>74 uleshort >0
+>>>>>>48 ubyte 1
#Tag|Version|Vendor|Vendor ID|Creation Time Stamp|Cartridge Label|Side|Media ID|Media Domain ID|Vendor Specific fields
>>>>>>>(74.s) string >\0 \b, label: %s
->>>>>>48 ubyte 2
+>>>>>>48 ubyte 2
>>>>>>>(74.s) lestring16 x \b, label: %s
# size of password name (0,1Ch)
#>>>>>76 uleshort >0 \b, password size %4.4x
# Software Vendor ID (CBEh)
>>>>>86 uleshort x \b, software (0x%x)
# size of Software Name (6Eh)
->>>>>80 uleshort >0
+>>>>>80 uleshort >0
# offset of Software Name (1C8h,1CAh,1D0h)
->>>>>>82 uleshort >0
+>>>>>>82 uleshort >0
->>>>>>>48 ubyte 1
+>>>>>>>48 ubyte 1
>>>>>>>>(82.s) string >\0 \b: %s
->>>>>>>48 ubyte 2
+>>>>>>>48 ubyte 2
# size terminated unicoded coded string normally followed by "SPAD"
>>>>>>>>(82.s) lestring16 x \b: %s
# Format Logical Block Size (512,1024)