path: root/lib/libarchive/archive_read.3
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/libarchive/archive_read.3')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libarchive/archive_read.3 b/lib/libarchive/archive_read.3
index c5bd04e716c8..28131cd4cb07 100644
--- a/lib/libarchive/archive_read.3
+++ b/lib/libarchive/archive_read.3
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
.Nm archive_read_support_format_cpio ,
.Nm archive_read_support_format_all ,
.Nm archive_read_open ,
+.Nm archive_read_open_fd ,
.Nm archive_read_open_file ,
.Nm archive_read_next_header ,
.Nm archive_read_data ,
@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@
.Ft int
.Fn archive_read_open "struct archive *" "void *client_data" "archive_read_archive_callback *" "archive_open_archive_callback *" "archive_close_archive_callback *"
.Ft int
+.Fn archive_read_open_fd "struct archive *" "int fd"
+.Ft int
.Fn archive_read_open_file "struct archive *" "const char *filename"
.Ft int
.Fn archive_read_next_header "struct archive *" "struct archive_entry **"
@@ -133,6 +136,21 @@ This is the most generic version of this call, which accepts
three callback functions.
The library invokes these client-provided functions to obtain
raw bytes from the archive.
+Note: The API permits a decompression method to fork and invoke the
+callbacks from another process.
+Although none of the current decompression methods use this technique,
+future decompression methods may utilize this technique.
+If the decompressor forks, it will ensure that the open and close
+callbacks are invoked within the same process as the read callback.
+In particular, clients should not attempt to use shared variables to
+communicate between the open/read/close callbacks and the mainline code.
+.It Fn archive_read_open_fd
+.Fn archive_read_open ,
+except that it accepts a file descriptor rather than
+a trio of function pointers.
+Note that the file descriptor will not be automatically closed at
.It Fn archive_read_open_file
.Fn archive_read_open ,