path: root/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-containers_test.cc
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1 files changed, 3137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-containers_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-containers_test.cc
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index 000000000000..38fd9a5dd76f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-containers_test.cc
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+// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
+// This file tests some commonly used argument matchers.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <deque>
+#include <forward_list>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <list>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+// Silence warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'short',
+// possible loss of data and C4100, unreferenced local parameter
+#include "test/gmock-matchers_test.h"
+namespace testing {
+namespace gmock_matchers_test {
+namespace {
+std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> MakeUniquePtrs(const std::vector<int>& ints) {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> pointers;
+ for (int i : ints) pointers.emplace_back(new int(i));
+ return pointers;
+std::string OfType(const std::string& type_name) {
+ return IsReadableTypeName(type_name) ? " (of type " + type_name + ")" : "";
+ return "";
+TEST(ContainsTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Contains(Pointee(2))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+// Tests the variadic version of the ElementsAreMatcher
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, HugeMatcher) {
+ vector<int> test_vector{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector,
+ ElementsAre(Eq(1), Eq(2), Lt(13), Eq(4), Eq(5), Eq(6), Eq(7),
+ Eq(8), Eq(9), Eq(10), Gt(1), Eq(12)));
+// Tests the variadic version of the UnorderedElementsAreMatcher
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, HugeMatcherStr) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector{
+ "literal_string", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""};
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, UnorderedElementsAre("literal_string", _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _));
+// Tests the variadic version of the UnorderedElementsAreMatcher
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, HugeMatcherUnordered) {
+ vector<int> test_vector{2, 1, 8, 5, 4, 6, 7, 3, 9, 12, 11, 10};
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ Eq(2), Eq(1), Gt(7), Eq(5), Eq(4), Eq(6), Eq(7),
+ Eq(3), Eq(9), Eq(12), Eq(11), Ne(122)));
+// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the value
+// matches the matcher.
+TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksWhenMatcherIsSatisfied) {
+ ASSERT_THAT(5, Ge(2)) << "This should succeed.";
+ ASSERT_THAT("Foo", EndsWith("oo"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, AllOf(Le(7), Ge(0))) << "This should succeed too.";
+ EXPECT_THAT("Hello", StartsWith("Hell"));
+// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the value
+// doesn't match the matcher.
+TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksWhenMatcherIsNotSatisfied) {
+ // 'n' must be static as it is used in an EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(),
+ // which cannot reference auto variables.
+ static unsigned short n; // NOLINT
+ n = 5;
+ "Value of: n\n"
+ "Expected: is > 10\n"
+ " Actual: 5" +
+ OfType("unsigned short"));
+ n = 0;
+ "Value of: n\n"
+ "Expected: (is <= 7) and (is >= 5)\n"
+ " Actual: 0" +
+ OfType("unsigned short"));
+// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the argument
+// has a reference type.
+TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksForByRefArguments) {
+ // We use a static variable here as EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE() cannot
+ // reference auto variables.
+ static int n;
+ n = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(n, AllOf(Le(7), Ref(n)));
+ "Value of: n\n"
+ "Expected: does not reference the variable @");
+ // Tests the "Actual" part.
+ "Actual: 0" + OfType("int") + ", which is located @");
+// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the matcher is
+// monomorphic.
+TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksForMonomorphicMatcher) {
+ Matcher<const char*> starts_with_he = StartsWith("he");
+ ASSERT_THAT("hello", starts_with_he);
+ Matcher<const std::string&> ends_with_ok = EndsWith("ok");
+ ASSERT_THAT("book", ends_with_ok);
+ const std::string bad = "bad";
+ "Value of: bad\n"
+ "Expected: ends with \"ok\"\n"
+ " Actual: \"bad\"");
+ Matcher<int> is_greater_than_5 = Gt(5);
+ "Value of: 5\n"
+ "Expected: is > 5\n"
+ " Actual: 5" +
+ OfType("int"));
+TEST(PointeeTest, RawPointer) {
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ int n = 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ n = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointeeTest, RawPointerToConst) {
+ const Matcher<const double*> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ double x = 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&x));
+ x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&x));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointeeTest, ReferenceToConstRawPointer) {
+ const Matcher<int* const&> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ int n = 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ n = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointeeTest, ReferenceToNonConstRawPointer) {
+ const Matcher<double*&> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ double x = 1.0;
+ double* p = &x;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(p));
+ x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+ p = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+TEST(PointeeTest, SmartPointer) {
+ const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ std::unique_ptr<int> n(new int(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+TEST(PointeeTest, SmartPointerToConst) {
+ const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<const int>> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ // There's no implicit conversion from unique_ptr<int> to const
+ // unique_ptr<const int>, so we must pass a unique_ptr<const int> into the
+ // matcher.
+ std::unique_ptr<const int> n(new int(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+TEST(PointerTest, RawPointer) {
+ int n = 1;
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointer(Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ int* p = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointerTest, RawPointerToConst) {
+ int n = 1;
+ const Matcher<const int*> m = Pointer(Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ int* p = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointerTest, SmartPointer) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> n(new int(10));
+ int* raw_n = n.get();
+ const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m = Pointer(Eq(raw_n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+TEST(PointerTest, SmartPointerToConst) {
+ std::unique_ptr<const int> n(new int(10));
+ const int* raw_n = n.get();
+ const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<const int>> m = Pointer(Eq(raw_n));
+ // There's no implicit conversion from unique_ptr<int> to const
+ // unique_ptr<const int>, so we must pass a unique_ptr<const int> into the
+ // matcher.
+ std::unique_ptr<const int> p(new int(10));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+// Minimal const-propagating pointer.
+template <typename T>
+class ConstPropagatingPtr {
+ public:
+ typedef T element_type;
+ ConstPropagatingPtr() : val_() {}
+ explicit ConstPropagatingPtr(T* t) : val_(t) {}
+ ConstPropagatingPtr(const ConstPropagatingPtr& other) : val_(other.val_) {}
+ T* get() { return val_; }
+ T& operator*() { return *val_; }
+ // Most smart pointers return non-const T* and T& from the next methods.
+ const T* get() const { return val_; }
+ const T& operator*() const { return *val_; }
+ private:
+ T* val_;
+TEST(PointeeTest, WorksWithConstPropagatingPointers) {
+ const Matcher<ConstPropagatingPtr<int>> m = Pointee(Lt(5));
+ int three = 3;
+ const ConstPropagatingPtr<int> co(&three);
+ ConstPropagatingPtr<int> o(&three);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(o));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(co));
+ *o = 6;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(o));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConstPropagatingPtr<int>()));
+TEST(PointeeTest, NeverMatchesNull) {
+ const Matcher<const char*> m = Pointee(_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+// Tests that we can write Pointee(value) instead of Pointee(Eq(value)).
+TEST(PointeeTest, MatchesAgainstAValue) {
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(5);
+ int n = 5;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ n = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointeeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(Gt(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("points to a value that is > 3", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("does not point to a value that is > 3", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST_P(PointeeTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ const Matcher<const std::string*> m = Pointee(StartsWith("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const std::string*>(nullptr)));
+ const Matcher<long*> m2 = Pointee(GreaterThan(1)); // NOLINT
+ long n = 3; // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to 3" + OfType("long") + ", which is 2 more than 1",
+ Explain(m2, &n));
+TEST(PointeeTest, AlwaysExplainsPointee) {
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(0);
+ int n = 42;
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to 42" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, &n));
+// An uncopyable class.
+class Uncopyable {
+ public:
+ Uncopyable() : value_(-1) {}
+ explicit Uncopyable(int a_value) : value_(a_value) {}
+ int value() const { return value_; }
+ void set_value(int i) { value_ = i; }
+ private:
+ int value_;
+ Uncopyable(const Uncopyable&) = delete;
+ Uncopyable& operator=(const Uncopyable&) = delete;
+// Returns true if and only if x.value() is positive.
+bool ValueIsPositive(const Uncopyable& x) { return x.value() > 0; }
+MATCHER_P(UncopyableIs, inner_matcher, "") {
+ return ExplainMatchResult(inner_matcher, arg.value(), result_listener);
+// A user-defined struct for testing Field().
+struct AStruct {
+ AStruct() : x(0), y(1.0), z(5), p(nullptr) {}
+ AStruct(const AStruct& rhs)
+ : x(rhs.x), y(rhs.y), z(rhs.z.value()), p(rhs.p) {}
+ int x; // A non-const field.
+ const double y; // A const field.
+ Uncopyable z; // An uncopyable field.
+ const char* p; // A pointer field.
+// A derived struct for testing Field().
+struct DerivedStruct : public AStruct {
+ char ch;
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is non-const.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForNonConstField) {
+ Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ Matcher<AStruct> m_with_name = Field("x", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is const.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForConstField) {
+ AStruct a;
+ Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::y, Ge(0.0));
+ Matcher<AStruct> m_with_name = Field("y", &AStruct::y, Ge(0.0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ m = Field(&AStruct::y, Le(0.0));
+ m_with_name = Field("y", &AStruct::y, Le(0.0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is not copyable.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForUncopyableField) {
+ AStruct a;
+ Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::z, Truly(ValueIsPositive));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ m = Field(&AStruct::z, Not(Truly(ValueIsPositive)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is a pointer.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForPointerField) {
+ // Matching against NULL.
+ Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::p, static_cast<const char*>(nullptr));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.p = "hi";
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ // Matching a pointer that is not NULL.
+ m = Field(&AStruct::p, StartsWith("hi"));
+ a.p = "hill";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.p = "hole";
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field() works when the object is passed by reference.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForByRefArgument) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when the argument's type
+// is a sub-type of Foo.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
+ // Note that the matcher expects DerivedStruct but we say AStruct
+ // inside Field().
+ Matcher<const DerivedStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ DerivedStruct d;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(d));
+ d.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(d));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, m) works when field's type and m's
+// argument type are compatible but not the same.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherType) {
+ // The field is an int, but the inner matcher expects a signed char.
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(0)));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field() can describe itself.
+TEST(FieldTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field isn't >= 0", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(FieldTest, CanDescribeSelfWithFieldName) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that Field() can explain the match result.
+TEST_P(FieldTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ a.x = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose given field is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
+ m = Field(&AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
+ "whose given field is 1" + OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, a));
+TEST_P(FieldTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithFieldName) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ a.x = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose field `field_name` is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
+ m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose field `field_name` is 1" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, a));
+// Tests that Field() works when the argument is a pointer to const.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToConst) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Field() works when the argument is a pointer to non-const.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToNonConst) {
+ Matcher<AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Field() works when the argument is a reference to a const pointer.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToConstPointer) {
+ Matcher<AStruct* const&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Field() does not match the NULL pointer.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, DoesNotMatchNull) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, _);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when the argument's type
+// is a sub-type of const Foo*.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
+ // Note that the matcher expects DerivedStruct but we say AStruct
+ // inside Field().
+ Matcher<DerivedStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ DerivedStruct d;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&d));
+ d.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&d));
+// Tests that Field() can describe itself when used to match a pointer.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field isn't >= 0", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelfWithFieldName) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that Field() can explain the result of matching a pointer.
+TEST_P(FieldForPointerTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ a.x = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AStruct*>(nullptr)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose given field is 1" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(m, &a));
+ m = Field(&AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose given field is 1" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, &a));
+TEST_P(FieldForPointerTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithFieldName) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ a.x = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AStruct*>(nullptr)));
+ "which points to an object whose field `field_name` is 1" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(m, &a));
+ m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose field `field_name` is 1" +
+ OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, &a));
+// A user-defined class for testing Property().
+class AClass {
+ public:
+ AClass() : n_(0) {}
+ // A getter that returns a non-reference.
+ int n() const { return n_; }
+ void set_n(int new_n) { n_ = new_n; }
+ // A getter that returns a reference to const.
+ const std::string& s() const { return s_; }
+ const std::string& s_ref() const& { return s_; }
+ void set_s(const std::string& new_s) { s_ = new_s; }
+ // A getter that returns a reference to non-const.
+ double& x() const { return x_; }
+ private:
+ int n_;
+ std::string s_;
+ static double x_;
+double AClass::x_ = 0.0;
+// A derived class for testing Property().
+class DerivedClass : public AClass {
+ public:
+ int k() const { return k_; }
+ private:
+ int k_;
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property()
+// returns a non-reference.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForNonReferenceProperty) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name = Property("n", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property()
+// returns a reference to const.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForReferenceToConstProperty) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name =
+ Property("s", &AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property() is
+// ref-qualified.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForRefQualifiedProperty) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::s_ref, StartsWith("hi"));
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name =
+ Property("s", &AClass::s_ref, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property()
+// returns a reference to non-const.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty) {
+ double x = 0.0;
+ AClass a;
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::x, Ref(x));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ m = Property(&AClass::x, Not(Ref(x)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when the argument is
+// passed by value.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForByValueArgument) {
+ Matcher<AClass> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when the argument's
+// type is a sub-type of Foo.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
+ // The matcher expects a DerivedClass, but inside the Property() we
+ // say AClass.
+ Matcher<const DerivedClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ DerivedClass d;
+ d.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(d));
+ d.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(d));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, m) works when property()'s type
+// and m's argument type are compatible but different.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherType) {
+ // n() returns an int but the inner matcher expects a signed char.
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(0)));
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name =
+ Property("n", &AClass::n, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(0)));
+ AClass a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property() can describe itself.
+TEST(PropertyTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(PropertyTest, CanDescribeSelfWithPropertyName) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that Property() can explain the match result.
+TEST_P(PropertyTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose given property is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
+ m = Property(&AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
+ "whose given property is 1" + OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, a));
+TEST_P(PropertyTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithPropertyName) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose property `fancy_name` is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
+ m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose property `fancy_name` is 1" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, a));
+// Tests that Property() works when the argument is a pointer to const.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToConst) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Property() works when the argument is a pointer to non-const.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToNonConst) {
+ Matcher<AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Property() works when the argument is a reference to a
+// const pointer.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToConstPointer) {
+ Matcher<AClass* const&> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Property() does not match the NULL pointer.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::x, _);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when the argument's
+// type is a sub-type of const Foo*.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
+ // The matcher expects a DerivedClass, but inside the Property() we
+ // say AClass.
+ Matcher<const DerivedClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ DerivedClass d;
+ d.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&d));
+ d.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&d));
+// Tests that Property() can describe itself when used to match a pointer.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelfWithPropertyDescription) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that Property() can explain the result of matching a pointer.
+TEST_P(PropertyForPointerTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AClass*>(nullptr)));
+ "which points to an object whose given property is 1" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(m, &a));
+ m = Property(&AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose given property is 1" +
+ OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, &a));
+TEST_P(PropertyForPointerTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithPropertyName) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AClass*>(nullptr)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose property `fancy_name` is 1" +
+ OfType("int"),
+ Explain(m, &a));
+ m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose property `fancy_name` is 1" +
+ OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, &a));
+// Tests ResultOf.
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
+// function pointer.
+std::string IntToStringFunction(int input) {
+ return input == 1 ? "foo" : "bar";
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctionPointers) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntToStringFunction, Eq(std::string("foo")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(2));
+// Tests that ResultOf() can describe itself.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, CanDescribeItself) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntToStringFunction, StrEq("foo"));
+ "is mapped by the given callable to a value that "
+ "is equal to \"foo\"",
+ Describe(matcher));
+ "is mapped by the given callable to a value that "
+ "isn't equal to \"foo\"",
+ DescribeNegation(matcher));
+// Tests that ResultOf() can describe itself when provided a result description.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, CanDescribeItselfWithResultDescription) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher =
+ ResultOf("string conversion", &IntToStringFunction, StrEq("foo"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose string conversion is equal to \"foo\"", Describe(matcher));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose string conversion isn't equal to \"foo\"",
+ DescribeNegation(matcher));
+// Tests that ResultOf() can explain the match result.
+int IntFunction(int input) { return input == 42 ? 80 : 90; }
+TEST_P(ResultOfTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntFunction, Ge(85));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is mapped by the given callable to 90" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(matcher, 36));
+ matcher = ResultOf(&IntFunction, GreaterThan(85));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is mapped by the given callable to 90" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 5 more than 85",
+ Explain(matcher, 36));
+TEST_P(ResultOfTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithResultDescription) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf("magic int conversion", &IntFunction, Ge(85));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose magic int conversion is 90" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(matcher, 36));
+ matcher = ResultOf("magic int conversion", &IntFunction, GreaterThan(85));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose magic int conversion is 90" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 5 more than 85",
+ Explain(matcher, 36));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f(x)
+// returns a non-reference.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForNonReferenceResults) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntFunction, Eq(80));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(42));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(36));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f(x)
+// returns a reference to non-const.
+double& DoubleFunction(double& input) { return input; } // NOLINT
+Uncopyable& RefUncopyableFunction(Uncopyable& obj) { // NOLINT
+ return obj;
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstResults) {
+ double x = 3.14;
+ double x2 = x;
+ Matcher<double&> matcher = ResultOf(&DoubleFunction, Ref(x));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(x));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(x2));
+ // Test that ResultOf works with uncopyable objects
+ Uncopyable obj(0);
+ Uncopyable obj2(0);
+ Matcher<Uncopyable&> matcher2 = ResultOf(&RefUncopyableFunction, Ref(obj));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher2.Matches(obj));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher2.Matches(obj2));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f(x)
+// returns a reference to const.
+const std::string& StringFunction(const std::string& input) { return input; }
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForReferenceToConstResults) {
+ std::string s = "foo";
+ std::string s2 = s;
+ Matcher<const std::string&> matcher = ResultOf(&StringFunction, Ref(s));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(s));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(s2));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, m) works when f(x) and m's
+// argument types are compatible but different.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherTypes) {
+ // IntFunction() returns int but the inner matcher expects a signed char.
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(IntFunction, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(85)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(36));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(42));
+// Tests that the program aborts when ResultOf is passed
+// a NULL function pointer.
+TEST(ResultOfDeathTest, DiesOnNullFunctionPointers) {
+ ResultOf(static_cast<std::string (*)(int dummy)>(nullptr),
+ Eq(std::string("foo"))),
+ "NULL function pointer is passed into ResultOf\\(\\)\\.");
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
+// function reference.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctionReferences) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(IntToStringFunction, StrEq("foo"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(2));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
+// function object.
+struct Functor {
+ std::string operator()(int input) const { return IntToStringFunction(input); }
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctors) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(Functor(), Eq(std::string("foo")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(2));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
+// functor with more than one operator() defined. ResultOf() must work
+// for each defined operator().
+struct PolymorphicFunctor {
+ typedef int result_type;
+ int operator()(int n) { return n; }
+ int operator()(const char* s) { return static_cast<int>(strlen(s)); }
+ std::string operator()(int* p) { return p ? "good ptr" : "null"; }
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForPolymorphicFunctors) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher_int = ResultOf(PolymorphicFunctor(), Ge(5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher_int.Matches(10));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher_int.Matches(2));
+ Matcher<const char*> matcher_string = ResultOf(PolymorphicFunctor(), Ge(5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher_string.Matches("long string"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher_string.Matches("shrt"));
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForPolymorphicFunctorsIgnoringResultType) {
+ Matcher<int*> matcher = ResultOf(PolymorphicFunctor(), "good ptr");
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(&n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForLambdas) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(
+ [](int str_len) {
+ return std::string(static_cast<size_t>(str_len), 'x');
+ },
+ "xxx");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(1));
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForNonCopyableArguments) {
+ Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> matcher = ResultOf(
+ [](const std::unique_ptr<int>& str_len) {
+ return std::string(static_cast<size_t>(*str_len), 'x');
+ },
+ "xxx");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(3))));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(1))));
+const int* ReferencingFunction(const int& n) { return &n; }
+struct ReferencingFunctor {
+ typedef const int* result_type;
+ result_type operator()(const int& n) { return &n; }
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForReferencingCallables) {
+ const int n = 1;
+ const int n2 = 1;
+ Matcher<const int&> matcher2 = ResultOf(ReferencingFunction, Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher2.Matches(n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher2.Matches(n2));
+ Matcher<const int&> matcher3 = ResultOf(ReferencingFunctor(), Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher3.Matches(n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher3.Matches(n2));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, ImplementsSizeIs) {
+ vector<int> container;
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(1)));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(1));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(2));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithMap) {
+ map<std::string, int> container;
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(1)));
+ container.insert(make_pair("foo", 1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(1));
+ container.insert(make_pair("bar", 2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(2));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithReferences) {
+ vector<int> container;
+ Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = SizeIs(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(m));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, m);
+TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(SizeIs(3)));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2, 3}));
+// SizeIs should work for any type that provides a size() member function.
+// For example, a size_type member type should not need to be provided.
+struct MinimalistCustomType {
+ int size() const { return 1; }
+TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithMinimalistCustomType) {
+ MinimalistCustomType container;
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = SizeIs(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("has a size that is equal to 2", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("has a size that isn't equal to 2", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, ExplainsResult) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m1 = SizeIs(2);
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = SizeIs(Lt(2u));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m3 = SizeIs(AnyOf(0, 3));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m4 = SizeIs(Gt(1u));
+ vector<int> container;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 doesn't match", Explain(m1, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 matches", Explain(m2, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 matches", Explain(m3, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 doesn't match", Explain(m4, container));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 matches", Explain(m1, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 doesn't match", Explain(m2, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 doesn't match", Explain(m3, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 matches", Explain(m4, container));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForEmptyContainer) {
+ const vector<int> numbers;
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1))));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNonEmptyContainer) {
+ vector<unsigned> numbers;
+ numbers.push_back(3);
+ numbers.push_back(1);
+ numbers.push_back(2);
+ numbers.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers,
+ WhenSortedBy(greater<unsigned>(), ElementsAre(3, 2, 2, 1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers,
+ Not(WhenSortedBy(greater<unsigned>(), ElementsAre(1, 2, 2, 3))));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNonVectorContainer) {
+ list<std::string> words;
+ words.push_back("say");
+ words.push_back("hello");
+ words.push_back("world");
+ EXPECT_THAT(words, WhenSortedBy(less<std::string>(),
+ ElementsAre("hello", "say", "world")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(words, Not(WhenSortedBy(less<std::string>(),
+ ElementsAre("say", "hello", "world"))));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
+ const int numbers[] = {1, 3, 2, 4};
+ const int sorted_numbers[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers,
+ WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAreArray(sorted_numbers)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 3, 2, 4))));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ const Matcher<vector<int>> m = WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 2));
+ "(when sorted) has 2 elements where\n"
+ "element #0 is equal to 1,\n"
+ "element #1 is equal to 2",
+ Describe(m));
+ "(when sorted) doesn't have 2 elements, or\n"
+ "element #0 isn't equal to 1, or\n"
+ "element #1 isn't equal to 2",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, ExplainsMatchResult) {
+ const int a[] = {2, 1};
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is { 1, 2 } when sorted, whose element #0 doesn't match",
+ Explain(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(2, 3)), a));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is { 1, 2 } when sorted",
+ Explain(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 2)), a));
+// WhenSorted() is a simple wrapper on WhenSortedBy(). Hence we don't
+// need to test it as exhaustively as we test the latter.
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForEmptyContainer) {
+ const vector<int> numbers;
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSorted(ElementsAre()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForNonEmptyContainer) {
+ list<std::string> words;
+ words.push_back("3");
+ words.push_back("1");
+ words.push_back("2");
+ words.push_back("2");
+ EXPECT_THAT(words, WhenSorted(ElementsAre("1", "2", "2", "3")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(words, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre("3", "1", "2", "2"))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForMapTypes) {
+ map<std::string, int> word_counts;
+ word_counts["and"] = 1;
+ word_counts["the"] = 1;
+ word_counts["buffalo"] = 2;
+ EXPECT_THAT(word_counts,
+ WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair("and", 1), Pair("buffalo", 2),
+ Pair("the", 1))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(word_counts,
+ Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair("and", 1), Pair("the", 1),
+ Pair("buffalo", 2)))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForMultiMapTypes) {
+ multimap<int, int> ifib;
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(8, 6));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(2, 3));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(1, 1));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(3, 4));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(1, 2));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(5, 5));
+ WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair(1, 1), Pair(1, 2), Pair(2, 3),
+ Pair(3, 4), Pair(5, 5), Pair(8, 6))));
+ Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair(8, 6), Pair(2, 3), Pair(1, 1),
+ Pair(3, 4), Pair(1, 2), Pair(5, 5)))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForPolymorphicMatcher) {
+ std::deque<int> d;
+ d.push_back(2);
+ d.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(d, WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1, 2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(d, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForVectorConstRefMatcher) {
+ std::deque<int> d;
+ d.push_back(2);
+ d.push_back(1);
+ Matcher<const std::vector<int>&> vector_match = ElementsAre(1, 2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(d, WhenSorted(vector_match));
+ Matcher<const std::vector<int>&> not_vector_match = ElementsAre(2, 1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(d, Not(WhenSorted(not_vector_match)));
+// Deliberately bare pseudo-container.
+// Offers only begin() and end() accessors, yielding InputIterator.
+template <typename T>
+class Streamlike {
+ private:
+ class ConstIter;
+ public:
+ typedef ConstIter const_iterator;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ template <typename InIter>
+ Streamlike(InIter first, InIter last) : remainder_(first, last) {}
+ const_iterator begin() const {
+ return const_iterator(this, remainder_.begin());
+ }
+ const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, remainder_.end()); }
+ private:
+ class ConstIter {
+ public:
+ using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
+ using value_type = T;
+ using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
+ using pointer = const value_type*;
+ using reference = const value_type&;
+ ConstIter(const Streamlike* s, typename std::list<value_type>::iterator pos)
+ : s_(s), pos_(pos) {}
+ const value_type& operator*() const { return *pos_; }
+ const value_type* operator->() const { return &*pos_; }
+ ConstIter& operator++() {
+ s_->remainder_.erase(pos_++);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // *iter++ is required to work (see std::istreambuf_iterator).
+ // (void)iter++ is also required to work.
+ class PostIncrProxy {
+ public:
+ explicit PostIncrProxy(const value_type& value) : value_(value) {}
+ value_type operator*() const { return value_; }
+ private:
+ value_type value_;
+ };
+ PostIncrProxy operator++(int) {
+ PostIncrProxy proxy(**this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return proxy;
+ }
+ friend bool operator==(const ConstIter& a, const ConstIter& b) {
+ return a.s_ == b.s_ && a.pos_ == b.pos_;
+ }
+ friend bool operator!=(const ConstIter& a, const ConstIter& b) {
+ return !(a == b);
+ }
+ private:
+ const Streamlike* s_;
+ typename std::list<value_type>::iterator pos_;
+ };
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Streamlike& s) {
+ os << "[";
+ typedef typename std::list<value_type>::const_iterator Iter;
+ const char* sep = "";
+ for (Iter it = s.remainder_.begin(); it != s.remainder_.end(); ++it) {
+ os << sep << *it;
+ sep = ",";
+ }
+ os << "]";
+ return os;
+ }
+ mutable std::list<value_type> remainder_; // modified by iteration
+TEST(StreamlikeTest, Iteration) {
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(a, a + 5);
+ Streamlike<int>::const_iterator it = s.begin();
+ const int* ip = a;
+ while (it != s.end()) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(ip - a);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*ip++, *it++);
+ }
+TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithForwardList) {
+ std::forward_list<int> container;
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, BeginEndDistanceIs(0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(BeginEndDistanceIs(1)));
+ container.push_front(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(BeginEndDistanceIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, BeginEndDistanceIs(1));
+ container.push_front(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(BeginEndDistanceIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, BeginEndDistanceIs(2));
+TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithNonStdList) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ Streamlike<int> s(a, a + 5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, BeginEndDistanceIs(5));
+TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = BeginEndDistanceIs(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("distance between begin() and end() is equal to 2", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("distance between begin() and end() isn't equal to 2",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(BeginEndDistanceIs(2)));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+TEST_P(BeginEndDistanceIsTestP, ExplainsResult) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m1 = BeginEndDistanceIs(2);
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = BeginEndDistanceIs(Lt(2));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m3 = BeginEndDistanceIs(AnyOf(0, 3));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m4 = BeginEndDistanceIs(GreaterThan(1));
+ vector<int> container;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 0 doesn't match",
+ Explain(m1, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 0 matches",
+ Explain(m2, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 0 matches",
+ Explain(m3, container));
+ "whose distance between begin() and end() 0 doesn't match, which is 1 "
+ "less than 1",
+ Explain(m4, container));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 2 matches",
+ Explain(m1, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 2 doesn't match",
+ Explain(m2, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 2 doesn't match",
+ Explain(m3, container));
+ "whose distance between begin() and end() 2 matches, which is 1 more "
+ "than 1",
+ Explain(m4, container));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ // Streamlike 'container' provides only minimal iterator support.
+ // Its iterators are tagged with input_iterator_tag.
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForVectorConstRefMatcherOnStreamlike) {
+ const int a[] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ Matcher<const std::vector<int>&> vector_match = ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, WhenSorted(vector_match));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3))));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
+ const int subset[] = {1, 4};
+ const int superset[] = {1, 2, 4};
+ const int disjoint[] = {1, 0, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, IsSupersetOf(subset));
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, Not(IsSupersetOf(superset)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(superset, IsSupersetOf(subset));
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, Not(IsSupersetOf(disjoint)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(disjoint, Not(IsSupersetOf(subset)));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksWithDuplicates) {
+ const int not_enough[] = {1, 2};
+ const int enough[] = {1, 1, 2};
+ const int expected[] = {1, 1};
+ EXPECT_THAT(not_enough, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(enough, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForEmpty) {
+ vector<int> numbers;
+ vector<int> expected;
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+ expected.clear();
+ numbers.push_back(1);
+ numbers.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, TakesStlContainer) {
+ const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
+ ::std::list<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, Describe) {
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+ IntVec expected;
+ expected.push_back(111);
+ expected.push_back(222);
+ expected.push_back(333);
+ Describe<IntVec>(IsSupersetOf(expected)),
+ Eq("a surjection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 111\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 222\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 333"));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, DescribeNegation) {
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+ IntVec expected;
+ expected.push_back(111);
+ expected.push_back(222);
+ expected.push_back(333);
+ DescribeNegation<IntVec>(IsSupersetOf(expected)),
+ Eq("no surjection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 111\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 222\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 333"));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, MatchAndExplain) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(2);
+ v.push_back(3);
+ std::vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSupersetOf(expected), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where the following matchers don't match any elements:\n"
+ "matcher #0: is equal to 1"));
+ v.push_back(1);
+ listener.Clear();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSupersetOf(expected), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq("where:\n"
+ " - element #0 is matched by matcher #1,\n"
+ " - element #2 is matched by matcher #0"));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
+ const int numbers[] = {1, 3, 6, 2, 4, 5};
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf({1, 2}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSupersetOf({3, 0})));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(IsSupersetOf({Pointee(1)})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Not(IsSupersetOf({Pointee(1), Pointee(2)}))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2}));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
+ const int subset[] = {1, 4};
+ const int superset[] = {1, 2, 4};
+ const int disjoint[] = {1, 0, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, IsSubsetOf(subset));
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, IsSubsetOf(superset));
+ EXPECT_THAT(superset, Not(IsSubsetOf(subset)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, Not(IsSubsetOf(disjoint)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(disjoint, Not(IsSubsetOf(subset)));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksWithDuplicates) {
+ const int not_enough[] = {1, 2};
+ const int enough[] = {1, 1, 2};
+ const int actual[] = {1, 1};
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(IsSubsetOf(not_enough)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, IsSubsetOf(enough));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForEmpty) {
+ vector<int> numbers;
+ vector<int> expected;
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+ expected.clear();
+ numbers.push_back(1);
+ numbers.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, TakesStlContainer) {
+ const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
+ ::std::list<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, Describe) {
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+ IntVec expected;
+ expected.push_back(111);
+ expected.push_back(222);
+ expected.push_back(333);
+ Describe<IntVec>(IsSubsetOf(expected)),
+ Eq("an injection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 111\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 222\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 333"));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, DescribeNegation) {
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+ IntVec expected;
+ expected.push_back(111);
+ expected.push_back(222);
+ expected.push_back(333);
+ DescribeNegation<IntVec>(IsSubsetOf(expected)),
+ Eq("no injection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 111\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 222\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 333"));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, MatchAndExplain) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(2);
+ v.push_back(3);
+ std::vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSubsetOf(expected), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
+ "element #1: 3"));
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ listener.Clear();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSubsetOf(expected), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq("where:\n"
+ " - element #0 is matched by matcher #1,\n"
+ " - element #1 is matched by matcher #2"));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
+ const int numbers[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf({1, 2, 3, 4}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSubsetOf({1, 2})));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(IsSubsetOf({Pointee(1), Pointee(2)})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1}));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Not(IsSubsetOf({Pointee(1)}))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2}));
+// Tests using ElementsAre() and ElementsAreArray() with stream-like
+// "containers".
+TEST(ElemensAreStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3)));
+TEST(ElemensAreArrayStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ expected.push_back(5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ expected[3] = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithUncopyable) {
+ Uncopyable objs[2];
+ objs[0].set_value(-3);
+ objs[1].set_value(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(objs, ElementsAre(UncopyableIs(-3), Truly(ValueIsPositive)));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(ElementsAre(Pointee(1), Pointee(2))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(ElementsAreArray({Pointee(3), Pointee(4)})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({3, 4}));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, TakesStlContainer) {
+ const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
+ ::std::list<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+// Tests for UnorderedElementsAreArray()
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, SucceedsWhenExpected) {
+ const int a[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
+ std::vector<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ do {
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(a), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ } while (std::next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end()));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, VectorBool) {
+ const bool a[] = {false, true, false, true, true};
+ const bool b[] = {true, false, true, true, false};
+ std::vector<bool> expected(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ std::vector<bool> actual(std::begin(b), std::end(b));
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected), actual,
+ &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ // Streamlike 'container' provides only minimal iterator support.
+ // Its iterators are tagged with input_iterator_tag, and it has no
+ // size() or empty() methods.
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ ::std::vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ expected.push_back(5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ expected.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesStlContainer) {
+ const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
+ ::std::list<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerList) {
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 6})));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfCStrings) {
+ const std::string a[5] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "ef"})));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfSameTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ UnorderedElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(5)}));
+ a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(6)})));
+ TakesInitializerListOfDifferentTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ // The compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer list if its
+ // elements have different types. We must explicitly specify the
+ // unified element type in this case.
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>(
+ {Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(5)}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>(
+ {Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(6)})));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper,
+ Call(UnorderedElementsAreArray({Pointee(1), Pointee(2)})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2, 1}));
+class UnorderedElementsAreTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksWithUncopyable) {
+ Uncopyable objs[2];
+ objs[0].set_value(-3);
+ objs[1].set_value(1);
+ UnorderedElementsAre(Truly(ValueIsPositive), UncopyableIs(-3)));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, SucceedsWhenExpected) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ std::vector<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ do {
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ } while (std::next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end()));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailsWhenAnElementMatchesNoMatcher) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ std::vector<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ std::vector<Matcher<int>> mv;
+ mv.push_back(1);
+ mv.push_back(2);
+ mv.push_back(2);
+ // The element with value '3' matches nothing: fail fast.
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(mv), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ // Streamlike 'container' provides only minimal iterator support.
+ // Its iterators are tagged with input_iterator_tag, and it has no
+ // size() or empty() methods.
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(UnorderedElementsAre(2, 2, 3, 4, 5)));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(UnorderedElementsAre(Pointee(1), Pointee(2))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2, 1}));
+// One naive implementation of the matcher runs in O(N!) time, which is too
+// slow for many real-world inputs. This test shows that our matcher can match
+// 100 inputs very quickly (a few milliseconds). An O(100!) is 10^158
+// iterations and obviously effectively incomputable.
+// [ RUN ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.Performance
+// [ OK ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.Performance (4 ms)
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, Performance) {
+ std::vector<int> s;
+ std::vector<Matcher<int>> mv;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ s.push_back(i);
+ mv.push_back(_);
+ }
+ mv[50] = Eq(0);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(mv), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+// Another variant of 'Performance' with similar expectations.
+// [ RUN ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.PerformanceHalfStrict
+// [ OK ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.PerformanceHalfStrict (4 ms)
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, PerformanceHalfStrict) {
+ std::vector<int> s;
+ std::vector<Matcher<int>> mv;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ s.push_back(i);
+ if (i & 1) {
+ mv.push_back(_);
+ } else {
+ mv.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(mv), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageCountWrong) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(4);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq("which has 1 element"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageCountWrongZero) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq(""));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedMatchers) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(1);
+ v.push_back(1);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where the following matchers don't match any elements:\n"
+ "matcher #1: is equal to 2"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedElements) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(1);
+ v.push_back(2);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 1), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
+ "element #1: 2"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedMatcherAndElement) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(2);
+ v.push_back(3);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where"
+ " the following matchers don't match any elements:\n"
+ "matcher #0: is equal to 1\n"
+ "and"
+ " where"
+ " the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
+ "element #1: 3"));
+// Test helper for formatting element, matcher index pairs in expectations.
+static std::string EMString(int element, int matcher) {
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "(element #" << element << ", matcher #" << matcher << ")";
+ return ss.str();
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageImperfectMatchOnly) {
+ // A situation where all elements and matchers have a match
+ // associated with them, but the max matching is not perfect.
+ std::vector<std::string> v;
+ v.push_back("a");
+ v.push_back("b");
+ v.push_back("c");
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(
+ UnorderedElementsAre("a", "a", AnyOf("b", "c")), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ std::string prefix =
+ "where no permutation of the elements can satisfy all matchers, "
+ "and the closest match is 2 of 3 matchers with the "
+ "pairings:\n";
+ // We have to be a bit loose here, because there are 4 valid max matches.
+ listener.str(),
+ AnyOf(
+ prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 0) + ",\n " + EMString(1, 2) + "\n}",
+ prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 1) + ",\n " + EMString(1, 2) + "\n}",
+ prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 0) + ",\n " + EMString(2, 2) + "\n}",
+ prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 1) + ",\n " + EMString(2, 2) +
+ "\n}"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, Describe) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre()), Eq("is empty"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(345)),
+ Eq("has 1 element and that element is equal to 345"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(111, 222, 333)),
+ Eq("has 3 elements and there exists some permutation "
+ "of elements such that:\n"
+ " - element #0 is equal to 111, and\n"
+ " - element #1 is equal to 222, and\n"
+ " - element #2 is equal to 333"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, DescribeNegation) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(DescribeNegation<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre()),
+ Eq("isn't empty"));
+ DescribeNegation<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(345)),
+ Eq("doesn't have 1 element, or has 1 element that isn't equal to 345"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(DescribeNegation<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(123, 234, 345)),
+ Eq("doesn't have 3 elements, or there exists no permutation "
+ "of elements such that:\n"
+ " - element #0 is equal to 123, and\n"
+ " - element #1 is equal to 234, and\n"
+ " - element #2 is equal to 345"));
+// Tests Each().
+TEST_P(EachTestP, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
+ set<int> a; // empty
+ Matcher<set<int>> m = Each(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+ Matcher<const int(&)[1]> n = Each(1); // NOLINT
+ const int b[1] = {1};
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(n, b));
+ n = Each(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match", Explain(n, b));
+ a.insert(1);
+ a.insert(2);
+ a.insert(3);
+ m = Each(GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Each(GreaterThan(10));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match, which is 9 less than 10",
+ Explain(m, a));
+TEST(EachTest, DescribesItselfCorrectly) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = Each(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("only contains elements that is equal to 1", Describe(m));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = Not(m);
+ EXPECT_EQ("contains some element that isn't equal to 1", Describe(m2));
+TEST(EachTest, MatchesVectorWhenAllElementsMatch) {
+ vector<int> some_vector;
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Each(1));
+ some_vector.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Not(Each(1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Each(3));
+ some_vector.push_back(1);
+ some_vector.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Not(Each(3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Each(Lt(3.5)));
+ vector<std::string> another_vector;
+ another_vector.push_back("fee");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_vector, Each(std::string("fee")));
+ another_vector.push_back("fie");
+ another_vector.push_back("foe");
+ another_vector.push_back("fum");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_vector, Not(Each(std::string("fee"))));
+TEST(EachTest, MatchesMapWhenAllElementsMatch) {
+ map<const char*, int> my_map;
+ const char* bar = "a string";
+ my_map[bar] = 2;
+ EXPECT_THAT(my_map, Each(make_pair(bar, 2)));
+ map<std::string, int> another_map;
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Each(make_pair(std::string("fee"), 1)));
+ another_map["fee"] = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Each(make_pair(std::string("fee"), 1)));
+ another_map["fie"] = 2;
+ another_map["foe"] = 3;
+ another_map["fum"] = 4;
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Not(Each(make_pair(std::string("fee"), 1))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Not(Each(make_pair(std::string("fum"), 1))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Each(Pair(_, Gt(0))));
+TEST(EachTest, AcceptsMatcher) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Each(Gt(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Each(Gt(1))));
+TEST(EachTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2};
+ const int* const pointer = a;
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Each(Gt(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Not(Each(Gt(1))));
+TEST(EachTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Each(Pointee(Gt(0)))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+// For testing Pointwise().
+class IsHalfOfMatcher {
+ public:
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ bool MatchAndExplain(const std::tuple<T1, T2>& a_pair,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ if (std::get<0>(a_pair) == std::get<1>(a_pair) / 2) {
+ *listener << "where the second is " << std::get<1>(a_pair);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ *listener << "where the second/2 is " << std::get<1>(a_pair) / 2;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "are a pair where the first is half of the second";
+ }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "are a pair where the first isn't half of the second";
+ }
+PolymorphicMatcher<IsHalfOfMatcher> IsHalfOf() {
+ return MakePolymorphicMatcher(IsHalfOfMatcher());
+TEST(PointwiseTest, DescribesSelf) {
+ vector<int> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(1);
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(3);
+ const Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
+ "contains 3 values, where each value and its corresponding value "
+ "in { 1, 2, 3 } are a pair where the first is half of the second",
+ Describe(m));
+ "doesn't contain exactly 3 values, or contains a value x at some "
+ "index i where x and the i-th value of { 1, 2, 3 } are a pair "
+ "where the first isn't half of the second",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, MakesCopyOfRhs) {
+ list<signed char> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(4);
+ int lhs[] = {1, 2};
+ const Matcher<const int(&)[2]> m = Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
+ // Changing rhs now shouldn't affect m, which made a copy of rhs.
+ rhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForLhsNativeArray) {
+ const int lhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(4);
+ rhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Lt(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForRhsNativeArray) {
+ const int rhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> lhs;
+ lhs.push_back(2);
+ lhs.push_back(4);
+ lhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Gt(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Lt(), rhs)));
+// Test is effective only with sanitizers.
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForVectorOfBool) {
+ vector<bool> rhs(3, false);
+ rhs[1] = true;
+ vector<bool> lhs = rhs;
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Eq(), rhs));
+ rhs[0] = true;
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Eq(), rhs)));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
+ const vector<int> lhs{2, 4, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Gt(), {1, 2, 3}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Lt(), {3, 3, 7})));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, RejectsWrongSize) {
+ const double lhs[2] = {1, 2};
+ const int rhs[1] = {0};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which contains 2 values", Explain(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs), lhs));
+ const int rhs2[3] = {0, 1, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs2)));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, RejectsWrongContent) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 6, 4};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs)));
+ "where the value pair (2, 6) at index #1 don't match, "
+ "where the second/2 is 3",
+ Explain(Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs), lhs));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContent) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 4, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs), lhs));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 4, 6};
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<const double&, const int&>> m1 = IsHalfOf();
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(m1, rhs));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(Pointwise(m1, rhs), lhs));
+ // This type works as a std::tuple<const double&, const int&> can be
+ // implicitly cast to std::tuple<double, int>.
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<double, int>> m2 = IsHalfOf();
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(m2, rhs));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(Pointwise(m2, rhs), lhs));
+MATCHER(PointeeEquals, "Points to an equal value") {
+ return ExplainMatchResult(::testing::Pointee(::testing::get<1>(arg)),
+ ::testing::get<0>(arg), result_listener);
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Pointwise(PointeeEquals(), std::vector<int>{1, 2})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, DescribesSelf) {
+ vector<int> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(1);
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(3);
+ const Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
+ "has 3 elements and there exists some permutation of elements such "
+ "that:\n"
+ " - element #0 and 1 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
+ "and\n"
+ " - element #1 and 2 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
+ "and\n"
+ " - element #2 and 3 are a pair where the first is half of the second",
+ Describe(m));
+ "doesn't have 3 elements, or there exists no permutation of elements "
+ "such that:\n"
+ " - element #0 and 1 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
+ "and\n"
+ " - element #1 and 2 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
+ "and\n"
+ " - element #2 and 3 are a pair where the first is half of the second",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, MakesCopyOfRhs) {
+ list<signed char> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(4);
+ int lhs[] = {2, 1};
+ const Matcher<const int(&)[2]> m = UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
+ // Changing rhs now shouldn't affect m, which made a copy of rhs.
+ rhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForLhsNativeArray) {
+ const int lhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(4);
+ rhs.push_back(6);
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(Lt(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForRhsNativeArray) {
+ const int rhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> lhs;
+ lhs.push_back(4);
+ lhs.push_back(2);
+ lhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Lt(), rhs)));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
+ const vector<int> lhs{2, 4, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), {5, 1, 3}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Lt(), {1, 1, 7})));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, RejectsWrongSize) {
+ const double lhs[2] = {1, 2};
+ const int rhs[1] = {0};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which has 2 elements",
+ Explain(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs), lhs));
+ const int rhs2[3] = {0, 1, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs2)));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, RejectsWrongContent) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 6, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs)));
+ "where the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
+ "element #1: 2",
+ Explain(UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs), lhs));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContentInSameOrder) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 4, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContentInDifferentOrder) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {6, 4, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {4, 6, 2};
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<const double&, const int&>> m1 = IsHalfOf();
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(m1, rhs));
+ // This type works as a std::tuple<const double&, const int&> can be
+ // implicitly cast to std::tuple<double, int>.
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<double, int>> m2 = IsHalfOf();
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(m2, rhs));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(UnorderedPointwise(PointeeEquals(),
+ std::vector<int>{1, 2})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2, 1}));
+TEST(PointeeTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Pointee(Eq(3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pointee(Eq(2))));
+class PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ enum Behavior { kInitialSuccess, kAlwaysFail, kFlaky };
+ // A matcher that can return different results when used multiple times on the
+ // same input. No real matcher should do this; but this lets us test that we
+ // detect such behavior and fail appropriately.
+ class MockMatcher : public MatcherInterface<Behavior> {
+ public:
+ bool MatchAndExplain(Behavior behavior,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
+ *listener << "[MatchAndExplain]";
+ switch (behavior) {
+ case kInitialSuccess:
+ // The first call to MatchAndExplain should use a "not interested"
+ // listener; so this is expected to return |true|. There should be no
+ // subsequent calls.
+ return !listener->IsInterested();
+ case kAlwaysFail:
+ return false;
+ case kFlaky:
+ // The first call to MatchAndExplain should use a "not interested"
+ // listener; so this will return |false|. Subsequent calls should have
+ // an "interested" listener; so this will return |true|, thus
+ // simulating a flaky matcher.
+ return listener->IsInterested();
+ }
+ GTEST_LOG_(FATAL) << "This should never be reached";
+ return false;
+ }
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const override { *os << "[DescribeTo]"; }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const override {
+ *os << "[DescribeNegationTo]";
+ }
+ };
+ AssertionResult RunPredicateFormatter(Behavior behavior) {
+ auto matcher = MakeMatcher(new MockMatcher);
+ PredicateFormatterFromMatcher<Matcher<Behavior>> predicate_formatter(
+ matcher);
+ return predicate_formatter("dummy-name", behavior);
+ }
+TEST_F(PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest, ShortCircuitOnSuccess) {
+ AssertionResult result = RunPredicateFormatter(kInitialSuccess);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(result); // Implicit cast to bool.
+ std::string expect;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expect, result.message());
+TEST_F(PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest, NoShortCircuitOnFailure) {
+ AssertionResult result = RunPredicateFormatter(kAlwaysFail);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result); // Implicit cast to bool.
+ std::string expect =
+ "Value of: dummy-name\nExpected: [DescribeTo]\n"
+ " Actual: 1" +
+ OfType(internal::GetTypeName<Behavior>()) + ", [MatchAndExplain]";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expect, result.message());
+TEST_F(PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest, DetectsFlakyShortCircuit) {
+ AssertionResult result = RunPredicateFormatter(kFlaky);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result); // Implicit cast to bool.
+ std::string expect =
+ "Value of: dummy-name\nExpected: [DescribeTo]\n"
+ " The matcher failed on the initial attempt; but passed when rerun to "
+ "generate the explanation.\n"
+ " Actual: 2" +
+ OfType(internal::GetTypeName<Behavior>()) + ", [MatchAndExplain]";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expect, result.message());
+// Tests for ElementsAre().
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingNoElement) {
+ Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = ElementsAre();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is empty", Describe(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingOneElement) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = ElementsAre(Gt(5));
+ EXPECT_EQ("has 1 element that is > 5", Describe(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingManyElements) {
+ Matcher<list<std::string>> m = ElementsAre(StrEq("one"), "two");
+ "has 2 elements where\n"
+ "element #0 is equal to \"one\",\n"
+ "element #1 is equal to \"two\"",
+ Describe(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingNoElement) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = ElementsAre();
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't empty", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingOneElement) {
+ Matcher<const list<int>&> m = ElementsAre(Gt(5));
+ "doesn't have 1 element, or\n"
+ "element #0 isn't > 5",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingManyElements) {
+ Matcher<const list<std::string>&> m = ElementsAre("one", "two");
+ "doesn't have 2 elements, or\n"
+ "element #0 isn't equal to \"one\", or\n"
+ "element #1 isn't equal to \"two\"",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotExplainTrivialMatch) {
+ Matcher<const list<int>&> m = ElementsAre(1, Ne(2));
+ list<int> test_list;
+ test_list.push_back(1);
+ test_list.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_list)); // No need to explain anything.
+TEST_P(ElementsAreTestP, ExplainsNonTrivialMatch) {
+ Matcher<const vector<int>&> m =
+ ElementsAre(GreaterThan(1), 0, GreaterThan(2));
+ const int a[] = {10, 0, 100};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ "whose element #0 matches, which is 9 more than 1,\n"
+ "and whose element #2 matches, which is 98 more than 2",
+ Explain(m, test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanExplainMismatchWrongSize) {
+ Matcher<const list<int>&> m = ElementsAre(1, 3);
+ list<int> test_list;
+ // No need to explain when the container is empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_list));
+ test_list.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("which has 1 element", Explain(m, test_list));
+TEST_P(ElementsAreTestP, CanExplainMismatchRightSize) {
+ Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = ElementsAre(1, GreaterThan(5));
+ vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(2);
+ v.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match", Explain(m, v));
+ v[0] = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #1 doesn't match, which is 4 less than 5",
+ Explain(m, v));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementVector) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("test string");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(StrEq("test string")));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementList) {
+ list<std::string> test_list;
+ test_list.push_back("test string");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_list, ElementsAre("test string"));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesThreeElementVector) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("one");
+ test_vector.push_back("two");
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre("one", StrEq("two"), _));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementEqMatcher) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(Eq(4)));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementAnyMatcher) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(_));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementValue) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(4));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesThreeElementsMixedMatchers) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(1);
+ test_vector.push_back(2);
+ test_vector.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(1, Eq(2), _));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesTenElementVector) {
+ const int a[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector,
+ // The element list can contain values and/or matchers
+ // of different types.
+ ElementsAre(0, Ge(0), _, 3, 4, Ne(2), Eq(6), 7, 8, _));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongSize) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("test string");
+ test_vector.push_back("test string");
+ Matcher<vector<std::string>> m = ElementsAre(StrEq("test string"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongValue) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("other string");
+ Matcher<vector<std::string>> m = ElementsAre(StrEq("test string"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongOrder) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("one");
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ test_vector.push_back("two");
+ Matcher<vector<std::string>> m =
+ ElementsAre(StrEq("one"), StrEq("two"), StrEq("three"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksForNestedContainer) {
+ constexpr std::array<const char*, 2> strings = {{"Hi", "world"}};
+ vector<list<char>> nested;
+ for (const auto& s : strings) {
+ nested.emplace_back(s, s + strlen(s));
+ }
+ EXPECT_THAT(nested, ElementsAre(ElementsAre('H', Ne('e')),
+ ElementsAre('w', 'o', _, _, 'd')));
+ EXPECT_THAT(nested, Not(ElementsAre(ElementsAre('H', 'e'),
+ ElementsAre('w', 'o', _, _, 'd'))));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithByRefElementMatchers) {
+ int a[] = {0, 1, 2};
+ vector<int> v(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre(Ref(v[0]), Ref(v[1]), Ref(v[2])));
+ EXPECT_THAT(v, Not(ElementsAre(Ref(v[0]), Ref(v[1]), Ref(a[2]))));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithContainerPointerUsingPointee) {
+ int a[] = {0, 1, 2};
+ vector<int> v(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(&v, Pointee(ElementsAre(0, 1, _)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(&v, Not(Pointee(ElementsAre(0, _, 3))));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithNativeArrayPassedByReference) {
+ int array[] = {0, 1, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, ElementsAre(0, 1, _));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre(1, _, _)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre(0, _)));
+class NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize {
+ public:
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize() = default;
+ MOCK_METHOD(void, Helper, (int* array, int size));
+ private:
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize(const NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize&) =
+ delete;
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize& operator=(
+ const NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize&) = delete;
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithNativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize) {
+ int array[] = {0, 1};
+ ::std::tuple<int*, size_t> array_as_tuple(array, 2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(array_as_tuple, ElementsAre(0, 1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array_as_tuple, Not(ElementsAre(0)));
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _)).With(ElementsAre(0, 1));
+ helper.Helper(array, 2);
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
+ const char a2[][3] = {"hi", "lo"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(ElementsAre('h', 'i', '\0'),
+ ElementsAre('l', 'o', '\0')));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(StrEq("hi"), StrEq("lo")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(Not(ElementsAre('h', 'o', '\0')),
+ ElementsAre('l', 'o', '\0')));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, AcceptsStringLiteral) {
+ std::string array[] = {"hi", "one", "two"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, ElementsAre("hi", "one", "two"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre("hi", "one", "too")));
+// Declared here with the size unknown. Defined AFTER the following test.
+extern const char kHi[];
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, AcceptsArrayWithUnknownSize) {
+ // The size of kHi is not known in this test, but ElementsAre() should
+ // still accept it.
+ std::string array1[] = {"hi"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array1, ElementsAre(kHi));
+ std::string array2[] = {"ho"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array2, Not(ElementsAre(kHi)));
+const char kHi[] = "hi";
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MakesCopyOfArguments) {
+ int x = 1;
+ int y = 2;
+ // This should make a copy of x and y.
+ ::testing::internal::ElementsAreMatcher<std::tuple<int, int>>
+ polymorphic_matcher = ElementsAre(x, y);
+ // Changing x and y now shouldn't affect the meaning of the above matcher.
+ x = y = 0;
+ const int array1[] = {1, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array1, polymorphic_matcher);
+ const int array2[] = {0, 0};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array2, Not(polymorphic_matcher));
+// Tests for ElementsAreArray(). Since ElementsAreArray() shares most
+// of the implementation with ElementsAre(), we don't test it as
+// thoroughly here.
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithValueArray) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a));
+ test_vector[2] = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(a)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithArraySize) {
+ std::array<const char*, 3> a = {{"one", "two", "three"}};
+ vector<std::string> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a.data(), a.size()));
+ const char** p = a.data();
+ test_vector[0] = "1";
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(p, a.size())));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithoutArraySize) {
+ const char* a[] = {"one", "two", "three"};
+ vector<std::string> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a));
+ test_vector[0] = "1";
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(a)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithMatcherArray) {
+ const Matcher<std::string> kMatcherArray[] = {StrEq("one"), StrEq("two"),
+ StrEq("three")};
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("one");
+ test_vector.push_back("two");
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(kMatcherArray));
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(kMatcherArray)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithVector) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ const vector<int> expected(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerList) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 5, 4})));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 6})));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfCStrings) {
+ const std::string a[5] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "e", "d"})));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "ef"})));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfSameTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(5)}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(6)})));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfDifferentTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ // The compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer list if its
+ // elements have different types. We must explicitly specify the
+ // unified element type in this case.
+ a, ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>({Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(5)}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>(
+ {Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(6)})));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithMatcherVector) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const Matcher<int> kMatchers[] = {Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3)};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ const vector<Matcher<int>> expected(std::begin(kMatchers),
+ std::end(kMatchers));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithIteratorRange) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ const vector<int> expected(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected.begin(), expected.end()));
+ // Pointers are iterators, too.
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(std::begin(a), std::end(a)));
+ // The empty range of NULL pointers should also be okay.
+ int* const null_int = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(null_int, null_int)));
+ EXPECT_THAT((vector<int>()), ElementsAreArray(null_int, null_int));
+// Since ElementsAre() and ElementsAreArray() share much of the
+// implementation, we only do a test for native arrays here.
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, WorksWithNativeArray) {
+ ::std::string a[] = {"hi", "ho"};
+ ::std::string b[] = {"hi", "ho"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(b));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(b, 2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray(b, 1)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, SourceLifeSpan) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ vector<int> expect(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ ElementsAreArrayMatcher<int> matcher_maker =
+ ElementsAreArray(expect.begin(), expect.end());
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, matcher_maker);
+ // Changing in place the values that initialized matcher_maker should not
+ // affect matcher_maker anymore. It should have made its own copy of them.
+ for (int& i : expect) {
+ i += 10;
+ }
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, matcher_maker);
+ test_vector.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(matcher_maker));
+// Tests Contains().
+TEST(ContainsTest, ListMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ list<int> some_list;
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ some_list.push_back(1);
+ some_list.push_back(2);
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Gt(2.5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Eq(2.0f)));
+ list<std::string> another_list;
+ another_list.push_back("fee");
+ another_list.push_back("fie");
+ another_list.push_back("foe");
+ another_list.push_back("fum");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_list, Contains(std::string("fee")));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ListDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ list<int> some_list;
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ some_list.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Not(Contains(4)));
+TEST(ContainsTest, SetMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ set<int> some_set;
+ some_set.insert(3);
+ some_set.insert(1);
+ some_set.insert(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(Eq(1.0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(Eq(3.0f)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(2));
+ set<std::string> another_set;
+ another_set.insert("fee");
+ another_set.insert("fie");
+ another_set.insert("foe");
+ another_set.insert("fum");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_set, Contains(Eq(std::string("fum"))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, SetDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ set<int> some_set;
+ some_set.insert(3);
+ some_set.insert(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Not(Contains(4)));
+ set<std::string> c_string_set;
+ c_string_set.insert("hello");
+ EXPECT_THAT(c_string_set, Not(Contains(std::string("goodbye"))));
+TEST_P(ContainsTestP, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
+ const int a[2] = {1, 2};
+ Matcher<const int(&)[2]> m = Contains(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #1 matches", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 matches, which is 1 more than 0", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(GreaterThan(10));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+TEST(ContainsTest, DescribesItselfCorrectly) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = Contains(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("contains at least one element that is equal to 1", Describe(m));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = Not(m);
+ EXPECT_EQ("doesn't contain any element that is equal to 1", Describe(m2));
+TEST(ContainsTest, MapMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ map<std::string, int> my_map;
+ const char* bar = "a string";
+ my_map[bar] = 2;
+ EXPECT_THAT(my_map, Contains(pair<const char* const, int>(bar, 2)));
+ map<std::string, int> another_map;
+ another_map["fee"] = 1;
+ another_map["fie"] = 2;
+ another_map["foe"] = 3;
+ another_map["fum"] = 4;
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map,
+ Contains(pair<const std::string, int>(std::string("fee"), 1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Contains(pair<const std::string, int>("fie", 2)));
+TEST(ContainsTest, MapDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ map<int, int> some_map;
+ some_map[1] = 11;
+ some_map[2] = 22;
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_map, Not(Contains(pair<const int, int>(2, 23))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ArrayMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ const char* string_array[] = {"fee", "fie", "foe", "fum"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(string_array, Contains(Eq(std::string("fum"))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ArrayDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ int int_array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+ EXPECT_THAT(int_array, Not(Contains(5)));
+TEST(ContainsTest, AcceptsMatcher) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Gt(2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Contains(Gt(4))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2};
+ const int* const pointer = a;
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Contains(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Not(Contains(Gt(3))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
+ int a[][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(ElementsAre(4, 5, 6)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Contains(5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Contains(ElementsAre(3, 4, 5))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Not(Contains(5))));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace gmock_matchers_test
+} // namespace testing