path: root/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ast.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ast.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1736 deletions
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ast.py b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ast.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f14728b4612a..000000000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ast.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1736 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007 Neal Norwitz
-# Portions Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Generate an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for C++."""
-__author__ = 'nnorwitz@google.com (Neal Norwitz)'
-# TODO:
-# * Tokens should never be exported, need to convert to Nodes
-# (return types, parameters, etc.)
-# * Handle static class data for templatized classes
-# * Handle casts (both C++ and C-style)
-# * Handle conditions and loops (if/else, switch, for, while/do)
-# TODO much, much later:
-# * Handle #define
-# * exceptions
- # Python 3.x
- import builtins
-except ImportError:
- # Python 2.x
- import __builtin__ as builtins
-import sys
-import traceback
-from cpp import keywords
-from cpp import tokenize
-from cpp import utils
-if not hasattr(builtins, 'reversed'):
- # Support Python 2.3 and earlier.
- def reversed(seq):
- for i in range(len(seq)-1, -1, -1):
- yield seq[i]
-if not hasattr(builtins, 'next'):
- # Support Python 2.5 and earlier.
- def next(obj):
- return obj.next()
-These are currently unused. Should really handle these properly at some point.
- }
-_INTERNAL_TOKEN = 'internal'
-_NAMESPACE_POP = 'ns-pop'
-# TODO(nnorwitz): use this as a singleton for templated_types, etc
-# where we don't want to create a new empty dict each time. It is also const.
-class _NullDict(object):
- __contains__ = lambda self: False
- keys = values = items = iterkeys = itervalues = iteritems = lambda self: ()
-# TODO(nnorwitz): move AST nodes into a separate module.
-class Node(object):
- """Base AST node."""
- def __init__(self, start, end):
- self.start = start
- self.end = end
- def IsDeclaration(self):
- """Returns bool if this node is a declaration."""
- return False
- def IsDefinition(self):
- """Returns bool if this node is a definition."""
- return False
- def IsExportable(self):
- """Returns bool if this node exportable from a header file."""
- return False
- def Requires(self, node):
- """Does this AST node require the definition of the node passed in?"""
- return False
- def XXX__str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, '')
- def _StringHelper(self, name, suffix):
- if not utils.DEBUG:
- return '%s(%s)' % (name, suffix)
- return '%s(%d, %d, %s)' % (name, self.start, self.end, suffix)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
-class Define(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, definition):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.name = name
- self.definition = definition
- def __str__(self):
- value = '%s %s' % (self.name, self.definition)
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, value)
-class Include(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, filename, system):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.filename = filename
- self.system = system
- def __str__(self):
- fmt = '"%s"'
- if self.system:
- fmt = '<%s>'
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, fmt % self.filename)
-class Goto(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, label):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.label = label
- def __str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.label))
-class Expr(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, expr):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.expr = expr
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): impl.
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.expr))
-class Return(Expr):
- pass
-class Delete(Expr):
- pass
-class Friend(Expr):
- def __init__(self, start, end, expr, namespace):
- Expr.__init__(self, start, end, expr)
- self.namespace = namespace[:]
-class Using(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, names):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.names = names
- def __str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.names))
-class Parameter(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, parameter_type, default):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.name = name
- self.type = parameter_type
- self.default = default
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle namespaces, etc.
- return self.type.name == node.name
- def __str__(self):
- name = str(self.type)
- suffix = '%s %s' % (name, self.name)
- if self.default:
- suffix += ' = ' + ''.join([d.name for d in self.default])
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, suffix)
-class _GenericDeclaration(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, namespace):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.name = name
- self.namespace = namespace[:]
- def FullName(self):
- prefix = ''
- if self.namespace and self.namespace[-1]:
- prefix = '::'.join(self.namespace) + '::'
- return prefix + self.name
- def _TypeStringHelper(self, suffix):
- if self.namespace:
- names = [n or '<anonymous>' for n in self.namespace]
- suffix += ' in ' + '::'.join(names)
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, suffix)
-# TODO(nnorwitz): merge with Parameter in some way?
-class VariableDeclaration(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, var_type, initial_value, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- self.type = var_type
- self.initial_value = initial_value
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle namespaces, etc.
- return self.type.name == node.name
- def ToString(self):
- """Return a string that tries to reconstitute the variable decl."""
- suffix = '%s %s' % (self.type, self.name)
- if self.initial_value:
- suffix += ' = ' + self.initial_value
- return suffix
- def __str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, self.ToString())
-class Typedef(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, alias, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- self.alias = alias
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return True
- def IsExportable(self):
- return True
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle namespaces, etc.
- name = node.name
- for token in self.alias:
- if token is not None and name == token.name:
- return True
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- suffix = '%s, %s' % (self.name, self.alias)
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
-class _NestedType(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, fields, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- self.fields = fields
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return True
- def IsExportable(self):
- return True
- def __str__(self):
- suffix = '%s, {%s}' % (self.name, self.fields)
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
-class Union(_NestedType):
- pass
-class Enum(_NestedType):
- pass
-class Class(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, bases, templated_types, body, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- self.bases = bases
- self.body = body
- self.templated_types = templated_types
- def IsDeclaration(self):
- return self.bases is None and self.body is None
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return not self.IsDeclaration()
- def IsExportable(self):
- return not self.IsDeclaration()
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle namespaces, etc.
- if self.bases:
- for token_list in self.bases:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): bases are tokens, do name comparison.
- for token in token_list:
- if token.name == node.name:
- return True
- # TODO(nnorwitz): search in body too.
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- name = self.name
- if self.templated_types:
- name += '<%s>' % self.templated_types
- suffix = '%s, %s, %s' % (name, self.bases, self.body)
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
-class Struct(Class):
- pass
-class Function(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, return_type, parameters,
- modifiers, templated_types, body, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- converter = TypeConverter(namespace)
- self.return_type = converter.CreateReturnType(return_type)
- self.parameters = converter.ToParameters(parameters)
- self.modifiers = modifiers
- self.body = body
- self.templated_types = templated_types
- def IsDeclaration(self):
- return self.body is None
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return self.body is not None
- def IsExportable(self):
- if self.return_type and 'static' in self.return_type.modifiers:
- return False
- return None not in self.namespace
- def Requires(self, node):
- if self.parameters:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): parameters are tokens, do name comparison.
- for p in self.parameters:
- if p.name == node.name:
- return True
- # TODO(nnorwitz): search in body too.
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): add templated_types.
- suffix = ('%s %s(%s), 0x%02x, %s' %
- (self.return_type, self.name, self.parameters,
- self.modifiers, self.body))
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
-class Method(Function):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, in_class, return_type, parameters,
- modifiers, templated_types, body, namespace):
- Function.__init__(self, start, end, name, return_type, parameters,
- modifiers, templated_types, body, namespace)
- # TODO(nnorwitz): in_class could also be a namespace which can
- # mess up finding functions properly.
- self.in_class = in_class
-class Type(_GenericDeclaration):
- """Type used for any variable (eg class, primitive, struct, etc)."""
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, templated_types, modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array):
- """
- Args:
- name: str name of main type
- templated_types: [Class (Type?)] template type info between <>
- modifiers: [str] type modifiers (keywords) eg, const, mutable, etc.
- reference, pointer, array: bools
- """
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, [])
- self.templated_types = templated_types
- if not name and modifiers:
- self.name = modifiers.pop()
- self.modifiers = modifiers
- self.reference = reference
- self.pointer = pointer
- self.array = array
- def __str__(self):
- prefix = ''
- if self.modifiers:
- prefix = ' '.join(self.modifiers) + ' '
- name = str(self.name)
- if self.templated_types:
- name += '<%s>' % self.templated_types
- suffix = prefix + name
- if self.reference:
- suffix += '&'
- if self.pointer:
- suffix += '*'
- if self.array:
- suffix += '[]'
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
- # By definition, Is* are always False. A Type can only exist in
- # some sort of variable declaration, parameter, or return value.
- def IsDeclaration(self):
- return False
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return False
- def IsExportable(self):
- return False
-class TypeConverter(object):
- def __init__(self, namespace_stack):
- self.namespace_stack = namespace_stack
- def _GetTemplateEnd(self, tokens, start):
- count = 1
- end = start
- while 1:
- token = tokens[end]
- end += 1
- if token.name == '<':
- count += 1
- elif token.name == '>':
- count -= 1
- if count == 0:
- break
- return tokens[start:end-1], end
- def ToType(self, tokens):
- """Convert [Token,...] to [Class(...), ] useful for base classes.
- For example, code like class Foo : public Bar<x, y> { ... };
- the "Bar<x, y>" portion gets converted to an AST.
- Returns:
- [Class(...), ...]
- """
- result = []
- name_tokens = []
- reference = pointer = array = False
- def AddType(templated_types):
- # Partition tokens into name and modifier tokens.
- names = []
- modifiers = []
- for t in name_tokens:
- if keywords.IsKeyword(t.name):
- modifiers.append(t.name)
- else:
- names.append(t.name)
- name = ''.join(names)
- if name_tokens:
- result.append(Type(name_tokens[0].start, name_tokens[-1].end,
- name, templated_types, modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array))
- del name_tokens[:]
- i = 0
- end = len(tokens)
- while i < end:
- token = tokens[i]
- if token.name == '<':
- new_tokens, new_end = self._GetTemplateEnd(tokens, i+1)
- AddType(self.ToType(new_tokens))
- # If there is a comma after the template, we need to consume
- # that here otherwise it becomes part of the name.
- i = new_end
- reference = pointer = array = False
- elif token.name == ',':
- AddType([])
- reference = pointer = array = False
- elif token.name == '*':
- pointer = True
- elif token.name == '&':
- reference = True
- elif token.name == '[':
- pointer = True
- elif token.name == ']':
- pass
- else:
- name_tokens.append(token)
- i += 1
- if name_tokens:
- # No '<' in the tokens, just a simple name and no template.
- AddType([])
- return result
- def DeclarationToParts(self, parts, needs_name_removed):
- name = None
- default = []
- if needs_name_removed:
- # Handle default (initial) values properly.
- for i, t in enumerate(parts):
- if t.name == '=':
- default = parts[i+1:]
- name = parts[i-1].name
- if name == ']' and parts[i-2].name == '[':
- name = parts[i-3].name
- i -= 1
- parts = parts[:i-1]
- break
- else:
- if parts[-1].token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- name = parts.pop().name
- else:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): this is a hack that happens for code like
- # Register(Foo<T>); where it thinks this is a function call
- # but it's actually a declaration.
- name = '???'
- modifiers = []
- type_name = []
- other_tokens = []
- templated_types = []
- i = 0
- end = len(parts)
- while i < end:
- p = parts[i]
- if keywords.IsKeyword(p.name):
- modifiers.append(p.name)
- elif p.name == '<':
- templated_tokens, new_end = self._GetTemplateEnd(parts, i+1)
- templated_types = self.ToType(templated_tokens)
- i = new_end - 1
- # Don't add a spurious :: to data members being initialized.
- next_index = i + 1
- if next_index < end and parts[next_index].name == '::':
- i += 1
- elif p.name in ('[', ']', '='):
- # These are handled elsewhere.
- other_tokens.append(p)
- elif p.name not in ('*', '&', '>'):
- # Ensure that names have a space between them.
- if (type_name and type_name[-1].token_type == tokenize.NAME and
- p.token_type == tokenize.NAME):
- type_name.append(tokenize.Token(tokenize.SYNTAX, ' ', 0, 0))
- type_name.append(p)
- else:
- other_tokens.append(p)
- i += 1
- type_name = ''.join([t.name for t in type_name])
- return name, type_name, templated_types, modifiers, default, other_tokens
- def ToParameters(self, tokens):
- if not tokens:
- return []
- result = []
- name = type_name = ''
- type_modifiers = []
- pointer = reference = array = False
- first_token = None
- default = []
- def AddParameter(end):
- if default:
- del default[0] # Remove flag.
- parts = self.DeclarationToParts(type_modifiers, True)
- (name, type_name, templated_types, modifiers,
- unused_default, unused_other_tokens) = parts
- parameter_type = Type(first_token.start, first_token.end,
- type_name, templated_types, modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array)
- p = Parameter(first_token.start, end, name,
- parameter_type, default)
- result.append(p)
- template_count = 0
- for s in tokens:
- if not first_token:
- first_token = s
- if s.name == '<':
- template_count += 1
- elif s.name == '>':
- template_count -= 1
- if template_count > 0:
- type_modifiers.append(s)
- continue
- if s.name == ',':
- AddParameter(s.start)
- name = type_name = ''
- type_modifiers = []
- pointer = reference = array = False
- first_token = None
- default = []
- elif s.name == '*':
- pointer = True
- elif s.name == '&':
- reference = True
- elif s.name == '[':
- array = True
- elif s.name == ']':
- pass # Just don't add to type_modifiers.
- elif s.name == '=':
- # Got a default value. Add any value (None) as a flag.
- default.append(None)
- elif default:
- default.append(s)
- else:
- type_modifiers.append(s)
- AddParameter(tokens[-1].end)
- return result
- def CreateReturnType(self, return_type_seq):
- if not return_type_seq:
- return None
- start = return_type_seq[0].start
- end = return_type_seq[-1].end
- _, name, templated_types, modifiers, default, other_tokens = \
- self.DeclarationToParts(return_type_seq, False)
- names = [n.name for n in other_tokens]
- reference = '&' in names
- pointer = '*' in names
- array = '[' in names
- return Type(start, end, name, templated_types, modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array)
- def GetTemplateIndices(self, names):
- # names is a list of strings.
- start = names.index('<')
- end = len(names) - 1
- while end > 0:
- if names[end] == '>':
- break
- end -= 1
- return start, end+1
-class AstBuilder(object):
- def __init__(self, token_stream, filename, in_class='', visibility=None,
- namespace_stack=[]):
- self.tokens = token_stream
- self.filename = filename
- # TODO(nnorwitz): use a better data structure (deque) for the queue.
- # Switching directions of the "queue" improved perf by about 25%.
- # Using a deque should be even better since we access from both sides.
- self.token_queue = []
- self.namespace_stack = namespace_stack[:]
- self.in_class = in_class
- if in_class is None:
- self.in_class_name_only = None
- else:
- self.in_class_name_only = in_class.split('::')[-1]
- self.visibility = visibility
- self.in_function = False
- self.current_token = None
- # Keep the state whether we are currently handling a typedef or not.
- self._handling_typedef = False
- self.converter = TypeConverter(self.namespace_stack)
- def HandleError(self, msg, token):
- printable_queue = list(reversed(self.token_queue[-20:]))
- sys.stderr.write('Got %s in %s @ %s %s\n' %
- (msg, self.filename, token, printable_queue))
- def Generate(self):
- while 1:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if not token:
- break
- # Get the next token.
- self.current_token = token
- # Dispatch on the next token type.
- if token.token_type == _INTERNAL_TOKEN:
- if token.name == _NAMESPACE_POP:
- self.namespace_stack.pop()
- continue
- try:
- result = self._GenerateOne(token)
- if result is not None:
- yield result
- except:
- self.HandleError('exception', token)
- raise
- def _CreateVariable(self, pos_token, name, type_name, type_modifiers,
- ref_pointer_name_seq, templated_types, value=None):
- reference = '&' in ref_pointer_name_seq
- pointer = '*' in ref_pointer_name_seq
- array = '[' in ref_pointer_name_seq
- var_type = Type(pos_token.start, pos_token.end, type_name,
- templated_types, type_modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array)
- return VariableDeclaration(pos_token.start, pos_token.end,
- name, var_type, value, self.namespace_stack)
- def _GenerateOne(self, token):
- if token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- if (keywords.IsKeyword(token.name) and
- not keywords.IsBuiltinType(token.name)):
- method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + token.name)
- return method()
- elif token.name == self.in_class_name_only:
- # The token name is the same as the class, must be a ctor if
- # there is a paren. Otherwise, it's the return type.
- # Peek ahead to get the next token to figure out which.
- next = self._GetNextToken()
- self._AddBackToken(next)
- if next.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and next.name == '(':
- return self._GetMethod([token], FUNCTION_CTOR, None, True)
- # Fall through--handle like any other method.
- # Handle data or function declaration/definition.
- syntax = tokenize.SYNTAX
- temp_tokens, last_token = \
- self._GetVarTokensUpTo(syntax, '(', ';', '{', '[')
- temp_tokens.insert(0, token)
- if last_token.name == '(':
- # If there is an assignment before the paren,
- # this is an expression, not a method.
- expr = bool([e for e in temp_tokens if e.name == '='])
- if expr:
- new_temp = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- temp_tokens.append(last_token)
- temp_tokens.extend(new_temp)
- last_token = tokenize.Token(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';', 0, 0)
- if last_token.name == '[':
- # Handle array, this isn't a method, unless it's an operator.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): keep the size somewhere.
- # unused_size = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ']')
- temp_tokens.append(last_token)
- if temp_tokens[-2].name == 'operator':
- temp_tokens.append(self._GetNextToken())
- else:
- temp_tokens2, last_token = \
- self._GetVarTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- temp_tokens.extend(temp_tokens2)
- if last_token.name == ';':
- # Handle data, this isn't a method.
- parts = self.converter.DeclarationToParts(temp_tokens, True)
- (name, type_name, templated_types, modifiers, default,
- unused_other_tokens) = parts
- t0 = temp_tokens[0]
- names = [t.name for t in temp_tokens]
- if templated_types:
- start, end = self.converter.GetTemplateIndices(names)
- names = names[:start] + names[end:]
- default = ''.join([t.name for t in default])
- return self._CreateVariable(t0, name, type_name, modifiers,
- names, templated_types, default)
- if last_token.name == '{':
- self._AddBackTokens(temp_tokens[1:])
- self._AddBackToken(last_token)
- method_name = temp_tokens[0].name
- method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + method_name, None)
- if not method:
- # Must be declaring a variable.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle the declaration.
- return None
- return method()
- return self._GetMethod(temp_tokens, 0, None, False)
- elif token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX:
- if token.name == '~' and self.in_class:
- # Must be a dtor (probably not in method body).
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- # self.in_class can contain A::Name, but the dtor will only
- # be Name. Make sure to compare against the right value.
- if (token.token_type == tokenize.NAME and
- token.name == self.in_class_name_only):
- return self._GetMethod([token], FUNCTION_DTOR, None, True)
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle a lot more syntax.
- elif token.token_type == tokenize.PREPROCESSOR:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle more preprocessor directives.
- # token starts with a #, so remove it and strip whitespace.
- name = token.name[1:].lstrip()
- if name.startswith('include'):
- # Remove "include".
- name = name[7:].strip()
- assert name
- # Handle #include \<newline> "header-on-second-line.h".
- if name.startswith('\\'):
- name = name[1:].strip()
- assert name[0] in '<"', token
- assert name[-1] in '>"', token
- system = name[0] == '<'
- filename = name[1:-1]
- return Include(token.start, token.end, filename, system)
- if name.startswith('define'):
- # Remove "define".
- name = name[6:].strip()
- assert name
- value = ''
- for i, c in enumerate(name):
- if c.isspace():
- value = name[i:].lstrip()
- name = name[:i]
- break
- return Define(token.start, token.end, name, value)
- if name.startswith('if') and name[2:3].isspace():
- condition = name[3:].strip()
- if condition.startswith('0') or condition.startswith('(0)'):
- self._SkipIf0Blocks()
- return None
- def _GetTokensUpTo(self, expected_token_type, expected_token):
- return self._GetVarTokensUpTo(expected_token_type, expected_token)[0]
- def _GetVarTokensUpTo(self, expected_token_type, *expected_tokens):
- last_token = self._GetNextToken()
- tokens = []
- while (last_token.token_type != expected_token_type or
- last_token.name not in expected_tokens):
- tokens.append(last_token)
- last_token = self._GetNextToken()
- return tokens, last_token
- # TODO(nnorwitz): remove _IgnoreUpTo() it shouldn't be necessary.
- def _IgnoreUpTo(self, token_type, token):
- unused_tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(token_type, token)
- def _SkipIf0Blocks(self):
- count = 1
- while 1:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.token_type != tokenize.PREPROCESSOR:
- continue
- name = token.name[1:].lstrip()
- if name.startswith('endif'):
- count -= 1
- if count == 0:
- break
- elif name.startswith('if'):
- count += 1
- def _GetMatchingChar(self, open_paren, close_paren, GetNextToken=None):
- if GetNextToken is None:
- GetNextToken = self._GetNextToken
- # Assumes the current token is open_paren and we will consume
- # and return up to the close_paren.
- count = 1
- token = GetNextToken()
- while 1:
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX:
- if token.name == open_paren:
- count += 1
- elif token.name == close_paren:
- count -= 1
- if count == 0:
- break
- yield token
- token = GetNextToken()
- yield token
- def _GetParameters(self):
- return self._GetMatchingChar('(', ')')
- def GetScope(self):
- return self._GetMatchingChar('{', '}')
- def _GetNextToken(self):
- if self.token_queue:
- return self.token_queue.pop()
- return next(self.tokens)
- def _AddBackToken(self, token):
- if token.whence == tokenize.WHENCE_STREAM:
- token.whence = tokenize.WHENCE_QUEUE
- self.token_queue.insert(0, token)
- else:
- assert token.whence == tokenize.WHENCE_QUEUE, token
- self.token_queue.append(token)
- def _AddBackTokens(self, tokens):
- if tokens:
- if tokens[-1].whence == tokenize.WHENCE_STREAM:
- for token in tokens:
- token.whence = tokenize.WHENCE_QUEUE
- self.token_queue[:0] = reversed(tokens)
- else:
- assert tokens[-1].whence == tokenize.WHENCE_QUEUE, tokens
- self.token_queue.extend(reversed(tokens))
- def GetName(self, seq=None):
- """Returns ([tokens], next_token_info)."""
- GetNextToken = self._GetNextToken
- if seq is not None:
- it = iter(seq)
- GetNextToken = lambda: next(it)
- next_token = GetNextToken()
- tokens = []
- last_token_was_name = False
- while (next_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME or
- (next_token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and
- next_token.name in ('::', '<'))):
- # Two NAMEs in a row means the identifier should terminate.
- # It's probably some sort of variable declaration.
- if last_token_was_name and next_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- break
- last_token_was_name = next_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME
- tokens.append(next_token)
- # Handle templated names.
- if next_token.name == '<':
- tokens.extend(self._GetMatchingChar('<', '>', GetNextToken))
- last_token_was_name = True
- next_token = GetNextToken()
- return tokens, next_token
- def GetMethod(self, modifiers, templated_types):
- return_type_and_name = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, '(')
- assert len(return_type_and_name) >= 1
- return self._GetMethod(return_type_and_name, modifiers, templated_types,
- False)
- def _GetMethod(self, return_type_and_name, modifiers, templated_types,
- get_paren):
- template_portion = None
- if get_paren:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- if token.name == '<':
- # Handle templatized dtors.
- template_portion = [token]
- template_portion.extend(self._GetMatchingChar('<', '>'))
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == '(', token
- name = return_type_and_name.pop()
- # Handle templatized ctors.
- if name.name == '>':
- index = 1
- while return_type_and_name[index].name != '<':
- index += 1
- template_portion = return_type_and_name[index:] + [name]
- del return_type_and_name[index:]
- name = return_type_and_name.pop()
- elif name.name == ']':
- rt = return_type_and_name
- assert rt[-1].name == '[', return_type_and_name
- assert rt[-2].name == 'operator', return_type_and_name
- name_seq = return_type_and_name[-2:]
- del return_type_and_name[-2:]
- name = tokenize.Token(tokenize.NAME, 'operator[]',
- name_seq[0].start, name.end)
- # Get the open paren so _GetParameters() below works.
- unused_open_paren = self._GetNextToken()
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store template_portion.
- return_type = return_type_and_name
- indices = name
- if return_type:
- indices = return_type[0]
- # Force ctor for templatized ctors.
- if name.name == self.in_class and not modifiers:
- modifiers |= FUNCTION_CTOR
- parameters = list(self._GetParameters())
- del parameters[-1] # Remove trailing ')'.
- # Handling operator() is especially weird.
- if name.name == 'operator' and not parameters:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.name == '(', token
- parameters = list(self._GetParameters())
- del parameters[-1] # Remove trailing ')'.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- while token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- modifier_token = token
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if modifier_token.name == 'const':
- modifiers |= FUNCTION_CONST
- elif modifier_token.name == '__attribute__':
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle more __attribute__ details.
- assert token.name == '(', token
- # Consume everything between the (parens).
- unused_tokens = list(self._GetMatchingChar('(', ')'))
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- elif modifier_token.name == 'throw':
- modifiers |= FUNCTION_THROW
- assert token.name == '(', token
- # Consume everything between the (parens).
- unused_tokens = list(self._GetMatchingChar('(', ')'))
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- elif modifier_token.name == 'override':
- modifiers |= FUNCTION_OVERRIDE
- elif modifier_token.name == modifier_token.name.upper():
- # HACK(nnorwitz): assume that all upper-case names
- # are some macro we aren't expanding.
- else:
- self.HandleError('unexpected token', modifier_token)
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- # Handle ctor initializers.
- if token.name == ':':
- # TODO(nnorwitz): anything else to handle for initializer list?
- while token.name != ';' and token.name != '{':
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- # Handle pointer to functions that are really data but look
- # like method declarations.
- if token.name == '(':
- if parameters[0].name == '*':
- # name contains the return type.
- name = parameters.pop()
- # parameters contains the name of the data.
- modifiers = [p.name for p in parameters]
- # Already at the ( to open the parameter list.
- function_parameters = list(self._GetMatchingChar('(', ')'))
- del function_parameters[-1] # Remove trailing ')'.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store the function_parameters.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == ';', token
- return self._CreateVariable(indices, name.name, indices.name,
- modifiers, '', None)
- # At this point, we got something like:
- # return_type (type::*name_)(params);
- # This is a data member called name_ that is a function pointer.
- # With this code: void (sq_type::*field_)(string&);
- # We get: name=void return_type=[] parameters=sq_type ... field_
- # TODO(nnorwitz): is return_type always empty?
- # TODO(nnorwitz): this isn't even close to being correct.
- # Just put in something so we don't crash and can move on.
- real_name = parameters[-1]
- modifiers = [p.name for p in self._GetParameters()]
- del modifiers[-1] # Remove trailing ')'.
- return self._CreateVariable(indices, real_name.name, indices.name,
- modifiers, '', None)
- if token.name == '{':
- body = list(self.GetScope())
- del body[-1] # Remove trailing '}'.
- else:
- body = None
- if token.name == '=':
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.name == 'default' or token.name == 'delete':
- # Ignore explicitly defaulted and deleted special members
- # in C++11.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- else:
- # Handle pure-virtual declarations.
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.CONSTANT, token
- assert token.name == '0', token
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.name == '[':
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store tokens and improve parsing.
- # template <typename T, size_t N> char (&ASH(T (&seq)[N]))[N];
- tokens = list(self._GetMatchingChar('[', ']'))
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.name == ';', (token, return_type_and_name, parameters)
- # Looks like we got a method, not a function.
- if len(return_type) > 2 and return_type[-1].name == '::':
- return_type, in_class = \
- self._GetReturnTypeAndClassName(return_type)
- return Method(indices.start, indices.end, name.name, in_class,
- return_type, parameters, modifiers, templated_types,
- body, self.namespace_stack)
- return Function(indices.start, indices.end, name.name, return_type,
- parameters, modifiers, templated_types, body,
- self.namespace_stack)
- def _GetReturnTypeAndClassName(self, token_seq):
- # Splitting the return type from the class name in a method
- # can be tricky. For example, Return::Type::Is::Hard::To::Find().
- # Where is the return type and where is the class name?
- # The heuristic used is to pull the last name as the class name.
- # This includes all the templated type info.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): if there is only One name like in the
- # example above, punt and assume the last bit is the class name.
- # Ignore a :: prefix, if exists so we can find the first real name.
- i = 0
- if token_seq[0].name == '::':
- i = 1
- # Ignore a :: suffix, if exists.
- end = len(token_seq) - 1
- if token_seq[end-1].name == '::':
- end -= 1
- # Make a copy of the sequence so we can append a sentinel
- # value. This is required for GetName will has to have some
- # terminating condition beyond the last name.
- seq_copy = token_seq[i:end]
- seq_copy.append(tokenize.Token(tokenize.SYNTAX, '', 0, 0))
- names = []
- while i < end:
- # Iterate through the sequence parsing out each name.
- new_name, next = self.GetName(seq_copy[i:])
- assert new_name, 'Got empty new_name, next=%s' % next
- # We got a pointer or ref. Add it to the name.
- if next and next.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX:
- new_name.append(next)
- names.append(new_name)
- i += len(new_name)
- # Now that we have the names, it's time to undo what we did.
- # Remove the sentinel value.
- names[-1].pop()
- # Flatten the token sequence for the return type.
- return_type = [e for seq in names[:-1] for e in seq]
- # The class name is the last name.
- class_name = names[-1]
- return return_type, class_name
- def handle_bool(self):
- pass
- def handle_char(self):
- pass
- def handle_int(self):
- pass
- def handle_long(self):
- pass
- def handle_short(self):
- pass
- def handle_double(self):
- pass
- def handle_float(self):
- pass
- def handle_void(self):
- pass
- def handle_wchar_t(self):
- pass
- def handle_unsigned(self):
- pass
- def handle_signed(self):
- pass
- def _GetNestedType(self, ctor):
- name = None
- name_tokens, token = self.GetName()
- if name_tokens:
- name = ''.join([t.name for t in name_tokens])
- # Handle forward declarations.
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and token.name == ';':
- return ctor(token.start, token.end, name, None,
- self.namespace_stack)
- if token.token_type == tokenize.NAME and self._handling_typedef:
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- return ctor(token.start, token.end, name, None,
- self.namespace_stack)
- # Must be the type declaration.
- fields = list(self._GetMatchingChar('{', '}'))
- del fields[-1] # Remove trailing '}'.
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and token.name == '{':
- next = self._GetNextToken()
- new_type = ctor(token.start, token.end, name, fields,
- self.namespace_stack)
- # A name means this is an anonymous type and the name
- # is the variable declaration.
- if next.token_type != tokenize.NAME:
- return new_type
- name = new_type
- token = next
- # Must be variable declaration using the type prefixed with keyword.
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.NAME, token
- return self._CreateVariable(token, token.name, name, [], '', None)
- def handle_struct(self):
- # Special case the handling typedef/aliasing of structs here.
- # It would be a pain to handle in the class code.
- name_tokens, var_token = self.GetName()
- if name_tokens:
- next_token = self._GetNextToken()
- is_syntax = (var_token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and
- var_token.name[0] in '*&')
- is_variable = (var_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME and
- next_token.name == ';')
- variable = var_token
- if is_syntax and not is_variable:
- variable = next_token
- temp = self._GetNextToken()
- if temp.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and temp.name == '(':
- # Handle methods declared to return a struct.
- t0 = name_tokens[0]
- struct = tokenize.Token(tokenize.NAME, 'struct',
- t0.start-7, t0.start-2)
- type_and_name = [struct]
- type_and_name.extend(name_tokens)
- type_and_name.extend((var_token, next_token))
- return self._GetMethod(type_and_name, 0, None, False)
- assert temp.name == ';', (temp, name_tokens, var_token)
- if is_syntax or (is_variable and not self._handling_typedef):
- modifiers = ['struct']
- type_name = ''.join([t.name for t in name_tokens])
- position = name_tokens[0]
- return self._CreateVariable(position, variable.name, type_name,
- modifiers, var_token.name, None)
- name_tokens.extend((var_token, next_token))
- self._AddBackTokens(name_tokens)
- else:
- self._AddBackToken(var_token)
- return self._GetClass(Struct, VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, None)
- def handle_union(self):
- return self._GetNestedType(Union)
- def handle_enum(self):
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if not (token.token_type == tokenize.NAME and token.name == 'class'):
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- return self._GetNestedType(Enum)
- def handle_auto(self):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): warn about using auto? Probably not since it
- # will be reclaimed and useful for C++0x.
- pass
- def handle_register(self):
- pass
- def handle_const(self):
- pass
- def handle_inline(self):
- pass
- def handle_extern(self):
- pass
- def handle_static(self):
- pass
- def handle_virtual(self):
- # What follows must be a method.
- token = token2 = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.name == 'inline':
- # HACK(nnorwitz): handle inline dtors by ignoring 'inline'.
- token2 = self._GetNextToken()
- if token2.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and token2.name == '~':
- return self.GetMethod(FUNCTION_VIRTUAL + FUNCTION_DTOR, None)
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.NAME or token.name == '::', token
- return_type_and_name = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, '(') # )
- return_type_and_name.insert(0, token)
- if token2 is not token:
- return_type_and_name.insert(1, token2)
- return self._GetMethod(return_type_and_name, FUNCTION_VIRTUAL,
- None, False)
- def handle_volatile(self):
- pass
- def handle_mutable(self):
- pass
- def handle_public(self):
- assert self.in_class
- self.visibility = VISIBILITY_PUBLIC
- def handle_protected(self):
- assert self.in_class
- self.visibility = VISIBILITY_PROTECTED
- def handle_private(self):
- assert self.in_class
- self.visibility = VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
- def handle_friend(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- assert tokens
- t0 = tokens[0]
- return Friend(t0.start, t0.end, tokens, self.namespace_stack)
- def handle_static_cast(self):
- pass
- def handle_const_cast(self):
- pass
- def handle_dynamic_cast(self):
- pass
- def handle_reinterpret_cast(self):
- pass
- def handle_new(self):
- pass
- def handle_delete(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- assert tokens
- return Delete(tokens[0].start, tokens[0].end, tokens)
- def handle_typedef(self):
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if (token.token_type == tokenize.NAME and
- keywords.IsKeyword(token.name)):
- # Token must be struct/enum/union/class.
- method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + token.name)
- self._handling_typedef = True
- tokens = [method()]
- self._handling_typedef = False
- else:
- tokens = [token]
- # Get the remainder of the typedef up to the semi-colon.
- tokens.extend(self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';'))
- # TODO(nnorwitz): clean all this up.
- assert tokens
- name = tokens.pop()
- indices = name
- if tokens:
- indices = tokens[0]
- if not indices:
- indices = token
- if name.name == ')':
- # HACK(nnorwitz): Handle pointers to functions "properly".
- if (len(tokens) >= 4 and
- tokens[1].name == '(' and tokens[2].name == '*'):
- tokens.append(name)
- name = tokens[3]
- elif name.name == ']':
- # HACK(nnorwitz): Handle arrays properly.
- if len(tokens) >= 2:
- tokens.append(name)
- name = tokens[1]
- new_type = tokens
- if tokens and isinstance(tokens[0], tokenize.Token):
- new_type = self.converter.ToType(tokens)[0]
- return Typedef(indices.start, indices.end, name.name,
- new_type, self.namespace_stack)
- def handle_typeid(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_typename(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def _GetTemplatedTypes(self):
- result = {}
- tokens = list(self._GetMatchingChar('<', '>'))
- len_tokens = len(tokens) - 1 # Ignore trailing '>'.
- i = 0
- while i < len_tokens:
- key = tokens[i].name
- i += 1
- if keywords.IsKeyword(key) or key == ',':
- continue
- type_name = default = None
- if i < len_tokens:
- i += 1
- if tokens[i-1].name == '=':
- assert i < len_tokens, '%s %s' % (i, tokens)
- default, unused_next_token = self.GetName(tokens[i:])
- i += len(default)
- else:
- if tokens[i-1].name != ',':
- # We got something like: Type variable.
- # Re-adjust the key (variable) and type_name (Type).
- key = tokens[i-1].name
- type_name = tokens[i-2]
- result[key] = (type_name, default)
- return result
- def handle_template(self):
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == '<', token
- templated_types = self._GetTemplatedTypes()
- # TODO(nnorwitz): for now, just ignore the template params.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- if token.name == 'class':
- return self._GetClass(Class, VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, templated_types)
- elif token.name == 'struct':
- return self._GetClass(Struct, VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, templated_types)
- elif token.name == 'friend':
- return self.handle_friend()
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- tokens, last = self._GetVarTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, '(', ';')
- tokens.append(last)
- self._AddBackTokens(tokens)
- if last.name == '(':
- return self.GetMethod(FUNCTION_NONE, templated_types)
- # Must be a variable definition.
- return None
- def handle_true(self):
- pass # Nothing to do.
- def handle_false(self):
- pass # Nothing to do.
- def handle_asm(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_class(self):
- return self._GetClass(Class, VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, None)
- def _GetBases(self):
- # Get base classes.
- bases = []
- while 1:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.NAME, token
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store kind of inheritance...maybe.
- if token.name not in ('public', 'protected', 'private'):
- # If inheritance type is not specified, it is private.
- # Just put the token back so we can form a name.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): it would be good to warn about this.
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- else:
- # Check for virtual inheritance.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.name != 'virtual':
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- else:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store that we got virtual for this base.
- pass
- base, next_token = self.GetName()
- bases_ast = self.converter.ToType(base)
- assert len(bases_ast) == 1, bases_ast
- bases.append(bases_ast[0])
- assert next_token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, next_token
- if next_token.name == '{':
- token = next_token
- break
- # Support multiple inheritance.
- assert next_token.name == ',', next_token
- return bases, token
- def _GetClass(self, class_type, visibility, templated_types):
- class_name = None
- class_token = self._GetNextToken()
- if class_token.token_type != tokenize.NAME:
- assert class_token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, class_token
- token = class_token
- else:
- # Skip any macro (e.g. storage class specifiers) after the
- # 'class' keyword.
- next_token = self._GetNextToken()
- if next_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- self._AddBackToken(next_token)
- else:
- self._AddBackTokens([class_token, next_token])
- name_tokens, token = self.GetName()
- class_name = ''.join([t.name for t in name_tokens])
- bases = None
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX:
- if token.name == ';':
- # Forward declaration.
- return class_type(class_token.start, class_token.end,
- class_name, None, templated_types, None,
- self.namespace_stack)
- if token.name in '*&':
- # Inline forward declaration. Could be method or data.
- name_token = self._GetNextToken()
- next_token = self._GetNextToken()
- if next_token.name == ';':
- # Handle data
- modifiers = ['class']
- return self._CreateVariable(class_token, name_token.name,
- class_name,
- modifiers, token.name, None)
- else:
- # Assume this is a method.
- tokens = (class_token, token, name_token, next_token)
- self._AddBackTokens(tokens)
- return self.GetMethod(FUNCTION_NONE, None)
- if token.name == ':':
- bases, token = self._GetBases()
- body = None
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and token.name == '{':
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == '{', token
- ast = AstBuilder(self.GetScope(), self.filename, class_name,
- visibility, self.namespace_stack)
- body = list(ast.Generate())
- if not self._handling_typedef:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.token_type != tokenize.NAME:
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == ';', token
- else:
- new_class = class_type(class_token.start, class_token.end,
- class_name, bases, None,
- body, self.namespace_stack)
- modifiers = []
- return self._CreateVariable(class_token,
- token.name, new_class,
- modifiers, token.name, None)
- else:
- if not self._handling_typedef:
- self.HandleError('non-typedef token', token)
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- return class_type(class_token.start, class_token.end, class_name,
- bases, templated_types, body, self.namespace_stack)
- def handle_namespace(self):
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- # Support anonymous namespaces.
- name = None
- if token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- name = token.name
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- self.namespace_stack.append(name)
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- # Create an internal token that denotes when the namespace is complete.
- internal_token = tokenize.Token(_INTERNAL_TOKEN, _NAMESPACE_POP,
- None, None)
- internal_token.whence = token.whence
- if token.name == '=':
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle aliasing namespaces.
- name, next_token = self.GetName()
- assert next_token.name == ';', next_token
- self._AddBackToken(internal_token)
- else:
- assert token.name == '{', token
- tokens = list(self.GetScope())
- # Replace the trailing } with the internal namespace pop token.
- tokens[-1] = internal_token
- # Handle namespace with nothing in it.
- self._AddBackTokens(tokens)
- return None
- def handle_using(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- assert tokens
- return Using(tokens[0].start, tokens[0].end, tokens)
- def handle_explicit(self):
- assert self.in_class
- # Nothing much to do.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): maybe verify the method name == class name.
- # This must be a ctor.
- return self.GetMethod(FUNCTION_CTOR, None)
- def handle_this(self):
- pass # Nothing to do.
- def handle_operator(self):
- # Pull off the next token(s?) and make that part of the method name.
- pass
- def handle_sizeof(self):
- pass
- def handle_case(self):
- pass
- def handle_switch(self):
- pass
- def handle_default(self):
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX
- assert token.name == ':'
- def handle_if(self):
- pass
- def handle_else(self):
- pass
- def handle_return(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- if not tokens:
- return Return(self.current_token.start, self.current_token.end, None)
- return Return(tokens[0].start, tokens[0].end, tokens)
- def handle_goto(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- assert len(tokens) == 1, str(tokens)
- return Goto(tokens[0].start, tokens[0].end, tokens[0].name)
- def handle_try(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_catch(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_throw(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_while(self):
- pass
- def handle_do(self):
- pass
- def handle_for(self):
- pass
- def handle_break(self):
- self._IgnoreUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- def handle_continue(self):
- self._IgnoreUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
-def BuilderFromSource(source, filename):
- """Utility method that returns an AstBuilder from source code.
- Args:
- source: 'C++ source code'
- filename: 'file1'
- Returns:
- AstBuilder
- """
- return AstBuilder(tokenize.GetTokens(source), filename)
-def PrintIndentifiers(filename, should_print):
- """Prints all identifiers for a C++ source file.
- Args:
- filename: 'file1'
- should_print: predicate with signature: bool Function(token)
- """
- source = utils.ReadFile(filename, False)
- if source is None:
- sys.stderr.write('Unable to find: %s\n' % filename)
- return
- #print('Processing %s' % actual_filename)
- builder = BuilderFromSource(source, filename)
- try:
- for node in builder.Generate():
- if should_print(node):
- print(node.name)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- return
- except:
- pass
-def PrintAllIndentifiers(filenames, should_print):
- """Prints all identifiers for each C++ source file in filenames.
- Args:
- filenames: ['file1', 'file2', ...]
- should_print: predicate with signature: bool Function(token)
- """
- for path in filenames:
- PrintIndentifiers(path, should_print)
-def main(argv):
- for filename in argv[1:]:
- source = utils.ReadFile(filename)
- if source is None:
- continue
- print('Processing %s' % filename)
- builder = BuilderFromSource(source, filename)
- try:
- entire_ast = filter(None, builder.Generate())
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- return
- except:
- # Already printed a warning, print the traceback and continue.
- traceback.print_exc()
- else:
- if utils.DEBUG:
- for ast in entire_ast:
- print(ast)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv)