path: root/datfiles/europe
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1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/datfiles/europe b/datfiles/europe
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+# @(#)europe 4.10
+# International country codes are used to identify countries' rules and
+# zones
+# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better, go
+# ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
+# ado@ncifcrf.gov for general use in the future).
+# United Kingdom
+# From Arthur David Olson (January 19, 1989):
+# The starting and ending dates below (from which the rules are derived)
+# are from Whitaker's Almanack for 1987, page 146.
+# 1960 is the earliest year for which dates are given;
+# Whitaker's notes that British Summer Time (and, in some years, Double Summer
+# Time) was observed in earlier years but does not give start and end dates.
+# A source at the British Information Office in New York avers that it's
+# known as "British" Summer Time in all parts of the United Kingdom.
+# 1960 April 10 October 2 (yes, 2, according to the almanac)
+# 1961 March 26 October 29
+# 1962 March 25 October 28
+# 1963 March 31 October 27
+# 1964 March 22 October 25
+# 1965 March 21 October 24
+# 1966 March 20 October 23
+# 1967 March 19 October 29
+# 1968 February 18 October 27
+# "British Standard Time, also one hour ahead of G. M. T., was kept between
+# 1968 Oct. 27-1971 Oct. 31."
+# 1972 March 19 October 29
+# 1973 March 18 October 28
+# 1974 March 17 October 27
+# 1975 March 16 October 26
+# 1976 March 21 October 24
+# 1977 March 20 October 23
+# 1978 March 19 October 29
+# 1979 March 18 October 28
+# 1980 March 16 October 26
+# 1981 March 29 October 25
+# 1982 March 28 October 24
+# 1983 March 27 October 23
+# 1984 March 25 October 28
+# 1985 March 31 October 27
+# 1986 March 30 October 26
+# 1987 March 29 October 25
+# From an Anonymous U. K. Donor (January 4, 1989):
+# It is NOT possible to predict when [British Summer Time] will change
+# in a future year.
+# (The admiralty calculate when they think it should be (no more that a couple
+# of years in advance) and advise the government who then decide whether or
+# not they will take the admiralty's advice)
+# ...the Gre[e]nwich...observatory...[was] very helpful.
+# I was not able to track down the Admiralty formula (I tried hard but failed)
+# ...
+# Date: 4 Jan 89 08:57:25 GMT (Wed)
+# From: Jonathan Leffler <nih-csl!uunet!mcvax!sphinx.co.uk!john>
+# ...
+# [British Summer Time] is fixed annually by Act of Parliament.
+# If you can predict what Parliament will do, you should be in
+# politics making a fortune, not computing.
+# Summer time ends on Sunday 29 October 1989.
+# ...
+# Date: 5 Jan 89 09:50:38 GMT (Thu)
+# From: Peter Kendell <nih-csl!uunet!mcvax!tcom.stc.co.uk!pete>
+# ...
+# From my Collins Diary for 1989 -
+# "At the time of going to press the Home Office was unable to confirm
+# the 1989 starting and finishing dates for BST*, but expressed the
+# view that 26 March and 29 October were the likeliest dates to be
+# adopted"
+# *British Summer Time.
+# From an Anonymous U. K. Donor (January 5, 1989):
+# . . .our government is seriously considering applying Double Summer Time -
+# putting the clocks forwards and back TWO hours for daylight saving time.
+# This is advocated to standardise time in the EEC - we're all supposed to
+# keep the same time and to change the clocks on the same dates in the future.
+# Historic starting rules
+Rule GB-Eire 1960 only - Apr 10 1:00s 1:00 BST
+Rule GB-Eire 1961 1963 - Mar lastSun 1:00s 1:00 BST
+Rule GB-Eire 1964 1967 - Mar Sun>=19 1:00s 1:00 BST
+Rule GB-Eire 1968 only - Feb 18 1:00s 1:00 BST
+Rule GB-Eire 1972 1980 - Mar Sun>=16 1:00s 1:00 BST
+# Historic ending rules
+Rule GB-Eire 1960 only - Oct 2 1:00s 0 GMT
+Rule GB-Eire 1961 1967 - Oct Sun>=23 1:00s 0 GMT
+Rule GB-Eire 1971 only - Oct 31 1:00s 0 GMT
+# Current rules
+Rule GB-Eire 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00s 1:00 BST
+Rule GB-Eire 1972 max - Oct Sun>=23 1:00s 0 GMT
+Zone GB-Eire 0:00 GB-Eire %s 1968 Oct 27 1:00s
+ 1:00 - BST 1971 Oct 31 1:00s
+ 0:00 GB-Eire %s
+# Continental Europe
+# The use of 1986 as starting years below is conservative.
+Rule W-Eur 1986 max - Mar lastSun 1:00s 1:00 " DST"
+Rule W-Eur 1986 max - Sep lastSun 1:00s 0 -
+Rule M-Eur 1986 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 " DST"
+Rule M-Eur 1986 max - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
+Rule E-Eur 1986 max - Mar lastSun 3:00s 1:00 " DST"
+Rule E-Eur 1986 max - Sep lastSun 3:00s 0 -
+Rule Turkey 1986 max - Mar lastSun 1:00 1:00 " DST"
+Rule Turkey 1986 max - Sep lastSun 1:00 0 -
+Rule W-SU 1986 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 " DST"
+Rule W-SU 1986 max - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
+Zone WET 0:00 W-Eur WET%s
+Zone Iceland 0:00 - WET
+Zone MET 1:00 M-Eur MET%s
+Zone Poland 1:00 W-Eur MET%s
+Zone EET 2:00 E-Eur EET%s
+Zone Turkey 3:00 Turkey EET%s
+Zone W-SU 3:00 M-Eur ????
+# Tom Hoffman says that MET is also known as Central European Time
+# One source shows that Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, and Greece observe DST from
+# the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in September in 1986.
+# The source shows Romania changing a day later than everybody else.
+# According to Bernard Sieloff's source, Poland is in the MET time zone but
+# uses the WE DST rules. The Western USSR uses EET+1 and ME DST rules.
+# Bernard Sieloff's source claims Romania switches on the same day, but at
+# 00:00 standard time (i.e., 01:00 DST). It also claims that Turkey
+# switches on the same day, but switches on at 01:00 standard time
+# and off at 00:00 standard time (i.e., 01:00 DST)
+# ...
+# Date: Wed, 28 Jan 87 16:56:27 -0100
+# From: seismo!mcvax!cgcha!wtho (Tom Hofmann)
+# Message-Id: <8701281556.AA22174@cgcha.uucp>
+# ...
+# ...the European time rules are...standardized since 1981, when
+# most European coun[tr]ies started DST. Before that year, only
+# a few countries (UK, France, Italy) had DST, each according
+# to own national rules. In 1981, however, DST started on
+# 'Apr firstSun', and not on 'Mar lastSun' as in the following
+# years...
+# But also since 1981 there are some more national exceptions
+# than listed in 'europe': Switzerland, for example, joined DST
+# one year later, Denmark ended DST on 'Oct 1' instead of 'Sep
+# lastSun' in 1981---I don't know how they handle now.
+# Finally, DST ist always from 'Apr 1' to 'Oct 1' in the
+# Soviet Union (as far as I know).
+# Tom Hofmann, Scientific Computer Center, CIBA-GEIGY AG,
+# 4002 Basle, Switzerland
+# UUCP: ...!mcvax!cernvax!cgcha!wtho
+# ...
+# Date: Wed, 4 Feb 87 22:35:22 +0100
+# From: seismo!mcvax!cwi.nl!dik (Dik T. Winter)
+# ...
+# The information from Tom Hofmann is (as far as I know) not entirely correct.
+# After a request from chongo at amdahl I tried to retrieve all information
+# about DST in Europe. I was able to find all from about 1969.
+# ...standardization on DST in Europe started in about 1977 with switches on
+# first Sunday in April and last Sunday in September...
+# In 1981 UK joined Europe insofar that
+# the starting day for both shifted to last Sunday in March. And from 1982
+# the whole of Europe used DST, with switch dates April 1 and October 1 in
+# the Sov[i]et Union. In 1985 the SU reverted to standard Europe[a]n switch
+# dates...
+# It should also be remembered that time-zones are not constants; e.g.
+# Portugal switched in 1976 from MET (or CET) to WET with DST...
+# Note also that though there were rules for switch dates not
+# all countries abided to these dates, and many individual deviations
+# occurred, though not since 1982 I believe. Another note: it is always
+# assumed that DST is 1 hour ahead of normal time, this need not be the
+# case; at least in the Netherlands there have been times when DST was 2 hours
+# in advance of normal time.
+# ...
+# dik t. winter, cwi, amsterdam, nederland
+# INTERNET : dik@cwi.nl
+# BITNET/EARN: dik@mcvax
+# From Bob Devine (January 28, 1988):
+# ...
+# Greece: Last Sunday in April to last Sunday in September (iffy on dates).
+# Since 1978. Change at midnight.
+# ...
+# Monaco: has same DST as France.
+# ...