path: root/crypto/openssl/util/pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crypto/openssl/util/pl')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 1009 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/BC-16.pl b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/BC-16.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c6df4fe0baa..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/BC-16.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# VCw16lib.pl - the file for Visual C++ 1.52b for windows, static libraries
-# C compiler stuff
-if ($debug)
- { $op="-v "; }
-else { $op="-O "; }
-$cflags="-d -ml $op -DL_ENDIAN";
-# I add the stack opt
-$base_lflags="/c /C";
-if ($win16)
- {
- $shlib=1;
- $cflags.=" -DWINDOWS -DWIN16";
- $app_cflag="-W";
- $lib_cflag="-WD";
- $lflags.="/Twe";
- }
- {
- $cflags.=" -DMSDOS";
- $lflags.=" /Tde";
- }
-if ($shlib)
- {
- $mlflags=" /Twd $base_lflags"; # stack if defined in .def file
- $libs="libw ldllcew";
- $no_asm=1;
- }
- { $mlflags=''; }
-# EXE linking stuff
-$ex_libs.=$no_sock?"":" winsock.lib";
-$app_ex_obj="C0L.obj ";
-$shlib_ex_obj="" if ($shlib);
-# static library stuff
-$ranlib='echo no ranlib';
-$asm='bcc -c -B -Tml';
-if ($no_asm)
- {
- $bn_asm_obj='';
- $bn_asm_src='';
- }
-elsif ($asmbits == 32)
- {
- $bn_asm_obj='crypto\bn\asm\x86w32.obj';
- $bn_asm_src='crypto\bn\asm\x86w32.asm';
- }
- {
- $bn_asm_obj='crypto\bn\asm\x86w16.obj';
- $bn_asm_src='crypto\bn\asm\x86w16.asm';
- }
-sub do_lib_rule
- {
- local($target,$name,$shlib)=@_;
- local($ret,$Name);
- $taget =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- ($Name=$name) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- $ret.="$target: \$(${Name}OBJ)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(RM) \$(O_$Name)\n";
- # Due to a pathetic line length limit, I unwrap the args.
- local($lib_names)="";
- local($dll_names)="";
- foreach $_ (sort split(/\s+/,$Vars{"${Name}OBJ"}))
- {
- $lib_names.=" +$_ &\n";
- $dll_names.=" $_\n";
- }
- if (!$shlib)
- {
- $ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $target & <<|\n$lib_names\n,\n|\n";
- }
- else
- {
- local($ex)=($Name eq "SSL")?' $(L_CRYPTO) winsock':"";
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(MLFLAGS) @&&|\n";
- $ret.=$dll_names;
- $ret.="\n $target\n\n $ex $libs\nms$o${name}16.def;\n|\n";
- ($out_lib=$target) =~ s/O_/L_/;
- $ret.="\timplib /nowep $out_lib $target\n\n";
- }
- $ret.="\n";
- return($ret);
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- local($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$f,$_,@f);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($targer);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.=" \$(LINK) @&&|";
- # Due to a pathetic line length limit, I have to unwrap the args.
- $ret.=" \$(LFLAGS) ";
- if ($files =~ /\(([^)]*)\)$/)
- {
- $ret.=" \$(APP_EX_OBJ)";
- foreach $_ (sort split(/\s+/,$Vars{$1}))
- { $ret.="\n $r $_ +"; }
- chop($ret);
- $ret.="\n";
- }
- else
- { $ret.="\n $r \$(APP_EX_OBJ) $files\n"; }
- $ret.=" $target\n\n $libs\n\n|\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/BC-32.pl b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/BC-32.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index c268c495507c..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/BC-32.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# Borland C++ builder 3 and 4 -- Janez Jere <jj@void.si>
-$ssl= "ssleay32";
-# C compiler stuff
-$lflags="-ap -Tpe -x -Gn ";
-#enable max error messages, disable most common warnings
-$cflags="-DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -q -w-aus -w-par -w-inl -c -tWC -tWM -DWINDOWS -DWIN32 -DL_ENDIAN -DDSO_WIN32 ";
-if ($debug)
- $cflags.="-Od -y -v -vi- -D_DEBUG";
- $mlflags.=' ';
- $cflags.="-O2 -ff -fp";
-# EXE linking stuff
-if ($no_sock)
- { $ex_libs=""; }
-else { $ex_libs="cw32mt.lib import32.lib"; }
-# static library stuff
-$mklib='tlib /P64';
-$asm.=" /Zi" if $debug;
-if (!$no_asm)
- {
- $bn_mulw_obj='crypto\bn\asm\bn_win32.obj';
- $bn_mulw_src='crypto\bn\asm\bn_win32.asm';
- $des_enc_obj='crypto\des\asm\d_win32.obj crypto\des\asm\y_win32.obj';
- $des_enc_src='crypto\des\asm\d_win32.asm crypto\des\asm\y_win32.asm';
- $bf_enc_obj='crypto\bf\asm\b_win32.obj';
- $bf_enc_src='crypto\bf\asm\b_win32.asm';
- $cast_enc_obj='crypto\cast\asm\c_win32.obj';
- $cast_enc_src='crypto\cast\asm\c_win32.asm';
- $rc4_enc_obj='crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.obj';
- $rc4_enc_src='crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm';
- $rc5_enc_obj='crypto\rc5\asm\r5_win32.obj';
- $rc5_enc_src='crypto\rc5\asm\r5_win32.asm';
- $md5_asm_obj='crypto\md5\asm\m5_win32.obj';
- $md5_asm_src='crypto\md5\asm\m5_win32.asm';
- $sha1_asm_obj='crypto\sha\asm\s1_win32.obj';
- $sha1_asm_src='crypto\sha\asm\s1_win32.asm';
- $rmd160_asm_obj='crypto\ripemd\asm\rm_win32.obj';
- $rmd160_asm_src='crypto\ripemd\asm\rm_win32.asm';
- $cflags.=" -DBN_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM -DRMD160_ASM";
- }
-if ($shlib)
- {
- $mlflags.=" $lflags /dll";
-# $cflags =~ s| /MD| /MT|;
- $lib_cflag=" /GD -D_WINDLL -D_DLL";
- $out_def="out32dll";
- $tmp_def="tmp32dll";
- }
-sub do_lib_rule
- {
- local($objs,$target,$name,$shlib)=@_;
- local($ret,$Name);
- $taget =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- ($Name=$name) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
-# $target="\$(LIB_D)$o$target";
- $ret.="$target: $objs\n";
- if (!$shlib)
- {
- # $ret.="\t\$(RM) \$(O_$Name)\n";
- $ret.="\techo LIB $<\n";
- $ret.="\t&\$(MKLIB) $lfile$target -+\$**\n";
- }
- else
- {
- local($ex)=($target =~ /O_SSL/)?' $(L_CRYPTO)':'';
- $ex.=' wsock32.lib gdi32.lib';
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(MLFLAGS) $efile$target /def:ms/${Name}.def @<<\n \$(SHLIB_EX_OBJ) $objs $ex\n<<\n";
- }
- $ret.="\n";
- return($ret);
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- local($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$_);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($targer);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) $files \$(APP_EX_OBJ), $target,, $libs\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/Mingw32.pl b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/Mingw32.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 37f36126f371..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/Mingw32.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Mingw32.pl -- Mingw32 with GNU cp (Mingw32f.pl uses DOS tools)
-$rm='rem'; # use 'rm -f' if using GNU file utilities
-# gcc wouldn't accept backslashes in paths
-# C compiler stuff
-if ($debug)
- { $cflags="-DL_ENDIAN -DDSO_WIN32 -g2 -ggdb"; }
- { $cflags="-DL_ENDIAN -DDSO_WIN32 -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -m486 -Wall"; }
-if ($gaswin and !$no_asm)
- {
- $bn_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/bn-win32.o';
- $bn_asm_src='crypto/bn/asm/bn-win32.s';
- $des_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/d-win32.o $(OBJ_D)/y-win32.o';
- $des_enc_src='crypto/des/asm/d-win32.s crypto/des/asm/y-win32.s';
- $bf_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/b-win32.o';
- $bf_enc_src='crypto/bf/asm/b-win32.s';
-# $cast_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/c-win32.o';
-# $cast_enc_src='crypto/cast/asm/c-win32.s';
- $rc4_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/r4-win32.o';
- $rc4_enc_src='crypto/rc4/asm/r4-win32.s';
- $rc5_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/r5-win32.o';
- $rc5_enc_src='crypto/rc5/asm/r5-win32.s';
- $md5_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/m5-win32.o';
- $md5_asm_src='crypto/md5/asm/m5-win32.s';
- $rmd160_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/rm-win32.o';
- $rmd160_asm_src='crypto/ripemd/asm/rm-win32.s';
- $sha1_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/s1-win32.o';
- $sha1_asm_src='crypto/sha/asm/s1-win32.s';
- $cflags.=" -DBN_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM";
- }
-$ofile='-o ';
-# EXE linking stuff
-$efile='-o ';
-$ex_libs="-lwsock32 -lgdi32";
-# static library stuff
-$mklib='ar r';
-$afile='-o ';
-sub do_lib_rule
- {
- local($obj,$target,$name,$shlib)=@_;
- local($ret,$_,$Name);
- $target =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $target="$target";
- ($Name=$name) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- $ret.="$target: \$(${Name}OBJ)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(RM) $target\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $target \$(${Name}OBJ)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(RANLIB) $target\n\n";
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- local($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$_);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($target);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) ${efile}$target \$(LFLAGS) $files $libs\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/Mingw32f.pl b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/Mingw32f.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 44f5673d7aaf..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/Mingw32f.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Mingw32f.pl -- copy files; Mingw32.pl is needed to do the compiling.
-# C compiler stuff
-if ($debug)
- { $cflags="-g2 -ggdb -DDSO_WIN32"; }
- { $cflags="-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -DDSO_WIN32"; }
-$ofile='-o ';
-# EXE linking stuff
-$efile='-o ';
-$ex_libs="-lwsock32 -lgdi32";
-# static library stuff
-$mklib='ar r';
-$afile='-o ';
-sub do_lib_rule
- {
- local($obj,$target,$name,$shlib)=@_;
- local($ret,$_,$Name);
- $target =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $target="$target";
- ($Name=$name) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- $ret.="$target: \$(${Name}OBJ)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(RM) $target\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $target \$(${Name}OBJ)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(RANLIB) $target\n\n";
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- local($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$_);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($target);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) ${efile}$target \$(LFLAGS) $files $libs\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/VC-16.pl b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/VC-16.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index a5079d4ca724..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/VC-16.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# VCw16lib.pl - the file for Visual C++ 1.52b for windows, static libraries
-$ssl= "ssleay16";
-# C compiler stuff
-if ($debug)
- {
- $op="/Od /Zi /Zd";
- $base_lflags="/CO";
- }
-else {
- $op="/G2 /f- /Ocgnotb2";
- }
-$base_lflags.=" /FARCALL /NOLOGO /NOD /SEG:1024 /ONERROR:NOEXE /NOE /PACKC:60000";
-if ($win16) { $base_lflags.=" /PACKD:60000"; }
-$cflags="/ALw /Gx- /Gt256 /Gf $op /W3 /WX -DL_ENDIAN /nologo";
-# I add the stack opt
-$lflags="$base_lflags /STACK:20000";
-if ($win16)
- {
- $cflags.=" -DWINDOWS -DWIN16";
- $app_cflag="/Gw /FPi87";
- $lib_cflag="/Gw";
- $lib_cflag.=" -D_WINDLL -D_DLL" if $shlib;
- $lib_cflag.=" -DWIN16TTY" if !$shlib;
- $lflags.=" /ALIGN:256";
- $ex_libs.="oldnames llibcewq libw";
- }
- {
- $no_sock=1;
- $cflags.=" -DMSDOS";
- $lflags.=" /EXEPACK";
- $ex_libs.="oldnames.lib llibce.lib";
- }
-if ($shlib)
- {
- $mlflags="$base_lflags";
- $libs="oldnames ldllcew libw";
- $shlib_ex_obj="";
-# $no_asm=1;
- $out_def="out16dll";
- $tmp_def="tmp16dll";
- }
- { $mlflags=''; }
-# EXE linking stuff
-$ex_libs.=$no_sock?"":" winsock";
-# static library stuff
-$mklib='lib /PAGESIZE:1024';
-$asm='ml /Cp /c /Cx';
-if (!$no_asm)
- {
- if ($asmbits == 32)
- {
- $bn_asm_obj='crypto\bn\asm\x86w32.obj';
- $bn_asm_src='crypto\bn\asm\x86w32.asm';
- }
- else
- {
- $bn_asm_obj='crypto\bn\asm\x86w16.obj';
- $bn_asm_src='crypto\bn\asm\x86w16.asm';
- }
- }
-sub do_lib_rule
- {
- local($objs,$target,$name,$shlib)=@_;
- local($ret,$Name);
- $taget =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- ($Name=$name) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
-# $target="\$(LIB_D)$o$target";
- $ret.="$target: $objs\n";
-# $ret.="\t\$(RM) \$(O_$Name)\n";
- # Due to a pathetic line length limit, I unwrap the args.
- local($lib_names)="";
- local($dll_names)=" \$(SHLIB_EX_OBJ) +\n";
- ($obj)= ($objs =~ /\((.*)\)/);
- foreach $_ (sort split(/\s+/,$Vars{$obj}))
- {
- $lib_names.="+$_ &\n";
- $dll_names.=" $_ +\n";
- }
- if (!$shlib)
- {
- $ret.="\tdel $target\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) @<<\n$target\ny\n$lib_names\n\n<<\n";
- }
- else
- {
- local($ex)=($target =~ /O_SSL/)?'$(L_CRYPTO)':"";
- $ex.=' winsock';
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(MLFLAGS) @<<\n";
- $ret.=$dll_names;
- $ret.="\n $target\n\n $ex $libs\nms$o${name}.def;\n<<\n";
- ($out_lib=$target) =~ s/O_/L_/;
- $ret.="\timplib /noignorecase /nowep $out_lib $target\n";
- }
- $ret.="\n";
- return($ret);
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- local($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$f,$_,@f);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($targer);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.=" \$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) @<<\n";
- # Due to a pathetic line length limit, I have to unwrap the args.
- if ($files =~ /\(([^)]*)\)$/)
- {
- @a=('$(APP_EX_OBJ)');
- push(@a,sort split(/\s+/,$Vars{$1}));
- for $_ (@a)
- { $ret.=" $_ +\n"; }
- }
- else
- { $ret.=" \$(APP_EX_OBJ) $files"; }
- $ret.="\n $target\n\n $libs\n\n<<\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/VC-32.pl b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/VC-32.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dea9215414f..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/VC-32.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# VCw32lib.pl - the file for Visual C++ 4.[01] for windows NT, static libraries
-$ssl= "ssleay32";
-$cp='copy nul+'; # Timestamps get stuffed otherwise
-# C compiler stuff
-$cflags=' /MD /W3 /WX /G5 /Ox /O2 /Ob2 /Gs0 /GF /Gy /nologo -DWIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DL_ENDIAN -DDSO_WIN32';
-$lflags="/nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /opt:ref";
-if ($debug)
- {
- $cflags=" /MDd /W3 /WX /Zi /Yd /Od /nologo -DWIN32 -D_DEBUG -DL_ENDIAN -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DDEBUG -DDSO_WIN32";
- $lflags.=" /debug";
- $mlflags.=' /debug';
- }
-$cflags .= " -DWINNT" if $NT == 1;
-# EXE linking stuff
-if ($no_sock)
- { $ex_libs=""; }
-else { $ex_libs="wsock32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib"; }
-# static library stuff
-if ($nasm) {
- $asm='nasmw -f win32';
- $afile='-o ';
-} else {
- $asm='ml /Cp /coff /c /Cx';
- $asm.=" /Zi" if $debug;
- $afile='/Fo';
-if (!$no_asm)
- {
- $bn_asm_obj='crypto\bn\asm\bn_win32.obj';
- $bn_asm_src='crypto\bn\asm\bn_win32.asm';
- $des_enc_obj='crypto\des\asm\d_win32.obj crypto\des\asm\y_win32.obj';
- $des_enc_src='crypto\des\asm\d_win32.asm crypto\des\asm\y_win32.asm';
- $bf_enc_obj='crypto\bf\asm\b_win32.obj';
- $bf_enc_src='crypto\bf\asm\b_win32.asm';
- $cast_enc_obj='crypto\cast\asm\c_win32.obj';
- $cast_enc_src='crypto\cast\asm\c_win32.asm';
- $rc4_enc_obj='crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.obj';
- $rc4_enc_src='crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm';
- $rc5_enc_obj='crypto\rc5\asm\r5_win32.obj';
- $rc5_enc_src='crypto\rc5\asm\r5_win32.asm';
- $md5_asm_obj='crypto\md5\asm\m5_win32.obj';
- $md5_asm_src='crypto\md5\asm\m5_win32.asm';
- $sha1_asm_obj='crypto\sha\asm\s1_win32.obj';
- $sha1_asm_src='crypto\sha\asm\s1_win32.asm';
- $rmd160_asm_obj='crypto\ripemd\asm\rm_win32.obj';
- $rmd160_asm_src='crypto\ripemd\asm\rm_win32.asm';
- $cflags.=" -DBN_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM -DRMD160_ASM";
- }
-if ($shlib)
- {
- $mlflags.=" $lflags /dll";
-# $cflags =~ s| /MD| /MT|;
- $lib_cflag=" /GD -D_WINDLL -D_DLL";
- $out_def="out32dll";
- $tmp_def="tmp32dll";
- }
-$cflags.=" /Fd$out_def";
-sub do_lib_rule
- {
- local($objs,$target,$name,$shlib)=@_;
- local($ret,$Name);
- $taget =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- ($Name=$name) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
-# $target="\$(LIB_D)$o$target";
- $ret.="$target: $objs\n";
- if (!$shlib)
- {
-# $ret.="\t\$(RM) \$(O_$Name)\n";
- $ex =' advapi32.lib';
- $ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $lfile$target @<<\n $objs $ex\n<<\n";
- }
- else
- {
- local($ex)=($target =~ /O_SSL/)?' $(L_CRYPTO)':'';
- $ex.=' wsock32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib';
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(MLFLAGS) $efile$target /def:ms/${Name}.def @<<\n \$(SHLIB_EX_OBJ) $objs $ex\n<<\n";
- }
- $ret.="\n";
- return($ret);
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- local($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$_);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($targer);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.=" \$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) $efile$target @<<\n";
- $ret.=" \$(APP_EX_OBJ) $files $libs\n<<\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/linux.pl b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/linux.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8924ed54808a..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/linux.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# linux.pl - the standard unix makefile stuff.
-$rm='/bin/rm -f';
-# C compiler stuff
-if ($debug)
- { $cflags="-g2 -ggdb -DREF_CHECK -DCRYPTO_MDEBUG"; }
-elsif ($profile)
- { $cflags="-pg -O3"; }
- { $cflags="-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"; }
-if (!$no_asm)
- {
- $bn_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/bn86-elf.o';
- $bn_asm_src='crypto/bn/asm/bn86unix.cpp';
- $bnco_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/co86-elf.o';
- $bnco_asm_src='crypto/bn/asm/co86unix.cpp';
- $des_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/dx86-elf.o $(OBJ_D)/yx86-elf.o';
- $des_enc_src='crypto/des/asm/dx86unix.cpp crypto/des/asm/yx86unix.cpp';
- $bf_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/bx86-elf.o';
- $bf_enc_src='crypto/bf/asm/bx86unix.cpp';
- $cast_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/cx86-elf.o';
- $cast_enc_src='crypto/cast/asm/cx86unix.cpp';
- $rc4_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/rx86-elf.o';
- $rc4_enc_src='crypto/rc4/asm/rx86unix.cpp';
- $rc5_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/r586-elf.o';
- $rc5_enc_src='crypto/rc5/asm/r586unix.cpp';
- $md5_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/mx86-elf.o';
- $md5_asm_src='crypto/md5/asm/mx86unix.cpp';
- $rmd160_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/rm86-elf.o';
- $rmd160_asm_src='crypto/ripemd/asm/rm86unix.cpp';
- $sha1_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/sx86-elf.o';
- $sha1_asm_src='crypto/sha/asm/sx86unix.cpp';
- $cflags.=" -DBN_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM";
- }
-$cflags.=" -DTERMIO -DL_ENDIAN -m486 -Wall";
-if ($shlib)
- {
- $shl_cflag=" -DPIC -fpic";
- $shlibp=".so.$ssl_version";
- $so_shlibp=".so";
- }
-sub do_shlib_rule
- {
- local($obj,$target,$name,$shlib,$so_name)=@_;
- local($ret,$_,$Name);
- $target =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- ($Name=$name) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- $ret.="$target: \$(${Name}OBJ)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(RM) target\n";
- $ret.="\tgcc \${CFLAGS} -shared -Wl,-soname,$target -o $target \$(${Name}OBJ)\n";
- ($t=$target) =~ s/(^.*)\/[^\/]*$/$1/;
- if ($so_name ne "")
- {
- $ret.="\t\$(RM) \$(LIB_D)$o$so_name\n";
- $ret.="\tln -s $target \$(LIB_D)$o$so_name\n\n";
- }
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- local($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$_);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($target);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) ${efile}$target \$(LFLAGS) $files $libs\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
-sub do_asm_rule
- {
- local($target,$src)=@_;
- local($ret,@s,@t,$i);
- $target =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne "/";
- $src =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne "/";
- @s=split(/\s+/,$src);
- @t=split(/\s+/,$target);
- for ($i=0; $i<=$#s; $i++)
- {
- $ret.="$t[$i]: $s[$i]\n";
- $ret.="\tgcc -E -DELF \$(SRC_D)$o$s[$i]|\$(AS) $afile$t[$i]\n\n";
- }
- return($ret);
- }
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/ultrix.pl b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/ultrix.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index ea370c71f968..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/ultrix.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# linux.pl - the standard unix makefile stuff.
-$rm='/bin/rm -f';
-# C compiler stuff
-if ($debug)
- { $cflags="-g -DREF_CHECK -DCRYPTO_MDEBUG"; }
- { $cflags="-O2"; }
-$cflags.=" -std1 -DL_ENDIAN";
-if (!$no_asm)
- {
- $bn_asm_obj='$(OBJ_D)/mips1.o';
- $bn_asm_src='crypto/bn/asm/mips1.s';
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- local($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$_);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($target);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) ${efile}$target \$(LFLAGS) $files $libs\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/unix.pl b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/unix.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 146611ad9958..000000000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/unix.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# unix.pl - the standard unix makefile stuff.
-$rm='/bin/rm -f';
-# C compiler stuff
-if ($gcc)
- {
- $cc='gcc';
- if ($debug)
- { $cflags="-g2 -ggdb"; }
- else
- { $cflags="-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"; }
- }
- {
- $cc='cc';
- if ($debug)
- { $cflags="-g"; }
- else
- { $cflags="-O"; }
- }
-$ofile='-o ';
-# EXE linking stuff
-$efile='-o ';
-# static library stuff
-$mklib='ar r';
-$ranlib=&which("ranlib") or $ranlib="true";
-$afile='-o ';
-sub do_lib_rule
- {
- local($obj,$target,$name,$shlib)=@_;
- local($ret,$_,$Name);
- $target =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $target="$target";
- ($Name=$name) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- $ret.="$target: \$(${Name}OBJ)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(RM) $target\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $target \$(${Name}OBJ)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(RANLIB) $target\n\n";
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- local($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$_);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($target);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) ${efile}$target \$(LFLAGS) $files $libs\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
-sub which
- {
- my ($name)=@_;
- my $path;
- foreach $path (split /:/, $ENV{PATH})
- {
- if (-x "$path/$name")
- {
- return "$path/$name";
- }
- }
- }