path: root/crypto/openssl/demos/sign/sign.txt
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diff --git a/crypto/openssl/demos/sign/sign.txt b/crypto/openssl/demos/sign/sign.txt
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--- a/crypto/openssl/demos/sign/sign.txt
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-From ssl-lists-owner@mincom.com Mon Sep 30 22:43:15 1996
-Received: from cygnus.mincom.oz.au by orb.mincom.oz.au with SMTP id AA12802
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for eay); Mon, 30 Sep 1996 12:45:43 +1000
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-Received: from orb.mincom.oz.au (eay@orb.mincom.oz.au []) by cygnus.mincom.oz.au (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id MAA25900 for <ssl-users@listserv.mincom.oz.au>; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 12:43:39 +1000 (EST)
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-Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 12:43:15 +1000 (EST)
-From: Eric Young <eay@mincom.com>
-X-Sender: eay@orb
-To: Sampo Kellomaki <sampo@neuronio.pt>
-Cc: ssl-users@mincom.com, sampo@brutus.neuronio.pt
-Subject: Re: Signing with envelope routines
-In-Reply-To: <199609300037.BAA08729@brutus.neuronio.pt>
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-On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Sampo Kellomaki wrote:
-> I have been trying to figure out how to produce signatures with EVP_
-> routines. I seem to be able to read in private key and sign some
-> data ok, but I can't figure out how I am supposed to read in
-> public key so that I could verify my signature. I use self signed
-> certificate.
-hmm... a rather poorly documented are of the library at this point in time.
-> I figured I should use
-> EVP_PKEY* pkey = PEM_ASN1_read(d2i_PrivateKey, PEM_STRING_EVP_PKEY,
-> fp, NULL, NULL);
-> to read in private key and this seems to work Ok.
-> However when I try analogous
-> EVP_PKEY* pkey = PEM_ASN1_read(d2i_PublicKey, PEM_STRING_X509,
-> fp, NULL, NULL);
-What you should do is
- X509 *x509=PEM_read_X509(fp,NULL,NULL);
- /* which is the same as PEM_ASN1_read(d2i_X509,PEM_STRING_X509,fp,
- * NULL,NULL); */
- EVP_PKEY *pkey=X509_extract_key(x509);
-There is also a X509_REQ_extract_key(req);
-which gets the public key from a certificate request.
-I re-worked quite a bit of this when I cleaned up the dependancy on
-RSA as the private key.
-> I figured that the second argument to PEM_ASN1_read should match the
-> name in my PEM encoded object, hence PEM_STRING_X509.
-> PEM_STRING_EVP_PKEY seems to be somehow magical
-> because it matches whatever private key there happens to be. I could
-> not find a similar constant to use with getting the certificate, however.
-:-), PEM_STRING_EVP_PKEY is 'magical' :-). In theory I should be using a
-standard such as PKCS#8 to store the private key so that the type is
-encoded in the asn.1 encoding of the object.
-> Is my approach of using PEM_ASN1_read correct? What should I pass in
-> as name? Can I use normal (or even self signed) X509 certificate for
-> verifying the signature?
-The actual public key is kept in the certificate, so basically you have
-to load the certificate and then 'unpack' the public key from the
-> When will SSLeay documentation be written ;-)? If I would contribute
-> comments to the code, would Eric take time to review them and include
-> them in distribution?
-:-) After SSLv3 and PKCS#7 :-). I actually started doing a function list
-but what I really need to do is do quite a few 'this is how you do xyz'
-type documents. I suppose the current method is to post to ssl-users and
-I'll respond :-).
-I'll add a 'demo' directory for the next release, I've appended a
-modified version of your program that works, you were very close :-).
-/* sign-it.cpp - Simple test app using SSLeay envelopes to sign data
- 29.9.1996, Sampo Kellomaki <sampo@iki.fi> */
-/* converted to C - eay :-) */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "rsa.h"
-#include "evp.h"
-#include "objects.h"
-#include "x509.h"
-#include "err.h"
-#include "pem.h"
-#include "ssl.h"
-void main ()
- int err;
- int sig_len;
- unsigned char sig_buf [4096];
- static char certfile[] = "plain-cert.pem";
- static char keyfile[] = "plain-key.pem";
- static char data[] = "I owe you...";
- EVP_MD_CTX md_ctx;
- EVP_PKEY * pkey;
- FILE * fp;
- X509 * x509;
- /* Just load the crypto library error strings,
- * SSL_load_error_strings() loads the crypto AND the SSL ones */
- /* SSL_load_error_strings();*/
- ERR_load_crypto_strings();
- /* Read private key */
- fp = fopen (keyfile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) exit (1);
- pkey = (EVP_PKEY*)PEM_ASN1_read ((char *(*)())d2i_PrivateKey,
- fp,
- if (pkey == NULL) { ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr); exit (1); }
- fclose (fp);
- /* Do the signature */
- EVP_SignInit (&md_ctx, EVP_md5());
- EVP_SignUpdate (&md_ctx, data, strlen(data));
- sig_len = sizeof(sig_buf);
- err = EVP_SignFinal (&md_ctx,
- sig_buf,
- &sig_len,
- pkey);
- if (err != 1) { ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr); exit (1); }
- EVP_PKEY_free (pkey);
- /* Read public key */
- fp = fopen (certfile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) exit (1);
- x509 = (X509 *)PEM_ASN1_read ((char *(*)())d2i_X509,
- fp, NULL, NULL);
- if (x509 == NULL) { ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr); exit (1); }
- fclose (fp);
- /* Get public key - eay */
- pkey=X509_extract_key(x509);
- if (pkey == NULL) { ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr); exit (1); }
- /* Verify the signature */
- EVP_VerifyInit (&md_ctx, EVP_md5());
- EVP_VerifyUpdate (&md_ctx, data, strlen((char*)data));
- err = EVP_VerifyFinal (&md_ctx,
- sig_buf,
- sig_len,
- pkey);
- if (err != 1) { ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr); exit (1); }
- EVP_PKEY_free (pkey);
- printf ("Signature Verified Ok.\n");