path: root/contrib/texinfo/configure.in
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/texinfo/configure.in')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/configure.in b/contrib/texinfo/configure.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 425188beb0b3..000000000000
--- a/contrib/texinfo/configure.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-dnl $Id: configure.in,v 1.32 1998/03/03 18:29:17 karl Exp $
-AC_PREREQ(2.12)dnl Minimum Autoconf version required.
-AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([texinfo], [3.12])
-dnl Checks for programs.
-# We do this for the sake of a more helpful warning in doc/Makefile.
-AC_CHECK_PROG(TEXCONFIG, texconfig, true, false)
-$TEXCONFIG && eval `texconfig conf </dev/null | grep '^TEXMF='`
-dnl Checks for libraries.
-AC_CHECK_LIB(z, gzdopen)
-# Needed on sysV68 for sigblock, sigsetmask. But check for it in libc first.
-AC_CHECK_FUNC(sigblock, , AC_CHECK_LIB(bsd, sigblock))
-# Some GNU/Linux systems (e.g., SuSE 4.3, 1996) don't have curses, but
-# rather ncurses. So we check for it.
-for termlib in ncurses curses termcap terminfo termlib ; do
- AC_CHECK_LIB(${termlib}, tputs,
- [TERMLIBS="${TERMLIBS} -l${termlib}"; break])
-dnl Checks for header files.
-dnl Do not use <ncurses/termcap.h> unless we're linking with ncurses.
-if test "x$termlib" = xncurses; then
- dnl Use AC_CHECK_HEADERS so the HAVE_*_H symbol gets defined.
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS(ncurses/termcap.h)
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h pwd.h string.h strings.h termcap.h termio.h \
- termios.h unistd.h \
- sys/fcntl.h sys/file.h sys/ptem.h sys/time.h sys/ttold.h sys/wait.h)
-dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
-dnl Checks for library functions.
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(setvbuf getcwd memset bzero strchr strcasecmp \
- sigprocmask sigsetmask)
-dnl strcasecmp, strerror, xmalloc, xrealloc, probably others should be added.
-AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(memcpy memmove strdup strerror)
-dnl Set of available languages and i18n macros.
-ALL_LINGUAS="de fr"
-AC_LINK_FILES($nls_cv_header_libgt, $nls_cv_header_intl)
-AC_OUTPUT([Makefile \
- doc/Makefile \
- info/Makefile \
- intl/Makefile \
- lib/Makefile \
- makeinfo/Makefile \
- po/Makefile.in \
- util/Makefile \
- ],
- [sed -e "/POTFILES =/r po/POTFILES" po/Makefile.in >po/Makefile])