path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/perl5db.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/perl5db.pl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2708 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/perl5db.pl b/contrib/perl5/lib/perl5db.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 63b4381339ce..000000000000
--- a/contrib/perl5/lib/perl5db.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2708 +0,0 @@
-package DB;
-# Debugger for Perl 5.00x; perl5db.pl patch level:
-$VERSION = 1.07;
-$header = "perl5db.pl version $VERSION";
-# This file is automatically included if you do perl -d.
-# It's probably not useful to include this yourself.
-# Perl supplies the values for %sub. It effectively inserts
-# a &DB'DB(); in front of every place that can have a
-# breakpoint. Instead of a subroutine call it calls &DB::sub with
-# $DB::sub being the called subroutine. It also inserts a BEGIN
-# {require 'perl5db.pl'} before the first line.
-# After each `require'd file is compiled, but before it is executed, a
-# call to DB::postponed($main::{'_<'.$filename}) is emulated. Here the
-# $filename is the expanded name of the `require'd file (as found as
-# value of %INC).
-# Additional services from Perl interpreter:
-# if caller() is called from the package DB, it provides some
-# additional data.
-# The array @{$main::{'_<'.$filename}} is the line-by-line contents of
-# $filename.
-# The hash %{'_<'.$filename} contains breakpoints and action (it is
-# keyed by line number), and individual entries are settable (as
-# opposed to the whole hash). Only true/false is important to the
-# interpreter, though the values used by perl5db.pl have the form
-# "$break_condition\0$action". Values are magical in numeric context.
-# The scalar ${'_<'.$filename} contains $filename.
-# Note that no subroutine call is possible until &DB::sub is defined
-# (for subroutines defined outside of the package DB). In fact the same is
-# true if $deep is not defined.
-# $Log: perldb.pl,v $
-# At start reads $rcfile that may set important options. This file
-# may define a subroutine &afterinit that will be executed after the
-# debugger is initialized.
-# After $rcfile is read reads environment variable PERLDB_OPTS and parses
-# it as a rest of `O ...' line in debugger prompt.
-# The options that can be specified only at startup:
-# [To set in $rcfile, call &parse_options("optionName=new_value").]
-# TTY - the TTY to use for debugging i/o.
-# noTTY - if set, goes in NonStop mode. On interrupt if TTY is not set
-# uses the value of noTTY or "/tmp/perldbtty$$" to find TTY using
-# Term::Rendezvous. Current variant is to have the name of TTY in this
-# file.
-# ReadLine - If false, dummy ReadLine is used, so you can debug
-# ReadLine applications.
-# NonStop - if true, no i/o is performed until interrupt.
-# LineInfo - file or pipe to print line number info to. If it is a
-# pipe, a short "emacs like" message is used.
-# RemotePort - host:port to connect to on remote host for remote debugging.
-# Example $rcfile: (delete leading hashes!)
-# &parse_options("NonStop=1 LineInfo=db.out");
-# sub afterinit { $trace = 1; }
-# The script will run without human intervention, putting trace
-# information into db.out. (If you interrupt it, you would better
-# reset LineInfo to something "interactive"!)
-# Enhanced by ilya@math.ohio-state.edu (Ilya Zakharevich)
-# Latest version available: ftp://ftp.math.ohio-state.edu/pub/users/ilya/perl
-# modified Perl debugger, to be run from Emacs in perldb-mode
-# Ray Lischner (uunet!mntgfx!lisch) as of 5 Nov 1990
-# Johan Vromans -- upgrade to 4.0 pl 10
-# Ilya Zakharevich -- patches after 5.001 (and some before ;-)
-# Changelog:
-# A lot of things changed after 0.94. First of all, core now informs
-# debugger about entry into XSUBs, overloaded operators, tied operations,
-# BEGIN and END. Handy with `O f=2'.
-# This can make debugger a little bit too verbose, please be patient
-# and report your problems promptly.
-# Now the option frame has 3 values: 0,1,2.
-# Note that if DESTROY returns a reference to the object (or object),
-# the deletion of data may be postponed until the next function call,
-# due to the need to examine the return value.
-# Changes: 0.95: `v' command shows versions.
-# Changes: 0.96: `v' command shows version of readline.
-# primitive completion works (dynamic variables, subs for `b' and `l',
-# options). Can `p %var'
-# Better help (`h <' now works). New commands <<, >>, {, {{.
-# {dump|print}_trace() coded (to be able to do it from <<cmd).
-# `c sub' documented.
-# At last enough magic combined to stop after the end of debuggee.
-# !! should work now (thanks to Emacs bracket matching an extra
-# `]' in a regexp is caught).
-# `L', `D' and `A' span files now (as documented).
-# Breakpoints in `require'd code are possible (used in `R').
-# Some additional words on internal work of debugger.
-# `b load filename' implemented.
-# `b postpone subr' implemented.
-# now only `q' exits debugger (overwriteable on $inhibit_exit).
-# When restarting debugger breakpoints/actions persist.
-# Buglet: When restarting debugger only one breakpoint/action per
-# autoloaded function persists.
-# Changes: 0.97: NonStop will not stop in at_exit().
-# Option AutoTrace implemented.
-# Trace printed differently if frames are printed too.
-# new `inhibitExit' option.
-# printing of a very long statement interruptible.
-# Changes: 0.98: New command `m' for printing possible methods
-# 'l -' is a synonim for `-'.
-# Cosmetic bugs in printing stack trace.
-# `frame' & 8 to print "expanded args" in stack trace.
-# Can list/break in imported subs.
-# new `maxTraceLen' option.
-# frame & 4 and frame & 8 granted.
-# new command `m'
-# nonstoppable lines do not have `:' near the line number.
-# `b compile subname' implemented.
-# Will not use $` any more.
-# `-' behaves sane now.
-# Changes: 0.99: Completion for `f', `m'.
-# `m' will remove duplicate names instead of duplicate functions.
-# `b load' strips trailing whitespace.
-# completion ignores leading `|'; takes into account current package
-# when completing a subroutine name (same for `l').
-# Changes: 1.07: Many fixed by tchrist 13-March-2000
-# + Added bare mimimal security checks on perldb rc files, plus
-# comments on what else is needed.
-# + Fixed the ornaments that made "|h" completely unusable.
-# They are not used in print_help if they will hurt. Strip pod
-# if we're paging to less.
-# + Fixed mis-formatting of help messages caused by ornaments
-# to restore Larry's original formatting.
-# + Fixed many other formatting errors. The code is still suboptimal,
-# and needs a lot of work at restructuing. It's also misindented
-# in many places.
-# + Fixed bug where trying to look at an option like your pager
-# shows "1".
-# + Fixed some $? processing. Note: if you use csh or tcsh, you will
-# lose. You should consider shell escapes not using their shell,
-# or else not caring about detailed status. This should really be
-# unified into one place, too.
-# + Fixed bug where invisible trailing whitespace on commands hoses you,
-# tricking Perl into thinking you wern't calling a debugger command!
-# + Fixed bug where leading whitespace on commands hoses you. (One
-# suggests a leading semicolon or any other irrelevant non-whitespace
-# to indicate literal Perl code.)
-# + Fixed bugs that ate warnings due to wrong selected handle.
-# + Fixed a precedence bug on signal stuff.
-# + Fixed some unseemly wording.
-# + Fixed bug in help command trying to call perl method code.
-# + Fixed to call dumpvar from exception handler. SIGPIPE killed us.
-# + Added some comments. This code is still nasty spaghetti.
-# + Added message if you clear your pre/post command stacks which was
-# very easy to do if you just typed a bare >, <, or {. (A command
-# without an argument should *never* be a destructive action; this
-# API is fundamentally screwed up; likewise option setting, which
-# is equally buggered.)
-# + Added command stack dump on argument of "?" for >, <, or {.
-# + Added a semi-built-in doc viewer command that calls man with the
-# proper %Config::Config path (and thus gets caching, man -k, etc),
-# or else perldoc on obstreperous platforms.
-# + Added to and rearranged the help information.
-# + Detected apparent misuse of { ... } to declare a block; this used
-# to work but now is a command, and mysteriously gave no complaint.
-# Needed for the statement after exec():
-BEGIN { $ini_warn = $^W; $^W = 0 } # Switch compilation warnings off until another BEGIN.
-local($^W) = 0; # Switch run-time warnings off during init.
-warn ( # Do not ;-)
- $dumpvar::hashDepth,
- $dumpvar::arrayDepth,
- $dumpvar::dumpDBFiles,
- $dumpvar::dumpPackages,
- $dumpvar::quoteHighBit,
- $dumpvar::printUndef,
- $dumpvar::globPrint,
- $dumpvar::usageOnly,
- @ARGS,
- $Carp::CarpLevel,
- $panic,
- $second_time,
- ) if 0;
-# Command-line + PERLLIB:
-@ini_INC = @INC;
-# $prevwarn = $prevdie = $prevbus = $prevsegv = ''; # Does not help?!
-$trace = $signal = $single = 0; # Uninitialized warning suppression
- # (local $^W cannot help - other packages!).
-$inhibit_exit = $option{PrintRet} = 1;
-@options = qw(hashDepth arrayDepth DumpDBFiles DumpPackages DumpReused
- compactDump veryCompact quote HighBit undefPrint
- globPrint PrintRet UsageOnly frame AutoTrace
- TTY noTTY ReadLine NonStop LineInfo maxTraceLen
- recallCommand ShellBang pager tkRunning ornaments
- signalLevel warnLevel dieLevel inhibit_exit
- ImmediateStop bareStringify
- RemotePort);
-%optionVars = (
- hashDepth => \$dumpvar::hashDepth,
- arrayDepth => \$dumpvar::arrayDepth,
- DumpDBFiles => \$dumpvar::dumpDBFiles,
- DumpPackages => \$dumpvar::dumpPackages,
- DumpReused => \$dumpvar::dumpReused,
- HighBit => \$dumpvar::quoteHighBit,
- undefPrint => \$dumpvar::printUndef,
- globPrint => \$dumpvar::globPrint,
- UsageOnly => \$dumpvar::usageOnly,
- bareStringify => \$dumpvar::bareStringify,
- frame => \$frame,
- AutoTrace => \$trace,
- inhibit_exit => \$inhibit_exit,
- maxTraceLen => \$maxtrace,
- ImmediateStop => \$ImmediateStop,
- RemotePort => \$remoteport,
-%optionAction = (
- compactDump => \&dumpvar::compactDump,
- veryCompact => \&dumpvar::veryCompact,
- quote => \&dumpvar::quote,
- TTY => \&TTY,
- noTTY => \&noTTY,
- ReadLine => \&ReadLine,
- NonStop => \&NonStop,
- LineInfo => \&LineInfo,
- recallCommand => \&recallCommand,
- ShellBang => \&shellBang,
- pager => \&pager,
- signalLevel => \&signalLevel,
- warnLevel => \&warnLevel,
- dieLevel => \&dieLevel,
- tkRunning => \&tkRunning,
- ornaments => \&ornaments,
- RemotePort => \&RemotePort,
- );
-%optionRequire = (
- compactDump => 'dumpvar.pl',
- veryCompact => 'dumpvar.pl',
- quote => 'dumpvar.pl',
- );
-# These guys may be defined in $ENV{PERL5DB} :
-$rl = 1 unless defined $rl;
-$warnLevel = 0 unless defined $warnLevel;
-$dieLevel = 0 unless defined $dieLevel;
-$signalLevel = 1 unless defined $signalLevel;
-$pre = [] unless defined $pre;
-$post = [] unless defined $post;
-$pretype = [] unless defined $pretype;
- (defined($ENV{PAGER})
- : ($^O eq 'os2'
- ? 'cmd /c more'
- : 'more'))) unless defined $pager;
-&recallCommand("!") unless defined $prc;
-&shellBang("!") unless defined $psh;
-$maxtrace = 400 unless defined $maxtrace;
-if (-e "/dev/tty") { # this is the wrong metric!
- $rcfile=".perldb";
-} else {
- $rcfile="perldb.ini";
-# This isn't really safe, because there's a race
-# between checking and opening. The solution is to
-# open and fstat the handle, but then you have to read and
-# eval the contents. But then the silly thing gets
-# your lexical scope, which is unfortunately at best.
-sub safe_do {
- my $file = shift;
- # Just exactly what part of the word "CORE::" don't you understand?
- local $SIG{__WARN__};
- local $SIG{__DIE__};
- unless (is_safe_file($file)) {
- CORE::warn <<EO_GRIPE;
-perldb: Must not source insecure rcfile $file.
- You or the superuser must be the owner, and it must not
- be writable by anyone but its owner.
- return;
- }
- do $file;
- CORE::warn("perldb: couldn't parse $file: $@") if $@;
-# Verifies that owner is either real user or superuser and that no
-# one but owner may write to it. This function is of limited use
-# when called on a path instead of upon a handle, because there are
-# no guarantees that filename (by dirent) whose file (by ino) is
-# eventually accessed is the same as the one tested.
-# Assumes that the file's existence is not in doubt.
-sub is_safe_file {
- my $path = shift;
- stat($path) || return; # mysteriously vaporized
- my($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = stat(_);
- return 0 if $uid != 0 && $uid != $<;
- return 0 if $mode & 022;
- return 1;
-if (-f $rcfile) {
- safe_do("./$rcfile");
-elsif (defined $ENV{HOME} && -f "$ENV{HOME}/$rcfile") {
- safe_do("$ENV{HOME}/$rcfile");
-elsif (defined $ENV{LOGDIR} && -f "$ENV{LOGDIR}/$rcfile") {
- safe_do("$ENV{LOGDIR}/$rcfile");
-if (defined $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS}) {
- parse_options($ENV{PERLDB_OPTS});
-# Here begin the unreadable code. It needs fixing.
-if (exists $ENV{PERLDB_RESTART}) {
- # $restart = 1;
- @hist = get_list('PERLDB_HIST');
- %break_on_load = get_list("PERLDB_ON_LOAD");
- %postponed = get_list("PERLDB_POSTPONE");
- my @had_breakpoints= get_list("PERLDB_VISITED");
- for (0 .. $#had_breakpoints) {
- my %pf = get_list("PERLDB_FILE_$_");
- $postponed_file{$had_breakpoints[$_]} = \%pf if %pf;
- }
- my %opt = get_list("PERLDB_OPT");
- my ($opt,$val);
- while (($opt,$val) = each %opt) {
- $val =~ s/[\\\']/\\$1/g;
- parse_options("$opt'$val'");
- }
- @INC = get_list("PERLDB_INC");
- @ini_INC = @INC;
- $pretype = [get_list("PERLDB_PRETYPE")];
- $pre = [get_list("PERLDB_PRE")];
- $post = [get_list("PERLDB_POST")];
- @typeahead = get_list("PERLDB_TYPEAHEAD", @typeahead);
-if ($notty) {
- $runnonstop = 1;
-} else {
- # Is Perl being run from a slave editor or graphical debugger?
- $slave_editor = ((defined $main::ARGV[0]) and ($main::ARGV[0] eq '-emacs'));
- $rl = 0, shift(@main::ARGV) if $slave_editor;
- #require Term::ReadLine;
- if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
- # /dev/tty is binary. use stdin for textmode
- undef $console;
- } elsif (-e "/dev/tty") {
- $console = "/dev/tty";
- } elsif ($^O eq 'dos' or -e "con" or $^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- $console = "con";
- } elsif ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- if ($MacPerl::Version !~ /MPW/) {
- $console = "Dev:Console:Perl Debug"; # Separate window for application
- } else {
- $console = "Dev:Console";
- }
- } else {
- $console = "sys\$command";
- }
- if (($^O eq 'MSWin32') and ($slave_editor or defined $ENV{EMACS})) {
- $console = undef;
- }
- # Around a bug:
- if (defined $ENV{OS2_SHELL} and ($slave_editor or $ENV{WINDOWID})) { # In OS/2
- $console = undef;
- }
- if ($^O eq 'epoc') {
- $console = undef;
- }
- $console = $tty if defined $tty;
- if (defined $remoteport) {
- require IO::Socket;
- $OUT = new IO::Socket::INET( Timeout => '10',
- PeerAddr => $remoteport,
- Proto => 'tcp',
- );
- if (!$OUT) { die "Unable to connect to remote host: $remoteport\n"; }
- $IN = $OUT;
- }
- else {
- if (defined $console) {
- open(IN,"+<$console") || open(IN,"<$console") || open(IN,"<&STDIN");
- open(OUT,"+>$console") || open(OUT,">$console") || open(OUT,">&STDERR")
- || open(OUT,">&STDOUT"); # so we don't dongle stdout
- } else {
- open(IN,"<&STDIN");
- open(OUT,">&STDERR") || open(OUT,">&STDOUT"); # so we don't dongle stdout
- $console = 'STDIN/OUT';
- }
- # so open("|more") can read from STDOUT and so we don't dingle stdin
- $IN = \*IN;
- $OUT = \*OUT;
- }
- select($OUT);
- $| = 1; # for DB::OUT
- select(STDOUT);
- $LINEINFO = $OUT unless defined $LINEINFO;
- $lineinfo = $console unless defined $lineinfo;
- $| = 1; # for real STDOUT
- $header =~ s/.Header: ([^,]+),v(\s+\S+\s+\S+).*$/$1$2/;
- unless ($runnonstop) {
- print $OUT "\nLoading DB routines from $header\n";
- print $OUT ("Editor support ",
- $slave_editor ? "enabled" : "available",
- ".\n");
- print $OUT "\nEnter h or `h h' for help, or `$doccmd perldebug' for more help.\n\n";
- }
-for (@args) {
- s/\'/\\\'/g;
- s/(.*)/'$1'/ unless /^-?[\d.]+$/;
-if (defined &afterinit) { # May be defined in $rcfile
- &afterinit();
-$I_m_init = 1;
-############################################################ Subroutines
-sub DB {
- # _After_ the perl program is compiled, $single is set to 1:
- if ($single and not $second_time++) {
- if ($runnonstop) { # Disable until signal
- for ($i=0; $i <= $stack_depth; ) {
- $stack[$i++] &= ~1;
- }
- $single = 0;
- # return; # Would not print trace!
- } elsif ($ImmediateStop) {
- $ImmediateStop = 0;
- $signal = 1;
- }
- }
- $runnonstop = 0 if $single or $signal; # Disable it if interactive.
- &save;
- ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
- $filename_ini = $filename;
- $usercontext = '($@, $!, $^E, $,, $/, $\, $^W) = @saved;' .
- "package $package;"; # this won't let them modify, alas
- local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $filename};
- $max = $#dbline;
- if (($stop,$action) = split(/\0/,$dbline{$line})) {
- if ($stop eq '1') {
- $signal |= 1;
- } elsif ($stop) {
- $evalarg = "\$DB::signal |= 1 if do {$stop}"; &eval;
- $dbline{$line} =~ s/;9($|\0)/$1/;
- }
- }
- my $was_signal = $signal;
- if ($trace & 2) {
- for (my $n = 0; $n <= $#to_watch; $n++) {
- $evalarg = $to_watch[$n];
- local $onetimeDump; # Do not output results
- my ($val) = &eval; # Fix context (&eval is doing array)?
- $val = ( (defined $val) ? "'$val'" : 'undef' );
- if ($val ne $old_watch[$n]) {
- $signal = 1;
- print $OUT <<EOP;
-Watchpoint $n:\t$to_watch[$n] changed:
- old value:\t$old_watch[$n]
- new value:\t$val
- $old_watch[$n] = $val;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($trace & 4) { # User-installed watch
- return if watchfunction($package, $filename, $line)
- and not $single and not $was_signal and not ($trace & ~4);
- }
- $was_signal = $signal;
- $signal = 0;
- if ($single || ($trace & 1) || $was_signal) {
- if ($slave_editor) {
- $position = "\032\032$filename:$line:0\n";
- print $LINEINFO $position;
- } elsif ($package eq 'DB::fake') {
- $term || &setterm;
- print_help(<<EOP);
-Debugged program terminated. Use B<q> to quit or B<R> to restart,
- use B<O> I<inhibit_exit> to avoid stopping after program termination,
- B<h q>, B<h R> or B<h O> to get additional info.
- $package = 'main';
- $usercontext = '($@, $!, $^E, $,, $/, $\, $^W) = @saved;' .
- "package $package;"; # this won't let them modify, alas
- } else {
- $sub =~ s/\'/::/;
- $prefix = $sub =~ /::/ ? "" : "${'package'}::";
- $prefix .= "$sub($filename:";
- $after = ($dbline[$line] =~ /\n$/ ? '' : "\n");
- if (length($prefix) > 30) {
- $position = "$prefix$line):\n$line:\t$dbline[$line]$after";
- $prefix = "";
- $infix = ":\t";
- } else {
- $infix = "):\t";
- $position = "$prefix$line$infix$dbline[$line]$after";
- }
- if ($frame) {
- print $LINEINFO ' ' x $stack_depth, "$line:\t$dbline[$line]$after";
- } else {
- print $LINEINFO $position;
- }
- for ($i = $line + 1; $i <= $max && $dbline[$i] == 0; ++$i) { #{ vi
- last if $dbline[$i] =~ /^\s*[\;\}\#\n]/;
- last if $signal;
- $after = ($dbline[$i] =~ /\n$/ ? '' : "\n");
- $incr_pos = "$prefix$i$infix$dbline[$i]$after";
- $position .= $incr_pos;
- if ($frame) {
- print $LINEINFO ' ' x $stack_depth, "$i:\t$dbline[$i]$after";
- } else {
- print $LINEINFO $incr_pos;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $evalarg = $action, &eval if $action;
- if ($single || $was_signal) {
- local $level = $level + 1;
- foreach $evalarg (@$pre) {
- &eval;
- }
- print $OUT $stack_depth . " levels deep in subroutine calls!\n"
- if $single & 4;
- $start = $line;
- $incr = -1; # for backward motion.
- @typeahead = (@$pretype, @typeahead);
- CMD:
- while (($term || &setterm),
- ($term_pid == $$ or &resetterm),
- defined ($cmd=&readline(" DB" . ('<' x $level) .
- ($#hist+1) . ('>' x $level) .
- " ")))
- {
- $single = 0;
- $signal = 0;
- $cmd =~ s/\\$/\n/ && do {
- $cmd .= &readline(" cont: ");
- redo CMD;
- };
- $cmd =~ /^$/ && ($cmd = $laststep);
- push(@hist,$cmd) if length($cmd) > 1;
- PIPE: {
- $cmd =~ s/^\s+//s; # trim annoying leading whitespace
- $cmd =~ s/\s+$//s; # trim annoying trailing whitespace
- ($i) = split(/\s+/,$cmd);
- if ($alias{$i}) {
- # squelch the sigmangler
- local $SIG{__DIE__};
- local $SIG{__WARN__};
- eval "\$cmd =~ $alias{$i}";
- if ($@) {
- print $OUT "Couldn't evaluate `$i' alias: $@";
- next CMD;
- }
- }
- $cmd =~ /^q$/ && ($fall_off_end = 1) && exit $?;
- $cmd =~ /^h$/ && do {
- print_help($help);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^h\s+h$/ && do {
- print_help($summary);
- next CMD; };
- # support long commands; otherwise bogus errors
- # happen when you ask for h on <CR> for example
- $cmd =~ /^h\s+(\S.*)$/ && do {
- my $asked = $1; # for proper errmsg
- my $qasked = quotemeta($asked); # for searching
- # XXX: finds CR but not <CR>
- if ($help =~ /^<?(?:[IB]<)$qasked/m) {
- while ($help =~ /^(<?(?:[IB]<)$qasked([\s\S]*?)\n)(?!\s)/mg) {
- print_help($1);
- }
- } else {
- print_help("B<$asked> is not a debugger command.\n");
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^t$/ && do {
- $trace ^= 1;
- print $OUT "Trace = " .
- (($trace & 1) ? "on" : "off" ) . "\n";
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^S(\s+(!)?(.+))?$/ && do {
- $Srev = defined $2; $Spatt = $3; $Snocheck = ! defined $1;
- foreach $subname (sort(keys %sub)) {
- if ($Snocheck or $Srev^($subname =~ /$Spatt/)) {
- print $OUT $subname,"\n";
- }
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^v$/ && do {
- list_versions(); next CMD};
- $cmd =~ s/^X\b/V $package/;
- $cmd =~ /^V$/ && do {
- $cmd = "V $package"; };
- $cmd =~ /^V\b\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/ && do {
- local ($savout) = select($OUT);
- $packname = $1;
- @vars = split(' ',$2);
- do 'dumpvar.pl' unless defined &main::dumpvar;
- if (defined &main::dumpvar) {
- local $frame = 0;
- local $doret = -2;
- # must detect sigpipe failures
- eval { &main::dumpvar($packname,@vars) };
- if ($@) {
- die unless $@ =~ /dumpvar print failed/;
- }
- } else {
- print $OUT "dumpvar.pl not available.\n";
- }
- select ($savout);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ s/^x\b/ / && do { # So that will be evaled
- $onetimeDump = 'dump'; };
- $cmd =~ s/^m\s+([\w:]+)\s*$/ / && do {
- methods($1); next CMD};
- $cmd =~ s/^m\b/ / && do { # So this will be evaled
- $onetimeDump = 'methods'; };
- $cmd =~ /^f\b\s*(.*)/ && do {
- $file = $1;
- $file =~ s/\s+$//;
- if (!$file) {
- print $OUT "The old f command is now the r command.\n";
- print $OUT "The new f command switches filenames.\n";
- next CMD;
- }
- if (!defined $main::{'_<' . $file}) {
- if (($try) = grep(m#^_<.*$file#, keys %main::)) {{
- $try = substr($try,2);
- print $OUT "Choosing $try matching `$file':\n";
- $file = $try;
- }}
- }
- if (!defined $main::{'_<' . $file}) {
- print $OUT "No file matching `$file' is loaded.\n";
- next CMD;
- } elsif ($file ne $filename) {
- *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $file};
- $max = $#dbline;
- $filename = $file;
- $start = 1;
- $cmd = "l";
- } else {
- print $OUT "Already in $file.\n";
- next CMD;
- }
- };
- $cmd =~ s/^l\s+-\s*$/-/;
- $cmd =~ /^([lb])\b\s*(\$.*)/s && do {
- $evalarg = $2;
- my ($s) = &eval;
- print($OUT "Error: $@\n"), next CMD if $@;
- $s = CvGV_name($s);
- print($OUT "Interpreted as: $1 $s\n");
- $cmd = "$1 $s";
- };
- $cmd =~ /^l\b\s*([\':A-Za-z_][\':\w]*(\[.*\])?)/s && do {
- $subname = $1;
- $subname =~ s/\'/::/;
- $subname = $package."::".$subname
- unless $subname =~ /::/;
- $subname = "main".$subname if substr($subname,0,2) eq "::";
- @pieces = split(/:/,find_sub($subname) || $sub{$subname});
- $subrange = pop @pieces;
- $file = join(':', @pieces);
- if ($file ne $filename) {
- print $OUT "Switching to file '$file'.\n"
- unless $slave_editor;
- *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $file};
- $max = $#dbline;
- $filename = $file;
- }
- if ($subrange) {
- if (eval($subrange) < -$window) {
- $subrange =~ s/-.*/+/;
- }
- $cmd = "l $subrange";
- } else {
- print $OUT "Subroutine $subname not found.\n";
- next CMD;
- } };
- $cmd =~ /^\.$/ && do {
- $incr = -1; # for backward motion.
- $start = $line;
- $filename = $filename_ini;
- *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $filename};
- $max = $#dbline;
- print $LINEINFO $position;
- next CMD };
- $cmd =~ /^w\b\s*(\d*)$/ && do {
- $incr = $window - 1;
- $start = $1 if $1;
- $start -= $preview;
- #print $OUT 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr);
- $cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
- $cmd =~ /^-$/ && do {
- $start -= $incr + $window + 1;
- $start = 1 if $start <= 0;
- $incr = $window - 1;
- $cmd = 'l ' . ($start) . '+'; };
- $cmd =~ /^l$/ && do {
- $incr = $window - 1;
- $cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
- $cmd =~ /^l\b\s*(\d*)\+(\d*)$/ && do {
- $start = $1 if $1;
- $incr = $2;
- $incr = $window - 1 unless $incr;
- $cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
- $cmd =~ /^l\b\s*((-?[\d\$\.]+)([-,]([\d\$\.]+))?)?/ && do {
- $end = (!defined $2) ? $max : ($4 ? $4 : $2);
- $end = $max if $end > $max;
- $i = $2;
- $i = $line if $i eq '.';
- $i = 1 if $i < 1;
- $incr = $end - $i;
- if ($slave_editor) {
- print $OUT "\032\032$filename:$i:0\n";
- $i = $end;
- } else {
- for (; $i <= $end; $i++) {
- ($stop,$action) = split(/\0/, $dbline{$i});
- $arrow = ($i==$line
- and $filename eq $filename_ini)
- ? '==>'
- : ($dbline[$i]+0 ? ':' : ' ') ;
- $arrow .= 'b' if $stop;
- $arrow .= 'a' if $action;
- print $OUT "$i$arrow\t", $dbline[$i];
- $i++, last if $signal;
- }
- print $OUT "\n" unless $dbline[$i-1] =~ /\n$/;
- }
- $start = $i; # remember in case they want more
- $start = $max if $start > $max;
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^D$/ && do {
- print $OUT "Deleting all breakpoints...\n";
- my $file;
- for $file (keys %had_breakpoints) {
- local *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $file};
- my $max = $#dbline;
- my $was;
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $max ; $i++) {
- if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
- $dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]+//;
- if ($dbline{$i} =~ s/^\0?$//) {
- delete $dbline{$i};
- }
- }
- }
- if (not $had_breakpoints{$file} &= ~1) {
- delete $had_breakpoints{$file};
- }
- }
- undef %postponed;
- undef %postponed_file;
- undef %break_on_load;
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^L$/ && do {
- my $file;
- for $file (keys %had_breakpoints) {
- local *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $file};
- my $max = $#dbline;
- my $was;
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; $i++) {
- if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
- print $OUT "$file:\n" unless $was++;
- print $OUT " $i:\t", $dbline[$i];
- ($stop,$action) = split(/\0/, $dbline{$i});
- print $OUT " break if (", $stop, ")\n"
- if $stop;
- print $OUT " action: ", $action, "\n"
- if $action;
- last if $signal;
- }
- }
- }
- if (%postponed) {
- print $OUT "Postponed breakpoints in subroutines:\n";
- my $subname;
- for $subname (keys %postponed) {
- print $OUT " $subname\t$postponed{$subname}\n";
- last if $signal;
- }
- }
- my @have = map { # Combined keys
- keys %{$postponed_file{$_}}
- } keys %postponed_file;
- if (@have) {
- print $OUT "Postponed breakpoints in files:\n";
- my ($file, $line);
- for $file (keys %postponed_file) {
- my $db = $postponed_file{$file};
- print $OUT " $file:\n";
- for $line (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$db) {
- print $OUT " $line:\n";
- my ($stop,$action) = split(/\0/, $$db{$line});
- print $OUT " break if (", $stop, ")\n"
- if $stop;
- print $OUT " action: ", $action, "\n"
- if $action;
- last if $signal;
- }
- last if $signal;
- }
- }
- if (%break_on_load) {
- print $OUT "Breakpoints on load:\n";
- my $file;
- for $file (keys %break_on_load) {
- print $OUT " $file\n";
- last if $signal;
- }
- }
- if ($trace & 2) {
- print $OUT "Watch-expressions:\n";
- my $expr;
- for $expr (@to_watch) {
- print $OUT " $expr\n";
- last if $signal;
- }
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^b\b\s*load\b\s*(.*)/ && do {
- my $file = $1; $file =~ s/\s+$//;
- {
- $break_on_load{$file} = 1;
- $break_on_load{$::INC{$file}} = 1 if $::INC{$file};
- $file .= '.pm', redo unless $file =~ /\./;
- }
- $had_breakpoints{$file} |= 1;
- print $OUT "Will stop on load of `@{[join '\', `', sort keys %break_on_load]}'.\n";
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^b\b\s*(postpone|compile)\b\s*([':A-Za-z_][':\w]*)\s*(.*)/ && do {
- my $cond = length $3 ? $3 : '1';
- my ($subname, $break) = ($2, $1 eq 'postpone');
- $subname =~ s/\'/::/g;
- $subname = "${'package'}::" . $subname
- unless $subname =~ /::/;
- $subname = "main".$subname if substr($subname,0,2) eq "::";
- $postponed{$subname} = $break
- ? "break +0 if $cond" : "compile";
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^b\b\s*([':A-Za-z_][':\w]*(?:\[.*\])?)\s*(.*)/ && do {
- $subname = $1;
- $cond = length $2 ? $2 : '1';
- $subname =~ s/\'/::/g;
- $subname = "${'package'}::" . $subname
- unless $subname =~ /::/;
- $subname = "main".$subname if substr($subname,0,2) eq "::";
- # Filename below can contain ':'
- ($file,$i) = (find_sub($subname) =~ /^(.*):(.*)$/);
- $i += 0;
- if ($i) {
- local $filename = $file;
- local *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $filename};
- $had_breakpoints{$filename} |= 1;
- $max = $#dbline;
- ++$i while $dbline[$i] == 0 && $i < $max;
- $dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*/$cond/;
- } else {
- print $OUT "Subroutine $subname not found.\n";
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^b\b\s*(\d*)\s*(.*)/ && do {
- $i = $1 || $line;
- $cond = length $2 ? $2 : '1';
- if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
- print $OUT "Line $i not breakable.\n";
- } else {
- $had_breakpoints{$filename} |= 1;
- $dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*/$cond/;
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^d\b\s*(\d*)/ && do {
- $i = $1 || $line;
- if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
- print $OUT "Line $i not breakable.\n";
- } else {
- $dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*//;
- delete $dbline{$i} if $dbline{$i} eq '';
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^A$/ && do {
- print $OUT "Deleting all actions...\n";
- my $file;
- for $file (keys %had_breakpoints) {
- local *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $file};
- my $max = $#dbline;
- my $was;
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $max ; $i++) {
- if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
- $dbline{$i} =~ s/\0[^\0]*//;
- delete $dbline{$i} if $dbline{$i} eq '';
- }
- }
- unless ($had_breakpoints{$file} &= ~2) {
- delete $had_breakpoints{$file};
- }
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^O\s*$/ && do {
- for (@options) {
- &dump_option($_);
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^O\s*(\S.*)/ && do {
- parse_options($1);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^\<\<\s*(.*)/ && do { # \<\< for CPerl sake: not HERE
- push @$pre, action($1);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^>>\s*(.*)/ && do {
- push @$post, action($1);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^<\s*(.*)/ && do {
- unless ($1) {
- print $OUT "All < actions cleared.\n";
- $pre = [];
- next CMD;
- }
- if ($1 eq '?') {
- unless (@$pre) {
- print $OUT "No pre-prompt Perl actions.\n";
- next CMD;
- }
- print $OUT "Perl commands run before each prompt:\n";
- for my $action ( @$pre ) {
- print $OUT "\t< -- $action\n";
- }
- next CMD;
- }
- $pre = [action($1)];
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^>\s*(.*)/ && do {
- unless ($1) {
- print $OUT "All > actions cleared.\n";
- $post = [];
- next CMD;
- }
- if ($1 eq '?') {
- unless (@$post) {
- print $OUT "No post-prompt Perl actions.\n";
- next CMD;
- }
- print $OUT "Perl commands run after each prompt:\n";
- for my $action ( @$post ) {
- print $OUT "\t> -- $action\n";
- }
- next CMD;
- }
- $post = [action($1)];
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^\{\{\s*(.*)/ && do {
- if ($cmd =~ /^\{.*\}$/ && unbalanced(substr($cmd,2))) {
- print $OUT "{{ is now a debugger command\n",
- "use `;{{' if you mean Perl code\n";
- $cmd = "h {{";
- redo CMD;
- }
- push @$pretype, $1;
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^\{\s*(.*)/ && do {
- unless ($1) {
- print $OUT "All { actions cleared.\n";
- $pretype = [];
- next CMD;
- }
- if ($1 eq '?') {
- unless (@$pretype) {
- print $OUT "No pre-prompt debugger actions.\n";
- next CMD;
- }
- print $OUT "Debugger commands run before each prompt:\n";
- for my $action ( @$pretype ) {
- print $OUT "\t{ -- $action\n";
- }
- next CMD;
- }
- if ($cmd =~ /^\{.*\}$/ && unbalanced(substr($cmd,1))) {
- print $OUT "{ is now a debugger command\n",
- "use `;{' if you mean Perl code\n";
- $cmd = "h {";
- redo CMD;
- }
- $pretype = [$1];
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^a\b\s*(\d*)\s*(.*)/ && do {
- $i = $1 || $line; $j = $2;
- if (length $j) {
- if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
- print $OUT "Line $i may not have an action.\n";
- } else {
- $had_breakpoints{$filename} |= 2;
- $dbline{$i} =~ s/\0[^\0]*//;
- $dbline{$i} .= "\0" . action($j);
- }
- } else {
- $dbline{$i} =~ s/\0[^\0]*//;
- delete $dbline{$i} if $dbline{$i} eq '';
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^n$/ && do {
- end_report(), next CMD if $finished and $level <= 1;
- $single = 2;
- $laststep = $cmd;
- last CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^s$/ && do {
- end_report(), next CMD if $finished and $level <= 1;
- $single = 1;
- $laststep = $cmd;
- last CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^c\b\s*([\w:]*)\s*$/ && do {
- end_report(), next CMD if $finished and $level <= 1;
- $subname = $i = $1;
- # Probably not needed, since we finish an interactive
- # sub-session anyway...
- # local $filename = $filename;
- # local *dbline = *dbline; # XXX Would this work?!
- if ($i =~ /\D/) { # subroutine name
- $subname = $package."::".$subname
- unless $subname =~ /::/;
- ($file,$i) = (find_sub($subname) =~ /^(.*):(.*)$/);
- $i += 0;
- if ($i) {
- $filename = $file;
- *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $filename};
- $had_breakpoints{$filename} |= 1;
- $max = $#dbline;
- ++$i while $dbline[$i] == 0 && $i < $max;
- } else {
- print $OUT "Subroutine $subname not found.\n";
- next CMD;
- }
- }
- if ($i) {
- if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
- print $OUT "Line $i not breakable.\n";
- next CMD;
- }
- $dbline{$i} =~ s/($|\0)/;9$1/; # add one-time-only b.p.
- }
- for ($i=0; $i <= $stack_depth; ) {
- $stack[$i++] &= ~1;
- }
- last CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^r$/ && do {
- end_report(), next CMD if $finished and $level <= 1;
- $stack[$stack_depth] |= 1;
- $doret = $option{PrintRet} ? $stack_depth - 1 : -2;
- last CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^R$/ && do {
- print $OUT "Warning: some settings and command-line options may be lost!\n";
- my (@script, @flags, $cl);
- push @flags, '-w' if $ini_warn;
- # Put all the old includes at the start to get
- # the same debugger.
- for (@ini_INC) {
- push @flags, '-I', $_;
- }
- # Arrange for setting the old INC:
- set_list("PERLDB_INC", @ini_INC);
- if ($0 eq '-e') {
- for (1..$#{'::_<-e'}) { # The first line is PERL5DB
- chomp ($cl = ${'::_<-e'}[$_]);
- push @script, '-e', $cl;
- }
- } else {
- @script = $0;
- }
- set_list("PERLDB_HIST",
- $term->Features->{getHistory}
- ? $term->GetHistory : @hist);
- my @had_breakpoints = keys %had_breakpoints;
- set_list("PERLDB_VISITED", @had_breakpoints);
- set_list("PERLDB_OPT", %option);
- set_list("PERLDB_ON_LOAD", %break_on_load);
- my @hard;
- for (0 .. $#had_breakpoints) {
- my $file = $had_breakpoints[$_];
- *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $file};
- next unless %dbline or $postponed_file{$file};
- (push @hard, $file), next
- if $file =~ /^\(eval \d+\)$/;
- my @add;
- @add = %{$postponed_file{$file}}
- if $postponed_file{$file};
- set_list("PERLDB_FILE_$_", %dbline, @add);
- }
- for (@hard) { # Yes, really-really...
- # Find the subroutines in this eval
- *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $_};
- my ($quoted, $sub, %subs, $line) = quotemeta $_;
- for $sub (keys %sub) {
- next unless $sub{$sub} =~ /^$quoted:(\d+)-(\d+)$/;
- $subs{$sub} = [$1, $2];
- }
- unless (%subs) {
- print $OUT
- "No subroutines in $_, ignoring breakpoints.\n";
- next;
- }
- LINES: for $line (keys %dbline) {
- # One breakpoint per sub only:
- my ($offset, $sub, $found);
- SUBS: for $sub (keys %subs) {
- if ($subs{$sub}->[1] >= $line # Not after the subroutine
- and (not defined $offset # Not caught
- or $offset < 0 )) { # or badly caught
- $found = $sub;
- $offset = $line - $subs{$sub}->[0];
- $offset = "+$offset", last SUBS if $offset >= 0;
- }
- }
- if (defined $offset) {
- $postponed{$found} =
- "break $offset if $dbline{$line}";
- } else {
- print $OUT "Breakpoint in $_:$line ignored: after all the subroutines.\n";
- }
- }
- }
- set_list("PERLDB_POSTPONE", %postponed);
- set_list("PERLDB_PRETYPE", @$pretype);
- set_list("PERLDB_PRE", @$pre);
- set_list("PERLDB_POST", @$post);
- set_list("PERLDB_TYPEAHEAD", @typeahead);
- #print "$^X, '-d', @flags, @script, ($slave_editor ? '-emacs' : ()), @ARGS";
- exec $^X, '-d', @flags, @script, ($slave_editor ? '-emacs' : ()), @ARGS;
- print $OUT "exec failed: $!\n";
- last CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^T$/ && do {
- print_trace($OUT, 1); # skip DB
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^W\s*$/ && do {
- $trace &= ~2;
- @to_watch = @old_watch = ();
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^W\b\s*(.*)/s && do {
- push @to_watch, $1;
- $evalarg = $1;
- my ($val) = &eval;
- $val = (defined $val) ? "'$val'" : 'undef' ;
- push @old_watch, $val;
- $trace |= 2;
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^\/(.*)$/ && do {
- $inpat = $1;
- $inpat =~ s:([^\\])/$:$1:;
- if ($inpat ne "") {
- # squelch the sigmangler
- local $SIG{__DIE__};
- local $SIG{__WARN__};
- eval '$inpat =~ m'."\a$inpat\a";
- if ($@ ne "") {
- print $OUT "$@";
- next CMD;
- }
- $pat = $inpat;
- }
- $end = $start;
- $incr = -1;
- eval '
- for (;;) {
- ++$start;
- $start = 1 if ($start > $max);
- last if ($start == $end);
- if ($dbline[$start] =~ m' . "\a$pat\a" . 'i) {
- if ($slave_editor) {
- print $OUT "\032\032$filename:$start:0\n";
- } else {
- print $OUT "$start:\t", $dbline[$start], "\n";
- }
- last;
- }
- } ';
- print $OUT "/$pat/: not found\n" if ($start == $end);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^\?(.*)$/ && do {
- $inpat = $1;
- $inpat =~ s:([^\\])\?$:$1:;
- if ($inpat ne "") {
- # squelch the sigmangler
- local $SIG{__DIE__};
- local $SIG{__WARN__};
- eval '$inpat =~ m'."\a$inpat\a";
- if ($@ ne "") {
- print $OUT $@;
- next CMD;
- }
- $pat = $inpat;
- }
- $end = $start;
- $incr = -1;
- eval '
- for (;;) {
- --$start;
- $start = $max if ($start <= 0);
- last if ($start == $end);
- if ($dbline[$start] =~ m' . "\a$pat\a" . 'i) {
- if ($slave_editor) {
- print $OUT "\032\032$filename:$start:0\n";
- } else {
- print $OUT "$start:\t", $dbline[$start], "\n";
- }
- last;
- }
- } ';
- print $OUT "?$pat?: not found\n" if ($start == $end);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^$rc+\s*(-)?(\d+)?$/ && do {
- pop(@hist) if length($cmd) > 1;
- $i = $1 ? ($#hist-($2||1)) : ($2||$#hist);
- $cmd = $hist[$i];
- print $OUT $cmd, "\n";
- redo CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^$sh$sh\s*([\x00-\xff]*)/ && do {
- &system($1);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^$rc([^$rc].*)$/ && do {
- $pat = "^$1";
- pop(@hist) if length($cmd) > 1;
- for ($i = $#hist; $i; --$i) {
- last if $hist[$i] =~ /$pat/;
- }
- if (!$i) {
- print $OUT "No such command!\n\n";
- next CMD;
- }
- $cmd = $hist[$i];
- print $OUT $cmd, "\n";
- redo CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^$sh$/ && do {
- &system($ENV{SHELL}||"/bin/sh");
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^$sh\s*([\x00-\xff]*)/ && do {
- # XXX: using csh or tcsh destroys sigint retvals!
- #&system($1); # use this instead
- &system($ENV{SHELL}||"/bin/sh","-c",$1);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^H\b\s*(-(\d+))?/ && do {
- $end = $2 ? ($#hist-$2) : 0;
- $hist = 0 if $hist < 0;
- for ($i=$#hist; $i>$end; $i--) {
- print $OUT "$i: ",$hist[$i],"\n"
- unless $hist[$i] =~ /^.?$/;
- };
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^(?:man|(?:perl)?doc)\b(?:\s+([^(]*))?$/ && do {
- runman($1);
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ s/^p$/print {\$DB::OUT} \$_/;
- $cmd =~ s/^p\b/print {\$DB::OUT} /;
- $cmd =~ s/^=\s*// && do {
- my @keys;
- if (length $cmd == 0) {
- @keys = sort keys %alias;
- }
- elsif (my($k,$v) = ($cmd =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S.*)/)) {
- # can't use $_ or kill //g state
- for my $x ($k, $v) { $x =~ s/\a/\\a/g }
- $alias{$k} = "s\a$k\a$v\a";
- # squelch the sigmangler
- local $SIG{__DIE__};
- local $SIG{__WARN__};
- unless (eval "sub { s\a$k\a$v\a }; 1") {
- print $OUT "Can't alias $k to $v: $@\n";
- delete $alias{$k};
- next CMD;
- }
- @keys = ($k);
- }
- else {
- @keys = ($cmd);
- }
- for my $k (@keys) {
- if ((my $v = $alias{$k}) =~ ss\a$k\a(.*)\a$1) {
- print $OUT "$k\t= $1\n";
- }
- elsif (defined $alias{$k}) {
- print $OUT "$k\t$alias{$k}\n";
- }
- else {
- print "No alias for $k\n";
- }
- }
- next CMD; };
- $cmd =~ /^\|\|?\s*[^|]/ && do {
- if ($pager =~ /^\|/) {
- open(SAVEOUT,">&STDOUT") || &warn("Can't save STDOUT");
- open(STDOUT,">&OUT") || &warn("Can't redirect STDOUT");
- } else {
- open(SAVEOUT,">&OUT") || &warn("Can't save DB::OUT");
- }
- fix_less();
- unless ($piped=open(OUT,$pager)) {
- &warn("Can't pipe output to `$pager'");
- if ($pager =~ /^\|/) {
- open(OUT,">&STDOUT") # XXX: lost message
- || &warn("Can't restore DB::OUT");
- open(STDOUT,">&SAVEOUT")
- || &warn("Can't restore STDOUT");
- close(SAVEOUT);
- } else {
- open(OUT,">&STDOUT") # XXX: lost message
- || &warn("Can't restore DB::OUT");
- }
- next CMD;
- }
- $SIG{PIPE}= \&DB::catch if $pager =~ /^\|/
- && ("" eq $SIG{PIPE} || "DEFAULT" eq $SIG{PIPE});
- $selected= select(OUT);
- $|= 1;
- select( $selected ), $selected= "" unless $cmd =~ /^\|\|/;
- $cmd =~ s/^\|+\s*//;
- redo PIPE;
- };
- # XXX Local variants do not work!
- $cmd =~ s/^t\s/\$DB::trace |= 1;\n/;
- $cmd =~ s/^s\s/\$DB::single = 1;\n/ && do {$laststep = 's'};
- $cmd =~ s/^n\s/\$DB::single = 2;\n/ && do {$laststep = 'n'};
- } # PIPE:
- $evalarg = "\$^D = \$^D | \$DB::db_stop;\n$cmd"; &eval;
- if ($onetimeDump) {
- $onetimeDump = undef;
- } elsif ($term_pid == $$) {
- print $OUT "\n";
- }
- } continue { # CMD:
- if ($piped) {
- if ($pager =~ /^\|/) {
- $? = 0;
- # we cannot warn here: the handle is missing --tchrist
- close(OUT) || print SAVEOUT "\nCan't close DB::OUT\n";
- # most of the $? crud was coping with broken cshisms
- if ($?) {
- print SAVEOUT "Pager `$pager' failed: ";
- if ($? == -1) {
- print SAVEOUT "shell returned -1\n";
- } elsif ($? >> 8) {
- print SAVEOUT
- ( $? & 127 ) ? " (SIG#".($?&127).")" : "",
- ( $? & 128 ) ? " -- core dumped" : "", "\n";
- } else {
- print SAVEOUT "status ", ($? >> 8), "\n";
- }
- }
- open(OUT,">&STDOUT") || &warn("Can't restore DB::OUT");
- open(STDOUT,">&SAVEOUT") || &warn("Can't restore STDOUT");
- $SIG{PIPE} = "DEFAULT" if $SIG{PIPE} eq \&DB::catch;
- # Will stop ignoring SIGPIPE if done like nohup(1)
- # does SIGINT but Perl doesn't give us a choice.
- } else {
- open(OUT,">&SAVEOUT") || &warn("Can't restore DB::OUT");
- }
- close(SAVEOUT);
- select($selected), $selected= "" unless $selected eq "";
- $piped= "";
- }
- } # CMD:
- $fall_off_end = 1 unless defined $cmd; # Emulate `q' on EOF
- foreach $evalarg (@$post) {
- &eval;
- }
- } # if ($single || $signal)
- ($@, $!, $^E, $,, $/, $\, $^W) = @saved;
- ();
-# The following code may be executed now:
-# BEGIN {warn 4}
-sub sub {
- my ($al, $ret, @ret) = "";
- if (length($sub) > 10 && substr($sub, -10, 10) eq '::AUTOLOAD') {
- $al = " for $$sub";
- }
- local $stack_depth = $stack_depth + 1; # Protect from non-local exits
- $#stack = $stack_depth;
- $stack[-1] = $single;
- $single &= 1;
- $single |= 4 if $stack_depth == $deep;
- ($frame & 4
- ? ( (print $LINEINFO ' ' x ($stack_depth - 1), "in "),
- # Why -1? But it works! :-(
- print_trace($LINEINFO, -1, 1, 1, "$sub$al") )
- : print $LINEINFO ' ' x ($stack_depth - 1), "entering $sub$al\n") if $frame;
- if (wantarray) {
- @ret = &$sub;
- $single |= $stack[$stack_depth--];
- ($frame & 4
- ? ( (print $LINEINFO ' ' x $stack_depth, "out "),
- print_trace($LINEINFO, -1, 1, 1, "$sub$al") )
- : print $LINEINFO ' ' x $stack_depth, "exited $sub$al\n") if $frame & 2;
- if ($doret eq $stack_depth or $frame & 16) {
- my $fh = ($doret eq $stack_depth ? $OUT : $LINEINFO);
- print $fh ' ' x $stack_depth if $frame & 16;
- print $fh "list context return from $sub:\n";
- dumpit($fh, \@ret );
- $doret = -2;
- }
- @ret;
- } else {
- if (defined wantarray) {
- $ret = &$sub;
- } else {
- &$sub; undef $ret;
- };
- $single |= $stack[$stack_depth--];
- ($frame & 4
- ? ( (print $LINEINFO ' ' x $stack_depth, "out "),
- print_trace($LINEINFO, -1, 1, 1, "$sub$al") )
- : print $LINEINFO ' ' x $stack_depth, "exited $sub$al\n") if $frame & 2;
- if ($doret eq $stack_depth or $frame & 16 and defined wantarray) {
- my $fh = ($doret eq $stack_depth ? $OUT : $LINEINFO);
- print $fh (' ' x $stack_depth) if $frame & 16;
- print $fh (defined wantarray
- ? "scalar context return from $sub: "
- : "void context return from $sub\n");
- dumpit( $fh, $ret ) if defined wantarray;
- $doret = -2;
- }
- $ret;
- }
-sub save {
- @saved = ($@, $!, $^E, $,, $/, $\, $^W);
- $, = ""; $/ = "\n"; $\ = ""; $^W = 0;
-# The following takes its argument via $evalarg to preserve current @_
-sub eval {
- # 'my' would make it visible from user code
- # but so does local! --tchrist
- local @res;
- {
- local $otrace = $trace;
- local $osingle = $single;
- local $od = $^D;
- { ($evalarg) = $evalarg =~ /(.*)/s; }
- @res = eval "$usercontext $evalarg;\n"; # '\n' for nice recursive debug
- $trace = $otrace;
- $single = $osingle;
- $^D = $od;
- }
- my $at = $@;
- local $saved[0]; # Preserve the old value of $@
- eval { &DB::save };
- if ($at) {
- print $OUT $at;
- } elsif ($onetimeDump eq 'dump') {
- dumpit($OUT, \@res);
- } elsif ($onetimeDump eq 'methods') {
- methods($res[0]);
- }
- @res;
-sub postponed_sub {
- my $subname = shift;
- if ($postponed{$subname} =~ s/^break\s([+-]?\d+)\s+if\s//) {
- my $offset = $1 || 0;
- # Filename below can contain ':'
- my ($file,$i) = (find_sub($subname) =~ /^(.*):(\d+)-.*$/);
- if ($i) {
- $i += $offset;
- local *dbline = $main::{'_<' . $file};
- local $^W = 0; # != 0 is magical below
- $had_breakpoints{$file} |= 1;
- my $max = $#dbline;
- ++$i until $dbline[$i] != 0 or $i >= $max;
- $dbline{$i} = delete $postponed{$subname};
- } else {
- print $OUT "Subroutine $subname not found.\n";
- }
- return;
- }
- elsif ($postponed{$subname} eq 'compile') { $signal = 1 }
- #print $OUT "In postponed_sub for `$subname'.\n";
-sub postponed {
- if ($ImmediateStop) {
- $ImmediateStop = 0;
- $signal = 1;
- }
- return &postponed_sub
- unless ref \$_[0] eq 'GLOB'; # A subroutine is compiled.
- # Cannot be done before the file is compiled
- local *dbline = shift;
- my $filename = $dbline;
- $filename =~ s/^_<//;
- $signal = 1, print $OUT "'$filename' loaded...\n"
- if $break_on_load{$filename};
- print $LINEINFO ' ' x $stack_depth, "Package $filename.\n" if $frame;
- return unless $postponed_file{$filename};
- $had_breakpoints{$filename} |= 1;
- #%dbline = %{$postponed_file{$filename}}; # Cannot be done: unsufficient magic
- my $key;
- for $key (keys %{$postponed_file{$filename}}) {
- $dbline{$key} = ${$postponed_file{$filename}}{$key};
- }
- delete $postponed_file{$filename};
-sub dumpit {
- local ($savout) = select(shift);
- my $osingle = $single;
- my $otrace = $trace;
- $single = $trace = 0;
- local $frame = 0;
- local $doret = -2;
- unless (defined &main::dumpValue) {
- do 'dumpvar.pl';
- }
- if (defined &main::dumpValue) {
- &main::dumpValue(shift);
- } else {
- print $OUT "dumpvar.pl not available.\n";
- }
- $single = $osingle;
- $trace = $otrace;
- select ($savout);
-# Tied method do not create a context, so may get wrong message:
-sub print_trace {
- my $fh = shift;
- my @sub = dump_trace($_[0] + 1, $_[1]);
- my $short = $_[2]; # Print short report, next one for sub name
- my $s;
- for ($i=0; $i <= $#sub; $i++) {
- last if $signal;
- local $" = ', ';
- my $args = defined $sub[$i]{args}
- ? "(@{ $sub[$i]{args} })"
- : '' ;
- $args = (substr $args, 0, $maxtrace - 3) . '...'
- if length $args > $maxtrace;
- my $file = $sub[$i]{file};
- $file = $file eq '-e' ? $file : "file `$file'" unless $short;
- $s = $sub[$i]{sub};
- $s = (substr $s, 0, $maxtrace - 3) . '...' if length $s > $maxtrace;
- if ($short) {
- my $sub = @_ >= 4 ? $_[3] : $s;
- print $fh "$sub[$i]{context}=$sub$args from $file:$sub[$i]{line}\n";
- } else {
- print $fh "$sub[$i]{context} = $s$args" .
- " called from $file" .
- " line $sub[$i]{line}\n";
- }
- }
-sub dump_trace {
- my $skip = shift;
- my $count = shift || 1e9;
- $skip++;
- $count += $skip;
- my ($p,$file,$line,$sub,$h,$args,$e,$r,@a,@sub,$context);
- my $nothard = not $frame & 8;
- local $frame = 0; # Do not want to trace this.
- my $otrace = $trace;
- $trace = 0;
- for ($i = $skip;
- $i < $count and ($p,$file,$line,$sub,$h,$context,$e,$r) = caller($i);
- $i++) {
- @a = ();
- for $arg (@args) {
- my $type;
- if (not defined $arg) {
- push @a, "undef";
- } elsif ($nothard and tied $arg) {
- push @a, "tied";
- } elsif ($nothard and $type = ref $arg) {
- push @a, "ref($type)";
- } else {
- local $_ = "$arg"; # Safe to stringify now - should not call f().
- s/([\'\\])/\\$1/g;
- s/(.*)/'$1'/s
- unless /^(?: -?[\d.]+ | \*[\w:]* )$/x;
- s/([\200-\377])/sprintf("M-%c",ord($1)&0177)/eg;
- s/([\0-\37\177])/sprintf("^%c",ord($1)^64)/eg;
- push(@a, $_);
- }
- }
- $context = $context ? '@' : (defined $context ? "\$" : '.');
- $args = $h ? [@a] : undef;
- $e =~ s/\n\s*\;\s*\Z// if $e;
- $e =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g if $e;
- if ($r) {
- $sub = "require '$e'";
- } elsif (defined $r) {
- $sub = "eval '$e'";
- } elsif ($sub eq '(eval)') {
- $sub = "eval {...}";
- }
- push(@sub, {context => $context, sub => $sub, args => $args,
- file => $file, line => $line});
- last if $signal;
- }
- $trace = $otrace;
- @sub;
-sub action {
- my $action = shift;
- while ($action =~ s/\\$//) {
- #print $OUT "+ ";
- #$action .= "\n";
- $action .= &gets;
- }
- $action;
-sub unbalanced {
- # i hate using globals!
- $balanced_brace_re ||= qr{
- ^ \{
- (?:
- (?> [^{}] + ) # Non-parens without backtracking
- |
- (??{ $balanced_brace_re }) # Group with matching parens
- ) *
- \} $
- }x;
- return $_[0] !~ m/$balanced_brace_re/;
-sub gets {
- &readline("cont: ");
-sub system {
- # We save, change, then restore STDIN and STDOUT to avoid fork() since
- # some non-Unix systems can do system() but have problems with fork().
- open(SAVEIN,"<&STDIN") || &warn("Can't save STDIN");
- open(SAVEOUT,">&STDOUT") || &warn("Can't save STDOUT");
- open(STDIN,"<&IN") || &warn("Can't redirect STDIN");
- open(STDOUT,">&OUT") || &warn("Can't redirect STDOUT");
- # XXX: using csh or tcsh destroys sigint retvals!
- system(@_);
- open(STDIN,"<&SAVEIN") || &warn("Can't restore STDIN");
- open(STDOUT,">&SAVEOUT") || &warn("Can't restore STDOUT");
- close(SAVEIN);
- close(SAVEOUT);
- # most of the $? crud was coping with broken cshisms
- if ($? >> 8) {
- &warn("(Command exited ", ($? >> 8), ")\n");
- } elsif ($?) {
- &warn( "(Command died of SIG#", ($? & 127),
- (($? & 128) ? " -- core dumped" : "") , ")", "\n");
- }
- return $?;
-sub setterm {
- local $frame = 0;
- local $doret = -2;
- eval { require Term::ReadLine } or die $@;
- if ($notty) {
- if ($tty) {
- open(IN,"<$tty") or die "Cannot open TTY `$TTY' for read: $!";
- open(OUT,">$tty") or die "Cannot open TTY `$TTY' for write: $!";
- $IN = \*IN;
- $OUT = \*OUT;
- my $sel = select($OUT);
- $| = 1;
- select($sel);
- } else {
- eval "require Term::Rendezvous;" or die;
- my $rv = $ENV{PERLDB_NOTTY} || "/tmp/perldbtty$$";
- my $term_rv = new Term::Rendezvous $rv;
- $IN = $term_rv->IN;
- $OUT = $term_rv->OUT;
- }
- }
- if (!$rl) {
- $term = new Term::ReadLine::Stub 'perldb', $IN, $OUT;
- } else {
- $term = new Term::ReadLine 'perldb', $IN, $OUT;
- $rl_attribs = $term->Attribs;
- $rl_attribs->{basic_word_break_characters} .= '-:+/*,[])}'
- if defined $rl_attribs->{basic_word_break_characters}
- and index($rl_attribs->{basic_word_break_characters}, ":") == -1;
- $rl_attribs->{special_prefixes} = '$@&%';
- $rl_attribs->{completer_word_break_characters} .= '$@&%';
- $rl_attribs->{completion_function} = \&db_complete;
- }
- $LINEINFO = $OUT unless defined $LINEINFO;
- $lineinfo = $console unless defined $lineinfo;
- $term->MinLine(2);
- if ($term->Features->{setHistory} and "@hist" ne "?") {
- $term->SetHistory(@hist);
- }
- ornaments($ornaments) if defined $ornaments;
- $term_pid = $$;
-sub resetterm { # We forked, so we need a different TTY
- $term_pid = $$;
- if (defined &get_fork_TTY) {
- &get_fork_TTY;
- } elsif (not defined $fork_TTY
- and defined $ENV{TERM} and $ENV{TERM} eq 'xterm'
- and defined $ENV{WINDOWID} and defined $ENV{DISPLAY}) {
- # Possibly _inside_ XTERM
- open XT, q[3>&1 xterm -title 'Forked Perl debugger' -e sh -c 'tty 1>&3;\
- sleep 10000000' |];
- $fork_TTY = <XT>;
- chomp $fork_TTY;
- }
- if (defined $fork_TTY) {
- TTY($fork_TTY);
- undef $fork_TTY;
- } else {
- print_help(<<EOP);
-I<#########> Forked, but do not know how to change a B<TTY>. I<#########>
- Define B<\$DB::fork_TTY>
- - or a function B<DB::get_fork_TTY()> which will set B<\$DB::fork_TTY>.
- The value of B<\$DB::fork_TTY> should be the name of I<TTY> to use.
- On I<UNIX>-like systems one can get the name of a I<TTY> for the given window
- by typing B<tty>, and disconnect the I<shell> from I<TTY> by B<sleep 1000000>.
- }
-sub readline {
- local $.;
- if (@typeahead) {
- my $left = @typeahead;
- my $got = shift @typeahead;
- print $OUT "auto(-$left)", shift, $got, "\n";
- $term->AddHistory($got)
- if length($got) > 1 and defined $term->Features->{addHistory};
- return $got;
- }
- local $frame = 0;
- local $doret = -2;
- if (ref $OUT and UNIVERSAL::isa($OUT, 'IO::Socket::INET')) {
- $OUT->write(join('', @_));
- my $stuff;
- $IN->recv( $stuff, 2048 ); # XXX: what's wrong with sysread?
- $stuff;
- }
- else {
- $term->readline(@_);
- }
-sub dump_option {
- my ($opt, $val)= @_;
- $val = option_val($opt,'N/A');
- $val =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g;
- printf $OUT "%20s = '%s'\n", $opt, $val;
-sub option_val {
- my ($opt, $default)= @_;
- my $val;
- if (defined $optionVars{$opt}
- and defined ${$optionVars{$opt}}) {
- $val = ${$optionVars{$opt}};
- } elsif (defined $optionAction{$opt}
- and defined &{$optionAction{$opt}}) {
- $val = &{$optionAction{$opt}}();
- } elsif (defined $optionAction{$opt}
- and not defined $option{$opt}
- or defined $optionVars{$opt}
- and not defined ${$optionVars{$opt}}) {
- $val = $default;
- } else {
- $val = $option{$opt};
- }
- $val
-sub parse_options {
- local($_)= @_;
- # too dangerous to let intuitive usage overwrite important things
- # defaultion should never be the default
- my %opt_needs_val = map { ( $_ => 1 ) } qw{
- arrayDepth hashDepth LineInfo maxTraceLen ornaments
- pager quote ReadLine recallCommand RemotePort ShellBang TTY
- };
- while (length) {
- my $val_defaulted;
- s/^\s+// && next;
- s/^(\w+)(\W?)// or print($OUT "Invalid option `$_'\n"), last;
- my ($opt,$sep) = ($1,$2);
- my $val;
- if ("?" eq $sep) {
- print($OUT "Option query `$opt?' followed by non-space `$_'\n"), last
- if /^\S/;
- #&dump_option($opt);
- } elsif ($sep !~ /\S/) {
- $val_defaulted = 1;
- $val = "1"; # this is an evil default; make 'em set it!
- } elsif ($sep eq "=") {
- if (s/ (["']) ( (?: \\. | (?! \1 ) [^\\] )* ) \1 //x) {
- my $quote = $1;
- ($val = $2) =~ s/\\([$quote\\])/$1/g;
- } else {
- s/^(\S*)//;
- $val = $1;
- print OUT qq(Option better cleared using $opt=""\n)
- unless length $val;
- }
- } else { #{ to "let some poor schmuck bounce on the % key in B<vi>."
- my ($end) = "\\" . substr( ")]>}$sep", index("([<{",$sep), 1 ); #}
- s/^(([^\\$end]|\\[\\$end])*)$end($|\s+)// or
- print($OUT "Unclosed option value `$opt$sep$_'\n"), last;
- ($val = $1) =~ s/\\([\\$end])/$1/g;
- }
- my $option;
- my $matches = grep( /^\Q$opt/ && ($option = $_), @options )
- || grep( /^\Q$opt/i && ($option = $_), @options );
- print($OUT "Unknown option `$opt'\n"), next unless $matches;
- print($OUT "Ambiguous option `$opt'\n"), next if $matches > 1;
- if ($opt_needs_val{$option} && $val_defaulted) {
- print $OUT "Option `$opt' is non-boolean. Use `O $option=VAL' to set, `O $option?' to query\n";
- next;
- }
- $option{$option} = $val if defined $val;
- eval qq{
- local \$frame = 0;
- local \$doret = -2;
- require '$optionRequire{$option}';
- 1;
- } || die # XXX: shouldn't happen
- if defined $optionRequire{$option} &&
- defined $val;
- ${$optionVars{$option}} = $val
- if defined $optionVars{$option} &&
- defined $val;
- &{$optionAction{$option}} ($val)
- if defined $optionAction{$option} &&
- defined &{$optionAction{$option}} &&
- defined $val;
- # Not $rcfile
- dump_option($option) unless $OUT eq \*STDERR;
- }
-sub set_list {
- my ($stem,@list) = @_;
- my $val;
- $ENV{"${stem}_n"} = @list;
- for $i (0 .. $#list) {
- $val = $list[$i];
- $val =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $val =~ s/([\0-\37\177\200-\377])/"\\0x" . unpack('H2',$1)/eg;
- $ENV{"${stem}_$i"} = $val;
- }
-sub get_list {
- my $stem = shift;
- my @list;
- my $n = delete $ENV{"${stem}_n"};
- my $val;
- for $i (0 .. $n - 1) {
- $val = delete $ENV{"${stem}_$i"};
- $val =~ s/\\((\\)|0x(..))/ $2 ? $2 : pack('H2', $3) /ge;
- push @list, $val;
- }
- @list;
-sub catch {
- $signal = 1;
- return; # Put nothing on the stack - malloc/free land!
-sub warn {
- my($msg)= join("",@_);
- $msg .= ": $!\n" unless $msg =~ /\n$/;
- print $OUT $msg;
-sub TTY {
- if (@_ and $term and $term->Features->{newTTY}) {
- my ($in, $out) = shift;
- if ($in =~ /,/) {
- ($in, $out) = split /,/, $in, 2;
- } else {
- $out = $in;
- }
- open IN, $in or die "cannot open `$in' for read: $!";
- open OUT, ">$out" or die "cannot open `$out' for write: $!";
- $term->newTTY(\*IN, \*OUT);
- $IN = \*IN;
- $OUT = \*OUT;
- return $tty = $in;
- } elsif ($term and @_) {
- &warn("Too late to set TTY, enabled on next `R'!\n");
- }
- $tty = shift if @_;
- $tty or $console;
-sub noTTY {
- if ($term) {
- &warn("Too late to set noTTY, enabled on next `R'!\n") if @_;
- }
- $notty = shift if @_;
- $notty;
-sub ReadLine {
- if ($term) {
- &warn("Too late to set ReadLine, enabled on next `R'!\n") if @_;
- }
- $rl = shift if @_;
- $rl;
-sub RemotePort {
- if ($term) {
- &warn("Too late to set RemotePort, enabled on next 'R'!\n") if @_;
- }
- $remoteport = shift if @_;
- $remoteport;
-sub tkRunning {
- if (${$term->Features}{tkRunning}) {
- return $term->tkRunning(@_);
- } else {
- print $OUT "tkRunning not supported by current ReadLine package.\n";
- 0;
- }
-sub NonStop {
- if ($term) {
- &warn("Too late to set up NonStop mode, enabled on next `R'!\n") if @_;
- }
- $runnonstop = shift if @_;
- $runnonstop;
-sub pager {
- if (@_) {
- $pager = shift;
- $pager="|".$pager unless $pager =~ /^(\+?\>|\|)/;
- }
- $pager;
-sub shellBang {
- if (@_) {
- $sh = quotemeta shift;
- $sh .= "\\b" if $sh =~ /\w$/;
- }
- $psh = $sh;
- $psh =~ s/\\b$//;
- $psh =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
- &sethelp;
- $psh;
-sub ornaments {
- if (defined $term) {
- local ($warnLevel,$dieLevel) = (0, 1);
- return '' unless $term->Features->{ornaments};
- eval { $term->ornaments(@_) } || '';
- } else {
- $ornaments = shift;
- }
-sub recallCommand {
- if (@_) {
- $rc = quotemeta shift;
- $rc .= "\\b" if $rc =~ /\w$/;
- }
- $prc = $rc;
- $prc =~ s/\\b$//;
- $prc =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
- &sethelp;
- $prc;
-sub LineInfo {
- return $lineinfo unless @_;
- $lineinfo = shift;
- my $stream = ($lineinfo =~ /^(\+?\>|\|)/) ? $lineinfo : ">$lineinfo";
- $slave_editor = ($stream =~ /^\|/);
- open(LINEINFO, "$stream") || &warn("Cannot open `$stream' for write");
- my $save = select($LINEINFO);
- $| = 1;
- select($save);
- $lineinfo;
-sub list_versions {
- my %version;
- my $file;
- for (keys %INC) {
- $file = $_;
- s,\.p[lm]$,,i ;
- s,/,::,g ;
- s/^perl5db$/DB/;
- s/^Term::ReadLine::readline$/readline/;
- if (defined ${ $_ . '::VERSION' }) {
- $version{$file} = "${ $_ . '::VERSION' } from ";
- }
- $version{$file} .= $INC{$file};
- }
- dumpit($OUT,\%version);
-sub sethelp {
- # XXX: make sure these are tabs between the command and explantion,
- # or print_help will screw up your formatting if you have
- # eeevil ornaments enabled. This is an insane mess.
- $help = "
-B<T> Stack trace.
-B<s> [I<expr>] Single step [in I<expr>].
-B<n> [I<expr>] Next, steps over subroutine calls [in I<expr>].
-<B<CR>> Repeat last B<n> or B<s> command.
-B<r> Return from current subroutine.
-B<c> [I<line>|I<sub>] Continue; optionally inserts a one-time-only breakpoint
- at the specified position.
-B<l> I<min>B<+>I<incr> List I<incr>+1 lines starting at I<min>.
-B<l> I<min>B<->I<max> List lines I<min> through I<max>.
-B<l> I<line> List single I<line>.
-B<l> I<subname> List first window of lines from subroutine.
-B<l> I<\$var> List first window of lines from subroutine referenced by I<\$var>.
-B<l> List next window of lines.
-B<-> List previous window of lines.
-B<w> [I<line>] List window around I<line>.
-B<.> Return to the executed line.
-B<f> I<filename> Switch to viewing I<filename>. File must be already loaded.
- I<filename> may be either the full name of the file, or a regular
- expression matching the full file name:
- B<f> I</home/me/foo.pl> and B<f> I<oo\\.> may access the same file.
- Evals (with saved bodies) are considered to be filenames:
- B<f> I<(eval 7)> and B<f> I<eval 7\\b> access the body of the 7th eval
- (in the order of execution).
-B</>I<pattern>B</> Search forwards for I<pattern>; final B</> is optional.
-B<?>I<pattern>B<?> Search backwards for I<pattern>; final B<?> is optional.
-B<L> List all breakpoints and actions.
-B<S> [[B<!>]I<pattern>] List subroutine names [not] matching I<pattern>.
-B<t> Toggle trace mode.
-B<t> I<expr> Trace through execution of I<expr>.
-B<b> [I<line>] [I<condition>]
- Set breakpoint; I<line> defaults to the current execution line;
- I<condition> breaks if it evaluates to true, defaults to '1'.
-B<b> I<subname> [I<condition>]
- Set breakpoint at first line of subroutine.
-B<b> I<\$var> Set breakpoint at first line of subroutine referenced by I<\$var>.
-B<b> B<load> I<filename> Set breakpoint on `require'ing the given file.
-B<b> B<postpone> I<subname> [I<condition>]
- Set breakpoint at first line of subroutine after
- it is compiled.
-B<b> B<compile> I<subname>
- Stop after the subroutine is compiled.
-B<d> [I<line>] Delete the breakpoint for I<line>.
-B<D> Delete all breakpoints.
-B<a> [I<line>] I<command>
- Set an action to be done before the I<line> is executed;
- I<line> defaults to the current execution line.
- Sequence is: check for breakpoint/watchpoint, print line
- if necessary, do action, prompt user if necessary,
- execute line.
-B<a> [I<line>] Delete the action for I<line>.
-B<A> Delete all actions.
-B<W> I<expr> Add a global watch-expression.
-B<W> Delete all watch-expressions.
-B<V> [I<pkg> [I<vars>]] List some (default all) variables in package (default current).
- Use B<~>I<pattern> and B<!>I<pattern> for positive and negative regexps.
-B<X> [I<vars>] Same as \"B<V> I<currentpackage> [I<vars>]\".
-B<x> I<expr> Evals expression in list context, dumps the result.
-B<m> I<expr> Evals expression in list context, prints methods callable
- on the first element of the result.
-B<m> I<class> Prints methods callable via the given class.
-B<<> ? List Perl commands to run before each prompt.
-B<<> I<expr> Define Perl command to run before each prompt.
-B<<<> I<expr> Add to the list of Perl commands to run before each prompt.
-B<>> ? List Perl commands to run after each prompt.
-B<>> I<expr> Define Perl command to run after each prompt.
-B<>>B<>> I<expr> Add to the list of Perl commands to run after each prompt.
-B<{> I<db_command> Define debugger command to run before each prompt.
-B<{> ? List debugger commands to run before each prompt.
-B<<> I<expr> Define Perl command to run before each prompt.
-B<{{> I<db_command> Add to the list of debugger commands to run before each prompt.
-B<$prc> I<number> Redo a previous command (default previous command).
-B<$prc> I<-number> Redo number'th-to-last command.
-B<$prc> I<pattern> Redo last command that started with I<pattern>.
- See 'B<O> I<recallCommand>' too.
-B<$psh$psh> I<cmd> Run cmd in a subprocess (reads from DB::IN, writes to DB::OUT)"
- . ( $rc eq $sh ? "" : "
-B<$psh> [I<cmd>] Run I<cmd> in subshell (forces \"\$SHELL -c 'cmd'\")." ) . "
- See 'B<O> I<shellBang>' too.
-B<H> I<-number> Display last number commands (default all).
-B<p> I<expr> Same as \"I<print {DB::OUT} expr>\" in current package.
-B<|>I<dbcmd> Run debugger command, piping DB::OUT to current pager.
-B<||>I<dbcmd> Same as B<|>I<dbcmd> but DB::OUT is temporarilly select()ed as well.
-B<\=> [I<alias> I<value>] Define a command alias, or list current aliases.
-I<command> Execute as a perl statement in current package.
-B<v> Show versions of loaded modules.
-B<R> Pure-man-restart of debugger, some of debugger state
- and command-line options may be lost.
- Currently the following setting are preserved:
- history, breakpoints and actions, debugger B<O>ptions
- and the following command-line options: I<-w>, I<-I>, I<-e>.
-B<O> [I<opt>] ... Set boolean option to true
-B<O> [I<opt>B<?>] Query options
-B<O> [I<opt>B<=>I<val>] [I<opt>=B<\">I<val>B<\">] ...
- Set options. Use quotes in spaces in value.
- I<recallCommand>, I<ShellBang> chars used to recall command or spawn shell;
- I<pager> program for output of \"|cmd\";
- I<tkRunning> run Tk while prompting (with ReadLine);
- I<signalLevel> I<warnLevel> I<dieLevel> level of verbosity;
- I<inhibit_exit> Allows stepping off the end of the script.
- I<ImmediateStop> Debugger should stop as early as possible.
- I<RemotePort> Remote hostname:port for remote debugging
- The following options affect what happens with B<V>, B<X>, and B<x> commands:
- I<arrayDepth>, I<hashDepth> print only first N elements ('' for all);
- I<compactDump>, I<veryCompact> change style of array and hash dump;
- I<globPrint> whether to print contents of globs;
- I<DumpDBFiles> dump arrays holding debugged files;
- I<DumpPackages> dump symbol tables of packages;
- I<DumpReused> dump contents of \"reused\" addresses;
- I<quote>, I<HighBit>, I<undefPrint> change style of string dump;
- I<bareStringify> Do not print the overload-stringified value;
- Other options include:
- I<PrintRet> affects printing of return value after B<r> command,
- I<frame> affects printing messages on entry and exit from subroutines.
- I<AutoTrace> affects printing messages on every possible breaking point.
- I<maxTraceLen> gives maximal length of evals/args listed in stack trace.
- I<ornaments> affects screen appearance of the command line.
- During startup options are initialized from \$ENV{PERLDB_OPTS}.
- You can put additional initialization options I<TTY>, I<noTTY>,
- I<ReadLine>, I<NonStop>, and I<RemotePort> there (or use
- `B<R>' after you set them).
-B<q> or B<^D> Quit. Set B<\$DB::finished = 0> to debug global destruction.
-B<h> [I<db_command>] Get help [on a specific debugger command], enter B<|h> to page.
-B<h h> Summary of debugger commands.
-B<$doccmd> I<manpage> Runs the external doc viewer B<$doccmd> command on the
- named Perl I<manpage>, or on B<$doccmd> itself if omitted.
- Set B<\$DB::doccmd> to change viewer.
-Type `|h' for a paged display if this was too hard to read.
-"; # Fix balance of vi % matching: } }}
- $summary = <<"END_SUM";
-I<List/search source lines:> I<Control script execution:>
- B<l> [I<ln>|I<sub>] List source code B<T> Stack trace
- B<-> or B<.> List previous/current line B<s> [I<expr>] Single step [in expr]
- B<w> [I<line>] List around line B<n> [I<expr>] Next, steps over subs
- B<f> I<filename> View source in file <B<CR>/B<Enter>> Repeat last B<n> or B<s>
- B</>I<pattern>B</> B<?>I<patt>B<?> Search forw/backw B<r> Return from subroutine
- B<v> Show versions of modules B<c> [I<ln>|I<sub>] Continue until position
-I<Debugger controls:> B<L> List break/watch/actions
- B<O> [...] Set debugger options B<t> [I<expr>] Toggle trace [trace expr]
- B<<>[B<<>]|B<{>[B<{>]|B<>>[B<>>] [I<cmd>] Do pre/post-prompt B<b> [I<ln>|I<event>|I<sub>] [I<cnd>] Set breakpoint
- B<$prc> [I<N>|I<pat>] Redo a previous command B<d> [I<ln>] or B<D> Delete a/all breakpoints
- B<H> [I<-num>] Display last num commands B<a> [I<ln>] I<cmd> Do cmd before line
- B<=> [I<a> I<val>] Define/list an alias B<W> I<expr> Add a watch expression
- B<h> [I<db_cmd>] Get help on command B<A> or B<W> Delete all actions/watch
- B<|>[B<|>]I<db_cmd> Send output to pager B<$psh>\[B<$psh>\] I<syscmd> Run cmd in a subprocess
- B<q> or B<^D> Quit B<R> Attempt a restart
-I<Data Examination:> B<expr> Execute perl code, also see: B<s>,B<n>,B<t> I<expr>
- B<x>|B<m> I<expr> Evals expr in list context, dumps the result or lists methods.
- B<p> I<expr> Print expression (uses script's current package).
- B<S> [[B<!>]I<pat>] List subroutine names [not] matching pattern
- B<V> [I<Pk> [I<Vars>]] List Variables in Package. Vars can be ~pattern or !pattern.
- B<X> [I<Vars>] Same as \"B<V> I<current_package> [I<Vars>]\".
-For more help, type B<h> I<cmd_letter>, or run B<$doccmd perldebug> for all docs.
- # ')}}; # Fix balance of vi % matching
-sub print_help {
- local $_ = shift;
- # Restore proper alignment destroyed by eeevil I<> and B<>
- # ornaments: A pox on both their houses!
- #
- # A help command will have everything up to and including
- # the first tab sequence paddeed into a field 16 (or if indented 20)
- # wide. If it's wide than that, an extra space will be added.
- s{
- ^ # only matters at start of line
- ( \040{4} | \t )* # some subcommands are indented
- ( < ? # so <CR> works
- [BI] < [^\t\n] + ) # find an eeevil ornament
- ( \t+ ) # original separation, discarded
- ( .* ) # this will now start (no earlier) than
- # column 16
- } {
- my($leadwhite, $command, $midwhite, $text) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
- my $clean = $command;
- $clean =~ s/[BI]<([^>]*)>/$1/g;
- # replace with this whole string:
- (length($leadwhite) ? " " x 4 : "")
- . $command
- . ((" " x (16 + (length($leadwhite) ? 4 : 0) - length($clean))) || " ")
- . $text;
- }mgex;
- s{ # handle bold ornaments
- B < ( [^>] + | > ) >
- } {
- $Term::ReadLine::TermCap::rl_term_set[2]
- . $1
- . $Term::ReadLine::TermCap::rl_term_set[3]
- }gex;
- s{ # handle italic ornaments
- I < ( [^>] + | > ) >
- } {
- $Term::ReadLine::TermCap::rl_term_set[0]
- . $1
- . $Term::ReadLine::TermCap::rl_term_set[1]
- }gex;
- print $OUT $_;
-sub fix_less {
- return if defined $ENV{LESS} && $ENV{LESS} =~ /r/;
- my $is_less = $pager =~ /\bless\b/;
- if ($pager =~ /\bmore\b/) {
- my @st_more = stat('/usr/bin/more');
- my @st_less = stat('/usr/bin/less');
- $is_less = @st_more && @st_less
- && $st_more[0] == $st_less[0]
- && $st_more[1] == $st_less[1];
- }
- # changes environment!
- $ENV{LESS} .= 'r' if $is_less;
-sub diesignal {
- local $frame = 0;
- local $doret = -2;
- kill 'ABRT', $$ if $panic++;
- if (defined &Carp::longmess) {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = '';
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = 2; # mydie + confess
- &warn(Carp::longmess("Signal @_"));
- }
- else {
- print $DB::OUT "Got signal @_\n";
- }
- kill 'ABRT', $$;
-sub dbwarn {
- local $frame = 0;
- local $doret = -2;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = '';
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = '';
- eval { require Carp } if defined $^S; # If error/warning during compilation,
- # require may be broken.
- warn(@_, "\nCannot print stack trace, load with -MCarp option to see stack"),
- return unless defined &Carp::longmess;
- my ($mysingle,$mytrace) = ($single,$trace);
- $single = 0; $trace = 0;
- my $mess = Carp::longmess(@_);
- ($single,$trace) = ($mysingle,$mytrace);
- &warn($mess);
-sub dbdie {
- local $frame = 0;
- local $doret = -2;
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = '';
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = '';
- my $i = 0; my $ineval = 0; my $sub;
- if ($dieLevel > 2) {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&dbwarn;
- &warn(@_); # Yell no matter what
- return;
- }
- if ($dieLevel < 2) {
- die @_ if $^S; # in eval propagate
- }
- eval { require Carp } if defined $^S; # If error/warning during compilation,
- # require may be broken.
- die(@_, "\nCannot print stack trace, load with -MCarp option to see stack")
- unless defined &Carp::longmess;
- # We do not want to debug this chunk (automatic disabling works
- # inside DB::DB, but not in Carp).
- my ($mysingle,$mytrace) = ($single,$trace);
- $single = 0; $trace = 0;
- my $mess = Carp::longmess(@_);
- ($single,$trace) = ($mysingle,$mytrace);
- die $mess;
-sub warnLevel {
- if (@_) {
- $prevwarn = $SIG{__WARN__} unless $warnLevel;
- $warnLevel = shift;
- if ($warnLevel) {
- $SIG{__WARN__} = \&DB::dbwarn;
- } else {
- $SIG{__WARN__} = $prevwarn;
- }
- }
- $warnLevel;
-sub dieLevel {
- if (@_) {
- $prevdie = $SIG{__DIE__} unless $dieLevel;
- $dieLevel = shift;
- if ($dieLevel) {
- $SIG{__DIE__} = \&DB::dbdie; # if $dieLevel < 2;
- #$SIG{__DIE__} = \&DB::diehard if $dieLevel >= 2;
- print $OUT "Stack dump during die enabled",
- ( $dieLevel == 1 ? " outside of evals" : ""), ".\n"
- if $I_m_init;
- print $OUT "Dump printed too.\n" if $dieLevel > 2;
- } else {
- $SIG{__DIE__} = $prevdie;
- print $OUT "Default die handler restored.\n";
- }
- }
- $dieLevel;
-sub signalLevel {
- if (@_) {
- $prevsegv = $SIG{SEGV} unless $signalLevel;
- $prevbus = $SIG{BUS} unless $signalLevel;
- $signalLevel = shift;
- if ($signalLevel) {
- $SIG{SEGV} = \&DB::diesignal;
- $SIG{BUS} = \&DB::diesignal;
- } else {
- $SIG{SEGV} = $prevsegv;
- $SIG{BUS} = $prevbus;
- }
- }
- $signalLevel;
-sub CvGV_name {
- my $in = shift;
- my $name = CvGV_name_or_bust($in);
- defined $name ? $name : $in;
-sub CvGV_name_or_bust {
- my $in = shift;
- return if $skipCvGV; # Backdoor to avoid problems if XS broken...
- $in = \&$in; # Hard reference...
- eval {require Devel::Peek; 1} or return;
- my $gv = Devel::Peek::CvGV($in) or return;
- *$gv{PACKAGE} . '::' . *$gv{NAME};
-sub find_sub {
- my $subr = shift;
- $sub{$subr} or do {
- return unless defined &$subr;
- my $name = CvGV_name_or_bust($subr);
- my $data;
- $data = $sub{$name} if defined $name;
- return $data if defined $data;
- # Old stupid way...
- $subr = \&$subr; # Hard reference
- my $s;
- for (keys %sub) {
- $s = $_, last if $subr eq \&$_;
- }
- $sub{$s} if $s;
- }
-sub methods {
- my $class = shift;
- $class = ref $class if ref $class;
- local %seen;
- local %packs;
- methods_via($class, '', 1);
- methods_via('UNIVERSAL', 'UNIVERSAL', 0);
-sub methods_via {
- my $class = shift;
- return if $packs{$class}++;
- my $prefix = shift;
- my $prepend = $prefix ? "via $prefix: " : '';
- my $name;
- for $name (grep {defined &{${"${class}::"}{$_}}}
- sort keys %{"${class}::"}) {
- next if $seen{ $name }++;
- print $DB::OUT "$prepend$name\n";
- }
- return unless shift; # Recurse?
- for $name (@{"${class}::ISA"}) {
- $prepend = $prefix ? $prefix . " -> $name" : $name;
- methods_via($name, $prepend, 1);
- }
-sub setman {
- $doccmd = $^O !~ /^(?:MSWin32|VMS|os2|dos|amigaos|riscos|MacOS)\z/s
- ? "man" # O Happy Day!
- : "perldoc"; # Alas, poor unfortunates
-sub runman {
- my $page = shift;
- unless ($page) {
- &system("$doccmd $doccmd");
- return;
- }
- # this way user can override, like with $doccmd="man -Mwhatever"
- # or even just "man " to disable the path check.
- unless ($doccmd eq 'man') {
- &system("$doccmd $page");
- return;
- }
- $page = 'perl' if lc($page) eq 'help';
- require Config;
- my $man1dir = $Config::Config{'man1dir'};
- my $man3dir = $Config::Config{'man3dir'};
- for ($man1dir, $man3dir) { s#/[^/]*\z## if /\S/ }
- my $manpath = '';
- $manpath .= "$man1dir:" if $man1dir =~ /\S/;
- $manpath .= "$man3dir:" if $man3dir =~ /\S/ && $man1dir ne $man3dir;
- chop $manpath if $manpath;
- # harmless if missing, I figure
- my $oldpath = $ENV{MANPATH};
- $ENV{MANPATH} = $manpath if $manpath;
- my $nopathopt = $^O =~ /dunno what goes here/;
- if (system($doccmd,
- # I just *know* there are men without -M
- (($manpath && !$nopathopt) ? ("-M", $manpath) : ()),
- split ' ', $page) )
- {
- unless ($page =~ /^perl\w/) {
- if (grep { $page eq $_ } qw{
- 5004delta 5005delta amiga api apio book boot bot call compile
- cygwin data dbmfilter debug debguts delta diag doc dos dsc embed
- faq faq1 faq2 faq3 faq4 faq5 faq6 faq7 faq8 faq9 filter fork
- form func guts hack hist hpux intern ipc lexwarn locale lol mod
- modinstall modlib number obj op opentut os2 os390 pod port
- ref reftut run sec style sub syn thrtut tie toc todo toot tootc
- trap unicode var vms win32 xs xstut
- })
- {
- $page =~ s/^/perl/;
- system($doccmd,
- (($manpath && !$nopathopt) ? ("-M", $manpath) : ()),
- $page);
- }
- }
- }
- if (defined $oldpath) {
- $ENV{MANPATH} = $manpath;
- } else {
- delete $ENV{MANPATH};
- }
-# The following BEGIN is very handy if debugger goes havoc, debugging debugger?
-BEGIN { # This does not compile, alas.
- $IN = \*STDIN; # For bugs before DB::OUT has been opened
- $OUT = \*STDERR; # For errors before DB::OUT has been opened
- $sh = '!';
- $rc = ',';
- @hist = ('?');
- $deep = 100; # warning if stack gets this deep
- $window = 10;
- $preview = 3;
- $sub = '';
- $SIG{INT} = \&DB::catch;
- # This may be enabled to debug debugger:
- #$warnLevel = 1 unless defined $warnLevel;
- #$dieLevel = 1 unless defined $dieLevel;
- #$signalLevel = 1 unless defined $signalLevel;
- $db_stop = 0; # Compiler warning
- $db_stop = 1 << 30;
- $level = 0; # Level of recursive debugging
- # @stack and $doret are needed in sub sub, which is called for DB::postponed.
- # Triggers bug (?) in perl is we postpone this until runtime:
- @postponed = @stack = (0);
- $stack_depth = 0; # Localized $#stack
- $doret = -2;
- $frame = 0;
-BEGIN {$^W = $ini_warn;} # Switch warnings back
-#use Carp; # This did break, left for debuggin
-sub db_complete {
- # Specific code for b c l V m f O, &blah, $blah, @blah, %blah
- my($text, $line, $start) = @_;
- my ($itext, $search, $prefix, $pack) =
- ($text, "^\Q${'package'}::\E([^:]+)\$");
- return sort grep /^\Q$text/, (keys %sub), qw(postpone load compile), # subroutines
- (map { /$search/ ? ($1) : () } keys %sub)
- if (substr $line, 0, $start) =~ /^\|*[blc]\s+((postpone|compile)\s+)?$/;
- return sort grep /^\Q$text/, values %INC # files
- if (substr $line, 0, $start) =~ /^\|*b\s+load\s+$/;
- return sort map {($_, db_complete($_ . "::", "V ", 2))}
- grep /^\Q$text/, map { /^(.*)::$/ ? ($1) : ()} keys %:: # top-packages
- if (substr $line, 0, $start) =~ /^\|*[Vm]\s+$/ and $text =~ /^\w*$/;
- return sort map {($_, db_complete($_ . "::", "V ", 2))}
- grep !/^main::/,
- grep /^\Q$text/, map { /^(.*)::$/ ? ($prefix . "::$1") : ()} keys %{$prefix . '::'}
- # packages
- if (substr $line, 0, $start) =~ /^\|*[Vm]\s+$/
- and $text =~ /^(.*[^:])::?(\w*)$/ and $prefix = $1;
- if ( $line =~ /^\|*f\s+(.*)/ ) { # Loaded files
- # We may want to complete to (eval 9), so $text may be wrong
- $prefix = length($1) - length($text);
- $text = $1;
- return sort
- map {substr $_, 2 + $prefix} grep /^_<\Q$text/, (keys %main::), $0
- }
- if ((substr $text, 0, 1) eq '&') { # subroutines
- $text = substr $text, 1;
- $prefix = "&";
- return sort map "$prefix$_",
- grep /^\Q$text/,
- (keys %sub),
- (map { /$search/ ? ($1) : () }
- keys %sub);
- }
- if ($text =~ /^[\$@%](.*)::(.*)/) { # symbols in a package
- $pack = ($1 eq 'main' ? '' : $1) . '::';
- $prefix = (substr $text, 0, 1) . $1 . '::';
- $text = $2;
- my @out
- = map "$prefix$_", grep /^\Q$text/, grep /^_?[a-zA-Z]/, keys %$pack ;
- if (@out == 1 and $out[0] =~ /::$/ and $out[0] ne $itext) {
- return db_complete($out[0], $line, $start);
- }
- return sort @out;
- }
- if ($text =~ /^[\$@%]/) { # symbols (in $package + packages in main)
- $pack = ($package eq 'main' ? '' : $package) . '::';
- $prefix = substr $text, 0, 1;
- $text = substr $text, 1;
- my @out = map "$prefix$_", grep /^\Q$text/,
- (grep /^_?[a-zA-Z]/, keys %$pack),
- ( $pack eq '::' ? () : (grep /::$/, keys %::) ) ;
- if (@out == 1 and $out[0] =~ /::$/ and $out[0] ne $itext) {
- return db_complete($out[0], $line, $start);
- }
- return sort @out;
- }
- if ((substr $line, 0, $start) =~ /^\|*O\b.*\s$/) { # Options after a space
- my @out = grep /^\Q$text/, @options;
- my $val = option_val($out[0], undef);
- my $out = '? ';
- if (not defined $val or $val =~ /[\n\r]/) {
- # Can do nothing better
- } elsif ($val =~ /\s/) {
- my $found;
- foreach $l (split //, qq/\"\'\#\|/) {
- $out = "$l$val$l ", last if (index $val, $l) == -1;
- }
- } else {
- $out = "=$val ";
- }
- # Default to value if one completion, to question if many
- $rl_attribs->{completer_terminator_character} = (@out == 1 ? $out : '? ');
- return sort @out;
- }
- return $term->filename_list($text); # filenames
-sub end_report {
- print $OUT "Use `q' to quit or `R' to restart. `h q' for details.\n"
-END {
- $finished = 1 if $inhibit_exit; # So that some keys may be disabled.
- $fall_off_end = 1 unless $inhibit_exit;
- # Do not stop in at_exit() and destructors on exit:
- $DB::single = !$fall_off_end && !$runnonstop;
- DB::fake::at_exit() unless $fall_off_end or $runnonstop;
-package DB::fake;
-sub at_exit {
- "Debugged program terminated. Use `q' to quit or `R' to restart.";
-package DB; # Do not trace this 1; below!