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+<h1 class="settitle" align="center">update-leap User&rsquo;s Manual</h1>
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+<h1 class="node-heading">Top</h1>
+<p>This document describes the use of the NTP Project&rsquo;s <code>update-leap</code> program.
+<p>This document applies to version 4.2.8p13 of <code>update-leap</code>.
+<a name="SEC_Overview"></a>
+<h2 class="shortcontents-heading">Short Table of Contents</h2>
+<div class="shortcontents">
+<li><a name="stoc-Invoking-update_002dleap" href="#toc-Invoking-update_002dleap">1 Invoking update-leap</a></li>
+<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; update-leap Description:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">Description
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="2">update-leap Invocation</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">Invoking update-leap
+<a name="update_002dleap-Invocation"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Up: <a href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">Top</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="Invoking-update_002dleap"></a>
+<h3 class="section">1 Invoking update-leap</h3>
+<a name="index-update_002dleap"></a>
+<a name="index-leap_002dseconds-file-manager_002fupdater"></a>
+will validate the file currently on the local system
+and if necessary, updates leap-second definition file.
+<p>Ordinarily, the file is found using the &quot;leapfile&quot; directive in
+However, an alternate location can be specified on the command line.
+<p>If the file does not exist, is not valid, has expired, or is expiring soon,
+a new copy will be downloaded. If the new copy validates, it is installed and
+NTP is (optionally) restarted.
+<p>If the current file is acceptable, no download or restart occurs.
+<p>-c can also be used to invoke another script to perform administrative
+functions, e.g. to copy the file to other local systems.
+This can be run as a cron job. As the file is rarely updated, and leap
+seconds are announced at least one month in advance (usually longer), it
+need not be run more frequently than about once every three weeks.
+For cron-friendly behavior, define CRONJOB=1 in the crontab.
+This script depends on$REQUIREDCMDS
+<p>This section was generated by <strong>AutoGen</strong>,
+using the <code>agtexi-cmd</code> template and the option descriptions for the <code>update-leap</code> program.
+<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-usage" accesskey="1">update-leap usage</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">update-leap help/usage (<samp>--help</samp>)
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-source_002durl" accesskey="2">update-leap source-url</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">source-url option (-s)
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-ipv4" accesskey="3">update-leap ipv4</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">ipv4 option (-4)
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-destination" accesskey="4">update-leap destination</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">destination option (-d)
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-expiration" accesskey="5">update-leap expiration</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">expiration option (-e)
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-ntp_002dconf_002dfile" accesskey="6">update-leap ntp-conf-file</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">ntp-conf-file option (-f)
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-force_002dupdate" accesskey="7">update-leap force-update</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">force-update option (-F)
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-exit-status" accesskey="8">update-leap exit status</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">exit status
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-Usage" accesskey="9">update-leap Usage</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">Usage
+<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="#update_002dleap-Authors">update-leap Authors</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">Authors
+<a name="update_002dleap-usage"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="#update_002dleap-source_002durl" accesskey="n" rel="next">update-leap source-url</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="update_002dleap-help_002fusage-_0028_002d_002dhelp_0029"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.1 update-leap help/usage (<samp>--help</samp>)</h4>
+<a name="index-update_002dleap-help"></a>
+<p>This is the automatically generated usage text for update-leap.
+<p>The text printed is the same whether selected with the <code>help</code> option
+(<samp>--help</samp>) or the <code>more-help</code> option (<samp>--more-help</samp>). <code>more-help</code> will print
+the usage text by passing it through a pager program.
+<code>more-help</code> is disabled on platforms without a working
+<code>fork(2)</code> function. The <code>PAGER</code> environment variable is
+used to select the program, defaulting to <samp>more</samp>. Both will exit
+with a status code of 0.
+<div class="example">
+<pre class="example">
+Usage: update-leap [options]
+Verifies and if necessary, updates leap-second definition file
+All arguments are optional: Default (or current value) shown:
+ -C Absolute path to CA Cert (see SSL/TLS Considerations)
+ -D Path to a CAdir (see SSL/TLS Considerations)
+ -e Specify how long (in days) before expiration the file is to be
+ refreshed. Note that larger values imply more frequent refreshes.
+ 60
+ -F Force update even if current file is OK and not close to expiring.
+ -f Absolute path ntp.conf file (default /etc/ntp.conf)
+ /etc/ntp.conf
+ -h show help
+ -i Specify number of minutes between retries
+ 10
+ -L Absolute path to leapfile on the local system
+ (overrides value in ntp.conf)
+ -l Specify the syslog(3) facility for logging
+ -q Only report errors (cannot be used with -v)
+ -r Specify number of attempts to retrieve file
+ 6
+ -s Send output to syslog(3) - implied if STDOUT has no tty or redirected
+ -t Send output to terminal - implied if STDOUT attached to terminal
+ -u Specify the URL of the master copy to download
+ https://www.ietf.org/timezones/data/leap-seconds.list
+ -v Verbose - show debug messages (cannot be used with -q)
+The following options are not (yet) implemented in the perl version:
+ -4 Use only IPv4
+ -6 Use only IPv6
+ -c Command to restart NTP after installing a new file
+ &lt;none&gt; - ntpd checks file daily
+ -p 4|6
+ Prefer IPv4 or IPv6 (as specified) addresses, but use either
+update-leap will validate the file currently on the local system.
+Ordinarily, the leapfile is found using the 'leapfile' directive in
+/etc/ntp.conf. However, an alternate location can be specified on the
+command line with the -L flag.
+If the leapfile does not exist, is not valid, has expired, or is
+expiring soon, a new copy will be downloaded. If the new copy is
+valid, it is installed.
+If the current file is acceptable, no download or restart occurs.
+This can be run as a cron job. As the file is rarely updated, and
+leap seconds are announced at least one month in advance (usually
+longer), it need not be run more frequently than about once every
+three weeks.
+SSL/TLS Considerations
+The perl modules can usually locate the CA certificate used to verify
+the peer's identity.
+On BSDs, the default is typically the file /etc/ssl/certs.pem. On
+Linux, the location is typically a path to a CAdir - a directory of
+symlinks named according to a hash of the certificates' subject names.
+The -C or -D options are available to pass in a location if no CA cert
+is found in the default location.
+External Dependencies
+The following perl modules are required:
+HTTP::Tiny - version &gt;= 0.056
+IO::Socket::SSL - version &gt;= 1.56
+NET::SSLeay - version &gt;= 1.49
+Version: 1.004
+<a name="update_002dleap-source_002durl"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="#update_002dleap-ipv4" accesskey="n" rel="next">update-leap ipv4</a>, Previous: <a href="#update_002dleap-usage" accesskey="p" rel="prev">update-leap usage</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="source_002durl-option-_0028_002ds_0029"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.2 source-url option (-s)</h4>
+<a name="index-update_002dleap_002dsource_002durl"></a>
+<p>This is the &ldquo;the url of the master copy of the leapseconds file&rdquo; option.
+This option takes a string argument.
+Specify the URL of the master copy to download
+<a name="update_002dleap-ipv4"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="#update_002dleap-destination" accesskey="n" rel="next">update-leap destination</a>, Previous: <a href="#update_002dleap-source_002durl" accesskey="p" rel="prev">update-leap source-url</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="ipv4-option-_0028_002d4_0029"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.3 ipv4 option (-4)</h4>
+<a name="index-update_002dleap_002dipv4"></a>
+<p>This is the &ldquo;use only ipv4 addresses for dns name resolution&rdquo; option.
+<p>This option has some usage constraints. It:
+<li> must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
+<p>Force DNS resolution of following host names on the command line
+ to the IPv4 namespace.
+ _EndOfDoc_;
+<p>flag =
+ name = ipv6;
+ flags-cant = ipv4, prefer;
+ value = 6;
+ descrip = &quot;Use only IPv6 addresses for DNS name resolution&quot;;
+ doc = &lt;&lt;- _EndOfDoc_
+ Force DNS resolution of following host names on the command line
+ to the IPv6 namespace.
+ _EndOfDoc_;
+<p>flag =
+ name = prefer;
+ flags-cant = ipv4, ipv6;
+ value = p;
+ arg-type = keyword;
+ keyword = 4, 6;
+ descrip = &rsquo;Prefer IPv4 or IPv6 (as specified) addresses, but use either&rsquo;;
+ doc = &lt;&lt;- _EndOfDoc_
+Prefer IPv4 or IPv6 (as specified) addresses, but use either.
+<a name="update_002dleap-destination"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="#update_002dleap-expiration" accesskey="n" rel="next">update-leap expiration</a>, Previous: <a href="#update_002dleap-ipv4" accesskey="p" rel="prev">update-leap ipv4</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="destination-option-_0028_002dd_0029"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.4 destination option (-d)</h4>
+<a name="index-update_002dleap_002ddestination"></a>
+<p>This is the &ldquo;filename on the local system&rdquo; option.
+This option takes a string argument <samp>float</samp>.
+The name to use to store the leapfile on the local system.
+<a name="update_002dleap-expiration"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="#update_002dleap-ntp_002dconf_002dfile" accesskey="n" rel="next">update-leap ntp-conf-file</a>, Previous: <a href="#update_002dleap-destination" accesskey="p" rel="prev">update-leap destination</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="expiration-option-_0028_002de_0029"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.5 expiration option (-e)</h4>
+<a name="index-update_002dleap_002dexpiration"></a>
+<p>This is the &ldquo;refresh the leapfile this long before it expires&rdquo; option.
+This option takes a string argument.
+Specify how long before expiration the file is to be refreshed
+Units are required, e.g. &quot;-e 60 days&quot; Note that larger values
+imply more frequent refreshes.
+<a name="update_002dleap-ntp_002dconf_002dfile"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="#update_002dleap-force_002dupdate" accesskey="n" rel="next">update-leap force-update</a>, Previous: <a href="#update_002dleap-expiration" accesskey="p" rel="prev">update-leap expiration</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="ntp_002dconf_002dfile-option-_0028_002df_0029"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.6 ntp-conf-file option (-f)</h4>
+<a name="index-update_002dleap_002dntp_002dconf_002dfile"></a>
+<p>This is the &ldquo;location of the ntp.conf file&rdquo; option.
+This option takes a string argument.
+Specify location of ntp.conf (used to make sure leapfile directive is
+present and to default leapfile)
+<a name="update_002dleap-force_002dupdate"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="#update_002dleap-exit-status" accesskey="n" rel="next">update-leap exit status</a>, Previous: <a href="#update_002dleap-ntp_002dconf_002dfile" accesskey="p" rel="prev">update-leap ntp-conf-file</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="force_002dupdate-option-_0028_002dF_0029"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.7 force-update option (-F)</h4>
+<a name="index-update_002dleap_002dforce_002dupdate"></a>
+<p>This is the &ldquo;force update of the leapfile&rdquo; option.
+Force update even if current file is OK and not close to expiring.
+<a name="update_002dleap-exit-status"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="#update_002dleap-Usage" accesskey="n" rel="next">update-leap Usage</a>, Previous: <a href="#update_002dleap-force_002dupdate" accesskey="p" rel="prev">update-leap force-update</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="update_002dleap-exit-status-1"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.8 update-leap exit status</h4>
+<p>One of the following exit values will be returned:
+</p><dl compact="compact">
+<dt>&lsquo;<samp>0 (EXIT_SUCCESS)</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
+<dd><p>Successful program execution.
+<dt>&lsquo;<samp>1 (EXIT_FAILURE)</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
+<dd><p>The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
+<a name="update_002dleap-Usage"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="#update_002dleap-Authors" accesskey="n" rel="next">update-leap Authors</a>, Previous: <a href="#update_002dleap-exit-status" accesskey="p" rel="prev">update-leap exit status</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="update_002dleap-Usage-1"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.9 update-leap Usage</h4>
+<a name="update_002dleap-Authors"></a>
+<div class="header">
+Previous: <a href="#update_002dleap-Usage" accesskey="p" rel="prev">update-leap Usage</a>, Up: <a href="#update_002dleap-Invocation" accesskey="u" rel="up">update-leap Invocation</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<a name="update_002dleap-Authors-1"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">1.10 update-leap Authors</h4>