path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
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1 files changed, 445 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8414cb5c726a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+//===---------- ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp ----------------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+namespace clang {
+using namespace ast_matchers;
+namespace {
+AST_MATCHER_P(LambdaExpr, hasCaptureInit, const Expr *, E) {
+ return llvm::is_contained(Node.capture_inits(), E);
+AST_MATCHER_P(CXXForRangeStmt, hasRangeStmt,
+ ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<DeclStmt>, InnerMatcher) {
+ const DeclStmt *const Range = Node.getRangeStmt();
+ return InnerMatcher.matches(*Range, Finder, Builder);
+const ast_matchers::internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXTypeidExpr>
+ cxxTypeidExpr;
+AST_MATCHER(CXXTypeidExpr, isPotentiallyEvaluated) {
+ return Node.isPotentiallyEvaluated();
+const ast_matchers::internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXNoexceptExpr>
+ cxxNoexceptExpr;
+const ast_matchers::internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
+ GenericSelectionExpr>
+ genericSelectionExpr;
+AST_MATCHER_P(GenericSelectionExpr, hasControllingExpr,
+ ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
+ return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getControllingExpr(), Finder, Builder);
+const auto nonConstReferenceType = [] {
+ return hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType(
+ referenceType(pointee(unless(isConstQualified()))));
+const auto nonConstPointerType = [] {
+ return hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType(
+ pointerType(pointee(unless(isConstQualified()))));
+const auto isMoveOnly = [] {
+ return cxxRecordDecl(
+ hasMethod(cxxConstructorDecl(isMoveConstructor(), unless(isDeleted()))),
+ hasMethod(cxxMethodDecl(isMoveAssignmentOperator(), unless(isDeleted()))),
+ unless(anyOf(hasMethod(cxxConstructorDecl(isCopyConstructor(),
+ unless(isDeleted()))),
+ hasMethod(cxxMethodDecl(isCopyAssignmentOperator(),
+ unless(isDeleted()))))));
+template <class T> struct NodeID;
+template <> struct NodeID<Expr> { static const std::string value; };
+template <> struct NodeID<Decl> { static const std::string value; };
+const std::string NodeID<Expr>::value = "expr";
+const std::string NodeID<Decl>::value = "decl";
+template <class T, class F = const Stmt *(ExprMutationAnalyzer::*)(const T *)>
+const Stmt *tryEachMatch(ArrayRef<ast_matchers::BoundNodes> Matches,
+ ExprMutationAnalyzer *Analyzer, F Finder) {
+ const StringRef ID = NodeID<T>::value;
+ for (const auto &Nodes : Matches) {
+ if (const Stmt *S = (Analyzer->*Finder)(Nodes.getNodeAs<T>(ID)))
+ return S;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+} // namespace
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+ return findMutationMemoized(Exp,
+ {&ExprMutationAnalyzer::findDirectMutation,
+ &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMemberMutation,
+ &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findArrayElementMutation,
+ &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findCastMutation,
+ &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findRangeLoopMutation,
+ &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findReferenceMutation,
+ &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findFunctionArgMutation},
+ Results);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMutation(const Decl *Dec) {
+ return tryEachDeclRef(Dec, &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMutation);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findPointeeMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+ return findMutationMemoized(Exp, {/*TODO*/}, PointeeResults);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findPointeeMutation(const Decl *Dec) {
+ return tryEachDeclRef(Dec, &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findPointeeMutation);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMutationMemoized(
+ const Expr *Exp, llvm::ArrayRef<MutationFinder> Finders,
+ ResultMap &MemoizedResults) {
+ const auto Memoized = MemoizedResults.find(Exp);
+ if (Memoized != MemoizedResults.end())
+ return Memoized->second;
+ if (isUnevaluated(Exp))
+ return MemoizedResults[Exp] = nullptr;
+ for (const auto &Finder : Finders) {
+ if (const Stmt *S = (this->*Finder)(Exp))
+ return MemoizedResults[Exp] = S;
+ }
+ return MemoizedResults[Exp] = nullptr;
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::tryEachDeclRef(const Decl *Dec,
+ MutationFinder Finder) {
+ const auto Refs =
+ match(findAll(declRefExpr(to(equalsNode(Dec))).bind(NodeID<Expr>::value)),
+ Stm, Context);
+ for (const auto &RefNodes : Refs) {
+ const auto *E = RefNodes.getNodeAs<Expr>(NodeID<Expr>::value);
+ if ((this->*Finder)(E))
+ return E;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+bool ExprMutationAnalyzer::isUnevaluated(const Expr *Exp) {
+ return selectFirst<Expr>(
+ NodeID<Expr>::value,
+ match(
+ findAll(
+ expr(equalsNode(Exp),
+ anyOf(
+ // `Exp` is part of the underlying expression of
+ // decltype/typeof if it has an ancestor of
+ // typeLoc.
+ hasAncestor(typeLoc(unless(
+ hasAncestor(unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr())))),
+ hasAncestor(expr(anyOf(
+ // `UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr` is unevaluated
+ // unless it's sizeof on VLA.
+ unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(unless(sizeOfExpr(
+ hasArgumentOfType(variableArrayType())))),
+ // `CXXTypeidExpr` is unevaluated unless it's
+ // applied to an expression of glvalue of
+ // polymorphic class type.
+ cxxTypeidExpr(
+ unless(isPotentiallyEvaluated())),
+ // The controlling expression of
+ // `GenericSelectionExpr` is unevaluated.
+ genericSelectionExpr(hasControllingExpr(
+ hasDescendant(equalsNode(Exp)))),
+ cxxNoexceptExpr())))))
+ .bind(NodeID<Expr>::value)),
+ Stm, Context)) != nullptr;
+const Stmt *
+ExprMutationAnalyzer::findExprMutation(ArrayRef<BoundNodes> Matches) {
+ return tryEachMatch<Expr>(Matches, this, &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMutation);
+const Stmt *
+ExprMutationAnalyzer::findDeclMutation(ArrayRef<BoundNodes> Matches) {
+ return tryEachMatch<Decl>(Matches, this, &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMutation);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findExprPointeeMutation(
+ ArrayRef<ast_matchers::BoundNodes> Matches) {
+ return tryEachMatch<Expr>(Matches, this,
+ &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findPointeeMutation);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findDeclPointeeMutation(
+ ArrayRef<ast_matchers::BoundNodes> Matches) {
+ return tryEachMatch<Decl>(Matches, this,
+ &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findPointeeMutation);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findDirectMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+ // LHS of any assignment operators.
+ const auto AsAssignmentLhs =
+ binaryOperator(isAssignmentOperator(), hasLHS(equalsNode(Exp)));
+ // Operand of increment/decrement operators.
+ const auto AsIncDecOperand =
+ unaryOperator(anyOf(hasOperatorName("++"), hasOperatorName("--")),
+ hasUnaryOperand(equalsNode(Exp)));
+ // Invoking non-const member function.
+ // A member function is assumed to be non-const when it is unresolved.
+ const auto NonConstMethod = cxxMethodDecl(unless(isConst()));
+ const auto AsNonConstThis =
+ expr(anyOf(cxxMemberCallExpr(callee(NonConstMethod), on(equalsNode(Exp))),
+ cxxOperatorCallExpr(callee(NonConstMethod),
+ hasArgument(0, equalsNode(Exp))),
+ callExpr(callee(expr(anyOf(
+ unresolvedMemberExpr(hasObjectExpression(equalsNode(Exp))),
+ cxxDependentScopeMemberExpr(
+ hasObjectExpression(equalsNode(Exp)))))))));
+ // Taking address of 'Exp'.
+ // We're assuming 'Exp' is mutated as soon as its address is taken, though in
+ // theory we can follow the pointer and see whether it escaped `Stm` or is
+ // dereferenced and then mutated. This is left for future improvements.
+ const auto AsAmpersandOperand =
+ unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("&"),
+ // A NoOp implicit cast is adding const.
+ unless(hasParent(implicitCastExpr(hasCastKind(CK_NoOp)))),
+ hasUnaryOperand(equalsNode(Exp)));
+ const auto AsPointerFromArrayDecay =
+ castExpr(hasCastKind(CK_ArrayToPointerDecay),
+ unless(hasParent(arraySubscriptExpr())), has(equalsNode(Exp)));
+ // Treat calling `operator->()` of move-only classes as taking address.
+ // These are typically smart pointers with unique ownership so we treat
+ // mutation of pointee as mutation of the smart pointer itself.
+ const auto AsOperatorArrowThis =
+ cxxOperatorCallExpr(hasOverloadedOperatorName("->"),
+ callee(cxxMethodDecl(ofClass(isMoveOnly()),
+ returns(nonConstPointerType()))),
+ argumentCountIs(1), hasArgument(0, equalsNode(Exp)));
+ // Used as non-const-ref argument when calling a function.
+ // An argument is assumed to be non-const-ref when the function is unresolved.
+ // Instantiated template functions are not handled here but in
+ // findFunctionArgMutation which has additional smarts for handling forwarding
+ // references.
+ const auto NonConstRefParam = forEachArgumentWithParam(
+ equalsNode(Exp), parmVarDecl(hasType(nonConstReferenceType())));
+ const auto NotInstantiated = unless(hasDeclaration(isInstantiated()));
+ const auto AsNonConstRefArg = anyOf(
+ callExpr(NonConstRefParam, NotInstantiated),
+ cxxConstructExpr(NonConstRefParam, NotInstantiated),
+ callExpr(callee(expr(anyOf(unresolvedLookupExpr(), unresolvedMemberExpr(),
+ cxxDependentScopeMemberExpr(),
+ hasType(templateTypeParmType())))),
+ hasAnyArgument(equalsNode(Exp))),
+ cxxUnresolvedConstructExpr(hasAnyArgument(equalsNode(Exp))));
+ // Captured by a lambda by reference.
+ // If we're initializing a capture with 'Exp' directly then we're initializing
+ // a reference capture.
+ // For value captures there will be an ImplicitCastExpr <LValueToRValue>.
+ const auto AsLambdaRefCaptureInit = lambdaExpr(hasCaptureInit(Exp));
+ // Returned as non-const-ref.
+ // If we're returning 'Exp' directly then it's returned as non-const-ref.
+ // For returning by value there will be an ImplicitCastExpr <LValueToRValue>.
+ // For returning by const-ref there will be an ImplicitCastExpr <NoOp> (for
+ // adding const.)
+ const auto AsNonConstRefReturn = returnStmt(hasReturnValue(equalsNode(Exp)));
+ const auto Matches =
+ match(findAll(stmt(anyOf(AsAssignmentLhs, AsIncDecOperand, AsNonConstThis,
+ AsAmpersandOperand, AsPointerFromArrayDecay,
+ AsOperatorArrowThis, AsNonConstRefArg,
+ AsLambdaRefCaptureInit, AsNonConstRefReturn))
+ .bind("stmt")),
+ Stm, Context);
+ return selectFirst<Stmt>("stmt", Matches);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMemberMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+ // Check whether any member of 'Exp' is mutated.
+ const auto MemberExprs =
+ match(findAll(expr(anyOf(memberExpr(hasObjectExpression(equalsNode(Exp))),
+ cxxDependentScopeMemberExpr(
+ hasObjectExpression(equalsNode(Exp)))))
+ .bind(NodeID<Expr>::value)),
+ Stm, Context);
+ return findExprMutation(MemberExprs);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findArrayElementMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+ // Check whether any element of an array is mutated.
+ const auto SubscriptExprs = match(
+ findAll(arraySubscriptExpr(hasBase(ignoringImpCasts(equalsNode(Exp))))
+ .bind(NodeID<Expr>::value)),
+ Stm, Context);
+ return findExprMutation(SubscriptExprs);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findCastMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+ // If 'Exp' is casted to any non-const reference type, check the castExpr.
+ const auto Casts =
+ match(findAll(castExpr(hasSourceExpression(equalsNode(Exp)),
+ anyOf(explicitCastExpr(hasDestinationType(
+ nonConstReferenceType())),
+ implicitCastExpr(hasImplicitDestinationType(
+ nonConstReferenceType()))))
+ .bind(NodeID<Expr>::value)),
+ Stm, Context);
+ if (const Stmt *S = findExprMutation(Casts))
+ return S;
+ // Treat std::{move,forward} as cast.
+ const auto Calls =
+ match(findAll(callExpr(callee(namedDecl(
+ hasAnyName("::std::move", "::std::forward"))),
+ hasArgument(0, equalsNode(Exp)))
+ .bind("expr")),
+ Stm, Context);
+ return findExprMutation(Calls);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findRangeLoopMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+ // If range for looping over 'Exp' with a non-const reference loop variable,
+ // check all declRefExpr of the loop variable.
+ const auto LoopVars =
+ match(findAll(cxxForRangeStmt(
+ hasLoopVariable(varDecl(hasType(nonConstReferenceType()))
+ .bind(NodeID<Decl>::value)),
+ hasRangeInit(equalsNode(Exp)))),
+ Stm, Context);
+ return findDeclMutation(LoopVars);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findReferenceMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+ // Follow non-const reference returned by `operator*()` of move-only classes.
+ // These are typically smart pointers with unique ownership so we treat
+ // mutation of pointee as mutation of the smart pointer itself.
+ const auto Ref =
+ match(findAll(cxxOperatorCallExpr(
+ hasOverloadedOperatorName("*"),
+ callee(cxxMethodDecl(ofClass(isMoveOnly()),
+ returns(nonConstReferenceType()))),
+ argumentCountIs(1), hasArgument(0, equalsNode(Exp)))
+ .bind(NodeID<Expr>::value)),
+ Stm, Context);
+ if (const Stmt *S = findExprMutation(Ref))
+ return S;
+ // If 'Exp' is bound to a non-const reference, check all declRefExpr to that.
+ const auto Refs = match(
+ stmt(forEachDescendant(
+ varDecl(
+ hasType(nonConstReferenceType()),
+ hasInitializer(anyOf(equalsNode(Exp),
+ conditionalOperator(anyOf(
+ hasTrueExpression(equalsNode(Exp)),
+ hasFalseExpression(equalsNode(Exp)))))),
+ hasParent(declStmt().bind("stmt")),
+ // Don't follow the reference in range statement, we've handled
+ // that separately.
+ unless(hasParent(declStmt(hasParent(
+ cxxForRangeStmt(hasRangeStmt(equalsBoundNode("stmt"))))))))
+ .bind(NodeID<Decl>::value))),
+ Stm, Context);
+ return findDeclMutation(Refs);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findFunctionArgMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+ const auto NonConstRefParam = forEachArgumentWithParam(
+ equalsNode(Exp),
+ parmVarDecl(hasType(nonConstReferenceType())).bind("parm"));
+ const auto IsInstantiated = hasDeclaration(isInstantiated());
+ const auto FuncDecl = hasDeclaration(functionDecl().bind("func"));
+ const auto Matches = match(
+ findAll(expr(anyOf(callExpr(NonConstRefParam, IsInstantiated, FuncDecl,
+ unless(callee(namedDecl(hasAnyName(
+ "::std::move", "::std::forward"))))),
+ cxxConstructExpr(NonConstRefParam, IsInstantiated,
+ FuncDecl)))
+ .bind(NodeID<Expr>::value)),
+ Stm, Context);
+ for (const auto &Nodes : Matches) {
+ const auto *Exp = Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>(NodeID<Expr>::value);
+ const auto *Func = Nodes.getNodeAs<FunctionDecl>("func");
+ if (!Func->getBody() || !Func->getPrimaryTemplate())
+ return Exp;
+ const auto *Parm = Nodes.getNodeAs<ParmVarDecl>("parm");
+ const ArrayRef<ParmVarDecl *> AllParams =
+ Func->getPrimaryTemplate()->getTemplatedDecl()->parameters();
+ QualType ParmType =
+ AllParams[std::min<size_t>(Parm->getFunctionScopeIndex(),
+ AllParams.size() - 1)]
+ ->getType();
+ if (const auto *T = ParmType->getAs<PackExpansionType>())
+ ParmType = T->getPattern();
+ // If param type is forwarding reference, follow into the function
+ // definition and see whether the param is mutated inside.
+ if (const auto *RefType = ParmType->getAs<RValueReferenceType>()) {
+ if (!RefType->getPointeeType().getQualifiers() &&
+ RefType->getPointeeType()->getAs<TemplateTypeParmType>()) {
+ std::unique_ptr<FunctionParmMutationAnalyzer> &Analyzer =
+ FuncParmAnalyzer[Func];
+ if (!Analyzer)
+ Analyzer.reset(new FunctionParmMutationAnalyzer(*Func, Context));
+ if (Analyzer->findMutation(Parm))
+ return Exp;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Not forwarding reference.
+ return Exp;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ const FunctionDecl &Func, ASTContext &Context)
+ : BodyAnalyzer(*Func.getBody(), Context) {
+ if (const auto *Ctor = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(&Func)) {
+ // CXXCtorInitializer might also mutate Param but they're not part of
+ // function body, check them eagerly here since they're typically trivial.
+ for (const CXXCtorInitializer *Init : Ctor->inits()) {
+ ExprMutationAnalyzer InitAnalyzer(*Init->getInit(), Context);
+ for (const ParmVarDecl *Parm : Ctor->parameters()) {
+ if (Results.find(Parm) != Results.end())
+ continue;
+ if (const Stmt *S = InitAnalyzer.findMutation(Parm))
+ Results[Parm] = S;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+const Stmt *
+FunctionParmMutationAnalyzer::findMutation(const ParmVarDecl *Parm) {
+ const auto Memoized = Results.find(Parm);
+ if (Memoized != Results.end())
+ return Memoized->second;
+ if (const Stmt *S = BodyAnalyzer.findMutation(Parm))
+ return Results[Parm] = S;
+ return Results[Parm] = nullptr;
+} // namespace clang