path: root/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrFPStack.td
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1 files changed, 120 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrFPStack.td b/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrFPStack.td
index 7c3788865c1e..4ad7b7e32a0a 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrFPStack.td
+++ b/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrFPStack.td
@@ -206,74 +206,91 @@ def _FI32m : FPI<0xDA, fp, (outs), (ins i32mem:$src),
let Defs = [FPSW] in {
+// FPBinary_rr just defines pseudo-instructions, no need to set a scheduling
+// resources.
defm ADD : FPBinary_rr<fadd>;
defm SUB : FPBinary_rr<fsub>;
defm MUL : FPBinary_rr<fmul>;
defm DIV : FPBinary_rr<fdiv>;
+// Sets the scheduling resources for the actual NAME#_F<size>m defintions.
+let SchedRW = [WriteFAddLd] in {
defm ADD : FPBinary<fadd, MRM0m, "add">;
defm SUB : FPBinary<fsub, MRM4m, "sub">;
defm SUBR: FPBinary<fsub ,MRM5m, "subr">;
+let SchedRW = [WriteFMulLd] in {
defm MUL : FPBinary<fmul, MRM1m, "mul">;
+let SchedRW = [WriteFDivLd] in {
defm DIV : FPBinary<fdiv, MRM6m, "div">;
defm DIVR: FPBinary<fdiv, MRM7m, "divr">;
-class FPST0rInst<bits<8> o, string asm>
- : FPI<o, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$op), asm>, D8;
-class FPrST0Inst<bits<8> o, string asm>
- : FPI<o, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$op), asm>, DC;
-class FPrST0PInst<bits<8> o, string asm>
- : FPI<o, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$op), asm>, DE;
+class FPST0rInst<Format fp, string asm>
+ : FPI<0xD8, fp, (outs), (ins RST:$op), asm>;
+class FPrST0Inst<Format fp, string asm>
+ : FPI<0xDC, fp, (outs), (ins RST:$op), asm>;
+class FPrST0PInst<Format fp, string asm>
+ : FPI<0xDE, fp, (outs), (ins RST:$op), asm>;
// NOTE: GAS and apparently all other AT&T style assemblers have a broken notion
// of some of the 'reverse' forms of the fsub and fdiv instructions. As such,
// we have to put some 'r's in and take them out of weird places.
-def ADD_FST0r : FPST0rInst <0xC0, "fadd\t$op">;
-def ADD_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <0xC0, "fadd\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
-def ADD_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<0xC0, "faddp\t$op">;
-def SUBR_FST0r : FPST0rInst <0xE8, "fsubr\t$op">;
-def SUB_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <0xE8, "fsub{r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
-def SUB_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<0xE8, "fsub{r}p\t$op">;
-def SUB_FST0r : FPST0rInst <0xE0, "fsub\t$op">;
-def SUBR_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <0xE0, "fsub{|r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
-def SUBR_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<0xE0, "fsub{|r}p\t$op">;
-def MUL_FST0r : FPST0rInst <0xC8, "fmul\t$op">;
-def MUL_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <0xC8, "fmul\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
-def MUL_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<0xC8, "fmulp\t$op">;
-def DIVR_FST0r : FPST0rInst <0xF8, "fdivr\t$op">;
-def DIV_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <0xF8, "fdiv{r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
-def DIV_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<0xF8, "fdiv{r}p\t$op">;
-def DIV_FST0r : FPST0rInst <0xF0, "fdiv\t$op">;
-def DIVR_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <0xF0, "fdiv{|r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
-def DIVR_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<0xF0, "fdiv{|r}p\t$op">;
-def COM_FST0r : FPST0rInst <0xD0, "fcom\t$op">;
-def COMP_FST0r : FPST0rInst <0xD8, "fcomp\t$op">;
+let SchedRW = [WriteFAdd] in {
+def ADD_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM0r, "fadd\t$op">;
+def ADD_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM0r, "fadd\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
+def ADD_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM0r, "faddp\t$op">;
+def SUBR_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM5r, "fsubr\t$op">;
+def SUB_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM5r, "fsub{r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
+def SUB_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM5r, "fsub{r}p\t$op">;
+def SUB_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM4r, "fsub\t$op">;
+def SUBR_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM4r, "fsub{|r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
+def SUBR_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM4r, "fsub{|r}p\t$op">;
+} // SchedRW
+let SchedRW = [WriteFMul] in {
+def MUL_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM1r, "fmul\t$op">;
+def MUL_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM1r, "fmul\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
+def MUL_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM1r, "fmulp\t$op">;
+} // SchedRW
+let SchedRW = [WriteFDiv] in {
+def DIVR_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM7r, "fdivr\t$op">;
+def DIV_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM7r, "fdiv{r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
+def DIV_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM7r, "fdiv{r}p\t$op">;
+def DIV_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM6r, "fdiv\t$op">;
+def DIVR_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM6r, "fdiv{|r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
+def DIVR_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM6r, "fdiv{|r}p\t$op">;
+} // SchedRW
+def COM_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM2r, "fcom\t$op">;
+def COMP_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM3r, "fcomp\t$op">;
// Unary operations.
-multiclass FPUnary<SDNode OpNode, bits<8> opcode, string asmstring> {
+multiclass FPUnary<SDNode OpNode, Format fp, string asmstring> {
def _Fp32 : FpIf32<(outs RFP32:$dst), (ins RFP32:$src), OneArgFPRW,
[(set RFP32:$dst, (OpNode RFP32:$src))]>;
def _Fp64 : FpIf64<(outs RFP64:$dst), (ins RFP64:$src), OneArgFPRW,
[(set RFP64:$dst, (OpNode RFP64:$src))]>;
def _Fp80 : FpI_<(outs RFP80:$dst), (ins RFP80:$src), OneArgFPRW,
[(set RFP80:$dst, (OpNode RFP80:$src))]>;
-def _F : FPI<opcode, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), asmstring>, D9;
+def _F : FPI<0xD9, fp, (outs), (ins), asmstring>;
let Defs = [FPSW] in {
-defm CHS : FPUnary<fneg, 0xE0, "fchs">;
-defm ABS : FPUnary<fabs, 0xE1, "fabs">;
-defm SQRT: FPUnary<fsqrt,0xFA, "fsqrt">;
-defm SIN : FPUnary<fsin, 0xFE, "fsin">;
-defm COS : FPUnary<fcos, 0xFF, "fcos">;
+defm CHS : FPUnary<fneg, MRM_E0, "fchs">;
+defm ABS : FPUnary<fabs, MRM_E1, "fabs">;
+let SchedRW = [WriteFSqrt] in {
+defm SQRT: FPUnary<fsqrt,MRM_FA, "fsqrt">;
+defm SIN : FPUnary<fsin, MRM_FE, "fsin">;
+defm COS : FPUnary<fcos, MRM_FF, "fcos">;
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def TST_Fp32 : FpIf32<(outs), (ins RFP32:$src), OneArgFP, []>;
def TST_Fp64 : FpIf64<(outs), (ins RFP64:$src), OneArgFP, []>;
def TST_Fp80 : FpI_<(outs), (ins RFP80:$src), OneArgFP, []>;
-def TST_F : FPI<0xE4, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "ftst">, D9;
+def TST_F : FPI<0xD9, MRM_E4, (outs), (ins), "ftst">;
} // Defs = [FPSW]
// Versions of FP instructions that take a single memory operand. Added for the
@@ -336,22 +353,22 @@ defm CMOVNP : FPCMov<X86_COND_NP>;
let Predicates = [HasCMov] in {
// These are not factored because there's no clean way to pass DA/DB.
-def CMOVB_F : FPI<0xC0, AddRegFrm, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
- "fcmovb\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">, DA;
-def CMOVBE_F : FPI<0xD0, AddRegFrm, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
- "fcmovbe\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">, DA;
-def CMOVE_F : FPI<0xC8, AddRegFrm, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
- "fcmove\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">, DA;
-def CMOVP_F : FPI<0xD8, AddRegFrm, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
- "fcmovu\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">, DA;
-def CMOVNB_F : FPI<0xC0, AddRegFrm, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
- "fcmovnb\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">, DB;
-def CMOVNBE_F: FPI<0xD0, AddRegFrm, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
- "fcmovnbe\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">, DB;
-def CMOVNE_F : FPI<0xC8, AddRegFrm, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
- "fcmovne\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">, DB;
-def CMOVNP_F : FPI<0xD8, AddRegFrm, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
- "fcmovnu\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">, DB;
+def CMOVB_F : FPI<0xDA, MRM0r, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
+ "fcmovb\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">;
+def CMOVBE_F : FPI<0xDA, MRM2r, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
+ "fcmovbe\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">;
+def CMOVE_F : FPI<0xDA, MRM1r, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
+ "fcmove\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">;
+def CMOVP_F : FPI<0xDA, MRM3r, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
+ "fcmovu\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">;
+def CMOVNB_F : FPI<0xDB, MRM0r, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
+ "fcmovnb\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">;
+def CMOVNBE_F: FPI<0xDB, MRM2r, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
+ "fcmovnbe\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">;
+def CMOVNE_F : FPI<0xDB, MRM1r, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
+ "fcmovne\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">;
+def CMOVNP_F : FPI<0xDB, MRM3r, (outs RST:$op), (ins),
+ "fcmovnu\t{$op, %st(0)|st(0), $op}">;
} // Predicates = [HasCMov]
// Floating point loads & stores.
@@ -492,14 +509,10 @@ def ISTT_FP64m : FPI<0xDD, MRM1m, (outs), (ins i64mem:$dst),
// FP Stack manipulation instructions.
let SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
-def LD_Frr : FPI<0xC0, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$op), "fld\t$op",
- IIC_FLD>, D9;
-def ST_Frr : FPI<0xD0, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$op), "fst\t$op",
-def ST_FPrr : FPI<0xD8, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$op), "fstp\t$op",
-def XCH_F : FPI<0xC8, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$op), "fxch\t$op",
- IIC_FXCH>, D9;
+def LD_Frr : FPI<0xD9, MRM0r, (outs), (ins RST:$op), "fld\t$op", IIC_FLD>;
+def ST_Frr : FPI<0xDD, MRM2r, (outs), (ins RST:$op), "fst\t$op", IIC_FST>;
+def ST_FPrr : FPI<0xDD, MRM3r, (outs), (ins RST:$op), "fstp\t$op", IIC_FST>;
+def XCH_F : FPI<0xD9, MRM1r, (outs), (ins RST:$op), "fxch\t$op", IIC_FXCH>;
// Floating point constant loads.
@@ -519,8 +532,8 @@ def LD_Fp180 : FpI_<(outs RFP80:$dst), (ins), ZeroArgFP,
let SchedRW = [WriteZero] in {
-def LD_F0 : FPI<0xEE, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fldz", IIC_FLDZ>, D9;
-def LD_F1 : FPI<0xE8, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fld1", IIC_FIST>, D9;
+def LD_F0 : FPI<0xD9, MRM_EE, (outs), (ins), "fldz", IIC_FLDZ>;
+def LD_F1 : FPI<0xD9, MRM_E8, (outs), (ins), "fld1", IIC_FIST>;
// Floating point compares.
@@ -546,40 +559,35 @@ def UCOM_FpIr80: FpI_<(outs), (ins RFP80:$lhs, RFP80:$rhs), CompareFP,
let Defs = [FPSW], Uses = [ST0] in {
-def UCOM_Fr : FPI<0xE0, AddRegFrm, // FPSW = cmp ST(0) with ST(i)
- (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
- "fucom\t$reg", IIC_FUCOM>, DD;
-def UCOM_FPr : FPI<0xE8, AddRegFrm, // FPSW = cmp ST(0) with ST(i), pop
- (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
- "fucomp\t$reg", IIC_FUCOM>, DD;
-def UCOM_FPPr : FPI<0xE9, RawFrm, // cmp ST(0) with ST(1), pop, pop
- (outs), (ins),
- "fucompp", IIC_FUCOM>, DA;
+def UCOM_Fr : FPI<0xDD, MRM4r, // FPSW = cmp ST(0) with ST(i)
+ (outs), (ins RST:$reg), "fucom\t$reg", IIC_FUCOM>;
+def UCOM_FPr : FPI<0xDD, MRM5r, // FPSW = cmp ST(0) with ST(i), pop
+ (outs), (ins RST:$reg), "fucomp\t$reg", IIC_FUCOM>;
+def UCOM_FPPr : FPI<0xDA, MRM_E9, // cmp ST(0) with ST(1), pop, pop
+ (outs), (ins), "fucompp", IIC_FUCOM>;
let Defs = [EFLAGS, FPSW], Uses = [ST0] in {
-def UCOM_FIr : FPI<0xE8, AddRegFrm, // CC = cmp ST(0) with ST(i)
- (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
- "fucomi\t$reg", IIC_FUCOMI>, DB;
-def UCOM_FIPr : FPI<0xE8, AddRegFrm, // CC = cmp ST(0) with ST(i), pop
- (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
- "fucompi\t$reg", IIC_FUCOMI>, DF;
+def UCOM_FIr : FPI<0xDB, MRM5r, // CC = cmp ST(0) with ST(i)
+ (outs), (ins RST:$reg), "fucomi\t$reg", IIC_FUCOMI>;
+def UCOM_FIPr : FPI<0xDF, MRM5r, // CC = cmp ST(0) with ST(i), pop
+ (outs), (ins RST:$reg), "fucompi\t$reg", IIC_FUCOMI>;
let Defs = [EFLAGS, FPSW] in {
-def COM_FIr : FPI<0xF0, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
- "fcomi\t$reg", IIC_FCOMI>, DB;
-def COM_FIPr : FPI<0xF0, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
- "fcompi\t$reg", IIC_FCOMI>, DF;
+def COM_FIr : FPI<0xDB, MRM6r, (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
+ "fcomi\t$reg", IIC_FCOMI>;
+def COM_FIPr : FPI<0xDF, MRM6r, (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
+ "fcompi\t$reg", IIC_FCOMI>;
} // SchedRW
// Floating point flag ops.
let SchedRW = [WriteALU] in {
let Defs = [AX], Uses = [FPSW] in
-def FNSTSW16r : I<0xE0, RawFrm, // AX = fp flags
+def FNSTSW16r : I<0xDF, MRM_E0, // AX = fp flags
(outs), (ins), "fnstsw\t{%ax|ax}",
- [(set AX, (X86fp_stsw FPSW))], IIC_FNSTSW>, DF;
+ [(set AX, (X86fp_stsw FPSW))], IIC_FNSTSW>;
def FNSTCW16m : I<0xD9, MRM7m, // [mem16] = X87 control world
(outs), (ins i16mem:$dst), "fnstcw\t$dst",
@@ -593,50 +601,50 @@ def FLDCW16m : I<0xD9, MRM5m, // X87 control world = [mem16]
// FPU control instructions
let SchedRW = [WriteMicrocoded] in {
let Defs = [FPSW] in
-def FNINIT : I<0xE3, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fninit", [], IIC_FNINIT>, DB;
-def FFREE : FPI<0xC0, AddRegFrm, (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
- "ffree\t$reg", IIC_FFREE>, DD;
+def FNINIT : I<0xDB, MRM_E3, (outs), (ins), "fninit", [], IIC_FNINIT>;
+def FFREE : FPI<0xDD, MRM0r, (outs), (ins RST:$reg),
+ "ffree\t$reg", IIC_FFREE>;
// Clear exceptions
let Defs = [FPSW] in
-def FNCLEX : I<0xE2, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fnclex", [], IIC_FNCLEX>, DB;
+def FNCLEX : I<0xDB, MRM_E2, (outs), (ins), "fnclex", [], IIC_FNCLEX>;
} // SchedRW
// Operandless floating-point instructions for the disassembler.
let SchedRW = [WriteMicrocoded] in {
def WAIT : I<0x9B, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "wait", [], IIC_WAIT>;
-def FNOP : I<0xD0, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fnop", [], IIC_FNOP>, D9;
-def FXAM : I<0xE5, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fxam", [], IIC_FXAM>, D9;
-def FLDL2T : I<0xE9, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fldl2t", [], IIC_FLDL>, D9;
-def FLDL2E : I<0xEA, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fldl2e", [], IIC_FLDL>, D9;
-def FLDPI : I<0xEB, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fldpi", [], IIC_FLDL>, D9;
-def FLDLG2 : I<0xEC, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fldlg2", [], IIC_FLDL>, D9;
-def FLDLN2 : I<0xED, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fldln2", [], IIC_FLDL>, D9;
-def F2XM1 : I<0xF0, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "f2xm1", [], IIC_F2XM1>, D9;
-def FYL2X : I<0xF1, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fyl2x", [], IIC_FYL2X>, D9;
-def FPTAN : I<0xF2, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fptan", [], IIC_FPTAN>, D9;
-def FPATAN : I<0xF3, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fpatan", [], IIC_FPATAN>, D9;
-def FXTRACT : I<0xF4, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fxtract", [], IIC_FXTRACT>, D9;
-def FPREM1 : I<0xF5, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fprem1", [], IIC_FPREM1>, D9;
-def FDECSTP : I<0xF6, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fdecstp", [], IIC_FPSTP>, D9;
-def FINCSTP : I<0xF7, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fincstp", [], IIC_FPSTP>, D9;
-def FPREM : I<0xF8, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fprem", [], IIC_FPREM>, D9;
-def FYL2XP1 : I<0xF9, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fyl2xp1", [], IIC_FYL2XP1>, D9;
-def FSINCOS : I<0xFB, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fsincos", [], IIC_FSINCOS>, D9;
-def FRNDINT : I<0xFC, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "frndint", [], IIC_FRNDINT>, D9;
-def FSCALE : I<0xFD, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fscale", [], IIC_FSCALE>, D9;
-def FCOMPP : I<0xD9, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "fcompp", [], IIC_FCOMPP>, DE;
+def FNOP : I<0xD9, MRM_D0, (outs), (ins), "fnop", [], IIC_FNOP>;
+def FXAM : I<0xD9, MRM_E5, (outs), (ins), "fxam", [], IIC_FXAM>;
+def FLDL2T : I<0xD9, MRM_E9, (outs), (ins), "fldl2t", [], IIC_FLDL>;
+def FLDL2E : I<0xD9, MRM_EA, (outs), (ins), "fldl2e", [], IIC_FLDL>;
+def FLDPI : I<0xD9, MRM_EB, (outs), (ins), "fldpi", [], IIC_FLDL>;
+def FLDLG2 : I<0xD9, MRM_EC, (outs), (ins), "fldlg2", [], IIC_FLDL>;
+def FLDLN2 : I<0xD9, MRM_ED, (outs), (ins), "fldln2", [], IIC_FLDL>;
+def F2XM1 : I<0xD9, MRM_F0, (outs), (ins), "f2xm1", [], IIC_F2XM1>;
+def FYL2X : I<0xD9, MRM_F1, (outs), (ins), "fyl2x", [], IIC_FYL2X>;
+def FPTAN : I<0xD9, MRM_F2, (outs), (ins), "fptan", [], IIC_FPTAN>;
+def FPATAN : I<0xD9, MRM_F3, (outs), (ins), "fpatan", [], IIC_FPATAN>;
+def FXTRACT : I<0xD9, MRM_F4, (outs), (ins), "fxtract", [], IIC_FXTRACT>;
+def FPREM1 : I<0xD9, MRM_F5, (outs), (ins), "fprem1", [], IIC_FPREM1>;
+def FDECSTP : I<0xD9, MRM_F6, (outs), (ins), "fdecstp", [], IIC_FPSTP>;
+def FINCSTP : I<0xD9, MRM_F7, (outs), (ins), "fincstp", [], IIC_FPSTP>;
+def FPREM : I<0xD9, MRM_F8, (outs), (ins), "fprem", [], IIC_FPREM>;
+def FYL2XP1 : I<0xD9, MRM_F9, (outs), (ins), "fyl2xp1", [], IIC_FYL2XP1>;
+def FSINCOS : I<0xD9, MRM_FB, (outs), (ins), "fsincos", [], IIC_FSINCOS>;
+def FRNDINT : I<0xD9, MRM_FC, (outs), (ins), "frndint", [], IIC_FRNDINT>;
+def FSCALE : I<0xD9, MRM_FD, (outs), (ins), "fscale", [], IIC_FSCALE>;
+def FCOMPP : I<0xDE, MRM_D9, (outs), (ins), "fcompp", [], IIC_FCOMPP>;
def FXSAVE : I<0xAE, MRM0m, (outs opaque512mem:$dst), (ins),
"fxsave\t$dst", [], IIC_FXSAVE>, TB;
-def FXSAVE64 : I<0xAE, MRM0m, (outs opaque512mem:$dst), (ins),
- "fxsaveq\t$dst", [], IIC_FXSAVE>, TB, REX_W,
- Requires<[In64BitMode]>;
+def FXSAVE64 : RI<0xAE, MRM0m, (outs opaque512mem:$dst), (ins),
+ "fxsave{q|64}\t$dst", [], IIC_FXSAVE>, TB,
+ Requires<[In64BitMode]>;
def FXRSTOR : I<0xAE, MRM1m, (outs), (ins opaque512mem:$src),
"fxrstor\t$src", [], IIC_FXRSTOR>, TB;
-def FXRSTOR64 : I<0xAE, MRM1m, (outs), (ins opaque512mem:$src),
- "fxrstorq\t$src", [], IIC_FXRSTOR>, TB, REX_W,
+def FXRSTOR64 : RI<0xAE, MRM1m, (outs), (ins opaque512mem:$src),
+ "fxrstor{q|64}\t$src", [], IIC_FXRSTOR>, TB,
} // SchedRW