path: root/contrib/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLinkGeneric.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLinkGeneric.cpp')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLinkGeneric.cpp b/contrib/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLinkGeneric.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..96e074da122b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLinkGeneric.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+//===--------- JITLinkGeneric.cpp - Generic JIT linker utilities ----------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Generic JITLinker utility class.
+#include "JITLinkGeneric.h"
+#include "EHFrameSupportImpl.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamReader.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "jitlink"
+namespace llvm {
+namespace jitlink {
+JITLinkerBase::~JITLinkerBase() {}
+void JITLinkerBase::linkPhase1(std::unique_ptr<JITLinkerBase> Self) {
+ // Build the atom graph.
+ if (auto GraphOrErr = buildGraph(Ctx->getObjectBuffer()))
+ G = std::move(*GraphOrErr);
+ else
+ return Ctx->notifyFailed(GraphOrErr.takeError());
+ assert(G && "Graph should have been created by buildGraph above");
+ // Prune and optimize the graph.
+ if (auto Err = runPasses(Passes.PrePrunePasses, *G))
+ return Ctx->notifyFailed(std::move(Err));
+ dbgs() << "Atom graph \"" << G->getName() << "\" pre-pruning:\n";
+ dumpGraph(dbgs());
+ });
+ prune(*G);
+ dbgs() << "Atom graph \"" << G->getName() << "\" post-pruning:\n";
+ dumpGraph(dbgs());
+ });
+ // Run post-pruning passes.
+ if (auto Err = runPasses(Passes.PostPrunePasses, *G))
+ return Ctx->notifyFailed(std::move(Err));
+ // Sort atoms into segments.
+ layOutAtoms();
+ // Allocate memory for segments.
+ if (auto Err = allocateSegments(Layout))
+ return Ctx->notifyFailed(std::move(Err));
+ // Notify client that the defined atoms have been assigned addresses.
+ Ctx->notifyResolved(*G);
+ auto ExternalSymbols = getExternalSymbolNames();
+ // We're about to hand off ownership of ourself to the continuation. Grab a
+ // pointer to the context so that we can call it to initiate the lookup.
+ //
+ // FIXME: Once callee expressions are defined to be sequenced before argument
+ // expressions (c++17) we can simplify all this to:
+ //
+ // Ctx->lookup(std::move(UnresolvedExternals),
+ // [Self=std::move(Self)](Expected<AsyncLookupResult> Result) {
+ // Self->linkPhase2(std::move(Self), std::move(Result));
+ // });
+ //
+ // FIXME: Use move capture once we have c++14.
+ auto *TmpCtx = Ctx.get();
+ auto *UnownedSelf = Self.release();
+ auto Phase2Continuation =
+ [UnownedSelf](Expected<AsyncLookupResult> LookupResult) {
+ std::unique_ptr<JITLinkerBase> Self(UnownedSelf);
+ UnownedSelf->linkPhase2(std::move(Self), std::move(LookupResult));
+ };
+ TmpCtx->lookup(std::move(ExternalSymbols), std::move(Phase2Continuation));
+void JITLinkerBase::linkPhase2(std::unique_ptr<JITLinkerBase> Self,
+ Expected<AsyncLookupResult> LR) {
+ // If the lookup failed, bail out.
+ if (!LR)
+ return deallocateAndBailOut(LR.takeError());
+ // Assign addresses to external atoms.
+ applyLookupResult(*LR);
+ dbgs() << "Atom graph \"" << G->getName() << "\" before copy-and-fixup:\n";
+ dumpGraph(dbgs());
+ });
+ // Copy atom content to working memory and fix up.
+ if (auto Err = copyAndFixUpAllAtoms(Layout, *Alloc))
+ return deallocateAndBailOut(std::move(Err));
+ dbgs() << "Atom graph \"" << G->getName() << "\" after copy-and-fixup:\n";
+ dumpGraph(dbgs());
+ });
+ if (auto Err = runPasses(Passes.PostFixupPasses, *G))
+ return deallocateAndBailOut(std::move(Err));
+ // FIXME: Use move capture once we have c++14.
+ auto *UnownedSelf = Self.release();
+ auto Phase3Continuation = [UnownedSelf](Error Err) {
+ std::unique_ptr<JITLinkerBase> Self(UnownedSelf);
+ UnownedSelf->linkPhase3(std::move(Self), std::move(Err));
+ };
+ Alloc->finalizeAsync(std::move(Phase3Continuation));
+void JITLinkerBase::linkPhase3(std::unique_ptr<JITLinkerBase> Self, Error Err) {
+ if (Err)
+ return deallocateAndBailOut(std::move(Err));
+ Ctx->notifyFinalized(std::move(Alloc));
+Error JITLinkerBase::runPasses(AtomGraphPassList &Passes, AtomGraph &G) {
+ for (auto &P : Passes)
+ if (auto Err = P(G))
+ return Err;
+ return Error::success();
+void JITLinkerBase::layOutAtoms() {
+ // Group sections by protections, and whether or not they're zero-fill.
+ for (auto &S : G->sections()) {
+ // Skip empty sections.
+ if (S.atoms_empty())
+ continue;
+ auto &SL = Layout[S.getProtectionFlags()];
+ if (S.isZeroFill())
+ SL.ZeroFillSections.push_back(SegmentLayout::SectionLayout(S));
+ else
+ SL.ContentSections.push_back(SegmentLayout::SectionLayout(S));
+ }
+ // Sort sections within the layout by ordinal.
+ {
+ auto CompareByOrdinal = [](const SegmentLayout::SectionLayout &LHS,
+ const SegmentLayout::SectionLayout &RHS) {
+ return LHS.S->getSectionOrdinal() < RHS.S->getSectionOrdinal();
+ };
+ for (auto &KV : Layout) {
+ auto &SL = KV.second;
+ std::sort(SL.ContentSections.begin(), SL.ContentSections.end(),
+ CompareByOrdinal);
+ std::sort(SL.ZeroFillSections.begin(), SL.ZeroFillSections.end(),
+ CompareByOrdinal);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add atoms to the sections.
+ for (auto &KV : Layout) {
+ auto &SL = KV.second;
+ for (auto *SIList : {&SL.ContentSections, &SL.ZeroFillSections}) {
+ for (auto &SI : *SIList) {
+ // First build the set of layout-heads (i.e. "heads" of layout-next
+ // chains) by copying the section atoms, then eliminating any that
+ // appear as layout-next targets.
+ DenseSet<DefinedAtom *> LayoutHeads;
+ for (auto *DA : SI.S->atoms())
+ LayoutHeads.insert(DA);
+ for (auto *DA : SI.S->atoms())
+ if (DA->hasLayoutNext())
+ LayoutHeads.erase(&DA->getLayoutNext());
+ // Next, sort the layout heads by address order.
+ std::vector<DefinedAtom *> OrderedLayoutHeads;
+ OrderedLayoutHeads.reserve(LayoutHeads.size());
+ for (auto *DA : LayoutHeads)
+ OrderedLayoutHeads.push_back(DA);
+ // Now sort the list of layout heads by address.
+ std::sort(OrderedLayoutHeads.begin(), OrderedLayoutHeads.end(),
+ [](const DefinedAtom *LHS, const DefinedAtom *RHS) {
+ return LHS->getAddress() < RHS->getAddress();
+ });
+ // Now populate the SI.Atoms field by appending each of the chains.
+ for (auto *DA : OrderedLayoutHeads) {
+ SI.Atoms.push_back(DA);
+ while (DA->hasLayoutNext()) {
+ auto &Next = DA->getLayoutNext();
+ SI.Atoms.push_back(&Next);
+ DA = &Next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dbgs() << "Segment ordering:\n";
+ for (auto &KV : Layout) {
+ dbgs() << " Segment "
+ << static_cast<sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags>(KV.first) << ":\n";
+ auto &SL = KV.second;
+ for (auto &SIEntry :
+ {std::make_pair(&SL.ContentSections, "content sections"),
+ std::make_pair(&SL.ZeroFillSections, "zero-fill sections")}) {
+ auto &SIList = *SIEntry.first;
+ dbgs() << " " << SIEntry.second << ":\n";
+ for (auto &SI : SIList) {
+ dbgs() << " " << SI.S->getName() << ":\n";
+ for (auto *DA : SI.Atoms)
+ dbgs() << " " << *DA << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+Error JITLinkerBase::allocateSegments(const SegmentLayoutMap &Layout) {
+ // Compute segment sizes and allocate memory.
+ LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "JIT linker requesting: { ");
+ JITLinkMemoryManager::SegmentsRequestMap Segments;
+ for (auto &KV : Layout) {
+ auto &Prot = KV.first;
+ auto &SegLayout = KV.second;
+ // Calculate segment content size.
+ size_t SegContentSize = 0;
+ for (auto &SI : SegLayout.ContentSections) {
+ assert(!SI.S->atoms_empty() && "Sections in layout must not be empty");
+ assert(!SI.Atoms.empty() && "Section layouts must not be empty");
+ // Bump to section alignment before processing atoms.
+ SegContentSize = alignTo(SegContentSize, SI.S->getAlignment());
+ for (auto *DA : SI.Atoms) {
+ SegContentSize = alignTo(SegContentSize, DA->getAlignment());
+ SegContentSize += DA->getSize();
+ }
+ }
+ // Get segment content alignment.
+ unsigned SegContentAlign = 1;
+ if (!SegLayout.ContentSections.empty()) {
+ auto &FirstContentSection = SegLayout.ContentSections.front();
+ SegContentAlign =
+ std::max(FirstContentSection.S->getAlignment(),
+ FirstContentSection.Atoms.front()->getAlignment());
+ }
+ // Calculate segment zero-fill size.
+ uint64_t SegZeroFillSize = 0;
+ for (auto &SI : SegLayout.ZeroFillSections) {
+ assert(!SI.S->atoms_empty() && "Sections in layout must not be empty");
+ assert(!SI.Atoms.empty() && "Section layouts must not be empty");
+ // Bump to section alignment before processing atoms.
+ SegZeroFillSize = alignTo(SegZeroFillSize, SI.S->getAlignment());
+ for (auto *DA : SI.Atoms) {
+ SegZeroFillSize = alignTo(SegZeroFillSize, DA->getAlignment());
+ SegZeroFillSize += DA->getSize();
+ }
+ }
+ // Calculate segment zero-fill alignment.
+ uint32_t SegZeroFillAlign = 1;
+ if (!SegLayout.ZeroFillSections.empty()) {
+ auto &FirstZeroFillSection = SegLayout.ZeroFillSections.front();
+ SegZeroFillAlign =
+ std::max(FirstZeroFillSection.S->getAlignment(),
+ FirstZeroFillSection.Atoms.front()->getAlignment());
+ }
+ if (SegContentSize == 0)
+ SegContentAlign = SegZeroFillAlign;
+ if (SegContentAlign % SegZeroFillAlign != 0)
+ return make_error<JITLinkError>("First content atom alignment does not "
+ "accommodate first zero-fill atom "
+ "alignment");
+ Segments[Prot] = {SegContentSize, SegContentAlign, SegZeroFillSize,
+ SegZeroFillAlign};
+ dbgs() << (&KV == &*Layout.begin() ? "" : "; ")
+ << static_cast<sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags>(Prot) << ": "
+ << SegContentSize << " content bytes (alignment "
+ << SegContentAlign << ") + " << SegZeroFillSize
+ << " zero-fill bytes (alignment " << SegZeroFillAlign << ")";
+ });
+ }
+ LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " }\n");
+ if (auto AllocOrErr = Ctx->getMemoryManager().allocate(Segments))
+ Alloc = std::move(*AllocOrErr);
+ else
+ return AllocOrErr.takeError();
+ dbgs() << "JIT linker got working memory:\n";
+ for (auto &KV : Layout) {
+ auto Prot = static_cast<sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags>(KV.first);
+ dbgs() << " " << Prot << ": "
+ << (const void *)Alloc->getWorkingMemory(Prot).data() << "\n";
+ }
+ });
+ // Update atom target addresses.
+ for (auto &KV : Layout) {
+ auto &Prot = KV.first;
+ auto &SL = KV.second;
+ JITTargetAddress AtomTargetAddr =
+ Alloc->getTargetMemory(static_cast<sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags>(Prot));
+ for (auto *SIList : {&SL.ContentSections, &SL.ZeroFillSections})
+ for (auto &SI : *SIList) {
+ AtomTargetAddr = alignTo(AtomTargetAddr, SI.S->getAlignment());
+ for (auto *DA : SI.Atoms) {
+ AtomTargetAddr = alignTo(AtomTargetAddr, DA->getAlignment());
+ DA->setAddress(AtomTargetAddr);
+ AtomTargetAddr += DA->getSize();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Error::success();
+DenseSet<StringRef> JITLinkerBase::getExternalSymbolNames() const {
+ // Identify unresolved external atoms.
+ DenseSet<StringRef> UnresolvedExternals;
+ for (auto *DA : G->external_atoms()) {
+ assert(DA->getAddress() == 0 &&
+ "External has already been assigned an address");
+ assert(DA->getName() != StringRef() && DA->getName() != "" &&
+ "Externals must be named");
+ UnresolvedExternals.insert(DA->getName());
+ }
+ return UnresolvedExternals;
+void JITLinkerBase::applyLookupResult(AsyncLookupResult Result) {
+ for (auto &KV : Result) {
+ Atom &A = G->getAtomByName(KV.first);
+ assert(A.getAddress() == 0 && "Atom already resolved");
+ A.setAddress(KV.second.getAddress());
+ }
+ dbgs() << "Externals after applying lookup result:\n";
+ for (auto *A : G->external_atoms())
+ dbgs() << " " << A->getName() << ": "
+ << formatv("{0:x16}", A->getAddress()) << "\n";
+ });
+ assert(llvm::all_of(G->external_atoms(),
+ [](Atom *A) { return A->getAddress() != 0; }) &&
+ "All atoms should have been resolved by this point");
+void JITLinkerBase::deallocateAndBailOut(Error Err) {
+ assert(Err && "Should not be bailing out on success value");
+ assert(Alloc && "can not call deallocateAndBailOut before allocation");
+ Ctx->notifyFailed(joinErrors(std::move(Err), Alloc->deallocate()));
+void JITLinkerBase::dumpGraph(raw_ostream &OS) {
+ assert(G && "Graph is not set yet");
+ G->dump(dbgs(), [this](Edge::Kind K) { return getEdgeKindName(K); });
+void prune(AtomGraph &G) {
+ std::vector<DefinedAtom *> Worklist;
+ DenseMap<DefinedAtom *, std::vector<Edge *>> EdgesToUpdate;
+ // Build the initial worklist from all atoms initially live.
+ for (auto *DA : G.defined_atoms()) {
+ if (!DA->isLive() || DA->shouldDiscard())
+ continue;
+ for (auto &E : DA->edges()) {
+ if (!E.getTarget().isDefined())
+ continue;
+ auto &EDT = static_cast<DefinedAtom &>(E.getTarget());
+ if (EDT.shouldDiscard())
+ EdgesToUpdate[&EDT].push_back(&E);
+ else if (E.isKeepAlive() && !EDT.isLive())
+ Worklist.push_back(&EDT);
+ }
+ }
+ // Propagate live flags to all atoms reachable from the initial live set.
+ while (!Worklist.empty()) {
+ DefinedAtom &NextLive = *Worklist.back();
+ Worklist.pop_back();
+ assert(!NextLive.shouldDiscard() &&
+ "should-discard nodes should never make it into the worklist");
+ // If this atom has already been marked as live, or is marked to be
+ // discarded, then skip it.
+ if (NextLive.isLive())
+ continue;
+ // Otherwise set it as live and add any non-live atoms that it points to
+ // to the worklist.
+ NextLive.setLive(true);
+ for (auto &E : NextLive.edges()) {
+ if (!E.getTarget().isDefined())
+ continue;
+ auto &EDT = static_cast<DefinedAtom &>(E.getTarget());
+ if (EDT.shouldDiscard())
+ EdgesToUpdate[&EDT].push_back(&E);
+ else if (E.isKeepAlive() && !EDT.isLive())
+ Worklist.push_back(&EDT);
+ }
+ }
+ // Collect atoms to remove, then remove them from the graph.
+ std::vector<DefinedAtom *> AtomsToRemove;
+ for (auto *DA : G.defined_atoms())
+ if (DA->shouldDiscard() || !DA->isLive())
+ AtomsToRemove.push_back(DA);
+ LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Pruning atoms:\n");
+ for (auto *DA : AtomsToRemove) {
+ LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << *DA << "... ");
+ // Check whether we need to replace this atom with an external atom.
+ //
+ // We replace if all of the following hold:
+ // (1) The atom is marked should-discard,
+ // (2) it has live edges (i.e. edges from live atoms) pointing to it.
+ //
+ // Otherwise we simply delete the atom.
+ G.removeDefinedAtom(*DA);
+ auto EdgesToUpdateItr = EdgesToUpdate.find(DA);
+ if (EdgesToUpdateItr != EdgesToUpdate.end()) {
+ auto &ExternalReplacement = G.addExternalAtom(DA->getName());
+ for (auto *EdgeToUpdate : EdgesToUpdateItr->second)
+ EdgeToUpdate->setTarget(ExternalReplacement);
+ LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "replaced with " << ExternalReplacement << "\n");
+ } else
+ LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "deleted\n");
+ }
+ // Finally, discard any absolute symbols that were marked should-discard.
+ {
+ std::vector<Atom *> AbsoluteAtomsToRemove;
+ for (auto *A : G.absolute_atoms())
+ if (A->shouldDiscard() || A->isLive())
+ AbsoluteAtomsToRemove.push_back(A);
+ for (auto *A : AbsoluteAtomsToRemove)
+ G.removeAbsoluteAtom(*A);
+ }
+} // end namespace jitlink
+} // end namespace llvm