path: root/contrib/libio/dbz
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libio/dbz')
18 files changed, 0 insertions, 3772 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/Makefile.in b/contrib/libio/dbz/Makefile.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fd956414148..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/Makefile.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-srcdir = .
-CFLAGS = -g
-C_FLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) -I.. -I$(srcdir)/.. -DDBZ_FINISH='_IO_flush_all()'
-CC = `if [ -f ../../../gcc/gcc ] ; \
- then echo ../../../gcc/gcc -B../../../gcc/ ; \
- else echo gcc ; fi`
-LIBIO = ../libio.a ../../libiberty/libiberty.a
-# LIBS = ../libcnews.a
-DBM =
-CASE = case.o
-LINTFLAGS = -h $(DEBUG) $(RFC) -I$(srcdir)
-# =()<NEWSBIN = @<NEWSBIN>@>()=
-NEWSBIN = /usr/lib/newsbin
-# workaround for System V make bug
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-# database sizes for performance tests, regression, and regression prime-find
-#### host and target dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-# history files for regression and performance tests
-#all: dbz
-check: r
- $(MAKE) rclean
-bininstall: dbz
- cp dbz $(NEWSBIN)
-cmp: dbz
- cmp dbz $(NEWSBIN)/dbz
- : nothing
-u: dbz.o
- ar ruv ../libcnews.a dbz.o
- cmp dbz.h ../h/dbz.h
-t: tdbz fake
- lint $(LINTFLAGS) dbzmain.c dbz.c
- $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) -c $<
-rdbz.o: rdbz.c
- $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) $(DEBUG) -DDEFSIZE=$(RSIZE) -c rdbz.c
-rdbzmain.o: rdbzmain.c
- $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) $(RFC) -c rdbzmain.c
-tdbz.o: $(srcdir)/dbz.c
- cp $(srcdir)/dbz.c tdbz.c
- $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) -DDEFSIZE=$(TSIZE) -c tdbz.c
- rm tdbz.c
-dbz: dbzmain.o $(CASE)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) dbzmain.o $(CASE) $(PRE) $(DBM) $(LIBS) $(POST) -o $@
-tdbz: dbzmain.o tdbz.o $(CASE)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) dbzmain.o tdbz.o $(CASE) $(PRE) $(LIBS) $(POST) -o $@
-rdbz: rdbzmain.o rdbz.o $(CASE)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) rdbzmain.o rdbz.o $(CASE) $(PRE) $(LIBS) $(POST) -o $@
-fake: fake.o random.o
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) fake.o random.o $(PRE) $(LIBS) $(POST) -o $@
-byteflip: byteflip.o
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) byteflip.o $(PRE) $(LIBS) $(POST) -o $@
-hist10: fake
- ./fake -t -e 75 10000 >$@
-hist3.3: fake
- ./fake -t -e 75 3300 >$@
-hist13: fake
- ./fake -t -e 75 13000 >$@
-r: $(srcdir)/getmap $(srcdir)/revbytes $(srcdir)/altbytes stamp-r8
- : success!
- : 'WARNING: creates about 2MB of debris; do "make rclean" afterward'
- rm -f dbase dbase[23] dbase.* dbase[23].*
- test ! -d xx || rmdir xx
- @touch stamp-r0
-stamp-r1: $(RHIST) $(R2HIST) stamp-r0
- : crude check of synthetic history file
- ( sed 25q $(RHIST) ; tail -25 $(RHIST) ) >histjunk
- cmp histjunk $(srcdir)/firstlast25
- rm histjunk
- @touch stamp-r1
-r2a: rdbz stamp-r1
- : basic tests, exercising as many options as possible
- cp $(RHIST) dbase
- mkdir xx
- chmod -w xx
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -M -i -S -u -U -C xx dbase
- rmdir xx
- sed '/> 0/d' $(RHIST) >dbase.used
- test "`cat dbase.used | wc -l`" -eq "`sed -n '2s/ .*//p' dbase.dir`" ;
-stamp-r2: r2a
- cp $(RHIST) dbase2
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -p $(RPSIZE) -t ' ' dbase2
- cmp $(RHIST) dbase
- cmp dbase dbase2
- cmp dbase.dir dbase2.dir
- cmp dbase.pag dbase2.pag
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -c dbase
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -c -i -q -M -U dbase
- @touch stamp-r2
-stamp-r3: stamp-r2
- : build a database and then add to it
- sed 1000q $(RHIST) >dbase2
- sed 1,1000d $(RHIST) >dbase2.add
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 dbase2
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -a dbase2 dbase2.add
- cmp dbase dbase2
- cmp dbase.dir dbase2.dir
- cmp dbase.pag dbase2.pag
- @touch stamp-r3
-stamp-r4: stamp-r3
- : build based on existing one, test extraction and readonly files
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -f dbase dbase2
- test "`cat dbase.used | wc -l`" -eq "`awk 'NR==2{print $$1}' dbase2.dir`" ;
- test "`cat dbase.used | wc -l`" -eq "`awk 'NR==2{print $$2}' dbase2.dir`" ;
- chmod -w dbase2.dir dbase2.pag
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -x dbase2 dbase >dbase.temp
- cmp dbase.used dbase.temp
- @touch stamp-r4
-stamp-r5: stamp-r4
- : try some small case perversions
- sed 's/\(@[^ ]*\)A/\1a/' dbase >dbase.ick
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -x dbase2 dbase.ick >dbase.temp
- cmp dbase.used dbase.temp
- sed -n 's/A\([^ ]*@\)/a\1/p' dbase >dbase.ick
- ./rdbz -x dbase2 dbase.ick >dbase.temp
- test ! -s dbase.temp ;
- rm -f dbase2.dir dbase2.pag
- @touch stamp-r5
-stamp-r6: stamp-r5
- : try it without tags, case-insensitive, with case perversions
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -p '0 b 1' dbase2
- tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyz' 'abcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' <dbase2 >dbase.ick
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -x dbase2 dbase.ick >dbase.temp
- cmp dbase.used dbase.temp
- rm -f dbase.temp dbase.ick
- @touch stamp-r6
-stamp-r7: byteflip stamp-r6
- : test various perversions of byte ordering
- awk -f $(srcdir)/revbytes dbase.dir >dbase2.dir
- ./byteflip `$(srcdir)/getmap dbase.dir` `$(srcdir)/getmap dbase2.dir` <dbase.pag >dbase2.pag
- cp dbase dbase2
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -c dbase2
- awk -f $(srcdir)/altbytes dbase.dir >dbase2.dir
- dd conv=swab <dbase.pag >dbase2.pag
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -c dbase2
- cp dbase2 dbase3
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -f dbase2 dbase3
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -c dbase3
- test " `$(srcdir)/getmap dbase2.dir`" = " `$(srcdir)/getmap dbase3.dir`" ;
- @touch stamp-r7
-stamp-r8: stamp-r7
- : test massive overflow, throw in case sensitivity and tag mask
- cp $(R2HIST) dbase
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -p '0 0 7ffc0000' dbase
- ./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -cq dbase
- sed 100q dbase | egrep '[aA].* ' | tr aA Aa >dbase.ick
- ./rdbz -x dbase dbase.ick >dbase.temp
- test ! -s dbase.temp ;
- @touch stamp-r8
- rm -f dbase dbase[23] dbase.* dbase[23].* fake fake.o random.o
- rm -f rdbz rdbz.o rdbzmain.o $(RHIST) $(R2HIST) byteflip byteflip.o
- rm -f histjunk core stamp-r? *~
- test ! -d xx || rmdir xx
-mostlyclean: rclean
- rm -f *.o [a-z]dbz [a-z][a-z]dbz junk* PostScript.out
- rm -f hist* dbase* *.bak mon.out gmon.out core dbm.h
-clean: mostlyclean
- rm -f dbz
-distclean: clean
- rm -rf Makefile config.status rdbz.c rdbzmain.c
-maintainer-clean realclean: distclean
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/README b/contrib/libio/dbz/README
deleted file mode 100644
index e7fa8765ad5c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-The dbz package was "liberated" from C News.
-It is included with the GNU libio because it provides
-a fairly good work-out for a stdio implementation.
-The Makefile.in, configure.in, and stdio.h have been
-set up to test libio.
-This is the new, improved, lemon-freshened :-) dbz.
-Just "make" will get you dbz.o and the dbz program. "make r" runs an
-extensive set of regression tests; most of the mysterious oddments lying
-around here are to do with that. "make rclean" cleans up after "make r".
-You probably want to inspect the #ifdef list early in dbz.c before
-compiling, although the defaults should work all right on most systems.
-If you are not building this as part of C News, you will need to change
-the -I option in FLAGS in the Makefile to "-I.", and delete the DBMLIBS
-and RFC lines entirely. That will break some of the regression tests;
-at some point I'll fix this.
-If you are using this independently from C News, you probably still want
-to look through ../notebook/problems, as some of the portability problems
-described in there can affect dbz.
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/altbytes b/contrib/libio/dbz/altbytes
deleted file mode 100644
index 26cc9fb9e023..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/altbytes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-NR == 1 {
- printf "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9
- for (i = 10; i <= NF; i += 2)
- printf " %s %s", $(i+1), $i
- printf "\n"
-NR > 1 { print }
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/byteflip.c b/contrib/libio/dbz/byteflip.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d54c6591fa18..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/byteflip.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define MAXWORD 32
-main(argc, argv)
-int argc;
-char *argv[];
- register int len;
- int inmap[MAXWORD];
- int outmap[MAXWORD];
- char in[MAXWORD];
- char out[MAXWORD];
- register int i;
- register int a;
- a = 1;
- len = atoi(argv[a++]);
- if (len > MAXWORD)
- abort(); /* kind of drastic... */
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- inmap[i] = atoi(argv[a++]);
- if (atoi(argv[a++]) != len)
- abort();
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- outmap[i] = atoi(argv[a++]);
- while (fread(in, 1, len, stdin) == len) {
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- out[outmap[i]] = in[inmap[i]];
- fwrite(out, 1, len, stdout);
- }
-#ifdef DBZ_FINISH
- exit(0);
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/case.c b/contrib/libio/dbz/case.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 87b741ff54a7..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/case.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- * case-mapping stuff
- *
- * We exploit the fact that we are dealing only with headers here, and
- * headers are limited to the ASCII characters by RFC822. It is barely
- * possible that we might be dealing with a translation into another
- * character set, but in particular it's very unlikely for a header
- * character to be outside -128..255.
- *
- * Life would be a whole lot simpler if tolower() could safely and portably
- * be applied to any char.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "string.h"
-#include "case.h"
-/* note that case.h knows the value of OFFSET */
-#define OFFSET 128 /* avoid trouble with negative chars */
-#define MAPSIZE (256+OFFSET)
-char casemap[MAPSIZE]; /* relies on init to '\0' */
-static int primed = 0; /* has casemap been set up? */
- - prime - set up case-mapping stuff
- */
-static void
- register char *lp;
- register char *up;
- register int c;
- register int i;
- static char lower[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- static char upper[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
- for (lp = lower, up = upper; *lp != '\0'; lp++, up++) {
- c = *lp;
- casemap[c+OFFSET] = c;
- casemap[*up+OFFSET] = c;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAPSIZE; i++)
- if (casemap[i] == '\0')
- casemap[i] = (char)(i-OFFSET);
- primed = 1;
- - cistrncmp - case-independent strncmp
- */
-int /* < == > 0 */
-cistrncmp(s1, s2, len)
-char *s1;
-char *s2;
-int len;
- register char *p1;
- register char *p2;
- register int n;
- if (!primed)
- prime();
- p1 = s1;
- p2 = s2;
- n = len;
- while (--n >= 0 && *p1 != '\0' && TOLOW(*p1) == TOLOW(*p2)) {
- p1++;
- p2++;
- }
- if (n < 0)
- return(0);
- /*
- * The following case analysis is necessary so that characters
- * which look negative collate low against normal characters but
- * high against the end-of-string NUL.
- */
- if (*p1 == '\0' && *p2 == '\0')
- return(0);
- else if (*p1 == '\0')
- return(-1);
- else if (*p2 == '\0')
- return(1);
- else
- return(TOLOW(*p1) - TOLOW(*p2));
- - rfc822ize - do the bizarre case conversion needed for rfc822 message-ids
- *
- * Actually, this is not quite complete. Absolute, total, full RFC822
- * compliance requires a horrible parsing job, because of the arcane
- * quoting conventions -- abc"def"ghi is not equivalent to abc"DEF"ghi,
- * for example. There are three or four things that might occur in the
- * domain part of a message-id that are case-sensitive. They don't seem
- * to ever occur in real news, thank Cthulhu. (What? You were expecting
- * a merciful and forgiving deity to be invoked in connection with RFC822?
- * Forget it; none of them would come near it.)
- */
-char * /* returns the argument */
-char *s;
- register char *p;
- static char post[] = "postmaster";
- static int postlen = sizeof(post)-1;
- if (!primed)
- prime();
- p = strrchr(s, '@');
- if (p == NULL) /* no local/domain split */
- p = ""; /* assume all local */
- else if (p - (s+1) == postlen && CISTREQN(s+1, post, postlen)) {
- /* crazy special case -- "postmaster" is case-insensitive */
- p = s;
- }
-#ifdef B_2_11_MISTAKE
- p = s; /* all case-insensitive */
- for (; *p != '\0'; p++)
- *p = TOLOW(*p);
- return(s);
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/case.h b/contrib/libio/dbz/case.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ef69615506..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/case.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-extern int cistrncmp();
-extern char *rfc822ize();
-extern char casemap[];
-/* must call cistrncmp before invoking TOLOW... */
-#define TOLOW(c) (casemap[(c)+128]) /* see case.c for why 128 */
-/* ...but the use of it in CISTREQN is safe without the preliminary call (!) */
-/* CISTREQN is an optimised case-insensitive strncmp(a,b,n)==0; n > 0 */
-#define CISTREQN(a, b, n) \
- (TOLOW((a)[0]) == TOLOW((b)[0]) && cistrncmp(a, b, n) == 0)
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/configure.in b/contrib/libio/dbz/configure.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb9b57ce0fa..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/configure.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script fragment that supplies the information
-# necessary for a configure script to process the program in
-# this directory. For more information, look at ../configure.
-srcname="libio dbz test"
-# per-host:
-# per-target:
-files="dbz.c dbzmain.c"
-links="rdbz.c rdbzmain.c"
-# post-target:
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.1 b/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.1
deleted file mode 100644
index d2fff17af985..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-.TH DBZ 1 "11 Feb 1992"
-.BY "C News"
-dbz \- operate on dbz databases of text
-.B dbz
-.BR \- { axmc }
-] [
-.B \-t
-] [
-.B \-l
-] [
-.BR \- { qiue }
-] [
-.B \-f
-] [
-.B \-p
-] database file ...
-.I Dbz
-is a shell-level interface to the
-.IR dbz (3z)
-database routines for indexed access to a text file.
-.I database
-file must be a text file,
-one line per database record,
-with the key the first field on the line.
-.B \-t
-option sets the field-separator character; the default is tab.
-Setting the separator character to NUL (with
-.BR "\-t\ ''" )
-makes the whole line the key.
-Lines must not exceed 1023 bytes in length including the newline;
-this limit can be increased with the
-.B \-l
-The limitations and restrictions of
-.IR dbz (3z)
-must also be observed;
-in particular, it remains the user's responsibility to ensure that
-no attempt is made to store two entries (whether identical or not)
-with the same key.
-In the absence of options,
-.I dbz
-creates a
-.IR dbz (3z)
-index for the database;
-the index comprises files
-.IB database .pag
-.IB database .dir
-in the same directory.
-Any previous index is silently overwritten.
-.BR \-a ,
-.BR \-x ,
-.BR \-m ,
-.B \-c
-options specify other operations.
-.BR \-a ,
-.I dbz
-appends lines from the
-.IR file (s)
-(standard input if none)
-to the database, updating both the
-text file and the indexes.
-.BR \-x ,
-.I dbz
-reads keys from the
-.IR file (s)
-(standard input if none)
-and prints (on standard output) the corresponding lines, if any,
-from the database.
-The input is in the form of database lines, although only the keys are
-.B \-q
-option makes
-.B \-x
-print the input lines whose keys are found instead of the database
-lines; this is somewhat faster.
-.BR \-m ,
-operation is the same as for
-.B \-x
-except that the keys which are \fInot\fR present in the database are printed.
-.BR \-c ,
-.I dbz
-checks the database for internal consistency.
-.B \-q
-option causes this check to be done more quickly but less thoroughly
-(each key is looked up in the index, but no check is made to be sure
-that the index entry points to the right place).
-.B \-i
-option suppresses the use of
-.IR dbz (3z)'s
-.I incore
-This makes accesses slower, but keeps the files current
-during updating
-and reduces
-startup/shutdown overhead.
-.I dbz
-checks whether a key is already in the database before adding it.
-.B \-u
-option suppresses this check, speeding things up at the expense of safety.
-A new index is normally created with default size,
-case mapping, and tagging.
-The default size is right for 90-100,000 records.
-The default case mapping is right for RFC822 message-ids.
-.IR dbz (3z)
-for what tagging is about.
-(Note, these defaults can be changed when
-.IR dbz (3z)
-is installed.)
-If the
-.B \-f
-option is given,
-size, case mapping, and tagging
-are instead initialized based on the
-.IR old .
-This is mostly useful when
-creating a new generation of an existing database.
-(See the description of
-.I dbzagain
-.IR dbz (3z)
-for details.)
-If the
-.B \-p
-option is given, the
-.I parms
-string specifies the size, case mapping, and tagging.
-.I parms
-is a single decimal number,
-that is taken as the expected number of records
-in the index, with case mapping and tagging defaulted.
-.I parms
-can be three fields\(ema decimal number, a case-mapping code character, and a
-hexadecimal tag mask\(emseparated by white space.
-The decimal number is, again, the expected number of records;
-0 means ``use the default''.
-.IR dbz (3z)
-for possible choices of case-mapping code,
-but in particular,
-.B 0
-means ``no case mapping''.
-.IR dbz (3z)
-for details on tag masks;
-0 means ``use the default''.
-If the
-.B \-e
-option is given, the decimal number in
-.B \-p
-is taken to be the exact table size, not the expected number of records,
-and invocation of
-.I dbzsize
-.IR dbz (3z))
-to predict a good size for that number of records is suppressed.
-.B \&.pag
-file is normally about 6 bytes per record (based on the estimate given to
-.B \-p
-or the previous history of the
-.B \-f
-.B \&.dir
-file is tiny.
-Written at U of Toronto by Henry Spencer, for the C News project.
-.IR dbz (3z)
-for the history of the underlying database routines.
-There are a number of undocumented options with obscure effects,
-meant for debugging and regression testing of
-.IR dbz (3z).
-Permissions for the index files probably ought to be taken from those
-of the base file.
-The line-length limit is a blemish, alleviated only slightly by
-.BR \-l .
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.3z b/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.3z
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df25311c701..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.3z
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-.TH DBZ 3Z "3 Feb 1991"
-.BY "C News"
-dbminit, fetch, store, dbmclose \- somewhat dbm-compatible database routines
-dbzfresh, dbzagain, dbzfetch, dbzstore \- database routines
-dbzsync, dbzsize, dbzincore, dbzcancel, dbzdebug \- database routines
-.B #include <dbz.h>
-.B dbminit(base)
-.B char *base;
-.B datum
-.B fetch(key)
-.B datum key;
-.B store(key, value)
-.B datum key;
-.B datum value;
-.B dbmclose()
-.B dbzfresh(base, size, fieldsep, cmap, tagmask)
-.B char *base;
-.B long size;
-.B int fieldsep;
-.B int cmap;
-.B long tagmask;
-.B dbzagain(base, oldbase)
-.B char *base;
-.B char *oldbase;
-.B datum
-.B dbzfetch(key)
-.B datum key;
-.B dbzstore(key, value)
-.B datum key;
-.B datum value;
-.B dbzsync()
-.B long
-.B dbzsize(nentries)
-.B long nentries;
-.B dbzincore(newvalue)
-.B dbzcancel()
-.B dbzdebug(newvalue)
-These functions provide an indexing system for rapid random access to a
-text file (the
-.I base
-.IR file ).
-Subject to certain constraints, they are call-compatible with
-.IR dbm (3),
-although they also provide some extensions.
-(Note that they are
-.I not
-file-compatible with
-.I dbm
-or any variant thereof.)
-In principle,
-.I dbz
-stores key-value pairs, where both key and value are arbitrary sequences
-of bytes, specified to the functions by
-values of type
-.IR datum ,
-typedefed in the header file to be a structure with members
-.I dptr
-(a value of type
-.I char *
-pointing to the bytes)
-.I dsize
-(a value of type
-.I int
-indicating how long the byte sequence is).
-In practice,
-.I dbz
-is more restricted than
-.IR dbm .
-.I dbz
-must be an index into a base file,
-with the database
-.IR value s
-.IR fseek (3)
-offsets into the base file.
-Each such
-.I value
-must ``point to'' a place in the base file where the corresponding
-.I key
-sequence is found.
-A key can be no longer than
-(a constant defined in the header file) bytes.
-No key can be an initial subsequence of another,
-which in most applications requires that keys be
-either bracketed or terminated in some way (see the
-discussion of the
-.I fieldsep
-parameter of
-.IR dbzfresh ,
-for a fine point on terminators).
-.I Dbminit
-opens a database,
-an index into the base file
-.IR base ,
-consisting of files
-.IB base .dir
-.IB base .pag
-which must already exist.
-(If the database is new, they should be zero-length files.)
-Subsequent accesses go to that database until
-.I dbmclose
-is called to close the database.
-The base file need not exist at the time of the
-.IR dbminit ,
-but it must exist before accesses are attempted.
-.I Fetch
-searches the database for the specified
-.IR key ,
-returning the corresponding
-.IR value
-if any.
-.I Store
-stores the
-.IR key - value
-pair in the database.
-.I Store
-will fail unless the database files are writeable.
-See below for a complication arising from case mapping.
-.I Dbzfresh
-is a variant of
-.I dbminit
-for creating a new database with more control over details.
-Unlike for
-.IR dbminit ,
-the database files need not exist:
-they will be created if necessary,
-and truncated in any case.
-.IR Dbzfresh 's
-.I size
-parameter specifies the size of the first hash table within the database,
-in key-value pairs.
-Performance will be best if
-.I size
-is a prime number and
-the number of key-value pairs stored in the database does not exceed
-about 2/3 of
-.IR size .
-.I dbzsize
-function, given the expected number of key-value pairs,
-will suggest a database size that meets these criteria.)
-Assuming that an
-.I fseek
-offset is 4 bytes,
-.B .pag
-file will be
-.RI 4* size
-.B .dir
-file is tiny and roughly constant in size)
-the number of key-value pairs exceeds about 80% of
-.IR size .
-(Nothing awful will happen if the database grows beyond 100% of
-.IR size ,
-but accesses will slow down somewhat and the
-.B .pag
-file will grow somewhat.)
-.IR Dbzfresh 's
-.I fieldsep
-parameter specifies the field separator in the base file.
-If this is not
-NUL (0), and the last character of a
-.I key
-argument is NUL, that NUL compares equal to either a NUL or a
-.I fieldsep
-in the base file.
-This permits use of NUL to terminate key strings without requiring that
-NULs appear in the base file.
-.I fieldsep
-of a database created with
-.I dbminit
-is the horizontal-tab character.
-For use in news systems, various forms of case mapping (e.g. uppercase to
-lowercase) in keys are available.
-.I cmap
-parameter to
-.I dbzfresh
-is a single character specifying which of several mapping algorithms to use.
-Available algorithms are:
-.B 0
-case-sensitive: no case mapping
-.B B
-same as
-.B 0
-same as
-.B 0
-.B =
-case-insensitive: uppercase and lowercase equivalent
-.B b
-same as
-.B =
-.B C
-RFC822 message-ID rules, case-sensitive before `@' (with certain exceptions)
-and case-insensitive after
-.B ?
-whatever the local default is, normally
-.B C
-Mapping algorithm
-.B 0
-(no mapping) is faster than the others and is overwhelmingly the correct
-choice for most applications.
-Unless compatibility constraints interfere, it is more efficient to pre-map
-the keys, storing mapped keys in the base file, than to have
-.I dbz
-do the mapping on every search.
-For historical reasons,
-.I fetch
-.I store
-expect their
-.I key
-arguments to be pre-mapped, but expect unmapped keys in the base file.
-.I Dbzfetch
-.I dbzstore
-do the same jobs but handle all case mapping internally,
-so the customer need not worry about it.
-.I Dbz
-stores only the database
-.IR value s
-in its files, relying on reference to the base file to confirm a hit on a key.
-References to the base file can be minimized, greatly speeding up searches,
-if a little bit of information about the keys can be stored in the
-.I dbz
-This is ``free'' if there are some unused bits in an
-.I fseek
-so that the offset can be
-.I tagged
-with some information about the key.
-.I tagmask
-parameter of
-.I dbzfresh
-allows specifying the location of unused bits.
-.I Tagmask
-should be a mask with
-one group of
-.B 1
-The bits in the mask should
-be unused (0) in
-.I most
-The bit immediately above the mask (the
-.I flag
-bit) should be unused (0) in
-.I all
-.I (dbz)store
-will reject attempts to store a key-value pair in which the
-.I value
-has the flag bit on.
-Apart from this restriction, tagging is invisible to the user.
-As a special case, a
-.I tagmask
-of 1 means ``no tagging'', for use with enormous base files or
-on systems with unusual offset representations.
-.I size
-of 0
-given to
-.I dbzfresh
-is synonymous with the local default;
-the normal default is suitable for tables of 90-100,000
-key-value pairs.
-.I cmap
-of 0 (NUL) is synonymous with the character
-.BR 0 ,
-signifying no case mapping
-(note that the character
-.B ?
-specifies the local default mapping,
-.BR C ).
-.I tagmask
-of 0 is synonymous with the local default tag mask,
-normally 0x7f000000 (specifying the top bit in a 32-bit offset
-as the flag bit, and the next 7 bits as the mask,
-which is suitable for base files up to circa 24MB).
-.I dbminit(name)
-with the database files empty is equivalent to calling
-.IR dbzfresh(name,0,'\et','?',0) .
-When databases are regenerated periodically, as in news,
-it is simplest to pick the parameters for a new database based on the old one.
-This also permits some memory of past sizes of the old database, so that
-a new database size can be chosen to cover expected fluctuations.
-.I Dbzagain
-is a variant of
-.I dbminit
-for creating a new database as a new generation of an old database.
-The database files for
-.I oldbase
-must exist.
-.I Dbzagain
-is equivalent to calling
-.I dbzfresh
-with the same field separator, case mapping, and tag mask as the old database,
-and a
-.I size
-equal to the result of applying
-.I dbzsize
-to the largest number of entries in the
-.I oldbase
-database and its previous 10 generations.
-When many accesses are being done by the same program,
-.I dbz
-is massively faster if its first hash table is in memory.
-If an internal flag is 1,
-an attempt is made to read the table in when
-the database is opened, and
-.I dbmclose
-writes it out to disk again (if it was read successfully and
-has been modified).
-.I Dbzincore
-sets the flag to
-.I newvalue
-(which should be 0 or 1)
-and returns the previous value;
-this does not affect the status of a database that has already been opened.
-The default is 0.
-The attempt to read the table in may fail due to memory shortage;
-in this case
-.I dbz
-quietly falls back on its default behavior.
-.IR Store s
-to an in-memory database are not (in general) written out to the file
-.IR dbmclose
-.IR dbzsync ,
-so if robustness in the presence of crashes
-or concurrent accesses
-is crucial, in-memory databases
-should probably be avoided.
-.I Dbzsync
-causes all buffers etc. to be flushed out to the files.
-It is typically used as a precaution against crashes or concurrent accesses
-when a
-.IR dbz -using
-process will be running for a long time.
-It is a somewhat expensive operation,
-for an in-memory database.
-.I Dbzcancel
-cancels any pending writes from buffers.
-This is typically useful only for in-core databases, since writes are
-otherwise done immediately.
-Its main purpose is to let a child process, in the wake of a
-.IR fork ,
-do a
-.I dbmclose
-without writing its parent's data to disk.
-.I dbz
-has been compiled with debugging facilities available (which makes it
-bigger and a bit slower),
-.I dbzdebug
-alters the value (and returns the previous value) of an internal flag
-which (when 1; default is 0) causes
-verbose and cryptic debugging output on standard output.
-Concurrent reading of databases is fairly safe,
-but there is no (inter)locking,
-so concurrent updating is not.
-The database files include a record of the byte order of the processor
-creating the database, and accesses by processors with different byte
-order will work, although they will be slightly slower.
-Byte order is preserved by
-.IR dbzagain .
-agreement on the size and internal structure of an
-.I fseek
-offset is necessary, as is consensus on
-the character set.
-An open database occupies three
-.I stdio
-streams and their corresponding file descriptors;
-a fourth is needed for an in-memory database.
-Memory consumption is negligible (except for
-.I stdio
-buffers) except for in-memory databases.
-dbz(1), dbm(3)
-Functions returning
-.I int
-values return 0 for success, \-1 for failure.
-Functions returning
-.I datum
-values return a value with
-.I dptr
-set to NULL for failure.
-.I Dbminit
-attempts to have
-.I errno
-set plausibly on return, but otherwise this is not guaranteed.
-.I errno
-.I dbminit
-indicates that the database did not appear to be in
-.I dbz
-The original
-.I dbz
-was written by
-Jon Zeeff (zeeff@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us).
-Later contributions by David Butler and Mark Moraes.
-Extensive reworking,
-including this documentation,
-by Henry Spencer (henry@zoo.toronto.edu) as
-part of the C News project.
-Hashing function by Peter Honeyman.
-.I dptr
-members of returned
-.I datum
-values point to static storage which is overwritten by later calls.
-.IR dbm ,
-.I dbz
-will misbehave if an existing key-value pair is `overwritten' by
-a new
-.I (dbz)store
-with the same key.
-The user is responsible for avoiding this by using
-.I (dbz)fetch
-first to check for duplicates;
-an internal optimization remembers the result of the
-first search so there is minimal overhead in this.
-Waiting until after
-.I dbminit
-to bring the base file into existence
-will fail if
-.IR chdir (2)
-has been used meanwhile.
-The RFC822 case mapper implements only a first approximation to the
-hideously-complex RFC822 case rules.
-The prime finder in
-.I dbzsize
-is not particularly quick.
-Should implement the
-.I dbm
-.IR delete ,
-.IR firstkey ,
-.IR nextkey .
-On C implementations which trap integer overflow,
-.I dbz
-will refuse to
-.I (dbz)store
-.I fseek
-offset equal to the greatest
-positive number,
-as this would cause overflow in the biased representation used.
-.I Dbzagain
-perhaps ought to notice when many offsets
-in the old database were
-too big for
-tagging, and shrink the tag mask to match.
-.IR dbz 's
-file descriptors
-.RI close-on- exec
-would be a better approach to the problem
-.I dbzcancel
-tries to address, but that's harder to do portably.
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.c b/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7489a09d15ae..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1768 +0,0 @@
-dbz.c V3.2
-Copyright 1988 Jon Zeeff (zeeff@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us)
-You can use this code in any manner, as long as you leave my name on it
-and don't hold me responsible for any problems with it.
-Hacked on by gdb@ninja.UUCP (David Butler); Sun Jun 5 00:27:08 CDT 1988
-Various improvments + INCORE by moraes@ai.toronto.edu (Mark Moraes)
-Major reworking by Henry Spencer as part of the C News project.
-These routines replace dbm as used by the usenet news software
-(it's not a full dbm replacement by any means). It's fast and
-simple. It contains no AT&T code.
-In general, dbz's files are 1/20 the size of dbm's. Lookup performance
-is somewhat better, while file creation is spectacularly faster, especially
-if the incore facility is used.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef __STDC__
-extern int errno;
-#include <dbz.h>
- * #ifdef index. "LIA" = "leave it alone unless you know what you're doing".
- *
- * FUNNYSEEKS SEEK_SET is not 0, get it from <unistd.h>
- * INDEX_SIZE backward compatibility with old dbz; avoid using this
- * NMEMORY number of days of memory for use in sizing new table (LIA)
- * INCORE backward compatibility with old dbz; use dbzincore() instead
- * DBZDEBUG enable debugging
- * DEFSIZE default table size (not as critical as in old dbz)
- * OLDBNEWS default case mapping as in old B News; set NOBUFFER
- * BNEWS default case mapping as in current B News; set NOBUFFER
- * DEFCASE default case-map algorithm selector
- * NOTAGS fseek offsets are strange, do not do tagging (see below)
- * NPAGBUF size of .pag buffer, in longs (LIA)
- * SHISTBUF size of ASCII-file buffer, in bytes (LIA)
- * MAXRUN length of run which shifts to next table (see below) (LIA)
- * OVERFLOW long-int arithmetic overflow must be avoided, will trap
- * NOBUFFER do not buffer hash-table i/o, B News locking is defective
- */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#define SEEK_SET 0
-#ifdef OVERFLOW
-#include <limits.h>
-static int dbzversion = 3; /* for validating .dir file format */
- * The dbz database exploits the fact that when news stores a <key,value>
- * tuple, the `value' part is a seek offset into a text file, pointing to
- * a copy of the `key' part. This avoids the need to store a copy of
- * the key in the dbz files. However, the text file *must* exist and be
- * consistent with the dbz files, or things will fail.
- *
- * The basic format of the database is a simple hash table containing the
- * values. A value is stored by indexing into the table using a hash value
- * computed from the key; collisions are resolved by linear probing (just
- * search forward for an empty slot, wrapping around to the beginning of
- * the table if necessary). Linear probing is a performance disaster when
- * the table starts to get full, so a complication is introduced. The
- * database is actually one *or more* tables, stored sequentially in the
- * .pag file, and the length of linear-probe sequences is limited. The
- * search (for an existing item or an empty slot) always starts in the
- * first table, and whenever MAXRUN probes have been done in table N,
- * probing continues in table N+1. This behaves reasonably well even in
- * cases of massive overflow. There are some other small complications
- * added, see comments below.
- *
- * The table size is fixed for any particular database, but is determined
- * dynamically when a database is rebuilt. The strategy is to try to pick
- * the size so the first table will be no more than 2/3 full, that being
- * slightly before the point where performance starts to degrade. (It is
- * desirable to be a bit conservative because the overflow strategy tends
- * to produce files with holes in them, which is a nuisance.)
- */
- * The following is for backward compatibility.
- */
-#ifdef INDEX_SIZE
- * ANSI C says the offset argument to fseek is a long, not an off_t, for some
- * reason. Let's use off_t anyway.
- */
-#define SOF (sizeof(off_t))
- * We assume that unused areas of a binary file are zeros, and that the
- * bit pattern of `(off_t)0' is all zeros. The alternative is rather
- * painful file initialization. Note that okayvalue(), if OVERFLOW is
- * defined, knows what value of an offset would cause overflow.
- */
-#define VACANT ((off_t)0)
-#define BIAS(o) ((o)+1) /* make any valid off_t non-VACANT */
-#define UNBIAS(o) ((o)-1) /* reverse BIAS() effect */
- * In a Unix implementation, or indeed any in which an off_t is a byte
- * count, there are a bunch of high bits free in an off_t. There is a
- * use for them. Checking a possible hit by looking it up in the base
- * file is relatively expensive, and the cost can be dramatically reduced
- * by using some of those high bits to tag the value with a few more bits
- * of the key's hash. This detects most false hits without the overhead of
- * seek+read+strcmp. We use the top bit to indicate whether the value is
- * tagged or not, and don't tag a value which is using the tag bits itself.
- * We're in trouble if the off_t representation wants to use the top bit.
- * The actual bitmasks and offset come from the configuration stuff,
- * which permits fiddling with them as necessary, and also suppressing
- * them completely (by defining the masks to 0). We build pre-shifted
- * versions of the masks for efficiency.
- */
-static off_t tagbits; /* pre-shifted tag mask */
-static off_t taghere; /* pre-shifted tag-enable bit */
-static off_t tagboth; /* tagbits|taghere */
-#define HASTAG(o) ((o)&taghere)
-#define TAG(o) ((o)&tagbits)
-#define NOTAG(o) ((o)&~tagboth)
-#define CANTAG(o) (((o)&tagboth) == 0)
-#define MKTAG(v) (((v)<<conf.tagshift)&tagbits)
- * A new, from-scratch database, not built as a rebuild of an old one,
- * needs to know table size, casemap algorithm, and tagging. Normally
- * the user supplies this info, but there have to be defaults.
- */
-#ifndef DEFSIZE
-#define DEFSIZE 120011 /* 300007 might be better */
-#ifdef OLDBNEWS
-#define DEFCASE '0' /* B2.10 -- no mapping */
-#define NOBUFFER /* B News locking is defective */
-#ifdef BNEWS
-#define DEFCASE '=' /* B2.11 -- all mapped */
-#define NOBUFFER /* B News locking is defective */
-#ifndef DEFCASE /* C News compatibility is the default */
-#define DEFCASE 'C' /* C News -- RFC822 mapping */
-#ifndef NOTAGS
-#define TAGENB 0x80 /* tag enable is top bit, tag is next 7 */
-#define TAGMASK 0x7f
-#define TAGSHIFT 24
-#define TAGENB 0 /* no tags */
-#define TAGMASK 0
-#define TAGSHIFT 0
- * We read configuration info from the .dir file into this structure,
- * so we can avoid wired-in assumptions for an existing database.
- *
- * Among the info is a record of recent peak usages, so that a new table
- * size can be chosen intelligently when rebuilding. 10 is a good
- * number of usages to keep, since news displays marked fluctuations
- * in volume on a 7-day cycle.
- */
-struct dbzconfig {
- int olddbz; /* .dir file empty but .pag not? */
- off_t tsize; /* table size */
-# ifndef NMEMORY
-# define NMEMORY 10 /* # days of use info to remember */
-# endif
-# define NUSEDS (1+NMEMORY)
- off_t used[NUSEDS]; /* entries used today, yesterday, ... */
- int valuesize; /* size of table values, == SOF */
- int bytemap[SOF]; /* byte-order map */
- char casemap; /* case-mapping algorithm (see cipoint()) */
- char fieldsep; /* field separator in base file, if any */
- off_t tagenb; /* unshifted tag-enable bit */
- off_t tagmask; /* unshifted tag mask */
- int tagshift; /* shift count for tagmask and tagenb */
-static struct dbzconfig conf;
-static int getconf();
-static long getno();
-static int putconf();
-static void mybytemap();
-static off_t bytemap();
- * For a program that makes many, many references to the database, it
- * is a large performance win to keep the table in core, if it will fit.
- * Note that this does hurt robustness in the event of crashes, and
- * dbmclose() *must* be called to flush the in-core database to disk.
- * The code is prepared to deal with the possibility that there isn't
- * enough memory. There *is* an assumption that a size_t is big enough
- * to hold the size (in bytes) of one table, so dbminit() tries to figure
- * out whether this is possible first.
- *
- * The preferred way to ask for an in-core table is to do dbzincore(1)
- * before dbminit(). The default is not to do it, although -DINCORE
- * overrides this for backward compatibility with old dbz.
- *
- * We keep only the first table in core. This greatly simplifies the
- * code, and bounds memory demand. Furthermore, doing this is a large
- * performance win even in the event of massive overflow.
- */
-#ifdef INCORE
-static int incore = 1;
-static int incore = 0;
- * Stdio buffer for .pag reads. Buffering more than about 16 does not help
- * significantly at the densities we try to maintain, and the much larger
- * buffers that most stdios default to are much more expensive to fill.
- * With small buffers, stdio is performance-competitive with raw read(),
- * and it's much more portable.
- */
-#ifndef NPAGBUF
-#define NPAGBUF 16
-#ifndef NOBUFFER
-#ifdef _IOFBF
-static off_t pagbuf[NPAGBUF]; /* only needed if !NOBUFFER && _IOFBF */
- * Stdio buffer for base-file reads. Message-IDs (all news ever needs to
- * read) are essentially never longer than 64 bytes, and the typical stdio
- * buffer is so much larger that it is much more expensive to fill.
- */
-#ifndef SHISTBUF
-#define SHISTBUF 64
-#ifdef _IOFBF
-static char basebuf[SHISTBUF]; /* only needed if _IOFBF exists */
- * Data structure for recording info about searches.
- */
-struct searcher {
- off_t place; /* current location in file */
- int tabno; /* which table we're in */
- int run; /* how long we'll stay in this table */
-# ifndef MAXRUN
-# define MAXRUN 100
-# endif
- long hash; /* the key's hash code (for optimization) */
- off_t tag; /* tag we are looking for */
- int seen; /* have we examined current location? */
- int aborted; /* has i/o error aborted search? */
-static void start();
-#define FRESH ((struct searcher *)NULL)
-static off_t search();
-#define NOTFOUND ((off_t)-1)
-static int okayvalue();
-static int set();
- * Arguably the searcher struct for a given routine ought to be local to
- * it, but a fetch() is very often immediately followed by a store(), and
- * in some circumstances it is a useful performance win to remember where
- * the fetch() completed. So we use a global struct and remember whether
- * it is current.
- */
-static struct searcher srch;
-static struct searcher *prevp; /* &srch or FRESH */
-/* byte-ordering stuff */
-static int mybmap[SOF]; /* my byte order (see mybytemap()) */
-static int bytesame; /* is database order same as mine? */
-#define MAPIN(o) ((bytesame) ? (o) : bytemap((o), conf.bytemap, mybmap))
-#define MAPOUT(o) ((bytesame) ? (o) : bytemap((o), mybmap, conf.bytemap))
- * The double parentheses needed to make this work are ugly, but the
- * alternative (under most compilers) is to pack around 2K of unused
- * strings -- there's just no way to get rid of them.
- */
-static int debug; /* controlled by dbzdebug() */
-#ifdef DBZDEBUG
-#define DEBUG(args) if (debug) { (void) printf args ; }
-#define DEBUG(args) ;
-/* externals used */
-extern char *malloc();
-extern char *calloc();
-extern void free(); /* ANSI C; some old implementations say int */
-extern int atoi();
-extern long atol();
-/* misc. forwards */
-static long hash();
-static void crcinit();
-static char *cipoint();
-static char *mapcase();
-static int isprime();
-static FILE *latebase();
-/* file-naming stuff */
-static char dir[] = ".dir";
-static char pag[] = ".pag";
-static char *enstring();
-/* central data structures */
-static FILE *basef; /* descriptor for base file */
-static char *basefname; /* name for not-yet-opened base file */
-static FILE *dirf; /* descriptor for .dir file */
-static int dirronly; /* dirf open read-only? */
-static FILE *pagf = NULL; /* descriptor for .pag file */
-static off_t pagpos; /* posn in pagf; only search may set != -1 */
-static int pagronly; /* pagf open read-only? */
-static off_t *corepag; /* incore version of .pag file, if any */
-static FILE *bufpagf; /* well-buffered pagf, for incore rewrite */
-static off_t *getcore();
-static int putcore();
-static int written; /* has a store() been done? */
- - dbzfresh - set up a new database, no historical info
- */
-int /* 0 success, -1 failure */
-dbzfresh(name, size, fs, cmap, tagmask)
-char *name; /* base name; .dir and .pag must exist */
-long size; /* table size (0 means default) */
-int fs; /* field-separator character in base file */
-int cmap; /* case-map algorithm (0 means default) */
-off_t tagmask; /* 0 default, 1 no tags */
- register char *fn;
- struct dbzconfig c;
- register off_t m;
- register FILE *f;
- if (pagf != NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbzfresh: database already open\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- if (size != 0 && size < 2) {
- DEBUG(("dbzfresh: preposterous size (%ld)\n", size));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* get default configuration */
- if (getconf((FILE *)NULL, (FILE *)NULL, &c) < 0)
- return(-1); /* "can't happen" */
- /* and mess with it as specified */
- if (size != 0)
- c.tsize = size;
- c.fieldsep = fs;
- switch (cmap) {
- case 0:
- case '0':
- case 'B': /* 2.10 compat */
- c.casemap = '0'; /* '\0' nicer, but '0' printable! */
- break;
- case '=':
- case 'b': /* 2.11 compat */
- c.casemap = '=';
- break;
- case 'C':
- c.casemap = 'C';
- break;
- case '?':
- c.casemap = DEFCASE;
- break;
- default:
- DEBUG(("dbzfresh case map `%c' unknown\n", cmap));
- return(-1);
- break;
- }
- switch (tagmask) {
- case 0: /* default */
- break;
- case 1: /* no tags */
- c.tagshift = 0;
- c.tagmask = 0;
- c.tagenb = 0;
- break;
- default:
- m = tagmask;
- c.tagshift = 0;
- while (!(m&01)) {
- m >>= 1;
- c.tagshift++;
- }
- c.tagmask = m;
- c.tagenb = (m << 1) & ~m;
- break;
- }
- /* write it out */
- fn = enstring(name, dir);
- if (fn == NULL)
- return(-1);
- f = fopen(fn, "w");
- free(fn);
- if (f == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbzfresh: unable to write config\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- if (putconf(f, &c) < 0) {
- (void) fclose(f);
- return(-1);
- }
- if (fclose(f) == EOF) {
- DEBUG(("dbzfresh: fclose failure\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* create/truncate .pag */
- fn = enstring(name, pag);
- if (fn == NULL)
- return(-1);
- f = fopen(fn, "w");
- free(fn);
- if (f == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbzfresh: unable to create/truncate .pag file\n"));
- return(-1);
- } else
- (void) fclose(f);
- /* and punt to dbminit for the hard work */
- return(dbminit(name));
- - dbzsize - what's a good table size to hold this many entries?
- */
-long contents; /* 0 means what's the default */
- register long n;
- if (contents <= 0) { /* foulup or default inquiry */
- DEBUG(("dbzsize: preposterous input (%ld)\n", contents));
- return(DEFSIZE);
- }
- n = (contents/2)*3; /* try to keep table at most 2/3 full */
- if (!(n&01)) /* make it odd */
- n++;
- DEBUG(("dbzsize: tentative size %ld\n", n));
- while (!isprime(n)) /* and look for a prime */
- n += 2;
- DEBUG(("dbzsize: final size %ld\n", n));
- return(n);
- - isprime - is a number prime?
- *
- * This is not a terribly efficient approach.
- */
-static int /* predicate */
-register long x;
- static int quick[] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 0 };
- register int *ip;
- register long div;
- register long stop;
- /* hit the first few primes quickly to eliminate easy ones */
- /* this incidentally prevents ridiculously small tables */
- for (ip = quick; (div = *ip) != 0; ip++)
- if (x%div == 0) {
- DEBUG(("isprime: quick result on %ld\n", (long)x));
- return(0);
- }
- /* approximate square root of x */
- for (stop = x; x/stop < stop; stop >>= 1)
- continue;
- stop <<= 1;
- /* try odd numbers up to stop */
- for (div = *--ip; div < stop; div += 2)
- if (x%div == 0)
- return(0);
- return(1);
- - dbzagain - set up a new database to be a rebuild of an old one
- */
-int /* 0 success, -1 failure */
-dbzagain(name, oldname)
-char *name; /* base name; .dir and .pag must exist */
-char *oldname; /* base name; all must exist */
- register char *fn;
- struct dbzconfig c;
- register int i;
- register long top;
- register FILE *f;
- register int newtable;
- register off_t newsize;
- if (pagf != NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbzagain: database already open\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* pick up the old configuration */
- fn = enstring(oldname, dir);
- if (fn == NULL)
- return(-1);
- f = fopen(fn, "r");
- free(fn);
- if (f == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbzagain: cannot open old .dir file\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- i = getconf(f, (FILE *)NULL, &c);
- (void) fclose(f);
- if (i < 0) {
- DEBUG(("dbzagain: getconf failed\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* tinker with it */
- top = 0;
- newtable = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < NUSEDS; i++) {
- if (top < c.used[i])
- top = c.used[i];
- if (c.used[i] == 0)
- newtable = 1; /* hasn't got full usage history yet */
- }
- if (top == 0) {
- DEBUG(("dbzagain: old table has no contents!\n"));
- newtable = 1;
- }
- for (i = NUSEDS-1; i > 0; i--)
- c.used[i] = c.used[i-1];
- c.used[0] = 0;
- newsize = dbzsize(top);
- if (!newtable || newsize > c.tsize) /* don't shrink new table */
- c.tsize = newsize;
- /* write it out */
- fn = enstring(name, dir);
- if (fn == NULL)
- return(-1);
- f = fopen(fn, "w");
- free(fn);
- if (f == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbzagain: unable to write new .dir\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- i = putconf(f, &c);
- (void) fclose(f);
- if (i < 0) {
- DEBUG(("dbzagain: putconf failed\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* create/truncate .pag */
- fn = enstring(name, pag);
- if (fn == NULL)
- return(-1);
- f = fopen(fn, "w");
- free(fn);
- if (f == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbzagain: unable to create/truncate .pag file\n"));
- return(-1);
- } else
- (void) fclose(f);
- /* and let dbminit do the work */
- return(dbminit(name));
- - dbminit - open a database, creating it (using defaults) if necessary
- *
- * We try to leave errno set plausibly, to the extent that underlying
- * functions permit this, since many people consult it if dbminit() fails.
- */
-int /* 0 success, -1 failure */
-char *name;
- register int i;
- register size_t s;
- register char *dirfname;
- register char *pagfname;
- if (pagf != NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbminit: dbminit already called once\n"));
- errno = 0;
- return(-1);
- }
- /* open the .dir file */
- dirfname = enstring(name, dir);
- if (dirfname == NULL)
- return(-1);
- dirf = fopen(dirfname, "r+");
- if (dirf == NULL) {
- dirf = fopen(dirfname, "r");
- dirronly = 1;
- } else
- dirronly = 0;
- free(dirfname);
- if (dirf == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbminit: can't open .dir file\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* open the .pag file */
- pagfname = enstring(name, pag);
- if (pagfname == NULL) {
- (void) fclose(dirf);
- return(-1);
- }
- pagf = fopen(pagfname, "r+b");
- if (pagf == NULL) {
- pagf = fopen(pagfname, "rb");
- if (pagf == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbminit: .pag open failed\n"));
- (void) fclose(dirf);
- free(pagfname);
- return(-1);
- }
- pagronly = 1;
- } else if (dirronly)
- pagronly = 1;
- else
- pagronly = 0;
-#ifdef NOBUFFER
- /*
- * B News does not do adequate locking on its database accesses.
- * Why it doesn't get into trouble using dbm is a mystery. In any
- * case, doing unbuffered i/o does not cure the problem, but does
- * enormously reduce its incidence.
- */
- (void) setbuf(pagf, (char *)NULL);
-#ifdef _IOFBF
- (void) setvbuf(pagf, (char *)pagbuf, _IOFBF, sizeof(pagbuf));
- pagpos = -1;
- /* don't free pagfname, need it below */
- /* open the base file */
- basef = fopen(name, "r");
- if (basef == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbminit: basefile open failed\n"));
- basefname = enstring(name, "");
- if (basefname == NULL) {
- (void) fclose(pagf);
- (void) fclose(dirf);
- free(pagfname);
- pagf = NULL;
- return(-1);
- }
- } else
- basefname = NULL;
-#ifdef _IOFBF
- if (basef != NULL)
- (void) setvbuf(basef, basebuf, _IOFBF, sizeof(basebuf));
- /* pick up configuration */
- if (getconf(dirf, pagf, &conf) < 0) {
- DEBUG(("dbminit: getconf failure\n"));
- (void) fclose(basef);
- (void) fclose(pagf);
- (void) fclose(dirf);
- free(pagfname);
- pagf = NULL;
- errno = EDOM; /* kind of a kludge, but very portable */
- return(-1);
- }
- tagbits = conf.tagmask << conf.tagshift;
- taghere = conf.tagenb << conf.tagshift;
- tagboth = tagbits | taghere;
- mybytemap(mybmap);
- bytesame = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < SOF; i++)
- if (mybmap[i] != conf.bytemap[i])
- bytesame = 0;
- /* get first table into core, if it looks desirable and feasible */
- s = (size_t)conf.tsize * SOF;
- if (incore && (off_t)(s/SOF) == conf.tsize) {
- bufpagf = fopen(pagfname, (pagronly) ? "rb" : "r+b");
- if (bufpagf != NULL)
- corepag = getcore(bufpagf);
- } else {
- bufpagf = NULL;
- corepag = NULL;
- }
- free(pagfname);
- /* misc. setup */
- crcinit();
- written = 0;
- prevp = FRESH;
- DEBUG(("dbminit: succeeded\n"));
- return(0);
- - enstring - concatenate two strings into a malloced area
- */
-static char * /* NULL if malloc fails */
-enstring(s1, s2)
-char *s1;
-char *s2;
- register char *p;
- p = malloc((size_t)strlen(s1) + (size_t)strlen(s2) + 1);
- if (p != NULL) {
- (void) strcpy(p, s1);
- (void) strcat(p, s2);
- } else {
- DEBUG(("enstring(%s, %s) out of memory\n", s1, s2));
- }
- return(p);
- - dbmclose - close a database
- */
- register int ret = 0;
- if (pagf == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbmclose: not opened!\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- if (fclose(pagf) == EOF) {
- DEBUG(("dbmclose: fclose(pagf) failed\n"));
- ret = -1;
- }
- pagf = basef; /* ensure valid pointer; dbzsync checks it */
- if (dbzsync() < 0)
- ret = -1;
- if (bufpagf != NULL && fclose(bufpagf) == EOF) {
- DEBUG(("dbmclose: fclose(bufpagf) failed\n"));
- ret = -1;
- }
- if (corepag != NULL)
- free((char *)corepag);
- corepag = NULL;
- if (fclose(basef) == EOF) {
- DEBUG(("dbmclose: fclose(basef) failed\n"));
- ret = -1;
- }
- if (basefname != NULL)
- free(basefname);
- basef = NULL;
- pagf = NULL;
- if (fclose(dirf) == EOF) {
- DEBUG(("dbmclose: fclose(dirf) failed\n"));
- ret = -1;
- }
- DEBUG(("dbmclose: %s\n", (ret == 0) ? "succeeded" : "failed"));
- return(ret);
- - dbzsync - push all in-core data out to disk
- */
- register int ret = 0;
- if (pagf == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbzsync: not opened!\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- if (!written)
- return(0);
- if (corepag != NULL) {
- if (putcore(corepag, bufpagf) < 0) {
- DEBUG(("dbzsync: putcore failed\n"));
- ret = -1;
- }
- }
- if (!conf.olddbz)
- if (putconf(dirf, &conf) < 0)
- ret = -1;
- DEBUG(("dbzsync: %s\n", (ret == 0) ? "succeeded" : "failed"));
- return(ret);
- - dbzcancel - cancel writing of in-core data
- * Mostly for use from child processes.
- * Note that we don't need to futz around with stdio buffers, because we
- * always fflush them immediately anyway and so they never have stale data.
- */
- if (pagf == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("dbzcancel: not opened!\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- written = 0;
- return(0);
- - dbzfetch - fetch() with case mapping built in
- */
-datum key;
- char buffer[DBZMAXKEY + 1];
- datum mappedkey;
- register size_t keysize;
- DEBUG(("dbzfetch: (%s)\n", key.dptr));
- /* Key is supposed to be less than DBZMAXKEY */
- keysize = key.dsize;
- if (keysize >= DBZMAXKEY) {
- keysize = DBZMAXKEY;
- DEBUG(("keysize is %d - truncated to %d\n", key.dsize, DBZMAXKEY));
- }
- mappedkey.dptr = mapcase(buffer, key.dptr, keysize);
- buffer[keysize] = '\0'; /* just a debug aid */
- mappedkey.dsize = keysize;
- return(fetch(mappedkey));
- - fetch - get an entry from the database
- *
- * Disgusting fine point, in the name of backward compatibility: if the
- * last character of "key" is a NUL, that character is (effectively) not
- * part of the comparison against the stored keys.
- */
-datum /* dptr NULL, dsize 0 means failure */
-datum key;
- char buffer[DBZMAXKEY + 1];
- static off_t key_ptr; /* return value points here */
- datum output;
- register size_t keysize;
- register size_t cmplen;
- register char *sepp;
- DEBUG(("fetch: (%s)\n", key.dptr));
- output.dptr = NULL;
- output.dsize = 0;
- prevp = FRESH;
- /* Key is supposed to be less than DBZMAXKEY */
- keysize = key.dsize;
- if (keysize >= DBZMAXKEY) {
- keysize = DBZMAXKEY;
- DEBUG(("keysize is %d - truncated to %d\n", key.dsize, DBZMAXKEY));
- }
- if (pagf == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("fetch: database not open!\n"));
- return(output);
- } else if (basef == NULL) { /* basef didn't exist yet */
- basef = latebase();
- if (basef == NULL)
- return(output);
- }
- cmplen = keysize;
- sepp = &conf.fieldsep;
- if (key.dptr[keysize-1] == '\0') {
- cmplen--;
- sepp = &buffer[keysize-1];
- }
- start(&srch, &key, FRESH);
- while ((key_ptr = search(&srch)) != NOTFOUND) {
- DEBUG(("got 0x%lx\n", key_ptr));
- /* fetch the key */
- if (fseek(basef, key_ptr, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
- DEBUG(("fetch: seek failed\n"));
- return(output);
- }
- if (fread(buffer, 1, keysize, basef) != keysize) {
- DEBUG(("fetch: read failed\n"));
- return(output);
- }
- /* try it */
- buffer[keysize] = '\0'; /* terminated for DEBUG */
- (void) mapcase(buffer, buffer, keysize);
- DEBUG(("fetch: buffer (%s) looking for (%s) size = %d\n",
- buffer, key.dptr, keysize));
- if (memcmp(key.dptr, buffer, cmplen) == 0 &&
- (*sepp == conf.fieldsep || *sepp == '\0')) {
- /* we found it */
- output.dptr = (char *)&key_ptr;
- output.dsize = SOF;
- DEBUG(("fetch: successful\n"));
- return(output);
- }
- }
- /* we didn't find it */
- DEBUG(("fetch: failed\n"));
- prevp = &srch; /* remember where we stopped */
- return(output);
- - latebase - try to open a base file that wasn't there at the start
- */
-static FILE *
- register FILE *it;
- if (basefname == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("latebase: name foulup\n"));
- return(NULL);
- }
- it = fopen(basefname, "r");
- if (it == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("latebase: still can't open base\n"));
- } else {
- DEBUG(("latebase: late open succeeded\n"));
- free(basefname);
- basefname = NULL;
-#ifdef _IOFBF
- (void) setvbuf(it, basebuf, _IOFBF, sizeof(basebuf));
- }
- return(it);
- - dbzstore - store() with case mapping built in
- */
-dbzstore(key, data)
-datum key;
-datum data;
- char buffer[DBZMAXKEY + 1];
- datum mappedkey;
- register size_t keysize;
- DEBUG(("dbzstore: (%s)\n", key.dptr));
- /* Key is supposed to be less than DBZMAXKEY */
- keysize = key.dsize;
- if (keysize >= DBZMAXKEY) {
- DEBUG(("dbzstore: key size too big (%d)\n", key.dsize));
- return(-1);
- }
- mappedkey.dptr = mapcase(buffer, key.dptr, keysize);
- buffer[keysize] = '\0'; /* just a debug aid */
- mappedkey.dsize = keysize;
- return(store(mappedkey, data));
- - store - add an entry to the database
- */
-int /* 0 success, -1 failure */
-store(key, data)
-datum key;
-datum data;
- off_t value;
- if (pagf == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("store: database not open!\n"));
- return(-1);
- } else if (basef == NULL) { /* basef didn't exist yet */
- basef = latebase();
- if (basef == NULL)
- return(-1);
- }
- if (pagronly) {
- DEBUG(("store: database open read-only\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- if (data.dsize != SOF) {
- DEBUG(("store: value size wrong (%d)\n", data.dsize));
- return(-1);
- }
- if (key.dsize >= DBZMAXKEY) {
- DEBUG(("store: key size too big (%d)\n", key.dsize));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* copy the value in to ensure alignment */
- (void) memcpy((char *)&value, data.dptr, SOF);
- DEBUG(("store: (%s, %ld)\n", key.dptr, (long)value));
- if (!okayvalue(value)) {
- DEBUG(("store: reserved bit or overflow in 0x%lx\n", value));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* find the place, exploiting previous search if possible */
- start(&srch, &key, prevp);
- while (search(&srch) != NOTFOUND)
- continue;
- prevp = FRESH;
- conf.used[0]++;
- DEBUG(("store: used count %ld\n", conf.used[0]));
- written = 1;
- return(set(&srch, value));
- - dbzincore - control attempts to keep .pag file in core
- */
-int /* old setting */
-int value;
- register int old = incore;
- incore = value;
- return(old);
- - getconf - get configuration from .dir file
- */
-static int /* 0 success, -1 failure */
-getconf(df, pf, cp)
-register FILE *df; /* NULL means just give me the default */
-register FILE *pf; /* NULL means don't care about .pag */
-register struct dbzconfig *cp;
- register int c;
- register int i;
- int err = 0;
- c = (df != NULL) ? getc(df) : EOF;
- if (c == EOF) { /* empty file, no configuration known */
- cp->olddbz = 0;
- if (df != NULL && pf != NULL && getc(pf) != EOF)
- cp->olddbz = 1;
- cp->tsize = DEFSIZE;
- cp->fieldsep = '\t';
- for (i = 0; i < NUSEDS; i++)
- cp->used[i] = 0;
- cp->valuesize = SOF;
- mybytemap(cp->bytemap);
- cp->casemap = DEFCASE;
- cp->tagenb = TAGENB;
- cp->tagmask = TAGMASK;
- cp->tagshift = TAGSHIFT;
- DEBUG(("getconf: defaults (%ld, %c, (0x%lx/0x%lx<<%d))\n",
- cp->tsize, cp->casemap, cp->tagenb,
- cp->tagmask, cp->tagshift));
- return(0);
- }
- (void) ungetc(c, df);
- /* first line, the vital stuff */
- if (getc(df) != 'd' || getc(df) != 'b' || getc(df) != 'z')
- err = -1;
- if (getno(df, &err) != dbzversion)
- err = -1;
- cp->tsize = getno(df, &err);
- cp->fieldsep = getno(df, &err);
- while ((c = getc(df)) == ' ')
- continue;
- cp->casemap = c;
- cp->tagenb = getno(df, &err);
- cp->tagmask = getno(df, &err);
- cp->tagshift = getno(df, &err);
- cp->valuesize = getno(df, &err);
- if (cp->valuesize != SOF) {
- DEBUG(("getconf: wrong off_t size (%d)\n", cp->valuesize));
- err = -1;
- cp->valuesize = SOF; /* to protect the loops below */
- }
- for (i = 0; i < cp->valuesize; i++)
- cp->bytemap[i] = getno(df, &err);
- if (getc(df) != '\n')
- err = -1;
- DEBUG(("size %ld, sep %d, cmap %c, tags 0x%lx/0x%lx<<%d, ", cp->tsize,
- cp->fieldsep, cp->casemap, cp->tagenb, cp->tagmask,
- cp->tagshift));
- DEBUG(("bytemap (%d)", cp->valuesize));
- for (i = 0; i < cp->valuesize; i++) {
- DEBUG((" %d", cp->bytemap[i]));
- }
- DEBUG(("\n"));
- /* second line, the usages */
- for (i = 0; i < NUSEDS; i++)
- cp->used[i] = getno(df, &err);
- if (getc(df) != '\n')
- err = -1;
- DEBUG(("used %ld %ld %ld...\n", cp->used[0], cp->used[1], cp->used[2]));
- if (err < 0) {
- DEBUG(("getconf error\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- return(0);
- - getno - get a long
- */
-static long
-getno(f, ep)
-FILE *f;
-int *ep;
- register char *p;
-# define MAXN 50
- char getbuf[MAXN];
- register int c;
- while ((c = getc(f)) == ' ')
- continue;
- if (c == EOF || c == '\n') {
- DEBUG(("getno: missing number\n"));
- *ep = -1;
- return(0);
- }
- p = getbuf;
- *p++ = c;
- while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF && c != '\n' && c != ' ')
- if (p < &getbuf[MAXN-1])
- *p++ = c;
- if (c == EOF) {
- DEBUG(("getno: EOF\n"));
- *ep = -1;
- } else
- (void) ungetc(c, f);
- *p = '\0';
- if (strspn(getbuf, "-1234567890") != strlen(getbuf)) {
- DEBUG(("getno: `%s' non-numeric\n", getbuf));
- *ep = -1;
- }
- return(atol(getbuf));
- - putconf - write configuration to .dir file
- */
-static int /* 0 success, -1 failure */
-putconf(f, cp)
-register FILE *f;
-register struct dbzconfig *cp;
- register int i;
- register int ret = 0;
- if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
- DEBUG(("fseek failure in putconf\n"));
- ret = -1;
- }
- fprintf(f, "dbz %d %ld %d %c %ld %ld %d %d", dbzversion,
- (long)cp->tsize,
- cp->fieldsep, cp->casemap, (long)cp->tagenb,
- (long)cp->tagmask, cp->tagshift,
- cp->valuesize);
- for (i = 0; i < cp->valuesize; i++)
- fprintf(f, " %d", cp->bytemap[i]);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- for (i = 0; i < NUSEDS; i++)
- fprintf(f, "%ld%c",
- (long)cp->used[i], (i < NUSEDS-1) ? ' ' : '\n');
- (void) fflush(f);
- if (ferror(f))
- ret = -1;
- DEBUG(("putconf status %d\n", ret));
- return(ret);
- - getcore - try to set up an in-core copy of .pag file
- */
-static off_t * /* pointer to copy, or NULL */
-FILE *f;
- register off_t *p;
- register size_t i;
- register size_t nread;
- register char *it;
- it = malloc((size_t)conf.tsize * SOF);
- if (it == NULL) {
- DEBUG(("getcore: malloc failed\n"));
- return(NULL);
- }
- nread = fread(it, SOF, (size_t)conf.tsize, f);
- if (ferror(f)) {
- DEBUG(("getcore: read failed\n"));
- free(it);
- return(NULL);
- }
- p = (off_t *)it + nread;
- i = (size_t)conf.tsize - nread;
- while (i-- > 0)
- *p++ = VACANT;
- return((off_t *)it);
- - putcore - try to rewrite an in-core table
- */
-static int /* 0 okay, -1 fail */
-putcore(tab, f)
-off_t *tab;
-FILE *f;
- if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
- DEBUG(("fseek failure in putcore\n"));
- return(-1);
- }
- (void) fwrite((char *)tab, SOF, (size_t)conf.tsize, f);
- (void) fflush(f);
- return((ferror(f)) ? -1 : 0);
- - start - set up to start or restart a search
- */
-static void
-start(sp, kp, osp)
-register struct searcher *sp;
-register datum *kp;
-register struct searcher *osp; /* may be FRESH, i.e. NULL */
- register long h;
- h = hash(kp->dptr, kp->dsize);
- if (osp != FRESH && osp->hash == h) {
- if (sp != osp)
- *sp = *osp;
- DEBUG(("search restarted\n"));
- } else {
- sp->hash = h;
- sp->tag = MKTAG(h / conf.tsize);
- DEBUG(("tag 0x%lx\n", sp->tag));
- sp->place = h % conf.tsize;
- sp->tabno = 0;
- sp->run = (conf.olddbz) ? conf.tsize : MAXRUN;
- sp->aborted = 0;
- }
- sp->seen = 0;
- - search - conduct part of a search
- */
-static off_t /* NOTFOUND if we hit VACANT or error */
-register struct searcher *sp;
- register off_t dest;
- register off_t value;
- off_t val; /* buffer for value (can't fread register) */
- register off_t place;
- if (sp->aborted)
- return(NOTFOUND);
- for (;;) {
- /* determine location to be examined */
- place = sp->place;
- if (sp->seen) {
- /* go to next location */
- if (--sp->run <= 0) {
- sp->tabno++;
- sp->run = MAXRUN;
- }
- place = (place+1)%conf.tsize + sp->tabno*conf.tsize;
- sp->place = place;
- } else
- sp->seen = 1; /* now looking at current location */
- DEBUG(("search @ %ld\n", place));
- /* get the tagged value */
- if (corepag != NULL && place < conf.tsize) {
- DEBUG(("search: in core\n"));
- value = MAPIN(corepag[place]);
- } else {
- /* seek, if necessary */
- dest = place * SOF;
- if (pagpos != dest) {
- if (fseek(pagf, dest, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
- DEBUG(("search: seek failed\n"));
- pagpos = -1;
- sp->aborted = 1;
- return(NOTFOUND);
- }
- pagpos = dest;
- }
- /* read it */
- if (fread((char *)&val, sizeof(val), 1, pagf) == 1)
- value = MAPIN(val);
- else if (ferror(pagf)) {
- DEBUG(("search: read failed\n"));
- pagpos = -1;
- sp->aborted = 1;
- return(NOTFOUND);
- } else
- value = VACANT;
- /* and finish up */
- pagpos += sizeof(val);
- }
- /* vacant slot is always cause to return */
- if (value == VACANT) {
- DEBUG(("search: empty slot\n"));
- return(NOTFOUND);
- };
- /* check the tag */
- value = UNBIAS(value);
- DEBUG(("got 0x%lx\n", value));
- if (!HASTAG(value)) {
- DEBUG(("tagless\n"));
- return(value);
- } else if (TAG(value) == sp->tag) {
- DEBUG(("match\n"));
- return(NOTAG(value));
- } else {
- DEBUG(("mismatch 0x%lx\n", TAG(value)));
- }
- }
- - okayvalue - check that a value can be stored
- */
-static int /* predicate */
-off_t value;
- if (HASTAG(value))
- return(0);
-#ifdef OVERFLOW
- if (value == LONG_MAX) /* BIAS() and UNBIAS() will overflow */
- return(0);
- return(1);
- - set - store a value into a location previously found by search
- */
-static int /* 0 success, -1 failure */
-set(sp, value)
-register struct searcher *sp;
-off_t value;
- register off_t place = sp->place;
- register off_t v = value;
- if (sp->aborted)
- return(-1);
- if (CANTAG(v) && !conf.olddbz) {
- v |= sp->tag | taghere;
- if (v != UNBIAS(VACANT)) /* BIAS(v) won't look VACANT */
-#ifdef OVERFLOW
- if (v != LONG_MAX) /* and it won't overflow */
- value = v;
- }
- DEBUG(("tagged value is 0x%lx\n", value));
- value = BIAS(value);
- value = MAPOUT(value);
- /* If we have the index file in memory, use it */
- if (corepag != NULL && place < conf.tsize) {
- corepag[place] = value;
- DEBUG(("set: incore\n"));
- return(0);
- }
- /* seek to spot */
- pagpos = -1; /* invalidate position memory */
- if (fseek(pagf, place * SOF, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
- DEBUG(("set: seek failed\n"));
- sp->aborted = 1;
- return(-1);
- }
- /* write in data */
- if (fwrite((char *)&value, SOF, 1, pagf) != 1) {
- DEBUG(("set: write failed\n"));
- sp->aborted = 1;
- return(-1);
- }
- /* fflush improves robustness, and buffer re-use is rare anyway */
- if (fflush(pagf) == EOF) {
- DEBUG(("set: fflush failed\n"));
- sp->aborted = 1;
- return(-1);
- }
- DEBUG(("set: succeeded\n"));
- return(0);
- - mybytemap - determine this machine's byte map
- *
- * A byte map is an array of ints, sizeof(off_t) of them. The 0th int
- * is the byte number of the high-order byte in my off_t, and so forth.
- */
-static void
-int map[]; /* -> int[SOF] */
- union {
- off_t o;
- char c[SOF];
- } u;
- register int *mp = &map[SOF];
- register int ntodo;
- register int i;
- u.o = 1;
- for (ntodo = (int)SOF; ntodo > 0; ntodo--) {
- for (i = 0; i < SOF; i++)
- if (u.c[i] != 0)
- break;
- if (i == SOF) {
- /* trouble -- set it to *something* consistent */
- DEBUG(("mybytemap: nonexistent byte %d!!!\n", ntodo));
- for (i = 0; i < SOF; i++)
- map[i] = i;
- return;
- }
- DEBUG(("mybytemap: byte %d\n", i));
- *--mp = i;
- while (u.c[i] != 0)
- u.o <<= 1;
- }
- - bytemap - transform an off_t from byte ordering map1 to map2
- */
-static off_t /* transformed result */
-bytemap(ino, map1, map2)
-off_t ino;
-int *map1;
-int *map2;
- union oc {
- off_t o;
- char c[SOF];
- };
- union oc in;
- union oc out;
- register int i;
- in.o = ino;
- for (i = 0; i < SOF; i++)
- out.c[map2[i]] = in.c[map1[i]];
- return(out.o);
- * This is a simplified version of the pathalias hashing function.
- * Thanks to Steve Belovin and Peter Honeyman
- *
- * hash a string into a long int. 31 bit crc (from andrew appel).
- * the crc table is computed at run time by crcinit() -- we could
- * precompute, but it takes 1 clock tick on a 750.
- *
- * This fast table calculation works only if POLY is a prime polynomial
- * in the field of integers modulo 2. Since the coefficients of a
- * 32-bit polynomial won't fit in a 32-bit word, the high-order bit is
- * implicit. IT MUST ALSO BE THE CASE that the coefficients of orders
- * 31 down to 25 are zero. Happily, we have candidates, from
- * E. J. Watson, "Primitive Polynomials (Mod 2)", Math. Comp. 16 (1962):
- * x^32 + x^7 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + x^1 + x^0
- * x^31 + x^3 + x^0
- *
- * We reverse the bits to get:
- * 111101010000000000000000000000001 but drop the last 1
- * f 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
- * 010010000000000000000000000000001 ditto, for 31-bit crc
- * 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
- */
-#define POLY 0x48000000L /* 31-bit polynomial (avoids sign problems) */
-static long CrcTable[128];
- - crcinit - initialize tables for hash function
- */
-static void
- register int i, j;
- register long sum;
- for (i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
- sum = 0L;
- for (j = 7 - 1; j >= 0; --j)
- if (i & (1 << j))
- sum ^= POLY >> j;
- CrcTable[i] = sum;
- }
- DEBUG(("crcinit: done\n"));
- - hash - Honeyman's nice hashing function
- */
-static long
-hash(name, size)
-register char *name;
-register int size;
- register long sum = 0L;
- while (size--) {
- sum = (sum >> 7) ^ CrcTable[(sum ^ (*name++)) & 0x7f];
- }
- DEBUG(("hash: returns (%ld)\n", sum));
- return(sum);
- * case-mapping stuff
- *
- * Borrowed from C News, by permission of the authors. Somewhat modified.
- *
- * We exploit the fact that we are dealing only with headers here, and
- * headers are limited to the ASCII characters by RFC822. It is barely
- * possible that we might be dealing with a translation into another
- * character set, but in particular it's very unlikely for a header
- * character to be outside -128..255.
- *
- * Life would be a whole lot simpler if tolower() could safely and portably
- * be applied to any char.
- */
-#define OFFSET 128 /* avoid trouble with negative chars */
-/* must call casencmp before invoking TOLOW... */
-#define TOLOW(c) (cmap[(c)+OFFSET])
-/* ...but the use of it in CISTREQN is safe without the preliminary call (!) */
-/* CISTREQN is an optimised case-insensitive strncmp(a,b,n)==0; n > 0 */
-#define CISTREQN(a, b, n) \
- (TOLOW((a)[0]) == TOLOW((b)[0]) && casencmp(a, b, n) == 0)
-#define MAPSIZE (256+OFFSET)
-static char cmap[MAPSIZE]; /* relies on init to '\0' */
-static int mprimed = 0; /* has cmap been set up? */
- - mapprime - set up case-mapping stuff
- */
-static void
- register char *lp;
- register char *up;
- register int c;
- register int i;
- static char lower[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- static char upper[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
- for (lp = lower, up = upper; *lp != '\0'; lp++, up++) {
- c = *lp;
- cmap[c+OFFSET] = c;
- cmap[*up+OFFSET] = c;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAPSIZE; i++)
- if (cmap[i] == '\0')
- cmap[i] = (char)(i-OFFSET);
- mprimed = 1;
- - casencmp - case-independent strncmp
- */
-static int /* < == > 0 */
-casencmp(s1, s2, len)
-char *s1;
-char *s2;
-int len;
- register char *p1;
- register char *p2;
- register int n;
- if (!mprimed)
- mapprime();
- p1 = s1;
- p2 = s2;
- n = len;
- while (--n >= 0 && *p1 != '\0' && TOLOW(*p1) == TOLOW(*p2)) {
- p1++;
- p2++;
- }
- if (n < 0)
- return(0);
- /*
- * The following case analysis is necessary so that characters
- * which look negative collate low against normal characters but
- * high against the end-of-string NUL.
- */
- if (*p1 == '\0' && *p2 == '\0')
- return(0);
- else if (*p1 == '\0')
- return(-1);
- else if (*p2 == '\0')
- return(1);
- else
- return(TOLOW(*p1) - TOLOW(*p2));
- - mapcase - do case-mapped copy
- */
-static char * /* returns src or dst */
-mapcase(dst, src, siz)
-char *dst; /* destination, used only if mapping needed */
-char *src; /* source; src == dst is legal */
-size_t siz;
- register char *s;
- register char *d;
- register char *c; /* case break */
- register char *e; /* end of source */
- c = cipoint(src, siz);
- if (c == NULL)
- return(src);
- if (!mprimed)
- mapprime();
- s = src;
- e = s + siz;
- d = dst;
- while (s < c)
- *d++ = *s++;
- while (s < e)
- *d++ = TOLOW(*s++);
- return(dst);
- - cipoint - where in this message-ID does it become case-insensitive?
- *
- * The RFC822 code is not quite complete. Absolute, total, full RFC822
- * compliance requires a horrible parsing job, because of the arcane
- * quoting conventions -- abc"def"ghi is not equivalent to abc"DEF"ghi,
- * for example. There are three or four things that might occur in the
- * domain part of a message-id that are case-sensitive. They don't seem
- * to ever occur in real news, thank Cthulhu. (What? You were expecting
- * a merciful and forgiving deity to be invoked in connection with RFC822?
- * Forget it; none of them would come near it.)
- */
-static char * /* pointer into s, or NULL for "nowhere" */
-cipoint(s, siz)
-char *s;
-size_t siz;
- register char *p;
- static char post[] = "postmaster";
- static int plen = sizeof(post)-1;
- switch (conf.casemap) {
- case '0': /* unmapped, sensible */
- return(NULL);
- break;
- case 'C': /* C News, RFC 822 conformant (approx.) */
- p = memchr(s, '@', siz);
- if (p == NULL) /* no local/domain split */
- return(NULL); /* assume all local */
- else if (p - (s+1) == plen && CISTREQN(s+1, post, plen)) {
- /* crazy -- "postmaster" is case-insensitive */
- return(s);
- } else
- return(p);
- break;
- case '=': /* 2.11, neither sensible nor conformant */
- return(s); /* all case-insensitive */
- break;
- }
- DEBUG(("cipoint: unknown case mapping `%c'\n", conf.casemap));
- return(NULL); /* just leave it alone */
- - dbzdebug - control dbz debugging at run time
- */
-int /* old value */
-int value;
-#ifdef DBZDEBUG
- register int old = debug;
- debug = value;
- return(old);
- return(-1);
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.h b/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d7e8ed702cb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbz.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* for dbm and dbz */
-typedef struct {
- char *dptr;
- int dsize;
-} datum;
-/* standard dbm functions */
-extern int dbminit();
-extern datum fetch();
-extern int store();
-extern int delete(); /* not in dbz */
-extern datum firstkey(); /* not in dbz */
-extern datum nextkey(); /* not in dbz */
-extern int dbmclose(); /* in dbz, but not in old dbm */
-/* new stuff for dbz */
-extern int dbzfresh();
-extern int dbzagain();
-extern datum dbzfetch();
-extern int dbzstore();
-extern int dbzsync();
-extern long dbzsize();
-extern int dbzincore();
-extern int dbzcancel();
-extern int dbzdebug();
- * In principle we could handle unlimited-length keys by operating a chunk
- * at a time, but it's not worth it in practice. Setting a nice large
- * bound on them simplifies the code and doesn't hurt anything.
- */
-#define DBZMAXKEY 255
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbzmain.c b/contrib/libio/dbz/dbzmain.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a393d6432bdd..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/dbzmain.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
- * dbz - use and test dbz in various ways
- *
- * -Log-
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <dbz.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#define SEEK_SET 0
-#define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
-#ifndef lint
-static char RCSid[] = "$Header: /egcs/carton/cvsfiles/egcs/./libio/dbz/dbzmain.c,v 1997/08/21 22:58:23 jason Exp $";
-char *progname;
-char *inname = "(no file)"; /* filename for messages etc. */
-long lineno; /* line number for messages etc. */
-char *my_basename;
-char *pagname;
-char *dir_name;
-char *str2dup();
-FILE *base;
-int op = 'b'; /* what to do, default build a new table */
-int baseinput = 1; /* is the base file also the input? */
-char *from = NULL; /* old table to use for dbzagain() */
-int omitzero = 0; /* omit lines tagged with 0 */
-long every = 0; /* report every n lines */
-int syncs = 0; /* dbzsync() on each report */
-int quick = 0; /* quick checking, not too thorough */
-int sweep = 0; /* sweep file checking all offsets */
-int useincore = 1; /* should we use incore facility? */
-long xxx = 0; /* debugging variable */
-int printx = 0; /* print xxx after all is done */
-int unique = 1; /* before store(), check with fetch() */
-int usefresh = 0; /* use dbzfresh? */
-long siz = 0; /* -p size */
-char map = 'C'; /* -p map */
-long tag = 0; /* -p tag mask */
-int exact = 0; /* do not run dbzsize(siz) */
-int dbzint = 1; /* use new interface? */
-char fs = '\t'; /* field separator, default tab */
-int unopen = 0; /* make base unopenable during dbminit? */
-char *change = NULL; /* chdir here before dbmclose */
-#define DEFBUF 1024 /* default line-buffer size */
-int buflen = DEFBUF; /* line length limit */
-char lbuf[DEFBUF];
-char *line = lbuf;
-char cbuf[DEFBUF];
-char *cmp = cbuf;
-void fail();
-void dofile();
-void runs();
-void dosweep();
-void mkfiles();
-void crfile();
-void doline();
-void process();
-extern char *rfc822ize();
-#define rfc822ize(n) (n)
-extern char *malloc();
- - main - parse arguments and handle options
- */
-main(argc, argv)
-int argc;
-char *argv[];
- int c;
- int errflg = 0;
- extern int optind;
- extern char *optarg;
- int doruns = 0;
- extern long atol();
- progname = argv[0];
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "axcmt:l:R0E:SqOiX:Yuf:p:eMUC:d")) != EOF)
- switch (c) {
- case 'a': /* append to existing table */
- if (op != 'b')
- fail("only one of -a -x -c -m can be given", "");
- op = 'a';
- baseinput = 0;
- break;
- case 'x': /* extract from existing table */
- if (op != 'b')
- fail("only one of -a -x -c -m can be given", "");
- op = 'x';
- baseinput = 0;
- break;
- case 'c': /* check existing table */
- if (op != 'b')
- fail("only one of -a -x -c -m can be given", "");
- op = 'c';
- break;
- case 'm': /* extract missing (complement of -x) */
- if (op != 'b')
- fail("only one of -a -x -c -m can be given", "");
- op = 'm';
- baseinput = 0;
- break;
- case 't': /* set field separator */
- if (strlen(optarg) > 1)
- fail("only one field separator allowed", "");
- fs = *optarg;
- break;
- case 'l': /* override line-length limit */
- buflen = atoi(optarg) + 1;
- if (buflen <= 2)
- fail("bad -l value `%s'", optarg);
- line = malloc(buflen);
- cmp = malloc(buflen);
- if (line == NULL || cmp == NULL)
- fail("cannot allocate %s-byte buffers", optarg);
- break;
- case 'R': /* print run statistics */
- doruns = 1;
- break;
- case '0': /* omit lines tagged (by fake -t) with 0 */
- omitzero = 1;
- break;
- case 'E': /* report every n items */
- every = atol(optarg);
- break;
- case 'S': /* dbzsync() on each -E report */
- syncs = 1;
- break;
- case 'q': /* quick check or extract */
- quick = 1;
- break;
- case 'O': /* sweep file checking all offsets */
- sweep = 1;
- break;
- case 'i': /* don't use incore */
- useincore = 0;
- break;
- case 'X': /* set xxx */
- xxx = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'Y': /* print xxx afterward */
- printx = 1;
- break;
- case 'u': /* don't check uniqueness */
- unique = 0;
- break;
- case 'f': /* init from existing table's parameters */
- from = optarg;
- break;
- case 'p': /* parameters for dbzfresh */
- if (sscanf(optarg, "%ld %1s %lx", &siz, &map, &tag) != 3) {
- map = '?';
- tag = 0;
- if (sscanf(optarg, "%ld", &siz) != 1)
- fail("bad -n value `%s'", optarg);
- }
- usefresh = 1;
- break;
- case 'e': /* -p size is exact, don't dbzsize() it */
- exact = 1;
- break;
- case 'M': /* use old dbm interface + rfc822ize */
- dbzint = 0;
- break;
- case 'U': /* make base unopenable during init */
- unopen = 1;
- break;
- case 'C': /* change directories before dbmclose */
- change = optarg;
- break;
- case 'd': /* Debugging. */
- if (dbzdebug(1) < 0)
- fail("dbz debugging not available", "");
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
- errflg++;
- break;
- }
- if (errflg || optind >= argc || (optind+1 < argc && baseinput)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s ", progname);
- fprintf(stderr, "[-a] [-x] [-c] database [file] ...\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- (void) dbzincore(useincore);
- my_basename = argv[optind];
- pagname = str2dup(my_basename, ".pag");
- dir_name = str2dup(my_basename, ".dir");
- mkfiles();
- optind++;
- if (baseinput) /* implies no further arguments */
- process(base, my_basename);
- else if (optind >= argc)
- process(stdin, "stdin");
- else
- for (; optind < argc; optind++)
- dofile(argv[optind]);
- if (change != NULL)
- (void) chdir(change);
- if (dbmclose() < 0)
- fail("dbmclose failed", "");
- if (doruns)
- runs(pagname);
- if (sweep)
- dosweep(my_basename, pagname);
- if (printx)
- printf("%ld\n", xxx);
-#ifdef DBZ_FINISH
- exit(0);
- - dofile - open a file and invoke process()
- */
-char *name;
- register FILE *in;
- if (STREQ(name, "-"))
- process(stdin, "-");
- else {
- in = fopen(name, "r");
- if (in == NULL)
- fail("cannot open `%s'", name);
- process(in, name);
- (void) fclose(in);
- }
- - mkfiles - create empty files and open them up
- */
- if (op == 'b' && !dbzint) {
- crfile(dir_name);
- crfile(pagname);
- }
- base = fopen(my_basename, (op == 'a') ? "a" : "r");
- if (base == NULL)
- fail("cannot open `%s'", my_basename);
- if (unopen)
- (void) chmod(my_basename, 0);
- if (from != NULL) {
- if (dbzagain(my_basename, from) < 0)
- fail("dbzagain(`%s'...) failed", my_basename);
- } else if (op == 'b' && dbzint) {
- if (!exact)
- siz = dbzsize(siz);
- if (dbzfresh(my_basename, siz, (int)fs, map, (off_t)tag) < 0)
- fail("dbzfresh(`%s'...) failed", my_basename);
- } else if (dbminit(my_basename) < 0)
- fail("dbminit(`%s') failed", my_basename);
- if (unopen)
- (void) chmod(my_basename, 0600); /* hard to restore original */
- - crfile - create a file
- */
-char *name;
- register int f;
- f = creat(name, 0666);
- if (f < 0)
- fail("cannot create `%s'", name);
- (void) close(f);
- - process - process input file
- */
-process(in, name)
-FILE *in;
-char *name;
- register off_t place;
- inname = name;
- lineno = 0;
- for (;;) {
- place = ftell(in);
- if (fgets(line, buflen, in) == NULL)
- return;
- lineno++;
- if (every > 0 && lineno%every == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%ld\n", lineno);
- if (dbzsync() < 0)
- fail("dbzsync failed", "");
- }
- doline(line, place);
- }
- - doline - process input line
- */
-doline(lp, inoffset)
-char *lp;
-off_t inoffset;
- register char *p;
- register char pc;
- datum key, value;
- off_t place = inoffset;
- register int shouldfind;
- register int llen;
- char keytext[DBZMAXKEY+1];
- p = NULL;
- if (fs != '\0')
- p = strchr(lp, fs);
- if (p == NULL)
- p = lp + strlen(lp);
- if (p > lp && *(p-1) == '\n')
- p--;
- if (p - lp > DBZMAXKEY)
- fail("key of `%.40s...' too long", lp);
- pc = *p;
- *p = '\0';
- (void) strcpy(keytext, lp);
- *p = pc;
- key.dptr = (dbzint) ? keytext : rfc822ize(keytext);
- key.dsize = strlen(keytext)+1;
- switch (op) {
- case 'a':
- place = ftell(base);
- llen = strlen(lp);
- if (fwrite(lp, 1, llen, base) != llen)
- fail("write error in `%s'", my_basename);
- case 'b':
- if (omitzero && p != NULL && *(p+1) == '0')
- return;
- if (unique) {
- value = (dbzint) ? dbzfetch(key) : fetch(key);
- if (value.dptr != NULL)
- fail("`%.40s...' already present", lp);
- }
- value.dptr = (char *)&place;
- value.dsize = (int)sizeof(off_t);
- if (((dbzint) ? dbzstore(key, value) : store(key, value)) < 0)
- fail("store failed on `%.40s...'", lp);
- break;
- case 'c':
- value = (dbzint) ? dbzfetch(key) : fetch(key);
- shouldfind = (omitzero && p != NULL && *(p+1) == '0') ? 0 : 1;
- if (!shouldfind && (value.dptr != NULL || value.dsize != 0))
- fail("`%.40s...' found, shouldn't be", lp);
- if (shouldfind && (value.dptr == NULL ||
- value.dsize != sizeof(off_t)))
- fail("can't find `%.40s...'", lp);
- if (shouldfind && !quick) {
- (void) memcpy((char *)&place, value.dptr, sizeof(off_t));
- if (place != inoffset)
- fail("offset mismatch on `%.40s...'", lp);
- if (fseek(base, place, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- fail("fseek failed on `%.40s...'", lp);
- if (fgets(cmp, buflen, base) == NULL)
- fail("can't read line for `%.40s...'", lp);
- if (!STREQ(lp, cmp))
- fail("compare failed on `%.40s...'", lp);
- }
- break;
- case 'x':
- value = (dbzint) ? dbzfetch(key) : fetch(key);
- if (value.dptr != NULL && !quick) {
- (void) memcpy((char *)&place, value.dptr, sizeof(off_t));
- if (fseek(base, place, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- fail("fseek failed on `%.40s...'", lp);
- if (fgets(cmp, buflen, base) == NULL)
- fail("can't read line for `%.40s...'", lp);
- fputs(cmp, stdout);
- } else if (value.dptr != NULL)
- fputs(lp, stdout);
- break;
- case 'm':
- value = (dbzint) ? dbzfetch(key) : fetch(key);
- if (value.dptr == NULL) {
- fputs(keytext, stdout);
- putchar('\n');
- }
- break;
- default:
- fail("unknown operator -- can't happen", "");
- break;
- }
- - runs - print run statistics
- */
-char *file;
- register FILE *fd;
- off_t it;
- register long run;
- fd = fopen(file, "r");
- if (fd == NULL)
- fail("cannot reopen `%s'", file);
- run = 0;
- while (fread((char *)&it, sizeof(off_t), 1, fd) == 1) {
- if (it != 0)
- run++;
- else if (run > 0) {
- printf("%ld\n", run);
- run = 0;
- }
- }
- (void) fclose(fd);
- - dosweep - sweep pag file checking for valid offsets
- */
-dosweep(fn, pn)
-char *fn;
-char *pn;
- register FILE *pf;
- off_t it;
- char nl;
- register FILE *hf;
- hf = fopen(fn, "r");
- if (hf == NULL)
- fail("cannot reopen `%s'", fn);
- pf = fopen(pn, "r");
- if (pf == NULL)
- fail("cannot reopen `%s'", pn);
- while (fread((char *)&it, sizeof(off_t), 1, pf) == 1) {
- it = (it & ((off_t)0x80000000)) ? (it&~((off_t)0xff000000)) : it;
- if (it != 0 && it != 1) { /* 0 empty, 1 known okay */
- it--; /* get rid of bias */
- (void) fseek(hf, it-1, SEEK_SET);
- nl = getc(hf);
- if (nl != '\n')
- fprintf(stderr, "offset 0%lo does not point to line\n",
- (long)it);
- }
- }
- (void) fclose(hf);
- (void) fclose(pf);
- - fail - complain and die
- */
-fail(s1, s2)
-char *s1;
-char *s2;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: (file `%s', line %ld) ", progname, inname, lineno);
- fprintf(stderr, s1, s2);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- exit(1);
- - str2dup - concatenate strings and malloc result
- */
-char *
-str2dup(s1, s2)
-char *s1;
-char *s2;
- register char *p;
- p = malloc((size_t)strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1);
- if (p == NULL)
- fail("can't allocate space for strings", "");
- (void) strcpy(p, s1);
- (void) strcat(p, s2);
- return(p);
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/fake.c b/contrib/libio/dbz/fake.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ed2a2b759376..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/fake.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
- * fake - make up random lines resembling history-file entries, reproducibly
- *
- * -Log-
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define MAXSTR 500 /* For sizing strings -- DON'T use BUFSIZ! */
-#define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
-#ifndef lint
-static char RCSid[] = "$Header: /rel/cvsfiles/devo/libio/dbz/fake.c,v 1.2 1993/10/25 20:02:42 bothner Exp $";
-int midonly = 0; /* just message ids, rest not realistic */
-int tag = 0; /* tag lines with random digit for later use */
-int expired = -1; /* percentage of lines to be expired */
-int debug = 0;
-char *progname;
-char *inname; /* filename for messages etc. */
-long lineno; /* line number for messages etc. */
-void doline();
-void addchars();
-void seed();
- - main - parse arguments and handle options
- */
-main(argc, argv)
-int argc;
-char *argv[];
- int c;
- int errflg = 0;
- FILE *in;
- struct stat statbuf;
- extern int optind;
- extern char *optarg;
- void process();
- register long no;
- extern long atol();
- char line[MAXSTR];
- progname = argv[0];
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ms:te:d")) != EOF)
- switch (c) {
- case 'm': /* message-ids only */
- midonly = 1;
- break;
- case 's': /* seed */
- seed(atol(optarg));
- break;
- case 't': /* tag lines with a random digit */
- tag = 1;
- break;
- case 'e': /* percentage to be expired */
- expired = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'd': /* Debugging. */
- debug++;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
- errflg++;
- break;
- }
- if (errflg || optind != argc - 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s ", progname);
- fprintf(stderr, "[-m] [-s seed] length\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- for (no = atol(argv[optind]); no > 0; no--) {
- doline(line);
- puts(line);
- }
-#ifdef DBZ_FINISH
- exit(0);
- - doline - generate random history pseudo-line
- */
-char *buf;
- char tagch[2];
- (void) strcpy(buf, "<");
- addchars(buf, range(4, 20));
- (void) strcat(buf, "@");
- addchars(buf, range(8, 20));
- if (midonly)
- (void) strcat(buf, ">\tx");
- else {
- if (tag) {
- tagch[0] = "1234567890"[range(0,9)];
- tagch[1] = '\0';
- (void) strcat(buf, ">\t");
- (void) strcat(buf, tagch);
- (void) strcat(buf, "00000000~-");
- } else
- (void) strcat(buf, ">\t1234567890~-");
- }
- if (range(1, 100) > expired) {
- if (midonly)
- (void) strcat(buf, "\tx");
- else {
- (void) strcat(buf, "\t");
- addchars(buf, range(10, 30));
- }
- }
- - addchars - generate n random characters suitable for history file
- */
-addchars(buf, len)
-char *buf;
-int len;
- register int i;
- register char *p = buf + strlen(buf);
- static char vocab[] = "1234567890.abcde.fghij.klmno.pqrst.uvwxyz.\
- for (i = len; i > 0; i--)
- *p++ = vocab[range(0, sizeof(vocab)-2)];
- *p++ = '\0';
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/firstlast25 b/contrib/libio/dbz/firstlast25
deleted file mode 100644
index 4850468c0c2a..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/firstlast25
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<m....VO1.9q.@s95e1zKsIj7LrIwa1> 600000000~- 90fz0706yo.1Env21x8b
-<H5.i.R6ZQ2@Vg6.5mqj8..z> 200000000~-
-<1Hy.ufmjqe371x5.o@HEEl0tAp4> 700000000~-
-<T6.c9.xM4i@943..7z.c..3h> 600000000~-
-<Exus7LsME4fPL9v8@2.ouu97O25z9cdft> 700000000~-
-<6kUzkf.v74@iC1iGj882RQ0zli> 400000000~-
-<J.7YT7dV.Kkul8Bh0fc@Rar.EnMx2lm0.6Yeob> 600000000~-
-<.wVJi1DX42@5.4i6.jaZ6qw9Ln1.> 500000000~-
-<uUd9e18vxzevae7uY@33a480208l0.4p2q> 300000000~-
-<43hQ.5shbE7@912400.ajES6x0sXl.M> 400000000~-
-<g25r..2r.0WOZ6k3@tb3.U9xrR.uw61a2y0> 600000000~-
-<923s5e67d5Oq085Y.1@6Pik68584> 900000000~-
-<.5.n5cx5aD62i9q8@Ai60Sc.4x> 200000000~-
-<9N9n@3.1ql87.yj2xFs.zLqI> 700000000~- Q2.kni8kZps7kF5uiEv32B38y4z.p
-<.X.fw.6LtoT.0@pp6bp.5s6yh74.> 400000000~-
-<54c1w@7..u1.99m9T4j.BNGBiK> 600000000~- .F3hb.OFh06V..p
-<j12Mtn6q9@m2.m1X1s> 500000000~-
-<o1WJV9G4H.zf0BX44w@W7.76xn33> 000000000~-
-<0C605s6plaAgfM.ap40@e6d66n.uv01W.j.8ph.> 100000000~- m.x7TY8.8DQ5
-<.2.14xdn.@D0g.W.uZ.75gyyg.q1G> 100000000~-
-<.A..03.@5v..64.5v3.3tbjUo.> 500000000~-
-<72..c19ms65.WCf0G3.@83seEG9nnhM.O.j22> 900000000~-
-<D..xX.kti9@u739li.xvy2> 000000000~- NPLL42XVfM
-<6HO.nFal1ufl3.8b@3.n0k7a.IDgNy> 700000000~- Wv4j3Itccnh0Zp3
-<x5RjUnIpd03xBBnuN@z0puc82Q26Ou.0T6> 400000000~- k67.hvXwv6X745R4rh2ybuFN3n.
-<62dIeg.fW92.ov375@x76mf5c6.37.v> 000000000~-
-<chdpqs.0mgZOp.@Dxl9v..94e7ar2> 900000000~-
-<.9Xr.7V91..oe5CG.hX@p5x3jos3s27R6O3yj1> 400000000~-
-<Mm6dr.231dH35ua@SE1u0za3V1M43lRn9> 100000000~-
-<JIhw2@.Qdf.8v28Tnf1M> 200000000~-
-<z4FCa.q4MF..EE0.2@W9U63e33h9w3lcFFl> 400000000~-
-<87.W3r6is4.@svVqQCBiNqz400A.qwj> 200000000~-
-<0liI7Lu0Mx435m7M99@87Xw.8j63.9.> 500000000~-
-<tRtht5M.6d0@06gj.qm3.s9> 200000000~- e27S.BKVD70P.o
-<Jpga8@m68yvw.b4b> 200000000~-
-<.2.69hy3JT1@Aq3.r83o.9> 700000000~-
-<.W7EurYppo4fhzs.I@8651m2W7v> 700000000~-
-<3m02.@22074.a5ct2j3> 900000000~-
-<.fy9Epa@.1.kNGCNokFwB8ezo1WM> 800000000~-
-<c758d64.FS4yY7L5@43sw.kI6> 900000000~-
-<vLd0.t@.kq70oHl96ixdnXd.GVv> 100000000~- 9A6Ejq5t55I4VJ6.q1
-<d3.4@n17p4N.77N7W..7.8> 300000000~-
-<f2lv064.8@4jokk3e07> 400000000~-
-<rr7hoxA.U7.JXxnpvd@1rbMO437vHnakx> 000000000~-
-<.0p3G7novlrYz9kjI@Sx.2w.yqzerZl12781.k> 700000000~-
-<51ny.pQ7ay4@nfU2l1f0ixG09584.m> 000000000~- 38K5bhK7cr6.bg.5MlC2Fxq06Ziuw.
-<2.cau.9s@.n4Pk0Jd9g> 300000000~-
-<bEH1Bwa.662i@zm.3g.gx4.lp3> 300000000~- c8.t4Q0.8t0.m50
-<.t13789u5AqM4m3.z0T@P17e.ypf> 200000000~- q17z.fZ3.FyD533WthqZs8q7
-<M4r1I@Ovaev.dp> 100000000~-
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/getmap b/contrib/libio/dbz/getmap
deleted file mode 100755
index fd746cad7d95..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/getmap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-awk 'NR == 1 {
- for (i = 9; i <= NF; i++)
- printf "%s ", $i
- printf "\n"
-}' $*
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/random.c b/contrib/libio/dbz/random.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d8de3a2b44d..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/random.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * random-number generator for testing
- */
-static unsigned long next = 1;
- - range - generate a random number within an inclusive range
- *
- * Algorithm from ANSI C standard. Limitation: max-min <= 32767.
- */
-range(min, max)
-int min;
-int max;
- register int temp;
- next = next * 1103515245 + 12345;
- temp = (int)((next/65536)%32768);
- return(temp%(max - min + 1) + min);
- - seed - seed random number generator
- */
-long n;
- next = (unsigned long)n;
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/revbytes b/contrib/libio/dbz/revbytes
deleted file mode 100644
index b3d80c2685fb..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/revbytes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-NR == 1 {
- printf "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9
- for (i = NF; i > 9; i--)
- printf " %s", $i
- printf "\n"
-NR > 1 { print }
diff --git a/contrib/libio/dbz/stdio.h b/contrib/libio/dbz/stdio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 80faee30ad96..000000000000
--- a/contrib/libio/dbz/stdio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "../iostdio.h"