path: root/contrib/libf2c/libU77/dtime_.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libf2c/libU77/dtime_.c')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libf2c/libU77/dtime_.c b/contrib/libf2c/libU77/dtime_.c
index 19100e698de6..dc9a8639df23 100644
--- a/contrib/libf2c/libU77/dtime_.c
+++ b/contrib/libf2c/libU77/dtime_.c
@@ -44,19 +44,8 @@ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include <errno.h> /* for ENOSYS */
#include "f2c.h"
-/* For dtime, etime we store the clock tick parameter (clk_tck) the
- first time either of them is invoked rather than each time. This
- approach probably speeds up each invocation by avoiding a system
- call each time, but means that the overhead of the first call is
- different to all others. */
-static long clk_tck = 0;
-#ifdef KR_headers
-double G77_dtime_0 (tarray)
- real tarray[2];
-double G77_dtime_0 (real tarray[2])
+G77_dtime_0 (real tarray[2])
#if defined (_WIN32)
static int win32_platform = -1;
@@ -68,7 +57,7 @@ double G77_dtime_0 (real tarray[2])
GetVersionEx (&osv);
win32_platform = osv.dwPlatformId;
/* We need to use this hack on non-NT platforms, where the first call
returns 0.0 and subsequent ones return the correct value. */
if (win32_platform != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
@@ -82,7 +71,7 @@ double G77_dtime_0 (real tarray[2])
if (clock_freq == 0)
- if (! QueryPerformanceFrequency (&freq))
+ if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&freq))
errno = ENOSYS;
return 0.0;
@@ -90,15 +79,15 @@ double G77_dtime_0 (real tarray[2])
clock_freq = ((unsigned long long) freq.HighPart << 32)
- + ((unsigned) freq.LowPart);
+ + ((unsigned) freq.LowPart);
- if (! QueryPerformanceCounter (&counter_val))
+ if (!QueryPerformanceCounter (&counter_val))
return -1.0;
count = ((unsigned long long) counter_val.HighPart << 32)
- + (unsigned) counter_val.LowPart;
+ + (unsigned) counter_val.LowPart;
delta = ((double) (count - old_count)) / clock_freq;
tarray[0] = (float) delta;
tarray[1] = 0.0;
@@ -112,10 +101,10 @@ double G77_dtime_0 (real tarray[2])
GetProcessTimes (GetCurrentProcess (), &creation_time, &exit_time,
&kernel_time, &user_time);
- utime = ((unsigned long long) user_time.dwHighDateTime << 32)
- + (unsigned) user_time.dwLowDateTime;
- stime = ((unsigned long long) kernel_time.dwHighDateTime << 32)
- + (unsigned) kernel_time.dwLowDateTime;
+ utime = ((unsigned long long) user_time.dwHighDateTime << 32)
+ + (unsigned) user_time.dwLowDateTime;
+ stime = ((unsigned long long) kernel_time.dwHighDateTime << 32)
+ + (unsigned) kernel_time.dwLowDateTime;
tarray[0] = (utime - old_utime) / 1.0e7;
tarray[1] = (stime - old_stime) / 1.0e7;
@@ -131,15 +120,21 @@ double G77_dtime_0 (real tarray[2])
static float old_utime = 0.0, old_stime = 0.0;
struct rusage rbuff;
- if (getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &rbuff) != 0)
- abort ();
- utime = (float) (rbuff.ru_utime).tv_sec +
- (float) (rbuff.ru_utime).tv_usec/1000000.0;
- tarray[0] = utime - (float) old_utime;
- stime = (float) (rbuff.ru_stime).tv_sec +
- (float) (rbuff.ru_stime).tv_usec/1000000.0;
+ if (getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &rbuff) != 0)
+ abort ();
+ utime = (float) (rbuff.ru_utime).tv_sec +
+ (float) (rbuff.ru_utime).tv_usec / 1000000.0;
+ tarray[0] = utime - (float) old_utime;
+ stime = (float) (rbuff.ru_stime).tv_sec +
+ (float) (rbuff.ru_stime).tv_usec / 1000000.0;
tarray[1] = stime - old_stime;
-#else /* HAVE_GETRUSAGE */
+#else /* HAVE_GETRUSAGE */
+ /* For dtime, etime we store the clock tick parameter (clk_tck) the
+ first time either of them is invoked rather than each time. This
+ approach probably speeds up each invocation by avoiding a system
+ call each time, but means that the overhead of the first call is
+ different to all others. */
+ static long clk_tck = 0;
time_t utime, stime;
static time_t old_utime = 0, old_stime = 0;
struct tms buffer;
@@ -147,24 +142,31 @@ double G77_dtime_0 (real tarray[2])
/* NeXTStep seems to define _SC_CLK_TCK but not to have sysconf;
fixme: does using _POSIX_VERSION help? */
# if defined _SC_CLK_TCK && defined _POSIX_VERSION
- if (! clk_tck) clk_tck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
+ if (!clk_tck)
+ clk_tck = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
# elif defined CLOCKS_PER_SECOND
- if (! clk_tck) clk_tck = CLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+ if (!clk_tck)
+ clk_tck = CLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
# elif defined CLK_TCK
- if (! clk_tck) clk_tck = CLK_TCK;
+ if (!clk_tck)
+ clk_tck = CLK_TCK;
# elif defined HZ
- if (! clk_tck) clk_tck = HZ;
+ if (!clk_tck)
+ clk_tck = HZ;
# elif defined HAVE_GETRUSAGE
# else
- #error Dont know clock tick length
+#error Dont know clock tick length
# endif
- if (times(&buffer) == (clock_t)-1) return -1.0;
- utime = buffer.tms_utime; stime = buffer.tms_stime;
- tarray[0] = ((float)(utime - old_utime)) / (float)clk_tck;
- tarray[1] = ((float)(stime - old_stime)) / (float)clk_tck;
+ if (times (&buffer) == (clock_t) - 1)
+ return -1.0;
+ utime = buffer.tms_utime;
+ stime = buffer.tms_stime;
+ tarray[0] = ((float) (utime - old_utime)) / (float) clk_tck;
+ tarray[1] = ((float) (stime - old_stime)) / (float) clk_tck;
#endif /* HAVE_GETRUSAGE */
- old_utime = utime; old_stime = stime;
- return (tarray[0]+tarray[1]);
+ old_utime = utime;
+ old_stime = stime;
+ return (tarray[0] + tarray[1]);
#else /* ! HAVE_GETRUSAGE && ! HAVE_TIMES */
errno = ENOSYS;
return 0.0;