path: root/contrib/gcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.asm
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8a48b253e368..000000000000
--- a/contrib/gcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1309 +0,0 @@
-@ libgcc routines for ARM cpu.
-@ Division routines, written by Richard Earnshaw, (rearnsha@armltd.co.uk)
-/* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
-Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
-compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
-and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
-from the use of this file. (The General Public License restrictions
-do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
-the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine
-This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* We need to know what prefix to add to function names. */
-#ifndef __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__
-#error __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__ not defined
-/* ANSI concatenation macros. */
-#define CONCAT1(a, b) CONCAT2(a, b)
-#define CONCAT2(a, b) a ## b
-/* Use the right prefix for global labels. */
-#define SYM(x) CONCAT1 (__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__, x)
-#ifdef __ELF__
-#ifdef __thumb__
-#define __PLT__ /* Not supported in Thumb assembler (for now). */
-#define __PLT__ (PLT)
-#define TYPE(x) .type SYM(x),function
-#define SIZE(x) .size SYM(x), . - SYM(x)
-#define LSYM(x) .x
-#define __PLT__
-#define TYPE(x)
-#define SIZE(x)
-#define LSYM(x) x
-/* Function end macros. Variants for interworking. */
-@ This selects the minimum architecture level required.
-#define __ARM_ARCH__ 3
-#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_3M__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_4__) \
- || defined(__ARM_ARCH_4T__)
-/* We use __ARM_ARCH__ set to 4 here, but in reality it's any processor with
- long multiply instructions. That includes v3M. */
-# undef __ARM_ARCH__
-# define __ARM_ARCH__ 4
-#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_5__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_5T__) \
- || defined(__ARM_ARCH_5E__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_5TE__) \
- || defined(__ARM_ARCH_5TEJ__)
-# undef __ARM_ARCH__
-# define __ARM_ARCH__ 5
-#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_6__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6J__) \
- || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6K__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6Z__) \
- || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6ZK__)
-# undef __ARM_ARCH__
-# define __ARM_ARCH__ 6
-#ifndef __ARM_ARCH__
-#error Unable to determine architecture.
-/* How to return from a function call depends on the architecture variant. */
-#if (__ARM_ARCH__ > 4) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_4T__)
-# define RET bx lr
-# define RETc(x) bx##x lr
-/* Special precautions for interworking on armv4t. */
-# if (__ARM_ARCH__ == 4)
-/* Always use bx, not ldr pc. */
-# if (defined(__thumb__) || defined(__THUMB_INTERWORK__))
-# define __INTERWORKING__
-# endif /* __THUMB__ || __THUMB_INTERWORK__ */
-/* Include thumb stub before arm mode code. */
-# if defined(__thumb__) && !defined(__THUMB_INTERWORK__)
-# endif /* __thumb__ && !__THUMB_INTERWORK__ */
-#endif /* __ARM_ARCH == 4 */
-# define RET mov pc, lr
-# define RETc(x) mov##x pc, lr
-.macro cfi_pop advance, reg, cfa_offset
-#ifdef __ELF__
- .pushsection .debug_frame
- .byte 0x4 /* DW_CFA_advance_loc4 */
- .4byte \advance
- .byte (0xc0 | \reg) /* DW_CFA_restore */
- .byte 0xe /* DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset */
- .uleb128 \cfa_offset
- .popsection
-.macro cfi_push advance, reg, offset, cfa_offset
-#ifdef __ELF__
- .pushsection .debug_frame
- .byte 0x4 /* DW_CFA_advance_loc4 */
- .4byte \advance
- .byte (0x80 | \reg) /* DW_CFA_offset */
- .uleb128 (\offset / -4)
- .byte 0xe /* DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset */
- .uleb128 \cfa_offset
- .popsection
-.macro cfi_start start_label, end_label
-#ifdef __ELF__
- .pushsection .debug_frame
- .4byte LSYM(Lend_cie) - LSYM(Lstart_cie) @ Length of CIE
- .4byte 0xffffffff @ CIE Identifier Tag
- .byte 0x1 @ CIE Version
- .ascii "\0" @ CIE Augmentation
- .uleb128 0x1 @ CIE Code Alignment Factor
- .sleb128 -4 @ CIE Data Alignment Factor
- .byte 0xe @ CIE RA Column
- .byte 0xc @ DW_CFA_def_cfa
- .uleb128 0xd
- .uleb128 0x0
- .align 2
- .4byte LSYM(Lend_fde)-LSYM(Lstart_fde) @ FDE Length
- .4byte LSYM(Lstart_frame) @ FDE CIE offset
- .4byte \start_label @ FDE initial location
- .4byte \end_label-\start_label @ FDE address range
- .popsection
-.macro cfi_end end_label
-#ifdef __ELF__
- .pushsection .debug_frame
- .align 2
- .popsection
-/* Don't pass dirn, it's there just to get token pasting right. */
-.macro RETLDM regs=, cond=, unwind=, dirn=ia
-#if defined (__INTERWORKING__)
- .ifc "\regs",""
- ldr\cond lr, [sp], #8
- .else
- ldm\cond\dirn sp!, {\regs, lr}
- .endif
- .ifnc "\unwind", ""
- /* Mark LR as restored. */
-97: cfi_pop 97b - \unwind, 0xe, 0x0
- .endif
- bx\cond lr
- .ifc "\regs",""
- ldr\cond pc, [sp], #8
- .else
- ldm\cond\dirn sp!, {\regs, pc}
- .endif
-.macro ARM_LDIV0 name
- str lr, [sp, #-8]!
-98: cfi_push 98b - __\name, 0xe, -0x8, 0x8
- bl SYM (__div0) __PLT__
- mov r0, #0 @ About as wrong as it could be.
- RETLDM unwind=98b
-.macro THUMB_LDIV0 name
- push { r1, lr }
-98: cfi_push 98b - __\name, 0xe, -0x4, 0x8
- bl SYM (__div0)
- mov r0, #0 @ About as wrong as it could be.
-#if defined (__INTERWORKING__)
- pop { r1, r2 }
- bx r2
- pop { r1, pc }
-.macro FUNC_END name
- SIZE (__\name)
-.macro DIV_FUNC_END name
- cfi_start __\name, LSYM(Lend_div0)
-#ifdef __thumb__
- THUMB_LDIV0 \name
- ARM_LDIV0 \name
- cfi_end LSYM(Lend_div0)
- FUNC_END \name
-.macro THUMB_FUNC_START name
- .globl SYM (\name)
- TYPE (\name)
- .thumb_func
-SYM (\name):
-/* Function start macros. Variants for ARM and Thumb. */
-#ifdef __thumb__
-#define THUMB_FUNC .thumb_func
-#define THUMB_CODE .thumb
-#define THUMB_FUNC
-#define THUMB_CODE
-.macro FUNC_START name
- .text
- .globl SYM (__\name)
- TYPE (__\name)
- .align 0
-SYM (__\name):
-/* Special function that will always be coded in ARM assembly, even if
- in Thumb-only compilation. */
-#if defined(__INTERWORKING_STUBS__)
-.macro ARM_FUNC_START name
- FUNC_START \name
- bx pc
- nop
- .arm
-/* A hook to tell gdb that we've switched to ARM mode. Also used to call
- directly from other local arm routines. */
-#define EQUIV .thumb_set
-/* Branch directly to a function declared with ARM_FUNC_START.
- Must be called in arm mode. */
-.macro ARM_CALL name
- bl _L__\name
-.macro ARM_FUNC_START name
- .text
- .globl SYM (__\name)
- TYPE (__\name)
- .align 0
- .arm
-SYM (__\name):
-#define EQUIV .set
-.macro ARM_CALL name
- bl __\name
-.macro FUNC_ALIAS new old
- .globl SYM (__\new)
-#if defined (__thumb__)
- .thumb_set SYM (__\new), SYM (__\old)
- .set SYM (__\new), SYM (__\old)
-.macro ARM_FUNC_ALIAS new old
- .globl SYM (__\new)
- EQUIV SYM (__\new), SYM (__\old)
-#if defined(__INTERWORKING_STUBS__)
- .set SYM (_L__\new), SYM (_L__\old)
-#ifdef __thumb__
-/* Register aliases. */
-work .req r4 @ XXXX is this safe ?
-dividend .req r0
-divisor .req r1
-overdone .req r2
-result .req r2
-curbit .req r3
-#if 0
-ip .req r12
-sp .req r13
-lr .req r14
-pc .req r15
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Bodies of the division and modulo routines. */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-.macro ARM_DIV_BODY dividend, divisor, result, curbit
-#if __ARM_ARCH__ >= 5 && ! defined (__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__)
- clz \curbit, \dividend
- clz \result, \divisor
- sub \curbit, \result, \curbit
- rsbs \curbit, \curbit, #31
- addne \curbit, \curbit, \curbit, lsl #1
- mov \result, #0
- addne pc, pc, \curbit, lsl #2
- nop
- .set shift, 32
- .rept 32
- .set shift, shift - 1
- cmp \dividend, \divisor, lsl #shift
- adc \result, \result, \result
- subcs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor, lsl #shift
- .endr
-#else /* __ARM_ARCH__ < 5 || defined (__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__) */
-#if __ARM_ARCH__ >= 5
- clz \curbit, \divisor
- clz \result, \dividend
- sub \result, \curbit, \result
- mov \curbit, #1
- mov \divisor, \divisor, lsl \result
- mov \curbit, \curbit, lsl \result
- mov \result, #0
-#else /* __ARM_ARCH__ < 5 */
- @ Initially shift the divisor left 3 bits if possible,
- @ set curbit accordingly. This allows for curbit to be located
- @ at the left end of each 4 bit nibbles in the division loop
- @ to save one loop in most cases.
- tst \divisor, #0xe0000000
- moveq \divisor, \divisor, lsl #3
- moveq \curbit, #8
- movne \curbit, #1
- @ Unless the divisor is very big, shift it up in multiples of
- @ four bits, since this is the amount of unwinding in the main
- @ division loop. Continue shifting until the divisor is
- @ larger than the dividend.
-1: cmp \divisor, #0x10000000
- cmplo \divisor, \dividend
- movlo \divisor, \divisor, lsl #4
- movlo \curbit, \curbit, lsl #4
- blo 1b
- @ For very big divisors, we must shift it a bit at a time, or
- @ we will be in danger of overflowing.
-1: cmp \divisor, #0x80000000
- cmplo \divisor, \dividend
- movlo \divisor, \divisor, lsl #1
- movlo \curbit, \curbit, lsl #1
- blo 1b
- mov \result, #0
-#endif /* __ARM_ARCH__ < 5 */
- @ Division loop
-1: cmp \dividend, \divisor
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor
- orrhs \result, \result, \curbit
- cmp \dividend, \divisor, lsr #1
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor, lsr #1
- orrhs \result, \result, \curbit, lsr #1
- cmp \dividend, \divisor, lsr #2
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor, lsr #2
- orrhs \result, \result, \curbit, lsr #2
- cmp \dividend, \divisor, lsr #3
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor, lsr #3
- orrhs \result, \result, \curbit, lsr #3
- cmp \dividend, #0 @ Early termination?
- movnes \curbit, \curbit, lsr #4 @ No, any more bits to do?
- movne \divisor, \divisor, lsr #4
- bne 1b
-#endif /* __ARM_ARCH__ < 5 || defined (__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__) */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-.macro ARM_DIV2_ORDER divisor, order
-#if __ARM_ARCH__ >= 5
- clz \order, \divisor
- rsb \order, \order, #31
- cmp \divisor, #(1 << 16)
- movhs \divisor, \divisor, lsr #16
- movhs \order, #16
- movlo \order, #0
- cmp \divisor, #(1 << 8)
- movhs \divisor, \divisor, lsr #8
- addhs \order, \order, #8
- cmp \divisor, #(1 << 4)
- movhs \divisor, \divisor, lsr #4
- addhs \order, \order, #4
- cmp \divisor, #(1 << 2)
- addhi \order, \order, #3
- addls \order, \order, \divisor, lsr #1
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-.macro ARM_MOD_BODY dividend, divisor, order, spare
-#if __ARM_ARCH__ >= 5 && ! defined (__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__)
- clz \order, \divisor
- clz \spare, \dividend
- sub \order, \order, \spare
- rsbs \order, \order, #31
- addne pc, pc, \order, lsl #3
- nop
- .set shift, 32
- .rept 32
- .set shift, shift - 1
- cmp \dividend, \divisor, lsl #shift
- subcs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor, lsl #shift
- .endr
-#else /* __ARM_ARCH__ < 5 || defined (__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__) */
-#if __ARM_ARCH__ >= 5
- clz \order, \divisor
- clz \spare, \dividend
- sub \order, \order, \spare
- mov \divisor, \divisor, lsl \order
-#else /* __ARM_ARCH__ < 5 */
- mov \order, #0
- @ Unless the divisor is very big, shift it up in multiples of
- @ four bits, since this is the amount of unwinding in the main
- @ division loop. Continue shifting until the divisor is
- @ larger than the dividend.
-1: cmp \divisor, #0x10000000
- cmplo \divisor, \dividend
- movlo \divisor, \divisor, lsl #4
- addlo \order, \order, #4
- blo 1b
- @ For very big divisors, we must shift it a bit at a time, or
- @ we will be in danger of overflowing.
-1: cmp \divisor, #0x80000000
- cmplo \divisor, \dividend
- movlo \divisor, \divisor, lsl #1
- addlo \order, \order, #1
- blo 1b
-#endif /* __ARM_ARCH__ < 5 */
- @ Perform all needed substractions to keep only the reminder.
- @ Do comparisons in batch of 4 first.
- subs \order, \order, #3 @ yes, 3 is intended here
- blt 2f
-1: cmp \dividend, \divisor
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor
- cmp \dividend, \divisor, lsr #1
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor, lsr #1
- cmp \dividend, \divisor, lsr #2
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor, lsr #2
- cmp \dividend, \divisor, lsr #3
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor, lsr #3
- cmp \dividend, #1
- mov \divisor, \divisor, lsr #4
- subges \order, \order, #4
- bge 1b
- tst \order, #3
- teqne \dividend, #0
- beq 5f
- @ Either 1, 2 or 3 comparison/substractions are left.
-2: cmn \order, #2
- blt 4f
- beq 3f
- cmp \dividend, \divisor
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor
- mov \divisor, \divisor, lsr #1
-3: cmp \dividend, \divisor
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor
- mov \divisor, \divisor, lsr #1
-4: cmp \dividend, \divisor
- subhs \dividend, \dividend, \divisor
-#endif /* __ARM_ARCH__ < 5 || defined (__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__) */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-.macro THUMB_DIV_MOD_BODY modulo
- @ Load the constant 0x10000000 into our work register.
- mov work, #1
- lsl work, #28
- @ Unless the divisor is very big, shift it up in multiples of
- @ four bits, since this is the amount of unwinding in the main
- @ division loop. Continue shifting until the divisor is
- @ larger than the dividend.
- cmp divisor, work
- bhs LSYM(Lbignum)
- cmp divisor, dividend
- bhs LSYM(Lbignum)
- lsl divisor, #4
- lsl curbit, #4
- b LSYM(Loop1)
- @ Set work to 0x80000000
- lsl work, #3
- @ For very big divisors, we must shift it a bit at a time, or
- @ we will be in danger of overflowing.
- cmp divisor, work
- bhs LSYM(Loop3)
- cmp divisor, dividend
- bhs LSYM(Loop3)
- lsl divisor, #1
- lsl curbit, #1
- b LSYM(Loop2)
- @ Test for possible subtractions ...
- .if \modulo
- @ ... On the final pass, this may subtract too much from the dividend,
- @ so keep track of which subtractions are done, we can fix them up
- @ afterwards.
- mov overdone, #0
- cmp dividend, divisor
- blo LSYM(Lover1)
- sub dividend, dividend, divisor
- lsr work, divisor, #1
- cmp dividend, work
- blo LSYM(Lover2)
- sub dividend, dividend, work
- mov ip, curbit
- mov work, #1
- ror curbit, work
- orr overdone, curbit
- mov curbit, ip
- lsr work, divisor, #2
- cmp dividend, work
- blo LSYM(Lover3)
- sub dividend, dividend, work
- mov ip, curbit
- mov work, #2
- ror curbit, work
- orr overdone, curbit
- mov curbit, ip
- lsr work, divisor, #3
- cmp dividend, work
- blo LSYM(Lover4)
- sub dividend, dividend, work
- mov ip, curbit
- mov work, #3
- ror curbit, work
- orr overdone, curbit
- mov curbit, ip
- mov ip, curbit
- .else
- @ ... and note which bits are done in the result. On the final pass,
- @ this may subtract too much from the dividend, but the result will be ok,
- @ since the "bit" will have been shifted out at the bottom.
- cmp dividend, divisor
- blo LSYM(Lover1)
- sub dividend, dividend, divisor
- orr result, result, curbit
- lsr work, divisor, #1
- cmp dividend, work
- blo LSYM(Lover2)
- sub dividend, dividend, work
- lsr work, curbit, #1
- orr result, work
- lsr work, divisor, #2
- cmp dividend, work
- blo LSYM(Lover3)
- sub dividend, dividend, work
- lsr work, curbit, #2
- orr result, work
- lsr work, divisor, #3
- cmp dividend, work
- blo LSYM(Lover4)
- sub dividend, dividend, work
- lsr work, curbit, #3
- orr result, work
- .endif
- cmp dividend, #0 @ Early termination?
- beq LSYM(Lover5)
- lsr curbit, #4 @ No, any more bits to do?
- beq LSYM(Lover5)
- lsr divisor, #4
- b LSYM(Loop3)
- .if \modulo
- @ Any subtractions that we should not have done will be recorded in
- @ the top three bits of "overdone". Exactly which were not needed
- @ are governed by the position of the bit, stored in ip.
- mov work, #0xe
- lsl work, #28
- and overdone, work
- beq LSYM(Lgot_result)
- @ If we terminated early, because dividend became zero, then the
- @ bit in ip will not be in the bottom nibble, and we should not
- @ perform the additions below. We must test for this though
- @ (rather relying upon the TSTs to prevent the additions) since
- @ the bit in ip could be in the top two bits which might then match
- @ with one of the smaller RORs.
- mov curbit, ip
- mov work, #0x7
- tst curbit, work
- beq LSYM(Lgot_result)
- mov curbit, ip
- mov work, #3
- ror curbit, work
- tst overdone, curbit
- beq LSYM(Lover6)
- lsr work, divisor, #3
- add dividend, work
- mov curbit, ip
- mov work, #2
- ror curbit, work
- tst overdone, curbit
- beq LSYM(Lover7)
- lsr work, divisor, #2
- add dividend, work
- mov curbit, ip
- mov work, #1
- ror curbit, work
- tst overdone, curbit
- beq LSYM(Lgot_result)
- lsr work, divisor, #1
- add dividend, work
- .endif
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Start of the Real Functions */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#ifdef L_udivsi3
- FUNC_START udivsi3
- FUNC_ALIAS aeabi_uidiv udivsi3
-#ifdef __thumb__
- cmp divisor, #0
- beq LSYM(Ldiv0)
- mov curbit, #1
- mov result, #0
- push { work }
- cmp dividend, divisor
- blo LSYM(Lgot_result)
- mov r0, result
- pop { work }
-#else /* ARM version. */
- subs r2, r1, #1
- RETc(eq)
- bcc LSYM(Ldiv0)
- cmp r0, r1
- bls 11f
- tst r1, r2
- beq 12f
- ARM_DIV_BODY r0, r1, r2, r3
- mov r0, r2
-11: moveq r0, #1
- movne r0, #0
-12: ARM_DIV2_ORDER r1, r2
- mov r0, r0, lsr r2
-#endif /* ARM version */
- DIV_FUNC_END udivsi3
-FUNC_START aeabi_uidivmod
-#ifdef __thumb__
- push {r0, r1, lr}
- bl SYM(__udivsi3)
- POP {r1, r2, r3}
- mul r2, r0
- sub r1, r1, r2
- bx r3
- stmfd sp!, { r0, r1, lr }
- bl SYM(__udivsi3)
- ldmfd sp!, { r1, r2, lr }
- mul r3, r2, r0
- sub r1, r1, r3
- FUNC_END aeabi_uidivmod
-#endif /* L_udivsi3 */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#ifdef L_umodsi3
- FUNC_START umodsi3
-#ifdef __thumb__
- cmp divisor, #0
- beq LSYM(Ldiv0)
- mov curbit, #1
- cmp dividend, divisor
- bhs LSYM(Lover10)
- push { work }
- pop { work }
-#else /* ARM version. */
- subs r2, r1, #1 @ compare divisor with 1
- bcc LSYM(Ldiv0)
- cmpne r0, r1 @ compare dividend with divisor
- moveq r0, #0
- tsthi r1, r2 @ see if divisor is power of 2
- andeq r0, r0, r2
- RETc(ls)
- ARM_MOD_BODY r0, r1, r2, r3
-#endif /* ARM version. */
- DIV_FUNC_END umodsi3
-#endif /* L_umodsi3 */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#ifdef L_divsi3
- FUNC_START divsi3
- FUNC_ALIAS aeabi_idiv divsi3
-#ifdef __thumb__
- cmp divisor, #0
- beq LSYM(Ldiv0)
- push { work }
- mov work, dividend
- eor work, divisor @ Save the sign of the result.
- mov ip, work
- mov curbit, #1
- mov result, #0
- cmp divisor, #0
- bpl LSYM(Lover10)
- neg divisor, divisor @ Loops below use unsigned.
- cmp dividend, #0
- bpl LSYM(Lover11)
- neg dividend, dividend
- cmp dividend, divisor
- blo LSYM(Lgot_result)
- mov r0, result
- mov work, ip
- cmp work, #0
- bpl LSYM(Lover12)
- neg r0, r0
- pop { work }
-#else /* ARM version. */
- cmp r1, #0
- eor ip, r0, r1 @ save the sign of the result.
- beq LSYM(Ldiv0)
- rsbmi r1, r1, #0 @ loops below use unsigned.
- subs r2, r1, #1 @ division by 1 or -1 ?
- beq 10f
- movs r3, r0
- rsbmi r3, r0, #0 @ positive dividend value
- cmp r3, r1
- bls 11f
- tst r1, r2 @ divisor is power of 2 ?
- beq 12f
- ARM_DIV_BODY r3, r1, r0, r2
- cmp ip, #0
- rsbmi r0, r0, #0
-10: teq ip, r0 @ same sign ?
- rsbmi r0, r0, #0
-11: movlo r0, #0
- moveq r0, ip, asr #31
- orreq r0, r0, #1
-12: ARM_DIV2_ORDER r1, r2
- cmp ip, #0
- mov r0, r3, lsr r2
- rsbmi r0, r0, #0
-#endif /* ARM version */
- DIV_FUNC_END divsi3
-FUNC_START aeabi_idivmod
-#ifdef __thumb__
- push {r0, r1, lr}
- bl SYM(__divsi3)
- POP {r1, r2, r3}
- mul r2, r0
- sub r1, r1, r2
- bx r3
- stmfd sp!, { r0, r1, lr }
- bl SYM(__divsi3)
- ldmfd sp!, { r1, r2, lr }
- mul r3, r2, r0
- sub r1, r1, r3
- FUNC_END aeabi_idivmod
-#endif /* L_divsi3 */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#ifdef L_modsi3
- FUNC_START modsi3
-#ifdef __thumb__
- mov curbit, #1
- cmp divisor, #0
- beq LSYM(Ldiv0)
- bpl LSYM(Lover10)
- neg divisor, divisor @ Loops below use unsigned.
- push { work }
- @ Need to save the sign of the dividend, unfortunately, we need
- @ work later on. Must do this after saving the original value of
- @ the work register, because we will pop this value off first.
- push { dividend }
- cmp dividend, #0
- bpl LSYM(Lover11)
- neg dividend, dividend
- cmp dividend, divisor
- blo LSYM(Lgot_result)
- pop { work }
- cmp work, #0
- bpl LSYM(Lover12)
- neg dividend, dividend
- pop { work }
-#else /* ARM version. */
- cmp r1, #0
- beq LSYM(Ldiv0)
- rsbmi r1, r1, #0 @ loops below use unsigned.
- movs ip, r0 @ preserve sign of dividend
- rsbmi r0, r0, #0 @ if negative make positive
- subs r2, r1, #1 @ compare divisor with 1
- cmpne r0, r1 @ compare dividend with divisor
- moveq r0, #0
- tsthi r1, r2 @ see if divisor is power of 2
- andeq r0, r0, r2
- bls 10f
- ARM_MOD_BODY r0, r1, r2, r3
-10: cmp ip, #0
- rsbmi r0, r0, #0
-#endif /* ARM version */
- DIV_FUNC_END modsi3
-#endif /* L_modsi3 */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#ifdef L_dvmd_tls
- FUNC_ALIAS aeabi_idiv0 div0
- FUNC_ALIAS aeabi_ldiv0 div0
- FUNC_END div0
-#endif /* L_divmodsi_tools */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#ifdef L_dvmd_lnx
-@ GNU/Linux division-by zero handler. Used in place of L_dvmd_tls
-/* Constant taken from <asm/signal.h>. */
-#define SIGFPE 8
- .code 32
- stmfd sp!, {r1, lr}
- mov r0, #SIGFPE
- bl SYM(raise) __PLT__
- FUNC_END div0
-#endif /* L_dvmd_lnx */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Dword shift operations. */
-/* All the following Dword shift variants rely on the fact that
- shft xxx, Reg
- is in fact done as
- shft xxx, (Reg & 255)
- so for Reg value in (32...63) and (-1...-31) we will get zero (in the
- case of logical shifts) or the sign (for asr). */
-#ifdef __ARMEB__
-#define al r1
-#define ah r0
-#define al r0
-#define ah r1
-/* Prevent __aeabi double-word shifts from being produced on SymbianOS. */
-#ifndef __symbian__
-#ifdef L_lshrdi3
- FUNC_START lshrdi3
- FUNC_ALIAS aeabi_llsr lshrdi3
-#ifdef __thumb__
- lsr al, r2
- mov r3, ah
- lsr ah, r2
- mov ip, r3
- sub r2, #32
- lsr r3, r2
- orr al, r3
- neg r2, r2
- mov r3, ip
- lsl r3, r2
- orr al, r3
- subs r3, r2, #32
- rsb ip, r2, #32
- movmi al, al, lsr r2
- movpl al, ah, lsr r3
- orrmi al, al, ah, lsl ip
- mov ah, ah, lsr r2
- FUNC_END aeabi_llsr
- FUNC_END lshrdi3
-#ifdef L_ashrdi3
- FUNC_START ashrdi3
- FUNC_ALIAS aeabi_lasr ashrdi3
-#ifdef __thumb__
- lsr al, r2
- mov r3, ah
- asr ah, r2
- sub r2, #32
- @ If r2 is negative at this point the following step would OR
- @ the sign bit into all of AL. That's not what we want...
- bmi 1f
- mov ip, r3
- asr r3, r2
- orr al, r3
- mov r3, ip
- neg r2, r2
- lsl r3, r2
- orr al, r3
- subs r3, r2, #32
- rsb ip, r2, #32
- movmi al, al, lsr r2
- movpl al, ah, asr r3
- orrmi al, al, ah, lsl ip
- mov ah, ah, asr r2
- FUNC_END aeabi_lasr
- FUNC_END ashrdi3
-#ifdef L_ashldi3
- FUNC_START ashldi3
- FUNC_ALIAS aeabi_llsl ashldi3
-#ifdef __thumb__
- lsl ah, r2
- mov r3, al
- lsl al, r2
- mov ip, r3
- sub r2, #32
- lsl r3, r2
- orr ah, r3
- neg r2, r2
- mov r3, ip
- lsr r3, r2
- orr ah, r3
- subs r3, r2, #32
- rsb ip, r2, #32
- movmi ah, ah, lsl r2
- movpl ah, al, lsl r3
- orrmi ah, ah, al, lsr ip
- mov al, al, lsl r2
- FUNC_END aeabi_llsl
- FUNC_END ashldi3
-#endif /* __symbian__ */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* These next two sections are here despite the fact that they contain Thumb
- assembler because their presence allows interworked code to be linked even
- when the GCC library is this one. */
-/* Do not build the interworking functions when the target architecture does
- not support Thumb instructions. (This can be a multilib option). */
-#if defined __ARM_ARCH_4T__ || defined __ARM_ARCH_5T__\
- || defined __ARM_ARCH_5TE__ || defined __ARM_ARCH_5TEJ__ \
- || __ARM_ARCH__ >= 6
-#if defined L_call_via_rX
-/* These labels & instructions are used by the Arm/Thumb interworking code.
- The address of function to be called is loaded into a register and then
- one of these labels is called via a BL instruction. This puts the
- return address into the link register with the bottom bit set, and the
- code here switches to the correct mode before executing the function. */
- .text
- .align 0
- .force_thumb
-.macro call_via register
- THUMB_FUNC_START _call_via_\register
- bx \register
- nop
- SIZE (_call_via_\register)
- call_via r0
- call_via r1
- call_via r2
- call_via r3
- call_via r4
- call_via r5
- call_via r6
- call_via r7
- call_via r8
- call_via r9
- call_via sl
- call_via fp
- call_via ip
- call_via sp
- call_via lr
-#endif /* L_call_via_rX */
-#if defined L_interwork_call_via_rX
-/* These labels & instructions are used by the Arm/Thumb interworking code,
- when the target address is in an unknown instruction set. The address
- of function to be called is loaded into a register and then one of these
- labels is called via a BL instruction. This puts the return address
- into the link register with the bottom bit set, and the code here
- switches to the correct mode before executing the function. Unfortunately
- the target code cannot be relied upon to return via a BX instruction, so
- instead we have to store the resturn address on the stack and allow the
- called function to return here instead. Upon return we recover the real
- return address and use a BX to get back to Thumb mode.
- There are three variations of this code. The first,
- _interwork_call_via_rN(), will push the return address onto the
- stack and pop it in _arm_return(). It should only be used if all
- arguments are passed in registers.
- The second, _interwork_r7_call_via_rN(), instead stores the return
- address at [r7, #-4]. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure
- that this address is valid and contains no useful data.
- The third, _interwork_r11_call_via_rN(), works in the same way but
- uses r11 instead of r7. It is useful if the caller does not really
- need a frame pointer. */
- .text
- .align 0
- .code 32
- .globl _arm_return
- cfi_start LSYM(Lstart_arm_return) LSYM(Lend_arm_return)
- cfi_push 0, 0xe, -0x8, 0x8
- nop @ This nop is for the benefit of debuggers, so that
- @ backtraces will use the correct unwind information.
- RETLDM unwind=LSYM(Lstart_arm_return)
- cfi_end LSYM(Lend_arm_return)
- .globl _arm_return_r7
- ldr lr, [r7, #-4]
- bx lr
- .globl _arm_return_r11
- ldr lr, [r11, #-4]
- bx lr
-.macro interwork_with_frame frame, register, name, return
- .code 16
- bx pc
- nop
- .code 32
- tst \register, #1
- streq lr, [\frame, #-4]
- adreq lr, _arm_return_\frame
- bx \register
- SIZE (\name)
-.macro interwork register
- .code 16
- THUMB_FUNC_START _interwork_call_via_\register
- bx pc
- nop
- .code 32
- .globl LSYM(Lchange_\register)
- tst \register, #1
- streq lr, [sp, #-8]!
- adreq lr, _arm_return
- bx \register
- SIZE (_interwork_call_via_\register)
- interwork_with_frame r7,\register,_interwork_r7_call_via_\register
- interwork_with_frame r11,\register,_interwork_r11_call_via_\register
- interwork r0
- interwork r1
- interwork r2
- interwork r3
- interwork r4
- interwork r5
- interwork r6
- interwork r7
- interwork r8
- interwork r9
- interwork sl
- interwork fp
- interwork ip
- interwork sp
- /* The LR case has to be handled a little differently... */
- .code 16
- THUMB_FUNC_START _interwork_call_via_lr
- bx pc
- nop
- .code 32
- .globl .Lchange_lr
- tst lr, #1
- stmeqdb r13!, {lr, pc}
- mov ip, lr
- adreq lr, _arm_return
- bx ip
- SIZE (_interwork_call_via_lr)
-#endif /* L_interwork_call_via_rX */
-#endif /* Arch supports thumb. */
-#ifndef __symbian__
-#include "ieee754-df.S"
-#include "ieee754-sf.S"
-#include "bpabi.S"
-#endif /* __symbian__ */
- .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits