path: root/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc b/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc
index 98e5d122a0f9..cba38c8c3057 100644
--- a/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc
+++ b/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
#include "sanitizer_platform.h"
-#include "sanitizer_allocator_internal.h"
#include "sanitizer_common.h"
#include "sanitizer_flags.h"
#include "sanitizer_internal_defs.h"
@@ -74,11 +74,6 @@ extern char **environ; // provided by crt1
#include <sys/signal.h>
-#include <android/log.h>
-#include <sys/system_properties.h>
// <linux/time.h>
struct kernel_timeval {
@@ -94,7 +89,8 @@ const int FUTEX_WAKE = 1;
// Are we using 32-bit or 64-bit Linux syscalls?
// x32 (which defines __x86_64__) has SANITIZER_WORDSIZE == 32
// but it still needs to use 64-bit syscalls.
-#if SANITIZER_LINUX && (defined(__x86_64__) || SANITIZER_WORDSIZE == 64)
+#if SANITIZER_LINUX && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__powerpc64__) || \
@@ -104,6 +100,8 @@ namespace __sanitizer {
#if SANITIZER_LINUX && defined(__x86_64__)
#include "sanitizer_syscall_linux_x86_64.inc"
+#elif SANITIZER_LINUX && defined(__aarch64__)
+#include "sanitizer_syscall_linux_aarch64.inc"
#include "sanitizer_syscall_generic.inc"
@@ -375,23 +373,23 @@ const char *GetEnv(const char *name) {
if (!inited) {
inited = true;
uptr environ_size;
- len = ReadFileToBuffer("/proc/self/environ",
- &environ, &environ_size, 1 << 26);
+ if (!ReadFileToBuffer("/proc/self/environ", &environ, &environ_size, &len))
+ environ = nullptr;
- if (!environ || len == 0) return 0;
+ if (!environ || len == 0) return nullptr;
uptr namelen = internal_strlen(name);
const char *p = environ;
while (*p != '\0') { // will happen at the \0\0 that terminates the buffer
// proc file has the format NAME=value\0NAME=value\0NAME=value\0...
const char* endp =
(char*)internal_memchr(p, '\0', len - (p - environ));
- if (endp == 0) // this entry isn't NUL terminated
- return 0;
+ if (!endp) // this entry isn't NUL terminated
+ return nullptr;
else if (!internal_memcmp(p, name, namelen) && p[namelen] == '=') // Match.
return p + namelen + 1; // point after =
p = endp + 1;
- return 0; // Not found.
+ return nullptr; // Not found.
#error "Unsupported platform"
@@ -405,9 +403,13 @@ extern "C" {
static void ReadNullSepFileToArray(const char *path, char ***arr,
int arr_size) {
char *buff;
- uptr buff_size = 0;
+ uptr buff_size;
+ uptr buff_len;
*arr = (char **)MmapOrDie(arr_size * sizeof(char *), "NullSepFileArray");
- ReadFileToBuffer(path, &buff, &buff_size, 1024 * 1024);
+ if (!ReadFileToBuffer(path, &buff, &buff_size, &buff_len, 1024 * 1024)) {
+ (*arr)[0] = nullptr;
+ return;
+ }
(*arr)[0] = buff;
int count, i;
for (count = 1, i = 1; ; i++) {
@@ -418,7 +420,7 @@ static void ReadNullSepFileToArray(const char *path, char ***arr,
- (*arr)[count] = 0;
+ (*arr)[count] = nullptr;
@@ -496,7 +498,7 @@ void BlockingMutex::CheckLocked() {
// Note that getdents64 uses a different structure format. We only provide the
// 32-bit syscall here.
struct linux_dirent {
+#if SANITIZER_X32 || defined(__aarch64__)
u64 d_ino;
u64 d_off;
@@ -504,6 +506,9 @@ struct linux_dirent {
unsigned long d_off;
unsigned short d_reclen;
+#ifdef __aarch64__
+ unsigned char d_type;
char d_name[256];
@@ -585,8 +590,8 @@ int internal_sigaction_norestorer(int signum, const void *act, void *oldact) {
uptr result = internal_syscall(SYSCALL(rt_sigaction), (uptr)signum,
- (uptr)(u_act ? &k_act : NULL),
- (uptr)(u_oldact ? &k_oldact : NULL),
+ (uptr)(u_act ? &k_act : nullptr),
+ (uptr)(u_oldact ? &k_oldact : nullptr),
if ((result == 0) && u_oldact) {
@@ -732,6 +737,21 @@ uptr ReadBinaryName(/*out*/char *buf, uptr buf_len) {
return module_name_len;
+uptr ReadLongProcessName(/*out*/ char *buf, uptr buf_len) {
+ char *tmpbuf;
+ uptr tmpsize;
+ uptr tmplen;
+ if (ReadFileToBuffer("/proc/self/cmdline", &tmpbuf, &tmpsize, &tmplen,
+ 1024 * 1024)) {
+ internal_strncpy(buf, tmpbuf, buf_len);
+ UnmapOrDie(tmpbuf, tmpsize);
+ return internal_strlen(buf);
+ }
+ return ReadBinaryName(buf, buf_len);
// Match full names of the form /path/to/base_name{-,.}*
bool LibraryNameIs(const char *full_name, const char *base_name) {
const char *name = full_name;
@@ -913,41 +933,142 @@ uptr internal_clone(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack, int flags, void *arg,
: "memory", "$29" );
return res;
-#endif // defined(__x86_64__) && SANITIZER_LINUX
+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
+uptr internal_clone(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack, int flags, void *arg,
+ int *parent_tidptr, void *newtls, int *child_tidptr) {
+ long long res;
+ if (!fn || !child_stack)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ CHECK_EQ(0, (uptr)child_stack % 16);
+ child_stack = (char *)child_stack - 2 * sizeof(unsigned long long);
+ ((unsigned long long *)child_stack)[0] = (uptr)fn;
+ ((unsigned long long *)child_stack)[1] = (uptr)arg;
-static atomic_uint8_t android_log_initialized;
+ register int (*__fn)(void *) __asm__("x0") = fn;
+ register void *__stack __asm__("x1") = child_stack;
+ register int __flags __asm__("x2") = flags;
+ register void *__arg __asm__("x3") = arg;
+ register int *__ptid __asm__("x4") = parent_tidptr;
+ register void *__tls __asm__("x5") = newtls;
+ register int *__ctid __asm__("x6") = child_tidptr;
-void AndroidLogInit() {
- atomic_store(&android_log_initialized, 1, memory_order_release);
-// This thing is not, strictly speaking, async signal safe, but it does not seem
-// to cause any issues. Alternative is writing to log devices directly, but
-// their location and message format might change in the future, so we'd really
-// like to avoid that.
-void AndroidLogWrite(const char *buffer) {
- if (!atomic_load(&android_log_initialized, memory_order_acquire))
- return;
+ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "mov x0,x2\n" /* flags */
+ "mov x2,x4\n" /* ptid */
+ "mov x3,x5\n" /* tls */
+ "mov x4,x6\n" /* ctid */
+ "mov x8,%9\n" /* clone */
- char *copy = internal_strdup(buffer);
- char *p = copy;
- char *q;
- // __android_log_write has an implicit message length limit.
- // Print one line at a time.
- do {
- q = internal_strchr(p, '\n');
- if (q) *q = '\0';
- __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, NULL, p);
- if (q) p = q + 1;
- } while (q);
- InternalFree(copy);
+ "svc 0x0\n"
+ /* if (%r0 != 0)
+ * return %r0;
+ */
+ "cmp x0, #0\n"
+ "bne 1f\n"
+ /* In the child, now. Call "fn(arg)". */
+ "ldp x1, x0, [sp], #16\n"
+ "blr x1\n"
+ /* Call _exit(%r0). */
+ "mov x8, %10\n"
+ "svc 0x0\n"
+ "1:\n"
+ : "=r" (res)
+ : "i"(-EINVAL),
+ "r"(__fn), "r"(__stack), "r"(__flags), "r"(__arg),
+ "r"(__ptid), "r"(__tls), "r"(__ctid),
+ "i"(__NR_clone), "i"(__NR_exit)
+ : "x30", "memory");
+ return res;
+#elif defined(__powerpc64__)
+uptr internal_clone(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack, int flags, void *arg,
+ int *parent_tidptr, void *newtls, int *child_tidptr) {
+ long long res;
+/* Stack frame offsets. */
+#if _CALL_ELF != 2
+#define FRAME_MIN_SIZE 112
+#define FRAME_TOC_SAVE 40
+#define FRAME_MIN_SIZE 32
+#define FRAME_TOC_SAVE 24
+ if (!fn || !child_stack)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ CHECK_EQ(0, (uptr)child_stack % 16);
+ child_stack = (char *)child_stack - 2 * sizeof(unsigned long long);
+ ((unsigned long long *)child_stack)[0] = (uptr)fn;
+ ((unsigned long long *)child_stack)[1] = (uptr)arg;
-void GetExtraActivationFlags(char *buf, uptr size) {
- __system_property_get("asan.options", buf);
+ register int (*__fn)(void *) __asm__("r3") = fn;
+ register void *__cstack __asm__("r4") = child_stack;
+ register int __flags __asm__("r5") = flags;
+ register void * __arg __asm__("r6") = arg;
+ register int * __ptidptr __asm__("r7") = parent_tidptr;
+ register void * __newtls __asm__("r8") = newtls;
+ register int * __ctidptr __asm__("r9") = child_tidptr;
+ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ /* fn, arg, child_stack are saved acrVoss the syscall */
+ "mr 28, %5\n\t"
+ "mr 29, %6\n\t"
+ "mr 27, %8\n\t"
+ /* syscall
+ r3 == flags
+ r4 == child_stack
+ r5 == parent_tidptr
+ r6 == newtls
+ r7 == child_tidptr */
+ "mr 3, %7\n\t"
+ "mr 5, %9\n\t"
+ "mr 6, %10\n\t"
+ "mr 7, %11\n\t"
+ "li 0, %3\n\t"
+ "sc\n\t"
+ /* Test if syscall was successful */
+ "cmpdi cr1, 3, 0\n\t"
+ "crandc cr1*4+eq, cr1*4+eq, cr0*4+so\n\t"
+ "bne- cr1, 1f\n\t"
+ /* Do the function call */
+ "std 2, %13(1)\n\t"
+#if _CALL_ELF != 2
+ "ld 0, 0(28)\n\t"
+ "ld 2, 8(28)\n\t"
+ "mtctr 0\n\t"
+ "mr 12, 28\n\t"
+ "mtctr 12\n\t"
+ "mr 3, 27\n\t"
+ "bctrl\n\t"
+ "ld 2, %13(1)\n\t"
+ /* Call _exit(r3) */
+ "li 0, %4\n\t"
+ "sc\n\t"
+ /* Return to parent */
+ "1:\n\t"
+ "mr %0, 3\n\t"
+ : "=r" (res)
+ : "0" (-1), "i" (EINVAL),
+ "i" (__NR_clone), "i" (__NR_exit),
+ "r" (__fn), "r" (__cstack), "r" (__flags),
+ "r" (__arg), "r" (__ptidptr), "r" (__newtls),
+ "r" (__ctidptr), "i" (FRAME_MIN_SIZE), "i" (FRAME_TOC_SAVE)
+ : "cr0", "cr1", "memory", "ctr",
+ "r0", "r29", "r27", "r28");
+ return res;
+#endif // defined(__x86_64__) && SANITIZER_LINUX
#if __ANDROID_API__ < 21
extern "C" __attribute__((weak)) int dl_iterate_phdr(
int (*)(struct dl_phdr_info *, size_t, void *), void *);
@@ -993,6 +1114,10 @@ AndroidApiLevel AndroidGetApiLevel() {
bool IsDeadlySignal(int signum) {
if (common_flags()->handle_abort && signum == SIGABRT)
return true;
+ if (common_flags()->handle_sigill && signum == SIGILL)
+ return true;
+ if (common_flags()->handle_sigfpe && signum == SIGFPE)
+ return true;
return (signum == SIGSEGV || signum == SIGBUS) && common_flags()->handle_segv;
@@ -1008,13 +1133,13 @@ void *internal_start_thread(void(*func)(void *arg), void *arg) {
internal_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, &old);
void *th;
- real_pthread_create(&th, 0, (void*(*)(void *arg))func, arg);
- internal_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old, 0);
+ real_pthread_create(&th, nullptr, (void*(*)(void *arg))func, arg);
+ internal_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old, nullptr);
return th;
void internal_join_thread(void *th) {
- real_pthread_join(th, 0);
+ real_pthread_join(th, nullptr);
void *internal_start_thread(void (*func)(void *), void *arg) { return 0; }
@@ -1094,6 +1219,14 @@ void GetPcSpBp(void *context, uptr *pc, uptr *sp, uptr *bp) {
-} // namespace __sanitizer
+void DisableReexec() {
+ // No need to re-exec on Linux.
+void MaybeReexec() {
+ // No need to re-exec on Linux.
+} // namespace __sanitizer