path: root/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_flags.inc
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diff --git a/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_flags.inc b/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_flags.inc
index c45781168d6c..b450ab9503f9 100644
--- a/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_flags.inc
+++ b/contrib/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_flags.inc
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
// HWASAN_FLAG(Type, Name, DefaultValue, Description)
// See COMMON_FLAG in sanitizer_flags.inc for more details.
+HWASAN_FLAG(bool, verbose_threads, false,
+ "inform on thread creation/destruction")
HWASAN_FLAG(bool, tag_in_malloc, true, "")
HWASAN_FLAG(bool, tag_in_free, true, "")
-HWASAN_FLAG(bool, retag_in_realloc, true, "")
HWASAN_FLAG(bool, print_stats, false, "")
HWASAN_FLAG(bool, halt_on_error, true, "")
HWASAN_FLAG(bool, atexit, false, "")
@@ -31,3 +32,57 @@ HWASAN_FLAG(bool, disable_allocator_tagging, false, "")
// If false, use simple increment of a thread local counter to generate new
// tags.
HWASAN_FLAG(bool, random_tags, true, "")
+ int, max_malloc_fill_size, 0x1000, // By default, fill only the first 4K.
+ "HWASan allocator flag. max_malloc_fill_size is the maximal amount of "
+ "bytes that will be filled with malloc_fill_byte on malloc.")
+// Rules for malloc alignment on aarch64:
+// * If the size is 16-aligned, then malloc should return 16-aligned memory.
+// * Otherwise, malloc should return 8-alignment memory.
+// So,
+// * If the size is 16-aligned, we don't need to do anything.
+// * Otherwise we don't have to obey 16-alignment, just the 8-alignment.
+// * We may want to break the 8-alignment rule to catch more buffer overflows
+// but this will break valid code in some rare cases, like this:
+// struct Foo {
+// // accessed via atomic instructions that require 8-alignment.
+// std::atomic<int64_t> atomic_stuff;
+// ...
+// char vla[1]; // the actual size of vla could be anything.
+// }
+// Which means that the safe values for malloc_align_right are 0, 8, 9,
+// and the values 1 and 2 may require changes in otherwise valid code.
+ int, malloc_align_right, 0, // off by default
+ "HWASan allocator flag. "
+ "0 (default): allocations are always aligned left to 16-byte boundary; "
+ "1: allocations are sometimes aligned right to 1-byte boundary (risky); "
+ "2: allocations are always aligned right to 1-byte boundary (risky); "
+ "8: allocations are sometimes aligned right to 8-byte boundary; "
+ "9: allocations are always aligned right to 8-byte boundary."
+ )
+HWASAN_FLAG(bool, free_checks_tail_magic, 1,
+ "If set, free() will check the magic values "
+ "to the right of the allocated object "
+ "if the allocation size is not a divident of the granule size")
+ int, max_free_fill_size, 0,
+ "HWASan allocator flag. max_free_fill_size is the maximal amount of "
+ "bytes that will be filled with free_fill_byte during free.")
+HWASAN_FLAG(int, malloc_fill_byte, 0xbe,
+ "Value used to fill the newly allocated memory.")
+HWASAN_FLAG(int, free_fill_byte, 0x55,
+ "Value used to fill deallocated memory.")
+HWASAN_FLAG(int, heap_history_size, 1023,
+ "The number of heap (de)allocations remembered per thread. "
+ "Affects the quality of heap-related reports, but not the ability "
+ "to find bugs.")
+HWASAN_FLAG(bool, export_memory_stats, true,
+ "Export up-to-date memory stats through /proc")
+HWASAN_FLAG(int, stack_history_size, 1024,
+ "The number of stack frames remembered per thread. "
+ "Affects the quality of stack-related reports, but not the ability "
+ "to find bugs.")