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6 files changed, 173 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp b/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp
index e2014f965c90..1fa73c667b7f 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp
@@ -55,45 +55,140 @@ getTokensCovering(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Toks, SourceRange R,
return {Begin, End};
-// Finds the smallest expansion range that contains expanded tokens First and
-// Last, e.g.:
+// Finds the range within FID corresponding to expanded tokens [First, Last].
+// Prev precedes First and Next follows Last, these must *not* be included.
+// If no range satisfies the criteria, returns an invalid range.
// #define ID(x) x
// ID(ID(ID(a1) a2))
// ~~ -> a1
// ~~ -> a2
// ~~~~~~~~~ -> a1 a2
-SourceRange findCommonRangeForMacroArgs(const syntax::Token &First,
- const syntax::Token &Last,
- const SourceManager &SM) {
- SourceRange Res;
- auto FirstLoc = First.location(), LastLoc = Last.location();
- // Keep traversing up the spelling chain as longs as tokens are part of the
- // same expansion.
- while (!FirstLoc.isFileID() && !LastLoc.isFileID()) {
- auto ExpInfoFirst = SM.getSLocEntry(SM.getFileID(FirstLoc)).getExpansion();
- auto ExpInfoLast = SM.getSLocEntry(SM.getFileID(LastLoc)).getExpansion();
- // Stop if expansions have diverged.
- if (ExpInfoFirst.getExpansionLocStart() !=
- ExpInfoLast.getExpansionLocStart())
+SourceRange spelledForExpandedSlow(SourceLocation First, SourceLocation Last,
+ SourceLocation Prev, SourceLocation Next,
+ FileID TargetFile,
+ const SourceManager &SM) {
+ // There are two main parts to this algorithm:
+ // - identifying which spelled range covers the expanded tokens
+ // - validating that this range doesn't cover any extra tokens (First/Last)
+ //
+ // We do these in order. However as we transform the expanded range into the
+ // spelled one, we adjust First/Last so the validation remains simple.
+ assert(SM.getSLocEntry(TargetFile).isFile());
+ // In most cases, to select First and Last we must return their expansion
+ // range, i.e. the whole of any macros they are included in.
+ //
+ // When First and Last are part of the *same macro arg* of a macro written
+ // in TargetFile, we that slice of the arg, i.e. their spelling range.
+ //
+ // Unwrap such macro calls. If the target file has A(B(C)), the
+ // SourceLocation stack of a token inside C shows us the expansion of A first,
+ // then B, then any macros inside C's body, then C itself.
+ // (This is the reverse of the order the PP applies the expansions in).
+ while (First.isMacroID() && Last.isMacroID()) {
+ auto DecFirst = SM.getDecomposedLoc(First);
+ auto DecLast = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Last);
+ auto &ExpFirst = SM.getSLocEntry(DecFirst.first).getExpansion();
+ auto &ExpLast = SM.getSLocEntry(DecLast.first).getExpansion();
+ if (!ExpFirst.isMacroArgExpansion() || !ExpLast.isMacroArgExpansion())
+ break;
+ // Locations are in the same macro arg if they expand to the same place.
+ // (They may still have different FileIDs - an arg can have >1 chunks!)
+ if (ExpFirst.getExpansionLocStart() != ExpLast.getExpansionLocStart())
- // Do not continue into macro bodies.
- if (!ExpInfoFirst.isMacroArgExpansion() ||
- !ExpInfoLast.isMacroArgExpansion())
+ // Careful, given:
+ // #define HIDE ID(ID(a))
+ // ID(ID(HIDE))
+ // The token `a` is wrapped in 4 arg-expansions, we only want to unwrap 2.
+ // We distinguish them by whether the macro expands into the target file.
+ // Fortunately, the target file ones will always appear first.
+ auto &ExpMacro =
+ SM.getSLocEntry(SM.getFileID(ExpFirst.getExpansionLocStart()))
+ .getExpansion();
+ if (ExpMacro.getExpansionLocStart().isMacroID())
- FirstLoc = SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(FirstLoc);
- LastLoc = SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(LastLoc);
- // Update the result afterwards, as we want the tokens that triggered the
- // expansion.
- Res = {FirstLoc, LastLoc};
+ // Replace each endpoint with its spelling inside the macro arg.
+ // (This is getImmediateSpellingLoc without repeating lookups).
+ First = ExpFirst.getSpellingLoc().getLocWithOffset(DecFirst.second);
+ Last = ExpLast.getSpellingLoc().getLocWithOffset(DecLast.second);
+ // Now: how do we adjust the previous/next bounds? Three cases:
+ // A) If they are also part of the same macro arg, we translate them too.
+ // This will ensure that we don't select any macros nested within the
+ // macro arg that cover extra tokens. Critical case:
+ // #define ID(X) X
+ // ID(prev target) // selecting 'target' succeeds
+ // #define LARGE ID(prev target)
+ // LARGE // selecting 'target' fails.
+ // B) They are not in the macro at all, then their expansion range is a
+ // sibling to it, and we can safely substitute that.
+ // #define PREV prev
+ // #define ID(X) X
+ // PREV ID(target) // selecting 'target' succeeds.
+ // #define LARGE PREV ID(target)
+ // LARGE // selecting 'target' fails.
+ // C) They are in a different arg of this macro, or the macro body.
+ // Now selecting the whole macro arg is fine, but the whole macro is not.
+ // Model this by setting using the edge of the macro call as the bound.
+ // #define ID2(X, Y) X Y
+ // ID2(prev, target) // selecting 'target' succeeds
+ // #define LARGE ID2(prev, target)
+ // LARGE // selecting 'target' fails
+ auto AdjustBound = [&](SourceLocation &Bound) {
+ if (Bound.isInvalid() || !Bound.isMacroID()) // Non-macro must be case B.
+ return;
+ auto DecBound = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Bound);
+ auto &ExpBound = SM.getSLocEntry(DecBound.first).getExpansion();
+ if (ExpBound.isMacroArgExpansion() &&
+ ExpBound.getExpansionLocStart() == ExpFirst.getExpansionLocStart()) {
+ // Case A: translate to (spelling) loc within the macro arg.
+ Bound = ExpBound.getSpellingLoc().getLocWithOffset(DecBound.second);
+ return;
+ }
+ while (Bound.isMacroID()) {
+ SourceRange Exp = SM.getImmediateExpansionRange(Bound).getAsRange();
+ if (Exp.getBegin() == ExpMacro.getExpansionLocStart()) {
+ // Case B: bounds become the macro call itself.
+ Bound = (&Bound == &Prev) ? Exp.getBegin() : Exp.getEnd();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Either case C, or expansion location will later find case B.
+ // We choose the upper bound for Prev and the lower one for Next:
+ // ID(prev) target ID(next)
+ // ^ ^
+ // new-prev new-next
+ Bound = (&Bound == &Prev) ? Exp.getEnd() : Exp.getBegin();
+ }
+ };
+ AdjustBound(Prev);
+ AdjustBound(Next);
- // Normally mapping back to expansion location here only changes FileID, as
- // we've already found some tokens expanded from the same macro argument, and
- // they should map to a consecutive subset of spelled tokens. Unfortunately
- // SourceManager::isBeforeInTranslationUnit discriminates sourcelocations
- // based on their FileID in addition to offsets. So even though we are
- // referring to same tokens, SourceManager might tell us that one is before
- // the other if they've got different FileIDs.
- return SM.getExpansionRange(CharSourceRange(Res, true)).getAsRange();
+ // In all remaining cases we need the full containing macros.
+ // If this overlaps Prev or Next, then no range is possible.
+ SourceRange Candidate =
+ SM.getExpansionRange(SourceRange(First, Last)).getAsRange();
+ auto DecFirst = SM.getDecomposedExpansionLoc(Candidate.getBegin());
+ auto DecLast = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Candidate.getEnd());
+ // Can end up in the wrong file due to bad input or token-pasting shenanigans.
+ if (Candidate.isInvalid() || DecFirst.first != TargetFile || DecLast.first != TargetFile)
+ return SourceRange();
+ // Check bounds, which may still be inside macros.
+ if (Prev.isValid()) {
+ auto Dec = SM.getDecomposedLoc(SM.getExpansionRange(Prev).getBegin());
+ if (Dec.first != DecFirst.first || Dec.second >= DecFirst.second)
+ return SourceRange();
+ }
+ if (Next.isValid()) {
+ auto Dec = SM.getDecomposedLoc(SM.getExpansionRange(Next).getEnd());
+ if (Dec.first != DecLast.first || Dec.second <= DecLast.second)
+ return SourceRange();
+ }
+ // Now we know that Candidate is a file range that covers [First, Last]
+ // without encroaching on {Prev, Next}. Ship it!
+ return Candidate;
} // namespace
@@ -363,51 +458,50 @@ TokenBuffer::spelledForExpanded(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Expanded) const {
// of the range, bail out in that case.
if (Expanded.empty())
return llvm::None;
- const syntax::Token *BeginSpelled;
- const Mapping *BeginMapping;
- std::tie(BeginSpelled, BeginMapping) =
- spelledForExpandedToken(&Expanded.front());
- const syntax::Token *LastSpelled;
- const Mapping *LastMapping;
- std::tie(LastSpelled, LastMapping) =
- spelledForExpandedToken(&Expanded.back());
- FileID FID = SourceMgr->getFileID(BeginSpelled->location());
+ const syntax::Token *First = &Expanded.front();
+ const syntax::Token *Last = &Expanded.back();
+ const syntax::Token *FirstSpelled, *LastSpelled;
+ const TokenBuffer::Mapping *FirstMapping, *LastMapping;
+ std::tie(FirstSpelled, FirstMapping) = spelledForExpandedToken(First);
+ std::tie(LastSpelled, LastMapping) = spelledForExpandedToken(Last);
+ FileID FID = SourceMgr->getFileID(FirstSpelled->location());
// FIXME: Handle multi-file changes by trying to map onto a common root.
if (FID != SourceMgr->getFileID(LastSpelled->location()))
return llvm::None;
const MarkedFile &File = Files.find(FID)->second;
- // If both tokens are coming from a macro argument expansion, try and map to
- // smallest part of the macro argument. BeginMapping && LastMapping check is
- // only for performance, they are a prerequisite for Expanded.front() and
- // Expanded.back() being part of a macro arg expansion.
- if (BeginMapping && LastMapping &&
- SourceMgr->isMacroArgExpansion(Expanded.front().location()) &&
- SourceMgr->isMacroArgExpansion(Expanded.back().location())) {
- auto CommonRange = findCommonRangeForMacroArgs(Expanded.front(),
- Expanded.back(), *SourceMgr);
- // It might be the case that tokens are arguments of different macro calls,
- // in that case we should continue with the logic below instead of returning
- // an empty range.
- if (CommonRange.isValid())
- return getTokensCovering(File.SpelledTokens, CommonRange, *SourceMgr);
+ // If the range is within one macro argument, the result may be only part of a
+ // Mapping. We must use the general (SourceManager-based) algorithm.
+ if (FirstMapping && FirstMapping == LastMapping &&
+ SourceMgr->isMacroArgExpansion(First->location()) &&
+ SourceMgr->isMacroArgExpansion(Last->location())) {
+ // We use excluded Prev/Next token for bounds checking.
+ SourceLocation Prev = (First == &ExpandedTokens.front())
+ ? SourceLocation()
+ : (First - 1)->location();
+ SourceLocation Next = (Last == &ExpandedTokens.back())
+ ? SourceLocation()
+ : (Last + 1)->location();
+ SourceRange Range = spelledForExpandedSlow(
+ First->location(), Last->location(), Prev, Next, FID, *SourceMgr);
+ if (Range.isInvalid())
+ return llvm::None;
+ return getTokensCovering(File.SpelledTokens, Range, *SourceMgr);
+ // Otherwise, use the fast version based on Mappings.
// Do not allow changes that doesn't cover full expansion.
- unsigned BeginExpanded = Expanded.begin() - ExpandedTokens.data();
- unsigned EndExpanded = Expanded.end() - ExpandedTokens.data();
- if (BeginMapping && BeginExpanded != BeginMapping->BeginExpanded)
+ unsigned FirstExpanded = Expanded.begin() - ExpandedTokens.data();
+ unsigned LastExpanded = Expanded.end() - ExpandedTokens.data();
+ if (FirstMapping && FirstExpanded != FirstMapping->BeginExpanded)
return llvm::None;
- if (LastMapping && LastMapping->EndExpanded != EndExpanded)
+ if (LastMapping && LastMapping->EndExpanded != LastExpanded)
return llvm::None;
- // All is good, return the result.
return llvm::makeArrayRef(
- BeginMapping ? File.SpelledTokens.data() + BeginMapping->BeginSpelled
- : BeginSpelled,
+ FirstMapping ? File.SpelledTokens.data() + FirstMapping->BeginSpelled
+ : FirstSpelled,
LastMapping ? File.SpelledTokens.data() + LastMapping->EndSpelled
: LastSpelled + 1);
diff --git a/libcxx/include/__config b/libcxx/include/__config
index 01377a9617ea..589b5c3b2241 100644
--- a/libcxx/include/__config
+++ b/libcxx/include/__config
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
-# define _LIBCPP_VERSION 15002
+# define _LIBCPP_VERSION 15003
# define _LIBCPP_CONCAT_IMPL(_X, _Y) _X##_Y
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.cpp b/llvm/lib/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.cpp
index 2958a5054afc..c784c27d36b4 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.cpp
@@ -5917,8 +5917,13 @@ const SCEV *ScalarEvolution::createNodeForPHI(PHINode *PN) {
if (const SCEV *S = createNodeFromSelectLikePHI(PN))
return S;
+ // If the PHI has a single incoming value, follow that value, unless the
+ // PHI's incoming blocks are in a different loop, in which case doing so
+ // risks breaking LCSSA form. Instcombine would normally zap these, but
+ // it doesn't have DominatorTree information, so it may miss cases.
if (Value *V = simplifyInstruction(PN, {getDataLayout(), &TLI, &DT, &AC}))
- return getSCEV(V);
+ if (LI.replacementPreservesLCSSAForm(PN, V))
+ return getSCEV(V);
// If it's not a loop phi, we can't handle it yet.
return getUnknown(PN);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Support/X86TargetParser.cpp b/llvm/lib/Support/X86TargetParser.cpp
index 2567f3ed8034..0daaa6d815bf 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Support/X86TargetParser.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Support/X86TargetParser.cpp
@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ constexpr FeatureBitset FeaturesTigerlake =
FeatureCLWB | FeatureMOVDIRI | FeatureSHSTK | FeatureKL | FeatureWIDEKL;
constexpr FeatureBitset FeaturesSapphireRapids =
FeaturesICLServer | FeatureAMX_BF16 | FeatureAMX_INT8 | FeatureAMX_TILE |
- FeatureAVX512BF16 | FeatureAVX512FP16 | FeatureAVX512VP2INTERSECT |
- FeatureAVXVNNI | FeatureCLDEMOTE | FeatureENQCMD | FeatureMOVDIR64B |
- FeatureMOVDIRI | FeaturePTWRITE | FeatureSERIALIZE | FeatureSHSTK |
- FeatureTSXLDTRK | FeatureUINTR | FeatureWAITPKG;
+ FeatureAVX512BF16 | FeatureAVX512FP16 | FeatureAVXVNNI | FeatureCLDEMOTE |
+ FeatureENQCMD | FeatureMOVDIR64B | FeatureMOVDIRI | FeaturePTWRITE |
+ FeatureSERIALIZE | FeatureSHSTK | FeatureTSXLDTRK | FeatureUINTR |
+ FeatureWAITPKG;
// Intel Atom processors.
// Bonnell has feature parity with Core2 and adds MOVBE.
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ constexpr ProcInfo Processors[] = {
// Tigerlake microarchitecture based processors.
{ {"tigerlake"}, CK_Tigerlake, FEATURE_AVX512VP2INTERSECT, FeaturesTigerlake },
// Sapphire Rapids microarchitecture based processors.
- { {"sapphirerapids"}, CK_SapphireRapids, FEATURE_AVX512VP2INTERSECT, FeaturesSapphireRapids },
+ { {"sapphirerapids"}, CK_SapphireRapids, FEATURE_AVX512BF16, FeaturesSapphireRapids },
// Alderlake microarchitecture based processors.
{ {"alderlake"}, CK_Alderlake, FEATURE_AVX2, FeaturesAlderlake },
// Knights Landing processor.
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86.td b/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86.td
index fa0a6bd415dc..f98916e81cee 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86.td
@@ -909,7 +909,6 @@ def ProcessorFeatures {
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Utils/LoopVersioning.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Utils/LoopVersioning.cpp
index 97f29527bb95..6309eed7963d 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Utils/LoopVersioning.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Utils/LoopVersioning.cpp
@@ -137,8 +137,10 @@ void LoopVersioning::addPHINodes(
// See if we have a single-operand PHI with the value defined by the
// original loop.
for (auto I = PHIBlock->begin(); (PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I)); ++I) {
- if (PN->getIncomingValue(0) == Inst)
+ if (PN->getIncomingValue(0) == Inst) {
+ SE->forgetValue(PN);
+ }
// If not create it.
if (!PN) {