path: root/share/FAQ/current-policy.FAQ
diff options
authorPeter Wemm <peter@FreeBSD.org>1995-12-30 19:02:48 +0000
committerPeter Wemm <peter@FreeBSD.org>1995-12-30 19:02:48 +0000
commita5b996a7ecea192e05c848269fbfb40c1e7c50ef (patch)
treeb43d0e66d9963acc026a6322b81fd219d273736b /share/FAQ/current-policy.FAQ
parentdf2fbf15a2e56a16c3b54b93a3369b662b6f20e5 (diff)
recording cvs-1.6 file death
Notes: svn path=/cvs2svn/branches/ATT/; revision=13122
Diffstat (limited to 'share/FAQ/current-policy.FAQ')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/share/FAQ/current-policy.FAQ b/share/FAQ/current-policy.FAQ
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d9e86be0b37..000000000000
--- a/share/FAQ/current-policy.FAQ
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-Last updated: $Date: 1994/10/03 03:48:39 $
-This document attempts to explain the rationale behind FreeBSD-current,
-what you should expect should you decide to run it, and states some
-prerequisites for making sure the process goes as smoothly as possible.
-1. What is FreeBSD-current?
-FreeBSD-current is, quite literally, nothing more than a daily snapshot of
-the working sources for FreeBSD. These include work in progress, experimental
-changes, and transitional mechanisms that may or may not be present in
-the next official release of the software. While many of us compile
-almost daily from FreeBSD-current sources, there are periods of time when
-the sources are literally uncompilable. These problems are generally resolved
-as expeditiously as possible, but whether or not FreeBSD-current sources bring
-disaster or greatly desired functionality can literally be a matter of which
-part of any given 24 hour period you grabbed them in! Please read on..
-Under certain circumstances we will sometimes make binaries for parts of
-FreeBSD-current available, but only because we're interested in getting
-something tested, not because we're in the business of providing binary
-releases of current. If we don't offer, please don't ask! It takes far
-too much time to do this as a general task.
-2. Who needs FreeBSD-current?
-FreeBSD-current is made generally available for 3 primary interest groups:
- 1. Members of the FreeBSD group who are actively working on one
- part or another of the source tree and for whom keeping `current'
- is an absolute requirement.
- 2. Members of the FreeBSD group who are active ALPHA/BETA testers
- and willing to spend time working through problems in order to
- ensure that FreeBSD-current remains as sane as possible. These
- are also people who wish to make topical suggestions on changes
- and the general direction of FreeBSD.
- 3. Peripheral members of the FreeBSD (or some other) group who merely
- wish to keep an eye on things and use the current sources for
- reference purposes (e.g. for *reading*, not running). These
- people also make the occasional comment or contribute code.
-3. What is FreeBSD-current _NOT_?
- 1. A fast-track to getting pre-release bits because there's something
- you heard was pretty cool in there and you want to be the first on
- your block to have it.
- 2. A quick way of getting bug fixes.
- 3. In any way "officially supported" by us.
- We do our best to help people genuinely in one of the 3
- "legitimate" FreeBSD-current catagories, but we simply DO NOT
- HAVE THE TIME to help every person who jumps into FreeBSD-current
- with more enthusiasm than knowledge of how to deal with
- experimental system software. This is not because we're mean and
- nasty people who don't like helping people out (we wouldn't even be
- doing FreeBSD if we were), it's literally because we can't answer
- 400 messages a day AND actually work on FreeBSD! I'm sure if
- given the choice between having us answer lots of questions or
- continue to improve FreeBSD, most of you would vote for us
- improving it (and so would we! :-).
-4. Ok. I still think I "qualify" for FreeBSD-current, so what do I do?
- 1. Join the freebsd-hackers and freebsd-commit mailing lists.
- This is not just a good idea, it's ESSENTIAL. If you aren't on
- freebsd-hackers, you won't read the comments that people are
- making about the current state of the system and thus will end
- up stumbling over a lot of problems that others have already
- found and solved. Even more importantly, you will miss out on
- potentially critical information (e.g. "Yo, Everybody! Before you
- rebuild /usr/src, you MUST rebuild the kernel or your system
- will crash horribly!").
- The freebsd-commit list will allow you to see the commit log
- entry for each change as its made. This can also contain
- important information, and will let you know what parts of the
- system are being actively changed.
- To join these lists, send mail to `majordomo@FreeBSD.ORG'
- and say:
- subscribe freebsd-hackers
- subscribe freebsd-commit
- In the body of your message. Optionally, you can also say `help'
- and MajorDomo will send you full help on how to subscribe and
- unsubscribe to the various other mailing lists we support.
- 2. Grab the sources from ftp.FreeBSD.ORG. You can do this in
- three ways:
- 1. Using the CTM facility. Read the ctm.FAQ file for more
- information. Unless you have a good TCP/IP connection at
- a flat rate, this is the way to do it.
- 2. Use the CMU `sup' program (Software Update Protocol).
- This is the second most recommended method, since it allows
- you to grab the entire collection once and then only what's
- changed from then on. Many people run sup from cron
- and keep their sources up-to-date automatically.
- The problem is that sup does not use the bandwidth efficient,
- unless the round-trip is very fast. If the cost of connection
- or the duration of the session is a concern, use CTM.
- To get a binary of the sup program for FreeBSD, as well
- as the documentation and some sample configuration files,
- look in:
- FreeBSD.ORG:~ftp/pub/sup
- 3. Use ftp. The source tree for FreeBSD-current is always
- "exported" on:
- ftp.FreeBSD.ORG:~ftp/pub/FreeBSD/FreeBSD-current
- We use `wu-ftpd' which allows compressed/tar'd grabbing
- of whole trees. e.g. you see:
- usr.bin/lex
- You can do:
- ftp> cd usr.bin
- ftp> get lex.tar.Z
- And it will get the whole directory for you as a compressed
- tar file.
- 3. If you're grabbing the sources to run, and not just look at,
- then grab ALL of current, not just selected portions. The
- reason for this is that various parts of the source depend on
- updates elsewhere and trying to compile just a subset is almost
- guaranteed to get you into trouble.
- 4. Before compiling current, read the Makefile in /usr/src
- carefully. You'll see one-time targets like `bootstrapld'
- which *MUST* be run as part of the upgrading process. Reading
- freebsd-hackers will keep you up-to-date on other bootstrapping
- procedures that sometimes become necessary as we move towards
- the next release.
- 5. Be active! If you're running FreeBSD-current, we want to know
- what you have to say about it, especially if you have suggestions
- for enhancements or bug fixes. Suggestions with accompanying code
- are received most enthusiastically! :-)
-Thank you for taking the time to read this all the way through. We're
-always very keen to remain "open" and share the fruits of our labor
-with the widest possible audience, but sharing development sources has
-always had certain pitfalls associated with it (which is why most
-commercial organizations won't even consider it) and I want to make
-sure that people at least come into this with their eyes open, and
-don't make the leap unless they're good at working without a net!
- Jordan