path: root/googlemock/test/gmock-generated-matchers_test.cc
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authorEnji Cooper <ngie@FreeBSD.org>2019-02-13 02:16:52 +0000
committerEnji Cooper <ngie@FreeBSD.org>2019-02-13 02:16:52 +0000
commit83481c8c5c0cd0b3fc86f39b2985efd4e300200a (patch)
tree784fc9b3c98d0e853336f1fb982fd243162c922c /googlemock/test/gmock-generated-matchers_test.cc
Import GoogleTest 1.8.1 into the vendor tree under `^/google/googletest/dist`vendor/google/googletest/1.8.1
GoogleTest is a widely used opensource C++ test framework, licensed under a BSD 3-clause license. It fits best in the realm of doing functional/whitebox testing, similar to ATF's C++ library. However, it has additional functionality such as per-testcase setup fixtures, class level setup and teardown fixtures, and a lot more functional/syntactic goodness. In addition to large corporations adopting GoogleTest as their defacto C++ test library (Facebook, Google, etc), many opensource projects have adopted GoogleTest, e.g., the Capsicum project, Chrome, etc. The goal for importing this is to enable testing with zfsd and integrate googletest into kyua. This is the final version that will support a pre-C++-11 compiler. As such, this test framework will not be available to gcc 4.2.1, similar to ATF's C++ library. A subsequent set of commits will: 1. Tag ^/google/googletest/dist as ^/google/googletest/1.8.1 using `svn cp ^/google/googletest/dist ^/google/googletest/1.8.1`. 2. Import this code into ^/head and integrate it into the build for all applicable platforms and C++ compile toolchains. The import was done via the following command pipeline on OSX: ``` curl -L https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.8.1.tar.gz | tar --strip-components=1 -xvzf - -C dist/ ``` Approved by: emaste (mentor) Discussed with: brooks, jtl Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D18622
Notes: svn path=/vendor/google/googletest/dist/; revision=344078 svn path=/vendor/google/googletest/1.8.1/; revision=344079; tag=vendor/google/googletest/1.8.1
Diffstat (limited to 'googlemock/test/gmock-generated-matchers_test.cc')
1 files changed, 1341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-generated-matchers_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-generated-matchers_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0ebd47014fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-generated-matchers_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1341 @@
+// Copyright 2008, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
+// This file tests the built-in matchers generated by a script.
+// Silence warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'short',
+// possible loss of data and C4100, unreferenced local parameter
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable:4244)
+# pragma warning(disable:4100)
+#include "gmock/gmock-generated-matchers.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
+namespace {
+using std::list;
+using std::map;
+using std::pair;
+using std::set;
+using std::stringstream;
+using std::vector;
+using testing::get;
+using testing::make_tuple;
+using testing::tuple;
+using testing::_;
+using testing::AllOf;
+using testing::AnyOf;
+using testing::Args;
+using testing::Contains;
+using testing::ElementsAre;
+using testing::ElementsAreArray;
+using testing::Eq;
+using testing::Ge;
+using testing::Gt;
+using testing::Le;
+using testing::Lt;
+using testing::MakeMatcher;
+using testing::Matcher;
+using testing::MatcherInterface;
+using testing::MatchResultListener;
+using testing::Ne;
+using testing::Not;
+using testing::Pointee;
+using testing::PrintToString;
+using testing::Ref;
+using testing::StaticAssertTypeEq;
+using testing::StrEq;
+using testing::Value;
+using testing::internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher;
+// Returns the description of the given matcher.
+template <typename T>
+std::string Describe(const Matcher<T>& m) {
+ stringstream ss;
+ m.DescribeTo(&ss);
+ return ss.str();
+// Returns the description of the negation of the given matcher.
+template <typename T>
+std::string DescribeNegation(const Matcher<T>& m) {
+ stringstream ss;
+ m.DescribeNegationTo(&ss);
+ return ss.str();
+// Returns the reason why x matches, or doesn't match, m.
+template <typename MatcherType, typename Value>
+std::string Explain(const MatcherType& m, const Value& x) {
+ stringstream ss;
+ m.ExplainMatchResultTo(x, &ss);
+ return ss.str();
+// Tests Args<k0, ..., kn>(m).
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsZeroTemplateArg) {
+ const tuple<int, bool> t(5, true);
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Args<>(Eq(tuple<>())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<>(Ne(tuple<>()))));
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsOneTemplateArg) {
+ const tuple<int, bool> t(5, true);
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Args<0>(Eq(make_tuple(5))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Args<1>(Eq(make_tuple(true))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<1>(Eq(make_tuple(false)))));
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsTwoTemplateArgs) {
+ const tuple<short, int, long> t(4, 5, 6L); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<0, 1>(Lt())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<1, 2>(Lt())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<0, 2>(Gt())));
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsRepeatedTemplateArgs) {
+ const tuple<short, int, long> t(4, 5, 6L); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<0, 0>(Eq())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<1, 1>(Ne())));
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsDecreasingTemplateArgs) {
+ const tuple<short, int, long> t(4, 5, 6L); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<2, 0>(Gt())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<2, 1>(Lt())));
+// The MATCHER*() macros trigger warning C4100 (unreferenced formal
+// parameter) in MSVC with -W4. Unfortunately they cannot be fixed in
+// the macro definition, as the warnings are generated when the macro
+// is expanded and macro expansion cannot contain #pragma. Therefore
+// we suppress them here.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable:4100)
+MATCHER(SumIsZero, "") {
+ return get<0>(arg) + get<1>(arg) + get<2>(arg) == 0;
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsMoreTemplateArgsThanArityOfOriginalTuple) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(-1, 2), (Args<0, 0, 1>(SumIsZero())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(1, 2), Not(Args<0, 0, 1>(SumIsZero())));
+TEST(ArgsTest, CanBeNested) {
+ const tuple<short, int, long, int> t(4, 5, 6L, 6); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<1, 2, 3>(Args<1, 2>(Eq()))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<0, 1, 3>(Args<0, 2>(Lt()))));
+TEST(ArgsTest, CanMatchTupleByValue) {
+ typedef tuple<char, int, int> Tuple3;
+ const Matcher<Tuple3> m = Args<1, 2>(Lt());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple3('a', 1, 2)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple3('b', 2, 2)));
+TEST(ArgsTest, CanMatchTupleByReference) {
+ typedef tuple<char, char, int> Tuple3;
+ const Matcher<const Tuple3&> m = Args<0, 1>(Lt());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple3('a', 'b', 2)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple3('b', 'b', 2)));
+// Validates that arg is printed as str.
+MATCHER_P(PrintsAs, str, "") {
+ return testing::PrintToString(arg) == str;
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsTenTemplateArgs) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(0, 1L, 2, 3L, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
+ (Args<9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0>(
+ PrintsAs("(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)"))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(0, 1L, 2, 3L, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
+ Not(Args<9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0>(
+ PrintsAs("(0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)"))));
+TEST(ArgsTest, DescirbesSelfCorrectly) {
+ const Matcher<tuple<int, bool, char> > m = Args<2, 0>(Lt());
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a tuple whose fields (#2, #0) are a pair where "
+ "the first < the second",
+ Describe(m));
+TEST(ArgsTest, DescirbesNestedArgsCorrectly) {
+ const Matcher<const tuple<int, bool, char, int>&> m =
+ Args<0, 2, 3>(Args<2, 0>(Lt()));
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a tuple whose fields (#0, #2, #3) are a tuple "
+ "whose fields (#2, #0) are a pair where the first < the second",
+ Describe(m));
+TEST(ArgsTest, DescribesNegationCorrectly) {
+ const Matcher<tuple<int, char> > m = Args<1, 0>(Gt());
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a tuple whose fields (#1, #0) aren't a pair "
+ "where the first > the second",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ArgsTest, ExplainsMatchResultWithoutInnerExplanation) {
+ const Matcher<tuple<bool, int, int> > m = Args<1, 2>(Eq());
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#1, #2) are (42, 42)",
+ Explain(m, make_tuple(false, 42, 42)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#1, #2) are (42, 43)",
+ Explain(m, make_tuple(false, 42, 43)));
+// For testing Args<>'s explanation.
+class LessThanMatcher : public MatcherInterface<tuple<char, int> > {
+ public:
+ virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {}
+ virtual bool MatchAndExplain(tuple<char, int> value,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ const int diff = get<0>(value) - get<1>(value);
+ if (diff > 0) {
+ *listener << "where the first value is " << diff
+ << " more than the second";
+ }
+ return diff < 0;
+ }
+Matcher<tuple<char, int> > LessThan() {
+ return MakeMatcher(new LessThanMatcher);
+TEST(ArgsTest, ExplainsMatchResultWithInnerExplanation) {
+ const Matcher<tuple<char, int, int> > m = Args<0, 2>(LessThan());
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#0, #2) are ('a' (97, 0x61), 42), "
+ "where the first value is 55 more than the second",
+ Explain(m, make_tuple('a', 42, 42)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#0, #2) are ('\\0', 43)",
+ Explain(m, make_tuple('\0', 42, 43)));
+// For testing ExplainMatchResultTo().
+class GreaterThanMatcher : public MatcherInterface<int> {
+ public:
+ explicit GreaterThanMatcher(int rhs) : rhs_(rhs) {}
+ virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "is greater than " << rhs_;
+ }
+ virtual bool MatchAndExplain(int lhs,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ const int diff = lhs - rhs_;
+ if (diff > 0) {
+ *listener << "which is " << diff << " more than " << rhs_;
+ } else if (diff == 0) {
+ *listener << "which is the same as " << rhs_;
+ } else {
+ *listener << "which is " << -diff << " less than " << rhs_;
+ }
+ return lhs > rhs_;
+ }
+ private:
+ int rhs_;
+Matcher<int> GreaterThan(int n) {
+ return MakeMatcher(new GreaterThanMatcher(n));
+// Tests for ElementsAre().
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingNoElement) {
+ Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = ElementsAre();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is empty", Describe(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingOneElement) {
+ Matcher<vector<int> > m = ElementsAre(Gt(5));
+ EXPECT_EQ("has 1 element that is > 5", Describe(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingManyElements) {
+ Matcher<list<std::string> > m = ElementsAre(StrEq("one"), "two");
+ EXPECT_EQ("has 2 elements where\n"
+ "element #0 is equal to \"one\",\n"
+ "element #1 is equal to \"two\"", Describe(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingNoElement) {
+ Matcher<vector<int> > m = ElementsAre();
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't empty", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingOneElment) {
+ Matcher<const list<int>& > m = ElementsAre(Gt(5));
+ EXPECT_EQ("doesn't have 1 element, or\n"
+ "element #0 isn't > 5", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingManyElements) {
+ Matcher<const list<std::string>&> m = ElementsAre("one", "two");
+ EXPECT_EQ("doesn't have 2 elements, or\n"
+ "element #0 isn't equal to \"one\", or\n"
+ "element #1 isn't equal to \"two\"", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotExplainTrivialMatch) {
+ Matcher<const list<int>& > m = ElementsAre(1, Ne(2));
+ list<int> test_list;
+ test_list.push_back(1);
+ test_list.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_list)); // No need to explain anything.
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, ExplainsNonTrivialMatch) {
+ Matcher<const vector<int>& > m =
+ ElementsAre(GreaterThan(1), 0, GreaterThan(2));
+ const int a[] = { 10, 0, 100 };
+ vector<int> test_vector(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 matches, which is 9 more than 1,\n"
+ "and whose element #2 matches, which is 98 more than 2",
+ Explain(m, test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanExplainMismatchWrongSize) {
+ Matcher<const list<int>& > m = ElementsAre(1, 3);
+ list<int> test_list;
+ // No need to explain when the container is empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_list));
+ test_list.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("which has 1 element", Explain(m, test_list));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanExplainMismatchRightSize) {
+ Matcher<const vector<int>& > m = ElementsAre(1, GreaterThan(5));
+ vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(2);
+ v.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match", Explain(m, v));
+ v[0] = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #1 doesn't match, which is 4 less than 5",
+ Explain(m, v));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementVector) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("test string");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(StrEq("test string")));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementList) {
+ list<std::string> test_list;
+ test_list.push_back("test string");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_list, ElementsAre("test string"));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesThreeElementVector) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("one");
+ test_vector.push_back("two");
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre("one", StrEq("two"), _));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementEqMatcher) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(Eq(4)));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementAnyMatcher) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(_));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementValue) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(4));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesThreeElementsMixedMatchers) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(1);
+ test_vector.push_back(2);
+ test_vector.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(1, Eq(2), _));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesTenElementVector) {
+ const int a[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
+ vector<int> test_vector(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector,
+ // The element list can contain values and/or matchers
+ // of different types.
+ ElementsAre(0, Ge(0), _, 3, 4, Ne(2), Eq(6), 7, 8, _));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongSize) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("test string");
+ test_vector.push_back("test string");
+ Matcher<vector<std::string> > m = ElementsAre(StrEq("test string"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongValue) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("other string");
+ Matcher<vector<std::string> > m = ElementsAre(StrEq("test string"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongOrder) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("one");
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ test_vector.push_back("two");
+ Matcher<vector<std::string> > m =
+ ElementsAre(StrEq("one"), StrEq("two"), StrEq("three"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksForNestedContainer) {
+ const char* strings[] = {
+ "Hi",
+ "world"
+ };
+ vector<list<char> > nested;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(strings); i++) {
+ nested.push_back(list<char>(strings[i], strings[i] + strlen(strings[i])));
+ }
+ EXPECT_THAT(nested, ElementsAre(ElementsAre('H', Ne('e')),
+ ElementsAre('w', 'o', _, _, 'd')));
+ EXPECT_THAT(nested, Not(ElementsAre(ElementsAre('H', 'e'),
+ ElementsAre('w', 'o', _, _, 'd'))));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithByRefElementMatchers) {
+ int a[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+ vector<int> v(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre(Ref(v[0]), Ref(v[1]), Ref(v[2])));
+ EXPECT_THAT(v, Not(ElementsAre(Ref(v[0]), Ref(v[1]), Ref(a[2]))));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithContainerPointerUsingPointee) {
+ int a[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+ vector<int> v(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(&v, Pointee(ElementsAre(0, 1, _)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(&v, Not(Pointee(ElementsAre(0, _, 3))));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithNativeArrayPassedByReference) {
+ int array[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, ElementsAre(0, 1, _));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre(1, _, _)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre(0, _)));
+class NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize {
+ public:
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize() {}
+ MOCK_METHOD2(Helper, void(int* array, int size));
+ private:
+ GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize);
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithNativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize) {
+ int array[] = { 0, 1 };
+ ::testing::tuple<int*, size_t> array_as_tuple(array, 2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(array_as_tuple, ElementsAre(0, 1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array_as_tuple, Not(ElementsAre(0)));
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _))
+ .With(ElementsAre(0, 1));
+ helper.Helper(array, 2);
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
+ const char a2[][3] = { "hi", "lo" };
+ EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(ElementsAre('h', 'i', '\0'),
+ ElementsAre('l', 'o', '\0')));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(StrEq("hi"), StrEq("lo")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(Not(ElementsAre('h', 'o', '\0')),
+ ElementsAre('l', 'o', '\0')));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, AcceptsStringLiteral) {
+ std::string array[] = {"hi", "one", "two"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, ElementsAre("hi", "one", "two"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre("hi", "one", "too")));
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+// The following test passes a value of type const char[] to a
+// function template that expects const T&. Some versions of MSVC
+// generates a compiler error C2665 for that. We believe it's a bug
+// in MSVC. Therefore this test is #if-ed out for MSVC.
+// Declared here with the size unknown. Defined AFTER the following test.
+extern const char kHi[];
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, AcceptsArrayWithUnknownSize) {
+ // The size of kHi is not known in this test, but ElementsAre() should
+ // still accept it.
+ std::string array1[] = {"hi"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array1, ElementsAre(kHi));
+ std::string array2[] = {"ho"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array2, Not(ElementsAre(kHi)));
+const char kHi[] = "hi";
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MakesCopyOfArguments) {
+ int x = 1;
+ int y = 2;
+ // This should make a copy of x and y.
+ ::testing::internal::ElementsAreMatcher<testing::tuple<int, int> >
+ polymorphic_matcher = ElementsAre(x, y);
+ // Changing x and y now shouldn't affect the meaning of the above matcher.
+ x = y = 0;
+ const int array1[] = { 1, 2 };
+ EXPECT_THAT(array1, polymorphic_matcher);
+ const int array2[] = { 0, 0 };
+ EXPECT_THAT(array2, Not(polymorphic_matcher));
+// Tests for ElementsAreArray(). Since ElementsAreArray() shares most
+// of the implementation with ElementsAre(), we don't test it as
+// thoroughly here.
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithValueArray) {
+ const int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ vector<int> test_vector(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a));
+ test_vector[2] = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(a)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithArraySize) {
+ const char* a[] = { "one", "two", "three" };
+ vector<std::string> test_vector(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a, GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a)));
+ const char** p = a;
+ test_vector[0] = "1";
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(p, GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a))));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithoutArraySize) {
+ const char* a[] = { "one", "two", "three" };
+ vector<std::string> test_vector(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a));
+ test_vector[0] = "1";
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(a)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithMatcherArray) {
+ const Matcher<std::string> kMatcherArray[] = {StrEq("one"), StrEq("two"),
+ StrEq("three")};
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("one");
+ test_vector.push_back("two");
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(kMatcherArray));
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(kMatcherArray)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithVector) {
+ const int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ vector<int> test_vector(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ const vector<int> expected(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerList) {
+ const int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({ 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 })));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 })));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfCStrings) {
+ const std::string a[5] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" }));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({ "a", "b", "c", "e", "d" })));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({ "a", "b", "c", "d", "ef" })));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfSameTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(
+ { Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(5) }));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray(
+ { Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(6) })));
+ TakesInitializerListOfDifferentTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
+ // The compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer list if its
+ // elements have different types. We must explicitly specify the
+ // unified element type in this case.
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int> >(
+ { Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(5) }));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int> >(
+ { Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(6) })));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithMatcherVector) {
+ const int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ const Matcher<int> kMatchers[] = { Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3) };
+ vector<int> test_vector(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ const vector<Matcher<int> > expected(
+ kMatchers, kMatchers + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(kMatchers));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithIteratorRange) {
+ const int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ const vector<int> test_vector(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ const vector<int> expected(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected.begin(), expected.end()));
+ // Pointers are iterators, too.
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a)));
+ // The empty range of NULL pointers should also be okay.
+ int* const null_int = NULL;
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(null_int, null_int)));
+ EXPECT_THAT((vector<int>()), ElementsAreArray(null_int, null_int));
+// Since ElementsAre() and ElementsAreArray() share much of the
+// implementation, we only do a sanity test for native arrays here.
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, WorksWithNativeArray) {
+ ::std::string a[] = { "hi", "ho" };
+ ::std::string b[] = { "hi", "ho" };
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(b));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(b, 2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray(b, 1)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, SourceLifeSpan) {
+ const int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ vector<int> test_vector(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ vector<int> expect(a, a + GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
+ ElementsAreArrayMatcher<int> matcher_maker =
+ ElementsAreArray(expect.begin(), expect.end());
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, matcher_maker);
+ // Changing in place the values that initialized matcher_maker should not
+ // affect matcher_maker anymore. It should have made its own copy of them.
+ typedef vector<int>::iterator Iter;
+ for (Iter it = expect.begin(); it != expect.end(); ++it) { *it += 10; }
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, matcher_maker);
+ test_vector.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(matcher_maker));
+// Tests for the MATCHER*() macro family.
+// Tests that a simple MATCHER() definition works.
+MATCHER(IsEven, "") { return (arg % 2) == 0; }
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, Works) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = IsEven();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(6));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(7));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("not (is even)", DescribeNegation(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 6));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 7));
+// This also tests that the description string can reference 'negation'.
+MATCHER(IsEven2, negation ? "is odd" : "is even") {
+ if ((arg % 2) == 0) {
+ // Verifies that we can stream to result_listener, a listener
+ // supplied by the MATCHER macro implicitly.
+ *result_listener << "OK";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ *result_listener << "% 2 == " << (arg % 2);
+ return false;
+ }
+// This also tests that the description string can reference matcher
+// parameters.
+MATCHER_P2(EqSumOf, x, y, std::string(negation ? "doesn't equal" : "equals") +
+ " the sum of " + PrintToString(x) + " and " +
+ PrintToString(y)) {
+ if (arg == (x + y)) {
+ *result_listener << "OK";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // Verifies that we can stream to the underlying stream of
+ // result_listener.
+ if (result_listener->stream() != NULL) {
+ *result_listener->stream() << "diff == " << (x + y - arg);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+// Tests that the matcher description can reference 'negation' and the
+// matcher parameters.
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, DescriptionCanReferenceNegationAndParameters) {
+ const Matcher<int> m1 = IsEven2();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is odd", DescribeNegation(m1));
+ const Matcher<int> m2 = EqSumOf(5, 9);
+ EXPECT_EQ("equals the sum of 5 and 9", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("doesn't equal the sum of 5 and 9", DescribeNegation(m2));
+// Tests explaining match result in a MATCHER* macro.
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ const Matcher<int> m1 = IsEven2();
+ EXPECT_EQ("OK", Explain(m1, 4));
+ EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 1", Explain(m1, 5));
+ const Matcher<int> m2 = EqSumOf(1, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("OK", Explain(m2, 3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("diff == -1", Explain(m2, 4));
+// Tests that the body of MATCHER() can reference the type of the
+// value being matched.
+MATCHER(IsEmptyString, "") {
+ StaticAssertTypeEq< ::std::string, arg_type>();
+ return arg == "";
+MATCHER(IsEmptyStringByRef, "") {
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<const ::std::string&, arg_type>();
+ return arg == "";
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, CanReferenceArgType) {
+ const Matcher< ::std::string> m1 = IsEmptyString();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(""));
+ const Matcher<const ::std::string&> m2 = IsEmptyStringByRef();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(""));
+// Tests that MATCHER() can be used in a namespace.
+namespace matcher_test {
+MATCHER(IsOdd, "") { return (arg % 2) != 0; }
+} // namespace matcher_test
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, WorksInNamespace) {
+ Matcher<int> m = matcher_test::IsOdd();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(4));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(5));
+// Tests that Value() can be used to compose matchers.
+MATCHER(IsPositiveOdd, "") {
+ return Value(arg, matcher_test::IsOdd()) && arg > 0;
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, CanBeComposedUsingValue) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, IsPositiveOdd());
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(IsPositiveOdd()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-1, Not(IsPositiveOdd()));
+// Tests that a simple MATCHER_P() definition works.
+MATCHER_P(IsGreaterThan32And, n, "") { return arg > 32 && arg > n; }
+TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, Works) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = IsGreaterThan32And(5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(36));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(5));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is greater than 32 and 5", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("not (is greater than 32 and 5)", DescribeNegation(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 36));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 5));
+// Tests that the description is calculated correctly from the matcher name.
+MATCHER_P(_is_Greater_Than32and_, n, "") { return arg > 32 && arg > n; }
+TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, GeneratesCorrectDescription) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = _is_Greater_Than32and_(5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is greater than 32 and 5", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("not (is greater than 32 and 5)", DescribeNegation(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 36));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 5));
+// Tests that a MATCHER_P matcher can be explicitly instantiated with
+// a reference parameter type.
+class UncopyableFoo {
+ public:
+ explicit UncopyableFoo(char value) : value_(value) {}
+ private:
+ UncopyableFoo(const UncopyableFoo&);
+ void operator=(const UncopyableFoo&);
+ char value_;
+MATCHER_P(ReferencesUncopyable, variable, "") { return &arg == &variable; }
+TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, WorksWhenExplicitlyInstantiatedWithReference) {
+ UncopyableFoo foo1('1'), foo2('2');
+ const Matcher<const UncopyableFoo&> m =
+ ReferencesUncopyable<const UncopyableFoo&>(foo1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(foo2));
+ // We don't want the address of the parameter printed, as most
+ // likely it will just annoy the user. If the address is
+ // interesting, the user should consider passing the parameter by
+ // pointer instead.
+ EXPECT_EQ("references uncopyable 1-byte object <31>", Describe(m));
+// Tests that the body of MATCHER_Pn() can reference the parameter
+// types.
+MATCHER_P3(ParamTypesAreIntLongAndChar, foo, bar, baz, "") {
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<int, foo_type>();
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<long, bar_type>(); // NOLINT
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<char, baz_type>();
+ return arg == 0;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, CanReferenceParamTypes) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, ParamTypesAreIntLongAndChar(10, 20L, 'a'));
+// Tests that a MATCHER_Pn matcher can be explicitly instantiated with
+// reference parameter types.
+MATCHER_P2(ReferencesAnyOf, variable1, variable2, "") {
+ return &arg == &variable1 || &arg == &variable2;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, WorksWhenExplicitlyInstantiatedWithReferences) {
+ UncopyableFoo foo1('1'), foo2('2'), foo3('3');
+ const Matcher<const UncopyableFoo&> m =
+ ReferencesAnyOf<const UncopyableFoo&, const UncopyableFoo&>(foo1, foo2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(foo3));
+ GeneratesCorretDescriptionWhenExplicitlyInstantiatedWithReferences) {
+ UncopyableFoo foo1('1'), foo2('2');
+ const Matcher<const UncopyableFoo&> m =
+ ReferencesAnyOf<const UncopyableFoo&, const UncopyableFoo&>(foo1, foo2);
+ // We don't want the addresses of the parameters printed, as most
+ // likely they will just annoy the user. If the addresses are
+ // interesting, the user should consider passing the parameters by
+ // pointers instead.
+ EXPECT_EQ("references any of (1-byte object <31>, 1-byte object <32>)",
+ Describe(m));
+// Tests that a simple MATCHER_P2() definition works.
+MATCHER_P2(IsNotInClosedRange, low, hi, "") { return arg < low || arg > hi; }
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, Works) {
+ const Matcher<const long&> m = IsNotInClosedRange(10, 20); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(36L));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(15L));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is not in closed range (10, 20)", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("not (is not in closed range (10, 20))", DescribeNegation(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 36L));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 15L));
+// Tests that MATCHER*() definitions can be overloaded on the number
+// of parameters; also tests MATCHER_Pn() where n >= 3.
+MATCHER(EqualsSumOf, "") { return arg == 0; }
+MATCHER_P(EqualsSumOf, a, "") { return arg == a; }
+MATCHER_P2(EqualsSumOf, a, b, "") { return arg == a + b; }
+MATCHER_P3(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, "") { return arg == a + b + c; }
+MATCHER_P4(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, "") { return arg == a + b + c + d; }
+MATCHER_P5(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, "") { return arg == a + b + c + d + e; }
+MATCHER_P6(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f;
+MATCHER_P7(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
+MATCHER_P8(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h;
+MATCHER_P9(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i;
+MATCHER_P10(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, CanBeOverloadedOnNumberOfParameters) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, EqualsSumOf());
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, EqualsSumOf(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(12, EqualsSumOf(10, 2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(123, EqualsSumOf(100, 20, 3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1234, EqualsSumOf(1000, 200, 30, 4));
+ EXPECT_THAT(12345, EqualsSumOf(10000, 2000, 300, 40, 5));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdef",
+ EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f'));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefg",
+ EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g'));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefgh",
+ EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g',
+ "h"));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghi",
+ EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g',
+ "h", 'i'));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghij",
+ EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g',
+ "h", 'i', ::std::string("j")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, Not(EqualsSumOf()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-1, Not(EqualsSumOf(1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-12, Not(EqualsSumOf(10, 2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-123, Not(EqualsSumOf(100, 20, 3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-1234, Not(EqualsSumOf(1000, 200, 30, 4)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-12345, Not(EqualsSumOf(10000, 2000, 300, 40, 5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdef ",
+ Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f')));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefg ",
+ Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f',
+ 'g')));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefgh ",
+ Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g',
+ "h")));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghi ",
+ Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g',
+ "h", 'i')));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghij ",
+ Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g',
+ "h", 'i', ::std::string("j"))));
+// Tests that a MATCHER_Pn() definition can be instantiated with any
+// compatible parameter types.
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, WorksForDifferentParameterTypes) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(123, EqualsSumOf(100L, 20, static_cast<char>(3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcd", EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), "b", 'c', "d"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(124, Not(EqualsSumOf(100L, 20, static_cast<char>(3))));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcde", Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), "b", 'c', "d")));
+// Tests that the matcher body can promote the parameter types.
+MATCHER_P2(EqConcat, prefix, suffix, "") {
+ // The following lines promote the two parameters to desired types.
+ std::string prefix_str(prefix);
+ char suffix_char = static_cast<char>(suffix);
+ return arg == prefix_str + suffix_char;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, SimpleTypePromotion) {
+ Matcher<std::string> no_promo =
+ EqConcat(std::string("foo"), 't');
+ Matcher<const std::string&> promo =
+ EqConcat("foo", static_cast<int>('t'));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(no_promo.Matches("fool"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(promo.Matches("fool"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(no_promo.Matches("foot"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(promo.Matches("foot"));
+// Verifies the type of a MATCHER*.
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, TypesAreCorrect) {
+ // EqualsSumOf() must be assignable to a EqualsSumOfMatcher variable.
+ EqualsSumOfMatcher a0 = EqualsSumOf();
+ // EqualsSumOf(1) must be assignable to a EqualsSumOfMatcherP variable.
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP<int> a1 = EqualsSumOf(1);
+ // EqualsSumOf(p1, ..., pk) must be assignable to a EqualsSumOfMatcherPk
+ // variable, and so on.
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP2<int, char> a2 = EqualsSumOf(1, '2');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP3<int, int, char> a3 = EqualsSumOf(1, 2, '3');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP4<int, int, int, char> a4 = EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, '4');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP5<int, int, int, int, char> a5 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, '5');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP6<int, int, int, int, int, char> a6 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '6');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP7<int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a7 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP8<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a8 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, '8');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP9<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a9 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, '9');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP10<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a10 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, '0');
+ // Avoid "unused variable" warnings.
+ (void)a0;
+ (void)a1;
+ (void)a2;
+ (void)a3;
+ (void)a4;
+ (void)a5;
+ (void)a6;
+ (void)a7;
+ (void)a8;
+ (void)a9;
+ (void)a10;
+// Tests that matcher-typed parameters can be used in Value() inside a
+// MATCHER_Pn definition.
+// Succeeds if arg matches exactly 2 of the 3 matchers.
+MATCHER_P3(TwoOf, m1, m2, m3, "") {
+ const int count = static_cast<int>(Value(arg, m1))
+ + static_cast<int>(Value(arg, m2)) + static_cast<int>(Value(arg, m3));
+ return count == 2;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, CanUseMatcherTypedParameterInValue) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(42, TwoOf(Gt(0), Lt(50), Eq(10)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(TwoOf(Gt(-1), Lt(1), Eq(0))));
+// Tests Contains().
+TEST(ContainsTest, ListMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ list<int> some_list;
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ some_list.push_back(1);
+ some_list.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Gt(2.5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Eq(2.0f)));
+ list<std::string> another_list;
+ another_list.push_back("fee");
+ another_list.push_back("fie");
+ another_list.push_back("foe");
+ another_list.push_back("fum");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_list, Contains(std::string("fee")));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ListDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ list<int> some_list;
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ some_list.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Not(Contains(4)));
+TEST(ContainsTest, SetMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ set<int> some_set;
+ some_set.insert(3);
+ some_set.insert(1);
+ some_set.insert(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(Eq(1.0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(Eq(3.0f)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(2));
+ set<const char*> another_set;
+ another_set.insert("fee");
+ another_set.insert("fie");
+ another_set.insert("foe");
+ another_set.insert("fum");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_set, Contains(Eq(std::string("fum"))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, SetDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ set<int> some_set;
+ some_set.insert(3);
+ some_set.insert(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Not(Contains(4)));
+ set<const char*> c_string_set;
+ c_string_set.insert("hello");
+ EXPECT_THAT(c_string_set, Not(Contains(std::string("hello").c_str())));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
+ const int a[2] = { 1, 2 };
+ Matcher<const int (&)[2]> m = Contains(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #1 matches", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 matches, which is 1 more than 0", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(GreaterThan(10));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+TEST(ContainsTest, DescribesItselfCorrectly) {
+ Matcher<vector<int> > m = Contains(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("contains at least one element that is equal to 1", Describe(m));
+ Matcher<vector<int> > m2 = Not(m);
+ EXPECT_EQ("doesn't contain any element that is equal to 1", Describe(m2));
+TEST(ContainsTest, MapMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ map<const char*, int> my_map;
+ const char* bar = "a string";
+ my_map[bar] = 2;
+ EXPECT_THAT(my_map, Contains(pair<const char* const, int>(bar, 2)));
+ map<std::string, int> another_map;
+ another_map["fee"] = 1;
+ another_map["fie"] = 2;
+ another_map["foe"] = 3;
+ another_map["fum"] = 4;
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map,
+ Contains(pair<const std::string, int>(std::string("fee"), 1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Contains(pair<const std::string, int>("fie", 2)));
+TEST(ContainsTest, MapDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ map<int, int> some_map;
+ some_map[1] = 11;
+ some_map[2] = 22;
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_map, Not(Contains(pair<const int, int>(2, 23))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ArrayMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ const char* string_array[] = { "fee", "fie", "foe", "fum" };
+ EXPECT_THAT(string_array, Contains(Eq(std::string("fum"))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ArrayDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ int int_array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
+ EXPECT_THAT(int_array, Not(Contains(5)));
+TEST(ContainsTest, AcceptsMatcher) {
+ const int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Gt(2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Contains(Gt(4))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
+ const int a[] = { 1, 2 };
+ const int* const pointer = a;
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(pointer, 2), Contains(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(make_tuple(pointer, 2), Not(Contains(Gt(3))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
+ int a[][3] = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } };
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(ElementsAre(4, 5, 6)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Contains(5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Contains(ElementsAre(3, 4, 5))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Not(Contains(5))));
+TEST(AllOfTest, HugeMatcher) {
+ // Verify that using AllOf with many arguments doesn't cause
+ // the compiler to exceed template instantiation depth limit.
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, testing::AllOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ testing::AllOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)));
+TEST(AnyOfTest, HugeMatcher) {
+ // Verify that using AnyOf with many arguments doesn't cause
+ // the compiler to exceed template instantiation depth limit.
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, testing::AnyOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ testing::AnyOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)));
+namespace adl_test {
+// Verifies that the implementation of ::testing::AllOf and ::testing::AnyOf
+// don't issue unqualified recursive calls. If they do, the argument dependent
+// name lookup will cause AllOf/AnyOf in the 'adl_test' namespace to be found
+// as a candidate and the compilation will break due to an ambiguous overload.
+// The matcher must be in the same namespace as AllOf/AnyOf to make argument
+// dependent lookup find those.
+MATCHER(M, "") { return true; }
+template <typename T1, typename T2>
+bool AllOf(const T1& t1, const T2& t2) { return true; }
+TEST(AllOfTest, DoesNotCallAllOfUnqualified) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(42, testing::AllOf(
+ M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M()));
+template <typename T1, typename T2> bool
+AnyOf(const T1& t1, const T2& t2) { return true; }
+TEST(AnyOfTest, DoesNotCallAnyOfUnqualified) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(42, testing::AnyOf(
+ M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M()));
+} // namespace adl_test
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(pop)
+TEST(AllOfTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, AllOf(Pointee(Eq(3)), Pointee(Gt(0)), Pointee(Lt(5))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(AllOf(Pointee(Eq(3)), Pointee(Gt(0)), Pointee(Lt(3)))));
+TEST(AnyOfTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, AnyOf(Pointee(Eq(5)), Pointee(Lt(0)), Pointee(Lt(5))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(AnyOf(Pointee(Eq(5)), Pointee(Lt(0)), Pointee(Gt(5)))));
+MATCHER(IsNotNull, "") {
+ return arg != nullptr;
+// Verifies that a matcher defined using MATCHER() can work on
+// move-only types.
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, IsNotNull());
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::unique_ptr<int>(), Not(IsNotNull()));
+MATCHER_P(UniquePointee, pointee, "") {
+ return *arg == pointee;
+// Verifies that a matcher defined using MATCHER_P*() can work on
+// move-only types.
+TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, UniquePointee(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(UniquePointee(2)));
+#endif // GTEST_LASNG_CXX11
+} // namespace
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(pop)