path: root/crypto
diff options
authorJung-uk Kim <jkim@FreeBSD.org>2020-09-22 14:27:08 +0000
committerJung-uk Kim <jkim@FreeBSD.org>2020-09-22 14:27:08 +0000
commit92f02b3b0f21350e7c92a16ca9b594ad7682c717 (patch)
tree00444fe1520f87a0f22770b5c0be936737fb2179 /crypto
parent65aa3028e51cba07879f3dc4608949c5c6b9fcc0 (diff)
Import OpenSSL 1.1.1h.vendor/openssl/1.1.1h
Notes: svn path=/vendor-crypto/openssl/dist/; revision=365997 svn path=/vendor-crypto/openssl/1.1.1h/; revision=365998; tag=vendor/openssl/1.1.1h
Diffstat (limited to 'crypto')
86 files changed, 1210 insertions, 3246 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/aes/aes_core.c b/crypto/aes/aes_core.c
index 687dd5829baa..ad00c729e700 100644
--- a/crypto/aes/aes_core.c
+++ b/crypto/aes/aes_core.c
@@ -673,357 +673,6 @@ void AES_decrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
InvCipher(in, out, rk, key->rounds);
-void AES_ctr32_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
- size_t blocks, const AES_KEY *key,
- const unsigned char *ivec);
-static void RawToBits(const u8 raw[64], u64 bits[8])
- int i, j;
- u64 in, out;
- memset(bits, 0, 64);
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- in = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- in |= ((u64)raw[i * 8 + j]) << (8 * j);
- out = in & 0xF0F0F0F00F0F0F0FuLL;
- out |= (in & 0x0F0F0F0F00000000uLL) >> 28;
- out |= (in & 0x00000000F0F0F0F0uLL) << 28;
- in = out & 0xCCCC3333CCCC3333uLL;
- in |= (out & 0x3333000033330000uLL) >> 14;
- in |= (out & 0x0000CCCC0000CCCCuLL) << 14;
- out = in & 0xAA55AA55AA55AA55uLL;
- out |= (in & 0x5500550055005500uLL) >> 7;
- out |= (in & 0x00AA00AA00AA00AAuLL) << 7;
- for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
- bits[j] |= (out & 0xFFuLL) << (8 * i);
- out = out >> 8;
- }
- }
-static void BitsToRaw(const u64 bits[8], u8 raw[64])
- int i, j;
- u64 in, out;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- in = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- in |= ((bits[j] >> (8 * i)) & 0xFFuLL) << (8 * j);
- out = in & 0xF0F0F0F00F0F0F0FuLL;
- out |= (in & 0x0F0F0F0F00000000uLL) >> 28;
- out |= (in & 0x00000000F0F0F0F0uLL) << 28;
- in = out & 0xCCCC3333CCCC3333uLL;
- in |= (out & 0x3333000033330000uLL) >> 14;
- in |= (out & 0x0000CCCC0000CCCCuLL) << 14;
- out = in & 0xAA55AA55AA55AA55uLL;
- out |= (in & 0x5500550055005500uLL) >> 7;
- out |= (in & 0x00AA00AA00AA00AAuLL) << 7;
- for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
- raw[i * 8 + j] = (u8)out;
- out = out >> 8;
- }
- }
-static void BitsXtime(u64 state[8])
- u64 b;
- b = state[7];
- state[7] = state[6];
- state[6] = state[5];
- state[5] = state[4];
- state[4] = state[3] ^ b;
- state[3] = state[2] ^ b;
- state[2] = state[1];
- state[1] = state[0] ^ b;
- state[0] = b;
- * This S-box implementation follows a circuit described in
- * Boyar and Peralta: "A new combinational logic minimization
- * technique with applications to cryptology."
- * https://eprint.iacr.org/2009/191.pdf
- *
- * The math is similar to above, in that it uses
- * a tower field of GF(2^2^2^2) but with a different
- * basis representation, that is better suited to
- * logic designs.
- */
-static void BitsSub(u64 state[8])
- u64 x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7;
- u64 y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10, y11;
- u64 y12, y13, y14, y15, y16, y17, y18, y19, y20, y21;
- u64 t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11;
- u64 t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21;
- u64 t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31;
- u64 t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41;
- u64 t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51;
- u64 t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59, t60, t61;
- u64 t62, t63, t64, t65, t66, t67;
- u64 z0, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7, z8, z9, z10, z11;
- u64 z12, z13, z14, z15, z16, z17;
- u64 s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7;
- x7 = state[0];
- x6 = state[1];
- x5 = state[2];
- x4 = state[3];
- x3 = state[4];
- x2 = state[5];
- x1 = state[6];
- x0 = state[7];
- y14 = x3 ^ x5;
- y13 = x0 ^ x6;
- y9 = x0 ^ x3;
- y8 = x0 ^ x5;
- t0 = x1 ^ x2;
- y1 = t0 ^ x7;
- y4 = y1 ^ x3;
- y12 = y13 ^ y14;
- y2 = y1 ^ x0;
- y5 = y1 ^ x6;
- y3 = y5 ^ y8;
- t1 = x4 ^ y12;
- y15 = t1 ^ x5;
- y20 = t1 ^ x1;
- y6 = y15 ^ x7;
- y10 = y15 ^ t0;
- y11 = y20 ^ y9;
- y7 = x7 ^ y11;
- y17 = y10 ^ y11;
- y19 = y10 ^ y8;
- y16 = t0 ^ y11;
- y21 = y13 ^ y16;
- y18 = x0 ^ y16;
- t2 = y12 & y15;
- t3 = y3 & y6;
- t4 = t3 ^ t2;
- t5 = y4 & x7;
- t6 = t5 ^ t2;
- t7 = y13 & y16;
- t8 = y5 & y1;
- t9 = t8 ^ t7;
- t10 = y2 & y7;
- t11 = t10 ^ t7;
- t12 = y9 & y11;
- t13 = y14 & y17;
- t14 = t13 ^ t12;
- t15 = y8 & y10;
- t16 = t15 ^ t12;
- t17 = t4 ^ t14;
- t18 = t6 ^ t16;
- t19 = t9 ^ t14;
- t20 = t11 ^ t16;
- t21 = t17 ^ y20;
- t22 = t18 ^ y19;
- t23 = t19 ^ y21;
- t24 = t20 ^ y18;
- t25 = t21 ^ t22;
- t26 = t21 & t23;
- t27 = t24 ^ t26;
- t28 = t25 & t27;
- t29 = t28 ^ t22;
- t30 = t23 ^ t24;
- t31 = t22 ^ t26;
- t32 = t31 & t30;
- t33 = t32 ^ t24;
- t34 = t23 ^ t33;
- t35 = t27 ^ t33;
- t36 = t24 & t35;
- t37 = t36 ^ t34;
- t38 = t27 ^ t36;
- t39 = t29 & t38;
- t40 = t25 ^ t39;
- t41 = t40 ^ t37;
- t42 = t29 ^ t33;
- t43 = t29 ^ t40;
- t44 = t33 ^ t37;
- t45 = t42 ^ t41;
- z0 = t44 & y15;
- z1 = t37 & y6;
- z2 = t33 & x7;
- z3 = t43 & y16;
- z4 = t40 & y1;
- z5 = t29 & y7;
- z6 = t42 & y11;
- z7 = t45 & y17;
- z8 = t41 & y10;
- z9 = t44 & y12;
- z10 = t37 & y3;
- z11 = t33 & y4;
- z12 = t43 & y13;
- z13 = t40 & y5;
- z14 = t29 & y2;
- z15 = t42 & y9;
- z16 = t45 & y14;
- z17 = t41 & y8;
- t46 = z15 ^ z16;
- t47 = z10 ^ z11;
- t48 = z5 ^ z13;
- t49 = z9 ^ z10;
- t50 = z2 ^ z12;
- t51 = z2 ^ z5;
- t52 = z7 ^ z8;
- t53 = z0 ^ z3;
- t54 = z6 ^ z7;
- t55 = z16 ^ z17;
- t56 = z12 ^ t48;
- t57 = t50 ^ t53;
- t58 = z4 ^ t46;
- t59 = z3 ^ t54;
- t60 = t46 ^ t57;
- t61 = z14 ^ t57;
- t62 = t52 ^ t58;
- t63 = t49 ^ t58;
- t64 = z4 ^ t59;
- t65 = t61 ^ t62;
- t66 = z1 ^ t63;
- s0 = t59 ^ t63;
- s6 = ~(t56 ^ t62);
- s7 = ~(t48 ^ t60);
- t67 = t64 ^ t65;
- s3 = t53 ^ t66;
- s4 = t51 ^ t66;
- s5 = t47 ^ t65;
- s1 = ~(t64 ^ s3);
- s2 = ~(t55 ^ t67);
- state[0] = s7;
- state[1] = s6;
- state[2] = s5;
- state[3] = s4;
- state[4] = s3;
- state[5] = s2;
- state[6] = s1;
- state[7] = s0;
-static void BitsShiftRows(u64 state[8])
- u64 s, s0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- s = state[i];
- s0 = s & 0x1111111111111111uLL;
- s0 |= ((s & 0x2220222022202220uLL) >> 4) | ((s & 0x0002000200020002uLL) << 12);
- s0 |= ((s & 0x4400440044004400uLL) >> 8) | ((s & 0x0044004400440044uLL) << 8);
- s0 |= ((s & 0x8000800080008000uLL) >> 12) | ((s & 0x0888088808880888uLL) << 4);
- state[i] = s0;
- }
-static void BitsMixColumns(u64 state[8])
- u64 s1, s;
- u64 s0[8];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- s1 = state[i];
- s = s1;
- s ^= ((s & 0xCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCuLL) >> 2) | ((s & 0x3333333333333333uLL) << 2);
- s ^= ((s & 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAuLL) >> 1) | ((s & 0x5555555555555555uLL) << 1);
- s ^= s1;
- s0[i] = s;
- }
- BitsXtime(state);
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- s1 = state[i];
- s = s0[i];
- s ^= s1;
- s ^= ((s1 & 0xEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEuLL) >> 1) | ((s1 & 0x1111111111111111uLL) << 3);
- state[i] = s;
- }
-static void BitsAddRoundKey(u64 state[8], const u64 key[8])
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- state[i] ^= key[i];
-void AES_ctr32_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
- size_t blocks, const AES_KEY *key,
- const unsigned char *ivec)
- struct {
- u8 cipher[64];
- u64 state[8];
- u64 rd_key[AES_MAXNR + 1][8];
- } *bs;
- u32 ctr32;
- int i;
- ctr32 = GETU32(ivec + 12);
- if (blocks >= 4
- && (bs = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(*bs)))) {
- for (i = 0; i < key->rounds + 1; i++) {
- memcpy(bs->cipher + 0, &key->rd_key[4 * i], 16);
- memcpy(bs->cipher + 16, bs->cipher, 16);
- memcpy(bs->cipher + 32, bs->cipher, 32);
- RawToBits(bs->cipher, bs->rd_key[i]);
- }
- while (blocks) {
- memcpy(bs->cipher, ivec, 12);
- PUTU32(bs->cipher + 12, ctr32);
- ctr32++;
- memcpy(bs->cipher + 16, ivec, 12);
- PUTU32(bs->cipher + 28, ctr32);
- ctr32++;
- memcpy(bs->cipher + 32, ivec, 12);
- PUTU32(bs->cipher + 44, ctr32);
- ctr32++;
- memcpy(bs->cipher + 48, ivec, 12);
- PUTU32(bs->cipher + 60, ctr32);
- ctr32++;
- RawToBits(bs->cipher, bs->state);
- BitsAddRoundKey(bs->state, bs->rd_key[0]);
- for (i = 1; i < key->rounds; i++) {
- BitsSub(bs->state);
- BitsShiftRows(bs->state);
- BitsMixColumns(bs->state);
- BitsAddRoundKey(bs->state, bs->rd_key[i]);
- }
- BitsSub(bs->state);
- BitsShiftRows(bs->state);
- BitsAddRoundKey(bs->state, bs->rd_key[key->rounds]);
- BitsToRaw(bs->state, bs->cipher);
- for (i = 0; i < 64 && blocks; i++) {
- out[i] = in[i] ^ bs->cipher[i];
- if ((i & 15) == 15)
- blocks--;
- }
- in += i;
- out += i;
- }
- OPENSSL_clear_free(bs, sizeof(*bs));
- } else {
- unsigned char cipher[16];
- while (blocks) {
- memcpy(cipher, ivec, 12);
- PUTU32(cipher + 12, ctr32);
- AES_encrypt(cipher, cipher, key);
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- out[i] = in[i] ^ cipher[i];
- in += 16;
- out += 16;
- ctr32++;
- blocks--;
- }
- }
-# endif
#elif !defined(AES_ASM)
Te0[x] = S [x].[02, 01, 01, 03];
diff --git a/crypto/aes/aes_ige.c b/crypto/aes/aes_ige.c
index dce4ef11be4f..804b3a723d1f 100644
--- a/crypto/aes/aes_ige.c
+++ b/crypto/aes/aes_ige.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2006-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2006-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -12,11 +12,6 @@
#include <openssl/aes.h>
#include "aes_local.h"
-#define N_WORDS (AES_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(unsigned long))
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long data[N_WORDS];
-} aes_block_t;
/* XXX: probably some better way to do this */
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
@@ -24,6 +19,15 @@ typedef struct {
+#define N_WORDS (AES_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(unsigned long))
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned long data[N_WORDS];
+} aes_block_t __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+} aes_block_t;
# define load_block(d, s) (d) = *(const aes_block_t *)(s)
# define store_block(d, s) *(aes_block_t *)(d) = (s)
diff --git a/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-mb-x86_64.pl b/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-mb-x86_64.pl
index be2434f12041..a80cfdc13948 100755
--- a/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-mb-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-mb-x86_64.pl
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha1-x86_64.pl b/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha1-x86_64.pl
index 42fe5d469ea6..04fd13be5e09 100755
--- a/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha1-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha1-x86_64.pl
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ $avx=1 if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /nasm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /nasm/) &&
$avx=1 if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
`ml64 2>&1` =~ /Version ([0-9]+)\./ &&
-$avx=1 if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ && $2>=3.0);
+$avx=1 if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ && $2>=3.0);
$shaext=1; ### set to zero if compiling for 1.0.1
diff --git a/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha256-x86_64.pl b/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha256-x86_64.pl
index f1b144eccbdd..ff9b18507da0 100755
--- a/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha256-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha256-x86_64.pl
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=12);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.c b/crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.c
index 6ec010738049..7b127d2092fa 100644
--- a/crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.c
+++ b/crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ EVP_PKEY *d2i_PrivateKey(int type, EVP_PKEY **a, const unsigned char **pp,
goto err;
ret = tmp;
+ if (EVP_PKEY_type(type) != EVP_PKEY_base_id(ret))
+ goto err;
} else {
goto err;
diff --git a/crypto/asn1/x_algor.c b/crypto/asn1/x_algor.c
index 4c4a718850ee..c9a8f1e9d1d4 100644
--- a/crypto/asn1/x_algor.c
+++ b/crypto/asn1/x_algor.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1998-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1998-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -92,3 +92,35 @@ int X509_ALGOR_cmp(const X509_ALGOR *a, const X509_ALGOR *b)
return 0;
return ASN1_TYPE_cmp(a->parameter, b->parameter);
+int X509_ALGOR_copy(X509_ALGOR *dest, const X509_ALGOR *src)
+ if (src == NULL || dest == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (dest->algorithm)
+ ASN1_OBJECT_free(dest->algorithm);
+ dest->algorithm = NULL;
+ if (dest->parameter)
+ ASN1_TYPE_free(dest->parameter);
+ dest->parameter = NULL;
+ if (src->algorithm)
+ if ((dest->algorithm = OBJ_dup(src->algorithm)) == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (src->parameter) {
+ dest->parameter = ASN1_TYPE_new();
+ if (dest->parameter == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ /* Assuming this is also correct for a BOOL.
+ * set does copy as a side effect.
+ */
+ if (ASN1_TYPE_set1(dest->parameter,
+ src->parameter->type, src->parameter->value.ptr) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
diff --git a/crypto/bio/b_print.c b/crypto/bio/b_print.c
index 8ef90ac1d4f8..41b7f5e2f61d 100644
--- a/crypto/bio/b_print.c
+++ b/crypto/bio/b_print.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -635,7 +635,11 @@ fmtfp(char **sbuffer,
fvalue = tmpvalue;
ufvalue = abs_val(fvalue);
- if (ufvalue > ULONG_MAX) {
+ /*
+ * By subtracting 65535 (2^16-1) we cancel the low order 15 bits
+ * of ULONG_MAX to avoid using imprecise floating point values.
+ */
+ if (ufvalue >= (double)(ULONG_MAX - 65535) + 65536.0) {
/* Number too big */
return 0;
diff --git a/crypto/bio/bss_acpt.c b/crypto/bio/bss_acpt.c
index 5a2cb50dfc39..4461eae2333d 100644
--- a/crypto/bio/bss_acpt.c
+++ b/crypto/bio/bss_acpt.c
@@ -434,8 +434,10 @@ static long acpt_ctrl(BIO *b, int cmd, long num, void *ptr)
b->init = 1;
} else if (num == 1) {
- data->param_serv = BUF_strdup(ptr);
- b->init = 1;
+ if ((data->param_serv = OPENSSL_strdup(ptr)) == NULL)
+ ret = 0;
+ else
+ b->init = 1;
} else if (num == 2) {
data->bind_mode |= BIO_SOCK_NONBLOCK;
} else if (num == 3) {
diff --git a/crypto/bio/bss_conn.c b/crypto/bio/bss_conn.c
index dd43a406018c..807a82b23ba2 100644
--- a/crypto/bio/bss_conn.c
+++ b/crypto/bio/bss_conn.c
@@ -186,8 +186,17 @@ static int conn_state(BIO *b, BIO_CONNECT *c)
i = BIO_sock_error(b->num);
- if (i) {
+ if (i != 0) {
+ if ((c->addr_iter = BIO_ADDRINFO_next(c->addr_iter)) != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * if there are more addresses to try, do that first
+ */
+ BIO_closesocket(b->num);
+ ERR_clear_error();
+ break;
+ }
"hostname=", c->param_hostname,
@@ -407,12 +416,13 @@ static long conn_ctrl(BIO *b, int cmd, long num, void *ptr)
if (ptr != NULL) {
b->init = 1;
- if (num == 0) {
+ if (num == 0) { /* BIO_set_conn_hostname */
char *hold_service = data->param_service;
/* We affect the hostname regardless. However, the input
* string might contain a host:service spec, so we must
* parse it, which might or might not affect the service
data->param_hostname = NULL;
ret = BIO_parse_hostserv(ptr,
@@ -421,19 +431,29 @@ static long conn_ctrl(BIO *b, int cmd, long num, void *ptr)
if (hold_service != data->param_service)
- } else if (num == 1) {
+ } else if (num == 1) { /* BIO_set_conn_port */
- data->param_service = BUF_strdup(ptr);
- } else if (num == 2) {
+ if ((data->param_service = OPENSSL_strdup(ptr)) == NULL)
+ ret = 0;
+ } else if (num == 2) { /* BIO_set_conn_address */
const BIO_ADDR *addr = (const BIO_ADDR *)ptr;
+ char *host = BIO_ADDR_hostname_string(addr, 1);
+ char *service = BIO_ADDR_service_string(addr, 1);
+ ret = host != NULL && service != NULL;
if (ret) {
- data->param_hostname = BIO_ADDR_hostname_string(addr, 1);
- data->param_service = BIO_ADDR_service_string(addr, 1);
+ OPENSSL_free(data->param_hostname);
+ data->param_hostname = host;
+ OPENSSL_free(data->param_service);
+ data->param_service = service;
data->addr_first = NULL;
data->addr_iter = NULL;
+ } else {
+ OPENSSL_free(host);
+ OPENSSL_free(service);
- } else if (num == 3) {
+ } else if (num == 3) { /* BIO_set_conn_ip_family */
data->connect_family = *(int *)ptr;
} else {
ret = 0;
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-avx2.pl b/crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-avx2.pl
index 9b54f9d9ed3c..0be771febc16 100755
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-avx2.pl
+++ b/crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-avx2.pl
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$addx = ($1>=11);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
my $ver = $2 + $3/100.0; # 3.1->3.01, 3.10->3.10
$avx = ($ver>=3.0) + ($ver>=3.01);
$addx = ($ver>=3.03);
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-x86_64.pl b/crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-x86_64.pl
index 8172dace74ee..cf08ce9b8356 100755
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-x86_64.pl
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ if (!$addx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$addx = ($1>=12);
-if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
my $ver = $2 + $3/100.0; # 3.1->3.01, 3.10->3.10
$addx = ($ver>=3.03);
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont.pl b/crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont.pl
index e00cac448b89..f14d4e63b975 100755
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont.pl
+++ b/crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont.pl
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ if (!$addx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$addx = ($1>=12);
-if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
my $ver = $2 + $3/100.0; # 3.1->3.01, 3.10->3.10
$addx = ($ver>=3.03);
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont5.pl b/crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont5.pl
index 887770b30db1..8c37d132e476 100755
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont5.pl
+++ b/crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont5.pl
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ if (!$addx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$addx = ($1>=12);
-if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
my $ver = $2 + $3/100.0; # 3.1->3.01, 3.10->3.10
$addx = ($ver>=3.03);
diff --git a/crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c b/crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c
index ef81acb77ba6..0941f7b97f3f 100644
--- a/crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c
+++ b/crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -10,22 +10,189 @@
#include "internal/cryptlib.h"
#include "bn_local.h"
-/* solves ax == 1 (mod n) */
-static BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(BIGNUM *in,
- const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n,
- BN_CTX *ctx);
-BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,
- const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx)
+ * bn_mod_inverse_no_branch is a special version of BN_mod_inverse. It does
+ * not contain branches that may leak sensitive information.
+ *
+ * This is a static function, we ensure all callers in this file pass valid
+ * arguments: all passed pointers here are non-NULL.
+ */
+static ossl_inline
+BIGNUM *bn_mod_inverse_no_branch(BIGNUM *in,
+ const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n,
+ BN_CTX *ctx, int *pnoinv)
- BIGNUM *rv;
- int noinv;
- rv = int_bn_mod_inverse(in, a, n, ctx, &noinv);
- if (noinv)
- return rv;
+ BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *ret = NULL;
+ int sign;
+ bn_check_top(a);
+ bn_check_top(n);
+ BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+ A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+ B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+ X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+ D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+ M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+ Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+ T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+ if (T == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (in == NULL)
+ R = BN_new();
+ else
+ R = in;
+ if (R == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ BN_one(X);
+ BN_zero(Y);
+ if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ A->neg = 0;
+ if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {
+ /*
+ * Turn BN_FLG_CONSTTIME flag on, so that when BN_div is invoked,
+ * BN_div_no_branch will be called eventually.
+ */
+ {
+ BIGNUM local_B;
+ bn_init(&local_B);
+ BN_with_flags(&local_B, B, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+ if (!BN_nnmod(B, &local_B, A, ctx))
+ goto err;
+ /* Ensure local_B goes out of scope before any further use of B */
+ }
+ }
+ sign = -1;
+ /*-
+ * From B = a mod |n|, A = |n| it follows that
+ *
+ * 0 <= B < A,
+ * -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
+ * sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|).
+ */
+ while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {
+ BIGNUM *tmp;
+ /*-
+ * 0 < B < A,
+ * (*) -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
+ * sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Turn BN_FLG_CONSTTIME flag on, so that when BN_div is invoked,
+ * BN_div_no_branch will be called eventually.
+ */
+ {
+ BIGNUM local_A;
+ bn_init(&local_A);
+ BN_with_flags(&local_A, A, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+ /* (D, M) := (A/B, A%B) ... */
+ if (!BN_div(D, M, &local_A, B, ctx))
+ goto err;
+ /* Ensure local_A goes out of scope before any further use of A */
+ }
+ /*-
+ * Now
+ * A = D*B + M;
+ * thus we have
+ * (**) sign*Y*a == D*B + M (mod |n|).
+ */
+ tmp = A; /* keep the BIGNUM object, the value does not
+ * matter */
+ /* (A, B) := (B, A mod B) ... */
+ A = B;
+ B = M;
+ /* ... so we have 0 <= B < A again */
+ /*-
+ * Since the former M is now B and the former B is now A,
+ * (**) translates into
+ * sign*Y*a == D*A + B (mod |n|),
+ * i.e.
+ * sign*Y*a - D*A == B (mod |n|).
+ * Similarly, (*) translates into
+ * -sign*X*a == A (mod |n|).
+ *
+ * Thus,
+ * sign*Y*a + D*sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
+ * i.e.
+ * sign*(Y + D*X)*a == B (mod |n|).
+ *
+ * So if we set (X, Y, sign) := (Y + D*X, X, -sign), we arrive back at
+ * -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
+ * sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|).
+ * Note that X and Y stay non-negative all the time.
+ */
+ if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))
+ goto err;
+ if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))
+ goto err;
+ M = Y; /* keep the BIGNUM object, the value does not
+ * matter */
+ Y = X;
+ X = tmp;
+ sign = -sign;
+ }
+ /*-
+ * The while loop (Euclid's algorithm) ends when
+ * A == gcd(a,n);
+ * we have
+ * sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|),
+ * where Y is non-negative.
+ */
+ if (sign < 0) {
+ if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Now Y*a == A (mod |n|). */
+ if (BN_is_one(A)) {
+ /* Y*a == 1 (mod |n|) */
+ if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {
+ if (!BN_copy(R, Y))
+ goto err;
+ } else {
+ if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))
+ goto err;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *pnoinv = 1;
+ /* caller sets the BN_R_NO_INVERSE error */
+ goto err;
+ }
+ ret = R;
+ *pnoinv = 0;
+ err:
+ if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))
+ BN_free(R);
+ BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+ bn_check_top(ret);
+ return ret;
+ * This is an internal function, we assume all callers pass valid arguments:
+ * all pointers passed here are assumed non-NULL.
+ */
BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,
const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx,
int *pnoinv)
@@ -36,17 +203,15 @@ BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,
/* This is invalid input so we don't worry about constant time here */
if (BN_abs_is_word(n, 1) || BN_is_zero(n)) {
- if (pnoinv != NULL)
- *pnoinv = 1;
+ *pnoinv = 1;
return NULL;
- if (pnoinv != NULL)
- *pnoinv = 0;
+ *pnoinv = 0;
if ((BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)
|| (BN_get_flags(n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0)) {
- return BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(in, a, n, ctx);
+ return bn_mod_inverse_no_branch(in, a, n, ctx, pnoinv);
@@ -332,8 +497,7 @@ BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,
goto err;
} else {
- if (pnoinv)
- *pnoinv = 1;
+ *pnoinv = 1;
goto err;
ret = R;
@@ -345,175 +509,27 @@ BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,
return ret;
- * BN_mod_inverse_no_branch is a special version of BN_mod_inverse. It does
- * not contain branches that may leak sensitive information.
- */
-static BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse_no_branch(BIGNUM *in,
- const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n,
- BN_CTX *ctx)
+/* solves ax == 1 (mod n) */
+BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,
+ const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx)
- BIGNUM *A, *B, *X, *Y, *M, *D, *T, *R = NULL;
- BIGNUM *ret = NULL;
- int sign;
- bn_check_top(a);
- bn_check_top(n);
- BN_CTX_start(ctx);
- A = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
- B = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
- X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
- D = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
- M = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
- Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
- T = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
- if (T == NULL)
- goto err;
- if (in == NULL)
- R = BN_new();
- else
- R = in;
- if (R == NULL)
- goto err;
- BN_one(X);
- BN_zero(Y);
- if (BN_copy(B, a) == NULL)
- goto err;
- if (BN_copy(A, n) == NULL)
- goto err;
- A->neg = 0;
- if (B->neg || (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)) {
- /*
- * Turn BN_FLG_CONSTTIME flag on, so that when BN_div is invoked,
- * BN_div_no_branch will be called eventually.
- */
- {
- BIGNUM local_B;
- bn_init(&local_B);
- BN_with_flags(&local_B, B, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
- if (!BN_nnmod(B, &local_B, A, ctx))
- goto err;
- /* Ensure local_B goes out of scope before any further use of B */
- }
- }
- sign = -1;
- /*-
- * From B = a mod |n|, A = |n| it follows that
- *
- * 0 <= B < A,
- * -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
- * sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|).
- */
- while (!BN_is_zero(B)) {
- BIGNUM *tmp;
- /*-
- * 0 < B < A,
- * (*) -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
- * sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|)
- */
- /*
- * Turn BN_FLG_CONSTTIME flag on, so that when BN_div is invoked,
- * BN_div_no_branch will be called eventually.
- */
- {
- BIGNUM local_A;
- bn_init(&local_A);
- BN_with_flags(&local_A, A, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+ BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *rv;
+ int noinv = 0;
- /* (D, M) := (A/B, A%B) ... */
- if (!BN_div(D, M, &local_A, B, ctx))
- goto err;
- /* Ensure local_A goes out of scope before any further use of A */
+ if (ctx == NULL) {
+ ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+ if (ctx == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
- /*-
- * Now
- * A = D*B + M;
- * thus we have
- * (**) sign*Y*a == D*B + M (mod |n|).
- */
- tmp = A; /* keep the BIGNUM object, the value does not
- * matter */
- /* (A, B) := (B, A mod B) ... */
- A = B;
- B = M;
- /* ... so we have 0 <= B < A again */
- /*-
- * Since the former M is now B and the former B is now A,
- * (**) translates into
- * sign*Y*a == D*A + B (mod |n|),
- * i.e.
- * sign*Y*a - D*A == B (mod |n|).
- * Similarly, (*) translates into
- * -sign*X*a == A (mod |n|).
- *
- * Thus,
- * sign*Y*a + D*sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
- * i.e.
- * sign*(Y + D*X)*a == B (mod |n|).
- *
- * So if we set (X, Y, sign) := (Y + D*X, X, -sign), we arrive back at
- * -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
- * sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|).
- * Note that X and Y stay non-negative all the time.
- */
- if (!BN_mul(tmp, D, X, ctx))
- goto err;
- if (!BN_add(tmp, tmp, Y))
- goto err;
- M = Y; /* keep the BIGNUM object, the value does not
- * matter */
- Y = X;
- X = tmp;
- sign = -sign;
- }
- /*-
- * The while loop (Euclid's algorithm) ends when
- * A == gcd(a,n);
- * we have
- * sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|),
- * where Y is non-negative.
- */
- if (sign < 0) {
- if (!BN_sub(Y, n, Y))
- goto err;
- /* Now Y*a == A (mod |n|). */
- if (BN_is_one(A)) {
- /* Y*a == 1 (mod |n|) */
- if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y, n) < 0) {
- if (!BN_copy(R, Y))
- goto err;
- } else {
- if (!BN_nnmod(R, Y, n, ctx))
- goto err;
- }
- } else {
- goto err;
- }
- ret = R;
- err:
- if ((ret == NULL) && (in == NULL))
- BN_free(R);
- BN_CTX_end(ctx);
- bn_check_top(ret);
- return ret;
+ rv = int_bn_mod_inverse(in, a, n, ctx, &noinv);
+ if (noinv)
+ BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);
+ return rv;
diff --git a/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c b/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
index 86d4956c8a8c..eb4a31849bef 100644
--- a/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
+++ b/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -87,6 +87,15 @@ const BIGNUM *BN_value_one(void)
return &const_one;
+ * Old Visual Studio ARM compiler miscompiles BN_num_bits_word()
+ * https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-users/2018-August/008465.html
+ */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_ARM_) && defined(_WIN32_WCE) \
+ && _MSC_VER>=1400 && _MSC_VER<1501
+# define MS_BROKEN_BN_num_bits_word
+# pragma optimize("", off)
int BN_num_bits_word(BN_ULONG l)
BN_ULONG x, mask;
@@ -131,6 +140,9 @@ int BN_num_bits_word(BN_ULONG l)
return bits;
+#ifdef MS_BROKEN_BN_num_bits_word
+# pragma optimize("", on)
* This function still leaks `a->dmax`: it's caller's responsibility to
@@ -322,15 +334,19 @@ BIGNUM *BN_dup(const BIGNUM *a)
BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b)
+ int bn_words;
+ bn_words = BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) ? b->dmax : b->top;
if (a == b)
return a;
- if (bn_wexpand(a, b->top) == NULL)
+ if (bn_wexpand(a, bn_words) == NULL)
return NULL;
if (b->top > 0)
- memcpy(a->d, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * b->top);
+ memcpy(a->d, b->d, sizeof(b->d[0]) * bn_words);
a->neg = b->neg;
a->top = b->top;
diff --git a/crypto/bn/bn_mpi.c b/crypto/bn/bn_mpi.c
index bdbe822415c7..0902da5d076e 100644
--- a/crypto/bn/bn_mpi.c
+++ b/crypto/bn/bn_mpi.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ BIGNUM *BN_mpi2bn(const unsigned char *d, int n, BIGNUM *ain)
int neg = 0;
- if (n < 4) {
+ if (n < 4 || (d[0] & 0x80) != 0) {
return NULL;
diff --git a/crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86.pl b/crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86.pl
index a1f5694b691e..492fda5f114c 100755
--- a/crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86.pl
+++ b/crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86.pl
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ $ymm=1 if ($xmm && !$ymm && $ARGV[0] eq "win32" &&
$1>=10); # first version supporting AVX
$ymm=1 if ($xmm && !$ymm &&
- `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ &&
+ `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ &&
$2>=3.0); # first version supporting AVX
diff --git a/crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86_64.pl b/crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86_64.pl
index 647d2537ceae..227ee59ff2ba 100755
--- a/crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86_64.pl
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/cmac/cmac.c b/crypto/cmac/cmac.c
index 6989c32d0660..1fac53101687 100644
--- a/crypto/cmac/cmac.c
+++ b/crypto/cmac/cmac.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2010-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2010-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -116,11 +116,18 @@ int CMAC_Init(CMAC_CTX *ctx, const void *key, size_t keylen,
return 1;
/* Initialise context */
- if (cipher && !EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx->cctx, cipher, impl, NULL, NULL))
- return 0;
+ if (cipher != NULL) {
+ /* Ensure we can't use this ctx until we also have a key */
+ ctx->nlast_block = -1;
+ if (!EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx->cctx, cipher, impl, NULL, NULL))
+ return 0;
+ }
/* Non-NULL key means initialisation complete */
- if (key) {
+ if (key != NULL) {
int bl;
+ /* If anything fails then ensure we can't use this ctx */
+ ctx->nlast_block = -1;
if (!EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cipher(ctx->cctx))
return 0;
if (!EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(ctx->cctx, keylen))
@@ -128,7 +135,7 @@ int CMAC_Init(CMAC_CTX *ctx, const void *key, size_t keylen,
if (!EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx->cctx, NULL, NULL, key, zero_iv))
return 0;
bl = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(ctx->cctx);
- if (!EVP_Cipher(ctx->cctx, ctx->tbl, zero_iv, bl))
+ if (EVP_Cipher(ctx->cctx, ctx->tbl, zero_iv, bl) <= 0)
return 0;
make_kn(ctx->k1, ctx->tbl, bl);
make_kn(ctx->k2, ctx->k1, bl);
@@ -166,12 +173,12 @@ int CMAC_Update(CMAC_CTX *ctx, const void *in, size_t dlen)
return 1;
data += nleft;
/* Else not final block so encrypt it */
- if (!EVP_Cipher(ctx->cctx, ctx->tbl, ctx->last_block, bl))
+ if (EVP_Cipher(ctx->cctx, ctx->tbl, ctx->last_block, bl) <= 0)
return 0;
/* Encrypt all but one of the complete blocks left */
while (dlen > bl) {
- if (!EVP_Cipher(ctx->cctx, ctx->tbl, data, bl))
+ if (EVP_Cipher(ctx->cctx, ctx->tbl, data, bl) <= 0)
return 0;
dlen -= bl;
data += bl;
diff --git a/crypto/cms/cms_lib.c b/crypto/cms/cms_lib.c
index 57afba436115..be4c2c703f1a 100644
--- a/crypto/cms/cms_lib.c
+++ b/crypto/cms/cms_lib.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2008-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2008-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -92,12 +92,13 @@ BIO *CMS_dataInit(CMS_ContentInfo *cms, BIO *icont)
- return NULL;
+ goto err;
if (cmsbio)
return BIO_push(cmsbio, cont);
if (!icont)
return NULL;
diff --git a/crypto/cms/cms_sd.c b/crypto/cms/cms_sd.c
index 29ba4c1b1334..3f2a782565a8 100644
--- a/crypto/cms/cms_sd.c
+++ b/crypto/cms/cms_sd.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2008-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2008-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -897,8 +897,10 @@ int CMS_add_simple_smimecap(STACK_OF(X509_ALGOR) **algs,
if (keysize > 0) {
key = ASN1_INTEGER_new();
- if (key == NULL || !ASN1_INTEGER_set(key, keysize))
+ if (key == NULL || !ASN1_INTEGER_set(key, keysize)) {
+ ASN1_INTEGER_free(key);
return 0;
+ }
alg = X509_ALGOR_new();
if (alg == NULL) {
diff --git a/crypto/conf/conf_def.c b/crypto/conf/conf_def.c
index ca76fa3679b8..3d710f12ae07 100644
--- a/crypto/conf/conf_def.c
+++ b/crypto/conf/conf_def.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -376,11 +376,13 @@ static int def_load_bio(CONF *conf, BIO *in, long *line)
if (biosk == NULL) {
if ((biosk = sk_BIO_new_null()) == NULL) {
+ BIO_free(next);
goto err;
if (!sk_BIO_push(biosk, in)) {
+ BIO_free(next);
goto err;
/* continue with reading from the included BIO */
diff --git a/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-armv4.pl b/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-armv4.pl
index ea538c0698d5..fa833ce6aaf3 100755
--- a/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-armv4.pl
+++ b/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-armv4.pl
@@ -1517,9 +1517,9 @@ ecp_nistz256_point_add:
ldr $t2,[sp,#32*18+12] @ ~is_equal(S1,S2)
mvn $t0,$t0 @ -1/0 -> 0/-1
mvn $t1,$t1 @ -1/0 -> 0/-1
- orr $a0,$t0
- orr $a0,$t1
- orrs $a0,$t2 @ set flags
+ orr $a0,$a0,$t0
+ orr $a0,$a0,$t1
+ orrs $a0,$a0,$t2 @ set flags
@ if(~is_equal(U1,U2) | in1infty | in2infty | ~is_equal(S1,S2))
bne .Ladd_proceed
diff --git a/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-avx2.pl b/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-avx2.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 5071d09ac2ec..000000000000
--- a/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-avx2.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2080 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env perl
-# Copyright 2014-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
-# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
-# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
-# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
-# Originally written by Shay Gueron (1, 2), and Vlad Krasnov (1)
-# (1) Intel Corporation, Israel Development Center, Haifa, Israel
-# (2) University of Haifa, Israel
-# Reference:
-# S.Gueron and V.Krasnov, "Fast Prime Field Elliptic Curve Cryptography with
-# 256 Bit Primes"
-$flavour = shift;
-$output = shift;
-if ($flavour =~ /\./) { $output = $flavour; undef $flavour; }
-$win64=0; $win64=1 if ($flavour =~ /[nm]asm|mingw64/ || $output =~ /\.asm$/);
-$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
-( $xlate="${dir}x86_64-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate ) or
-( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/x86_64-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate) or
-die "can't locate x86_64-xlate.pl";
-open OUT,"| \"$^X\" $xlate $flavour $output";
-if (`$ENV{CC} -Wa,-v -c -o /dev/null -x assembler /dev/null 2>&1`
- =~ /GNU assembler version ([2-9]\.[0-9]+)/) {
- $avx = ($1>=2.19) + ($1>=2.22);
- $addx = ($1>=2.23);
-if (!$addx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /nasm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /nasm/) &&
- `nasm -v 2>&1` =~ /NASM version ([2-9]\.[0-9]+)/) {
- $avx = ($1>=2.09) + ($1>=2.10);
- $addx = ($1>=2.10);
-if (!$addx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
- `ml64 2>&1` =~ /Version ([0-9]+)\./) {
- $avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
- $addx = ($1>=12);
-if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
- my $ver = $2 + $3/100.0; # 3.1->3.01, 3.10->3.10
- $avx = ($ver>=3.0) + ($ver>=3.01);
- $addx = ($ver>=3.03);
-if ($avx>=2) {{
-$digit_size = "\$29";
-$n_digits = "\$9";
-.align 64
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x000001ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000001ff
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-.quad 0x00040000, 0x00040000, 0x00040000, 0x00040000
-.quad 0x1fe00000, 0x1fe00000, 0x1fe00000, 0x1fe00000
-.quad 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff
-.quad 0x400007FC, 0x400007FC, 0x400007FC, 0x400007FC
-.quad 0x400FFFFE, 0x400FFFFE, 0x400FFFFE, 0x400FFFFE
-.quad 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x7F7FFFFE
-.quad 0x03FFFFFC, 0x03FFFFFC, 0x03FFFFFC, 0x03FFFFFC
-.quad 0x80000FF8, 0x80000FF8, 0x80000FF8, 0x80000FF8
-.quad 0x801FFFFC, 0x801FFFFC, 0x801FFFFC, 0x801FFFFC
-.quad 0x07FFFFF8, 0x07FFFFF8, 0x07FFFFF8, 0x07FFFFF8
-.quad 0x00000020, 0x00000020, 0x00000020, 0x00000020
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-.quad 0x1fffc000, 0x1fffc000, 0x1fffc000, 0x1fffc000
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x1f7fffff, 0x1f7fffff, 0x1f7fffff, 0x1f7fffff
-.quad 0x03ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x03ffffff
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-# RR = 2^266 mod p in AVX2 format, to transform from the native OpenSSL
-# Montgomery form (*2^256) to our format (*2^261)
-.quad 0x00000400, 0x00000400, 0x00000400, 0x00000400
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-.quad 0x1ff80000, 0x1ff80000, 0x1ff80000, 0x1ff80000
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x0fffffff, 0x0fffffff, 0x0fffffff, 0x0fffffff
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x00000003, 0x00000003, 0x00000003, 0x00000003
-.quad 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-.quad 0x1ffffe00, 0x1ffffe00, 0x1ffffe00, 0x1ffffe00
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x1fffffff
-.quad 0x1ffbffff, 0x1ffbffff, 0x1ffbffff, 0x1ffbffff
-.quad 0x001fffff, 0x001fffff, 0x001fffff, 0x001fffff
-.quad 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-.long 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
-# This function receives a pointer to an array of four affine points
-# (X, Y, <1>) and rearranges the data for AVX2 execution, while
-# converting it to 2^29 radix redundant form
-my ($X0,$X1,$X2,$X3, $Y0,$Y1,$Y2,$Y3,
- $T0,$T1,$T2,$T3, $T4,$T5,$T6,$T7)=map("%ymm$_",(0..15));
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_transpose_convert
-.type ecp_nistz256_avx2_transpose_convert,\@function,2
-.align 64
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- lea -8-16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- vmovaps %xmm6, -8-16*10(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm7, -8-16*9(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm8, -8-16*8(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm9, -8-16*7(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm10, -8-16*6(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm11, -8-16*5(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm12, -8-16*4(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm13, -8-16*3(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm14, -8-16*2(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm15, -8-16*1(%rax)
- # Load the data
- vmovdqa 32*0(%rsi), $X0
- lea 112(%rsi), %rax # size optimization
- vmovdqa 32*1(%rsi), $Y0
- lea .LAVX2_AND_MASK(%rip), %rdx
- vmovdqa 32*2(%rsi), $X1
- vmovdqa 32*3(%rsi), $Y1
- vmovdqa 32*4-112(%rax), $X2
- vmovdqa 32*5-112(%rax), $Y2
- vmovdqa 32*6-112(%rax), $X3
- vmovdqa 32*7-112(%rax), $Y3
- # Transpose X and Y independently
- vpunpcklqdq $X1, $X0, $T0 # T0 = [B2 A2 B0 A0]
- vpunpcklqdq $X3, $X2, $T1 # T1 = [D2 C2 D0 C0]
- vpunpckhqdq $X1, $X0, $T2 # T2 = [B3 A3 B1 A1]
- vpunpckhqdq $X3, $X2, $T3 # T3 = [D3 C3 D1 C1]
- vpunpcklqdq $Y1, $Y0, $T4
- vpunpcklqdq $Y3, $Y2, $T5
- vpunpckhqdq $Y1, $Y0, $T6
- vpunpckhqdq $Y3, $Y2, $T7
- vperm2i128 \$0x20, $T1, $T0, $X0 # X0 = [D0 C0 B0 A0]
- vperm2i128 \$0x20, $T3, $T2, $X1 # X1 = [D1 C1 B1 A1]
- vperm2i128 \$0x31, $T1, $T0, $X2 # X2 = [D2 C2 B2 A2]
- vperm2i128 \$0x31, $T3, $T2, $X3 # X3 = [D3 C3 B3 A3]
- vperm2i128 \$0x20, $T5, $T4, $Y0
- vperm2i128 \$0x20, $T7, $T6, $Y1
- vperm2i128 \$0x31, $T5, $T4, $Y2
- vperm2i128 \$0x31, $T7, $T6, $Y3
- vmovdqa (%rdx), $T7
- vpand (%rdx), $X0, $T0 # out[0] = in[0] & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $X0, $X0
- vpand $T7, $X0, $T1 # out[1] = (in[0] >> shift) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $X0, $X0
- vpsllq \$6, $X1, $T2
- vpxor $X0, $T2, $T2
- vpand $T7, $T2, $T2 # out[2] = ((in[0] >> (shift*2)) ^ (in[1] << (64-shift*2))) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$23, $X1, $X1
- vpand $T7, $X1, $T3 # out[3] = (in[1] >> ((shift*3)%64)) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $X1, $X1
- vpsllq \$12, $X2, $T4
- vpxor $X1, $T4, $T4
- vpand $T7, $T4, $T4 # out[4] = ((in[1] >> ((shift*4)%64)) ^ (in[2] << (64*2-shift*4))) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$17, $X2, $X2
- vpand $T7, $X2, $T5 # out[5] = (in[2] >> ((shift*5)%64)) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $X2, $X2
- vpsllq \$18, $X3, $T6
- vpxor $X2, $T6, $T6
- vpand $T7, $T6, $T6 # out[6] = ((in[2] >> ((shift*6)%64)) ^ (in[3] << (64*3-shift*6))) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$11, $X3, $X3
- vmovdqa $T0, 32*0(%rdi)
- lea 112(%rdi), %rax # size optimization
- vpand $T7, $X3, $T0 # out[7] = (in[3] >> ((shift*7)%64)) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $X3, $X3 # out[8] = (in[3] >> ((shift*8)%64)) & mask;
- vmovdqa $T1, 32*1(%rdi)
- vmovdqa $T2, 32*2(%rdi)
- vmovdqa $T3, 32*3(%rdi)
- vmovdqa $T4, 32*4-112(%rax)
- vmovdqa $T5, 32*5-112(%rax)
- vmovdqa $T6, 32*6-112(%rax)
- vmovdqa $T0, 32*7-112(%rax)
- vmovdqa $X3, 32*8-112(%rax)
- lea 448(%rdi), %rax # size optimization
- vpand $T7, $Y0, $T0 # out[0] = in[0] & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $Y0, $Y0
- vpand $T7, $Y0, $T1 # out[1] = (in[0] >> shift) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $Y0, $Y0
- vpsllq \$6, $Y1, $T2
- vpxor $Y0, $T2, $T2
- vpand $T7, $T2, $T2 # out[2] = ((in[0] >> (shift*2)) ^ (in[1] << (64-shift*2))) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$23, $Y1, $Y1
- vpand $T7, $Y1, $T3 # out[3] = (in[1] >> ((shift*3)%64)) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $Y1, $Y1
- vpsllq \$12, $Y2, $T4
- vpxor $Y1, $T4, $T4
- vpand $T7, $T4, $T4 # out[4] = ((in[1] >> ((shift*4)%64)) ^ (in[2] << (64*2-shift*4))) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$17, $Y2, $Y2
- vpand $T7, $Y2, $T5 # out[5] = (in[2] >> ((shift*5)%64)) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $Y2, $Y2
- vpsllq \$18, $Y3, $T6
- vpxor $Y2, $T6, $T6
- vpand $T7, $T6, $T6 # out[6] = ((in[2] >> ((shift*6)%64)) ^ (in[3] << (64*3-shift*6))) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$11, $Y3, $Y3
- vmovdqa $T0, 32*9-448(%rax)
- vpand $T7, $Y3, $T0 # out[7] = (in[3] >> ((shift*7)%64)) & mask;
- vpsrlq \$29, $Y3, $Y3 # out[8] = (in[3] >> ((shift*8)%64)) & mask;
- vmovdqa $T1, 32*10-448(%rax)
- vmovdqa $T2, 32*11-448(%rax)
- vmovdqa $T3, 32*12-448(%rax)
- vmovdqa $T4, 32*13-448(%rax)
- vmovdqa $T5, 32*14-448(%rax)
- vmovdqa $T6, 32*15-448(%rax)
- vmovdqa $T0, 32*16-448(%rax)
- vmovdqa $Y3, 32*17-448(%rax)
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- movaps 16*0(%rsp), %xmm6
- movaps 16*1(%rsp), %xmm7
- movaps 16*2(%rsp), %xmm8
- movaps 16*3(%rsp), %xmm9
- movaps 16*4(%rsp), %xmm10
- movaps 16*5(%rsp), %xmm11
- movaps 16*6(%rsp), %xmm12
- movaps 16*7(%rsp), %xmm13
- movaps 16*8(%rsp), %xmm14
- movaps 16*9(%rsp), %xmm15
- lea 8+16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz256_avx2_transpose_convert,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_transpose_convert
-# This function receives a pointer to an array of four AVX2 formatted points
-# (X, Y, Z) convert the data to normal representation, and rearranges the data
-my ($D0,$D1,$D2,$D3, $D4,$D5,$D6,$D7, $D8)=map("%ymm$_",(0..8));
-my ($T0,$T1,$T2,$T3, $T4,$T5,$T6)=map("%ymm$_",(9..15));
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_convert_transpose_back
-.type ecp_nistz256_avx2_convert_transpose_back,\@function,2
-.align 32
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- lea -8-16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- vmovaps %xmm6, -8-16*10(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm7, -8-16*9(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm8, -8-16*8(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm9, -8-16*7(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm10, -8-16*6(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm11, -8-16*5(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm12, -8-16*4(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm13, -8-16*3(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm14, -8-16*2(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm15, -8-16*1(%rax)
- mov \$3, %ecx
- vmovdqa 32*0(%rsi), $D0
- lea 160(%rsi), %rax # size optimization
- vmovdqa 32*1(%rsi), $D1
- vmovdqa 32*2(%rsi), $D2
- vmovdqa 32*3(%rsi), $D3
- vmovdqa 32*4-160(%rax), $D4
- vmovdqa 32*5-160(%rax), $D5
- vmovdqa 32*6-160(%rax), $D6
- vmovdqa 32*7-160(%rax), $D7
- vmovdqa 32*8-160(%rax), $D8
- vpsllq \$29, $D1, $D1
- vpsllq \$58, $D2, $T0
- vpaddq $D1, $D0, $D0
- vpaddq $T0, $D0, $D0 # out[0] = (in[0]) ^ (in[1] << shift*1) ^ (in[2] << shift*2);
- vpsrlq \$6, $D2, $D2
- vpsllq \$23, $D3, $D3
- vpsllq \$52, $D4, $T1
- vpaddq $D2, $D3, $D3
- vpaddq $D3, $T1, $D1 # out[1] = (in[2] >> (64*1-shift*2)) ^ (in[3] << shift*3%64) ^ (in[4] << shift*4%64);
- vpsrlq \$12, $D4, $D4
- vpsllq \$17, $D5, $D5
- vpsllq \$46, $D6, $T2
- vpaddq $D4, $D5, $D5
- vpaddq $D5, $T2, $D2 # out[2] = (in[4] >> (64*2-shift*4)) ^ (in[5] << shift*5%64) ^ (in[6] << shift*6%64);
- vpsrlq \$18, $D6, $D6
- vpsllq \$11, $D7, $D7
- vpsllq \$40, $D8, $T3
- vpaddq $D6, $D7, $D7
- vpaddq $D7, $T3, $D3 # out[3] = (in[6] >> (64*3-shift*6)) ^ (in[7] << shift*7%64) ^ (in[8] << shift*8%64);
- vpunpcklqdq $D1, $D0, $T0 # T0 = [B2 A2 B0 A0]
- vpunpcklqdq $D3, $D2, $T1 # T1 = [D2 C2 D0 C0]
- vpunpckhqdq $D1, $D0, $T2 # T2 = [B3 A3 B1 A1]
- vpunpckhqdq $D3, $D2, $T3 # T3 = [D3 C3 D1 C1]
- vperm2i128 \$0x20, $T1, $T0, $D0 # X0 = [D0 C0 B0 A0]
- vperm2i128 \$0x20, $T3, $T2, $D1 # X1 = [D1 C1 B1 A1]
- vperm2i128 \$0x31, $T1, $T0, $D2 # X2 = [D2 C2 B2 A2]
- vperm2i128 \$0x31, $T3, $T2, $D3 # X3 = [D3 C3 B3 A3]
- vmovdqa $D0, 32*0(%rdi)
- vmovdqa $D1, 32*3(%rdi)
- vmovdqa $D2, 32*6(%rdi)
- vmovdqa $D3, 32*9(%rdi)
- lea 32*9(%rsi), %rsi
- lea 32*1(%rdi), %rdi
- dec %ecx
- jnz .Lconv_loop
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- movaps 16*0(%rsp), %xmm6
- movaps 16*1(%rsp), %xmm7
- movaps 16*2(%rsp), %xmm8
- movaps 16*3(%rsp), %xmm9
- movaps 16*4(%rsp), %xmm10
- movaps 16*5(%rsp), %xmm11
- movaps 16*6(%rsp), %xmm12
- movaps 16*7(%rsp), %xmm13
- movaps 16*8(%rsp), %xmm14
- movaps 16*9(%rsp), %xmm15
- lea 8+16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz256_avx2_convert_transpose_back,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_convert_transpose_back
-my ($r_ptr,$a_ptr,$b_ptr,$itr)=("%rdi","%rsi","%rdx","%ecx");
-my ($ACC0,$ACC1,$ACC2,$ACC3,$ACC4,$ACC5,$ACC6,$ACC7,$ACC8)=map("%ymm$_",(0..8));
-my ($B,$Y,$T0,$AND_MASK,$OVERFLOW)=map("%ymm$_",(9..13));
-my $ret=<<___;
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC0, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC1, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC2, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC3, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC4, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC5, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC6, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC7, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC8
- #vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC8, $ACC8
- $ret;
-sub STORE {
-my $ret=<<___;
- vmovdqa $ACC0, 32*0(%rdi)
- lea 160(%rdi), %rax # size optimization
- vmovdqa $ACC1, 32*1(%rdi)
- vmovdqa $ACC2, 32*2(%rdi)
- vmovdqa $ACC3, 32*3(%rdi)
- vmovdqa $ACC4, 32*4-160(%rax)
- vmovdqa $ACC5, 32*5-160(%rax)
- vmovdqa $ACC6, 32*6-160(%rax)
- vmovdqa $ACC7, 32*7-160(%rax)
- vmovdqa $ACC8, 32*8-160(%rax)
- $ret;
-.type avx2_normalize,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align 32
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC0, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC1, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC2, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC3, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC4, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC5, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC6, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC7, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC8
- #vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC8, $ACC8
- ret
-.size avx2_normalize,.-avx2_normalize
-.type avx2_normalize_n_store,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align 32
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC0, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC1, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vmovdqa $ACC0, 32*0(%rdi)
- lea 160(%rdi), %rax # size optimization
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC2, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC1, 32*1(%rdi)
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC3, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vmovdqa $ACC2, 32*2(%rdi)
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC4, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vmovdqa $ACC3, 32*3(%rdi)
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC5, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vmovdqa $ACC4, 32*4-160(%rax)
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC6, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vmovdqa $ACC5, 32*5-160(%rax)
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $ACC7, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vmovdqa $ACC6, 32*6-160(%rax)
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC8
- #vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC8, $ACC8
- vmovdqa $ACC7, 32*7-160(%rax)
- vmovdqa $ACC8, 32*8-160(%rax)
- ret
-.size avx2_normalize_n_store,.-avx2_normalize_n_store
-# void avx2_mul_x4(void* RESULTx4, void *Ax4, void *Bx4);
-.type avx2_mul_x4,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align 32
- lea .LAVX2_POLY(%rip), %rax
- vpxor $ACC0, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpxor $ACC1, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpxor $ACC2, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpxor $ACC3, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpxor $ACC4, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpxor $ACC5, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpxor $ACC6, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpxor $ACC7, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vmovdqa 32*7(%rax), %ymm14
- vmovdqa 32*8(%rax), %ymm15
- mov $n_digits, $itr
- lea -512($a_ptr), $a_ptr # strategic bias to control u-op density
- jmp .Lavx2_mul_x4_loop
-.align 32
- vmovdqa 32*0($b_ptr), $B
- lea 32*1($b_ptr), $b_ptr
- vpmuludq 32*0+512($a_ptr), $B, $T0
- vpmuludq 32*1+512($a_ptr), $B, $OVERFLOW # borrow $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpmuludq 32*2+512($a_ptr), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpmuludq 32*3+512($a_ptr), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpmuludq 32*4+512($a_ptr), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpmuludq 32*5+512($a_ptr), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpmuludq 32*6+512($a_ptr), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpmuludq 32*7+512($a_ptr), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- # Skip some multiplications, optimizing for the constant poly
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpmuludq 32*8+512($a_ptr), $B, $ACC8
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- .byte 0x67
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- .byte 0x67
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC8, $ACC7
- dec $itr
- jnz .Lavx2_mul_x4_loop
- vpxor $ACC8, $ACC8, $ACC8
- ret
-.size avx2_mul_x4,.-avx2_mul_x4
-# Function optimized for the constant 1
-# void avx2_mul_by1_x4(void* RESULTx4, void *Ax4);
-.type avx2_mul_by1_x4,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align 32
- lea .LAVX2_POLY(%rip), %rax
- vpxor $ACC0, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpxor $ACC1, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpxor $ACC2, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpxor $ACC3, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpxor $ACC4, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpxor $ACC5, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpxor $ACC6, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpxor $ACC7, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpxor $ACC8, $ACC8, $ACC8
- vmovdqa 32*3+.LONE(%rip), %ymm14
- vmovdqa 32*7+.LONE(%rip), %ymm15
- mov $n_digits, $itr
- jmp .Lavx2_mul_by1_x4_loop
-.align 32
- vmovdqa 32*0($a_ptr), $B
- .byte 0x48,0x8d,0xb6,0x20,0,0,0 # lea 32*1($a_ptr), $a_ptr
- vpsllq \$5, $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC3
- .byte 0x67
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $B, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpsllq \$23, $B, $T0
- .byte 0x67,0x67
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpsubq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- .byte 0x67,0x67
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq 32*7(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpmuludq 32*8(%rax), $Y, $ACC7
- dec $itr
- jnz .Lavx2_mul_by1_x4_loop
- ret
-.size avx2_mul_by1_x4,.-avx2_mul_by1_x4
-# void avx2_sqr_x4(void* RESULTx4, void *Ax4, void *Bx4);
-.type avx2_sqr_x4,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align 32
- lea .LAVX2_POLY(%rip), %rax
- vmovdqa 32*7(%rax), %ymm14
- vmovdqa 32*8(%rax), %ymm15
- vmovdqa 32*0($a_ptr), $B
- vmovdqa 32*1($a_ptr), $ACC1
- vmovdqa 32*2($a_ptr), $ACC2
- vmovdqa 32*3($a_ptr), $ACC3
- vmovdqa 32*4($a_ptr), $ACC4
- vmovdqa 32*5($a_ptr), $ACC5
- vmovdqa 32*6($a_ptr), $ACC6
- vmovdqa 32*7($a_ptr), $ACC7
- vpaddq $ACC1, $ACC1, $ACC1 # 2*$ACC0..7
- vmovdqa 32*8($a_ptr), $ACC8
- vpaddq $ACC2, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC1, 32*0(%rcx)
- vpaddq $ACC3, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vmovdqa $ACC2, 32*1(%rcx)
- vpaddq $ACC4, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vmovdqa $ACC3, 32*2(%rcx)
- vpaddq $ACC5, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vmovdqa $ACC4, 32*3(%rcx)
- vpaddq $ACC6, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vmovdqa $ACC5, 32*4(%rcx)
- vpaddq $ACC7, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vmovdqa $ACC6, 32*5(%rcx)
- vpaddq $ACC8, $ACC8, $ACC8
- vmovdqa $ACC7, 32*6(%rcx)
- vmovdqa $ACC8, 32*7(%rcx)
- #itr 1
- vpmuludq $B, $B, $ACC0
- vpmuludq $B, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpmuludq $B, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpmuludq $B, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpmuludq $B, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpmuludq $B, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpmuludq $B, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpmuludq $B, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpmuludq $B, $ACC8, $ACC8
- vmovdqa 32*1($a_ptr), $B
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $T0
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC7
- #itr 2
- vpmuludq $B, $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpmuludq 32*1(%rcx), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*2(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rcx), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpmuludq 32*4(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpmuludq 32*5(%rcx), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpmuludq 32*6(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpmuludq 32*7(%rcx), $B, $ACC8
- vmovdqa 32*2($a_ptr), $B
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $T0
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC7
- #itr 3
- vpmuludq $B, $B, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpmuludq 32*2(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rcx), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpmuludq 32*4(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpmuludq 32*5(%rcx), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpmuludq 32*6(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpmuludq 32*7(%rcx), $B, $ACC8
- vmovdqa 32*3($a_ptr), $B
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $T0
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC7
- #itr 4
- vpmuludq $B, $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rcx), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpmuludq 32*4(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpmuludq 32*5(%rcx), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpmuludq 32*6(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpmuludq 32*7(%rcx), $B, $ACC8
- vmovdqa 32*4($a_ptr), $B
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $T0
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC7
- #itr 5
- vpmuludq $B, $B, $T0
- vpmuludq 32*4(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpmuludq 32*5(%rcx), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpmuludq 32*6(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpmuludq 32*7(%rcx), $B, $ACC8
- vmovdqa 32*5($a_ptr), $B
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3+.LAVX2_POLY(%rip), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $T0
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC7
- #itr 6
- vpmuludq $B, $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpmuludq 32*5(%rcx), $B, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpmuludq 32*6(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpmuludq 32*7(%rcx), $B, $ACC8
- vmovdqa 32*6($a_ptr), $B
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $T0
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC7
- #itr 7
- vpmuludq $B, $B, $T0
- vpmuludq 32*6(%rcx), $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpmuludq 32*7(%rcx), $B, $ACC8
- vmovdqa 32*7($a_ptr), $B
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $T0
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC7
- #itr 8
- vpmuludq $B, $B, $OVERFLOW
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpmuludq 32*7(%rcx), $B, $ACC8
- vmovdqa 32*8($a_ptr), $B
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $T0
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $T0
- vpand $AND_MASK, $ACC0, $Y
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC7
- #itr 9
- vpmuludq $B, $B, $ACC8
- vpmuludq $AND_MASK, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC0, $OVERFLOW
- vpsrlq $digit_size, $OVERFLOW, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC1, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC2, $ACC1
- vpmuludq 32*3(%rax), $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC3, $ACC2
- vmovdqa $ACC4, $ACC3
- vpsllq \$18, $Y, $T0
- vmovdqa $ACC5, $ACC4
- vpmuludq %ymm14, $Y, $OVERFLOW
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC6, $ACC5
- vpmuludq %ymm15, $Y, $T0
- vpaddq $OVERFLOW, $ACC7, $ACC6
- vpaddq $T0, $ACC8, $ACC7
- vpxor $ACC8, $ACC8, $ACC8
- ret
-.size avx2_sqr_x4,.-avx2_sqr_x4
-# void avx2_sub_x4(void* RESULTx4, void *Ax4, void *Bx4);
-.type avx2_sub_x4,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align 32
- vmovdqa 32*0($a_ptr), $ACC0
- lea 160($a_ptr), $a_ptr
- lea .LAVX2_POLY_x8+128(%rip), %rax
- lea 128($b_ptr), $b_ptr
- vmovdqa 32*1-160($a_ptr), $ACC1
- vmovdqa 32*2-160($a_ptr), $ACC2
- vmovdqa 32*3-160($a_ptr), $ACC3
- vmovdqa 32*4-160($a_ptr), $ACC4
- vmovdqa 32*5-160($a_ptr), $ACC5
- vmovdqa 32*6-160($a_ptr), $ACC6
- vmovdqa 32*7-160($a_ptr), $ACC7
- vmovdqa 32*8-160($a_ptr), $ACC8
- vpaddq 32*0-128(%rax), $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq 32*1-128(%rax), $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpaddq 32*2-128(%rax), $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpaddq 32*3-128(%rax), $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpaddq 32*4-128(%rax), $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpaddq 32*5-128(%rax), $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpaddq 32*6-128(%rax), $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpaddq 32*7-128(%rax), $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpaddq 32*8-128(%rax), $ACC8, $ACC8
- vpsubq 32*0-128($b_ptr), $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpsubq 32*1-128($b_ptr), $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpsubq 32*2-128($b_ptr), $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpsubq 32*3-128($b_ptr), $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpsubq 32*4-128($b_ptr), $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpsubq 32*5-128($b_ptr), $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpsubq 32*6-128($b_ptr), $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpsubq 32*7-128($b_ptr), $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpsubq 32*8-128($b_ptr), $ACC8, $ACC8
- ret
-.size avx2_sub_x4,.-avx2_sub_x4
-.type avx2_select_n_store,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align 32
- vmovdqa `8+32*9*8`(%rsp), $Y
- vpor `8+32*9*8+32`(%rsp), $Y, $Y
- vpandn $ACC0, $Y, $ACC0
- vpandn $ACC1, $Y, $ACC1
- vpandn $ACC2, $Y, $ACC2
- vpandn $ACC3, $Y, $ACC3
- vpandn $ACC4, $Y, $ACC4
- vpandn $ACC5, $Y, $ACC5
- vpandn $ACC6, $Y, $ACC6
- vmovdqa `8+32*9*8+32`(%rsp), $B
- vpandn $ACC7, $Y, $ACC7
- vpandn `8+32*9*8`(%rsp), $B, $B
- vpandn $ACC8, $Y, $ACC8
- vpand 32*0(%rsi), $B, $T0
- lea 160(%rsi), %rax
- vpand 32*1(%rsi), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpand 32*2(%rsi), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpand 32*3(%rsi), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpand 32*4-160(%rax), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpand 32*5-160(%rax), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpand 32*6-160(%rax), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpand 32*7-160(%rax), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpand 32*8-160(%rax), $B, $T0
- vmovdqa `8+32*9*8+32`(%rsp), $B
- vpxor $Y, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpand 32*0(%rdx), $B, $Y
- lea 160(%rdx), %rax
- vpxor $T0, $ACC8, $ACC8
- vpand 32*1(%rdx), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpand 32*2(%rdx), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpand 32*3(%rdx), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpand 32*4-160(%rax), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpand 32*5-160(%rax), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpand 32*6-160(%rax), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpand 32*7-160(%rax), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpand 32*8-160(%rax), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpxor $Y, $ACC8, $ACC8
- `&STORE`
- ret
-.size avx2_select_n_store,.-avx2_select_n_store
-$code.=<<___ if (0); # inlined
-# void avx2_mul_by2_x4(void* RESULTx4, void *Ax4);
-.type avx2_mul_by2_x4,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align 32
- vmovdqa 32*0($a_ptr), $ACC0
- lea 160($a_ptr), %rax
- vmovdqa 32*1($a_ptr), $ACC1
- vmovdqa 32*2($a_ptr), $ACC2
- vmovdqa 32*3($a_ptr), $ACC3
- vmovdqa 32*4-160(%rax), $ACC4
- vmovdqa 32*5-160(%rax), $ACC5
- vmovdqa 32*6-160(%rax), $ACC6
- vmovdqa 32*7-160(%rax), $ACC7
- vmovdqa 32*8-160(%rax), $ACC8
- vpaddq $ACC0, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq $ACC1, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpaddq $ACC2, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpaddq $ACC3, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpaddq $ACC4, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpaddq $ACC5, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpaddq $ACC6, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpaddq $ACC7, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpaddq $ACC8, $ACC8, $ACC8
- ret
-.size avx2_mul_by2_x4,.-avx2_mul_by2_x4
-my ($r_ptr_in,$a_ptr_in,$b_ptr_in)=("%rdi","%rsi","%rdx");
-my ($r_ptr,$a_ptr,$b_ptr)=("%r8","%r9","%r10");
-# void ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affine_x4(void* RESULTx4, void *Ax4, void *Bx4);
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affine_x4
-.type ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affine_x4,\@function,3
-.align 32
- mov %rsp, %rax
- push %rbp
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- lea -16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- vmovaps %xmm6, -8-16*10(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm7, -8-16*9(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm8, -8-16*8(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm9, -8-16*7(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm10, -8-16*6(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm11, -8-16*5(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm12, -8-16*4(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm13, -8-16*3(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm14, -8-16*2(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm15, -8-16*1(%rax)
- lea -8(%rax), %rbp
-# Result + 32*0 = Result.X
-# Result + 32*9 = Result.Y
-# Result + 32*18 = Result.Z
-# A + 32*0 = A.X
-# A + 32*9 = A.Y
-# A + 32*18 = A.Z
-# B + 32*0 = B.X
-# B + 32*9 = B.Y
- sub \$`32*9*8+32*2+32*8`, %rsp
- and \$-64, %rsp
- mov $r_ptr_in, $r_ptr
- mov $a_ptr_in, $a_ptr
- mov $b_ptr_in, $b_ptr
- vmovdqa 32*0($a_ptr_in), %ymm0
- vmovdqa .LAVX2_AND_MASK(%rip), $AND_MASK
- vpxor %ymm1, %ymm1, %ymm1
- lea 256($a_ptr_in), %rax # size optimization
- vpor 32*1($a_ptr_in), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*2($a_ptr_in), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*3($a_ptr_in), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*4-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- lea 256(%rax), %rcx # size optimization
- vpor 32*5-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*6-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*7-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*8-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*9-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*10-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*11-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*12-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*13-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*14-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*15-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*16-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*17-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpcmpeqq %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
- vmovdqa %ymm0, `32*9*8`(%rsp)
- vpxor %ymm1, %ymm1, %ymm1
- vmovdqa 32*0($b_ptr), %ymm0
- lea 256($b_ptr), %rax # size optimization
- vpor 32*1($b_ptr), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*2($b_ptr), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*3($b_ptr), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*4-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- lea 256(%rax), %rcx # size optimization
- vpor 32*5-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*6-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*7-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*8-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*9-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*10-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*11-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*12-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*13-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*14-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*15-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*16-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*17-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpcmpeqq %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
- vmovdqa %ymm0, `32*9*8+32`(%rsp)
- # Z1^2 = Z1*Z1
- lea `32*9*2`($a_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*2`(%rsp), %rdi
- lea `32*9*8+32*2`(%rsp), %rcx # temporary vector
- call avx2_sqr_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # U2 = X2*Z1^2
- lea `32*9*0`($b_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*2`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*0`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- #call avx2_normalize
- `&STORE`
- # S2 = Z1*Z1^2 = Z1^3
- lea `32*9*2`($a_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*2`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*1`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # S2 = S2*Y2 = Y2*Z1^3
- lea `32*9*1`($b_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*1`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*1`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # H = U2 - U1 = U2 - X1
- lea `32*9*0`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*0`($a_ptr), %rdx
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_sub_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # R = S2 - S1 = S2 - Y1
- lea `32*9*1`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*1`($a_ptr), %rdx
- lea `32*9*4`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_sub_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # Z3 = H*Z1*Z2
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*2`($a_ptr), %rdx
- lea `32*9*2`($r_ptr), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize
- lea .LONE(%rip), %rsi
- lea `32*9*2`($a_ptr), %rdx
- call avx2_select_n_store
- # R^2 = R^2
- lea `32*9*4`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*6`(%rsp), %rdi
- lea `32*9*8+32*2`(%rsp), %rcx # temporary vector
- call avx2_sqr_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # H^2 = H^2
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*5`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_sqr_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # H^3 = H^2*H
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*5`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*7`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # U2 = U1*H^2
- lea `32*9*0`($a_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*5`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*0`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- #call avx2_normalize
- `&STORE`
- # Hsqr = U2*2
- #lea 32*9*0(%rsp), %rsi
- #lea 32*9*5(%rsp), %rdi
- #call avx2_mul_by2_x4
- vpaddq $ACC0, $ACC0, $ACC0 # inlined avx2_mul_by2_x4
- lea `32*9*5`(%rsp), %rdi
- vpaddq $ACC1, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpaddq $ACC2, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpaddq $ACC3, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpaddq $ACC4, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpaddq $ACC5, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpaddq $ACC6, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpaddq $ACC7, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpaddq $ACC8, $ACC8, $ACC8
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # X3 = R^2 - H^3
- #lea 32*9*6(%rsp), %rsi
- #lea 32*9*7(%rsp), %rdx
- #lea 32*9*5(%rsp), %rcx
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rdi
- #call avx2_sub_x4
- # X3 = X3 - U2*2
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rsi
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rdi
- #call avx2_sub_x4
- lea `32*9*6+128`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea .LAVX2_POLY_x2+128(%rip), %rax
- lea `32*9*7+128`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*5+128`(%rsp), %rcx
- lea `32*9*0`($r_ptr), %rdi
- vmovdqa 32*0-128(%rsi), $ACC0
- vmovdqa 32*1-128(%rsi), $ACC1
- vmovdqa 32*2-128(%rsi), $ACC2
- vmovdqa 32*3-128(%rsi), $ACC3
- vmovdqa 32*4-128(%rsi), $ACC4
- vmovdqa 32*5-128(%rsi), $ACC5
- vmovdqa 32*6-128(%rsi), $ACC6
- vmovdqa 32*7-128(%rsi), $ACC7
- vmovdqa 32*8-128(%rsi), $ACC8
- vpaddq 32*0-128(%rax), $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq 32*1-128(%rax), $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpaddq 32*2-128(%rax), $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpaddq 32*3-128(%rax), $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpaddq 32*4-128(%rax), $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpaddq 32*5-128(%rax), $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpaddq 32*6-128(%rax), $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpaddq 32*7-128(%rax), $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpaddq 32*8-128(%rax), $ACC8, $ACC8
- vpsubq 32*0-128(%rdx), $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpsubq 32*1-128(%rdx), $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpsubq 32*2-128(%rdx), $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpsubq 32*3-128(%rdx), $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpsubq 32*4-128(%rdx), $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpsubq 32*5-128(%rdx), $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpsubq 32*6-128(%rdx), $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpsubq 32*7-128(%rdx), $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpsubq 32*8-128(%rdx), $ACC8, $ACC8
- vpsubq 32*0-128(%rcx), $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpsubq 32*1-128(%rcx), $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpsubq 32*2-128(%rcx), $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpsubq 32*3-128(%rcx), $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpsubq 32*4-128(%rcx), $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpsubq 32*5-128(%rcx), $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpsubq 32*6-128(%rcx), $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpsubq 32*7-128(%rcx), $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpsubq 32*8-128(%rcx), $ACC8, $ACC8
- call avx2_normalize
- lea 32*0($b_ptr), %rsi
- lea 32*0($a_ptr), %rdx
- call avx2_select_n_store
- # H = U2 - X3
- lea `32*9*0`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*0`($r_ptr), %rdx
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_sub_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- #
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*4`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- #
- lea `32*9*7`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*1`($a_ptr), %rdx
- lea `32*9*1`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- #
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*1`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*1`($r_ptr), %rdi
- call avx2_sub_x4
- call avx2_normalize
- lea 32*9($b_ptr), %rsi
- lea 32*9($a_ptr), %rdx
- call avx2_select_n_store
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rsi
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rdi
- #call avx2_mul_by1_x4
- lea `32*9*1`($r_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*1`($r_ptr), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_by1_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- movaps %xmm6, -16*10(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm7, -16*9(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm8, -16*8(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm9, -16*7(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm10, -16*6(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm11, -16*5(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm12, -16*4(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm13, -16*3(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm14, -16*2(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm15, -16*1(%rbp)
- mov %rbp, %rsp
- pop %rbp
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affine_x4,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affine_x4
-# void ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affines_x4(void* RESULTx4, void *Ax4, void *Bx4);
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affines_x4
-.type ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affines_x4,\@function,3
-.align 32
- mov %rsp, %rax
- push %rbp
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- lea -16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- vmovaps %xmm6, -8-16*10(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm7, -8-16*9(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm8, -8-16*8(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm9, -8-16*7(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm10, -8-16*6(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm11, -8-16*5(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm12, -8-16*4(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm13, -8-16*3(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm14, -8-16*2(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm15, -8-16*1(%rax)
- lea -8(%rax), %rbp
-# Result + 32*0 = Result.X
-# Result + 32*9 = Result.Y
-# Result + 32*18 = Result.Z
-# A + 32*0 = A.X
-# A + 32*9 = A.Y
-# B + 32*0 = B.X
-# B + 32*9 = B.Y
- sub \$`32*9*8+32*2+32*8`, %rsp
- and \$-64, %rsp
- mov $r_ptr_in, $r_ptr
- mov $a_ptr_in, $a_ptr
- mov $b_ptr_in, $b_ptr
- vmovdqa 32*0($a_ptr_in), %ymm0
- vmovdqa .LAVX2_AND_MASK(%rip), $AND_MASK
- vpxor %ymm1, %ymm1, %ymm1
- lea 256($a_ptr_in), %rax # size optimization
- vpor 32*1($a_ptr_in), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*2($a_ptr_in), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*3($a_ptr_in), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*4-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- lea 256(%rax), %rcx # size optimization
- vpor 32*5-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*6-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*7-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*8-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*9-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*10-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*11-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*12-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*13-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*14-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*15-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*16-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*17-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpcmpeqq %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
- vmovdqa %ymm0, `32*9*8`(%rsp)
- vpxor %ymm1, %ymm1, %ymm1
- vmovdqa 32*0($b_ptr), %ymm0
- lea 256($b_ptr), %rax # size optimization
- vpor 32*1($b_ptr), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*2($b_ptr), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*3($b_ptr), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*4-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- lea 256(%rax), %rcx # size optimization
- vpor 32*5-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*6-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*7-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*8-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*9-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*10-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*11-256(%rax), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*12-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*13-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*14-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*15-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*16-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpor 32*17-512(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
- vpcmpeqq %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
- vmovdqa %ymm0, `32*9*8+32`(%rsp)
- # H = U2 - U1 = X2 - X1
- lea `32*9*0`($b_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*0`($a_ptr), %rdx
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_sub_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # R = S2 - S1 = Y2 - Y1
- lea `32*9*1`($b_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*1`($a_ptr), %rdx
- lea `32*9*4`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_sub_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # Z3 = H*Z1*Z2 = H
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*2`($r_ptr), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_by1_x4
- call avx2_normalize
- vmovdqa `32*9*8`(%rsp), $B
- vpor `32*9*8+32`(%rsp), $B, $B
- vpandn $ACC0, $B, $ACC0
- lea .LONE+128(%rip), %rax
- vpandn $ACC1, $B, $ACC1
- vpandn $ACC2, $B, $ACC2
- vpandn $ACC3, $B, $ACC3
- vpandn $ACC4, $B, $ACC4
- vpandn $ACC5, $B, $ACC5
- vpandn $ACC6, $B, $ACC6
- vpandn $ACC7, $B, $ACC7
- vpand 32*0-128(%rax), $B, $T0
- vpandn $ACC8, $B, $ACC8
- vpand 32*1-128(%rax), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpand 32*2-128(%rax), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpand 32*3-128(%rax), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpand 32*4-128(%rax), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpand 32*5-128(%rax), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpand 32*6-128(%rax), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpand 32*7-128(%rax), $B, $Y
- vpxor $T0, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpand 32*8-128(%rax), $B, $T0
- vpxor $Y, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpxor $T0, $ACC8, $ACC8
- `&STORE`
- # R^2 = R^2
- lea `32*9*4`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*6`(%rsp), %rdi
- lea `32*9*8+32*2`(%rsp), %rcx # temporary vector
- call avx2_sqr_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # H^2 = H^2
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*5`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_sqr_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # H^3 = H^2*H
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*5`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*7`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # U2 = U1*H^2
- lea `32*9*0`($a_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*5`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*0`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- #call avx2_normalize
- `&STORE`
- # Hsqr = U2*2
- #lea 32*9*0(%rsp), %rsi
- #lea 32*9*5(%rsp), %rdi
- #call avx2_mul_by2_x4
- vpaddq $ACC0, $ACC0, $ACC0 # inlined avx2_mul_by2_x4
- lea `32*9*5`(%rsp), %rdi
- vpaddq $ACC1, $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpaddq $ACC2, $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpaddq $ACC3, $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpaddq $ACC4, $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpaddq $ACC5, $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpaddq $ACC6, $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpaddq $ACC7, $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpaddq $ACC8, $ACC8, $ACC8
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # X3 = R^2 - H^3
- #lea 32*9*6(%rsp), %rsi
- #lea 32*9*7(%rsp), %rdx
- #lea 32*9*5(%rsp), %rcx
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rdi
- #call avx2_sub_x4
- # X3 = X3 - U2*2
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rsi
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rdi
- #call avx2_sub_x4
- lea `32*9*6+128`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea .LAVX2_POLY_x2+128(%rip), %rax
- lea `32*9*7+128`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*5+128`(%rsp), %rcx
- lea `32*9*0`($r_ptr), %rdi
- vmovdqa 32*0-128(%rsi), $ACC0
- vmovdqa 32*1-128(%rsi), $ACC1
- vmovdqa 32*2-128(%rsi), $ACC2
- vmovdqa 32*3-128(%rsi), $ACC3
- vmovdqa 32*4-128(%rsi), $ACC4
- vmovdqa 32*5-128(%rsi), $ACC5
- vmovdqa 32*6-128(%rsi), $ACC6
- vmovdqa 32*7-128(%rsi), $ACC7
- vmovdqa 32*8-128(%rsi), $ACC8
- vpaddq 32*0-128(%rax), $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpaddq 32*1-128(%rax), $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpaddq 32*2-128(%rax), $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpaddq 32*3-128(%rax), $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpaddq 32*4-128(%rax), $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpaddq 32*5-128(%rax), $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpaddq 32*6-128(%rax), $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpaddq 32*7-128(%rax), $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpaddq 32*8-128(%rax), $ACC8, $ACC8
- vpsubq 32*0-128(%rdx), $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpsubq 32*1-128(%rdx), $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpsubq 32*2-128(%rdx), $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpsubq 32*3-128(%rdx), $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpsubq 32*4-128(%rdx), $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpsubq 32*5-128(%rdx), $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpsubq 32*6-128(%rdx), $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpsubq 32*7-128(%rdx), $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpsubq 32*8-128(%rdx), $ACC8, $ACC8
- vpsubq 32*0-128(%rcx), $ACC0, $ACC0
- vpsubq 32*1-128(%rcx), $ACC1, $ACC1
- vpsubq 32*2-128(%rcx), $ACC2, $ACC2
- vpsubq 32*3-128(%rcx), $ACC3, $ACC3
- vpsubq 32*4-128(%rcx), $ACC4, $ACC4
- vpsubq 32*5-128(%rcx), $ACC5, $ACC5
- vpsubq 32*6-128(%rcx), $ACC6, $ACC6
- vpsubq 32*7-128(%rcx), $ACC7, $ACC7
- vpsubq 32*8-128(%rcx), $ACC8, $ACC8
- call avx2_normalize
- lea 32*0($b_ptr), %rsi
- lea 32*0($a_ptr), %rdx
- call avx2_select_n_store
- # H = U2 - X3
- lea `32*9*0`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*0`($r_ptr), %rdx
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_sub_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # H = H*R
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*4`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- # S2 = S1 * H^3
- lea `32*9*7`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*1`($a_ptr), %rdx
- lea `32*9*1`(%rsp), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- #
- lea `32*9*3`(%rsp), %rsi
- lea `32*9*1`(%rsp), %rdx
- lea `32*9*1`($r_ptr), %rdi
- call avx2_sub_x4
- call avx2_normalize
- lea 32*9($b_ptr), %rsi
- lea 32*9($a_ptr), %rdx
- call avx2_select_n_store
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rsi
- #lea 32*9*0($r_ptr), %rdi
- #call avx2_mul_by1_x4
- lea `32*9*1`($r_ptr), %rsi
- lea `32*9*1`($r_ptr), %rdi
- call avx2_mul_by1_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- movaps %xmm6, -16*10(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm7, -16*9(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm8, -16*8(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm9, -16*7(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm10, -16*6(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm11, -16*5(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm12, -16*4(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm13, -16*3(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm14, -16*2(%rbp)
- movaps %xmm15, -16*1(%rbp)
- mov %rbp, %rsp
- pop %rbp
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affines_x4,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affines_x4
-# void ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont(void* RESULTx4, void *Ax4);
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont
-.type ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont,\@function,2
-.align 32
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- lea -8-16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- vmovaps %xmm6, -8-16*10(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm7, -8-16*9(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm8, -8-16*8(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm9, -8-16*7(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm10, -8-16*6(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm11, -8-16*5(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm12, -8-16*4(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm13, -8-16*3(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm14, -8-16*2(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm15, -8-16*1(%rax)
- vmovdqa .LAVX2_AND_MASK(%rip), $AND_MASK
- lea .LTO_MONT_AVX2(%rip), %rdx
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- movaps 16*0(%rsp), %xmm6
- movaps 16*1(%rsp), %xmm7
- movaps 16*2(%rsp), %xmm8
- movaps 16*3(%rsp), %xmm9
- movaps 16*4(%rsp), %xmm10
- movaps 16*5(%rsp), %xmm11
- movaps 16*6(%rsp), %xmm12
- movaps 16*7(%rsp), %xmm13
- movaps 16*8(%rsp), %xmm14
- movaps 16*9(%rsp), %xmm15
- lea 8+16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont
-# void ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont(void* RESULTx4, void *Ax4);
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont
-.type ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont,\@function,2
-.align 32
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- lea -8-16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- vmovaps %xmm6, -8-16*10(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm7, -8-16*9(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm8, -8-16*8(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm9, -8-16*7(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm10, -8-16*6(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm11, -8-16*5(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm12, -8-16*4(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm13, -8-16*3(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm14, -8-16*2(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm15, -8-16*1(%rax)
- vmovdqa .LAVX2_AND_MASK(%rip), $AND_MASK
- lea .LFROM_MONT_AVX2(%rip), %rdx
- call avx2_mul_x4
- call avx2_normalize_n_store
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- movaps 16*0(%rsp), %xmm6
- movaps 16*1(%rsp), %xmm7
- movaps 16*2(%rsp), %xmm8
- movaps 16*3(%rsp), %xmm9
- movaps 16*4(%rsp), %xmm10
- movaps 16*5(%rsp), %xmm11
- movaps 16*6(%rsp), %xmm12
- movaps 16*7(%rsp), %xmm13
- movaps 16*8(%rsp), %xmm14
- movaps 16*9(%rsp), %xmm15
- lea 8+16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont
-# void ecp_nistz256_avx2_set1(void* RESULTx4);
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_set1
-.type ecp_nistz256_avx2_set1,\@function,1
-.align 32
- lea .LONE+128(%rip), %rax
- lea 128(%rdi), %rdi
- vzeroupper
- vmovdqa 32*0-128(%rax), %ymm0
- vmovdqa 32*1-128(%rax), %ymm1
- vmovdqa 32*2-128(%rax), %ymm2
- vmovdqa 32*3-128(%rax), %ymm3
- vmovdqa 32*4-128(%rax), %ymm4
- vmovdqa 32*5-128(%rax), %ymm5
- vmovdqa %ymm0, 32*0-128(%rdi)
- vmovdqa 32*6-128(%rax), %ymm0
- vmovdqa %ymm1, 32*1-128(%rdi)
- vmovdqa 32*7-128(%rax), %ymm1
- vmovdqa %ymm2, 32*2-128(%rdi)
- vmovdqa 32*8-128(%rax), %ymm2
- vmovdqa %ymm3, 32*3-128(%rdi)
- vmovdqa %ymm4, 32*4-128(%rdi)
- vmovdqa %ymm5, 32*5-128(%rdi)
- vmovdqa %ymm0, 32*6-128(%rdi)
- vmovdqa %ymm1, 32*7-128(%rdi)
- vmovdqa %ymm2, 32*8-128(%rdi)
- vzeroupper
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz256_avx2_set1,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_set1
-# void ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7(void* RESULT, void *in,
-# int index0, int index1, int index2, int index3);
-my ($val,$in_t,$index0,$index1,$index2,$index3)=("%rdi","%rsi","%edx","%ecx","%r8d","%r9d");
-my ($INDEX0,$INDEX1,$INDEX2,$INDEX3)=map("%ymm$_",(0..3));
-my ($R0a,$R0b,$R1a,$R1b,$R2a,$R2b,$R3a,$R3b)=map("%ymm$_",(4..11));
-my ($M0,$T0,$T1,$TMP0)=map("%ymm$_",(12..15));
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7
-.type ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7,\@function,6
-.align 32
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- lea -8-16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- vmovaps %xmm6, -8-16*10(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm7, -8-16*9(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm8, -8-16*8(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm9, -8-16*7(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm10, -8-16*6(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm11, -8-16*5(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm12, -8-16*4(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm13, -8-16*3(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm14, -8-16*2(%rax)
- vmovaps %xmm15, -8-16*1(%rax)
- lea .LIntOne(%rip), %rax
- vmovd $index0, %xmm0
- vmovd $index1, %xmm1
- vmovd $index2, %xmm2
- vmovd $index3, %xmm3
- vpxor $R0a, $R0a, $R0a
- vpxor $R0b, $R0b, $R0b
- vpxor $R1a, $R1a, $R1a
- vpxor $R1b, $R1b, $R1b
- vpxor $R2a, $R2a, $R2a
- vpxor $R2b, $R2b, $R2b
- vpxor $R3a, $R3a, $R3a
- vpxor $R3b, $R3b, $R3b
- vmovdqa (%rax), $M0
- vpermd $INDEX0, $R0a, $INDEX0
- vpermd $INDEX1, $R0a, $INDEX1
- vpermd $INDEX2, $R0a, $INDEX2
- vpermd $INDEX3, $R0a, $INDEX3
- mov \$64, %ecx
- lea 112($val), $val # size optimization
- jmp .Lmulti_select_loop_avx2
-# INDEX=0, corresponds to the point at infty (0,0)
-.align 32
- vpcmpeqd $INDEX0, $M0, $TMP0
- vmovdqa `32*0+32*64*2*0`($in_t), $T0
- vmovdqa `32*1+32*64*2*0`($in_t), $T1
- vpand $TMP0, $T0, $T0
- vpand $TMP0, $T1, $T1
- vpxor $T0, $R0a, $R0a
- vpxor $T1, $R0b, $R0b
- vpcmpeqd $INDEX1, $M0, $TMP0
- vmovdqa `32*0+32*64*2*1`($in_t), $T0
- vmovdqa `32*1+32*64*2*1`($in_t), $T1
- vpand $TMP0, $T0, $T0
- vpand $TMP0, $T1, $T1
- vpxor $T0, $R1a, $R1a
- vpxor $T1, $R1b, $R1b
- vpcmpeqd $INDEX2, $M0, $TMP0
- vmovdqa `32*0+32*64*2*2`($in_t), $T0
- vmovdqa `32*1+32*64*2*2`($in_t), $T1
- vpand $TMP0, $T0, $T0
- vpand $TMP0, $T1, $T1
- vpxor $T0, $R2a, $R2a
- vpxor $T1, $R2b, $R2b
- vpcmpeqd $INDEX3, $M0, $TMP0
- vmovdqa `32*0+32*64*2*3`($in_t), $T0
- vmovdqa `32*1+32*64*2*3`($in_t), $T1
- vpand $TMP0, $T0, $T0
- vpand $TMP0, $T1, $T1
- vpxor $T0, $R3a, $R3a
- vpxor $T1, $R3b, $R3b
- vpaddd (%rax), $M0, $M0 # increment
- lea 32*2($in_t), $in_t
- dec %ecx
- jnz .Lmulti_select_loop_avx2
- vmovdqu $R0a, 32*0-112($val)
- vmovdqu $R0b, 32*1-112($val)
- vmovdqu $R1a, 32*2-112($val)
- vmovdqu $R1b, 32*3-112($val)
- vmovdqu $R2a, 32*4-112($val)
- vmovdqu $R2b, 32*5-112($val)
- vmovdqu $R3a, 32*6-112($val)
- vmovdqu $R3b, 32*7-112($val)
- vzeroupper
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
- movaps 16*0(%rsp), %xmm6
- movaps 16*1(%rsp), %xmm7
- movaps 16*2(%rsp), %xmm8
- movaps 16*3(%rsp), %xmm9
- movaps 16*4(%rsp), %xmm10
- movaps 16*5(%rsp), %xmm11
- movaps 16*6(%rsp), %xmm12
- movaps 16*7(%rsp), %xmm13
- movaps 16*8(%rsp), %xmm14
- movaps 16*9(%rsp), %xmm15
- lea 8+16*10(%rsp), %rsp
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7
-.extern OPENSSL_ia32cap_P
-.globl ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible
-.type ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align 32
- mov OPENSSL_ia32cap_P+8(%rip),%eax
- shr \$5,%eax
- and \$1,%eax
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible,.-ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible
-}} else {{ # assembler is too old
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_transpose_convert
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_convert_transpose_back
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affine_x4
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affines_x4
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_set1
-.globl ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7
-.type ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7,\@abi-omnipotent
- .byte 0x0f,0x0b # ud2
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7
-.globl ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible
-.type ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible,\@abi-omnipotent
- xor %eax,%eax
- ret
-.size ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible,.-ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible
-foreach (split("\n",$code)) {
- s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval($1)/geo;
- print $_,"\n";
-close STDOUT or die "error closing STDOUT: $!";
diff --git a/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-x86_64.pl b/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-x86_64.pl
index de9b194510bf..b50ee70191b2 100755
--- a/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-x86_64.pl
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ if (!$addx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$addx = ($1>=12);
-if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
my $ver = $2 + $3/100.0; # 3.1->3.01, 3.10->3.10
$avx = ($ver>=3.0) + ($ver>=3.01);
$addx = ($ver>=3.03);
diff --git a/crypto/ec/asm/x25519-x86_64.pl b/crypto/ec/asm/x25519-x86_64.pl
index 3d9d1dc1ad0c..62599dacaccd 100755
--- a/crypto/ec/asm/x25519-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/ec/asm/x25519-x86_64.pl
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ if (!$addx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$addx = ($1>=12);
-if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$addx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) {
my $ver = $2 + $3/100.0; # 3.1->3.01, 3.10->3.10
$addx = ($ver>=3.03);
diff --git a/crypto/ec/ec_ameth.c b/crypto/ec/ec_ameth.c
index 221038373921..5098bd7a6602 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ec_ameth.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/ec_ameth.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2006-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2006-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ static int ecdh_cms_decrypt(CMS_RecipientInfo *ri);
static int ecdh_cms_encrypt(CMS_RecipientInfo *ri);
-static int eckey_param2type(int *pptype, void **ppval, EC_KEY *ec_key)
+static int eckey_param2type(int *pptype, void **ppval, const EC_KEY *ec_key)
const EC_GROUP *group;
int nid;
@@ -35,7 +35,14 @@ static int eckey_param2type(int *pptype, void **ppval, EC_KEY *ec_key)
&& (nid = EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(group)))
/* we have a 'named curve' => just set the OID */
- *ppval = OBJ_nid2obj(nid);
+ ASN1_OBJECT *asn1obj = OBJ_nid2obj(nid);
+ if (asn1obj == NULL || OBJ_length(asn1obj) == 0) {
+ ASN1_OBJECT_free(asn1obj);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *ppval = asn1obj;
*pptype = V_ASN1_OBJECT;
} else { /* explicit parameters */
@@ -43,7 +50,17 @@ static int eckey_param2type(int *pptype, void **ppval, EC_KEY *ec_key)
pstr = ASN1_STRING_new();
if (pstr == NULL)
return 0;
- pstr->length = i2d_ECParameters(ec_key, &pstr->data);
+ /*
+ * The cast in the following line is intentional as the
+ * `i2d_ECParameters` signature can't be constified (see discussion at
+ * https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/9347 where related and
+ * required constification backports were rejected).
+ *
+ * This cast should be safe anyway, because we can expect
+ * `i2d_ECParameters()` to treat the first argument as if it was const.
+ */
+ pstr->length = i2d_ECParameters((EC_KEY *)ec_key, &pstr->data);
if (pstr->length <= 0) {
@@ -57,7 +74,7 @@ static int eckey_param2type(int *pptype, void **ppval, EC_KEY *ec_key)
static int eckey_pub_encode(X509_PUBKEY *pk, const EVP_PKEY *pkey)
- EC_KEY *ec_key = pkey->pkey.ec;
+ const EC_KEY *ec_key = pkey->pkey.ec;
void *pval = NULL;
int ptype;
unsigned char *penc = NULL, *p;
diff --git a/crypto/ec/ec_asn1.c b/crypto/ec/ec_asn1.c
index 006f9a5dea17..7b7c75ce8443 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ec_asn1.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/ec_asn1.c
@@ -137,6 +137,12 @@ struct ec_parameters_st {
ASN1_INTEGER *cofactor;
+typedef enum {
+} ecpk_parameters_type_t;
struct ecpk_parameters_st {
int type;
union {
@@ -535,9 +541,10 @@ ECPKPARAMETERS *EC_GROUP_get_ecpkparameters(const EC_GROUP *group,
return NULL;
} else {
- if (ret->type == 0)
- else if (ret->type == 1 && ret->value.parameters)
+ else if (ret->type == ECPKPARAMETERS_TYPE_EXPLICIT
+ && ret->value.parameters != NULL)
@@ -547,15 +554,22 @@ ECPKPARAMETERS *EC_GROUP_get_ecpkparameters(const EC_GROUP *group,
tmp = EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(group);
if (tmp) {
- ret->type = 0;
- if ((ret->value.named_curve = OBJ_nid2obj(tmp)) == NULL)
+ ASN1_OBJECT *asn1obj = OBJ_nid2obj(tmp);
+ if (asn1obj == NULL || OBJ_length(asn1obj) == 0) {
+ ASN1_OBJECT_free(asn1obj);
ok = 0;
+ } else {
+ ret->value.named_curve = asn1obj;
+ }
} else
/* we don't know the nid => ERROR */
ok = 0;
} else {
/* use the ECPARAMETERS structure */
- ret->type = 1;
if ((ret->value.parameters =
EC_GROUP_get_ecparameters(group, NULL)) == NULL)
ok = 0;
@@ -894,7 +908,8 @@ EC_GROUP *EC_GROUP_new_from_ecpkparameters(const ECPKPARAMETERS *params)
return NULL;
- if (params->type == 0) { /* the curve is given by an OID */
+ if (params->type == ECPKPARAMETERS_TYPE_NAMED) {
+ /* the curve is given by an OID */
tmp = OBJ_obj2nid(params->value.named_curve);
if ((ret = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(tmp)) == NULL) {
@@ -902,15 +917,16 @@ EC_GROUP *EC_GROUP_new_from_ecpkparameters(const ECPKPARAMETERS *params)
return NULL;
EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag(ret, OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE);
- } else if (params->type == 1) { /* the parameters are given by a
- * ECPARAMETERS structure */
+ } else if (params->type == ECPKPARAMETERS_TYPE_EXPLICIT) {
+ /* the parameters are given by an ECPARAMETERS structure */
ret = EC_GROUP_new_from_ecparameters(params->value.parameters);
if (!ret) {
return NULL;
- } else if (params->type == 2) { /* implicitlyCA */
+ } else if (params->type == ECPKPARAMETERS_TYPE_IMPLICIT) {
+ /* implicit parameters inherited from CA - unsupported */
return NULL;
} else {
@@ -940,6 +956,9 @@ EC_GROUP *d2i_ECPKParameters(EC_GROUP **a, const unsigned char **in, long len)
return NULL;
+ group->decoded_from_explicit_params = 1;
if (a) {
*a = group;
@@ -991,6 +1010,9 @@ EC_KEY *d2i_ECPrivateKey(EC_KEY **a, const unsigned char **in, long len)
if (priv_key->parameters) {
ret->group = EC_GROUP_new_from_ecpkparameters(priv_key->parameters);
+ if (ret->group != NULL
+ && priv_key->parameters->type == ECPKPARAMETERS_TYPE_EXPLICIT)
+ ret->group->decoded_from_explicit_params = 1;
if (ret->group == NULL) {
diff --git a/crypto/ec/ec_err.c b/crypto/ec/ec_err.c
index ce3493823218..bfe74226503e 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ec_err.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/ec_err.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Generated by util/mkerr.pl DO NOT EDIT
- * Copyright 1995-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -341,6 +341,7 @@ static const ERR_STRING_DATA EC_str_reasons[] = {
{ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_EC, 0, EC_R_LADDER_POST_FAILURE), "ladder post failure"},
{ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_EC, 0, EC_R_LADDER_PRE_FAILURE), "ladder pre failure"},
{ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_EC, 0, EC_R_LADDER_STEP_FAILURE), "ladder step failure"},
{ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_EC, 0, EC_R_MISSING_PARAMETERS), "missing parameters"},
{ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_EC, 0, EC_R_MISSING_PRIVATE_KEY), "missing private key"},
diff --git a/crypto/ec/ec_key.c b/crypto/ec/ec_key.c
index 08aaac5d8a6f..23efbd015ca4 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ec_key.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/ec_key.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2002-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2002-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2002, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "internal/refcount.h"
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/engine.h>
+#include "crypto/bn.h"
EC_KEY *EC_KEY_new(void)
@@ -416,17 +417,86 @@ const BIGNUM *EC_KEY_get0_private_key(const EC_KEY *key)
int EC_KEY_set_private_key(EC_KEY *key, const BIGNUM *priv_key)
+ int fixed_top;
+ const BIGNUM *order = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *tmp_key = NULL;
if (key->group == NULL || key->group->meth == NULL)
return 0;
+ /*
+ * Not only should key->group be set, but it should also be in a valid
+ * fully initialized state.
+ *
+ * Specifically, to operate in constant time, we need that the group order
+ * is set, as we use its length as the fixed public size of any scalar used
+ * as an EC private key.
+ */
+ order = EC_GROUP_get0_order(key->group);
+ if (order == NULL || BN_is_zero(order))
+ return 0; /* This should never happen */
if (key->group->meth->set_private != NULL
&& key->group->meth->set_private(key, priv_key) == 0)
return 0;
if (key->meth->set_private != NULL
&& key->meth->set_private(key, priv_key) == 0)
return 0;
+ /*
+ * We should never leak the bit length of the secret scalar in the key,
+ * so we always set the `BN_FLG_CONSTTIME` flag on the internal `BIGNUM`
+ * holding the secret scalar.
+ *
+ * This is important also because `BN_dup()` (and `BN_copy()`) do not
+ * propagate the `BN_FLG_CONSTTIME` flag from the source `BIGNUM`, and
+ * this brings an extra risk of inadvertently losing the flag, even when
+ * the caller specifically set it.
+ *
+ * The propagation has been turned on and off a few times in the past
+ * years because in some conditions has shown unintended consequences in
+ * some code paths, so at the moment we can't fix this in the BN layer.
+ *
+ * In `EC_KEY_set_private_key()` we can work around the propagation by
+ * manually setting the flag after `BN_dup()` as we know for sure that
+ * inside the EC module the `BN_FLG_CONSTTIME` is always treated
+ * correctly and should not generate unintended consequences.
+ *
+ * Setting the BN_FLG_CONSTTIME flag alone is never enough, we also have
+ * to preallocate the BIGNUM internal buffer to a fixed public size big
+ * enough that operations performed during the processing never trigger
+ * a realloc which would leak the size of the scalar through memory
+ * accesses.
+ *
+ * Fixed Length
+ * ------------
+ *
+ * The order of the large prime subgroup of the curve is our choice for
+ * a fixed public size, as that is generally the upper bound for
+ * generating a private key in EC cryptosystems and should fit all valid
+ * secret scalars.
+ *
+ * For preallocating the BIGNUM storage we look at the number of "words"
+ * required for the internal representation of the order, and we
+ * preallocate 2 extra "words" in case any of the subsequent processing
+ * might temporarily overflow the order length.
+ */
+ tmp_key = BN_dup(priv_key);
+ if (tmp_key == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ BN_set_flags(tmp_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+ fixed_top = bn_get_top(order) + 2;
+ if (bn_wexpand(tmp_key, fixed_top) == NULL) {
+ BN_clear_free(tmp_key);
+ return 0;
+ }
- key->priv_key = BN_dup(priv_key);
- return (key->priv_key == NULL) ? 0 : 1;
+ key->priv_key = tmp_key;
+ return 1;
const EC_POINT *EC_KEY_get0_public_key(const EC_KEY *key)
@@ -494,6 +564,13 @@ void EC_KEY_clear_flags(EC_KEY *key, int flags)
key->flags &= ~flags;
+int EC_KEY_decoded_from_explicit_params(const EC_KEY *key)
+ if (key == NULL || key->group == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ return key->group->decoded_from_explicit_params;
size_t EC_KEY_key2buf(const EC_KEY *key, point_conversion_form_t form,
unsigned char **pbuf, BN_CTX *ctx)
diff --git a/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c b/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
index 6832383cad51..08db89fceeb5 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ int EC_GROUP_copy(EC_GROUP *dest, const EC_GROUP *src)
dest->asn1_flag = src->asn1_flag;
dest->asn1_form = src->asn1_form;
+ dest->decoded_from_explicit_params = src->decoded_from_explicit_params;
if (src->seed) {
diff --git a/crypto/ec/ec_local.h b/crypto/ec/ec_local.h
index e656fbd5e775..64725a9c92f4 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ec_local.h
+++ b/crypto/ec/ec_local.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2001-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2001-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2002, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
@@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ struct ec_group_st {
BIGNUM *order, *cofactor;
int curve_name; /* optional NID for named curve */
int asn1_flag; /* flag to control the asn1 encoding */
+ int decoded_from_explicit_params; /* set if decoded from explicit
+ * curve parameters encoding */
point_conversion_form_t asn1_form;
unsigned char *seed; /* optional seed for parameters (appears in
* ASN1) */
diff --git a/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c b/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c
index 9a9ced8f1343..6f7d66c8bea4 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef uint64_t limb;
+typedef uint64_t limb_aX __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
typedef uint128_t widelimb;
typedef limb felem[4];
@@ -307,10 +308,10 @@ const EC_METHOD *EC_GFp_nistp224_method(void)
static void bin28_to_felem(felem out, const u8 in[28])
- out[0] = *((const uint64_t *)(in)) & 0x00ffffffffffffff;
- out[1] = (*((const uint64_t *)(in + 7))) & 0x00ffffffffffffff;
- out[2] = (*((const uint64_t *)(in + 14))) & 0x00ffffffffffffff;
- out[3] = (*((const uint64_t *)(in+20))) >> 8;
+ out[0] = *((const limb *)(in)) & 0x00ffffffffffffff;
+ out[1] = (*((const limb_aX *)(in + 7))) & 0x00ffffffffffffff;
+ out[2] = (*((const limb_aX *)(in + 14))) & 0x00ffffffffffffff;
+ out[3] = (*((const limb_aX *)(in + 20))) >> 8;
static void felem_to_bin28(u8 out[28], const felem in)
diff --git a/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp521.c b/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp521.c
index 75eeba853679..08b32787293b 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp521.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp521.c
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ static const felem_bytearray nistp521_curve_params[5] = {
# define NLIMBS 9
typedef uint64_t limb;
+typedef limb limb_aX __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
typedef limb felem[NLIMBS];
typedef uint128_t largefelem[NLIMBS];
@@ -141,14 +142,14 @@ static const limb bottom58bits = 0x3ffffffffffffff;
static void bin66_to_felem(felem out, const u8 in[66])
out[0] = (*((limb *) & in[0])) & bottom58bits;
- out[1] = (*((limb *) & in[7]) >> 2) & bottom58bits;
- out[2] = (*((limb *) & in[14]) >> 4) & bottom58bits;
- out[3] = (*((limb *) & in[21]) >> 6) & bottom58bits;
- out[4] = (*((limb *) & in[29])) & bottom58bits;
- out[5] = (*((limb *) & in[36]) >> 2) & bottom58bits;
- out[6] = (*((limb *) & in[43]) >> 4) & bottom58bits;
- out[7] = (*((limb *) & in[50]) >> 6) & bottom58bits;
- out[8] = (*((limb *) & in[58])) & bottom57bits;
+ out[1] = (*((limb_aX *) & in[7]) >> 2) & bottom58bits;
+ out[2] = (*((limb_aX *) & in[14]) >> 4) & bottom58bits;
+ out[3] = (*((limb_aX *) & in[21]) >> 6) & bottom58bits;
+ out[4] = (*((limb_aX *) & in[29])) & bottom58bits;
+ out[5] = (*((limb_aX *) & in[36]) >> 2) & bottom58bits;
+ out[6] = (*((limb_aX *) & in[43]) >> 4) & bottom58bits;
+ out[7] = (*((limb_aX *) & in[50]) >> 6) & bottom58bits;
+ out[8] = (*((limb_aX *) & in[58])) & bottom57bits;
@@ -159,14 +160,14 @@ static void felem_to_bin66(u8 out[66], const felem in)
memset(out, 0, 66);
(*((limb *) & out[0])) = in[0];
- (*((limb *) & out[7])) |= in[1] << 2;
- (*((limb *) & out[14])) |= in[2] << 4;
- (*((limb *) & out[21])) |= in[3] << 6;
- (*((limb *) & out[29])) = in[4];
- (*((limb *) & out[36])) |= in[5] << 2;
- (*((limb *) & out[43])) |= in[6] << 4;
- (*((limb *) & out[50])) |= in[7] << 6;
- (*((limb *) & out[58])) = in[8];
+ (*((limb_aX *) & out[7])) |= in[1] << 2;
+ (*((limb_aX *) & out[14])) |= in[2] << 4;
+ (*((limb_aX *) & out[21])) |= in[3] << 6;
+ (*((limb_aX *) & out[29])) = in[4];
+ (*((limb_aX *) & out[36])) |= in[5] << 2;
+ (*((limb_aX *) & out[43])) |= in[6] << 4;
+ (*((limb_aX *) & out[50])) |= in[7] << 6;
+ (*((limb_aX *) & out[58])) = in[8];
/* BN_to_felem converts an OpenSSL BIGNUM into an felem */
diff --git a/crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256.c b/crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256.c
index ba9268138862..5005249b05ea 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256.c
@@ -929,207 +929,6 @@ __owur static int ecp_nistz256_mult_precompute(EC_GROUP *group, BN_CTX *ctx)
return ret;
- * Note that by default ECP_NISTZ256_AVX2 is undefined. While it's great
- * code processing 4 points in parallel, corresponding serial operation
- * is several times slower, because it uses 29x29=58-bit multiplication
- * as opposite to 64x64=128-bit in integer-only scalar case. As result
- * it doesn't provide *significant* performance improvement. Note that
- * just defining ECP_NISTZ256_AVX2 is not sufficient to make it work,
- * you'd need to compile even asm/ecp_nistz256-avx.pl module.
- */
-#if defined(ECP_NISTZ256_AVX2)
-# if !(defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || \
- defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_X64)) || \
- !(defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) /* this is for ALIGN32 */
-# undef ECP_NISTZ256_AVX2
-# else
-/* Constant time access, loading four values, from four consecutive tables */
-void ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7(void *result, const void *in,
- int index0, int index1, int index2,
- int index3);
-void ecp_nistz256_avx2_transpose_convert(void *RESULTx4, const void *in);
-void ecp_nistz256_avx2_convert_transpose_back(void *result, const void *Ax4);
-void ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affine_x4(void *RESULTx4, const void *Ax4,
- const void *Bx4);
-void ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affines_x4(void *RESULTx4, const void *Ax4,
- const void *Bx4);
-void ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont(void *RESULTx4, const void *Ax4);
-void ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont(void *RESULTx4, const void *Ax4);
-void ecp_nistz256_avx2_set1(void *RESULTx4);
-int ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible(void);
-static void booth_recode_w7(unsigned char *sign,
- unsigned char *digit, unsigned char in)
- unsigned char s, d;
- s = ~((in >> 7) - 1);
- d = (1 << 8) - in - 1;
- d = (d & s) | (in & ~s);
- d = (d >> 1) + (d & 1);
- *sign = s & 1;
- *digit = d;
- * ecp_nistz256_avx2_mul_g performs multiplication by G, using only the
- * precomputed table. It does 4 affine point additions in parallel,
- * significantly speeding up point multiplication for a fixed value.
- */
-static void ecp_nistz256_avx2_mul_g(P256_POINT *r,
- unsigned char p_str[33],
- const P256_POINT_AFFINE(*preComputedTable)[64])
- const unsigned int window_size = 7;
- const unsigned int mask = (1 << (window_size + 1)) - 1;
- unsigned int wvalue;
- /* Using 4 windows at a time */
- unsigned char sign0, digit0;
- unsigned char sign1, digit1;
- unsigned char sign2, digit2;
- unsigned char sign3, digit3;
- unsigned int idx = 0;
- BN_ULONG tmp[P256_LIMBS];
- int i;
- ALIGN32 BN_ULONG aX4[4 * 9 * 3] = { 0 };
- ALIGN32 BN_ULONG bX4[4 * 9 * 2] = { 0 };
- ALIGN32 P256_POINT_AFFINE point_arr[4];
- ALIGN32 P256_POINT res_point_arr[4];
- /* Initial four windows */
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[0]);
- wvalue = (wvalue << 1) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign0, &digit0, wvalue);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign1, &digit1, wvalue);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign2, &digit2, wvalue);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign3, &digit3, wvalue);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7(point_arr, preComputedTable[0],
- digit0, digit1, digit2, digit3);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[0].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[0].Y, tmp, sign0);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[1].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[1].Y, tmp, sign1);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[2].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[2].Y, tmp, sign2);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[3].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[3].Y, tmp, sign3);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_transpose_convert(aX4, point_arr);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont(aX4, aX4);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont(&aX4[4 * 9], &aX4[4 * 9]);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_set1(&aX4[4 * 9 * 2]);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign0, &digit0, wvalue);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign1, &digit1, wvalue);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign2, &digit2, wvalue);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign3, &digit3, wvalue);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7(point_arr, preComputedTable[4 * 1],
- digit0, digit1, digit2, digit3);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[0].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[0].Y, tmp, sign0);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[1].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[1].Y, tmp, sign1);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[2].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[2].Y, tmp, sign2);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[3].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[3].Y, tmp, sign3);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_transpose_convert(bX4, point_arr);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont(bX4, bX4);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont(&bX4[4 * 9], &bX4[4 * 9]);
- /* Optimized when both inputs are affine */
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affines_x4(aX4, aX4, bX4);
- for (i = 2; i < 9; i++) {
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign0, &digit0, wvalue);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign1, &digit1, wvalue);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign2, &digit2, wvalue);
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign3, &digit3, wvalue);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_multi_gather_w7(point_arr,
- preComputedTable[4 * i],
- digit0, digit1, digit2, digit3);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[0].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[0].Y, tmp, sign0);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[1].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[1].Y, tmp, sign1);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[2].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[2].Y, tmp, sign2);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, point_arr[3].Y);
- copy_conditional(point_arr[3].Y, tmp, sign3);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_transpose_convert(bX4, point_arr);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont(bX4, bX4);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_to_mont(&bX4[4 * 9], &bX4[4 * 9]);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_point_add_affine_x4(aX4, aX4, bX4);
- }
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont(&aX4[4 * 9 * 0], &aX4[4 * 9 * 0]);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont(&aX4[4 * 9 * 1], &aX4[4 * 9 * 1]);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_from_mont(&aX4[4 * 9 * 2], &aX4[4 * 9 * 2]);
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_convert_transpose_back(res_point_arr, aX4);
- /* Last window is performed serially */
- wvalue = *((u16 *) & p_str[(idx - 1) / 8]);
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- booth_recode_w7(&sign0, &digit0, wvalue);
- ecp_nistz256_gather_w7((P256_POINT_AFFINE *)r,
- preComputedTable[36], digit0);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, r->Y);
- copy_conditional(r->Y, tmp, sign0);
- memcpy(r->Z, ONE, sizeof(ONE));
- /* Sum the four windows */
- ecp_nistz256_point_add(r, r, &res_point_arr[0]);
- ecp_nistz256_point_add(r, r, &res_point_arr[1]);
- ecp_nistz256_point_add(r, r, &res_point_arr[2]);
- ecp_nistz256_point_add(r, r, &res_point_arr[3]);
-# endif
__owur static int ecp_nistz256_set_from_affine(EC_POINT *out, const EC_GROUP *group,
const P256_POINT_AFFINE *in,
BN_CTX *ctx)
@@ -1219,6 +1018,8 @@ __owur static int ecp_nistz256_points_mul(const EC_GROUP *group,
if (preComputedTable) {
+ BN_ULONG infty;
if ((BN_num_bits(scalar) > 256)
|| BN_is_negative(scalar)) {
if ((tmp_scalar = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)
@@ -1250,67 +1051,58 @@ __owur static int ecp_nistz256_points_mul(const EC_GROUP *group,
for (; i < 33; i++)
p_str[i] = 0;
-#if defined(ECP_NISTZ256_AVX2)
- if (ecp_nistz_avx2_eligible()) {
- ecp_nistz256_avx2_mul_g(&p.p, p_str, preComputedTable);
- } else
- {
- BN_ULONG infty;
+ /* First window */
+ wvalue = (p_str[0] << 1) & mask;
+ idx += window_size;
- /* First window */
- wvalue = (p_str[0] << 1) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
+ wvalue = _booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
- wvalue = _booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
+ ecp_nistz256_gather_w7(&p.a, preComputedTable[0],
+ wvalue >> 1);
- ecp_nistz256_gather_w7(&p.a, preComputedTable[0],
- wvalue >> 1);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(p.p.Z, p.p.Y);
- copy_conditional(p.p.Y, p.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
- /*
- * Since affine infinity is encoded as (0,0) and
- * Jacobian ias (,,0), we need to harmonize them
- * by assigning "one" or zero to Z.
- */
- infty = (p.p.X[0] | p.p.X[1] | p.p.X[2] | p.p.X[3] |
- p.p.Y[0] | p.p.Y[1] | p.p.Y[2] | p.p.Y[3]);
- if (P256_LIMBS == 8)
- infty |= (p.p.X[4] | p.p.X[5] | p.p.X[6] | p.p.X[7] |
- p.p.Y[4] | p.p.Y[5] | p.p.Y[6] | p.p.Y[7]);
- infty = 0 - is_zero(infty);
- infty = ~infty;
- p.p.Z[0] = ONE[0] & infty;
- p.p.Z[1] = ONE[1] & infty;
- p.p.Z[2] = ONE[2] & infty;
- p.p.Z[3] = ONE[3] & infty;
- if (P256_LIMBS == 8) {
- p.p.Z[4] = ONE[4] & infty;
- p.p.Z[5] = ONE[5] & infty;
- p.p.Z[6] = ONE[6] & infty;
- p.p.Z[7] = ONE[7] & infty;
- }
+ ecp_nistz256_neg(p.p.Z, p.p.Y);
+ copy_conditional(p.p.Y, p.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
- for (i = 1; i < 37; i++) {
- unsigned int off = (idx - 1) / 8;
- wvalue = p_str[off] | p_str[off + 1] << 8;
- wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
- idx += window_size;
+ /*
+ * Since affine infinity is encoded as (0,0) and
+ * Jacobian is (,,0), we need to harmonize them
+ * by assigning "one" or zero to Z.
+ */
+ infty = (p.p.X[0] | p.p.X[1] | p.p.X[2] | p.p.X[3] |
+ p.p.Y[0] | p.p.Y[1] | p.p.Y[2] | p.p.Y[3]);
+ if (P256_LIMBS == 8)
+ infty |= (p.p.X[4] | p.p.X[5] | p.p.X[6] | p.p.X[7] |
+ p.p.Y[4] | p.p.Y[5] | p.p.Y[6] | p.p.Y[7]);
+ infty = 0 - is_zero(infty);
+ infty = ~infty;
+ p.p.Z[0] = ONE[0] & infty;
+ p.p.Z[1] = ONE[1] & infty;
+ p.p.Z[2] = ONE[2] & infty;
+ p.p.Z[3] = ONE[3] & infty;
+ if (P256_LIMBS == 8) {
+ p.p.Z[4] = ONE[4] & infty;
+ p.p.Z[5] = ONE[5] & infty;
+ p.p.Z[6] = ONE[6] & infty;
+ p.p.Z[7] = ONE[7] & infty;
+ }
- wvalue = _booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
+ for (i = 1; i < 37; i++) {
+ unsigned int off = (idx - 1) / 8;
+ wvalue = p_str[off] | p_str[off + 1] << 8;
+ wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
+ idx += window_size;
- ecp_nistz256_gather_w7(&t.a,
- preComputedTable[i], wvalue >> 1);
+ wvalue = _booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
- ecp_nistz256_neg(t.p.Z, t.a.Y);
- copy_conditional(t.a.Y, t.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
+ ecp_nistz256_gather_w7(&t.a,
+ preComputedTable[i], wvalue >> 1);
- ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine(&p.p, &p.p, &t.a);
- }
+ ecp_nistz256_neg(t.p.Z, t.a.Y);
+ copy_conditional(t.a.Y, t.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
+ ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine(&p.p, &p.p, &t.a);
} else {
p_is_infinity = 1;
diff --git a/crypto/engine/eng_lib.c b/crypto/engine/eng_lib.c
index b851ff695756..5bd584c5999a 100644
--- a/crypto/engine/eng_lib.c
+++ b/crypto/engine/eng_lib.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2001-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2001-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ void engine_cleanup_int(void)
cleanup_stack = NULL;
+ global_engine_lock = NULL;
/* Now the "ex_data" support */
diff --git a/crypto/err/openssl.txt b/crypto/err/openssl.txt
index 35512f9caf96..0b5873ebbcb7 100644
--- a/crypto/err/openssl.txt
+++ b/crypto/err/openssl.txt
@@ -934,6 +934,8 @@ PEM_F_PEM_READ_PRIVATEKEY:124:PEM_read_PrivateKey
+ PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey_traditional
@@ -1742,6 +1744,7 @@ X509_F_X509_NAME_PRINT:117:X509_NAME_print
@@ -2164,6 +2167,7 @@ EC_R_KEYS_NOT_SET:140:keys not set
EC_R_LADDER_POST_FAILURE:136:ladder post failure
EC_R_LADDER_PRE_FAILURE:153:ladder pre failure
EC_R_LADDER_STEP_FAILURE:162:ladder step failure
+EC_R_MISSING_OID:167:missing OID
EC_R_MISSING_PARAMETERS:124:missing parameters
EC_R_MISSING_PRIVATE_KEY:125:missing private key
EC_R_NEED_NEW_SETUP_VALUES:157:need new setup values
@@ -2398,6 +2402,7 @@ PEM_R_UNEXPECTED_DEK_IV:130:unexpected dek iv
PEM_R_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER:113:unsupported cipher
PEM_R_UNSUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION:114:unsupported encryption
PEM_R_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_COMPONENTS:126:unsupported key components
+PEM_R_UNSUPPORTED_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE:110:unsupported public key type
PKCS12_R_CANT_PACK_STRUCTURE:100:cant pack structure
PKCS12_R_CONTENT_TYPE_NOT_DATA:121:content type not data
PKCS12_R_DECODE_ERROR:101:decode error
diff --git a/crypto/evp/e_aes.c b/crypto/evp/e_aes.c
index a1b7d50bbff8..405ddbf9bf09 100644
--- a/crypto/evp/e_aes.c
+++ b/crypto/evp/e_aes.c
@@ -130,11 +130,6 @@ void bsaes_xts_decrypt(const unsigned char *inp, unsigned char *out,
size_t len, const AES_KEY *key1,
const AES_KEY *key2, const unsigned char iv[16]);
-#if !defined(AES_ASM) && !defined(AES_CTR_ASM) \
- && defined(OPENSSL_AES_CONST_TIME) \
-# define AES_CTR_ASM
#ifdef AES_CTR_ASM
void AES_ctr32_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
size_t blocks, const AES_KEY *key,
diff --git a/crypto/evp/encode.c b/crypto/evp/encode.c
index 9307ff046424..85926434c300 100644
--- a/crypto/evp/encode.c
+++ b/crypto/evp/encode.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ static int evp_decodeblock_int(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *t,
table = data_ascii2bin;
/* trim white space from the start of the line. */
- while ((conv_ascii2bin(*f, table) == B64_WS) && (n > 0)) {
+ while ((n > 0) && (conv_ascii2bin(*f, table) == B64_WS)) {
diff --git a/crypto/mem_sec.c b/crypto/mem_sec.c
index 9e0f6702f406..b5f959ba15d5 100644
--- a/crypto/mem_sec.c
+++ b/crypto/mem_sec.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2015-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright 2004-2014, Akamai Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ static void sh_done(void)
- if (sh.map_result != NULL && sh.map_size)
+ if (sh.map_result != MAP_FAILED && sh.map_size)
munmap(sh.map_result, sh.map_size);
memset(&sh, 0, sizeof(sh));
diff --git a/crypto/modes/asm/aesni-gcm-x86_64.pl b/crypto/modes/asm/aesni-gcm-x86_64.pl
index 959efedb0de7..60f03e4fe25b 100755
--- a/crypto/modes/asm/aesni-gcm-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/modes/asm/aesni-gcm-x86_64.pl
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/modes/asm/ghash-x86_64.pl b/crypto/modes/asm/ghash-x86_64.pl
index 0a0bfd575cee..9bdba41d1de5 100755
--- a/crypto/modes/asm/ghash-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/modes/asm/ghash-x86_64.pl
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/modes/cbc128.c b/crypto/modes/cbc128.c
index fc7e0b60510b..c85e37c6a546 100644
--- a/crypto/modes/cbc128.c
+++ b/crypto/modes/cbc128.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2008-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2008-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !STRICT_ALIGNMENT
+typedef size_t size_t_aX __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+typedef size_t size_t_aX;
void CRYPTO_cbc128_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
size_t len, const void *key,
unsigned char ivec[16], block128_f block)
@@ -40,8 +46,8 @@ void CRYPTO_cbc128_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
} else {
while (len >= 16) {
for (n = 0; n < 16; n += sizeof(size_t))
- *(size_t *)(out + n) =
- *(size_t *)(in + n) ^ *(size_t *)(iv + n);
+ *(size_t_aX *)(out + n) =
+ *(size_t_aX *)(in + n) ^ *(size_t_aX *)(iv + n);
(*block) (out, out, key);
iv = out;
len -= 16;
@@ -96,7 +102,8 @@ void CRYPTO_cbc128_decrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
} else if (16 % sizeof(size_t) == 0) { /* always true */
while (len >= 16) {
- size_t *out_t = (size_t *)out, *iv_t = (size_t *)iv;
+ size_t_aX *out_t = (size_t_aX *)out;
+ size_t_aX *iv_t = (size_t_aX *)iv;
(*block) (in, out, key);
for (n = 0; n < 16 / sizeof(size_t); n++)
@@ -125,8 +132,10 @@ void CRYPTO_cbc128_decrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
} else if (16 % sizeof(size_t) == 0) { /* always true */
while (len >= 16) {
- size_t c, *out_t = (size_t *)out, *ivec_t = (size_t *)ivec;
- const size_t *in_t = (const size_t *)in;
+ size_t c;
+ size_t_aX *out_t = (size_t_aX *)out;
+ size_t_aX *ivec_t = (size_t_aX *)ivec;
+ const size_t_aX *in_t = (const size_t_aX *)in;
(*block) (in, tmp.c, key);
for (n = 0; n < 16 / sizeof(size_t); n++) {
diff --git a/crypto/modes/ccm128.c b/crypto/modes/ccm128.c
index 424722811c16..655b10350201 100644
--- a/crypto/modes/ccm128.c
+++ b/crypto/modes/ccm128.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2011-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2011-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -11,6 +11,14 @@
#include "modes_local.h"
#include <string.h>
+# ifdef __GNUC__
+typedef u64 u64_a1 __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+# else
+typedef u64 u64_a1;
+# endif
* First you setup M and L parameters and pass the key schedule. This is
* called once per session setup...
@@ -170,8 +178,8 @@ int CRYPTO_ccm128_encrypt(CCM128_CONTEXT *ctx,
ctx->cmac.u[0] ^= temp.u[0];
ctx->cmac.u[1] ^= temp.u[1];
- ctx->cmac.u[0] ^= ((u64 *)inp)[0];
- ctx->cmac.u[1] ^= ((u64 *)inp)[1];
+ ctx->cmac.u[0] ^= ((u64_a1 *)inp)[0];
+ ctx->cmac.u[1] ^= ((u64_a1 *)inp)[1];
(*block) (ctx->cmac.c, ctx->cmac.c, key);
(*block) (ctx->nonce.c, scratch.c, key);
@@ -181,8 +189,8 @@ int CRYPTO_ccm128_encrypt(CCM128_CONTEXT *ctx,
temp.u[1] ^= scratch.u[1];
memcpy(out, temp.c, 16);
- ((u64 *)out)[0] = scratch.u[0] ^ ((u64 *)inp)[0];
- ((u64 *)out)[1] = scratch.u[1] ^ ((u64 *)inp)[1];
+ ((u64_a1 *)out)[0] = scratch.u[0] ^ ((u64_a1 *)inp)[0];
+ ((u64_a1 *)out)[1] = scratch.u[1] ^ ((u64_a1 *)inp)[1];
inp += 16;
out += 16;
@@ -254,8 +262,10 @@ int CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt(CCM128_CONTEXT *ctx,
ctx->cmac.u[1] ^= (scratch.u[1] ^= temp.u[1]);
memcpy(out, scratch.c, 16);
- ctx->cmac.u[0] ^= (((u64 *)out)[0] = scratch.u[0] ^ ((u64 *)inp)[0]);
- ctx->cmac.u[1] ^= (((u64 *)out)[1] = scratch.u[1] ^ ((u64 *)inp)[1]);
+ ctx->cmac.u[0] ^= (((u64_a1 *)out)[0]
+ = scratch.u[0] ^ ((u64_a1 *)inp)[0]);
+ ctx->cmac.u[1] ^= (((u64_a1 *)out)[1]
+ = scratch.u[1] ^ ((u64_a1 *)inp)[1]);
(*block) (ctx->cmac.c, ctx->cmac.c, key);
diff --git a/crypto/modes/cfb128.c b/crypto/modes/cfb128.c
index b6bec414a966..b2530007b6e4 100644
--- a/crypto/modes/cfb128.c
+++ b/crypto/modes/cfb128.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2008-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2008-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
#include "modes_local.h"
#include <string.h>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
+typedef size_t size_t_aX __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+typedef size_t size_t_aX;
* The input and output encrypted as though 128bit cfb mode is being used.
* The extra state information to record how much of the 128bit block we have
@@ -43,8 +49,9 @@ void CRYPTO_cfb128_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
while (len >= 16) {
(*block) (ivec, ivec, key);
for (; n < 16; n += sizeof(size_t)) {
- *(size_t *)(out + n) =
- *(size_t *)(ivec + n) ^= *(size_t *)(in + n);
+ *(size_t_aX *)(out + n) =
+ *(size_t_aX *)(ivec + n)
+ ^= *(size_t_aX *)(in + n);
len -= 16;
out += 16;
@@ -92,9 +99,10 @@ void CRYPTO_cfb128_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
while (len >= 16) {
(*block) (ivec, ivec, key);
for (; n < 16; n += sizeof(size_t)) {
- size_t t = *(size_t *)(in + n);
- *(size_t *)(out + n) = *(size_t *)(ivec + n) ^ t;
- *(size_t *)(ivec + n) = t;
+ size_t t = *(size_t_aX *)(in + n);
+ *(size_t_aX *)(out + n)
+ = *(size_t_aX *)(ivec + n) ^ t;
+ *(size_t_aX *)(ivec + n) = t;
len -= 16;
out += 16;
diff --git a/crypto/modes/ctr128.c b/crypto/modes/ctr128.c
index ae35116e9524..1ed7decedfd3 100644
--- a/crypto/modes/ctr128.c
+++ b/crypto/modes/ctr128.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2008-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2008-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
#include "modes_local.h"
#include <string.h>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
+typedef size_t size_t_aX __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+typedef size_t size_t_aX;
* NOTE: the IV/counter CTR mode is big-endian. The code itself is
* endian-neutral.
@@ -97,8 +103,9 @@ void CRYPTO_ctr128_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
(*block) (ivec, ecount_buf, key);
for (n = 0; n < 16; n += sizeof(size_t))
- *(size_t *)(out + n) =
- *(size_t *)(in + n) ^ *(size_t *)(ecount_buf + n);
+ *(size_t_aX *)(out + n) =
+ *(size_t_aX *)(in + n)
+ ^ *(size_t_aX *)(ecount_buf + n);
len -= 16;
out += 16;
in += 16;
diff --git a/crypto/modes/gcm128.c b/crypto/modes/gcm128.c
index 48775e6d05ff..0c0bf3cda5b5 100644
--- a/crypto/modes/gcm128.c
+++ b/crypto/modes/gcm128.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2010-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2010-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
#include "modes_local.h"
#include <string.h>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
+typedef size_t size_t_aX __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+typedef size_t size_t_aX;
#if defined(BSWAP4) && defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
/* redefine, because alignment is ensured */
# undef GETU32
@@ -1080,8 +1086,8 @@ int CRYPTO_gcm128_encrypt(GCM128_CONTEXT *ctx,
size_t j = GHASH_CHUNK;
while (j) {
- size_t *out_t = (size_t *)out;
- const size_t *in_t = (const size_t *)in;
+ size_t_aX *out_t = (size_t_aX *)out;
+ const size_t_aX *in_t = (const size_t_aX *)in;
(*block) (ctx->Yi.c, ctx->EKi.c, key);
@@ -1107,8 +1113,8 @@ int CRYPTO_gcm128_encrypt(GCM128_CONTEXT *ctx,
size_t j = i;
while (len >= 16) {
- size_t *out_t = (size_t *)out;
- const size_t *in_t = (const size_t *)in;
+ size_t_aX *out_t = (size_t_aX *)out;
+ const size_t_aX *in_t = (const size_t_aX *)in;
(*block) (ctx->Yi.c, ctx->EKi.c, key);
@@ -1318,8 +1324,8 @@ int CRYPTO_gcm128_decrypt(GCM128_CONTEXT *ctx,
while (j) {
- size_t *out_t = (size_t *)out;
- const size_t *in_t = (const size_t *)in;
+ size_t_aX *out_t = (size_t_aX *)out;
+ const size_t_aX *in_t = (const size_t_aX *)in;
(*block) (ctx->Yi.c, ctx->EKi.c, key);
@@ -1343,8 +1349,8 @@ int CRYPTO_gcm128_decrypt(GCM128_CONTEXT *ctx,
if ((i = (len & (size_t)-16))) {
GHASH(ctx, in, i);
while (len >= 16) {
- size_t *out_t = (size_t *)out;
- const size_t *in_t = (const size_t *)in;
+ size_t_aX *out_t = (size_t_aX *)out;
+ const size_t_aX *in_t = (const size_t_aX *)in;
(*block) (ctx->Yi.c, ctx->EKi.c, key);
diff --git a/crypto/modes/modes_local.h b/crypto/modes/modes_local.h
index f2ae01d11afd..28c32c0643f4 100644
--- a/crypto/modes/modes_local.h
+++ b/crypto/modes/modes_local.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2010-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2010-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ typedef unsigned char u8;
# endif
+# ifdef __GNUC__
+typedef u32 u32_a1 __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+# else
+typedef u32 u32_a1;
+# endif
#if !defined(PEDANTIC) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_INLINE_ASM)
# if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2
# if defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__)
@@ -86,8 +94,8 @@ _asm mov eax, val _asm bswap eax}
# endif
#if defined(BSWAP4) && !defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
-# define GETU32(p) BSWAP4(*(const u32 *)(p))
-# define PUTU32(p,v) *(u32 *)(p) = BSWAP4(v)
+# define GETU32(p) BSWAP4(*(const u32_a1 *)(p))
+# define PUTU32(p,v) *(u32_a1 *)(p) = BSWAP4(v)
# define GETU32(p) ((u32)(p)[0]<<24|(u32)(p)[1]<<16|(u32)(p)[2]<<8|(u32)(p)[3])
# define PUTU32(p,v) ((p)[0]=(u8)((v)>>24),(p)[1]=(u8)((v)>>16),(p)[2]=(u8)((v)>>8),(p)[3]=(u8)(v))
diff --git a/crypto/modes/ofb128.c b/crypto/modes/ofb128.c
index 44bdf888db1a..a3469712b2de 100644
--- a/crypto/modes/ofb128.c
+++ b/crypto/modes/ofb128.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2008-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2008-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
#include "modes_local.h"
#include <string.h>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
+typedef size_t size_t_aX __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+typedef size_t size_t_aX;
* The input and output encrypted as though 128bit ofb mode is being used.
* The extra state information to record how much of the 128bit block we have
@@ -41,8 +47,9 @@ void CRYPTO_ofb128_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
while (len >= 16) {
(*block) (ivec, ivec, key);
for (; n < 16; n += sizeof(size_t))
- *(size_t *)(out + n) =
- *(size_t *)(in + n) ^ *(size_t *)(ivec + n);
+ *(size_t_aX *)(out + n) =
+ *(size_t_aX *)(in + n)
+ ^ *(size_t_aX *)(ivec + n);
len -= 16;
out += 16;
in += 16;
diff --git a/crypto/modes/xts128.c b/crypto/modes/xts128.c
index b5bda5e6402d..fe1626c62e10 100644
--- a/crypto/modes/xts128.c
+++ b/crypto/modes/xts128.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2011-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2011-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -11,6 +11,14 @@
#include "modes_local.h"
#include <string.h>
+# ifdef __GNUC__
+typedef u64 u64_a1 __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+# else
+typedef u64 u64_a1;
+# endif
int CRYPTO_xts128_encrypt(const XTS128_CONTEXT *ctx,
const unsigned char iv[16],
const unsigned char *inp, unsigned char *out,
@@ -45,8 +53,8 @@ int CRYPTO_xts128_encrypt(const XTS128_CONTEXT *ctx,
scratch.u[0] ^= tweak.u[0];
scratch.u[1] ^= tweak.u[1];
- scratch.u[0] = ((u64 *)inp)[0] ^ tweak.u[0];
- scratch.u[1] = ((u64 *)inp)[1] ^ tweak.u[1];
+ scratch.u[0] = ((u64_a1 *)inp)[0] ^ tweak.u[0];
+ scratch.u[1] = ((u64_a1 *)inp)[1] ^ tweak.u[1];
(*ctx->block1) (scratch.c, scratch.c, ctx->key1);
@@ -54,8 +62,8 @@ int CRYPTO_xts128_encrypt(const XTS128_CONTEXT *ctx,
scratch.u[1] ^= tweak.u[1];
memcpy(out, scratch.c, 16);
- ((u64 *)out)[0] = scratch.u[0] ^= tweak.u[0];
- ((u64 *)out)[1] = scratch.u[1] ^= tweak.u[1];
+ ((u64_a1 *)out)[0] = scratch.u[0] ^= tweak.u[0];
+ ((u64_a1 *)out)[1] = scratch.u[1] ^= tweak.u[1];
inp += 16;
out += 16;
@@ -128,8 +136,8 @@ int CRYPTO_xts128_encrypt(const XTS128_CONTEXT *ctx,
scratch.u[0] ^= tweak1.u[0];
scratch.u[1] ^= tweak1.u[1];
- scratch.u[0] = ((u64 *)inp)[0] ^ tweak1.u[0];
- scratch.u[1] = ((u64 *)inp)[1] ^ tweak1.u[1];
+ scratch.u[0] = ((u64_a1 *)inp)[0] ^ tweak1.u[0];
+ scratch.u[1] = ((u64_a1 *)inp)[1] ^ tweak1.u[1];
(*ctx->block1) (scratch.c, scratch.c, ctx->key1);
scratch.u[0] ^= tweak1.u[0];
@@ -148,8 +156,8 @@ int CRYPTO_xts128_encrypt(const XTS128_CONTEXT *ctx,
scratch.u[1] ^= tweak.u[1];
memcpy(out, scratch.c, 16);
- ((u64 *)out)[0] = scratch.u[0] ^ tweak.u[0];
- ((u64 *)out)[1] = scratch.u[1] ^ tweak.u[1];
+ ((u64_a1 *)out)[0] = scratch.u[0] ^ tweak.u[0];
+ ((u64_a1 *)out)[1] = scratch.u[1] ^ tweak.u[1];
diff --git a/crypto/o_str.c b/crypto/o_str.c
index 9ad7a89dcadf..eb9f21cc0c45 100644
--- a/crypto/o_str.c
+++ b/crypto/o_str.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2003-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2003-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ char *OPENSSL_buf2hexstr(const unsigned char *buffer, long len)
int openssl_strerror_r(int errnum, char *buf, size_t buflen)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1400
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1400 && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
return !strerror_s(buf, buflen, errnum);
#elif defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
char *err;
diff --git a/crypto/o_time.c b/crypto/o_time.c
index 6d764f55e2e8..3502edda6238 100644
--- a/crypto/o_time.c
+++ b/crypto/o_time.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2001-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2001-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct tm *OPENSSL_gmtime(const time_t *timer, struct tm *result)
if (gmtime_r(timer, result) == NULL)
return NULL;
ts = result;
-#elif defined (OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS) && defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
+#elif defined (OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS) && defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
if (gmtime_s(result, timer))
return NULL;
ts = result;
diff --git a/crypto/pem/pem_err.c b/crypto/pem/pem_err.c
index f642030aa539..0f3cb02407e6 100644
--- a/crypto/pem/pem_err.c
+++ b/crypto/pem/pem_err.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Generated by util/mkerr.pl DO NOT EDIT
- * Copyright 1995-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ static const ERR_STRING_DATA PEM_str_functs[] = {
+ "PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey_traditional"},
@@ -109,6 +111,8 @@ static const ERR_STRING_DATA PEM_str_reasons[] = {
"unsupported encryption"},
"unsupported key components"},
+ "unsupported public key type"},
{0, NULL}
diff --git a/crypto/pem/pem_lib.c b/crypto/pem/pem_lib.c
index 64baf7108ea4..a26322119aa7 100644
--- a/crypto/pem/pem_lib.c
+++ b/crypto/pem/pem_lib.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ int PEM_ASN1_write_bio(i2d_of_void *i2d, const char *name, BIO *bp,
- if ((dsize = i2d(x, NULL)) < 0) {
+ if ((dsize = i2d(x, NULL)) <= 0) {
dsize = 0;
goto err;
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ static int get_header_and_data(BIO *bp, BIO **header, BIO **data, char *name,
BIO *tmp = *header;
char *linebuf, *p;
- int len, line, ret = 0, end = 0;
+ int len, line, ret = 0, end = 0, prev_partial_line_read = 0, partial_line_read = 0;
/* 0 if not seen (yet), 1 if reading header, 2 if finished header */
enum header_status got_header = MAYBE_HEADER;
unsigned int flags_mask;
@@ -809,10 +809,18 @@ static int get_header_and_data(BIO *bp, BIO **header, BIO **data, char *name,
flags_mask = ~0u;
len = BIO_gets(bp, linebuf, LINESIZE);
if (len <= 0) {
goto err;
+ /*
+ * Check if line has been read completely or if only part of the line
+ * has been read. Keep the previous value to ignore newlines that
+ * appear due to reading a line up until the char before the newline.
+ */
+ prev_partial_line_read = partial_line_read;
+ partial_line_read = len == LINESIZE-1 && linebuf[LINESIZE-2] != '\n';
if (got_header == MAYBE_HEADER) {
if (memchr(linebuf, ':', len) != NULL)
got_header = IN_HEADER;
@@ -823,13 +831,19 @@ static int get_header_and_data(BIO *bp, BIO **header, BIO **data, char *name,
/* Check for end of header. */
if (linebuf[0] == '\n') {
- if (got_header == POST_HEADER) {
- /* Another blank line is an error. */
- goto err;
+ /*
+ * If previous line has been read only partially this newline is a
+ * regular newline at the end of a line and not an empty line.
+ */
+ if (!prev_partial_line_read) {
+ if (got_header == POST_HEADER) {
+ /* Another blank line is an error. */
+ goto err;
+ }
+ got_header = POST_HEADER;
+ tmp = *data;
- got_header = POST_HEADER;
- tmp = *data;
diff --git a/crypto/pem/pem_pkey.c b/crypto/pem/pem_pkey.c
index e58cdf4a3e0b..4a9492724487 100644
--- a/crypto/pem/pem_pkey.c
+++ b/crypto/pem/pem_pkey.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -108,6 +108,12 @@ int PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey_traditional(BIO *bp, EVP_PKEY *x,
pem_password_cb *cb, void *u)
char pem_str[80];
+ if (x->ameth == NULL || x->ameth->old_priv_encode == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
BIO_snprintf(pem_str, 80, "%s PRIVATE KEY", x->ameth->pem_str);
return PEM_ASN1_write_bio((i2d_of_void *)i2d_PrivateKey,
pem_str, bp, x, enc, kstr, klen, cb, u);
diff --git a/crypto/pem/pvkfmt.c b/crypto/pem/pvkfmt.c
index 1fc19c17f913..a933b7c1813c 100644
--- a/crypto/pem/pvkfmt.c
+++ b/crypto/pem/pvkfmt.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2005-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2005-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ static unsigned int read_ledword(const unsigned char **in)
const unsigned char *p = *in;
unsigned int ret;
- ret = *p++;
- ret |= (*p++ << 8);
- ret |= (*p++ << 16);
- ret |= (*p++ << 24);
+ ret = (unsigned int)*p++;
+ ret |= (unsigned int)*p++ << 8;
+ ret |= (unsigned int)*p++ << 16;
+ ret |= (unsigned int)*p++ << 24;
*in = p;
return ret;
@@ -875,9 +875,9 @@ int i2b_PVK_bio(BIO *out, EVP_PKEY *pk, int enclevel,
wrlen = BIO_write(out, tmp, outlen);
if (wrlen == outlen) {
return outlen;
return -1;
diff --git a/crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86.pl b/crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86.pl
index 4aaf63a0a1dd..2ae16a230b66 100755
--- a/crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86.pl
+++ b/crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86.pl
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ if ($sse2) {
$avx = ($1>=2.09) + ($1>=2.10);
- if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+ if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86_64.pl b/crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86_64.pl
index c014be1ca9fa..5f834d8faf2a 100755
--- a/crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86_64.pl
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=12);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/rand/drbg_ctr.c b/crypto/rand/drbg_ctr.c
index 0f0ad1b37be4..a757d0a258ab 100644
--- a/crypto/rand/drbg_ctr.c
+++ b/crypto/rand/drbg_ctr.c
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ static void ctr_XOR(RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr, const unsigned char *in, size_t inlen)
* Process a complete block using BCC algorithm of SP 800-90A 10.3.3
__owur static int ctr_BCC_block(RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr, unsigned char *out,
- const unsigned char *in)
+ const unsigned char *in, int len)
int i, outlen = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
out[i] ^= in[i];
- if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx_df, out, &outlen, out, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
- || outlen != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
+ if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx_df, out, &outlen, out, len)
+ || outlen != len)
return 0;
return 1;
@@ -82,12 +82,16 @@ __owur static int ctr_BCC_block(RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr, unsigned char *out,
__owur static int ctr_BCC_blocks(RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr, const unsigned char *in)
- if (!ctr_BCC_block(ctr, ctr->KX, in)
- || !ctr_BCC_block(ctr, ctr->KX + 16, in))
- return 0;
- if (ctr->keylen != 16 && !ctr_BCC_block(ctr, ctr->KX + 32, in))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ unsigned char in_tmp[48];
+ unsigned char num_of_blk = 2;
+ memcpy(in_tmp, in, 16);
+ memcpy(in_tmp + 16, in, 16);
+ if (ctr->keylen != 16) {
+ memcpy(in_tmp + 32, in, 16);
+ num_of_blk = 3;
+ }
+ return ctr_BCC_block(ctr, ctr->KX, in_tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE * num_of_blk);
@@ -96,19 +100,14 @@ __owur static int ctr_BCC_blocks(RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr, const unsigned char *in)
__owur static int ctr_BCC_init(RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr)
+ unsigned char bltmp[48] = {0};
+ unsigned char num_of_blk;
memset(ctr->KX, 0, 48);
- memset(ctr->bltmp, 0, 16);
- if (!ctr_BCC_block(ctr, ctr->KX, ctr->bltmp))
- return 0;
- ctr->bltmp[3] = 1;
- if (!ctr_BCC_block(ctr, ctr->KX + 16, ctr->bltmp))
- return 0;
- if (ctr->keylen != 16) {
- ctr->bltmp[3] = 2;
- if (!ctr_BCC_block(ctr, ctr->KX + 32, ctr->bltmp))
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
+ num_of_blk = ctr->keylen == 16 ? 2 : 3;
+ bltmp[(AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 1) + 3] = 1;
+ bltmp[(AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 2) + 3] = 2;
+ return ctr_BCC_block(ctr, ctr->KX, bltmp, num_of_blk * AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
@@ -197,20 +196,20 @@ __owur static int ctr_df(RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr,
|| !ctr_BCC_final(ctr))
return 0;
/* Set up key K */
- if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx, ctr->cipher, NULL, ctr->KX, NULL, 1))
+ if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx_ecb, NULL, NULL, ctr->KX, NULL, -1))
return 0;
/* X follows key K */
- if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx, ctr->KX, &outlen, ctr->KX + ctr->keylen,
+ if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx_ecb, ctr->KX, &outlen, ctr->KX + ctr->keylen,
|| outlen != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
return 0;
- if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx, ctr->KX + 16, &outlen, ctr->KX,
+ if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx_ecb, ctr->KX + 16, &outlen, ctr->KX,
|| outlen != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
return 0;
if (ctr->keylen != 16)
- if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx, ctr->KX + 32, &outlen, ctr->KX + 16,
+ if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx_ecb, ctr->KX + 32, &outlen,
+ ctr->KX + 16, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
|| outlen != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
return 0;
return 1;
@@ -229,31 +228,25 @@ __owur static int ctr_update(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr = &drbg->data.ctr;
int outlen = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ unsigned char V_tmp[48], out[48];
+ unsigned char len;
/* correct key is already set up. */
+ memcpy(V_tmp, ctr->V, 16);
- if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx, ctr->K, &outlen, ctr->V, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
- || outlen != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
- return 0;
- /* If keylen longer than 128 bits need extra encrypt */
- if (ctr->keylen != 16) {
+ memcpy(V_tmp + 16, ctr->V, 16);
+ if (ctr->keylen == 16) {
+ len = 32;
+ } else {
- if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx, ctr->K+16, &outlen, ctr->V,
- || outlen != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
- return 0;
+ memcpy(V_tmp + 32, ctr->V, 16);
+ len = 48;
- inc_128(ctr);
- if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx, ctr->V, &outlen, ctr->V, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
- || outlen != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
+ if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx_ecb, out, &outlen, V_tmp, len)
+ || outlen != len)
return 0;
- /* If 192 bit key part of V is on end of K */
- if (ctr->keylen == 24) {
- memcpy(ctr->V + 8, ctr->V, 8);
- memcpy(ctr->V, ctr->K + 24, 8);
- }
+ memcpy(ctr->K, out, ctr->keylen);
+ memcpy(ctr->V, out + ctr->keylen, 16);
if ((drbg->flags & RAND_DRBG_FLAG_CTR_NO_DF) == 0) {
/* If no input reuse existing derived value */
@@ -268,7 +261,8 @@ __owur static int ctr_update(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
ctr_XOR(ctr, in2, in2len);
- if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx, ctr->cipher, NULL, ctr->K, NULL, 1))
+ if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx_ecb, NULL, NULL, ctr->K, NULL, -1)
+ || !EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx_ctr, NULL, NULL, ctr->K, NULL, -1))
return 0;
return 1;
@@ -285,8 +279,10 @@ __owur static int drbg_ctr_instantiate(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
memset(ctr->K, 0, sizeof(ctr->K));
memset(ctr->V, 0, sizeof(ctr->V));
- if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx, ctr->cipher, NULL, ctr->K, NULL, 1))
+ if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx_ecb, NULL, NULL, ctr->K, NULL, -1))
return 0;
+ inc_128(ctr);
if (!ctr_update(drbg, entropy, entropylen, pers, perslen, nonce, noncelen))
return 0;
return 1;
@@ -296,20 +292,40 @@ __owur static int drbg_ctr_reseed(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
const unsigned char *entropy, size_t entropylen,
const unsigned char *adin, size_t adinlen)
+ RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr = &drbg->data.ctr;
if (entropy == NULL)
return 0;
+ inc_128(ctr);
if (!ctr_update(drbg, entropy, entropylen, adin, adinlen, NULL, 0))
return 0;
return 1;
+static void ctr96_inc(unsigned char *counter)
+ u32 n = 12, c = 1;
+ do {
+ --n;
+ c += counter[n];
+ counter[n] = (u8)c;
+ c >>= 8;
+ } while (n);
__owur static int drbg_ctr_generate(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
unsigned char *out, size_t outlen,
const unsigned char *adin, size_t adinlen)
RAND_DRBG_CTR *ctr = &drbg->data.ctr;
+ unsigned int ctr32, blocks;
+ int outl, buflen;
if (adin != NULL && adinlen != 0) {
+ inc_128(ctr);
if (!ctr_update(drbg, adin, adinlen, NULL, 0, NULL, 0))
return 0;
/* This means we reuse derived value */
@@ -321,28 +337,53 @@ __owur static int drbg_ctr_generate(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
adinlen = 0;
- for ( ; ; ) {
- int outl = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ inc_128(ctr);
+ if (outlen == 0) {
- if (outlen < 16) {
- /* Use K as temp space as it will be updated */
- if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx, ctr->K, &outl, ctr->V,
- || outl != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
- return 0;
- memcpy(out, ctr->K, outlen);
- break;
- }
- if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx, out, &outl, ctr->V, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
- || outl != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
+ if (!ctr_update(drbg, adin, adinlen, NULL, 0, NULL, 0))
return 0;
- out += 16;
- outlen -= 16;
- if (outlen == 0)
- break;
+ return 1;
+ memset(out, 0, outlen);
+ do {
+ if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx_ctr,
+ NULL, NULL, NULL, ctr->V, -1))
+ return 0;
+ /*-
+ * outlen has type size_t while EVP_CipherUpdate takes an
+ * int argument and thus cannot be guaranteed to process more
+ * than 2^31-1 bytes at a time. We process such huge generate
+ * requests in 2^30 byte chunks, which is the greatest multiple
+ * of AES block size lower than or equal to 2^31-1.
+ */
+ buflen = outlen > (1U << 30) ? (1U << 30) : outlen;
+ blocks = (buflen + 15) / 16;
+ ctr32 = GETU32(ctr->V + 12) + blocks;
+ if (ctr32 < blocks) {
+ /* 32-bit counter overflow into V. */
+ if (ctr32 != 0) {
+ blocks -= ctr32;
+ buflen = blocks * 16;
+ ctr32 = 0;
+ }
+ ctr96_inc(ctr->V);
+ }
+ PUTU32(ctr->V + 12, ctr32);
+ if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctr->ctx_ctr, out, &outl, out, buflen)
+ || outl != buflen)
+ return 0;
+ out += buflen;
+ outlen -= buflen;
+ } while (outlen);
if (!ctr_update(drbg, adin, adinlen, NULL, 0, NULL, 0))
return 0;
return 1;
@@ -350,7 +391,8 @@ __owur static int drbg_ctr_generate(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
static int drbg_ctr_uninstantiate(RAND_DRBG *drbg)
- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(drbg->data.ctr.ctx);
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(drbg->data.ctr.ctx_ecb);
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(drbg->data.ctr.ctx_ctr);
OPENSSL_cleanse(&drbg->data.ctr, sizeof(drbg->data.ctr));
return 1;
@@ -374,25 +416,36 @@ int drbg_ctr_init(RAND_DRBG *drbg)
return 0;
case NID_aes_128_ctr:
keylen = 16;
- ctr->cipher = EVP_aes_128_ecb();
+ ctr->cipher_ecb = EVP_aes_128_ecb();
+ ctr->cipher_ctr = EVP_aes_128_ctr();
case NID_aes_192_ctr:
keylen = 24;
- ctr->cipher = EVP_aes_192_ecb();
+ ctr->cipher_ecb = EVP_aes_192_ecb();
+ ctr->cipher_ctr = EVP_aes_192_ctr();
case NID_aes_256_ctr:
keylen = 32;
- ctr->cipher = EVP_aes_256_ecb();
+ ctr->cipher_ecb = EVP_aes_256_ecb();
+ ctr->cipher_ctr = EVP_aes_256_ctr();
drbg->meth = &drbg_ctr_meth;
ctr->keylen = keylen;
- if (ctr->ctx == NULL)
- ctr->ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();
- if (ctr->ctx == NULL)
+ if (ctr->ctx_ecb == NULL)
+ ctr->ctx_ecb = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();
+ if (ctr->ctx_ctr == NULL)
+ ctr->ctx_ctr = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();
+ if (ctr->ctx_ecb == NULL || ctr->ctx_ctr == NULL
+ || !EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx_ecb,
+ ctr->cipher_ecb, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
+ || !EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx_ctr,
+ ctr->cipher_ctr, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1))
return 0;
+ drbg->meth = &drbg_ctr_meth;
drbg->strength = keylen * 8;
drbg->seedlen = keylen + 16;
@@ -410,7 +463,8 @@ int drbg_ctr_init(RAND_DRBG *drbg)
if (ctr->ctx_df == NULL)
return 0;
/* Set key schedule for df_key */
- if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx_df, ctr->cipher, NULL, df_key, NULL, 1))
+ if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctr->ctx_df,
+ ctr->cipher_ecb, NULL, df_key, NULL, 1))
return 0;
drbg->min_entropylen = ctr->keylen;
diff --git a/crypto/rand/drbg_lib.c b/crypto/rand/drbg_lib.c
index faf0590c6c28..8c7c28c9703a 100644
--- a/crypto/rand/drbg_lib.c
+++ b/crypto/rand/drbg_lib.c
@@ -327,13 +327,6 @@ int RAND_DRBG_instantiate(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
max_entropylen += drbg->max_noncelen;
- drbg->reseed_next_counter = tsan_load(&drbg->reseed_prop_counter);
- if (drbg->reseed_next_counter) {
- drbg->reseed_next_counter++;
- if(!drbg->reseed_next_counter)
- drbg->reseed_next_counter = 1;
- }
if (drbg->get_entropy != NULL)
entropylen = drbg->get_entropy(drbg, &entropy, min_entropy,
min_entropylen, max_entropylen, 0);
@@ -359,9 +352,15 @@ int RAND_DRBG_instantiate(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
drbg->state = DRBG_READY;
- drbg->reseed_gen_counter = 1;
+ drbg->generate_counter = 1;
drbg->reseed_time = time(NULL);
- tsan_store(&drbg->reseed_prop_counter, drbg->reseed_next_counter);
+ if (drbg->enable_reseed_propagation) {
+ if (drbg->parent == NULL)
+ tsan_counter(&drbg->reseed_counter);
+ else
+ tsan_store(&drbg->reseed_counter,
+ tsan_load(&drbg->parent->reseed_counter));
+ }
if (entropy != NULL && drbg->cleanup_entropy != NULL)
@@ -428,14 +427,6 @@ int RAND_DRBG_reseed(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
drbg->state = DRBG_ERROR;
- drbg->reseed_next_counter = tsan_load(&drbg->reseed_prop_counter);
- if (drbg->reseed_next_counter) {
- drbg->reseed_next_counter++;
- if(!drbg->reseed_next_counter)
- drbg->reseed_next_counter = 1;
- }
if (drbg->get_entropy != NULL)
entropylen = drbg->get_entropy(drbg, &entropy, drbg->strength,
@@ -451,9 +442,15 @@ int RAND_DRBG_reseed(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
goto end;
drbg->state = DRBG_READY;
- drbg->reseed_gen_counter = 1;
+ drbg->generate_counter = 1;
drbg->reseed_time = time(NULL);
- tsan_store(&drbg->reseed_prop_counter, drbg->reseed_next_counter);
+ if (drbg->enable_reseed_propagation) {
+ if (drbg->parent == NULL)
+ tsan_counter(&drbg->reseed_counter);
+ else
+ tsan_store(&drbg->reseed_counter,
+ tsan_load(&drbg->parent->reseed_counter));
+ }
if (entropy != NULL && drbg->cleanup_entropy != NULL)
@@ -554,7 +551,9 @@ int rand_drbg_restart(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
drbg->meth->reseed(drbg, adin, adinlen, NULL, 0);
} else if (reseeded == 0) {
/* do a full reseeding if it has not been done yet above */
- RAND_DRBG_reseed(drbg, NULL, 0, 0);
+ if (!RAND_DRBG_reseed(drbg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
+ }
@@ -612,7 +611,7 @@ int RAND_DRBG_generate(RAND_DRBG *drbg, unsigned char *out, size_t outlen,
if (drbg->reseed_interval > 0) {
- if (drbg->reseed_gen_counter >= drbg->reseed_interval)
+ if (drbg->generate_counter >= drbg->reseed_interval)
reseed_required = 1;
if (drbg->reseed_time_interval > 0) {
@@ -621,11 +620,8 @@ int RAND_DRBG_generate(RAND_DRBG *drbg, unsigned char *out, size_t outlen,
|| now - drbg->reseed_time >= drbg->reseed_time_interval)
reseed_required = 1;
- if (drbg->parent != NULL) {
- unsigned int reseed_counter = tsan_load(&drbg->reseed_prop_counter);
- if (reseed_counter > 0
- && tsan_load(&drbg->parent->reseed_prop_counter)
- != reseed_counter)
+ if (drbg->enable_reseed_propagation && drbg->parent != NULL) {
+ if (drbg->reseed_counter != tsan_load(&drbg->parent->reseed_counter))
reseed_required = 1;
@@ -644,7 +640,7 @@ int RAND_DRBG_generate(RAND_DRBG *drbg, unsigned char *out, size_t outlen,
return 0;
- drbg->reseed_gen_counter++;
+ drbg->generate_counter++;
return 1;
@@ -706,8 +702,7 @@ int RAND_DRBG_set_callbacks(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
RAND_DRBG_get_nonce_fn get_nonce,
RAND_DRBG_cleanup_nonce_fn cleanup_nonce)
- if (drbg->state != DRBG_UNINITIALISED
- || drbg->parent != NULL)
+ if (drbg->state != DRBG_UNINITIALISED)
return 0;
drbg->get_entropy = get_entropy;
drbg->cleanup_entropy = cleanup_entropy;
@@ -883,8 +878,9 @@ static RAND_DRBG *drbg_setup(RAND_DRBG *parent)
if (parent == NULL && rand_drbg_enable_locking(drbg) == 0)
goto err;
- /* enable seed propagation */
- tsan_store(&drbg->reseed_prop_counter, 1);
+ /* enable reseed propagation */
+ drbg->enable_reseed_propagation = 1;
+ drbg->reseed_counter = 1;
* Ignore instantiation error to support just-in-time instantiation.
diff --git a/crypto/rand/rand_lib.c b/crypto/rand/rand_lib.c
index ab4e9b5486cb..ba3a29e58468 100644
--- a/crypto/rand/rand_lib.c
+++ b/crypto/rand/rand_lib.c
@@ -174,8 +174,6 @@ size_t rand_drbg_get_entropy(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
(unsigned char *)&drbg, sizeof(drbg)) != 0)
bytes = bytes_needed;
- drbg->reseed_next_counter
- = tsan_load(&drbg->parent->reseed_prop_counter);
rand_pool_add_end(pool, bytes, 8 * bytes);
diff --git a/crypto/rand/rand_local.h b/crypto/rand/rand_local.h
index 1bc9bf7d266d..a5de5252dcdc 100644
--- a/crypto/rand/rand_local.h
+++ b/crypto/rand/rand_local.h
@@ -138,9 +138,11 @@ typedef struct rand_drbg_method_st {
* The state of a DRBG AES-CTR.
typedef struct rand_drbg_ctr_st {
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx_ecb;
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx_ctr;
- const EVP_CIPHER *cipher;
+ const EVP_CIPHER *cipher_ecb;
+ const EVP_CIPHER *cipher_ctr;
size_t keylen;
unsigned char K[32];
unsigned char V[16];
@@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ struct rand_drbg_st {
size_t max_perslen, max_adinlen;
/* Counts the number of generate requests since the last reseed. */
- unsigned int reseed_gen_counter;
+ unsigned int generate_counter;
* Maximum number of generate requests until a reseed is required.
* This value is ignored if it is zero.
@@ -246,9 +248,15 @@ struct rand_drbg_st {
* This value is ignored if it is zero.
time_t reseed_time_interval;
+ /*
+ * Enables reseed propagation (see following comment)
+ */
+ unsigned int enable_reseed_propagation;
* Counts the number of reseeds since instantiation.
- * This value is ignored if it is zero.
+ * This value is ignored if enable_reseed_propagation is zero.
* This counter is used only for seed propagation from the <master> DRBG
* to its two children, the <public> and <private> DRBG. This feature is
@@ -256,8 +264,7 @@ struct rand_drbg_st {
* is added by RAND_add() or RAND_seed() will have an immediate effect on
* the output of RAND_bytes() resp. RAND_priv_bytes().
- TSAN_QUALIFIER unsigned int reseed_prop_counter;
- unsigned int reseed_next_counter;
+ TSAN_QUALIFIER unsigned int reseed_counter;
size_t seedlen;
diff --git a/crypto/rand/rand_unix.c b/crypto/rand/rand_unix.c
index fe457cab4a3b..da66773e4ab9 100644
--- a/crypto/rand/rand_unix.c
+++ b/crypto/rand/rand_unix.c
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
# include <sys/utsname.h>
# endif
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(OPENSSL_SYS_UEFI)
+#if (defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && !defined(OPENSSL_SYS_UEFI)
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/sysctl.h>
# include <sys/param.h>
-#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
+#if defined(__OpenBSD__)
# include <sys/param.h>
@@ -247,10 +247,12 @@ static ssize_t sysctl_random(char *buf, size_t buflen)
* when the sysctl returns long and we want to request something not a
* multiple of longs, which should never be the case.
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
if (!ossl_assert(buflen % sizeof(long) == 0)) {
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
* On NetBSD before 4.0 KERN_ARND was an alias for KERN_URND, and only
@@ -268,7 +270,7 @@ static ssize_t sysctl_random(char *buf, size_t buflen)
mib[1] = KERN_ARND;
do {
- len = buflen;
+ len = buflen > 256 ? 256 : buflen;
if (sysctl(mib, 2, buf, &len, NULL, 0) == -1)
return done > 0 ? done : -1;
done += len;
@@ -409,7 +411,8 @@ static struct random_device {
} random_devices[OSSL_NELEM(random_device_paths)];
static int keep_random_devices_open = 1;
-# if defined(__linux) && defined(DEVRANDOM_WAIT)
+# if defined(__linux) && defined(DEVRANDOM_WAIT) \
static void *shm_addr;
static void cleanup_shm(void)
@@ -487,7 +490,7 @@ static int wait_random_seeded(void)
return seeded;
-# else /* defined __linux */
+# else /* defined __linux && DEVRANDOM_WAIT && OPENSSL_RAND_SEED_GETRANDOM */
static int wait_random_seeded(void)
return 1;
diff --git a/crypto/rand/randfile.c b/crypto/rand/randfile.c
index ba121eefbf09..229ce864a312 100644
--- a/crypto/rand/randfile.c
+++ b/crypto/rand/randfile.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
-# ifdef _WIN32
+# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
# include <windows.h>
# include <io.h>
# define stat _stat
diff --git a/crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.c b/crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.c
index 6692a51ed8fe..fb045544a832 100644
--- a/crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.c
+++ b/crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2006-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2006-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -118,6 +118,15 @@ static int rsa_pub_decode(EVP_PKEY *pkey, X509_PUBKEY *pubkey)
static int rsa_pub_cmp(const EVP_PKEY *a, const EVP_PKEY *b)
+ /*
+ * Don't check the public/private key, this is mostly for smart
+ * cards.
+ */
+ if (((RSA_flags(a->pkey.rsa) & RSA_METHOD_FLAG_NO_CHECK))
+ || (RSA_flags(b->pkey.rsa) & RSA_METHOD_FLAG_NO_CHECK)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
if (BN_cmp(b->pkey.rsa->n, a->pkey.rsa->n) != 0
|| BN_cmp(b->pkey.rsa->e, a->pkey.rsa->e) != 0)
return 0;
diff --git a/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-586.pl b/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-586.pl
index f7b85e6c6d7e..b72869b86d4a 100644
--- a/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-586.pl
+++ b/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-586.pl
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ $ymm=1 if ($xmm && !$ymm && $ARGV[0] eq "win32" &&
`ml 2>&1` =~ /Version ([0-9]+)\./ &&
$1>=10); # first version supporting AVX
-$ymm=1 if ($xmm && !$ymm && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ &&
+$ymm=1 if ($xmm && !$ymm && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ &&
$2>=3.0); # first version supporting AVX
$shaext=$xmm; ### set to zero if compiling for 1.0.1
diff --git a/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-mb-x86_64.pl b/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-mb-x86_64.pl
index a78266d62fc3..47c588715163 100755
--- a/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-mb-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-mb-x86_64.pl
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-x86_64.pl b/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-x86_64.pl
index 0680d6d0a2b2..89146d137b9b 100755
--- a/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/sha/asm/sha1-x86_64.pl
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/sha/asm/sha256-586.pl b/crypto/sha/asm/sha256-586.pl
index 6989d59bd735..7523dbc165fa 100755
--- a/crypto/sha/asm/sha256-586.pl
+++ b/crypto/sha/asm/sha256-586.pl
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if ($xmm && !$avx && $ARGV[0] eq "win32" &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
-if ($xmm && !$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if ($xmm && !$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/sha/asm/sha256-mb-x86_64.pl b/crypto/sha/asm/sha256-mb-x86_64.pl
index 81ac814effc4..c8cc6efac95c 100755
--- a/crypto/sha/asm/sha256-mb-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/sha/asm/sha256-mb-x86_64.pl
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/sha/asm/sha512-x86_64.pl b/crypto/sha/asm/sha512-x86_64.pl
index 64ae641c1407..ad37850e6130 100755
--- a/crypto/sha/asm/sha512-x86_64.pl
+++ b/crypto/sha/asm/sha512-x86_64.pl
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ if (!$avx && $win64 && ($flavour =~ /masm/ || $ENV{ASM} =~ /ml64/) &&
$avx = ($1>=10) + ($1>=11);
-if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:^clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
+if (!$avx && `$ENV{CC} -v 2>&1` =~ /((?:clang|LLVM) version|.*based on LLVM) ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$avx = ($2>=3.0) + ($2>3.0);
diff --git a/crypto/store/loader_file.c b/crypto/store/loader_file.c
index 8f1d20e74aa4..9c9e3bd08506 100644
--- a/crypto/store/loader_file.c
+++ b/crypto/store/loader_file.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2016-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -429,6 +429,42 @@ static OSSL_STORE_INFO *try_decode_PrivateKey(const char *pem_name,
} else {
int i;
+ ENGINE *curengine = ENGINE_get_first();
+ while (curengine != NULL) {
+ ENGINE_get_pkey_asn1_meths(curengine);
+ if (asn1meths != NULL) {
+ const int *nids = NULL;
+ int nids_n = asn1meths(curengine, NULL, &nids, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < nids_n; i++) {
+ EVP_PKEY *tmp_pkey = NULL;
+ const unsigned char *tmp_blob = blob;
+ if (!asn1meths(curengine, &ameth2, NULL, nids[i]))
+ continue;
+ if (ameth2 == NULL
+ || ameth2->pkey_flags & ASN1_PKEY_ALIAS)
+ continue;
+ tmp_pkey = d2i_PrivateKey(ameth2->pkey_id, NULL,
+ &tmp_blob, len);
+ if (tmp_pkey != NULL) {
+ if (pkey != NULL)
+ EVP_PKEY_free(tmp_pkey);
+ else
+ pkey = tmp_pkey;
+ (*matchcount)++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ curengine = ENGINE_get_next(curengine);
+ }
for (i = 0; i < EVP_PKEY_asn1_get_count(); i++) {
EVP_PKEY *tmp_pkey = NULL;
diff --git a/crypto/store/store_lib.c b/crypto/store/store_lib.c
index fb8184d2d9b5..fb71f84725b1 100644
--- a/crypto/store/store_lib.c
+++ b/crypto/store/store_lib.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2016-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -218,7 +218,11 @@ int OSSL_STORE_eof(OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx)
- int loader_ret = ctx->loader->close(ctx->loader_ctx);
+ int loader_ret;
+ if (ctx == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ loader_ret = ctx->loader->close(ctx->loader_ctx);
return loader_ret;
diff --git a/crypto/ts/ts_rsp_sign.c b/crypto/ts/ts_rsp_sign.c
index 041a187da68c..342582f024b2 100644
--- a/crypto/ts/ts_rsp_sign.c
+++ b/crypto/ts/ts_rsp_sign.c
@@ -57,12 +57,14 @@ static ASN1_INTEGER *def_serial_cb(struct TS_resp_ctx *ctx, void *data)
goto err;
if (!ASN1_INTEGER_set(serial, 1))
goto err;
return serial;
TS_RESP_CTX_set_status_info(ctx, TS_STATUS_REJECTION,
"Error during serial number generation.");
+ ASN1_INTEGER_free(serial);
return NULL;
diff --git a/crypto/ui/ui_openssl.c b/crypto/ui/ui_openssl.c
index 168de4630dcc..9526c16536cb 100644
--- a/crypto/ui/ui_openssl.c
+++ b/crypto/ui/ui_openssl.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2001-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2001-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -439,6 +439,16 @@ static int open_console(UI *ui)
is_a_tty = 0;
# endif
+# ifdef EPERM
+ /*
+ * Linux can return EPERM (Operation not permitted),
+ * e.g. if a daemon executes openssl via fork()+execve()
+ * This should be ok
+ */
+ if (errno == EPERM)
+ is_a_tty = 0;
+ else
+# endif
# ifdef ENODEV
* MacOS X returns ENODEV (Operation not supported by device),
diff --git a/crypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c b/crypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c
index c21c04dbc1bb..39ad009c01bf 100644
--- a/crypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c
+++ b/crypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2005-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2005-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -63,6 +63,20 @@ typedef unsigned long long u64;
+# ifdef __GNUC__
+typedef u64 u64_a1 __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+# else
+typedef u64 u64_a1;
+# endif
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
+typedef u64 u64_aX __attribute((__aligned__(1)));
+typedef u64 u64_aX;
#if defined(__i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)
@@ -191,13 +205,13 @@ typedef unsigned long long u64;
# define LL(c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7) c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7, \
# define C0(K,i) (((u64*)(Cx.c+0))[2*K.c[(i)*8+0]])
-# define C1(K,i) (((u64*)(Cx.c+7))[2*K.c[(i)*8+1]])
-# define C2(K,i) (((u64*)(Cx.c+6))[2*K.c[(i)*8+2]])
-# define C3(K,i) (((u64*)(Cx.c+5))[2*K.c[(i)*8+3]])
-# define C4(K,i) (((u64*)(Cx.c+4))[2*K.c[(i)*8+4]])
-# define C5(K,i) (((u64*)(Cx.c+3))[2*K.c[(i)*8+5]])
-# define C6(K,i) (((u64*)(Cx.c+2))[2*K.c[(i)*8+6]])
-# define C7(K,i) (((u64*)(Cx.c+1))[2*K.c[(i)*8+7]])
+# define C1(K,i) (((u64_a1*)(Cx.c+7))[2*K.c[(i)*8+1]])
+# define C2(K,i) (((u64_a1*)(Cx.c+6))[2*K.c[(i)*8+2]])
+# define C3(K,i) (((u64_a1*)(Cx.c+5))[2*K.c[(i)*8+3]])
+# define C4(K,i) (((u64_a1*)(Cx.c+4))[2*K.c[(i)*8+4]])
+# define C5(K,i) (((u64_a1*)(Cx.c+3))[2*K.c[(i)*8+5]])
+# define C6(K,i) (((u64_a1*)(Cx.c+2))[2*K.c[(i)*8+6]])
+# define C7(K,i) (((u64_a1*)(Cx.c+1))[2*K.c[(i)*8+7]])
static const
@@ -531,7 +545,7 @@ void whirlpool_block(WHIRLPOOL_CTX *ctx, const void *inp, size_t n)
} else
# endif
- const u64 *pa = (const u64 *)p;
+ const u64_aX *pa = (const u64_aX *)p;
S.q[0] = (K.q[0] = H->q[0]) ^ pa[0];
S.q[1] = (K.q[1] = H->q[1]) ^ pa[1];
S.q[2] = (K.q[2] = H->q[2]) ^ pa[2];
@@ -769,7 +783,7 @@ void whirlpool_block(WHIRLPOOL_CTX *ctx, const void *inp, size_t n)
} else
# endif
- const u64 *pa = (const u64 *)p;
+ const u64_aX *pa = (const u64_aX *)p;
H->q[0] ^= S.q[0] ^ pa[0];
H->q[1] ^= S.q[1] ^ pa[1];
H->q[2] ^= S.q[2] ^ pa[2];
diff --git a/crypto/x509/x509_err.c b/crypto/x509/x509_err.c
index c110d908090e..bdd1e67cd3fd 100644
--- a/crypto/x509/x509_err.c
+++ b/crypto/x509/x509_err.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Generated by util/mkerr.pl DO NOT EDIT
- * Copyright 1995-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ static const ERR_STRING_DATA X509_str_functs[] = {
{ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_X509, X509_F_X509_PRINT_EX_FP, 0), "X509_print_ex_fp"},
+ {ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_X509, X509_F_X509_PUBKEY_GET, 0), "X509_PUBKEY_get"},
{ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_X509, X509_F_X509_PUBKEY_GET0, 0), "X509_PUBKEY_get0"},
{ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_X509, X509_F_X509_PUBKEY_SET, 0), "X509_PUBKEY_set"},
diff --git a/crypto/x509/x509_local.h b/crypto/x509/x509_local.h
index c517a7745637..10807e1def04 100644
--- a/crypto/x509/x509_local.h
+++ b/crypto/x509/x509_local.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2014-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2014-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -145,3 +145,5 @@ DEFINE_STACK_OF(STACK_OF_X509_NAME_ENTRY)
void x509_set_signature_info(X509_SIG_INFO *siginf, const X509_ALGOR *alg,
const ASN1_STRING *sig);
+int x509_likely_issued(X509 *issuer, X509 *subject);
+int x509_signing_allowed(const X509 *issuer, const X509 *subject);
diff --git a/crypto/x509/x509_req.c b/crypto/x509/x509_req.c
index 7ba0f26495f9..dd674926ddb5 100644
--- a/crypto/x509/x509_req.c
+++ b/crypto/x509/x509_req.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -286,6 +286,18 @@ void X509_REQ_get0_signature(const X509_REQ *req, const ASN1_BIT_STRING **psig,
*palg = &req->sig_alg;
+void X509_REQ_set0_signature(X509_REQ *req, ASN1_BIT_STRING *psig)
+ if (req->signature)
+ ASN1_BIT_STRING_free(req->signature);
+ req->signature = psig;
+int X509_REQ_set1_signature_algo(X509_REQ *req, X509_ALGOR *palg)
+ return X509_ALGOR_copy(&req->sig_alg, palg);
int X509_REQ_get_signature_nid(const X509_REQ *req)
return OBJ_obj2nid(req->sig_alg.algorithm);
diff --git a/crypto/x509/x509_txt.c b/crypto/x509/x509_txt.c
index 4755b39eb4eb..02bde640d8e8 100644
--- a/crypto/x509/x509_txt.c
+++ b/crypto/x509/x509_txt.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2017 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ const char *X509_verify_cert_error_string(long n)
return "OCSP verification failed";
return "OCSP unknown cert";
+ return "Certificate public key has explicit ECC parameters";
/* Printing an error number into a static buffer is not thread-safe */
diff --git a/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c b/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
index 41625e75ad6a..801055f5a087 100644
--- a/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
+++ b/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ static int get_issuer_sk(X509 **issuer, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *x);
static int check_dane_issuer(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, int depth);
static int check_key_level(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *cert);
static int check_sig_level(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *cert);
+static int check_curve(X509 *cert);
static int get_crl_score(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 **pissuer,
unsigned int *preasons, X509_CRL *crl, X509 *x);
@@ -104,7 +105,12 @@ static int null_callback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *e)
return ok;
-/* Return 1 is a certificate is self signed */
+ * Return 1 if given cert is considered self-signed, 0 if not or on error.
+ * This does not verify self-signedness but relies on x509v3_cache_extensions()
+ * matching issuer and subject names (i.e., the cert being self-issued) and any
+ * present authority key identifier matching the subject key identifier, etc.
+ */
static int cert_self_signed(X509 *x)
if (X509_check_purpose(x, -1, 0) != 1)
@@ -131,10 +137,9 @@ static X509 *lookup_cert_match(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *x)
xtmp = sk_X509_value(certs, i);
if (!X509_cmp(xtmp, x))
+ xtmp = NULL;
- if (i < sk_X509_num(certs))
- X509_up_ref(xtmp);
- else
+ if (xtmp != NULL && !X509_up_ref(xtmp))
xtmp = NULL;
sk_X509_pop_free(certs, X509_free);
return xtmp;
@@ -267,17 +272,24 @@ int X509_verify_cert(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
return -1;
+ if (!X509_up_ref(ctx->cert)) {
+ ctx->error = X509_V_ERR_UNSPECIFIED;
+ return -1;
+ }
* first we make sure the chain we are going to build is present and that
* the first entry is in place
- if (((ctx->chain = sk_X509_new_null()) == NULL) ||
- (!sk_X509_push(ctx->chain, ctx->cert))) {
+ if ((ctx->chain = sk_X509_new_null()) == NULL
+ || !sk_X509_push(ctx->chain, ctx->cert)) {
+ X509_free(ctx->cert);
ctx->error = X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM;
return -1;
- X509_up_ref(ctx->cert);
ctx->num_untrusted = 1;
/* If the peer's public key is too weak, we can stop early. */
@@ -319,30 +331,26 @@ static X509 *find_issuer(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *sk, X509 *x)
return rv;
-/* Given a possible certificate and issuer check them */
+ * Check that the given certificate 'x' is issued by the certificate 'issuer'
+ * and the issuer is not yet in ctx->chain, where the exceptional case
+ * that 'x' is self-issued and ctx->chain has just one element is allowed.
+ */
static int check_issued(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *x, X509 *issuer)
- int ret;
- if (x == issuer)
- return cert_self_signed(x);
- ret = X509_check_issued(issuer, x);
- if (ret == X509_V_OK) {
+ if (x509_likely_issued(issuer, x) != X509_V_OK)
+ return 0;
+ if ((x->ex_flags & EXFLAG_SI) == 0 || sk_X509_num(ctx->chain) != 1) {
int i;
X509 *ch;
- /* Special case: single self signed certificate */
- if (cert_self_signed(x) && sk_X509_num(ctx->chain) == 1)
- return 1;
for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(ctx->chain); i++) {
ch = sk_X509_value(ctx->chain, i);
- if (ch == issuer || !X509_cmp(ch, issuer)) {
- ret = X509_V_ERR_PATH_LOOP;
- break;
- }
+ if (ch == issuer || X509_cmp(ch, issuer) == 0)
+ return 0;
- return (ret == X509_V_OK);
+ return 1;
/* Alternative lookup method: look from a STACK stored in other_ctx */
@@ -350,11 +358,15 @@ static int check_issued(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *x, X509 *issuer)
static int get_issuer_sk(X509 **issuer, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *x)
*issuer = find_issuer(ctx, ctx->other_ctx, x);
- if (*issuer) {
- X509_up_ref(*issuer);
- return 1;
- } else
- return 0;
+ if (*issuer == NULL || !X509_up_ref(*issuer))
+ goto err;
+ return 1;
+ err:
+ *issuer = NULL;
+ return 0;
static STACK_OF(X509) *lookup_certs_sk(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509_NAME *nm)
@@ -366,15 +378,21 @@ static STACK_OF(X509) *lookup_certs_sk(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509_NAME *nm)
for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(ctx->other_ctx); i++) {
x = sk_X509_value(ctx->other_ctx, i);
if (X509_NAME_cmp(nm, X509_get_subject_name(x)) == 0) {
+ if (!X509_up_ref(x)) {
+ sk_X509_pop_free(sk, X509_free);
+ ctx->error = X509_V_ERR_UNSPECIFIED;
+ return NULL;
+ }
if (sk == NULL)
sk = sk_X509_new_null();
- if (sk == NULL || sk_X509_push(sk, x) == 0) {
+ if (sk == NULL || !sk_X509_push(sk, x)) {
+ X509_free(x);
sk_X509_pop_free(sk, X509_free);
ctx->error = X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM;
return NULL;
- X509_up_ref(x);
return sk;
@@ -508,6 +526,14 @@ static int check_chain_extensions(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
ret = 1;
+ if ((ctx->param->flags & X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT) && num > 1) {
+ /* Check for presence of explicit elliptic curve parameters */
+ ret = check_curve(x);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ ctx->error = X509_V_ERR_UNSPECIFIED;
+ else if (ret == 0)
+ ctx->error = X509_V_ERR_EC_KEY_EXPLICIT_PARAMS;
+ }
if ((x->ex_flags & EXFLAG_CA) == 0
&& x->ex_pathlen != -1
&& (ctx->param->flags & X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT)) {
@@ -1699,6 +1725,7 @@ int x509_check_cert_time(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *x, int depth)
return 1;
+/* verify the issuer signatures and cert times of ctx->chain */
static int internal_verify(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
int n = sk_X509_num(ctx->chain) - 1;
@@ -1717,7 +1744,7 @@ static int internal_verify(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
if (ctx->check_issued(ctx, xi, xi))
- xs = xi;
+ xs = xi; /* the typical case: last cert in the chain is self-issued */
else {
if (ctx->param->flags & X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN) {
xs = xi;
@@ -1736,22 +1763,50 @@ static int internal_verify(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
* is allowed to reset errors (at its own peril).
while (n >= 0) {
- EVP_PKEY *pkey;
- * Skip signature check for self signed certificates unless explicitly
- * asked for. It doesn't add any security and just wastes time. If
- * the issuer's public key is unusable, report the issuer certificate
- * and its depth (rather than the depth of the subject).
+ * For each iteration of this loop:
+ * n is the subject depth
+ * xs is the subject cert, for which the signature is to be checked
+ * xi is the supposed issuer cert containing the public key to use
+ * Initially xs == xi if the last cert in the chain is self-issued.
+ *
+ * Skip signature check for self-signed certificates unless explicitly
+ * asked for because it does not add any security and just wastes time.
- if (xs != xi || (ctx->param->flags & X509_V_FLAG_CHECK_SS_SIGNATURE)) {
+ if (xs != xi || ((ctx->param->flags & X509_V_FLAG_CHECK_SS_SIGNATURE)
+ && (xi->ex_flags & EXFLAG_SS) != 0)) {
+ EVP_PKEY *pkey;
+ /*
+ * If the issuer's public key is not available or its key usage
+ * does not support issuing the subject cert, report the issuer
+ * cert and its depth (rather than n, the depth of the subject).
+ */
+ int issuer_depth = n + (xs == xi ? 0 : 1);
+ /*
+ * According to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-6.1.4
+ * step (n) we must check any given key usage extension in a CA cert
+ * when preparing the verification of a certificate issued by it.
+ * According to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-
+ * we must not verify a certifiate signature if the key usage of the
+ * CA certificate that issued the certificate prohibits signing.
+ * In case the 'issuing' certificate is the last in the chain and is
+ * not a CA certificate but a 'self-issued' end-entity cert (i.e.,
+ * xs == xi && !(xi->ex_flags & EXFLAG_CA)) RFC 5280 does not apply
+ * (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6818#section-2) and thus
+ * we are free to ignore any key usage restrictions on such certs.
+ */
+ int ret = xs == xi && (xi->ex_flags & EXFLAG_CA) == 0
+ ? X509_V_OK : x509_signing_allowed(xi, xs);
+ if (ret != X509_V_OK && !verify_cb_cert(ctx, xi, issuer_depth, ret))
+ return 0;
if ((pkey = X509_get0_pubkey(xi)) == NULL) {
- if (!verify_cb_cert(ctx, xi, xi != xs ? n+1 : n,
+ if (!verify_cb_cert(ctx, xi, issuer_depth, ret))
return 0;
} else if (X509_verify(xs, pkey) <= 0) {
- if (!verify_cb_cert(ctx, xs, n,
+ if (!verify_cb_cert(ctx, xs, n, ret))
return 0;
@@ -3158,7 +3213,16 @@ static int build_chain(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
/* Drop this issuer from future consideration */
(void) sk_X509_delete_ptr(sktmp, xtmp);
+ if (!X509_up_ref(xtmp)) {
+ trust = X509_TRUST_REJECTED;
+ ctx->error = X509_V_ERR_UNSPECIFIED;
+ search = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
if (!sk_X509_push(ctx->chain, xtmp)) {
+ X509_free(xtmp);
trust = X509_TRUST_REJECTED;
ctx->error = X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM;
@@ -3166,7 +3230,7 @@ static int build_chain(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
- X509_up_ref(x = xtmp);
+ x = xtmp;
ss = cert_self_signed(xtmp);
@@ -3258,6 +3322,32 @@ static int check_key_level(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *cert)
+ * Check whether the public key of ``cert`` does not use explicit params
+ * for an elliptic curve.
+ *
+ * Returns 1 on success, 0 if check fails, -1 for other errors.
+ */
+static int check_curve(X509 *cert)
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ EVP_PKEY *pkey = X509_get0_pubkey(cert);
+ /* Unsupported or malformed key */
+ if (pkey == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (EVP_PKEY_id(pkey) == EVP_PKEY_EC) {
+ int ret;
+ ret = EC_KEY_decoded_from_explicit_params(EVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEY(pkey));
+ return ret < 0 ? ret : !ret;
+ }
+ return 1;
* Check whether the signature digest algorithm of ``cert`` meets the security
* level of ``ctx``. Should not be checked for trust anchors (whether
* self-signed or otherwise).
diff --git a/crypto/x509/x_pubkey.c b/crypto/x509/x_pubkey.c
index 4f694b93fb00..9be7e9286571 100644
--- a/crypto/x509/x_pubkey.c
+++ b/crypto/x509/x_pubkey.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1995-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1995-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -169,8 +169,11 @@ EVP_PKEY *X509_PUBKEY_get0(X509_PUBKEY *key)
EVP_PKEY *X509_PUBKEY_get(X509_PUBKEY *key)
EVP_PKEY *ret = X509_PUBKEY_get0(key);
- if (ret != NULL)
- EVP_PKEY_up_ref(ret);
+ if (ret != NULL && !EVP_PKEY_up_ref(ret)) {
+ ret = NULL;
+ }
return ret;
diff --git a/crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.c b/crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.c
index 073505951322..8c7bc69576a4 100644
--- a/crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.c
+++ b/crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2004-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 2004-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ X509_POLICY_DATA *policy_data_new(POLICYINFO *policy,
ret = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*ret));
if (ret == NULL) {
+ ASN1_OBJECT_free(id);
return NULL;
ret->expected_policy_set = sk_ASN1_OBJECT_new_null();
diff --git a/crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.c b/crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.c
index 7ac2911b91af..4dce0041012e 100644
--- a/crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.c
+++ b/crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1999-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright 1999-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ static int copy_issuer(X509V3_CTX *ctx, GENERAL_NAMES *gens)
num = sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(ialt);
if (!sk_GENERAL_NAME_reserve(gens, num)) {
+ sk_GENERAL_NAME_free(ialt);
goto err;
diff --git a/crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c b/crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c
index f023c6489548..2b06dba05398 100644
--- a/crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c
+++ b/crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
#include <openssl/x509_vfy.h>
#include "crypto/x509.h"
+#include "../x509/x509_local.h" /* for x509_signing_allowed() */
#include "internal/tsan_assist.h"
static void x509v3_cache_extensions(X509 *x);
@@ -344,6 +345,21 @@ static int setup_crldp(X509 *x)
return 1;
+/* Check that issuer public key algorithm matches subject signature algorithm */
+static int check_sig_alg_match(const EVP_PKEY *pkey, const X509 *subject)
+ int pkey_nid;
+ if (pkey == NULL)
+ if (OBJ_find_sigid_algs(OBJ_obj2nid(subject->cert_info.signature.algorithm),
+ NULL, &pkey_nid) == 0)
+ if (EVP_PKEY_type(pkey_nid) != EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey))
+ return X509_V_OK;
#define ku_reject(x, usage) \
(((x)->ex_flags & EXFLAG_KUSAGE) && !((x)->ex_kusage & (usage)))
@@ -496,11 +512,11 @@ static void x509v3_cache_extensions(X509 *x)
x->ex_flags |= EXFLAG_INVALID;
/* Does subject name match issuer ? */
if (!X509_NAME_cmp(X509_get_subject_name(x), X509_get_issuer_name(x))) {
- x->ex_flags |= EXFLAG_SI;
- /* If SKID matches AKID also indicate self signed */
- if (X509_check_akid(x, x->akid) == X509_V_OK &&
- !ku_reject(x, KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN))
- x->ex_flags |= EXFLAG_SS;
+ x->ex_flags |= EXFLAG_SI; /* cert is self-issued */
+ if (X509_check_akid(x, x->akid) == X509_V_OK /* SKID matches AKID */
+ /* .. and the signature alg matches the PUBKEY alg: */
+ && check_sig_alg_match(X509_get0_pubkey(x), x) == X509_V_OK)
+ x->ex_flags |= EXFLAG_SS; /* indicate self-signed */
x->altname = X509_get_ext_d2i(x, NID_subject_alt_name, &i, NULL);
if (x->altname == NULL && i != -1)
@@ -793,6 +809,23 @@ static int no_check(const X509_PURPOSE *xp, const X509 *x, int ca)
+ * Check if certificate I<issuer> is allowed to issue certificate I<subject>
+ * according to the B<keyUsage> field of I<issuer> if present
+ * depending on any proxyCertInfo extension of I<subject>.
+ * Returns 0 for OK, or positive for reason for rejection
+ * where reason codes match those for X509_verify_cert().
+ */
+int x509_signing_allowed(const X509 *issuer, const X509 *subject)
+ if (subject->ex_flags & EXFLAG_PROXY) {
+ if (ku_reject(issuer, KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE))
+ } else if (ku_reject(issuer, KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN))
+ return X509_V_OK;
* Various checks to see if one certificate issued the second.
* This can be used to prune a set of possible issuer certificates
* which have been looked up using some simple method such as by
@@ -800,13 +833,24 @@ static int no_check(const X509_PURPOSE *xp, const X509 *x, int ca)
* These are:
* 1. Check issuer_name(subject) == subject_name(issuer)
* 2. If akid(subject) exists check it matches issuer
- * 3. If key_usage(issuer) exists check it supports certificate signing
+ * 3. Check that issuer public key algorithm matches subject signature algorithm
+ * 4. If key_usage(issuer) exists check it supports certificate signing
* returns 0 for OK, positive for reason for mismatch, reasons match
* codes for X509_verify_cert()
int X509_check_issued(X509 *issuer, X509 *subject)
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = x509_likely_issued(issuer, subject)) != X509_V_OK)
+ return ret;
+ return x509_signing_allowed(issuer, subject);
+/* do the checks 1., 2., and 3. as described above for X509_check_issued() */
+int x509_likely_issued(X509 *issuer, X509 *subject)
if (X509_NAME_cmp(X509_get_subject_name(issuer),
@@ -824,12 +868,8 @@ int X509_check_issued(X509 *issuer, X509 *subject)
return ret;
- if (subject->ex_flags & EXFLAG_PROXY) {
- if (ku_reject(issuer, KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE))
- } else if (ku_reject(issuer, KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN))
- return X509_V_OK;
+ /* check if the subject signature alg matches the issuer's PUBKEY alg */
+ return check_sig_alg_match(X509_get0_pubkey(issuer), subject);
int X509_check_akid(X509 *issuer, AUTHORITY_KEYID *akid)